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Index of Contributors ARESTIS, PHILIP and MALCOLM SAWYER. Unemployment and the Indepen- dent European System of Central Banks: Prospects and Some Alter- native Arrangements, 353 BACKHAUS, JURGEN G. Henry George’s Ingenious Tax: A Contemporary Restatement, 453 Bag, M.; B. Scott; S. R. SAFRANSKI; and I. G. Kwon. The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws, 41 Benepict, M. E. and P. VANDERHaART. Reemployment Differences Among Dislocated and Other Workers, 1 BENTICK, BRIAN L. The Economic Effects (Neutrality) of Taxes on Land: They Depend Neither on Non Pecuniary Returns Nor on Capital Market Imperfections, 369 BODVARSSON, ORN B. and WILLIAM A. GiBsON. Economics and Restaurant Gratuities: Determining Tip Rates, 187 CEBULA, RICHARDJ . An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Government Tax and Auditing Policies on the Size of the Underground Economy: The Case of the United States, 1973—94, 173 CHECCHI, DANIELE. Education and Intergenerational Mobility in Occu- pations: A Comparative Study, 331 CHo1, Y. B. and S. PREssMAN. Paradigms, Conventions and the Entre- preneur: A Review Article and Response, 51 COSGEL, METIN M.; THOMASJ . MICELI; and JOHN E. Murray. Organization and Distributional Equality in a Network of Communes: The Shak- ers, 129 DAVERN, MICHAEL. Social Networks and Economic Sociology: A Pro- posed Research Agenda For a More Complete Social Science, 287 Davis, WILLIAM L. Economists’ Perceptions of Their Own Research: A Survey of the Profession, 159 DENG, L. Understanding Japanese Direct Investment in China (1985— 1993), 115 FOLDVARY, FRED E. The Business Cycle: A Georgist-Austrian Synthesis, 521 Forbes, K. F. and E. M. ZAMPELLI. Religious Giving by Individuals: A Cross Denominational Study, 17 Vii GaFFNEY, Mason. What Price Water Marketing?: California’s New Fron- tier, 475; Alfred Russel Wallace’s Campaign to Nationalize Land: How Darwin’s Peer Learned from John Stuart Mill and Became Henry George’s Ally, 609 GENOVESE, F. C. A Different Way of Thinking About Economic Affairs, 16 GENSLER, HowaRD J. and W. Davip Wats. Labor Force and Welfare Program Participation: The Effects of Welfare, 229 GIBSON, WILLIAM A. and Orn B. BopDvarsson. Economics and Restaurant Gratuities: Determining Tip Rates, 187 GUNNING, J. Patrick. Herbert Davenport on the Single Tax: A Second Look, 565 Harriss, C. LoweLt. The Changing of the Guard: On Frank C. Genov- ese’s Editorship, 263 HARTZOK, ALANNA. Pennsylvania’s Success with Local Property Tax Re- form: The Split Rate Tax, 205 Hayo, B. Eastern European Public Opinion on Economics Issues, 85 Horner, Jim. Henry George on Thomas Robert Malthus: Abundance vs. Scarcity, 595 JONSSON, PETUR O. On Henry George, the Austrians, and Neoclassical Choice Theory: A New Look at the Similarities Between George and the Austrians, 577 KAUSHIK, S. K. India’s Evolving Economic Model, 69 KERN, WILLIAM S. The Heterodox Economics of “The Most Orthodox of Orthodox Economists”: Frank H. Knight, 319 Kwon, I. G.; B. Scott; S. R. SAFRANSKI; and M. Bae. The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws, 41 LEVINE, BARRY B. and MILAN ZAFIROVSKI. Economic Sociology Refor- mulated: The Interface Between Economics and Sociology, 265 Levy, J. Land Rent, Ethics and Capitalism’s Gestation Crisis, 31 MEDorrF, MARSHALL H. The Political Implications of State Political Idoeol- ogy: A Measure Tested, 145 MICELI, THOMAS J.; METIN M. COSGEL; and JOHN E. Murray. Organization Vili and Distributional Equality in a Network of Communes: The Shak- ers, 129 MONTGOMERY, JOHN D. The American Pot and the Chinese Kettle: Join- ing Forces for Human Rights, 373 Moss, LAURENCE S. Short Notes—Joseph A. Schumpeter’s Warnings About Ideology (p. 158); Towards a Satisfactory Understanding of the Underground Economy (p. 185); There Must Be More to Life than Money (p. 203); Worth Comes to Land (p. 213); About Public Welfare Systems: Pygmalion