M U T U AL U FO N E T W O RK UFO JOURNAL APRIL 1993 ~f NUMBER 300 $3 THE ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS by Raymond E. Fowler OUR 300™ ISSUE! M U F ON U FO J O U R N AL OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE MUTUAL UFO NETWORK SINCE 1967 APRIL 1993 NUMBER 300 THE ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS Raymond E. Fowler SLOW FIREBALL STARTLES MANY Walter N. Webb REJOINDER TO CRITIQUE OF BUDD HOPKINS Walt Andrus 8 REPTILIANS 8. OTHER UNMENTIONABLES John Carpenter 10 STANLEY INGRAM 8. THE PLANTOS GAMES Don Worley 12 NEWS 8, VIEWS 14 THE UFO PRESS 16 CURRENT CASES 17 MUFON FORUM Letters 19 READERS'-CLASSIFIEDS 20 THE MAY NIGHT SKY Walter N. Webb 21 DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE" Walter H. Andrus, Jr. 24 COVER- Charles Rak (Charlie Foltz being operated on.) Copyright 1993 by the Mutual UFO Network. All Rights Reserved. MUFON UFO JOURNAL (USPS 002-970) No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of (ISSN 0270-6822) the Copyright Owners. Permission is hereby granted to quote up to 200 words of any one arti- 103 Oldtowne Rd. cle, provided the author is credited, and the statement, "Copyright 1993 by the Mutual UFO Seguin, TX 78155-4099 Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd, Seguin, Texas 78155," is included. Tel: (210) 379-9216 The contents of the MUFON UFO Journal are determined by the editors and do not necessari- ly reflect the official position of the Mutual UFO Network. Opinions expressed are solely those EDITOR of the individual authors. Dennis Stacy The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. MUFON is a publicly supported organization of the type ASSOCIATE EDITOR described in Section 509 (a) (2). Donors may deduct contributions from their Federal Income Walter H. Andrus, Jr. Tax. Bequests, legacies, devises, transfers or gifts are also deductible for estate and gift purposes, provided they meet the applicable provisions of Sections 2055, 2106 and 2522 of the Internal COLUMNISTS Revenue Code. Walter N. Webb The MUFON UFO Journal is published monthly by the Mutual UFO Network, Inc., Seguin, John S. Carpenter Texas. Membership/Subscription rates: $25 per year in the U.S.A.; $30 foreign in U.S. funds. Second class postage paid at Seguin, TX. ART DIRECTOR Vince Johnson POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to advise change of address to: MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099. MUFON UFO JOURNAL THE ALLAGASH ABDUCTIONS Four weekend campers in Northern Maine find themselves taking the canoe trip of a lifetime! By Raymond E. Fowler MUFON Director of Investigations Charlie Foltz can see his three naked friends waiting on a bench. Drawing by C. Foltz. O n Friday night, August 20, 1976, four young motionless and soundless about 200-300 feet above the art students in their early twenties left southeastern rim of the cove." Boston, Massachusetts for a canoe and Chuck yelled for the others to look behind them. camping trip in a wilderness area of Northern Maine There, rising above the trees was a huge oval glowing along the Allagash River. The group consisted of object. As their eyes became adapted to its intense identical twins, Jack and Jim Weiner, Charlie Foltz brightness, a gyroscopic motion was noted, as if there and Chuck Rak. Upon arrival at a staging point, they were pathways :of energy flowing equatorially and hired a pontoon airplane which flew them and their longitudinally from pole to pole. This divided the canoes to TeTos Lake on the Allagash Waterway. sphere into four oscillating quadrants of bright colored During the next several days they canoed and camped light. The color changes were very liquid and envelop- along the Waterway. ing, as if the entire object had a plasmatic motion to it, On the evening of Thursday, August 26, they reached like a thick sauce does as it starts a rolling boil. Eagle Lake, set up camp and decided to go night fishing Charlie grabbed a flashlight and blinked it at the ob- for trout. The pitch darkness of the area necessitated the ject. Instantly, the huge rising glowing object came to an building of a huge bonfire to mark their campsite so that abrupt halt and began to slowly approach the canoe. they could find their way back to it. Shortly after be- Simultaneously, a tube-shaped beam of light erupted ginning to fish, Chuck became aware of a feeling of be- from the object and hit the water. A glowing ring with a ing watched. He told us that: dark center reflected on the water's surface, indicating "I turned toward the direction from where I felt this that the beam was hollow. The object and its beam of and saw a large bright sphere of colored light hovering light began moving toward the canoe. Terrified, the APRIL 1993 NUMBER 300 PAGE 3 MUFON UFO JOURNAL doctors asked him to report any unusual experiences The tube-like light seemed to hold the ca- that might be symptomatic of his condition. Jim de- noe steady as each man was put back In his scribed strange experiences that he and his friends had original seating position. experienced since the UFO encounter. These included awaking at night to see strange creatures, levitation campers began paddling frantically toward their bonfire from bed, and temporary paralysis while something was and camp as the beam swept across the lake directly at done to the genitals. He also described their encounter them and engulfed them. with a UFO and the period of missing time. Jim's doc- It was from this point on that the conscious memories tors advised him to contact a UFO researcher as they felt of the four differed according to each witness' vantage that Jim and his friends may have been involved in a point. The next thing Charlie remembered was pad- UFO abduction experience. Jim contacted me during one dling for shore and standing at the campsite with the of my UFO lectures in the Boston area. others, watching the object move away. In January of 1989,1 initiated a formal investigation Chuck Rak remembers staying in the canoe after the with MUFON Investigator and CEIII/IV specialist, others had piled out in panic onto the shore. Transfixed, David Webb (Solar Physicist) and with MUFON still holding his idle paddle, he could not take his eyes Consultant, Anthony (Tony) Constantino (Professional off the object. Hypnotist). It was conducted in a careful and meticulous Jack and Jim were able to consciously remember a bit manner over a period of 24 months. more. Jack said that "It was just behind us and I could It was obvious to us that the period of missing time see that we were never going to outrun the Beam. It was had to be sandwiched between sighting the object and advancing too fast and I remember thinking, 'Holy shit! reaching shore. The beam of light hitting the canoe This is it! We'll never get away.' The next thing I knew, seemed to be the dividing point between memory and we were on the shore getting out of the canoe looking di- amnesia. During the first of a long series of hypnosis rectly at the object which was now about 20 or 30 feet sessions, it was decided to concentrate on this segment above the water. The beam was coming out of the bot- of the terrifying encounter. tom of it like the object was sitting on the beam. It hov- Under hypnosis, all four witnesses relived detailed ered there, right in front of us, completely silent for and traumatic UFO abduction experiences during the pe- what seemed like four or five minutes. riod of missing time. All were transferred from their ca- "Suddenly the beam was pointing up towards the noe into the UFO by the hollow tube-like beam of light. sky. The object began to move up and away from us to- On board, they encountered strange humanoid crea- wards the southwestern sky and then shot into the stars tures that exerted some kind of mind control over them and was gone in just a second." so that they could not resist their demands. Jim Weiner said that "There was no mistake that it was coming directly to us. Then I remember standing on All were made to undress and sit on a plastic-like the lakeshore watching the object hovering above the bench in an area illuminated by diffuse white light. lake 50 to 75 yards in front of us ... Then the search After looking at their eyes and in their mouths with a beam went upward into the sky and we saw it moving pencil-sized rod with a light on its tip, the aliens placed away at a tremendous speed. them in a harness and flexed their arms and legs. Then, "We all seemed to be in a state of shock . . . We just one by one they were made to lie on a table where each stood there unable to move or talk." was examined by a number of strange hand-held and larger machine-like instruments that were lowered over W hen the strange anesthetizing effect wore off, their bodies. During this segment of the examination, the Chuck got out of the canoe and joined the others alien entities removed samples of saliva, skin scrap- as they trudged dreamily up the beach to their camp. ings, blood, feces, urine and sperm from each of the ab- Even in this state, they were dumbfounded