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The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): keys for identification with an atlas of female spermathecae and other morphological details 7.7 subfamily Stenopogoninae Hull - tribe Cyrtopogonini, with descriptions of four new genera and one new species and a PDF

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Preview The American genera of Asilidae (Diptera): keys for identification with an atlas of female spermathecae and other morphological details 7.7 subfamily Stenopogoninae Hull - tribe Cyrtopogonini, with descriptions of four new genera and one new species and a

Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción. Chile. Tomo 62, pp. 55-81, 1991 THE AMERICAN GENERA OF ASILIDAE (DÍPTERA): KEYS POR IDENTIFICATION WITH AN ATLAS OP PEMALE SPERMATHECAE AND OTHER MORPHOLOGICAL DETAILS. VII.7. SUBFAMILY STENOPOGONINAE HULL —TRIBE CYRTOPOGONINI, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF FOUR NEW GENERA AND ONE NEW SPECIES AND A CATALOGUE OP THE NEOTROPICAL SPECIES.* Los géneros americanos de Asilidae (Díptera): Claves para su identificación con un atlas de las espermatecas de las hembras y otros detalles morfológicos. — VII.7. Subfamilia Stenopogoninae Hull Tribe Cyrtopogonini, con descripción de cuatro nuevos géneros y una nueva especie y catálogo de las especies neotropicales. *** JorgeN. Artigas** y Nelson Papavero abstract Argentina,Salta,ElCarmen,27kms.s.Molinos);Raulcorte- sia, gen. n. (type-species Dasycyrton lanosus Artigas, 1970). A keyfor the identification ofthe 21 American genera AcatalogueoftheneotropicalspeciesofCyrtopogoniniisad- of Cyrtopogonini (Asilidae, Stenopogoninae), with illustra- ded. tions of female spermathecae and other morphological de- tails, isgiven.Thefollowingnewtaxaaredesaibed: Ivettea, Keywords; Insecta. Taxonomy. America. Key. Asilidae. gen. n. (type-species,Dasycyrton minusculusArtigas, 1970); Stenopogoninae. Cyrtopogonini. Lonquimayus, gen. n. (type species, Holopogon tenerBigot, 1878);Nothopogon triangularis, gen. n.,sp. n. (type-locality: RESUMEN Sepresentaunaclaveparalaidentificacióndelos21 gé- Thisresearch wassupported by theFundapao de Am- neros americanos deCyrtopogonini (Asilidae, Stenopogoni- paroá Pesquisa do Estadode Sao Paulo(Grants 85/1772-5, nae), con ilustracionesdeespermatecas yotrosdetalles mor- 86/3327-1 and 87/3170-8). fológicos. Los siguientes nuevos taxones son descritos: Ivet- Universidad de Concepción. Facultad de Ciencias tea, gen. n. (especie-tipo, Dasycyrton minusculus Artigas, Biológicas yde Recursos Naturales—DepartamentodeZoo- 1970); Lonquimayus, gen. n. (especie-tipo, Holopogon tener logia (MZUC). Casilla 2407. Concepción-Chile. Proyecto Bigot, 1878); Nothopogon triangularis, gen. n., sp. n. FondoNacional Investigación Científica yTecnológica. Ga (localidad-tipo:Argentina,Salta,ElCarmen,27kms.s.Moli- biernp^deChile; N° 92-0289 (Parte). nos). Se agrega un catálogo de las especies neotropicales de Museu de Zoología & Instituto de Estudos Cyrtopogonini. Avanpados,UníversídadedeSaoPaulo. PesquisadordoCon- selhoNacionaldeDesenvolvimentoCientíficoeTecnológico PalabrasCLAVES:Insecta.Taxonomía.América.Clave.Asi- (CNPq, Proc. N° 30. 0994/79). lidae. Stenopogoninae. Cyrtopogonini. 55 . 1 Bol. Soa Biol. Concepción, Chile. Tomo62, 1991 INTRODUCTION Part I (Introduction, key to subfamilies, subfa- mily Leptogastrinae) in Gayana. Zool,, In this paper we complete the treatment of 52(1-2): 95-114. 