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The Alpha & Omega Bible - I Saw The Light Ministries PDF

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The Alpha & Omega Bible (AOB) Complete Bible COLOR Larger Font Edition (Including Apocrypha) A Study Bible & Restoration of the Original Scriptures Compiled, Edited, Translated & Published by I Saw The Light Ministries Copyright 2015, 2020 I Saw The Light Ministries http://alphaomegabible.isawthelightministries.com UPDATED: May 2020 1 The Alpha & Omega Bible Complete Bible Color Larger Font Edition Copyright permission granted to anyone & everyone to quote, copy, print & use these holy scriptures & notes for the edification of the church. Do not edit this translation. Do not remove any notes, title or copyright notice. Copyright is not meant for profit. This translation is not meant for profit. Copyright is intended only for protection & preservation of the work of The Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Copyright 2015, 2020 I Saw The Light Ministries www.isawthelightministries.com http://AlphaOmegaBible.isawthelightministries.com Paperback copies of The Alpha & Omega Bible are available at www.bookdepository.com Special Thanks to: Robert, AJ, Brittnei, Peter & Kiki for their assistance. 2 Table of Contents: Introduction...................................... 5 Ecclesiastes......................................625 History of the Bible............................6 Song of Songs which is Solomon's...632 Concerning The Word Wisdom of Solomon (Apocrypha)..636 “THEOS ”............................................7 Wisdom of Sirach Name of GOD in Old Testament ...8 (Ecclesiasticus-Apocrypha)............648 Who is The LORD?..........................18 Isaiah (Jesaias).................................680 Arrangement of Verses...................21 Jeremiah (Jeremias)........................721 Lamentations..................................760 Old Testament with Apocrypha: Baruch (Apocrypha)......................764 Genesis.............................................22 Epistle of Jeremiah (Apocrypha)...768 Exodus..............................................78 Ezekiel (Jezekiel).............................770 Leviticus..........................................119 Susanna.......................................811 Numbers.........................................148 Daniel.............................................812 Deuteronomy.................................184 Bel & The Dragon.........................827 Joshua............................................215 Hosea (Osee)..................................828 Judges............................................235 Joel.................................................834 Ruth...............................................255 Amos..............................................837 1 Samuel........................................258 Obadiah (Obdias)...........................843 2 Samuel........................................283 Jonah (Jonas).................................844 1 Kings...........................................306 Micah (Michaeas)..........................846 2 Kings...........................................331 Nahum (Naum)..............................850 1 Chronicles...................................355 Habakkuk (Ambacum)...................852 2 Chronicles...................................378 Zephaniah (Sophanias)..................854 Prayer of Manasseh (Apocrypha) 406 Haggai (Aggaeus)...........................856 1 Esdras (Apocrypha)...................406 Zechariah (Zacharias).....................857 nd Ezra (2 Esdras).............................419 Malachi (Malachias).......................865 Nehemiah (Neemias).....................428 Tobit (Apocrypha)........................439 Judith (Apocrypha)......................447 Esther (Hadassah).........................459 (New Testament listed on next page) 1 Maccabees (Apocrypha)...........467 2 Maccabees...............................493 3 Maccabees..............................511 4 Maccabees...............................519 Job.................................................532 Psalms...........................................554 Proverbs........................................607 3 NEW TESTAMENT: Matthew.......................................867 Mark.............................................906 Luke..............................................929 John..............................................965 Acts...............................................993 Romans.......................................1027 1 Corinthians...............................1040 2 Corinthians...............................1055 Galatians.....................................1063 Ephesians....................................1067 Philippians...................................1071 Colossians....................................1074 1 Thessalonians...........................1077 2 Thessalonians...........................1081 1 Timothy (Timotheos)................1084 2 Timothy....................................1087 Titus............................................1090 Philemon.....................................1091 Hebrews......................................1092 James..........................................1102 1 Peter.........................................1105 2 Peter.........................................1108 1 John..........................................1111 2 John..........................................1115 3 John..........................................1116 Jude.............................................1117 Revelation....................................1118 Outline of 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, 7 Plagues.........................................1142 Indentities of Tribes of Israel.......1145 Emergency Numbers & Subject Index on pages 1146-1149. 