50¢ Member: Verified Audit Circulation Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Total Market Coverage PRSAT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID ALVIN, TX Visit our website at http://alvinsun.net PERMIT NO. 54 A The Alvin FREE ESTIMATES t ec ADVERTISER E L E C T R I C RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL •Mobile Home Hookups •Repair • SALES • SERVICE •New Construction •Remodeling • RENTAL 1717 Heather Lane 3375 E. Hwy. 6 • Alvin • (281) 331-3177 www.AlvinEquipment.com Serving the Progressive And Greater Alvin-Manvel Growth Area • Delivered by U.S. Mail and Bonded, Supervised Carrier System (281) 331-0848 (281) 331-5349 Horn elected mayor Statewide Winners! MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING in run-off election Bill Nelson 1601 South Gordon By David Money Alvin, Texas 77511 Staff Reporter Phone: 281-388-0616 www.edwardjones.com Former Alvin City Manager Member SIPC Paul Horn eased into the Alvin mayor’s office winning with Buddy’s 51.50 percent of the votes over former City Councilman Jim Landriault in the June 21 run-off O T S election. ld ime ervice When the vote counting was •Pick UP & Delivery •TUne UPs •Grease Jobs done, Horn had 583 votes to •brake service •a/c rePair Landriault's 549, giving Horn a MAHNorVn EL •DiaGnosTics for foreiGn & DomesTic 34 vote margin of victory. Al- businesses,” said Horn who was •fUel inJecTion y most 9 percent of the city’s elec- AAlvinu’s ctityo ma nCagera fromr 2e002 905 S. GORDON ALVIN • 281-585-4013 torate voted the run-off for may- to 2010. 20815 Hwy. 6 - Manvel previous ad OwNeR/OpeRatOR: BUDDY LINDSeY or with 1,137 ballots turned in of He said he plans to meet with 281-489-3399 which five were not marked. each council member to deter- Horn outlined his strategy for mine (Inth Beu sdinireescst iSoinnc eo 1f 99A7l)vin’s State Inspections the beginning of his first term in future. Computer Diagnostic a phone interview. “The toAtalli gdnirmecetinotns is not up AIR “We need new residential ar- to juWset tChaen m Haaynodrl.e All Of Your eas, we nNeEedW ne AwD re FsiOdeRnts and AutomotiveS eNee eHdso rann,d p Waeg eW 3illA CONDITIONING Meet or Beat Anyone's Price. Two members of the Alvin Sun-Advertiser were presented impressive awards at the Texas 11-25-13 & HEATING Press Association annual conference in Corpus Christi last weekend. Sports Editor Stephen Look on Page 8A for our new Collins, left was given the Fred Hartman Excellence in Sportswriting Award and Manag- 281-331-7749 ing Editor Kathleen Holton received the Nancy Monson Spirit of Freedom of Information "On the Market" Real Estate Award. The winners are shown above with the newly installed President of the Texas Press www.coolingtexas.com Association Randy Mankin. Read more about the awards on page 5A. Showroom! TACLB006978E MANVEL CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH BC AUTO Auto Care CARE CENTER OF ALVIN, REPAIR PLLC Family Owned & Operated Since 1997 NEW AD FOR One Day Service We make house calls. In Most Cases 02-27-13 Dr. 2301 S. Gordon Our in-home services include Skilled 281-331-5781 *Watch & JeWelry repairs ~ 3 MECHANICS ON DUTY ~ Nursing, PT, OT, Medical Social Worker, Jeffrey • 5 LOCATIONS • *clock sales Engine & Transmission Overhauls, Brakes & Home Health Aides, Providers/Caregivers (State Recognized Emission Repair Facility) Tune-Ups, Timing Belts, Water Pumps, A/C, Azbill WHEEL ALIGNMENT Family Owned & Operated *Work Done on premises Alternators, Starters, Front End Repair, •We accept Medicare, Insurance, Self Pay• AC, Suspension, Computer Diagnostics, for over 96 years 214 W. Coombs • Alvin, Texas Alignments & Inspections. 218 W. Coombs St., Alvin, Texas and Complete Auto Repair 20815 Hwy. 6 281-331-8209 (281) 331-4852 281-331-1516 281-331-5088 ASE MASTER TECHS 281-489-3399 PAGE 2A, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 This page is recyclable x MUST PRESENT COUPON Manvel council COUPON - CLIP IT to hold public A Big Dude! & SAVE! hearing on $9.99 Adults annexation $7.99 Kids & Seniors 65+ By David Money Staff Reporter Manvel City Council mem- bers revisited an item they turned down at the June 9 City Council meeting and voted June 16 to hold a public hearing with the Planning, Development and Zoning Commission to deter- mine the zoning of the incoming annexation areas. The city manager and city secretary convinced a majority ~ WE CLIP ~ of the Council to vote on hav- YOU SAVE at ing the joint public hearing and posting notice in newspapers rather than mailing out letters to every residence in the planned annexed sites. Having the meeting and post- COUPON EXPIRES 7-2-14 ing in newspapers would save the city money and labor, both City Manager Kyle Jung and City Secretary Tammy Bell said. Alvin Police Department Lt. Kenneth Darnell spent some time on one of his off days to talk “It would take me months to about the Çaiman, a mine resistant ambush protection vehicle, the city of Alvin recently do this,” Bell said. received from the Department of Defense. But Mayor Delores Martin harkened back to the begin- New Caiman vehicle donated to city nings of the current annexation plan. “I was opposed to this all By David Money sure, he said. along. We should have looked Staff Reporter The big-duty, 12-foot tall vehicle was de- into what the expenses might be signed to protect passengers from explosives down the road,” she said. There is more to government surplus than buried on areas the big bruiser might travel She also expressed concern cheese — a lot more, consider the 48,200 lbs. across in military situations. that not everyone in the effected vehicle the city of Alvin received from the De- But for its use in Alvin and the area the ar- areas would get the message. partment of Defense recently. maments have been removed, Darnell said. “Not everyone gets the news- Alvin Police Department Lt. Kenneth Dar- “Hopefully we are not going to run over any paper and would not see the no- nell hear that the League City police depart- mines in Alvin,” he said. tification and therefore would ment got one and thought that such a vehicle In fact the use of the 23-foot long vehicle not attend,” she said. would benefit Alvin. will only be for SWAT operations and in storm But Council voted 6-1 to go “I talked to the lieutenant who did the pa- and other disaster rescue situations, he said. ahead with the joint public hear- perwork there,” Darnell said. A few months The interior of the transport will have two ing and notification of it in the later the city had the Caiman, a mine resistant modes, one for SWAT and the other for res- legals section of newspapers. ambush protection vehicle. cue. Both the Manvel City Coun- “We picked it up April 21 in Sealey,” he “You are not going to see us joyriding down cil and the city’s PDZ commit- said. Gordon Street,” he said. tee held public hearings June 16 It is a heavy-metal vehicle that feature The 8-and-a-half-wide vehicle still needs a on zoning changes to the city’s 200-pound plus back doors, a Caterpillar C9 lot of work, but APD personnel will take care code ordinance. engine and tires that hold 100 pounds of pres- See Vehicle, page 3B Jeff Payson, the president and owner of Cervelle Homes, spoke against the ordinance Council limits smoking of e-cigarettes SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES See Manvel, page 3A By David Money be up to the individual business Police Chief Robert Lee Staff Reporter owners as to whether it is al- brought the need for the ordi- lowed are not. nance to the city’s attention ear- Electronic cigarettes will now All three of the men credited lier this year after attending a be treated the same as tobacco e cig for getting them off of to- meeting of police chiefs around cigarettes in Alvin after the City bacco cigarettes. Texas. Council voted 7-0 June 19 to “My sense of smell has im- At the June 19 meeting, Lee regulate their use in public plac- proved, my sense of taste im- told Council he still firmly be- es, including restaurants. proved since quitting,” Ritchey lieved there was a need for the Before the vote, three people said. ordinance. spoke against the ordinance’s “I don’t know how vaping “The issue I have is the nico- wording that would not allow could lead to smoking,” Laboyd tine content,” Lee said. smoking in restaurants. said. He said vaping in public Dale Ritchey, a