1988. the American genera of Stenopogoninae. (Pre- Part II (Dasypogoninae) in Gayana, Zool. vious papers in Stenopogoninae, in this series, 52(3-4): 199-260. 1988. will be published as follows: Part. VII.1. (Steno- Part III (Trigonomiminae) in Bol. Soc. Biol. pogoninae, Icey to tribes) in Gayana, Zool. 55(2); Concepción, 60: 35-42. 1989. Pari; VII.2 (Stenopogoninae, tribes Acronychini, Part IV (Laphriinae, except Atomosiini) in Bol. Bathypogonini, Ceraturgini) in Gayana, Zool. Mus. Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Zool. 4(2): 55(3); Part. VII.3 (Stenopogoninae, tribes 211-255, 1989. Dioctrini, Echthopodini) in Gayana, Zool. 55(4); Part V (Stichopogoninae) in Bol. Soc. Biol. Con- Part VII.4 (Stenopogoninae, tribe Enigmo- cepción, 61: 39-47, 1990. morphini) in Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción, 62; Part Part VI (Laphriinae, tribe Atomosini) in Gaya- VII.5 (Stenopogoninae, tribe Tillobromini) in na, Zool. 55(1): 53-87, 1991. Rev. Chilena Ent. 19; Part VII.6 (Stenopogoni- nae, tribes Plesiommatini, Stenopoginini and Willistonini) in Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción 63. The methodology employed in the dissec- Part VII.7 (Stenopogoninae, tribe Cyrtopogoni- tion and preservation of the male terminalia, fe- ni) in Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción, 62. male spermathecae and other morphological The other subfamilies have been published as: parts is the same employed by Artigas (1971). TribeCYRTOPOGONINIArtigas& Papavero Keytogenera: 1. Facefíatorveryevenly rounded 2 Facedecidedly gibboseorsometimes(Sintoria) higher nearantennae 13 2(1). Hairsnormally dense, plumose, crinkly, onhead, thoraxandabdomen 3 Hairsneverplumose,evenifvery dense 4 3(2). Hind tibiae much enlarged, as thick as or thicker thafi hind fémur. CuA2 and Ai joined before wing margin, i. e., anal cell closed, with short pedicel. Male terminalia as in Figs. 1-3 and aedeagus as in Figs. 4-5. Spermathecae as in Figs. 6-7. (Nearctic) Holopogon Loew, 1847. Hindtibiae more slender, thinnérthanfémur. Analcellopen. Spermathecaeasin Figs. 8-9. (Nearctic) Heteropogon Loew, 1847. 4(2). Discofscutellumwithoutfine,semierectpile,atmostmicropubescent Discofscutellumwitha variablenumberoffine, semierectpile 1 5(4). Midtibia with a pairofmoderately strong, black, ventralbristlesatapex, directed appro- ximately atanangleof60-90°. Spermathecaeasin Figs. 10-1 1. (Nearctic) CalUnicus Loew, 1872. Midtibiawith 3-5 bristlesdirecteddistally 6 56 5 . Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción. Chile. Tomo62, 1991 6(5). Pulvilli absent Pulvilli present ., 7(6). Thorax, legs and pronotumand base ofC with appressed white scale-like hairs. C conti- nuingafterCuA-, + A]. SpermathecaeasinFigs. 12-13.(Western USA) AblautusLoew, 866. 1 Thorax, legs, pronotum and base of C never with scale-like hairs. C evanescent after CuA2+Ai.(Chile) Nothopogon,gsn.n. 8(6). Wing with 4 posterior cells (Fig. 34). Mesonotum with shining black spots, the rest ofit gray. Abdomen at least in part reddish. Ambient vein absent after tip of M,. Sper- mathecaeasinFigs. 18-19. (South-westem USA) ItaliaWilcox, 1936. Wingwith 5 posteriorcells. Ambient vein after CuA2+A] present,evanescentorabsent .. 9 9(8). Very small (2.8-3.6 mm) flies. Vértex tumid, notexcavated. Ambient veinevanescentaf- ter CUA2+A1 (Fig. 23). Male terminalia as in Figs. 24-26, aedeagus as in Fig. 27. Spermathecaeas in Figs. 28-29. (Argentina,Chile) Ivettea,gen. n. Larger flies (5.5-8.0 mm)." Vértex excavated. Ambient vein present or absent after CuAj+A, 10 10(9). Ambientvein clearlypresentafterCUA2 + A^. Facenarrow. (Chile) Raulcortesia. gen. n. Ambient vein clearly absent after CuAjH-Aj (Fig. 33). Face wide (Fig. 31). Spermathecae asin Figs. 35-36. (Chile) Dasycyrton Philippi, 1865. 