4 Introduction: To The Glory of The Father; For the Kingdom & for the Body of Christ. This translation is meant to restore the original Holy Scriptures (but translated into English) as much as I am able to do so with the understanding & knowledge bestowed upon me via The Holy Breath (Spirit). I take the translating of Holy Scriptures EXTREMELY SERIOUS. It is a very fearful thing to me to translate the Holy Scriptures. I do NOT take it very lightly. I would not want for my name to be erased from the Book of Life due to taking away from or adding to Holy Scripture! So I have NOT jumped quickly into doing this task. But I feel that now is the time to start this translation for the help of the Body of Christ, the Church. This translation is MUCH needed and it would be irresponsible for me to NOT share in the greatest magnitude what The Creator has revealed to me. Matthew 10:27 tells me that what HE has whispered in my ear in private, to SHOUT upon the housetops! Since I have started this translation, The Holy Breath has already been confirming HIS Blessing, Anointing & Inspiration upon this work and has been giving me the correct words & confirmations of the correct words, including the name “Alpha & Omega Bible”. All Glory to The Father in Mighty Name! The people NEED the most accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures as possible. I do NOT claim that this translation is 100% accurate. But I do intend to make it as accurate as I possibly can & I will be updating & editing this translation on a regular basis. In my personal opinion, this translation is the MOST accurate translation available to the common man in modern times. It is also the only “Study Bible” that I am aware of in which the notes do NOT teach the traditional, denominational, Babylonian doctrines of mankind. The translation of the Old Testament is based mostly upon the 1800's translation of Sir Lancelot Brenton of the Greek Septuagint (LXX), which is in the public domain, plus the Codex Vaticanus. But I have also greatly considered Paleo-Hebrew & thus this translation is not based entirely on the Greek Old Testament. The New Testament translation is based mostly upon the Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece 27th & 28th editions & Codex Vaticanus. For both the Old & New Testaments, I examine & also consider the traditional Masoretic Received Text & 17+ translations. I give precedence to the oldest & most complete Greek manuscripts & to the name of The Creator shown in Paleo-Hebrew. This translation stays more true to the actual meaning of the Hebrew & Greek words rather than the traditional translations of words. For example, the tradition is to always translate the Aramaic "chagag" & the Greek "heorte" to "feast" such as in "the Feast of Tabernacles". However, the actual meaning of these words is a fiesta/festival, a celebration, a holiday, to reel back & forth, NOT a feast of food. All other English translations traditionally use "heaven(s)" whenever referring to the sky, universe or Heaven itself, making no distinction. Whereas, this translation clearly makes the necessary distinction in each case. Whenever a Hebrew or Greek word is too difficult to translate with accuracy, I choose to actually keep the original word rather than translate it, then list the possible translations, giving the reader more insight into the possibilities. I also choose to maintain the actual Hebrew/Greek word whenever the word is still known in modern times, such as "Amen". All other English translations have a tradition of translating "Amen" as "truly" or "verily", which is not necessary. So you can see that this translation is truly more accurate. All Scriptures are written in UPPER CASE as was the case with the original Scriptures. My notes are typed in (lower case, black italics, in this font and in parenthesis). I follow the tradition of all bible translations of putting words in italics or lower case and/or parenthesis if they were not in the original but were added for understanding in English as is required when translating from ancient languages into modern English. In the full color editions of this Bible, ALL OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTURES WILL APPEAR IN BLUE except for the words of the Creator which will appear in dark red, IN THIS FONT, in the New Testament & in Gen; Exo; Micah, Amos & a few other select verses in the Old Testament. Due to time restrains, not all of the words of the Creator will appear in red or special font. Some times, When the New Testament