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Index of Subjects Volume 144, 1994 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome monoclonal antibody specific to, 1082 HIV-1 brain tissue of patients PCR-amplified nucleic acids, spermatogonia, accumulation of ICAM-1 in senile plaques, histological distribution, 1142 104 human papillomavirus-associated cervical neopla- helical filaments containing hyperphosphorylated sia tau HIV role in pathogenesis, 209 twisted tubulofilaments inclusion body myositis simian immunodeficiency virus-induced encepha- muscle, 177 litis heparan sulfate proteoglycan monocyte adhesion to endothelium, 27 diffuse plaques in hippocampus, 337 Actin human hippocampal formation a-smooth muscle expression protein and mRNA localization, MAP kinases, human brain pericytes, induction by TGF-B1, 565 372 paired helical filaments Adenocarcinoma kinase connection, 449 lung revealed by atomic force microscopy, 869 c-K-ras and p53 mutations, 303 Amyloid localization of 92 kd gelatinase MRNA in, 518 fibrils and plasma, prostatic transthyretin from, antigenic mapping of, 1301 72-kd type IV collagenase expression increase, Amyloid 6 immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridiza- apoliprotein E4 and, senile plaques and cerebral tion, 585 blood vessels, aged rhesus monkeys, 1183 Adenosine triphosphate synthase precursor protein subunit C ubiquitin epitopes and, human and experimen- accumulation in mnd mutant mouse, neuronal tal dystrophic axons, 702 ceroid lipofuscinosis model, 829 B-Amyloid 1-42 Adhesion molecules COOH-terminal of leukocyte cellular expression monoclonal antibody specific to, Alzheimer’s abnormal homing and differentiation, Langer- disease, 1082 hans’ cell histiocytosis, 466 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis P-selectin in fragmentation of Golgi apparatus of motor neurons endothelium overlying atherosclerotic plaques, clinical and experimental studies, 1288 952 Anaphylatoxin AIDS. see Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome human C5a Aleutian mink disease interleukin-8 synthesis induction, from mono- interstitial nephritis cytes cell-mediated immunity against virus-infected Angiogenesis tubular epithelial cells, possible role, 1326 mediation Alopecia interleukin-8/thrombospondin-1 aberrant pro- cyclophosphamide induction duction, psoriatic keratinocytes, 820 cyclosporine A _ inhibition, dexamethasone Anthrax modulation, mice, 719 inhalational Alport syndrome Sverdlovsk incident, commentary, 1135 X-linked Antigen. see also specific antigen type IV collagen a5 chain distribution in, 986 SV40 large T Alzheimer’s disease transgenic neural transplants with, primitive B-amyloid 1-42 in neuroectodermal tumors, 556 1419 1420 Index of Subjects AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 Antigen, human cell membrane oncogenes and direction of monoclonal antibody against in chronic lymphocytic leukemia, analysis of al- prevention of cell substrate adhesion and tumor terations, 1312 invasion, 95 Basement membrane Antigenic mapping chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan alteration transthyretin amyloidogenesis polycystic kidney disease, 612 purified from plasma and amyloid fibrils, 1301 Bck2 Aortic smooth muscle cells expression in normal endometrium cloned menstrual cycle, 1195 characterization from young rats, 1068 bFGF. see Fibroblast growth factor, basic Apolipoprotein D Biglycan expression and prognostic significance regional differences in distribution breast cancer, 310 atherosclerosis and restenosis, coronary artery, Apolipoprotein E 962 localization in human coronary atherosclerotic Bile ductules plaques liver replacement lipoprotein lipase comparison, 538 bile ductular hyperpiasia, unique rat model, Apoliprotein E4 1257 B amyloid and Biological warfare senile plaques and cerebral blood vessels, inhaiational anthrax aged rhesus monkeys, 1183 Sverdlovsk incident, commentary, 1135 Apoptosis Bladder infantile myofibromatosis cancer. see Carcinoma, bladder putative tumor regression mechanism Brain Alzheimer 480 suppression by mast cell survival promotion diffuse plaques in hippocampus in, 337 c-kit