businessman, “I have been smoke-free for places and restaurants should be and Charles Laboyd, both said almost a year and my health has banned because if there is nico- "vaping", a term for using an e improved,” he said of his con- tine in the vapors (some studies cigarette, as opposed to smok- version from tobacco to elec- show there is, he noted), then it ing a tobacco cigarette, should tronic cigarettes. is a hazard. He told the council the ordi- nance would give the city some Modern Dentistry way to regulate e cigs and e liquids that produce the vapors given off by the devices. by Raymond B. Fournier, D.D.S. PC “This will ban it from children at the point of sale,” he said. The Council also gave a bid MAKING WISE CHOICES to CPR Services and Supplies When it comes to deciding whether or not to have wisdom teeth extracted, there are a which has an estimated annual number of factors to consider. While some individuals have enough room in their dental arches cost of $25,000 for the purpose to accommodate all their wisdom teeth, those with smaller jaws often find that their wisdom of buying corrugated polyethyl- teeth erupt improperly. As a result of coming in crookedly, their third molars are difficult to brush and floss, which can lead to increased risk of gum disease and cavities. To avert these potential ene pipe with an option to later problems, some patients elect to have their wisdom teeth extracted. However, some people do on add a year at the same prices not realize that their wisdom teeth are impacted (trapped beneath the gums) until an x-ray and conditions. indicates as much. If so, a consultation with the dentist is needed. Council awarded another Many times wisdom teeth -- the third molars in the very back of your mouth -- do not have bid to T Construction to reha- room to grow properly, which can cause problems. Erupting wisdom teeth can grow at various bilitating and replacing 18,250 angles in the jaw, sometimes even horizontally. For more information about our dental services, linear feet of sanitary sewer we invite you to call us today. We would like to increase dental awareness and stress the importance of regular dental care. It’s never too late to start good oral hygiene. Remember that line with funds of $1,135,165 nothing is more economical than regular dental checkups. For gentle compassionate dental coming from the Texas General care, call 281-331-0020, or visit us at alvindentalcare.com to schedule an appointment. Land Office’s Hurricane Dolly We’re located at 1701 Fairway Plaza, Suite 20, on Highway 35 By-Pass. and Hurricane Ike Recovery P.S. Wisdom teeth (third molars) are the last teeth to erupt, usually somewhere between Grant. the ages of 14 and 21. We Appreciate Your Dedication Debbie S. 23 Years for of Service Your Alvin Walmart Family Debbie 400 S. Bypass 35 • Alvin • 281-585-2825 Claim Supervisor WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, PAGE 3A This page is recyclable x ON THE MARKET Alvin • Manvel Santa Fe HOMES/PROPERTY Liverpool Iowa Colony Familiarize your Exclusively advertise Please Call Real Estate business to your company here: over 15,900 households Me Today! A/C, H R , ome epAiR in the Alvin/Manvel L S , F S , Awn eRviCe inAnCiAL eRviCe areas here. T , H A , 832-867-8444 iTLe ome ppLiAnCeS Call for Details! i , e . Call for Details! nSuRAnCe TC To Place Your Listings Call Brenda or Darlene @ 281-331-4421 J H m ust umor e By Brenda Groves, Staff Columnist If I Had a Hammer... “Vengeance is mine!” saith a his wife and children and all of any injustices done to us are ac- 4-year-old with a hammer. his property, toward payment of tually quite trivial in compari- Now, I vaguely remember that debt. son to the debt in which God wielding dad’s tools while my But the man fell on his knees forgave us. older siblings scattered in all di- and cried out for mercy and the Remember that through the rections. king was moved with compas- blood of Christ shed for us we But other than this sketchy sion for him and forgave him the have been given UNLIMITED memory and several “unreliable entire debt! FORGIVENESS from God. witnesses,” there is no real evi- Now, this servant went out Let’s allow this to soak into dence to prove this family fable and found another servant who our hearts today. Where the to be true about me. (I mean, owed him a very small amount love and mercy of Jesus Christ they have no scars or anything of money in comparison (say becomes more real to us. Brenda Groves to show for it.) $100 dollars). But the indebted I make a choice each morning But then again, knowing the Jesus as my Lord and Savior. And man didn’t have the money and and declare out loud: “I choose way I could hold a grudge. Justi- when a person does this from begged for mercy, promising to not to be offended today.” Be- fy my actions. Plan and rehearse their heart, He exchanges our pay it all back. cause I am dead to self but alive my revenge. I probably did arm corrupted nature that causes us to The man refused to excuse the to Christ living in me. 214 W. C OOMBS myself with weapons of “mass sin for His loving nature. And we debt and actually began to choke So when your emotions want A , TX construction” and chase my sis- receive a regenerated heart. his fellow servant, then had him to act like an angry/hurt 4-year- LVIN ters around our yard. It is the amazing truth that thrown into prison until he could old with a hammer, disarm them 281-331-4852 After all, offenses clung to God dealt with ALL offenses pay. with the word of God and the Hours: me like glue. In fact, I was even by placing sin upon the perfect When the other servants love of Jesus Christ. Tues.-Fri. 9-6 quick to take up other people’s Savior, Jesus, who was judged found out about it they told the (Ex. 21:23-25; Romans 5:7) Sat. 9-4:30 offenses, too. (As if I didn’t in our place. king and he was VERY angry Contact Brenda Groves at: have enough of my own.) For most of my life I had and said to the unmerciful man, [email protected]. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES I disliked and hated people imagined a harsh God, yet when “You wicked servant! I forgave (some I barely knew) because I submitted myself to Him I en- you all that debt because you they had wronged a friend or countered a loving Heavenly begged me. Should you not also family member. (Have you ever Father who embraced me with have had compassion on your done that? And then they make kindness, mercy and grace be- fellow servant, just as I had pity up, and you’re stuck in the awk- cause of what Jesus did for me. on you?” ward position of “offense lim- In light of how forgiven we So the king delivered him to bo.”) are by God it is not being Christ- the torturers until he should pay When we are offended or like when we demand that oth- all that was due him. hurt, we often feel justified in er’s earn our forgiveness Jesus went on to say, “So My holding a grudge. Jesus died for every person’s heavenly Father also will do And people will still quote sins. He extended forgiveness to to you if each of you, from his (or live by) this Old Testament us while we were still sinners. heart, does not forgive his broth- verse, “Eye for eye, tooth for We should do the same. er his trespasses.” tooth.” Many people simply do In Matthew Chapter 18 Je- He loves us so much, and God not feel free to forgive until the sus tells a parable about a king knows how damaging unfor- offense is paid. This was my who went to settle accounts and giveness can be not only to other philosophy, also. found out that one of his ser- people but to ourselves. But I’ve been changed. I’m vants owed him a large sum of So when people wrong us we still tempted and not perfect in money (as an example, say $1 should remember the great mer- how I choose to deal with ev- million) but was not able to pay cy that God has shown us and ery situation, BUT definitely it back. extend that mercy to others. changed. So the king commanded that Like the huge difference in I am not who I was. I received the servant be sold, along with dollar amounts in this parable, Horn Manvel Continued from page 1A Continued from page 2A changes because passing them would increase costs that he would have to pass on to future customers. “I want to make you aware of the costs,” which he said if the measures were passed would add $6,000 to $30,000 to his customers’ costs. The