11(4). Fiveposteriorcellspresentonwing 12 M Only threesessileposteriorcellson wing. Ambientveinendingintipof 1. Mystaxoccup- ying entire face. Mesonotum and abdomen entirely black. Spermathecae as in Arti- gas (1971: fig. 45). (Chile) Dasypecus?M\m, 1865 12(11). Face and frons narrow, lower face in anterior view narrower than half width of an eye. Mystax with a dense patch of short brislles in middle of lower margin and longer, less densely spaced bristles on remainder of face. Small black flies with sparse poUinosity on thoraxand shiningabdomen. (USA: Texas,Oklahoma) Hadrokolos Martin, 1959. Face widening below, lower face slightly wider than inferior width of an eye. Mystax not as above. Densely white-grey poUinose flies (includingabdomen). Spermathecae as in Figs. 37-38. (Southwestern USA) li^//cox/flJames, 1941. 13(1). Thorax moreorlessflat, withouta mane 14 Thoraxstronglyarched,withaconspicuousmaneofhairsandbristles,atleastonposterior half 20 14(13). Discofscutellum, at leastin part,with sparsetodense hairsorbristles 16 Discofscutellumbare(atleastatcenter), marginwith 2-3 pairsofstrongbristles 1 15(14). Midtibia at apex with a comb of 4-6 strong bristles. Mystax with bristles and hairs of aboutsamelength. Spermathecaeasin Figs. 39-40. (Southwestern USA) Nannocyrtopogon^\\co\& Martin, 1936 Midtibia neverasabove. Mystax variable. Spermathecae asin Artigas(1971: fig. 41). (Chi- le) Lonquimayus, gen. n. 57 Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción, Chile. Tomo62, 1991 16(14). Flies not metallic colored. Hind tibia not more than 1.5 times diameter of fore and middle tibiae. Fore tibia only slightly tapered apically. Scutellum with strong marginalbristlesandpileondisceithersparse ordense 17 Black flies with metallic blue or green shine. Hind tibia twicediameter offore and middle tibiae. Fore tibia sharphy tapering apically. Mesonotal declivity with long pile. Scutellum withsemierectpile. (USA: California. Arizona, Utah,Texas; México; Baja California) SintoriaUuW, 1962. 17(16). Body and coxae, rest of legs excepted, entirely white-grey pollinose. Spermathecae as inArtigas(1971:fig. 44). (Chile) GraptostylusUuW, 1962. Body never asabove 18 18(17). Middle tibia at apex with a comb of about 5 strong black spines. Abdomen totally pollinose or either one margin or both anterior and posterior margins of tergites pollinose 19 Middle tibiaatapex withonly two strongbristles. Tergites 3-5 with pollinose markingson the anterior margin but not laterally, and on the lateroposterior comers but not dor- sally. Scutellar disc with sparse pile; long marginal scutellar bristles present. Pedicel with2 andscapewith 1 noticeablestrongbristles. (USA: California,NewMéxico) BackomyiaV^WcoxSL Martin, 1957. 19(18). Weak dorsocentral and acrostical bristles on mesonotal declivity. Mesonotum with strong lateral bristlesandslightly prominentshortbristlescoveringmost ofthethora- cicdorsum. Face moderatelygibbose totheantennae. Large(over20 mm) vespid mi- mics, abdomenpredominantlystripedandbandedwithyellow. (USA:California) Prítchardomyia^'úcox, 1965. Thoracic vestiture pile-like, except lateral bristles, some species almost bare on thorax. Face more strongly gibbose almost to the antennae. Flies not marked at abdomen. Length under 20 mm. Spermathecae as in Figs. 46-47. (Nearctic). Cyrtopogon Loew, 1847. 