ligand, stem cell factor, 321 evolving infarct influx of leukocytes and platelets, Wistar rats, Arteriosclerosis, enhanced allograft 188 cytomegalovirus infection senile plaques endothelialitis in allograft vascular wall, 41 ICAM-1 in, Alzheimer's disease, 104 Artery. see also specific artery Breast injury cancer. see Carcinoma, breast extracellular matrix genes, smooth muscle cell human normal, benign, and malignant tissues expression, 1348 estrogen, progesterone, and epidermal growth Arthritis factor receptors, differential expression, 1238 lipopolysaccharide-induced solitary intraductal papilloma comparison of mobility changes during, ham- PCR clonal analysis, 1320 ster, 1098 Atherosclerosis c-K-ras coronary mutations biglycan and decorin distribution in, 962 adenocarcinoma, lung, 303 time course, transplanted mouse hearts, 260 Carcinoma Atherosclerotic plaques human adhesion molecule P-selectin in, 952 a-catenin expression in, immunohistochemical apolipoprotein E localization in, 538 detection, 667 Axons soft tissue tumors dystrophic chromosomal aberrations, relevance to diagno- human and experimental, amyloid B precursor sis, classification, and molecular mecha- protein and ubiquitin epitopes in, 702 nisms, 1121 Carcinoma, bladder B cells a6B4 integrin and collagen VII lineage loss of co-localization, 787 superantigens of, 623 B1 integrin family expression in, 1016 Index of Subjects 1421 AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 p53 gene intraepithelial lesions physical deletion, FISH detection, 756 human papillomavirus type 18 and, 141 Carcinoma, »reast neoplasia apolipoprotein D HIV and, 209 expression and prognostic significance, 310 Chemotherapy different histological types alopecia induced by p53 oncoprotein expression, correspondence, cyclophosphamide induction, cyclosporine A in- 205 hibition, dexamethasone modulation, mice, normal, benign, and malignant tissue 719 estrogen, progesterone, and EGF expression, Cholesterol dual staining immunohistochemistry, 1238 lipidosis tumor angiogenesis feline Niemann-Pick disease type C, autosomal intratumoral endothelial cell proliferation, corre- recessive neurovisceral lysosomal storage disorder, 1412 lation with microvessel density, 1188 Chondroitin sulfate Carcinoma, colorectal basement membrane dysplasia and alterations, polycystic kidney disease, 612 deletion mapping of chromosome 8p, 1 Chondrosarcoma Carcinoma, kidney dedifferentiated murine renal cell implications for histopathogenesis, 215 chemokine gene expression, IFN-a and interleu- Chromosome kin-2 treatment, 747 aberrations Carcinoma, liver soft tissue tumors, relevance to diagnosis, clas- hepatitis and sification, and molecular mechanisms, 1121 LEC rat as model, 200 nonrandom gains and losses Carcinoma, lung multiple amplification sites, malignant human squamous cell gliomas, comparative genomic hybridization, genesis, 296 1203 squamous cell and adenocarcinoma Chromosome 8p 92 kd gelatinase MRNA localization, in situ hy- deletion mapping of bridization, 518 colorectal carcinoma and dysplasia, 1 Carcinoma, pancreatic Cloning familial aortic smooth muscle cells K-ras mutations in, 889 characterization from young rats, 1068 Carcinoma, prostate Colitis localized and locally progressive hormone refrac- ulcerative tory human K-ras mutations and p53 alterations, neoplastic androgen receptor status, 735 and nonneoplastic lesions, 767 a-Catenin tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 8p, 1 human cancer expression Collagen immunohistochemical detection, 667 type IV, ad chain CD40 X-linked Alport syndrome, 986 expression Collagen Vil Hodgkin's disease, 21 a6B4 integrin and Central nervous system loss of co-localization, bladder cancer, 787 neuroectodermal tumors Collagenase primitive, relevance to human neuro-oncology, 72-kd type IV 444 prostatic adenocarcinoma, immunohistochem- PCR-amplified HIV-1 nucleic acids and TNF-a istry and in situ hybridization, 585 in situ detection, 659 TGF-B1, stimulation of mesangial cell synthesis, Cervix 82 epithelium 92-kd type IV cellular retinol- and retinoic acid-binding protein density-dependent induction, human epider- expression, 148 moid carcinoma