proposed changes include one that would extend set back limits of new homes built in the city limits or extraterritorial ju- risdiction to be eight feet apart rather than five. “This would just mean more yard to mow. People would rather have that (the extra set back feet) in the house,” Payson said. Sherry and Paul Horn pose in their backyard in Alvin before the Despite Payson’s objections run-off election results rolled in June 21. the commission members voted to move the recommendations to The mayor and Council need a monthly workshop where the City Council. to come together on goals,” he citizens can come in and tell us During the city’s public hear- said. “We need to look at in- what is going on in their minds,” ing on the matter, Kevin Holland frastructure. I know we have said Horn who, while city man- who is with Cervelle Homes, some problems there,” said ager, helped annex land off of voiced his objection to the set Horn whose prior service as city FM 1462, SH 288 and SH 6 for back limits. manager was the longest in 30 future development. “The fire code calls for three years. The mayor said he also wants feet. You ask for five feet, now “The city right now is work- to have a monthly letter from you are wanting eight feet. I will ing on the City Comprehensive the mayor’s desk to help inform have to pay for that,” Holland Plan. I want to bring in citizens Alvin residents what the city is said. to get involved with that plan,” doing for them. The Council will look into the he said. “I definitely want to get the ordinance changes at a future I am also going to establish citizens involved,” he said. meeting. PAGE 4A, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 This page is recyclable x E /o ditorial pinions V F t r V F t l iEws rom hE ight iEws rom hE EFt By Carm Hooper By Donna Cozart pauley To Be or not To Be...Caliphate Appointment in Samarra The views expressed are those of the group has been and still is fighting in Syria. The views expressed are those of the author, sult will be the same. The Sunnis and the Shiites author, not the Alvin Sun-Advertiser. The fact is “Islam” is an umbrella name not the Alvin Sun-Advertiser. will go right back to their in-fighting; they will for a religion. Just as Christianity is an just be better armed. The Middle East is experiencing turmoil umbrella under which you find numerous An old Mideast fable: “A merchant in Bagh- So let’s see if I have this straight. We have of epidemic proportions. First Tunisia be- denominations with the same basic beliefs dad sends his servant to the marketplace for pro- spent almost a trillion dollars of our hard-earned came inflamed over the economic and so- but some doctrinal differences that separate visions. Shortly, the servant comes home white money in Iraq. A total of 4,489 soldiers are now cial conditions in the country. them, so Islam has “denominations” – Sun- and trembling and tells him that in the market- dead. Over 100,000 have been wounded – some Then Egypt erupted in rebellion that ul- ni and Shi’a, being the predominant sects. place he was jostled by a woman, whom he rec- severely. timately ousted President Hosni Mubarak Unlike Christian demonimations, Islam- ognized as Death, and she made a threatening And what is happening in Iraq today? They are and continues to this day with sporadic ic denominations are known to have little gesture. fighting each other in the streets. ISIS, a terrorist outbursts and political disquiet as Presi- use for each other and can become violent Borrowing the merchant’s horse, he flees at group that puts Al Qaeda to shame, is moving dent Mohamed Morsi, elected in 2012 and towards one another, striving to maintain top speed to Samarra, a distance of about 75 aggressively into Syria and Iraq, taking control ousted in 2013, is sentenced to death for or gain power over the other. miles, where he believes Death will not find him. of multiple towns on its way to the prize: Bagh- the second time. The question in my mind after all this re- The merchant then goes to the marketplace and dad. Libya joined the “revolution” in Feb- search is, is the striving of the Sunni sect to finds Death and asks why she made the threaten- All that uber-expensive military equipment ruary 2011 and by October 2011 Colonel re-establish the “Caliphate?” “The caliph- ing gesture. we left behind for the Iraqi army has been taken Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s dictator, was ate is the only form of governance that has She replies, ‘That was not a threatening ges- over by them. Those Iraqi soldiers we spent so dead. The first free elections took place in full approval in traditional Islamic theol- ture, it was only a start of surprise. I was aston- much time training and so much money arming July, 2012; and we should all know what ogy, and “‘is the core political concept of ished to see him in Baghdad, for I had an ap- are dropping their uniforms and weapons in the happened in Benghazi on September 11, Sunni Islam ...”’1 pointment with him tonight in Samarra.’” streets. 2012. Is it possible, since much of the Islamic It is a story about fate, about kismet, about It was inevitable: Death has come back to Then it was Jordan’s turn to demonstrate population of the various Middle Eastern inevitability. In trying to avoid an appointment Iraq, riding the coattails of the extreme terror- beginning in January and coming to a head countries are Sunni Islam, is it possible that with Death, the servant puts himself right in her ist group ISIS. And to make it even more ironic, in March. People were demonstrating their these Sunni Muslims are in the process of path. This is a perfect analogy for our involve- their leader was born and raised in ... wait for it government because of the deficit and in- setting up the atmosphere necessary to re- ment in Iraq over the past two decades. When ... Samarra. His name is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, flation. establish an Islamic Caliphate from which our second President Bush sent American troops which appears to be an alias. He is a murky fig- Bahrain was next, followed by Palestin- to impress the teaching of Mohammad on into the country, under the pretenses of the threat ure who many claim to be more dangerous than ians protesting against Israel, then Saudi the rest of the world? of weapons of mass destruction, I thought it was Osama bin Laden. The United States has placed Arabia, and Syria – which we heard more They have killed those who do not meet a bad idea. A really bad idea. a $10 million bounty on his head. than enough about; then Yemen. the criteria of Muslims (folks who couldn’t Even though, at the time, I didn’t know there Al-Baghdadi and his fellow jihadists are car- The “Arab Spring” they called it. Was answer questions about Islam) and those were no WMDs in Iraq. Unfortunately, because rying out summary executions on Iraqi sol- it really all about democracy and the rep- who claimed Christ. of the patriotic and political fervor resounding diers and policemen, as well as civilians. They resentation of citizens in the countries in- They have set the stage in the Middle through our nation’s streets because of the trag- are posting barbaric videos online to show the volved? East by turning what was stable or shaky- edy of 9/11, many of our congressmen, includ- world that they will stop at absolutely nothing Now we have the invasion of Iraq by stable into chaos. Would not the establish- ing Hillary Clinton, voted a resounding Yes to to achieve their goals. In one particularly hei- forces of the ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and ment of a Caliphate bring peace and the invade. (To her credit, she has admitted that she nous video, ISIS fighters are seen knocking on the Levant, a “state” we remind you does stability that these Islamic countries have was wrong to cast this vote.) the door of a police major in the dead of night. not yet exist per se). This ISIL is a group lacked for many, many years? My response at the time, though (or because) I When he answers, they blindfold and cuff him. that formed as an off-shoot of al Qaeda, an Is this concept sci-fi or does it have some am a red-white-and-blue patriot: we should get Then they lay him on his bed and carve off his off-shoot so violent that al Qaeda has cho- basis in reality? out of Baghdad as quickly as possible. No