Revisited (p. 241); Sexes Almost Equal on South Sea Isle (p. 255); Taking Max Weber’s Proposal Seriously (285); Networked Entrepreneurs Are Here to Stay (302); Instrumen- talist Hyperinflation: Did Adolph Lowe Learn Anything from the Aus- trian Hyperinflation? (317); The Educated Cubs of the Asian Tigers (351); Endogenous Money and Monetary Policy: A New View About an Old Problem (367); Historical Notes on the Foundations of Land Economics in Ireland: The Case of William Edward Hearn (372); Editor’s Introduction This Special Henry George Issue (385) MuRRAY, JOHN E.; METIN M. CosGEL; and THOMasJ . MICELI. Organization and Distributional Equality in a Network of Communes: The Shak- ers, 129 O'DONNELL, EDWARD T. “Though Not an Irishman”: Henry George and the American Irish, 407 PERELMAN, MICHAEL. Henry George and Nineteenth-Century Economics: The Village Economy Meets the Railroad, 441 PRESSMAN, S. and Y. B. CHo!. Paradigms, Conventions and the Entre- preneur: A Review Article and Response, 51 RIMA, INGRID H. Adolph Léwe’s Political Economics: Instrumentalism as Enlightened Intervention, 303 RYAN, CHRISTOPHER K. Harry Gunnison Brown’s Advocacy: The Case He Made for Land Value Taxation, 1917-1975, 545 SAFRANSKI, S. R.; I. G. Kwon; B. Scott; and M. Bae. The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws, 41 SAWYER, MALCOLM and Puiuip Arestis. Unemployment and the Indepen- dent European System of Central Banks: Prospects and Some Alter- native Arrangements, 353 SCHWARTZMAN, JACK. The Death of Henry George: Scholar or Statesman? 391 Scott, B.; I. G. Kwon; S. R. SAPRANSKI; and M. Bag. The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws, 41 SIEMANS, ROBERT. The Problem of Modern Poverty: Significant Congru- ences Between Hegel’s and George’s Theoretical Conceptions, 617 SMILEY, D. H. Land Rent Flows in Economic, Political and Environmen- tal Transitions, 103 TIDEMAN, NICOLAUS. Peace, Justice, and Economic Reform: The 1997 Henry George Lecture, 671 VANDERHART, P. Reemployment Differences Among Dislocated and Other Workers, 1 Wappoups, C. JEFFREY. Female Labor Supply: Adoption and the Labor Force Participation Decision, 243 Wats, W. Davip and Howarp J. GENSLER. Labor Force and Welfare Program Participation: The Effects of Welfare, 229 Weir, Ropert E. A Fragile Alliance: Henry George and the Knights of Labor, 421 WENZER, KENNETH C. Tolstoy’s Georgist Spiritual Political Economy (1897-1910): Anarchism and Land Reform, 639 WUNDERLICH, GENE. Land Taxes in Agriculture: Preferential Rate and Assessment Effects, 215 ZAFIROVSKI, MILAN and Barry B. Levine. Economic Sociology Refor- mulated: The Interface Between Economics and Sociology, 265 ZAMPELLI, E. M. and K. F. Forses. Religious Giving by Individuals: A Cross Denominational Study, 17 Index of Contributions Abundance vs. scarcity, 595 Adams, Charles Francis, Jr., and Henry George, 443 “Adolph Léwe’s Political Economics: [nstrumentalism as Enlightened Intervention,” 303 Adoption, and women in labor force, 242 Agriculture, land taxes in, 214 Air traffic corridors, auctioning of, 468 American Journal of Economics and Sociology, new editorial directions for, 257 “The American Pot and the Chinese Kettle: Joining Forces for Human Rights,” 373 Anarchism, and land reform, 624 Austrians, and neoclassical choice theory, 577; theory of macroeco- nomic cycle, 525 Banks, European, 353 Brown, Harry Gunnison, “Harry Gunnison Brown’s Advocacy: The Case He Made for Land Value Taxation 1917-1975,” 545 “The Business Cycle: A Georgist-Austrian Synthesis,” 521 California, water marketing in, 475 Capitalism’s gestation crisis, 31 Chandler, Alfred, on problems of railroads, 445 China, human rights in, 373; Japanese direct investment in, 115 Choi, Young Back, “Paradigms, Conventions and the Entrepreneur: A Review Article and Response,” 51 Choice theory, neoclassical, 577 Communes, organization and distributional equality in, 129 Conventions, evolution of, 63 Cultural heritage, 465 