cells, 1058 1422 Index of Subjects AjP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 Colony-stimulating factor pathophysiological response to lipopolysaccha- macrophage ride, 599 in hepatic glucan-induced granuloma formation, Cytomegalovirus osteopetrosis mutant mouse lacking M-CSF, -infected rat aortic allografts 1381 triple drug immunosuppression, immune activa- Complements tion and arteriosclerosis reduction, 1334 activation and inhibitor expression time course endothelialitis in allograft vascular wall after ischemic injury, rat myocardium, 1357 linkage with allograft arteriosclerosis, 41 third component host cell human leukocyte antigen class || expres- synthesis of, effect of IL-4, pulmonary epithelial sion cells, 171 infected endothelial cells, 683 Coronary artery Cytotoxic celis in situ detection extracellular matrix follicular lymphomas, 492 atherosclerotic and restenotic, biglycan and decorin distribution in, 962 Decorin Cutaneous lesions regional differences in distribution production of atherosclerosis and restenosis, coronary artery, graft-versus-host disease and skin irradiation in, 962 883 Deletion mapping Cyclophilin C chromosome 8p analysis colorectal carcinoma and dysplasia, 1 mouse kidney, tissue restriction, in situ hybrid- Dermatitis ization, 1247 contact Cyclophosphamide 4A11 monoclonal antibody, novel antigen recog- alopecia induced by nition, aberrant vascular endothelium, 244 cyclosporine A _ inhibition, dexamethasone Dexamethasone modulation, 719 modulation Cyclosporine chemotherapy-induced alopecia, 719 EtA and EtB receptor expression in response to DNA mesangial cells, 473 viral Cyclosporine A cottontail rabbit papillomavirus, human latency inhibition model, 1167 chemotherapy-induced alopecia, 719 DNA binding protein Cystic fibrosis single-stranded infertility in, 906 accumulation in skeletal muscle fibers, inclusion Cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator body myositis, 874 differential cellular expression DNA ploidy human reproductive tissues, 906 squamous cell lung carcinoma, 296 Cytogenetics DNA probe fluorescence immunophenotyping and human T cell leukemia virus-1 dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma, 215 in situ hybridization, adult T cell leukemia diag- soft tissue tumors nosis, 15 chromosomal aberrations, relevance to diagno- Dysplasia sis, Classification, and molecular mecha- colorectal carcinoma and nisms, 1121 deletion mapping of chromosome 8p, 1 Cytokines expression E-Cadherin mononuclear and endothelial cell activation, ef- dysfunction fects of polymorphic class |i MHC, oral vs a-catenin regulation, immunohistochemical de- intrathymic administration, 1149 tection, human cancer, 667 gene expression ELAM-1 inflammatory bowel disease, 997 thrombomodulin, tissue factor, and production Kaposi's sarcoma, vascular origin, 51 Index of Subjects 1423 AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 Encephalitis childhood EBV-associated hemophagocytic AIDS syndrome, Taiwan, 1219 monocyte adhesion in, 27 Extracellular matrix Endometrium accumulation after arterial injury normal intimal thickening, smooth muscle expression, Bcl-2 expression, menstrual cycle, 1195 1348 Endomysial fibrosis coronary artery transforming growth factor-B1 and biglycan and decorin distribution in, 962 muscular dystrophy, 221 integrins and Endothelial cells role in tumor microenvironment, germ cell tu- cerebral mors and testicular seminoma, 1035 tropism generation, retroviral sequences, re- combination, 348 Feline leukemia virus damage recombination glomerulopathies, use of thrombosponding, tropism for cerebral endothelial cells, 348 marker of inflammation and early fibrosis, Fibroblast growth factors 1195 acidic and basic growth and inflammation increased expression in chronic pancreatitis, plexiform lesions, pulmonary hypertension, 275 117 inoculation basic from transgenic mouse hemangiomas, Ka- differential expression in melanocytic lesions, tu- sabach-Merritt syndrome model, 796 mor progression implications, 329 intratumoral proliferation Fibroblasts correlation with microvessel density and inflammatory granuloma proliferation, breast carcinoma, 1188 