inva- head with a knife to the lilting tune of a religious sen not to have them associated with the There are some who have predicted sion. No occupation. Bring the boys (and girls) hymn playing in the background. world’s foremost terrorist group. such a movement and been mocked for it. home. No good can ever come out of this. I was They next tweet the man’s decapitated head, The news over the past few days has told Perhaps inquiring minds DON’T want to upset that Bush led us into Iraq. Then I was upset laying between his own legs, with this message: us of the murder of countless people who know. Perhaps the Iraq War and the war in because he left us in Iraq. “This is our ball. It is made of skin. #World Cup.” could not answer questions about Islam Afghanistan were orchestrated to prepare Then I was upset with Obama for the same Why in the world we thought we could go into or who were Christian and refused to re- the climate for just such a happenstance. dang reason. A sovereign nation needs to figure a country with backward, medieval ideals and nounce Christ. Perhaps ... It all bears watching ... with out its own problems – with no outside interfer- values and make a difference is anyone’s guess. People beheaded as their children an open mind. ence. We can stay in Iraq for one year or ten Death has kept her appointment in Samarra, as watched. We already know that the same 1http://islam.wikia.com/wiki/Caliphate years or twenty years, but when we leave, the re- expected. Letters to the Editor Letters Policy: Comments on subjects of general public interest from readers are accepted. All letters must be signed, include a home address and phone number, conform to published standards, be lim- ited in length to 500 words, and be in good taste and good reason. Please, limit letters to 500 words. All letters will be subject to editing in content and length. The use or republication of any material of The Advertiser is strictly prohibited without the express consent of the management. Dear Editor: When the Republicans vote holiday to honor all the men and Carm Hooper, have you for- for war and send in their boys women who have died while in gotten who started the Iraq war and grandchildren there would the military. under lies, got over 4,000 men be a difference; say something There should be celebrations $79 killed and over 30,000 injured? positive for a change. of the lives of these fallen he- You are always ranting about Thank you, roes. Obama; it gets old; look at your Beulah Johnson Instead, people have turned former president and see what it into just another three-day he done to this country. It’s a Dear Editor: weekend to have time off of shame and a crime. Memorial Day is a national work and to party. I would even wager that many of our young people do not even know the The Alvin Sun SUN-ADVERTISER history of this day. Published on Mondays Published on Sundays I find part of the fault with The Alvin Congress when they decided ADVERTISER to move Memorial Day from May 30 to a specified Monday. Published on Wednesdays The Alvin VFW and the Alvin JIM SCHWIND. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Editor & Publisher American Legion take turns DONNA HOPKINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Office Manager hosting a celebration each year. BETTY CRAWFORD. . . . . Classified Advertising Manager This year was the American Le- gion’s turn, and they had a nice KATHLEEN HOLTON. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Managing Editor celebration with a decent turn- STEPHEN COLLINS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sports Editor out of our citizens. BRENDA GROVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising However, there were no lo- DARLENE HALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Advertising cal dignitaries or press there, no LINDA KNIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Composing Supervisor one taking pictures, no write-up DAVID MONEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Staff Reporter of the event in the paper. But a week later we opened a SHERI SAENZ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typesetter new animal shelter, and every- POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to The Alvin Sun & Advertiser, one and his brother turned out! PRESALE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT: QMP EVENT CENTER 570 Dula Street, Alvin, Texas 77511 This newspaper covered the Silvias in Clute | Gulf Ins, Freeport | Jimador, Angleton Periodicals Postage Paid at Alvin, TX event and had several areas of and Online emiliodlgangleton.eventbrite.com 979.665.1923 | 1040 S. Velasco | Angleton 570 Dula Street, Alvin, Texas 77511 • (281) 331-4421 the paper plastered with pic- This page contains opinions and comments. Editorials express The Alvin Sun-Advertiser viewpoints. Other items which appear are expressions of those whose name appear, and may or may not reflect The Alvin Sun-Advertiser opinions. tures of the ribbon cutting, Comments on subjects of general public interest from readers are accepted. All letters must be signed, home address and phone number given and conform to published standards limiting in length to 500 words, be in good taste and good speeches, etc. reason. Please, not more than 500 words. All letters will be subject to editing in content and length. The use or republica- tion of any material of The Alvin Sun-Advertiser is strictly prohibited without the express consent of the management. The articles detailed the S Y L B UPPORT OUR OCAL USINESSES Periodical for speeches. The police even had 2013 Sun-Advertiser & Alvin Sun is #16340. part of Highway 6 blocked off. Permit for Alvin Advertiser is #54. See Letters, page 5A WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, PAGE 5A This page is recyclable x “More Bank For COME SEE OR CALL TODAY Your Buck...” Together we are B O C . . .B Y F ! UILDING UR OMMUNITY ANKING OUR UTURE Bypass 35 @ Fairway Dr. • Alvin, Texas 77511 • 281-388-5200 Lorilynn Wynn www.TexasAdvantangeCommunityBank.com 281-388-5200 Holton, Collins honored at TPA conference Staci Ray Shugart and Nathan Edward Batson During the Texas Press As- Stephen Collins was present- of judges who selected them as in Feature Writing to Reporter sociation annual conference in ed the Fred Hartman Excellence winners. David Money's story, "In the Announce Their Engagement Corpus Christi on June 21, two in Sportswriting Award. Judges also awarded the Al- Line of Duty" and Collins story, members of the Alvin Sun-Ad- Fred Hartman, vice president vin Sun Advertiser third place "Answering a Different Call". vertiser staff were honored for of Hartman Newspapers, which their work. sponsors the annual award pre- Managing Editor Kathleen sented Collins with a plaque. STANTON’S Holton was presented the Nan- Along with a plaque, he re- cy Monson Spirit of Freedom of ceived a check for $1,000. MARINATED FRYER Information Award for the state Collins submitted five of his of Texas. best stories for the calendar year THIGHS, DRUMS Her award was selected the 2013, including a feature on best in the state for her story and Houston Astros' President Reid editorial on the city council's Ryan. LEG QUARTERS OR plans to build a $10 million gun Another of his entries fea- range without putting the issue tured a Manvel softball player's on the ballot for citizens to vote journey from finishing a soft- 99¢ on it. ball playoff game at 2:30 a.m. Holton also addressed the ex- and then traveling from Bryan penditures which had already to Austin to win the state high been made, including a trip to jump later that day. Las Vegas in a story and edito- Both Holton and Collins sub- rial in 2013. mitted their entries to a panel LB. Letters Staci Ray Shugart and Nathan Edward Batson are excited to announce their engagement. Staci is the daughter of Steve Continued from page 4A and the late Sue Shugart, of Alvin. Nathan is the son of Lisa STANTON’S MARINATED STANTON’S MARINATED and Charles Belletto, of Alvin, and James and Bonnie Bat- It is sad that not only are the to insure our freedoms. PORK RIBS BONELESS CENTERCUT son, of Alvin. Both Staci and Nathan are graduates of Alvin veterans groups the ones putting Truly we have lost sight of PORK CHOPS RIBLETTES High School. Staci is a dental assistant in the Pearland area. on the celebration when in my what is important when we put OR $199 $399 Nathan is a licensed electrician working in the Houston area. opinion it should be done by the more emphasis on the opening A small wedding is planned for early July. Staci and Nathan city, but no local mayor, council of an animal shelter than honor- will make their home in Alvin, Texas. or candidates even show up to ing our fallen heroes. LB. LB. honor those who gave their lives Sincerely, Sun Spots Toni Tax LEAN TENDER STANTON’S HOMEMADE BEEF RIBS SMOKED SAUSAGE EXTREME We welcome news about upcom- Teresa Bitner, senior RE event from 3-5 p.m., Oct. 4. $179 $449 ing events from nonprofit orga- specialist, will host a Boom- Donations are now being ac- NUTRITION nizations. These notices may be ers and Beyond informational cepted. To make a donation, call edited and will run on a space- event for those 50 and older Donna Walleck at 281-331-3888 ANNOUNCES LB. LB. available basis. Undated items from 10 a.m.