quotes from the Old Testament, IT WILL APPEAR IN BLUE, IN THIS FONT, even if it is the Words of The Creator to show that it is a Old Testament quotation. In the black & white printed editions of this publication, all words will appear in black ink due to printing cost, but will retain the special fonts & the some of the words of The Alpha & Omega will appear as bold. 5 History of the Bible The original Old Testament Scriptures were written in the Paleo-Hebrew language which is extremely similar to Greek and is related to Greek. Then when the Israelites went into captivity in Assyria & Babylon, they learned the Assyrian Aramaic language. Hebrew was outlawed and all the scriptures had to be translated into the Assyrian language in a translation called the Targum. It was a very corrupt translation which also inserted the name of the pagan Assyrian moon god "YHWH", in place of the true Paleo-Hebrew Name. YHWH later was written as Al-Yah & then Allah. (The Targum is the Old Testament translation that Strong's Concordance points to.) Then, in the late 3rd or 2nd century BC, The O.T. Scriptures were restored by translating them into Greek, which is really just a form of true Hebrew. This Greek Septuagint translation removed the horrible pagan god names. But they did NOT put The Creator’s true Name, JESUS, back into the Old Testament. They just replaced the evil moon god name (yhwh) with Adoni or LORD, which are not evil words. When Jesus taught the Bible, it was from this Greek Septuagint which greatly resembled the original Hebrew. Paul and the apostles continued to use the Greek Septuagint, including the Apocrypha. Then they wrote the New Testament books, also in Greek (a form of Hebrew). Eventually the Roman Empire established the Roman Catholic Church which eventually translated all the Scriptures into Latin. Hundreds of years later, Martin Luther translated them into German. Then different people started translating some of the books of the bible into English. The first complete English Bible was printed on October 4, 1535, and is known as the Coverdale Bible. After Coverdale, in 1537, Thomas Matthew (real name: John Rogers) published the next complete English bible called the Matthew-Tyndale Bible. In 1539, Thomas Cranmer, the Archbishop of Canterbury, hired Myles Coverdale at the request of King Henry VIII to publish the "Great Bible". It became the first English Bible AUTHORIZED for public use, as it was distributed to every church, chained to the pulpit, and a reader was even provided so that the illiterate could hear the Word of God in plain English. The KJV was NOT the first authorized bible. Then later, In 1560, the Geneva Bible was published. It was the first bible to have verse numbers, margin references and extensive notes to help the average reader understand. The notes spoke against the Roman Catholic Church. It was not authorized by any of the popes. It became the most popular bible translation among everyone except the Catholic Church. The Pilgrims, Puritans and others who fled to the North American continent, what is USA today, used the Geneva Bible. In 1568, the Bishops Bible was produced. In 1609, the Catholic Church released the Doway/Rheims bible to try to compete against the Geneva bible. But everyone stayed with the Geneva. In 1611, the Church of England, which called itself "the true Catholic Church" released the KJV bible to compete with the Geneva bible. The KJV copied much of the Geneva in order to try to win the support of Catholics. Thus it also took out all the anti-Catholic notes & added things from the Doway/Rheims Catholic bible and inserted many demonic Freemason pictures drawn by William Shakespeare. In fact, the KJV text was in the hands of William Shakespeare for an entire year. They claim only to draw the illustrations. But I firmly believe this famous writer (& Freemason) heavily influenced the text. The people did not embrace this new Freemasonry bible which was titled the “King James Version” which is named after man. It was authorized by the king of England who was a homosexual Freemason. At first, the Catholic Church tried to give a public appearance of hating the KJV. But privately, they were in on it's invention right from the beginning, which they now admit. Eventually, they did everything in their power to promote the King James Version. Over the years, as the Protestant churches became more and more compromising with their doctrines and the Catholic Church grew in America, the pope finally won the hearts of the people with the KJV. Today, most people are unaware that the KJV was NOT the first English bible, was NOT the first authorized bible, was NOT translated from the original scrolls, and was NOT accepted by the early protestant settlers of America. Eventually in 1666, the KJV was altered by removing several books from the bible. Those books today are called the Apocrypha. The translation continued to be altered several times since then. Today, most Christian book stores do not carry the original 1611 KJV bible. Most people who believe in “1611 KJV ONLY” do not even own one. I've met perhaps only 3 people in my lifetime who actually own a 1611 KJV Bible. What people