when they re- ductees. alized what had happened to the huge bonfire that had After the examinations, the abductees were made to just been blazing several minutes ago. dress and enter another room which had a round portal "When we left to go fishing," said Jim, "we set very in one of its walls. They were lined up and made to walk large logs on the fire to burn for a good 2 to 3 hours. The into the portal. Strange sensations surged through their entire experience seemed to last, at the most, 15 or 20 bodies as they found themselves floating down the hol- minutes. Yet the fire was completely burned down to red low beam of light into their canoe which was now in coals." shallow water near their campsite. The tube-like light At that time, they had no memory of what happened seemed to hold the canoe steady as each was placed in it during the time it took for their huge bonfire to burn in the same seating positions they were in prior to the down. This would remain a puzzle to them for years. abduction. A few years later, Jim suffered a head injury which As the hypnosis sessions continued, much detail was caused tempero-limbic epilepsy. During treatment, Jim's recovered about their on board experience. Also, it was PAGE 4 NUMBER 300 APRIL 1993 MUFON UFO JOURNAL discovered that the twins had had bedtime visitations by Jack and Mary were brought to stand in front of a alien creatures and abduction experiences since early huge house-sized glowing object sitting on a blue light childhood. These experiences were relived in vivid de- that enveloped its underside. The glow around the object tail under hypnosis. itself was changing colors from white to yellow to or- During the course of the investigation an extraordi- ange and purple and back to white. No noise emanated nary event occurred. Jack and his wife Mary were ab- from the object, but the air was filled with the acrid ducted from their remote mountain home in smell of ozone. Then, Jack and Mary were made to Townshend,Vermont. walk into the blue light under the object. Instantaneously During the night of May 20, 1988, Jack's dog woke they were transferred inside of the glowing object. Mary him up when he scratched at the door wanting to go out was separated from Jack, who was made to undergo to relieve itself. When Jack got up to put him out, he was examinations similar to the one that he and his friends shocked to see a blue light shining through the kitchen had experienced twelve years earlier. After the exami- window. He went out to look and saw a glowing object nation, Mary rejoined Jack and they were literally hovering over the field adjoining his house. He decided floated across the lawn from the craft to their house, to bring the dog back in. In the morning, he thought he through the unopened front door and to their bedroom, had dreamed about the whole thing. However, under where they went back to bed in a strange lethargic state hypnosis, he relived a shared abduction experience with of mind. his wife in minute detail. Mary only remembered dream- This experience left physical evidence behind in the ing about deer with big eyes coming to their bedside. form of burns on the bottom of Jack's feet. Jack also re- She did not respond to hypnosis. The following is an ex- ceived a biopsy-like scoop mark above his ankle during cerpt from Jack's hypnosis sessions. still another abduction. "It's blue. A blue light. And I think, 'That's funny. The scoopmark was located just above a scar left That's not the moon.' And then I go to the window and behind during an operation for an anomalous lump that I look out the window and what I see is amazing. I see a had appeared overnight on Jack's leg several years prior. big, bright light and it's right over the truck in the field Jack's local doctor thought it was a cyst, but was unable outside the house. And I'm thinking, 'Oh my God! I to drain it so referred Jack to a surgeon who removed it. can't believe that!' And so I say, 'Mary, get up. Get up Jack was told that local pathologists did not know what and look!' And I run to the door and I go out the door it was and that it had been sent to the Center for Disease and I'm running towards the light up in the field . . . Control in Atlanta, Georgia, for further analysis. Then I see the dog running alongside me ... And so I However, when we checked Jack's medical records, we pick him up and I run back to the house. . . The light is found that it was sent to military pathologists in still there and it's moving . . . And then I put the dog Washington, D.C.. where it was examined by a United back in bed and I'm thinking, 'I don't want to do this. I States Air Force Colonel. Attempts for further informa- don't want to do this now!' I don't want to look at the tion about the anomalous lump were thwarted as the sur- light... So I'm going back to bed ... And I'm thinking, geon would not cooperate with our enquiry. 