-noon, June 26 at or Charen Teague at 832-385- will run first in the next three pa- the Alvin Senior Center. 6296. HOPE Clinic is a 501(c)3 Alvin/Manvel STANTON’S HOMEMADE TRY BACON WRAPPED BACON OUR pers after submission. Run dates agency. Visit www.hope-clinic. BIGGEST JALAPENOS cannot be guaranteed unless All Monsanto and Solutia org. published as paid advertising. retirees are invited to the Mon- LOSER W/CREAM CHEESE $499 santo/Solutia Chocolate Bayou AHS Class of 1953 meets for & SMOKED Dine at Longhorn Steak- Retirees’ Club quarterly meeting lunch on the second Tuesday COMPETITION SAUSAGE house in Pearland June 24 at 6 p.m., Saturday, June 28 on of each month. For location in- LB. OR SHRIMP and 25, and 10 percent of the west side of the Alvin Senior formation, call LaRue at (281) Cash & Prizes your check will go to Shriners Center, 309 W. Sealy. For more 585-1444 or Flora Ann at (281) to top 3 winners Hospitals for Children. Must information, call 281-585-5012 331-0582. (based on weight loss percentage.) use voucher (see today’s paper) or 281-331-2177. Call today to sign-up between 11 a.m. and 10 p.m. The Alvin Senior Cen- or for more details. 92 n Longhorn Steakhouse is located The Alvin Youth Livestock ter hosts an open music jam Weigh-ins begin at 2809 Business Center Drive. and Arena Association will from 6:30-9 p.m., Wednesdays. June 25th-28th hold its 38th Annual Summer Come play and sing a little, or 979-257-8739 BASF Planetarium full Series June 29 and 30; and July just enjoy the music. Country, 200 E. House St. dome and live narration will 6, 7, 13, 14, 20 and 21. Sun- bluegrass, gospel, etc. (next to snap Fitness) Prices Good WED, JUNE 25 TO TUES , JULY 1, 2014 be held at 7 p.m., Tuesdays in day events will begin at 5:30 June. Admission is adults $5, p.m. with mutton busting, steer Homemakers who want to students $3, members free. The riding, goat tying and roping. learn new crafts and home- presentation is “Black Holes Mondays start at 5:30 p.m. with making skills while interact- GO GREEN!!! – Journey Into the Unknown.” exhibition barrels. Competi- ing with other homemakers are “Wildest Weather in the Solar tion starts at 6 p.m., featuring invited to visit the Alvin Exten- System” will be presented Fri- barrel racing and pole bending. sion Education Club. Meetings days in June. For more informa- A Stick Horse Rodeo will pro- are held at 10 a.m. on the sec- Subscribe To Our e-Edition tion and to register, call (979) vide competition for ages 6 and ond and fourth Wednesday of 265-7661 or go online. Brazo- younger. The public is invited, each month at the Church of the sport Astronomy Club is open and admission is free. Full con- Nazarene, on the corner of Kost to the public and meets at 7:45 cession stand will be available. and South streets. For more in- p.m. the third Tuesday of each The arena is located at CR 351 formation, call Nelda at (713) month. For more information, off FM 517. 408-4281. visit bcfas.org or call (979) 265- 3376. Females age 50 and older Alvin Squares square danc- 12 Months Subscription $32.00 can sign up now to enter the ing group meets at 7 p.m., Bay Area Harbour Play- Ms. Alvin Senior Queen pag- Thursdays at the Alvin Senior house Summer Drama Camp eant. Packets can be picked Center. They offer square dance invites the public to “Cinder- up at the Alvin Senior Center. lessons, with a free trial period. 6 Months Subscription $18.00 ella” June 24-July 3. Perfor- Orientation is at 10 a.m., July mances are at 11 a.m. and 1 8 at the Alvin Senior Center. See Spots, page 5B p.m., Monday-Friday. Tickets Former queens will share their 1 Month Subscription $3.25 are $5 adults, $3 students. For experiences and give informa- B I R T H D A Y S reservations call 281-337-7469 tion about serving as queen. The or fax 281-534-7361. Bay Area pageant is Sept. 12. Welcome! Harbour Playhouse is located at at 13 Days Subscription $1.25 3803 Hwy. 3 in Dickinson. HOPE Clinic will hold its ALVIN BOWLING CO. 281-331-4487 annual Scoops for Smiles www.alvinbowling.com To Subscribe, Please Contact The Alvin Sun & Ask For Melissa 281-331-4421 Or Sign-Up On Our Website: www.alvinsun.net *No Charge If You Are Already A Paid Mail Subscriber. PAGE 6A, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 This page is recyclable x Houston Cathy Braddy and Brittney Hawkins Dance Arts Symphony present annual recital free to public Save! Save! Save! honors 5 Piece Bedroom Suite conductor $999 The Houston Symphony and its musicians honor the life of re- nowned conductor Rafael Früh- beck de Burgos by offering fans free access to an audio stream of $200 the Houston Symphony’s April OFF $400 2011 performance with Maestro OFF All Recliners Frühbeck de Burgos. Sofa & Love Seat Sets The program, which includes Rimsky-Korsakov’s Schehe- razade, is available at hous- tonsymphony.org/audiostream and through the Houston Sym- phony’s mobile application now through July 9. The musicians of the Hous- ton Symphony granted special permission to make this concert broadcast audio stream possi- ble. Generous support was also provided by the American Fed- 30% OFF eration of Musicians, Local AF Cathy Braddy and Brittney Hawkins Dance Arts presents their annual recital at the new Mark of M 65-669 and by the Sym- Twain school, located at Hwy. 35 N at Kendall Estates, one at 3:00 p.m. and one at 6:00 p.m., All Entertainment Centers phony’s radio partner, Houston Saturday, June 28. The public is invited, and admission is free. Public Media’s Classical 91.7, who originally recorded the OPEN concert and offered permission Former council member, wife grow tomatoes 7 DAYS to stream. A WEEK Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos By David Money “I get from a place in Rock- Then once a week she sprays died June 11, a week after an- Staff Reporter port.” the leaves. She chases that nutri- See Symphony, page 7A “It’s three bottles that you tious blend with a calcium bath Alvin amateur gardeners are mix two together and wait five that keeps the plants healthy and MON.-SAT. 9 AM - 7 PM reporting bumper crops this minutes, then mix in the third happy, she said. SUN. 11 AM - 6 PM Gutters & More WESTERN RUSTIC year’s of one of America’s fa- one and wait 15 minutes,” she But what does one couple do www.westernrustic.com SEAMLESS GUTTERS vorite vegetables that is actually said. See Balkums, page 7A • COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL a fruit. Located in Alvin SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES 713-817-0546 / 281-331-7000 Darlene and Doug Baulkum www.guttersandmore.net have been growing tomatoes for the past eight years in their backyards. “I’m the one that raises the to- matoes,” Darlene said. She de- veloped a love of gardening in the days of her youth when Vic- tory Gardens were all the rage and necessity, she said. The couple’s 12 tomatoes plants are more than 8-feet tall and giving up pounds of tomato, she said. Darlene said she does have a secret to growing tall healthy to- mato plants and it has nothing to Darlene, center, and Doug Baulkum, right, have been growing do with the color of one thumb tomatoes in their backyard for the past eight years. Last year’s or the other. plants produced about 900 tomatoes, and the year before that the It’s all in what she feed the Baulkums had around 1,400 tomatoes. This year’s plants are more growing green giants, she said. than eight feet tall. Brad McCallay helps