20(13). Scutellum with sparse short to long pile on disc, two strong long bristles at margin. Vein "R3" (reactivation offield of R3) present as a stump vein. Face produced at lo- wermargin, triangular in profile. Spermathecaeasin Figs. 48-49. (Western USA) MetapogonCoquiWen, 1904. Scutellardisc withdense longwrinkly hairs and longslender marginal bristles. "R3" stump absent. Facestronglyproducedinprofile. SpermathecaeasinFigs. 50-51. (Nearctic).. EucyrtopogonCumn, 1923. 58 Bol. Soa Biol. Concepción, Chile. Tomo62, 1991 GenusAblautusLoew ?latus (Phüippi), 1865: 686 (Dasypogon). Type- HT locality: Chile, Illapel. lost. ÁblautusLoew, 1866: 37 (Cent. 7, N° 63).Type- species, trifarius Loew (mon.). Ablautatus, error or emend. Genus GraptostylusHuU flavipes Coquillett, 1904: 178—. Type-locality: Graptostylus Hull, 1962: 207. Type-species, do- USA,California. Distr. USA, México losas Hull (orig. des.). (Durango). trifarius Loew, 1866: 36 (Cent. 7, N° 63). Typ—e- dolosus Hull, 1962: 208. —Type-locality: Chile, locality: USA, California, Distr. Valparaíso. Distr. Chile (Coquimbo, — USA, ?México (Osten Sacken, 1887: Santiago). Ref. Artigas, 1970: 119, HT 168). figs. 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 74, 457). USNM. GenusDasycyrton Philippi GenusHeteropogonLoew Dasycyrton Philippi, 1865: 701. Type-species, gibbosus Philippi (mon.).- Dasypogon, subg. Heteropogon Loew, 1847: 488. Type-species, manicatus Meigen arrayanensis Artigas, 1970: 93, figs. 70, 83, 478. (Back, 1909: 318). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago, Arrayán, Distr. — Chile (Bío-Bio, Santiago). HT Anisopogon Loew, 1874: 377 (unjustified nom. MZUC. nov. for Heteropogon Loew). Type- species, Dasypogon manicatus Meigen coquimbensis Artigas, 1970: 95, figs. 78, 477. (aut.). Type-locality: Chile, Coquimbo, Ulapel. HT MZUC. Dasypogon subg. Pycnopogon Loew, 1847: 526. Type-species, mixtus Loew (Rondani, gibbosus Philippi, 1865: 701, pl. 26, figs. 30,30a. 1856: 157). Type-locahty: Chile, Santiago and — Aconcagua: HaciendaCatemu. Distr. dejectus (Williston), 1901: 306 {Holopogon). Chile (Coquimbo, Santiago). Ref. Arti- gMaZs,UC1.970: 97, figs. 82, 407, 492. NT TdyepeZ-olpoiclaoltiet.y:TPMéxBiMcNo,H.Guerrero, Venta medinaeArtigas, 1970: 99, fig. 86. Type locality: divisus (Coquillett), 1902: 139 {Pycnopogon). "Chile". HT SANT. Type-locality: México, Chihuahua. TP USNM. sucinopedis Artigas, 1970: 105, figs. 80, 480. Type-locality: Chile, Valparaíso. HT dorothyae Martin, 1962: 373. Type-locality: Mé- MZUC. xico, Guerr—ero, 32 mi. n. of Chilpancin- go. Distr. México (Guerrero, More- TP KU. tes). GenusDasypecusPhilippi rejectus Williston, 1901: 307. Type-locality: Mé- xico, Guerrero, Venta de Zopilote. TP Dasypecus Philippi, 1865: 692. Type-species, he- BMNH. teroneurus Philippi {RuW, 1962: 139). spatulatus Pritchard, 1935: —5. Type-locality: USA, Arizona. Distr. USA, México heteroneurus Philippi, 1865: 692, pl. 28, figs. 54, (Sonora). TP MIN. —54a, 54b. Type-locality: "Chile". Dist—r. willistoni Martin, 1962: 375. Type-locality: Mé- Chile (Coquimbo, Santiago). Ref. xico, Morelos, Hi—ghway 136, nearCuer- Artigas, 1970: 110, figs. 63, 64,66,463). navaca. Distr. México (Morelos, NT BMNH. Guerrero). TP KU. 59 Bol. Soc Bioí. Concepción. Chile. Tomo62, 1991 GenusHolopogonLoew Thisgenus isdedicatedto Mrs. IvettedeAr- tigas. Dasypogon, subg. Holopogon Loew, 1847: 473. Type-species, nigripennis Meigen (Co- quülett, 