Currency, stability of, 469 Davenport, Herbert, “Herbert Davenport on the Single Tax: A Second Look,” 565 “The Death of Henry George: Scholar or Statesman?,” 391 Degree vintage, influence on research, 168, 170-171 “A Different Way of Thinking About Economic Affairs,” 16 Dislocated workers, reemployment differences among, 1 xi Easements, network, 464 “Eastern European Public Opinion on Economic Issues: Privatization and Transformation,” 85 “The Economic Effects (Neutrality) of Taxes on Land: They Depend Neither on Non Pecuniary Returns Nor on Capital Market Imperfec- tions,” 369 Economic reform, and peace and justice, 671 Economic sociology, and social networks, 287 “Economic Sociology Reformulated: The Interface Between Economics and Sociology,” 265 “Economics and Restaurant Gratuities: Determining Tip Rates,” 187 “Economists’ Perceptions of Their Own Research: A Survey of the Pro- fession,” 159 “Education and Intergenerational Mobility in Occupations: A Compar- ative Study,” 331 “The Effectiveness of Gun Control Laws: Multivariate Statistical Analy- sis,” 41 “An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Government Tax and Auditing Policies on the Size of the Underground Economy: The Case of the United States, 1973-94,” 173 Endogenous money and monetary policy, 367 Entrepreneurs, and paradigms and conventions, 51 Equality, distributional, among Shakers, 129 Ethics, and land rent, 31 Europe, banks in, 353; privatization in, 85; unemployment rates in, 32 Families, intergenerational mobility in occupations of, 331 “Female Labor Supply: Adoption and the Labor Force Participation De- cision,” 243 “A Fragile Alliance: Henry George and the Knights of Labor,” 421 Free market economy, in Eastern Europe, 88 Gender, influence on research, 165, 166, 167-168, 169 Genovese, Frank C., editorship of, 263 Geo-economic (Georgist) theory of macroeconomic cycle, 528 George, Henry, 385; “Alfred Russel Wallace’s Campaign to Nationalize Land,” 609; “The Death of Henry George: Scholar or Statesman?” 391; “A Fragile Alliance: Henry George and the Knights of Labor,” 421; “Henry George and Nineteenth Century Economics,” 441; xii “Henry George on Thomas Robert Malthus,” 595; “Henry George’s Ingenious Tax,” 453; “On Henry George, the Austrians, and Neo- classical Choice Theory,” 577; “The Problem of Modern Poverty,” 617; “Tolstoy’s Georgist Spiritual Political Economy (1897—1910),” 639; “ ‘Though Not an Irishman’: Henry George and the American irish,” 407 Georgist-Austrian business cycle, 521 Gratuities, restaurant, determining, 187 Gun control laws, effectiveness of, 41 Hearn, William Edward, and land economics in Ireland, 372 Hegel, George, “The Problem of Modern Poverty: Significant Congru- ences Between Hegel's and George’s Theoretical Conceptions,” 617 “The Heterodox Economics of ‘The Most Orthodox of Orthodox Econ- omists’: Frank H. Knight,” 319 Human rights, 373 Ideology, political implications of, 145 Independent European System of Central Banks (IESCB), 353 “India’s Evolving Economic Model: A Perspective on Economic and Financial Reforms,” 69 Inheritance tax, and subjective capital, 566 Instrumentalism of Adolph Léwe, 303 Intergenerational mobility in occupations, 331 Internet access, taxation of, 471 Irish-Americans, and Henry George, 407, 423 Japan, direct investment in China, 115 Justice, and economic reform, 671 Knight, Frank H., “The Heterodox Economics of ‘The Most Orthodox of Orthodox Economists’: Frank H. Knight,” 319; on land tax, 553 Knights of Labor (KOL), and Henry George, 415, 421 Labor force, participation in welfare programs, 229; women in, 242 “Labor Force and Welfare Program Participation: The Effects of Wel- fare,” 229 Labor unions, and Henry George, 415, 421 xiii Land reform, Henry George on, 410, 441; John Stuart Mill on, 612; Leo Tolstoy on, 639; Alfred Russel Wallace on, 609 “Land Rent, Ethics, and Capitalism’s Gestation Crisis,” 31 “Land Rent Flows In Economic, Political And Environmental