the Baulums show off some of this year’s tomatoes. (Staff photo) – – BULLETIN BOARD Call 281-331-4421 70 You Can Place Your Ad for Only $ Per 4-Week Run (1 mo. minimum) which includes 4 runs in Alvin Advertiser & Alvin Sun Website LAND CLEARING The Button Lady R. Tree BY MULCHING All Star STATE CERTIFIED MINOR/ADULT CLASSES NO BURN PILES Services Propane Order First National Bank • 1600 Hwy 6 #319 • Alvin, TX 77511 BUILD Now!!! Commercial/Residential LIVESTOCK FENCE Lease a Tank from For Me Barbed or Field Fence 20 Years of Experience All Star Propane, You’ll Get... FREE ESTIMATES • INSURED BUY RENT SKID STEER • Prompt Service • Fair Rates • Treated as a Valued Customer! Discount Smith Family • We have bucket truck • We take care of endangered trees Reunion Quantity your sofa at ATTACHMENTS Trash Hauling ~ Stump Grinding RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL & AGRICULTURAL Applies! Email: FuBrneistut re Tree Trimming ~ Lot Clearing 281-585-0705 ALL AMERICAN BRUSH CUTTERS Cell Rene Romero [email protected] 281-389-0888 832-493-1904 281-431-5868 BUNKY & SON Gutters and More FREE FREON Construction, LLC Seamless Gutters FULL SERVICE REMODELING CONTRACTOR With Service Call & FOR HOMES OR OFFICES COMPLETE AUTO REPAIR • Commercial • Residential FREE ESTIMATES Diagnostic Charge (Foreign & Domestic) Serving the Alvin Area for over 20 Years Located in Alvin Call Today! • STATE INSPECTIONS • Schield A/C 713-817-0546 / 281-331-7000 603 W. Sealy • Alvin 281-245-6243 281-387-8796 www.bunkyandsonconstruction.com 281-331-3345 www.guttersandmore.net TACLA3552C Member of the Alvin-Manvel Chamber of Commerce 30+ Years Experience K. PENNOCK CONSTRUCTION Residential & Commercial general contractor-barns, garages, add-ons, build- outs, concrete, patio covers, carports, hardy plank siding® & more. G D S ROUNDHOG IRT ERVICES Call manvel, texas 31 Years Experience - Local Company Excavating • Precision Landscape • Building Pads [email protected] Driveways • Mowing • Ponds 281-331-4421 281-489-7101 Bus: 281-581-2114 www.insideouthomesvcs.com free estimates Johnny Page to place your ad 281-804-8399 Cell: 713-320-5661 NOW OPEN Flattering ALVIN EXTENDED STAY MOTEL 406 East Highway 6 Fashions Alvin, TX 77511 281-968-7800 • General Call Call Call [email protected] Sewing 281-331-4421 281-331-4421 www.alvinextendedstay.com 281-331-4421 • Alterations Ask For The • Crafts to place your ad to place your ad to place your ad “Sun Discount” 281-435-2641 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, PAGE 7A This page is recyclable x Symphony •Weddings Kendall and Pauline Gideons Continued from page 6A •Quinceañeras Celebrating 60th Anniversary nouncing he would retire due to conductor. My fellow musicians in C Major, but had to withdraw •Reunions a cancer diagnosis. and I will fondly remember the his involvement due to poor At the time of his death, he time we spent making music with health. The performance contin- •Beautiful, tree was chief conductor of the him. We are so proud of the work ued as planned with conductor Danish National Symphony we have done together; it is our Courtney Lewis as his replace- filled park w/Banquet Orchestra and a beloved guest honor to share this performance ment. Named Conductor of the Hall for 400 people conductor for the Boston Sym- as a tribute to his memory,” Year by Musical America in ALVIN ROTARY phony Orchestra, Philadelphia said English Horn player Adam 2011, Rafael Frühbeck de Bur- Orchestra, New York Philhar- Dinitz, chair of the Musicians’ gos had recorded extensively for PARK monic, Los Angeles Philhar- Committee of the orchestra. EMI, Decca, Deutsche Gramo- monic, Houston Symphony and In March 2014, Rafael Früh- phone, Spanish Columbia, and www.alvinrotary.org many others. He was 80 years beck de Burgos was scheduled Orfeo. Several of these record- old. to conduct the Houston Sympho- ings are considered to be clas- 281-331-4200 “Maestro Frühbeck de Bur- ny’s performance of Stravinsky’s sics.Houston gos was a brilliant and inspiring Pulcinella and Beethoven’s Mass Free home safety checks Where offered for senior citizens Produce Is Raised & In recognition of National ties. “It is critical for families Prices Are Safety Month, the Home In- and seniors to invest the time in Lowered stead Senior Care office serv- identifying the necessary home ing Galveston and Brazoria safety modifications to ensure it counties is offering a free home stays that way.” safety checklist for area seniors Senior home safety experts HOMEGROWN and their families. recommend that adult children According to the Centers of seniors take at least one day Tomatoes Kendall and Pauline Gideons of Alvin are celebrating 60 for Disease Control and Pre- each year to perform a thorough years of marriage on June 29. They were married at Little vention, nearly 20 million se- safety check of their parents’ Creek Methodist Church in Archibald, La. on June 29, 1954. niors ages 65 and older visit home. Jalapeno They have lived in Alvin for the past 48 years. In 1966 Ken the emergency room each year “An annual safety check can was transferred to Alvin by Phillips 66. He worked for Amoco with almost a third of the vis- help seniors avoid dangers that Hot Peppers at Chocolate Bayou and several oil companies in downtown its related to injuries, many could threaten their indepen- Houston before he retired. Before her retirement, Pauline of which are sustained in the dence,” said Delgado. “When taught second grade at Mark Twain Elementary School in Watermelons home. However, almost half of we go into homes, we see a lot Alvin ISD. Their children are: Ginger Keown and her hus- all home accidents by seniors of red flags that are easily over- band, Marvin, of Athens, Texas; Pat Gideons and his wife, (48 percent) can be avoided ac- looked by those who are familiar Yellow Cheri, of Alvin; and John Gideons of Washington, DC. They cording to a recent survey of with the home. Most of the time, have three grandchildren and ten great-grandchildren. emergency room doctors, con- these are relatively easy and af- Squash ducted by the Home Instead Se- fordable fixes—and they could nior Care® network be the difference between a trip New Potatoes Have an idea for a story? Give us a call! “The home should be the to the emergency room and stay- safest and most comfortable ing safe at home.” Egg Plant place for aging seniors,” says To request a free home safety Alvin Sun-Advertiser 281-331-4421 or Cara Delgado of the Home In- checklist, call the local Home email us at: [email protected] stead Senior Care office serving Instead Senior Care office at Bell Peppers Galveston and Brazoria coun- 409-762-0444. For other re- sources, including online safety Cucumbers Balkums assessment and recommenda- tions for inexpensive modifica- Purple Hull Peas Continued from page 6A tions, visit www.makinghome- saferforseniors.com. with such a bounty of red deli- 281-585-3531 ciousness? They can’t eat them all. Dixie Girls They package up the tomatoes Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Daily! Collectibles and give them to friends from A Variety Of Sauces & Dressings You Can’t Get At Ordinary Stores. & Resale Texas City to Manvel to Rosha- Open: 9 am - 6 pm • 7 Days/Week ron. 281-585-4494 CASH • CHECKS •ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED “It’s just like being Santa 22221 W. Hwy. 6 • Manvel Claus at Christmas,” she said. “It is our privilege to go around Visit These Businesses giving them away. We enjoy do- ing and it’s a lot of fun.” In another part of town, we find another backyard garden hanging heavy with fruit. Shirley Snider is minding her On Our Website: alvinsun.net 24 Celebrity and Homestead to- mato plants keeping them bug free and pleasing to the eye. to view products, Gardening is part of Snider’s daily routine. “I walk my two miles every services & special offers morning, then come out and pick my tomatoes,” she said. Alvin resident Shirley Snider shows off her tomato plants in her “I picked 40 pounds the other backyard and has a bucket full of big tomatoes she picked from her day (June 11) and 87 pounds the plants. (Staff photo by David Money) next day. I enjoy working in my garden.” Some of Snider’s tomatoes go Cathy Braddy and Brittney Hawkins to people who offer to buy them from her, others go to friends. Dance Arts But some tomatoes get “Hometown of Baseball