1910: 552). Ivetteaminúscula(Artigas),n. comb. Ceraturgus Wiedemann of Rondani, 1856: 156, misident. Dasycyrton minusculus Artigas, 1970: 101, figs. 77, 425.Type-locality: Chile, Linares,El — currani Martin, 1959: 17. Type-l—ocality: USA, Radal. Distr. Chile (Linares, Valdi- Arizona, Winona: Distr. USA, Méxi- via). HT MZUC. co-(Sonora). HT AMNH. fisheriMartin, 1967: 195. Type-locality: México, Coahuila, Saltillo, Canyon de la Carbo- GenusLonquimayus, gen. n. nera. HT CAS. pulcherWilliston, 1901: 306, pl. 5, fig. 18. Type- Face gibbose up to the antennae (Fig. 41), locality: México,—Guerrero, Venta de wide (Fig. 42). Antenna as in Fig. 43. Thorax Zopilote. Distr. México (Guerrero, Morelos). TP BMNH. more or less fíat, without a mane; disc of scu- tellum bare (at least at center), margin with 2-3 violaceus Williston, 1901: 306, pl. 5, fig. 17. pairs of strong bristles. Type-locality: México, Guerrero, Venta Differs from all other genera of Cyrtopogo- de Zopilote. TP BMNH. nini from Chile by the gibbose face; from Grap- tostylus,whichalsohasagibboseface,bynotha- GenusItaliaWilcox ving the body and legs entirely white-grey poili- nose Itolia Wilcox, 1936: 201. Type-species, maculata Wilcox (orig. des.). Type-species,HolopogontenerBigot, 1878. atripes Wücox, 1949: 193. Type-loc—ality: USA, The ñame ofthisgenus refersto thelocality Arizona, Mohawk. Distr. USA, Mé- of Lonquimay-Chile. xico (Sonora). fascia Martin, 1966: 213. Type-locality: México, Puebla, Petlalcingo. HT UCD. maculata Wilcox, 1936: 202. Type-localit—y: List of species: USA, Arizona,SantaRitaMts. Distr. USA, México (Sonora). pilosa Martin, 1966: 214. Type-locality: México, notocinereatus (Artigas), 1970: 102, figs. 85, 494 Sonora, Vicam. HT cas. {Dasycyrton). Type-locality: Chile, Maileco, Angol. HT MZUC. N. COMB. papaveroi (Artigas), 1970: 104, figs. 81, 491 GenusIvettea,gen. n. {Dasycyrton). Type-locality: Chile, Bío Bío, Los Angeles, Fundo San José. — Differs from Dasycyrton Philippi by having Distr. Chile (Bío Bío, Cautín, Maile- the vértex tumid, large, unexcavated, and by the co). HT MZUC. N. COMB very small size (2.8-3.6 mm). From Raulcortesia, tener (Bigot), 1878: 437 {Holopogon). Type- — gen. n., it differs by having the ambient vein ab- locality: "Chile". Distr. Chile sent after CuA2+Aj. (Arauco, Concepción, Maileco, Nuble, — Santiago). Ref. Artigas, 1970: 107 (as Type-species,DasycyrtonminusculusArtigas, Dasycyrton; figs. 72, 73, 75, 76, 84, 1970. 487). NT MZUC. N. COMB. 60 Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción, Chile. Tomo62, 1991 GenusMetapogonCoquillett cell closed. Ambient vein absent from CUA2+A1. Metapogon Coquillett, 1904: 181. Type-species, Abdomen mostly depressed, as wide as gilvipes Coquillett (orig. des.). thorax, integument smooth, shining; micropubescence forming well defined pattern; teec/?/ Wilcox, 1964: 197. Type-locality: México, vestiture of abdomen consisting in fine, Baja California, Misión San Javier. HT scattered, short hairs. Eight tergites visible in CAS. female (male unknown). Ovipositor with spines on acanthophorites. GenusNothopogon,gen. n. The ñame of this genus refers to the abundant hair on the pronotum. Head 1/5 width of head, wider at oral margin. Width of frons similar to that of face. Type-species, Nothopogon triangularis, sp. n. Facial gradually slopingfrombaseofantennae to oral margin. Frontal hairs scattered, finer than Nothopogon triangularis,sp. n. those of mystax, similar to the ocellar hairs. Mystax with fine and long hairs, occupying