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and major histocompatibility class |] expression macrophage inflammatory protein-1a@ produc- cytomegalovirus inhibition, 683 tion, 711 Endothelialitis FISH cytomegalovirus infection-induced bladder cancer allograft vascular wall, 41 p53 gene, physical deletion, 756 Epidermal growth factor thick-section expression of estrogen, progesterone and histogenetic profile, formalin-fixed, paraffin-em- normal, benign, and malignant human breast bedded archival tissue, 237 tissue, dual staining histochemistry, 1238 Fluorescence immunophenotyping receptor MRNA cytogenetic analysis and detection from biopsy specimens, polymerase dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma, 215 chain reaction, 7 Epidermoid carcinoma cells Gangliosidosis collagenase activity type Il Gyyo- density-dependent induction of, 1058 molecular defect in feline model, 1109 Epithelial cells Gelatinases anaplastic Wilms’ tumor 92-kd mRNA localization distinctive properties, 1023 squamous cell and lung adenocarcinomas, in pulmonary situ hybridization, 518 synthesis of third component of complement, ef- Genes fect of IL-4, 171 chemokine expression tracheobronchial reorganization murine renal cell carcinoma, after in vivo IFN-a dose-dependent ozone tolerance, rats, 404 and interleukin-2 treatment, 747 virus-infected tubular genomic imprinting possible role of cell-mediated immunity against, human pathology and, 431 Aleutian mink disease, interstitial nephritis, matrix-metalloproteinase-1 and -2 1326 differential expression, normal and fibrotic hu- Epstein-Barr virus man liver, 528 T lymphocyte infection neurofibromatosis type 1 1424 Index of Subjects AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 expression in hamster Schwann cell, 549 subline selection for tumorigenicity, multicyto- prothrombin and thrombin receptor kine-resistant phenotype expression, nude disparate temporal expression, mouse develop- mice, 776 ment, 60 retinoblastoma Heart expression in normal human tissues, 500 allograft rejection retroviral mediated transfer activation of vascular cells during, 938 cell lineage study in normal liver, 896 transplant Genomic imprinting triple drug immunosuppression, cytomegalovi- human pathology rus induction, rejection and arteriosclerosis mechanism and role, 431 reduction, 1334 transplanted Germ cell neoplasia coronary atherosclerosis in, 260 tumor microenvironment Helical filaments role of integrins and extracellular matrix in, 1035 paired Glioma atornic force microscopy, 869 human malignant Hemangiomas comparative genomic hybridization, multiple transgenic mouse amplification sites and nonrandom chromo- endothelial cell line inoculation, Kasabach- somal gains and losses, 1203 Merritt syndrome model, 796 Glomerulonephritis Hemophagocytic syndrome interleukin-6 role in childhood EBV-associated mice, 927 EBV infection of T lymphocytes, Taiwan, 1219 tubulointerstitial disease in Heparan sulfate proteoglycan role of osteopontin in, 915 diffuse plaques of hippocampus Glycolipids Alzheimer's disease brain, 337 antibodies to Hepatitis proteinuria promotion, passive Heymann nephri- liver cancer and tis, 807 LEC rat as model, 200 Glycoprotein Hepatocyte growth factors mdr1 P- scatter factor expression detection with new “sandwich” staining method, human mammary epithelium, 675 paraffin sections, 227 uptake and distribution Golgi apparatus normal and regenerating adult rat liver, 129 motor neurons Hepatocytes fragmentation, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, migration clinical and experimental studies, 1288 hepatic plates and stem cell-fed lineages, 849 Graft-versus-host disease streaming of systemic normal liver, cell lineage study, 896 irradiation of skin and, 883 Heymann nephritis Granules membranous nephropathy survival and cytoplasmic formation adult idiopathic nephrotic syndrome, 651 mouse basophils and mast cells, effects of IL-3, passive 160 glycolipid antibodies, proteinuria, 807 Granuloma Hippocampus hepatic glucan-induced diffuse plaques in role of macrophage CSF, osteopetrosis mutant Alzheimer's disease brain, 337 mouse lacking macrophage CSF, 1381 Histiocytomas Granulophysin