Legend Nolan Ryan” chopped up right away to make Presents a salsa. (281) 585-3359 “Fun In the Sun” Still others are destined to be www.alvintexas.org canned, she said. “When I got them at Stanton’s in March they were little six- inch plants,” she said. According to a handout from John Gordy, the Brazoria Coun- ty agriculture extension agent, it takes depending on the variety of tomato, anywhere from 54 to 83 days for a plant to grow and Mark Twain Elementary produce fruit. Kendall Estates Hwy 35 N Gordy also recommends fu- ture gardeners get a soil sample Alvin, Texas 77511 analysis so that they know what Saturday, June 28th 2014 type of soil they have and how 3pm and 6pm to fertilize it. FOR MORE Heiman Ranch Dog Boarding INFORMATION “Let Your Dog Have a Vacation Too” call 281-331-4421 Your pet will have a 9’ x 10’ or 6’ x 8’ Climate Control • Indoor A/C & Outdoor private A/C Suite with doggie door to Security Cameras • Bathing • Onsite Resident his/her own fenced outdoor area. Recommended by Area Vets Your pet can go in and out all day and Background Music • Geriatric Care see other animals that live at the ranch. Groomed Playyards We also have a “Spa Day” which Multiple Discount • Country Setting includes a playday, bath, trimmed toe- nails and massage for $30.00 (longhair $20.00 per 24 hours Advertise Your Business to our $40.00) We require vaccination records including Bordatella. 8543 County Rd. 511•Rosharon, TX 77583 30,000/mo. visitors on our www.heimanranchdogboarding.com 281-682-9211 Contact us for a tour website for as little as $199/mo. of our facilities. PAGE 8A, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 This page is recyclable x ON THE MARKET Alvin • Manvel Santa Fe HOMES/PROPERTY Liverpool Iowa Colony Located in popular Kendall Lakes, D.R. Horton builder. Home Impressive has only been occupied since Oct. 2013. Updates, must see. Stainless appliances, granite countertops, French doors, patio Home! area, nice color decor, ceiling fans, arches, island kitchen, deep under mounted sink, double sinks in master. Located walking distance to school, minutes to Pearland, BeltwaRy$.E1 6D5U, 5C0E0 D KENDALL LAKES 4 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath, subdivision lot 4119 Candlewood, Manvel Cell: 713-818-7133 2197 N. Bypass 35 w/spacious back yard - $175,000 MUST SEE! $439,900 Home: 281-388-2425 Alvin, TX 77511 Broker, GRI, ABR, CBR Fax: 281-388-2193 [email protected] This 4/3.5/3 located in a beautiful community! With wrought iron stairway, study, large open living area with vaulted ceilings, game room Professional Advice from and media room, 4 bedrooms and 3 full baths. ANDERSON PROPERTIES 2197 N. Bypass 35 • Alvin, TX Sherri Holt (979) 848-7808 DENISE [email protected] www.har.com/cristalyanes Cristal Yanes 979-549-9700 Cell: 832-444-4225 Realtor® DAWSON LIKE NEW Realtor ® HOME 4/2.5/2 Corner Lot Lots of Upgrades 5% Grant for Homebuyers $189,000 Through SETH 5 Star Texas Advantage Program Anderson Properties TOP PRODUCER The SETH 5 Star Texas Ad- grams and Down Payment 2197 N. Bypass 35 / Alvin, TX vantage Program is designed Assistance Programs. 713-410-4852 Cell / 281-388-1900 Offi ce www.har.com/rosagallo to help Texas homebuyers Assistance is provided in Rosa Gallo [email protected] with down payment and clos- the form of a gift. The maxi- REALTOR® ing costs when purchasing a mum amount of assistance is home. This program provides 5% of the loan amount. a Grant of up to 5% of the There is no repayment ex- loan amount. pected for the Grant received, Am I Eligible? Homebuyer Education No “first time homebuyer” The SETH 5 Star Texas requirement. Advantage Program will re- Must qualify for a mort- quire all borrowers on the Wanda Morris gage loan with a participating mortgage loan to complete REALTOR® 112 S. Gordon • Alvin, TX 77511 lender. the Seth on-line homebuyer 281-993-3707 Buyers are required to education course. The class is www.weeksric.com complete the on-line SETH divided into several segments Anderson Properties Homebuyer Education Class. and can be completed at your 2197 N. Bypass 35 Home must be located in a convenience. The curriculum Alvin, Texas 77511 Program Area with a maxi- covers many topics, includ- Cell 281-734-8320 mum sales price of $250,200. ing: shopping for a home, un- Offi ce 281-388-1900 Texas Monthly Magazine Denise Dawson Buyers annual income not derstanding the loan process 5 Star Realtor [email protected] REALTOR® to exceed the following limits: and what to expect as a new 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 www.har.com/Wanda Morris Brazoria Co. $87,170 homeowner. Galveston Co. $76,590 The cost is $100.00 for one Anderson Properties Harris Co. $76,590 person and $60.00 each for 2197 N. Bypass 35 Fort Bend Co. $76,590 multiple borrowers. The class Alvin, Texas 77511 Program guidelines is provided in English and Cell 281-731-1410 and income limits available at Spanish. Offi ce 281-388-1900 http://www.sethfc.com/. Why not get the help of- Fax 281-388-2193 Program available State- fered to you for assistance WELCOME HOME! Spacious Multi Million Dollar Producer 4-2.5-2 in Forest Heights, wide except the following with down payment and clos- Robin Ramirez zoned a/c & heat, fresh paint [email protected] cities: El Paso, Grand Prairie ing costs. Realtor ® & recent fl ooring! Make your www.har.com/denisedawson appointment today! $178,900 and McKinney. Information provided by andersonprops.com This program can be com- Denise Dawson - 281-731- 112 S. Gordon Direct: 713-305-8160 Alvin, TX 77511 Offi ce: 281-993-3707 bined with local MCC Pro- 1410. A member of the franchise system of BHH Affi liates, LLC www.weeksric.com [email protected] Suzanne Sheehan Dillmann Chris Cameron REALTOR REALTOR® 832-859-1600 Anderson Properties [email protected] 2197 N. Bypass 35 [email protected] Alvin, Texas 77511 www.cbunited.com/suzanne.dillmann Sandra Curtner Cell 832-434-6384 Realtor ® Offi ce 281-388-1900 [email protected] 112 S. Gordon Ph: 281-993-3707 8603 BROADWAY 109 andersonprops.com Alvin, TX 77511 Cell: 281-923-0136 PEARLAND, TX 77584 UNITED, REALTORS® www.weeksric.com [email protected] A member of the franchise system of BHH Affi liates, LLC To Place Your Listings Call Brenda or Darlene @ 281-331-4421 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, PAGE 1B This page is recyclable x Softball trio named to All-Greater Area Softball Team Nichols & Bosworth both selected to first squad, Males gets second team nod By Stephen Collins (Cinco Ranch) and Samantha Sports Editor Show (East Bernard); catcher Emily Garza (Magnolia); in- A trio of area diamond stand- fielders Tori Vidales (La Porte), outs earned spots on the All- Cortni Emauel (Ridge Point), Greater Houston Softball Team. Rhonda Jarvis (Deer Park), Au- Alvin Lady Yellowjackets’ brey Leach (The Woodlands) Outfielder Kinsey Nichols and Rylee Rodriguez (Pearland and Manvel Lady Mavericks’ Dawson); outfielders Jasmine Catcher Kaylee Bosworth were Vasquez (Bellaire), De’zha both named to the first team, Scott (Spring) and Merris while Lady Jackets’ Pitcher Schroeder (Cy-Fair) and utility Kaitlyn Males made the second players Rylie Spell (Pearland) team cut. and Kristen Clark (Foster). The list was released last Rupp was named the pitcher weekend by another local pub- of the year and Vidales was lication. tabbed as the league’s top hitter. Nichols, a four-time all-dis- Other second team picks fea- Kinsey Nichols Kaylee Bosworth trict selection, batted .467 with tured pitchers Payton McBride Shore and Fort Bend Austin. Amy Alexander, Morgan Kil- while going 18-17 overall. Garey, Che’Re Mason, Kaylee four home runs, 34 RBI’s, 38 (Deer Park), Shelby McGlaun The Lady Jackets also posted a len, Alisea Balderaz, Gabby The Lady Mavs swept La Bosworth, Sara Silvas, Jillian runs scored, 22 stolen bases and (Atascocita), Maddy Stuice solid 27-6 overall record with Gonzalez and Alyssa Moscot. Porte in the bi-district best-of- Thomas, Cecily Macias, Jewel a .740 slugging percentage. (Seven Lakes) and Shelbi Sun- Newsom picking up her 300th Manvel competed in the post- three series. Lara, Baylee Allender, Alyssa The Lady Jackets’ speedster seri (Santa Fe); catchers Kaylee career coaching victory as well. season for a sixth straight year, The Lady Mavs’ Playoff fea- Villanueva, Melissa Mejia, Brit- was also picked to play in the Parker (Liberty) and