Body length, 4.5 mm; winglength, 3.2 mm. entire face (Figs. 14-15). Postvertical and postocular hairs fine, on lower postocular área Face and frons with silvery micropilosity. wrinkled on apical half. Antennae placed on Mystax with white hairs, extending from base of upper 1/3 of face; scape longer than pedicel, antennae to oral margin. Frontal bristles fine, shining; pedicel short, globose, with abundant white. Frons with scattered, very fine, white micropilosity, both with dorsal and ventral hairs, similar to hairs ofocellar triangle. Postver- bristles, the ventral ones longer and thicker; first tical bristleswhite, reclinate. Hairsandbristlesof flagellomere mostly cylindrical, attenuate postocular área white, longeron lower part, simi- towards apex, with a minute spine on the basal lar to the hairsofbeard and proboscis. Scape shi- 1/3 of the dorsal surface; second flagellomere ning black, with white bristles; pedicel covered minute; third flagellomere half the lengt of the with silvery micropilosity, its bristles white; fla- first, compressed, pointed (Fig. 15). Proboscis gellomeres black. Proboscis shining black. short, cylindrical, blunt. Palpus small, the second Prothorax shining black, covered with sil- segment rounded at apex. very micropilosity and long, fine, white hairs. Pronotum and propleura with hairs similar Bristles on collar strong, whitish. Mesonotum to the hairs of beard. Prosternum dissociated shining black, with large áreas covered with sil- from proepisternum. Mesonotum partially very micropubescence; a double central stripe covered with micropilosity; fine long hairs and two spots at each side of mesonotal disc free scattered all over mesonotum; dorsocentral from micropubescence, shining black, contras- bristles indistinct; humeral, postalar and ting strongly with the surrounding áreas. Meso- postcallar bristles fine, hair-like, similar to notal disc covered entirely with scattered, long, mesonotal hairs. Disc of scutellum with a few fine, white hairs; the white dorsocentral bristles fine hairs and 3 pairs of marginal scutellar visible only on postsutural área. Humeral, pre- bristles. Mesopleura with fine long hairs. alar, postalar and postcallar bristles white, the Anepisternum bare. Mesepisternum with stiff postcallarslongerand stronger. Discofscutellum short hairs. Katepisternum with abundant fine covered with micropubescence similar to that of and long hairs, wrinkled on apical half. mesonotum, 3 pairs of white, long, marginal scu- Legs of similar size, tibiae and basitarsi with tellars present. Mesopleurablackwith largeáreas long bristles. Claws acute, pulvilli absent. of silvery micropubescence; hairs white.' Katepi- Wing with cell r, open; vein R4 straight on meral bristles white. Anepisternum bare, only apical 3/4, ending at wingapex; vein R5 straight, micropubescent. Mesepisternum with a dense ending behind apex of wing; cell m:; open; anal patch of short, stiff, downward directed hairs. 61 Bol. Soc. BioL Concepción, Chile. Tomo 62, 1991 Wing hyaline, veins brownish. The generic ñame represents a homage to Coxae blackish, with abundant silvery Prof. Raúl Cortés Peña, in recognition to his micropubescence and white bristles. Femora many contributions to Entomology. shiningblackwithwhitehairsandbristles,longer on ventral surface. Tibiae and tarsi light-brown, with short, white hairs and long bristles. Claws Rauícortesialanosa(Artigas),n.comb. only a little curved; pulvilli absent. Abdomen shining black, covered in part by Dasycyrton