malignant fibrous human neutrophils tumor suppressor genes on chromosome 8p, 1 plasma membrane mobilization, after cell stimu- Histiocytosis lation, 1369 Langerhans’ cell Growth factors leukocyte cellular adhesion molecules in, 466 early-stage human melanomas HIV. see Human immunodeficiency virus Index of Subjects 1425 AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 HIV-1 Hypersensitivity, delayed-type PCR-amplified nucleic acids polymorphic class Il MHC spermatogonia, histological distribution, 1142 oral vs. intrathymic administration, effects on Hodgkin’s disease cell activation and cytokine expression, 1149 CD40 expression, 21 Hypertension HPV oncogenes pulmonary net tumor growth endothelial cell growth and inflammation, plexi- apoptosis, necrosis and, 1045 form lesions, 275 Human androgen receptor vascular remodeling, potential role for TGF-B, status 286 hormone refractory human prostate cancer, 735 Human immunodeficiency virus ICAM-1 role in human papillomavirus-associated cervical accumulation in senile plaques neoplasia, 209 brain tissue of Alzheimer’s disease patients, 104 Human papillomavirus IL-3. see Interleukin-3 cervical neoplasia associated with IL-4. see Interleukin-4 HIV role in pathogenesis, 209 Immune system type 18 superantigens of T and B cell lineage intraepithelial lesions of the cervix and, 141 microbes, review, 623 Hybridization Immunocytochemistry comparative genomic fine structural human malignant gliomas, multiple amplification granulophysin in neutrophil azurophilic gran- site and nonrandom chromosomal gains and ules, plasma membrane mobilization, after losses, 1203 cell stimulation, 1369 in situ Immunodeficiency 92 kd gelatinase mRNA localization, squamous severe combined cell and lung adenocarcinomas, 518 polyomavirus infection in, mice, 359 72-kd type IV collagenase in prostate adenocar- Immunogenetics cinoma, 585 transplant atherosclerosis bFGF in melanocytic lesions, tumor progression mouse heart, 260 implications, 329 Immunohistochemistry cyclophilin C expression, tissue restriction in mdr1 P-glycoprotein detection mouse kidney, 1247 new “sandwich” staining method, human tis- Epstein-Barr virus, T lymphocyte infection, sues, 227 Childhood EBV-associated hemophagocytic primary human rhabdomyosarcoma syndrome, Taiwan, 1219 a-cardiac actin MRNA expression, 836 human T cell leukemia virus-1 DNA probe, dif- Immunolocalization ferentiation of T cell leukemia/lymphoma and tissue plasminogen activator T cell lymphoma, 15 vascular endothelium, 855 lipopolysaccharide-stimulated rat kidney, TNF-a Immunological priming mRNA expression, chronological analysis, lipopolysaccharide 1159 comparison of cytokine production, tissue injury, lipoprotein lipase comparison, apolipoprotein E and lethality, 599 localization, atherosclerotic plaques, 538 Immunopathology virus load and cellular tropism, early stage sim- transplant atheroscierosis ian immunodeficiency virus, lymph node in- mouse heart, 260 fection, 1226 Immunophilins Hyperoxia cyclophilin C expression microscoyic lung lymphatics after in situ hybridization, tissue restriction in mouse casting, scanning electron microscopy, 1393 kidney, 1247 Hyperplasia immunostaining bile ductular human cancers liver replacement, well-differentiated bile TUF preparation, frequency of p53 overexpres- ductules, unique rat model, 1257 sion, 1416 1426 Index of Subjects AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 immunosuppression pulmonary epithelial cells, 171 triple drug Interleukin-6 rat cytomegalovirus-enhanced allograft arterio- exacerbation of glomerulonephritis sclerosis, immune activation and allograft ar- mice, 927 teriosclerosis reduction, 1334 interleukin-8 Inclusion body myositis gene skeletal muscle fibers expression in inflammatory bowel disease, 997 single-stranded DNA binding protein in, 874 synthesis induction twisted tubulofilaments of muscle from monocytes, by human C5a anaphylatoxin, Alzheimer brain, 177 393 infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy thrombospondin and amyloid B precursor protein, aberrant production, psoriatic keratinocytes, an- ubiquitin epitopes and, 702 giogenesis mediation, 820 Infection