Transi- tions: An Inquiry Into Ownership Rights In Land Rent,” 103 Land taxation, 215, 369, 545, 565 “Land Taxes in Agriculture: Preferential Rate and Assessment Effects,” 215 Lissner, Will, on AJES philosophy, 264; on business cycle research, 521 Léwe, Adolph, “Adolph Léwe’s Political Economics: Instrumentalism as Enlightened Intervention,” 303 Macroeconomic cycle, Austrian theory of, 525; geo-economic theory of, 528 Malthus, Thomas Robert, “Henry George on Thomas Robert Malthus: Abundance vs. Scarcity,” 595 Marginal analysis, 579 Mill, John Stuart, on land reform, 612; on wisdom, 30 Mineral rights, 463 Mobility in occupations, 331 Monetary policy, and endogenous money, 367 Monetary stability, 469 Natural resources, taxation of, 461; water marketing, 475 Neoclassical choice theory, 577 Network easements, 464 Nonaccelerating inflation rate of unemployment (NAIRU), 354 Occupations, intergenerational mobility in, 331 “On Henry George, the Austrians, and Neoclassical Choice Theory: A New Look at the Similarities Between George and the Austrians,” 577 Oneida community, 144 “Organization and Distributional Equality in a Network of Communes: The Shakers,” 129 Orthodox economists, 319 Ownership rights in land rent, 103 “Paradigms, Conventions and the Entrepreneur: A Review Article and Response,” 51 “Peace, Justice, and Economic Reform: The 1997 Henry George Lec- ture,” 671 “Pennsylvania's Success with Local Property Tax Reform: The Split Rate Tax,” 205 Political economics, of Adolph Léwe, 303; of Leo Tolstoy, 639 Political ideology, 145 “The Political Implications of State Political Ideology: A Measure Tested,” 145 Poverty, problem of, 617 Privatization, in Eastern Europe, 85 “The Problem of Modern Poverty: Significant Congruences Between Hegel’s and George’s Theoretical Conceptions,” 617 Property rights, Henry George on, 457 Property taxes, 205 Public opinion, in Eastern Europe, 85 Public works, and business cycle, 536 Quotation. Mill, John Stuart, 30 Race, influence on research, 165, 166, 169 Radio waves and spectra, licensing of, 464, 466 Railroad speculators, 443 ‘Reemployment Differences Among Dislocated and Other Workers: How do They Adapt to Job Losses?” 1 “Religious Giving by Individuals: A Cross Denominational Study,” 17 Research, economists’ perceptions of, 159 Restaurant gratuities, determining, 187 Scarcity vs. abundance, 595 Schumpeter, Joseph A., on dangers of ideology, 158; on Henry George, 454 Shakers, organization and distributional equality among, 129 Single-tax proposals, 453, 550, 565 “Social Networks and Economic Sociology: A Proposed Research Agenda For a More Complete Social Science,” 287 Socioeconomics, of George Hegel, 624 Sociology, interface with economics, 265 Taxation, and agriculture, 215, 265; George’s single-tax proposal, 453, XV 565; on inheritance, 566; on land, 215, 369, 545, 565; of natural re- sources, 461; property taxes, 205; split-rate tax, 205; and under- ground economy, 173 “Though Not an Irishman’: Henry George and the American Irish,” 407 Tip rates, determining, 187 “Tolstoy's Georgist Spiritual Political Economy (1897-1910): Anarchism and Land Reform,” 639 Transition, and land rents, 103 Underground economy, 172 “Understanding Japanese Direct Investment in China (1985-1993): An Intercultural Analysis,” 115 “Unemployment and the Independent European System of Central Banks: Prospe is and Some Alternative Arrangements,” 353 Unemployment rates in Europe, 32 United States, human rights in, 373; underground economy in, 173 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, critique of, 113 Wallace, Alfred Russel, “Alfred Russel Wallace’s Campaign to Nation- alize Land: How Darwin’s Peer Learned from John Stuart Mill In Order to Become Henry George’s Ally,” 609 Water marketing, 475 Welfare, 229 “What Price Water Marketing?: California’s New Frontier,” 475 Women, in labor force, 243; in research, 165, 166, 167—168, 169

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