'I don't want to deal with this now. Why are they here now?' And I'm scared ... so I pull the covers over my D uring the course of the investigation we conducted head . . . and Mary's next to me. And then I know, I witness background checks, examined medical know that something's in the house. I just know that records and diaries, cross-checked witness testimony, co- they're there and I'm under the covers and I think, 'Oh ordinated witness psychological profile tests, correlated God, oh God! Why are they here now? I don't want this witness accounts with other reports and conducted fif- to happen.' (Gasps) And then the covers move and I feel teen hypnosis sessions over a period of 14 months. The something on the cover . . . And then the covers are final 10-volume report numbered over 700 pages. It down and I'm looking there and I was right. They're was made available to UFO researchers and became right there! Oh God! They're right there, right next to the basis of a book on UFO abductions to be published my bed ... It has big eyes and a big head and it's dark by Time-Life. and there's light behind it coming in the door. And it's In summation, this UFO abduction case is unique in just taking the covers away and I don't want to look at it a number of ways. It involved four credible persons ... And I look at Mary ... There's another one there and who all consciously shared the same close-encounter it's next to Mary. And I wish that I could do something with a UFO in 1976 during a canoe trip along the but I can't. I have to do what they want. And the light is Allagash Waterway in Northern Maine. All percipients out there and they want me to go out there . . . They're experienced missing time and relived traumatic com- lifting me. Mary's standing and they're making us move plementary UFO abduction experiences under hypnosis. towards light . . . And the dog isn't doing anything. Two of the abductees are identical twins, which was of We're through the door . . . We walk up the lawn and I great interest to their alien abductors. Our enquiry re- feel like I'm floating ... our feet are on the ground, but vealed that each of the witnesses exhibited the typical my feet are not doing what I want them to." benchmarks characteristic of other abductees. Lastly, APRIL 1993 NUMBER 300 PAGES MUFON UFO JOURNAL all of the witnesses are artists and were able to provide during abductions, not enough is known about the detailed sketches of different aspects of their experi- OBE altered state to link it directly to the interdimen- ences. This has provided the UFO research community sional hypothesis. Other psychic phenomena such as some excellent impressions relating to the appearance of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, precognitive alien beings, their instruments and their craft. dreams, etc. seem to be widespread human talents The many-faceted and intriguing elements of The which may or may not be "interdimensional." My Allagash Abductions also provided a catalyst for a de- own experience with remote-viewing under laboratory tailed correlation of the witnesses' experiences with conditions seems to indicate that it works within our benchmarks exhibited in other abduction reports being physical universe, but this is a purely subjective investigated and studied. Such were derived from an ex- observation. Parapsychologists, although they have haustive survey of 270 reported UFO abductions in the been trying for over a century, have not yet deter- United States and abroad compiled by Dr. Thomas E. mined the source or nature of psychic phenomena. Bullard of the University of Indiana. Some major simi- The "intradimensional hypothesis," as used by me, larities noted were: alien interest in the reproduction refers to the hypothesis that there are other dimensions system and the extraction of sperm from each of the wit- besides our four-dimensional physical world (three space nesses; a series of UFO and related paranormal experi- dimensions and one time dimension). For example, ences that dated back to early childhood; physical marks Theodor Franz Kaluza's 1919 proposal to Einstein of a on the percipients' bodies typical of those on the bodies