Irradiation Trypanosoma cruzi skin myocardial changes, immune damage, ultra- graft-versus-host disease and, production of cu- structural evidence, role of microangiopathy, taneous lesions, 883 1403 ischemia Infertility reperfusion and cystic fibrosis patients, 906 local and remote tissue injury after, selectin role, Inflammation 592 marker of early fibrosis and time course of complement activation and inhibitor thrombospondin, human glomerulopathies, expression after 1281 rat myocardium, 1357 Inflammatory bowel disease expression of interleukin-8 gene in, 997 K-ras Integrins mutations a6B4 familial pancreatic carcinoma and, 889 collagen VII and, p53 alterations and, neoplastic and nonneoplas- loss of co-localization, bladder cancer, 787 tic lesions, ulcerative colitis, 767 B1 Kaposi’s sarcoma expression in nonneoplastic smooth and stri- vascular origin, ated muscle cells, tumors derived from, 1172 ELAM-1, thrombomodulin, and tissue factor ex- expression pression, 51 bladder cancer, 1016 Kasabach-Merritt syndrome intratubular germ cell neoplasia and seminomas model tumor microenvironment, 1035 endothelial cell line inoculation, transgenic Interferon-a mouse hemangiomas, 796 interleukin-2 and Keratinocyte growth factor in vivo treatment, chemokine gene expression, mammary epithelium, 862 murine renal cell carcinoma, 747 Keratinocytes Interleukin-2 psoriatic IFN-a@ and angiogenesis mediation, aberrant production of in vivo treatment, chemokine gene expression, interleukin-8 and thrombospondin-8, 820 murine renal cell carcinoma, 747 Kidney soluble receptor polycystic disease secretion by T cell lymphoma xenografted to proteoglycan alterations in, rat model, 612 SCID mice, 1089 Kinases Interleukin-3 extracellular signal regulated effects with or without c-kit ligand Alzheimer’s disease, hippocampal formation, granule formation, mouse basophils and mast protein and mRNA localization, 565 cells, 160 Interleukin-4 Lactation synthesis of third component of complement and mammary epithelium in Index of Subjects 1427 AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 proliferative action of keratinocyte growth factor, Lipoprotein, low density 862 receptor-related protein/as-macroglobulin recep- Langerhans’ cell tor expression histiocytosis 39-kd receptor-associated protein, human tro- leukocyte cellular adhesion molecules expres- phoblasts, 383 sion, 466 Lipoprotein lipase LEC rat apolipoprotein E and model for human hepatitis and liver cancer, 200 human coronary atherosclerotic plaques, 538 Lesions. see also specific type Liver neoplastic and nonneoplastic cell lineage study in K-ras mutations and p53 alterations, longstand- retroviral mediated gene transfer, 896 ing ulcerative colitis, 767 migration of hepatocytes, 849 Leukemia, chronic lymphocytic normal and fibrotic human oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes matrix-metalloproteinase-1 and -2 genes, differ- analysis of alterations, 1312 ential expression, 528 Leukemia, T-cell normal and pathological human cutaneous T cell lymphoma bcl-2 protein, immunohistochemical detection, differentiation by human T cell leukemia virus-1 460 DNA probe, 15 normal and regenerating adult rat Leukocytes hepatocyte growth factor, uptake and distribu- host cell human antigen class || expression tion, 129 infected endothelial cells, 683 well-differentiated bile ductule replacement influx of platelets and bile ductular hyperplasia, unique rat model, 1257 evolving brain infarct, Wistar rats, 188 Lung Leukocyte adhesion molecules adenocarcinoma. see Adenocarcinoma endothelial and muscle cell expression microscopic lymphatics acute cardiac allograft rejection, 938 after hyperoxic injury, casting, ultrastructural expression study, 1393 Langerhan’s cell histiocytosis, abnormal homing vascular injury after thermal trauma of skin and differentiation, 466 leukocyte adhesion molecules in, 1008 role in lung and dermal vascular injury Lymph nodes after thermal trauma to skin, 1008 early stage simian immunodeficiency virus infec- Leukocytes adhesion molecule-1 tion thrombomodulin and high viral load and successive target cell popu- vascular origin of Kaposi’s sarcoma, 51 