lanosus Artigas, 1970: 98, figs. 79, silvery micropubescence. First tergite almost 490. Type-locality: Chile, Curicó, Palos completely shining black, tergites 2-6 with a Negros. HT MZUC. distinct, large, triangular área (shining black) surroundedby micropubescence. Sidesoftergites with a small spot under similar conditions. GenusSintoriaHuU Vestiture of abdomen consisting of short, white, scattered hairs. Ovipositor with black spines on Sintoria HuU, 1962: 197. Type-species, emeralda acanthophorites. HuU (orig. des.). — Ref. Wilcox, 1972. Holotype 9, argentina, Salta: El Carmen, 27 km s. Molinos, 1900 m,6.x.1968 (L. Peña), in the emeraldaHuU, 1962: 199. Ty—pe-locality: México, MZUC. Neplanta. Distr. México (Jalisco, The ñame thangularis refers to the Aguascalientes). HTUSNM. triangular área, shining black, on tergites 2-6. /agunaeWilcox, 1972: 55.Type-locality:México, Baja California Sur, S. Victoria, La La- guna, HT LACM. GenusRauícortesia,gen. n. rossi Wilcox, 1972: 58. Type-locality: México, Mt. Popocatepetl, north slope, 11,000 Differs from Dasycyrton Philippi by the ft. HT CAS. narrower face and by the fact that the ambient vein is clearly seen after CuAt + Aí. From Ivettea, gen. n., itdiffers in theexcavated vértex. Unrecognized Cyrtopogonini bullatus Wulp, 1882: 100 (Holopogon). Type- Type-species,DasycyrtonlanosusArtigas, 1970. locality: "Argentina". REFERENCES — Artigas. J. N., 1970. Los asílidos deChile (Díptera Asili- Coquillett, D. W., 1902. New orthorrhaphous Dípterafrom dae). Gayana (Zool.) 17: 1-472, 504 figs. MéxicoandTexas. J. N. Y. ent. Soc. 10: 136-141. Artigas, J. N., 1971. Lasestruaurasquitinizadas de lasper- Coquillett, D. W., 1904. New North American Díptera. mathecayfundadel penedelosasílidosysuvalorsiste- Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 6: 90-98. mático a través del estudio por taxonomía numérica Coquillett,D.W., 1910.Thetype-speciesofNorthAmerican Gayana (Zool.) 18: 1106, 138 figs. generaofDíptera. Proc. U.S. natlMus. 37(N" 1.719): Back, E. A., 1909.Therobber-fliesofAmericanorthofMé- 499-647. xico, belonging to the subfamilies Leptogastrinae and Hull,F. M., 1962. Robberflies oftheworld.Thegeneraof Dasypogoninae. Trans. Am. ent. Soc. 35: 137-400, 11 thefamilyAsilidae. Smíthson. InstnBuU.224(1): 1-432, pls. (2): 433-907, 2536 figs. Bigot,J.M.F., 1878.Dipteresnouveauxoupeuconnus. lOe. Loew, H.—, 1847. Deberdieeuropaischen Raubfiiegen(Dípte- partie. XV. Tribu des Asilidi. Curies des Laphridae et ra Asilica). Linnaea ent. 2: 384-568, 587-591. Dasypogonidae. Ann. Soc. ent. France (5) 8: 213-240, Loew, H., 1866. Díptera AmericaeSeptentrionalisindígena. 401-446. Centuriaséptima. Berlín, ent.Z. 10: 1-54. 62 Bol. Soc. Biol. Concepción, Chile. Tomo62, 1991 Loew, H., 1874. Neue nordamerikanische Dasypogonina. UnitedStates (Díptera). Am. Mus. Novit. 813: 1-13. Berlin. ent. Z. 18: 353-377. Rondaní, C, 1856. Dipterologíaeitalicaeprodromus.Vol. 1. Martin,C.H., 1959.TheHolopogoncomplexofNorthAme- Generaitálicaordinisdipterorum ordinatímdispositaet rica, excluding México, with descriptions of a new ge- in familias et stirpesaggregata, 228 pp. Parma. ñusandsubgenus (Díptera, Asilidae). Am. Mus. Novit. Wilcox, J., 1936. Asilidae, new and otherwise, from the 1980: 1-40, 21 figs. Southwest, with a key to the genus Sticcopogon (sic) Martin, C. H., 1962Theplumose hairsofHeteropogonand Pan-PacificEnt. 