have is actually an 1887 KJV bible which is MUCH different from the 1611 KJV. But both the 1611 and the 1887 are corrupt and extremely different from what the prophets, disciples and apostles wrote. In 1844, Sir Lancelot Charles Lee Brenton published an English translation of the Old Testament Greek Septuagint, based on the Codex Vaticanus which is the oldest, most complete ancient Bible that we have on the planet. Brenton did an excellent job at the English translation but did make some mistakes & did not restore The Creator's Name to the Old Testament. In 1900-1901, The American Standard Version (ASV) was published. It included both the Old & New Testaments. It was a great improvement over the KJV. In 1963-1971, the New American Standard Bible (NASB) was published. It was even a greater improvement, gradually restoring the Scriptures, removing the words/sentences that the Masoretic Jews & the Catholic Church had inserted over the years. In 1995, the translation was updated & improved. But NONE of these translations go deep enough or far enough at restoring The Holy Scriptures. In 2015, The Holy Breath (Holy Spirit) moved upon Apostle Tim of I Saw The Light Ministries to start translating/restoring the Holy Scriptures with the publication of The Alpha & Omega Bible. The first edition was published in Jan.-Feb. 2016 but included only 5 books of the bible. In March 2016 a second edition was released with the addition of 1-2-3 John. The entire bible with Apocrypha was published in December 2016. It has been updated since then & continues to be updated on a monthly basis. 6 Concerning the Word“Theos” Where most modern translations use the German derived English word “God”, The Greek Septuagint (LXX) and other Greek manuscripts of The Holy Scriptures say “THEOS”. The Assyrian Targum of the Old Testament (which Strong’s Concordance references) says “ELohim”. The letters and sound of “EL” originated from “AL” which is “Alpha”. Elohim means “mighty ones” in Assyrian. “THEOS” in the original Paleo-Hebrew language means “The Alpha and The Omega, The Mighty One, from beginning to end, Eternal”. The Greek (and therefore true Hebrew) word for GOD in the Greek Septuagint is “THEOS”which is the combination of two main letter sounds: 1. “THE” (from the letter theta which looked like an O with a line, dot, x or t inside it) and 2. The second main letter/sound is the small o, known as the Omicron. The Omicron originally represented both the long O and the short o. The drawing of a circle or the letter O was the primitive way of referring to GOD. The circle or letter O represented the existence of all things and the source of all life, the Beginning and the End and everything in between. The distinction of “Omega” for only the long O was a later development in the Greek language. When JESUS said that HE was the Alpha and the Omega, HE used the Greek language that was in use in that time frame, which would be contrary to the Zealots (cults that hated & fought against the Greek language). The “Omega” letter came from the Omicron. Originally the Omicron and the Theta (letter picture for the sound of “th” or “the”) both looked the same. Both were a circle with a dot, line, x or t inside it. The first letter A, ALpha, was represented by a drawing of an Ox head. The Ox was synonymous with a circle. The word Ox in the 10 Commandments in Exo. 20:17 is Strongs H7794 (Assyrian)- showr, which comes from H7788 - shuwr, meaning to go round, to travel, to journey, to LOOK around or about. The threshing floor in ancient times was a circular area of smooth rock where an ox would loosen wheat grain from the hard, outer chaff. While “Omega” is known as “The Mighty O”, the word “Mighty” would be another way of saying “Alpha”. Ox and O and Alpha and Theta were all related in the most ancient development of writing. Both theta (Th) and O were represented by a circle. Thus Theos could be written as Oo, (Big O and a little o) Representing The Father and The Son. Both circles could contain a dot, line, cross, t or x. Therefore understanding all of this and more, “Theos” could be correctly translated as “The Alpha and The Omega, The Mighty One, from beginning to end, Eternal, The Supreme Deity”. THEOS is NOT a pagan word. It was a very ancient Hebrew word for The Alpha & Omega. (The “s” at the end of “Theos” in Greek only shows that the word is masculine singular). It is a singular word, NOT plural. It shows ONE GOD, not three God heads. The word “Theos” was originally used only for THE SUPREME BEING, THE CREATOR OF ALL THINGS, The Alpha & Omega. But after men started claiming to be God, they started applying the Name THEOS to themselves. The German word “god” was not yet in use. So they did not say “I am God”, but rather “I am Theos”. As more and more men claimed deity status and eventually told mythological stories of deities, the HOLY word “Theos” took on a new and lesser meaning, as “deity”, “god”, “ruler” and/or “master”. So it became applied to any pagan deity. But this does not prove that “Theos” is pagan. Evil men have always made a habit of stealing what is Holy and defiling it, such as the Holy rainbow. The Greek language is NOT pagan. The word “Theos” is NOT pagan. JESUS and the apostles read & quoted from the Greek Septuagint. They wrote Greek and spoke Greek. The Greek alphabet and language descended from ancient Paleo-Hebrew, a form of Phoenician. In Fact, the word “Paleo” is a Greek word meaning “ancient”, therefore even the name of the ancient Hebrew language declares that it is a form of Greek. Greek is True ancient Hebrew. The so called “Hebrew” language of Strong’s Concordance is actually Assyrian Aramaic and points to the Assyrian Targum translation from the Assyrian/Babylonia captivity, and NOT the original Scriptures. The Alpha & Omega Bible points to TRUE ancient Hebrew/Greek. 