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284 Pages·1989·29.415 MB·Language, Discourse, Society
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LANGUAGE, DISCOURSE, SOCIETY General Editors: Stephen Heath, Colin MacCabe and Denise Riley Published titles Stanley Aronowitz 1HE CRISIS IN HISTORICAL MATERIALISM SCIENCE AS POWER: Discourse and Ideology in Modern Society Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen THE FREUDIAN SUBJEcr Norman Bryson VISION AND PAINTING: The Logic of the Gaze Teresa de Lauretis AUCE DOESN'T: Feminism, Semiotics and Cinema FEMINISf SfUDIES/CRITICAL SfUDIES (editor) TECHNOLOGIES OF GENDER: Essays on Theory, Film, and Fiction Mary Ann Doane 1HE DESIRE TO DESIRE: The Woman's Film of the 1940s Alan Durant CONDmONS OF MUSIC Jane Gallop FEMINISM AND PSYCHOANALYSIS: The Daughter's Seduction Peter Gidal UNDERSTANDING BECKETT: A Study of Monologue and Gesture in Works of Samuel Beckett Peter Goodrich LEGAL DISCOURSE: Studies in Linguistics, Rhetoric and Legal Analysis Paul Hirst ON LAW AND IDEOLOGY Ian Hunter CULTURE AND GOVERNMENT: The Emergence of Literary Education Andreas Huyssen AFTER 1HE GREAT DMDE: Modernism, Mass Culture and Postmodernism Nigel Leask 1HE POUTICS OF IMAGINATION IN COLERIDGE'S CRITICAL THOUGHT Michael Lynn-George EPOS: WORD, NARRATIVE AND 1HE IUAD Colin MacCabe JAMES JOYCE AND 1HE REVOLUTION OF 1HE WORD 1HE TALKING CURE: Essays on Psychoanalysis and Language (editor) Louis Marin PORTRAIT OF 1HE KING Christian Metz PSYCHOANALYSIS AND CINEMA: The Imaginary Signifier Jean-Ciaude Milner FOR THE LOVE OF LANGUAGE Jeffrey Minson GENEALOGIES OF MORALS: Nietzsche, Foucault, Donzelot and the Eccentricity of Ethics Laura Mulvey VISUAL AND OTHER PLEASURES Douglas Oliver POETRY AND NARRATIVE IN PERFORMANCE Michel P@cheux LANGUAGE, SEMANTICS AND IDEOLOGY Jean-Michel Rabate LANGUAGE, SEXUALITY AND IDEOLOGY IN EZRA POUND'S CANTOS Denise Riley 'AM I mAT NAME?': Feminism and the Category of Women' in History Jacqueline Rose THE CASE OF PETER PAN or THE IMPOSSIBILITY OF CHILDREN'S FICTION Brian Rotman SIGNIFYING NOTHING: The Semiotics of Zero Michael Ryan POLITICS AND CULTURE: Working Hypotheses for a Post-Revolutionary Society James A. Snead and Cornel West SEEING BLACK: A Semiotics of Black Culture in America Raymond Tallis NOT SAUSSURE: A Critique of Post-Saussurean Literary Theory David Trotter CIRCULATION: Defoe, Dickens and the Economies of the Novel THE MAKING OF THE READER: Language and Subjectivity in Modem American, English and Irish Poetry Cornel West THE AMERICAN EVASION OF PHILOSOPHY: A Genealogy of Pragmatism Peter Womack IMPROVEMENT AND ROMANCE: Constructing the Myth of the Highlands Some forthcoming titles Stephen Heath FILM ANALYSIS: 'Touch of Evil' Rod Mengham CONTEMPORARY BRITISH POETICS Jeffrey Minson PERSONAL POLITICS AND ETHICAL STYLE Denise Riley POETS ON POETICS Series Standing Order If you would like to receive future titles in this series as they are published, you can make use of our standing order facility. To place a standing order please contact your bookseller or, in case of difficulty, write to us at the address below with your name and address and the name of the series. Please state with which title you wish to begin your standing order. Of you live outside the United Kingdom we may not have the rights for your area, in which case we will forward your order to the publisher concerned.) Standing Order Service, Macmillan Distribution Ltd, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 2XS, England. The American Evasion of Philosophy A Genealogy of Pragmatism Cornel West Professor of Religion, Director of Afro American Studies, Princeton Umversity M MACMILLAN C The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 1989 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No paragraph of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1956 (as amended), or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, 33 - 4 Alfred Place, London WCIE 7DP. Any person who does any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. FtrSt published 1989 Published by TIlE MACMILLAN PRESS LTD Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire R021 2XS and London Companies and representatives throughout the world The Camelot Press Ltd, Southampton British Ubrary Cataloguing in Publication Data West, Cornel The American evasion of philosophy: a geneology of pragmatism. - (Language, discourse, society). 1. American philosophy I. Title II. Series 191 ISBN 978-0-333-52569-2 ISBN 978-1-349-20415-1 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-1-349-20415-1 To my beloved brother CLIrrON L. WEST III who sticks closer than a brother If one must philosophize, then one must philosophize; and if one must not philosophize, then one must philosophize; in any case, therefore, one must philosophize. For if one must, then, given that Philosophy exists, we are in every way obliged to philosophize. And if one must not, in this case too we are obliged to inquire how it is possible for there to be no philosophy; and in inquiring we philosophize, for inquiry is the cause of Philosophy. -Aristotle Pragmatists keep trying to find ways of making anti-philosophical points in non philosophical language. - Richard Rorty CONTENTS Acknowledgments Xl Introduction 3 1 The Emersonian Prehistory of American Pragmatism 9 Emerson on Power (and Tradition) 11 Emerson on Provocation (and the Market) 25 Emerson on Personality (and Race) 28 Emerson as Organic Intellectual 35 2 The Historic Emergence of American Pragmatism 42 Peirce on Scientific Method, Community, and Christian Love 43 James on Individuality, Reconciliation, and Heroic Energies 54 3 The Coming-of-Age of American Pragmatism: John Dewey 69 Dewey on Historical Consciousness, Critical Intelligence, and Creative Democracy 71 4 The Dilemma of the Mid-Century Pragmatic Intellectual 112 Sidney Hook: The Deweyan Political Intellectual 114 C. Wright Mills: The Neo-Deweyan Radical Social Critic 124 W. E. B. Du Bois: The Jamesian Organic Intellectual 138 Reinhold Niebuhr: The Jamesian Cultural Critic 150 Lionel Trilling: The Pragmatist as Arnoldian Literary Critic 164 5 The Decline and Resurgence of American Pragmatism: W. V. Quine and Richard Rorty 182 6 Prophetic Pragmatism: Cultural Criticism and Political Engagement 211 Roberto Unger and Third-Wave Left Romanticism 214 The Challenge of Michel Foucault 223 Tragedy, Tradition, and Political Praxis 226 Prophetic Pragmatism and Postmodemity 235 Notes 243 Index 273 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This book was made possible-as are all my writings-by my loving family and friends: my inimitable parents, Clifton L. West, Jr., and Irene Bias West; my steadfast brother, Clifton L. West III; my supportive sisters, Cynthia West Cole and Cheryl West; my close confidant, James Melvin Washington, Professor of Church History at Union Theological Seminary in New York City; and my wonderful son, Clifton Louis West. I benefited greatly from critical readings of the manuscript by Richard Rorty, Frank Lentricchia, and Stanley Aronowitz. I also am grateful to Allen Fitchen for his patience and support. And lastly, without the presence and inspiration of my lovely companion, this book might have never been completed. The American Evasion of Philosophy

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