12: 201-212, 1 fíg.; ;i(1937;cont.): 37 two new species from México (Díptera: Asilidae). J. 45, 1 fíg. Kans. ent. Soc. 35(2); 247-253. Wilcox,J., 1949.ThegenusItoliaWilcox(Díptera:Asilidae) Martin,C. H., 1966.NewAsilidaefromMéxicointhegene- Pan-Pacific Ent. (1948) 24: 191-193. ra Itolia and Sphageus (Díptera). Pan-Pacific Ent. 42: Wilcox, J., 1964. The genus Metapogon (Díptera: Asilidae) 212-218, 8figs. Pan-Pacific Ent. 40(3): 191-200. Martin,C.H., 1967.NewAsilidaefromMéxicoandArizona Wilcox,J., 1972.ThegenusSintoriaHull(Díptera;Asilidae) (Díptera). Pan-PacificEnt. 43: 193-201, 4figs. Pan-PacíficEnt. 48(1): 51-58. Osten Sacken, C. R., 1887. Díptera,'pp. 129-160, 161-176, Williston, S. W., 1901. Supplement (part), pp. 249-264, 265 177-208, 209-216, pl. 3, in F. D. Godman& O. Salvin, 272, 273-296, 297-328, 329-332,pls. 4-5,pl. 6,figs. 1-6 eds.. Biología Centrali-Americana. Zoología-Insecta- in F. D. Godman & O. Salvin, eds.. Biología Centralí Diptera /: 378 pp., 6 pls. London. Americana. Zoologia-Insecta-Díptera 1: 378 pp., 6 pls, Philippi R. A., 1865. Aufzahiung der chilenischen Dipte- l.nndon. ren. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wíen 15: 595-782. Wuip,F.M. vander, 1882.AmerikaanscheDíptera.Tídschr, Pritchard, A. E., 1935. New Asilidaefrom thesouthwestern Ent. 25:77-163, pls. 9-10. 63 Bol. Soc. BioL Concepción, Chile. Tomo62, 1991 INDEX (Synonymsin italics) Ablautatus, error or emend: 59 lagunae Wilcox, 1972,Sintoria: 62 Ablautus Loew, 1866: 57, 59 lanosa (Artigas), 1970 (Dasycyrton), Raulcortesia: 62 Amsopogon Loew, 1874: 59 ?latus (Philippi), 1865 (Dasypogon). Dasypecus: 59 arrayanensis Artigas, 1970, Dasycyrton: 59 leechi Wilcox, 1964. Metapogon: 61 atripes Wilcox, 1949, Itolia: 60 Lonquimayus, gen. n.: 57,60 Backomyia Wilcox & Martin. 1957: 58 maculata Wilcox. 1936, Itolia: 60 bullatus Wulp, 1882 (Holopogon): 62 medinae Artigas, 1970, Dasycyrton: 59 Metapogon Coquillett, 1904: 58, 61 Callinicus Loew, 1872: 56 minúscula (Artigas), 1970 (Dasycyrton), Ivettea: 60 CeraturgusWiedemann of Rondani, 1856: 60 coquimbensis Artigas, 1970, Dasycyrton: 59 Nannocytopogon Wilcox & Martin, 1936: 57 currani Martin, 1959, Holopogon: 60 Nothopogon, gen. n.: 57. 61 Cyrtopogon Loew, 1847: 58 notocinereatus (Artigas), 1970 (Dasycyrton), Lonquimayus: 60 Dasycyrton Philippi, 1865: 59, 60, 62 Dasypecits Philippi, 1865: 57, 59 papaveroi (Artigas), 1970 (Dasycyrton), Lonquimayus: 60 dejectus (Williston), 1901 (Holopogon), Heteropogon: 59 pilosa Martin, 1966, Itolia: 60 divisus (Coquillett). 1902 (Pycnopogon), Heteropogon: 59 Pritchardomyia Wilcox, 1965: 58 dolosus Hull, 1962, Graptostylus: 59 pulcher Williston, 1901, Holopogon: 60 dorothyae Martin, 1962, Heteropogon: 59 Pycnopogon Loew. 1847: 59 emeralda Hull, 1962, Sintoria: 62 Raulcortesia,gen. n.: 57. 60. 62 Eucyrtopogon Curran, 1923: 58 rejectus Williston, 1901, Heteropogon: 59 rossi Wilcox, 1972, Sintoria: 62 fascia Martin, 1966, Itolia: 60 fisheri Martin, 1967, Holopogon: 60 Sintoria Hull, 1962: 58, 62 flavipes Coquillett, 1904, Ablautus: 59 sucinopedis Artigas, 1970. Dasycyrton: 59 spatulatus Pritchard, 1935, Heteropogon: 59 gibbosus Philippi, 1865, Dasycyrton: 59 Graptostylus Hull, 1962: 58, 59, 60 tener (Bigot). 1878 (Holopogon), Lonquimayus: 60 triangularis, sp. n., Nothopogon: 61 Hadrokolos Martin, 1959: 57 trifarius Loew, 1866. Ablautus: 59 heteroneurus Philippi, 1865, Dasypecus: 59 Heteropogon Loew, 1847: 59 violaceus Williston, 1901. Holopogon: 60 Holopogon Loew, 1847: 56, 59, 60 Wilcoxia James, 1941: 57 Itolia Wilcox. 1936: 57, 60 willistoni Martin, 1962, Heteropogon: 59 Ivettea, gen. n.: 60 64

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