Haleigh Males tossed three shutouts finishing as the third seed from tured Lisa Mejia, Jordan Franks, tany Thompson, Kelsey Voyles Texas Girls Coaches’ Associa- Davis (Bellaire); infielders Sar- during the playoffs and Gabby 22-5A with an 11-3 league mark, Marissa Hernandez, Caitlyn and Cameron Hightower. tion All-Star Game in Arlington ah Baker (Barbers Hill), Alexus Gonzalez also picked up a cru- next month. Huffman (Waller), Kristen Cuy- cial win in the circle in the se- Bosworth, who earned All- os (Pearland), Kaitlyn Washing- ries finale against Fort Bend A District 22-5A MVP honors, ton (Atascocita) and Whitney Austin. provided equally lofty numbers Watson (Brazoswood); outfield- Alvin slugged seven home lvin with a .419 batting average, 10 ers Chelsea Wood (Westside), runs during the postseason as home runs, 39 RBI’s, 30 runs Bailey Sousa (Huffman), Niki well with Alexander and Sosa Hometown Storee scored and an .876 slugging Turner (Pearland Dawson) and both going yard twice, while percentage. Lindsey Stewart (Pearland) and Kelsey Barba, Nichols and Se- “DON’T RENT Males went 20-4 from the utility players Caitlin Plocheck gura added a longball apiece. circle with a 1.07 earned run av- (Deer Park) and Kelbi Forten- The Lady Jackets’ Playoff erage and 191 strikeouts in 157 berry (East Bernard). roster included Desiree Bar- YOUR APPLIANCES” innings pitched. Advancing to the postseason rera, Eva Pourcio, Marisa Sosa, Joining Nichols and Bos- for the 18th time in the last 19 Kinsey Nichols, Kelsey Barba, Sears offers “No Credit worth on the first team were years, Alvin won the District Jessica Moore, Bailey Thomas, Check” on NEW appliances pitchers Randi Rupp (Barbers 22-5A Championship outright Alexis Barraza, Vanessa Se- Hill), Abby Langkamp (The with an impressive 13-1 mark gura, Dalyn Balderaz, Skylar and lawn equipment. Woodlands), Christina Big- and posted playoff best-of-three Anguiano, Kaitlyn Males, Ni- gerstaff (Cy Fair), Kayla Ober series sweeps over both North cole Delaune, Payton Norwood, See Store Associate for details 2625 Hwy 35 Bypass@Mustang • 281-331-0944 PAGE 2B, THE ALVIN ADVERTISER, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25, 2014 This page is recyclable x Campbell’s Texas Football Magazine hit local newsstands last weekend CARROLLTON – The annual summer honoring the top college players in the edition of Dave Campbell’s Texas Football state; magazine will be on newsstands all across •The annual Super Teams and Top 300, Texas as of Friday, June 20, and this year’s honoring the top recruits in the state; cover is green and gold all over — specifi- •In-depth analysis of each in-state FBS cally, Baylor green and gold. program’s 2014 team, plus coverage of The 55th installment of the Southwest’s Texas’ FCS, DII, DIII and JUCO teams; BEST 4 LESS leading football source features Baylor • The coveted Coverboy spot for every University Head Coach Art Briles, Quar- high school classification; and, terback Bryce Petty and Wide Receiver •An individual preview of every high OUTLET Antwan Goodley. Gracing the cover of the school team in Texas — more than 1,400 “bible of Texas football,” the defending in all! • Clothes • Electronics Big 12 champions are pictured in front of New features for the 2014 Summer Edi- the soon-to-be-completed McLane Stadi- tion include: • Shoes • Accessories um, determined to prove the Bears belong • Expanded high school rankings; among college football’s elites. • An illuminating main feature on Art “It was a slam-dunk pick for the cover Briles and the Baylor program by Texas this year,” Managing Editor Greg Tepper a state-of-the-art new stadium, Baylor is, Monthly’s Jason Cohen; said. “Each annual edition of Texas Foot- for the first time, the football epicenter of • Picks and predictions for all Texas ballaspires to reflect the biggest story in the Lone Star State.” colleges and regional rivals; the state that year, and there’s little doubt The annual magazine covers college and • An expanded national college football that the Bears are the biggest story in Texas high school football in Texas as no other preview; and, football. With the meteoric rise of the long- publication can. Among the standard fea- • An expanded private high school sec- June Additional downtrodden program – thanks in large tures in the 2014 Summer Edition are: tion, featuring more private schools than part to consummate Texan Art Briles – plus •The Preseason All-Texas College Team, ever. 30% Discount Lions’ Club presents checks to youth sports leagues with this Ad 109 W. Coombs # Suite 200 • Alvin, Texas 77511 (281)824-4457 The Alvin Lions Club presented checks to two Alvin youth sports leagues at the June 17 meeting at Joe’s Ban- quet Center. In the photo on the top right, Jennifer Zamora, left, and Tonya Ruiz, right, both of the Alvin Little League get a check from Gabe Adame. In the bottom right pho- to, Shawn Ruby, right, of the Alvin Youth Soc- cer Club receives a check from Adame. 3539 N. Bypass 35 Alvin, TX 77511 Rent-A-Lane 281-824-8109 $19.99 SPECIALS ALVIN BOWLING CO. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES 281-331-4487 www.alvinbowling.com Get Pro Quality Without The Pro Price www.toro.com Residential & Commercial 0 Prices Starting TORO® Zero-Turn Mowers At $2399.99 Down $2399.99 as low as 0% & • Comprehensive warranties 0% Financing Available • Decks available from 32” - 72” • P remium transmissions & twin Financing c yli nder engines • Automatic braking system • T ub ular commercial-grade frame • E Axclvusaiviel aSmbalret Spe•eU dse rC-froienndtlyr foealtures • Fabricated deck provides strength and durability Purple Monkey Fun Run needs sponsors • Heavy-duty transmissions Gill’s SMALL ENGINE SALES, INC. The 10th annual BENeezy Purple Monkey Fun Scholarship Fund benefitting Alvin High Ath- Parts & Service S(teoero d.ceaa lfeorr o Cra tnoarod.icaonm residents) Mon. - Sat. Run/Walk is slated for Aug. 30 at Alvin ISD Me- letes. fPorro wduacrrta anvtayi ldaebtialitilys,. pricing & 1615 W. Adoue St. 8 am - 5:30 pm morial Stadium. Sponsors are still needed for the Registration forms can picked up at the Alvin stop edceiaall eprr oopmtiootnio.ns are subject Alvin, TX • 281-331-4000 CLOSED SUNDAY event. High School athletic office and is also available The race drew a record 642 runners for the on Signmeup.com 2012 race and continues to draw close to 600 Early packet pickup is Aug. 29 at the Alvin N e e d i n g t o G e t ruTnnheisr sy eeaacrh’s yeevaern.t includes the 5k/10K run get- YMRaCcAe dfraoym re 8g ias.tmra.t-i7o np .ims 6. -7 a.m. at Alvin High ting underway at 7:30 a.m. on a certified course. School’s Gym III. C o v e r a g e o n a L o c a l TWhTeesh tre aD ckueidm sstb’a l1retKs. artu tnh est caortrsn aetr 7o fa .Sme.c oanndd wStirlel ecto avnedr c9a6An7 0rce oaon rbt aubcsyti nLeemesnsaenisyl w(oGar naVrticinciagk. ylte oGo nsaparorcdina@s oasrtb t8ch 3eg2 le-o4vb4ea4nl-t. S p o r t s E v e n t ? theT hAeH 5SK t/r1a0cKk. registration is $25 before Aug. 25 neSt p).o nsorship forms can also be found at purple- and $35 from Aug. 26 to race day. monkeyfunrun.com Registration for the 1K is $10 before Aug. 25 Sponsorships need to be submitted by Aug. 1. and $15 Aug. 26/race day. “We just keep getting a little bigger each year. Make check out to the Ben Garcia Memorial We had 540 runners four years ago (in 2010) and Scholarship Fund. that was shattered in 2012, said race director WANT or NEED All proceeds go to the Ben Garcia Memorial Lenny Garcia. Coverage of a VOLLEYBALL CAMPS Local Sports Event, Team or Athlete? Alvin Volleyball All-Skills James Stahl Head coach for Al- camp is $90. Camp - This camp is normally vin Volleyball. Email: JStahl@ Applications can be found on CONTACT: the third week in July and is alvinisd.net the Manvel High School site STEPHEN COLLINS open to fourth through incom- Manvel Volleyball Camp online. Go to athletics and click ing ninth graders. - A volleyball camp for fourth the volleyball site. Sports Editor The camp will be directed graders through incoming ninth Mail applications to Sarah by Alvin Head Coach James graders will be held July 21-24 Paulk; c/oManvel High School Stahl. Any questions about ei- at Manvel High School from Volleyball; 19601 Highway 6; 281-331-4421 or Email: [email protected] ther camp, please call or email 9-11:30 a.m. The cost for the Manvel Texas 77578.