lations, evidence, 1226 Ligand Lymphatics c-kit microscopic lung effects of IL-3, mouse basophils and mast cells casting, scanning electron microscopy, after hy- in vitro, 160 peroxic injury, 1393 stem cell factor, apoptosis suppression, mast Lymphoma cell survival, 321 canine cutaneous epitheliotropic Lipofuscinosis CD8* T cell proliferative disorder, 421 neuronal ceroid cutaneous T cell adenosine triphosphate synthase subunit C ac- adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma differentiation cumulation, mnd mutant mouse as model, 829 by human T cell leukemia virus-1 DNA probe, Lipopolysaccharides 15 arthritis induced by follicular comparison of mobility changes during, ham- activated cytotoxic cells, in situ detection, 492 ster, 1098 post-thymic T cell -Stimulated rat kidney p53 protein overexpression, no p53 gene muta- TNF-a mRNA expression, chronological analy- tion, 573 sis, 1159 T cell in vivo pathophysiological response to xenografted to SCID mice, secretion of IL-2 re- attenuation by immunological priming, 599 ceptors by, 1089 1428 Index of Subjects AJP June 1994, Vol. 144, No. 6 @>-Macroglobulin Microangiopathy receptor role in myocardial changes protein related to, trophoblasts, 383 Trypanosoma cruzi infection, immune damage, Macrophage inflammatory protein-1a ultrastructural evidence, 1403 monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 production Microscopy inflammatory granuloma fibroblasts, 711 atomic force Major histocompatibility complex paired helical filaments revealed by, 869 antigen expression Mobility modulation by viral infection, 637 changes cytomegalovirus inhibition of lipopolysaccharide-induced arthritis, 1098 infected endothelial cells, 683 Monoclonal antibodies 4A11 polymorphic class || peptides antigen expressed on aberrant vascular endo- oral vs. intrathymic administration, cell activation thelium, contact dermatitis, 244 and cytokine expression, 1149 directed against human cell membrane antigen Mammary epithelium inhibition of cell substrate adhesion and inva- hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor expres- sion prevention, 95 sion, 675 JSB-1 keratinocyte growth factor in, 862 mdr1 P-glycoprotein detection with, 227 Mast cell specific for COOH-terminal of B-amyloid 1-42 apoptosis Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders, stem cell factor suppression of, 321 1082 Matrix-metalloproteinase Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 -1 and-2 genes and macrophage inflammatory protein-1a@ produc- differential expression, normal and fibrotic hu- tion man liver, 528 inflammatory granuloma fibroblasts, 711 Melanocyte Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 tumor progression expression plasminogen activators in, 70 monocytes and endothelial cells exposed to Melanoma thrombin, 975 early-stage human Monocytes subline tumorigencity selection, multicytokine- interleukin-8 synthesis from resistant phenotype expression, nude mice, by human C5a anaphylatoxin, 393 776 thrombin exposure Membranous nephropathy monocyte chemotactic protein-1 induction by, adult idiopathic nephrotic syndrome 975 Heymann nephritis, 651 Motor neuron degeneration human mutant mouse passive Heymann nephritis, glycolipid antibod- adenosine triphosphate synthase subunit C ac- ies, proteinuria promotion, 807 cumulation, neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis Menstrual cycle model, 829 Bcl-2 expression Multicytokine-resistant phenotype normal endometrium, 1195 human melanoma variant subline expression Mesangial cells selection for tumorigenicity, 776 glomerular Muscle TGF-B1 stimulation, synthesis of 72-kd type IV inclusion body myositis collagenase, 82 twisted tubulofilaments of, resemblance to heli- response to cyclosporine cal filaments of Alzheimer brain, 177 EtA and EtB receptor expression, 473 Muscle, skeletal Metaplasia inclusion body myositis normal squamous single-stranded DNA binding protein accumula- cellular retinol- and retinoic acid-binding pro- tion in, 874 teins expression, endocrine stimuli regulation, soft tissue sarcomas 148 myogenic reguiatory protein expression in, 693

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