7 The Divine Name YHWH, Yahweh, Yahshua, Yeshua, Jehovah or Jesus? What is Traditionally Taught: Most people are taught that in the original Old Testament, the name of the creator appeared as "YHWH", and then people add vowels between each letter, in order to translate it into either Yahweh, Jehovah or some other variation of the Y names such as Yehovah, Yahshua,Yeshua, etc. All of these names & hundreds of variations are based upon the letters of YHWH or JHWH. And this is why many people believe that "Jesus" should be written as "Yeshua" or some other Y name variant. The very first thing we need to understand is that when you go to school in Israel, they teach you that the language of the Jews is not the original Hebrew language. The style of writing letters is also not original Hebrew. As historical records show, and as they teach you in school in Israel, the style of writing & the alphabet is called "the Assyrian Script". This is because when Israel was taken captive by Babylon, thousands of years ago, in the B.C. years, the original, true Hebrew language, called "Paleo-Hebrew" was banned by Babylon & so was the original, true name of the creator. The Israelites were forced to learn, speak & write the Assyrian language & Assyrian Script which both the Assyrian Empire & the Babylonian Empire used. Daniel 1:4 "Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans." It is also documented, well known fact that Daniel wrote Daniel 1:1 until Dan.2:4 in Paleo-Hebrew. But when he got to 2:4, he started writing in Assyrian, Babylonian Aramaic. This change of language was required. The Israelites eventually translated the entire scriptures into the Assyrian language in a new corrupt bible called "the Targum" & almost completely lost their original language. To this very day, the Jews do NOT speak Hebrew, but rather Assyrian Aramaic, but with a Jewish dialect. ALL OF THIS IS THE DOCUMENTED FACTS OF HISTORY! When you look at most websites that proclaim the Y names, what they are calling the "Hebrew" language is NOT the Hebrew language. They are pointing you to the Babylonian Assyrian language, and they are completely ignorant of these very basic elementary school facts! They only call it "Hebrew" because it had become the language of the Hebrew people when they were in Babylon. This is documented FACT & well known in Israel. When you look at Strong's Concordance of the Old Testament, look at the top of the page if you have a hard copy. It says "Aramaic" dictionary, and if you have an older copy, it says "Chaldean dictionary"! Strong's Concordance does NOT give you the original Hebrew words of the original bible! Instead, it gives you the Assyrian, Babylonian Aramaic words of the very corrupt Babylonian Targum bible that the Israelites were forced against their will to write while in captivity! Chart #1 Alphabet Family Tree (Chart does not include all languages throughout history) Notice chart #1 of the alphabet family tree. Notice how "Hebrew" & "Syriac" are brother languages, sons of Aramaic (Assyrian). Yet "Old Hebrew" or Paleo-Hebrew is NOT. They both descended from Phoenician language but Paleo-Hebrew & regular Hebrew are of two different branches. Notice also how that Old Hebrew or Paleo-Hebrew is a brother of Greek. True ancient Hebrew looks & sounds like Greek, they are brothers because history also shows that the Greeks attained their new language from the Israelites. Greek is NOT the original language of the Greek people! Greek is true Hebrew! You can see that VERY clearly by comparing the languages in these charts! Modern Hebrew & the so called "Hebrew" of Strong's Concordance and Assyrian, Babylonian Aramaic look & sound alike, they are closely related, and are actually the same! 8 Chart #2 Aramaic/So Called "Hebrew" comparison Chart #3 Another comparison of Aramaic & Modern Hebrew (Language of Strong's Concordance & Masoretic text) Proto-Semitic Hebrew / Aramaic See how Assyrian/Babylonian Aramaic looks like modern Hebrew! The FACT is that the original sacred Old Testament scriptures were translated more than once. As generations went by & as language evolved & Israel was affected by the evolution of languages and the Babylonian and Assyrian captivity, the scriptures were translated into the language of each era. 9 For example, The scriptures were eventually translated into Greek during the Greek & Roman Empire and then eventually into Latin during the time that the Roman Catholic Church was at it's height in world domination. Eventually it was translated into German by Martin Luther who greatly persecuted the Jewish people. Then eventually the bible was translated into English, but it was OLD English due to the language of the time. Eventually into modern English with the New King James & other modern versions. Time & evolution of languages changed the language of the Bible though different eras. The same was true during the earlier eras. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_Hebrew The scriptures were originally written in "Old-Paleo Hebrew" (true Hebrew) then eventually translated into a Jewish dialect of the Babylonian language of Chaldean/Aramaic. Aramaic, which is actually Assyrian, the language of Assyria & Babylon, was adopted by the Hebrews when taken captive to Assyria & Babylon. Aramaic replaced ancient Paleo-Hebrew. Examine very closely any hard copy of the Strong's Concordance. Notice the "Hebrew" dictionary in the back of the book. Notice how it says "Hebrew and Chaldean Dictionary". Then pick ANY PAGE of that Hebrew/Chaldean dictionary. ANY PAGE. Look at the words on the page. Notice how it says "(Chaldean Origin)" for not just one word but several words, on EVERY PAGE of the old testament words!!!!!!! The common claim is that the Aramaic language is used only in the books of Daniel, Ezra and a few other places in the Bible. However, if you REALLY study & examine all the facts, ALL of the Strong's Concordance Dictionary of "Hebrew" words are actually of the Aramaic, Babylonian, Chaldean or Assyrian languages, NOT TRUE HEBREW. Chaldean was the 11th dynasty of Babylon. Chaldean was the empire of Babylon during the Babylonian captivity of the Hebrew people. It is at that time that the Original scriptures were translated into Aramaic/Babylonian/Chaldean/Syrian. The Aramaic translation of Scripture was called the Targum. The language of the Hebrew People changed from Hebrew to the Chaldean language which is actually Assyrian. Concerning when Ptolemy of Egypt was going to translate the Bible into Greek, The respected Jewish historian, Josephus, said in his book "The Antiquities of The Jews" Book 12, Chapter 2, (page 309 in my copy which is copyright 1987 Hendrickson Publishers) "...will cause no small pain in getting them translated into the Greek tongue: that the character in which they are written seems to be like to that which is the proper character of the Syrians, and that its sound, when pronounced, is like to theirs also...". What does "Aramaic" mean? It means "Assyrian"! Aram is just another ancient name for Syria. Aram is Aramaic or Assyrian. Therefore, Strong's concordance doesn't point to true Hebrew. It points to the Assyrian language. The Israelites adopted Chaldean (Babylonian/Aramaic/Assyrian) words & religious beliefs. The word "Chaldean" means "moon" or "moon worshippers". Smiths Bible Dictionary 1878-1895 (which I personally own a copy of) on page 52 under the word "Chaldea", says that Chaldea means moon in Armenian. Armenian is another language that descended from Aramaic and is closely related to the language of the so called Hebrew of Strong's Concordance & the corrupted Babylonian translation of Holy scriptures. If Chaldean means moon or moon worshippers, then the Chaldean language is the language of the moon worshippers. The word Chaldea also means Astrology or an astrologer. It is the language of wicca. Witches actually chant the letters. What Was Originally Written? Let's take a look at how the original name of the creator was written in the scrolls of the Old Testament in the Paleo-Hebrew language. 1. Reading from right to left, the first letter is the ancient Hebrew Jot/Jota/Jud. Y name followers erroneously call it the "Yod" because they are focusing on letters & sounds of the Assyrian language. It looks like Z (sometimes slated as shown) with a line through it. But it does not have the modern English Z sound. According to what other sound it was connected to in a word, it could have the sound of J, I or E. Since it was connected with the vowel sound of the next letter in the divine name, it must have the J sound. The rule of J sound applied to Latin, Greek & Paleo Hebrew. Y name followers claim there were NO vowels in Hebrew. But how could you write, read or speak without vowels??? That's nonsense! Archaeological discoveries of coins, etc prove that there were vowels. The well respected historian, Josephus, who lived in the first century, said that the priest of the first temple wore the name of GOD on their headbands & that it was 4 vowels! Source: "War of the Jews" 5.5.7. by Flavius Josephus. Josephus was Jewish, the son of a priest & extremely well educated & would have known such things. 2. The next letter looks like a backward E or F. It had the E or EH sound. 3. The next letter almost looks like Y but the top portion of the letter looks like C instead of a pointed Y. In fact, the letter C was sometimes used to represent a sound similar to the S sound. In some scrolls, it looks more like U on the top instead of C. In other scrolls it looks like a S on top of the stick. In the above sample, you can see S if you look at it in a certain way, or U if you look at 10

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