five-dimensional theory of gravity interested Einstein be- of other UFO abductees; and, the overnight appearance cause a fifth spatial dimension provided enough "room" of a lump above the tibia of one of the twins. to fit the electromagnetic force into Einstein's theory of In addition, all witnesses were subjected to detailed gravity, a problem which Einstein had been unable to interrogations, rigorous character reference checks, 12 solve. Mathematicians of the present day continue study recorded/transcribed hypnotic regression sessions and a into the multidimensional theory. battery of psychological profile tests. We also examined The implication for ufology, of course, is that other a number of alternate theories advanced to explain UFO dimensions might be peopled by intelligent, non-hu- abductions: hoaxes, fantasy-prone personalities, psy- man creatures. Following out this assumption, it is hy- choses, birth trauma memories and archetypical images pothesized that abducting entities interpenetrate from from the collective unconscious. Each of these theo- their own dimension into our own space-time, work ries was critiqued and eliminated in the light of the ev- their mischief, and disappear back into their own di- idence collected during our investigation. mension, leaving little or no verifiable traces. The investigation concluded that the moral character As Jacques Vallee has described in his book of the witnesses, the graphic reliving of their experiences Dimensions, writing about incubi, faerie folk, etc. and as under hypnosis and the extraordinary correlations be- Gordon Creighton has so elegantly written about the tween their experience and that of others provided over- jinns of the Muslim world in FSR (Flying Saucer whelming evidence that their experiences were objective Review), there seems little doubt that the human race has in nature. Such evidence combined with typical physical been harassed for thousands of years by non-physical in- effects on the witnesses' bodies prompted me to evalu- telligences whose true nature and motives remain a ate this case in the great significance category. mystery. The "abducting entities" currently being stud- ied avidly by ufology, in my opinion, might have noth- Ray Fowler's The Allagash Abductions will be ing at all to do with physical UFOs, but are simply an published by Wildf lower Press in May of 1993. old human problem, currently posing as "UFO ex- traterrestrials." The situation cries out for continued LETTERS - Continued from Page 19 study by objective minds. —Ann Druffel INTER/INTRADIMENSIONAL Pasadena, CA Various persons have inquired, through letters to the Journal and in person, for clarification of my term "in- Address letters to the editor, Dennis Stacy, Box tradimensional" as used in my March 1992 "Resisting 12434, San Antonio, TX 78212. Alien Abductions" article. One reader inquired if I re- ferred to 1) a spatial dimension; or 2) hidden dimensions such as in H. P. Lovecraft's books; or 3) the "astral UFOs, MJ-12 AND THE GOVERNMENT:^ plane," where psychic phenomena (astral projection, A Report on Government Involvement in telepathy, etc.) are supposed to take place. the UFO Crash Retrievals (113 pages) Lovecraft's writings are fiction, and have nothing by Grant Cameron and T. Scott Grain to do with ufology. The term "astral plane" as used by Price: $19 plus $1.50 for postage and handling. my inquiring reader, is imprecise. Although many k Order From MUFON, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, TX 78155-4099 / "abductees" report that they seem to be "out-of-body" PAGE 6 NUMBER 300 APRIL 1993 MUFON UFO JOURNAL SLOW FIREBALL STARTLES MANY By Walter N. Webb O n October 9, 1992, about 7:50 p.m. EOT, recent times was the one seen and photographed from hundreds of people from Kentucky to the the Western U.S. on August 10, 1972. This bright day- District of Columbia were awed by a green- time fireball plodded along for up to a full minute or to-orange fireball that moved slowly across the sky on more! It was generally believed to have been an asteroid a flat southwest-to-northeast trajectory before break- that was temporarily captured in Earth orbit before es- ing up over southeastern New York state. The fiery caping back into space. object dropped a 27-pound stony meteorite through It is a myth that all meteors must "fall," that is, follow the trunk of Michelle Knapp's parked 1980 Chevy steep downward arcs. The path depends upon the mete- Malibu in Peekskill, New York. oroid's entry angle into the atmosphere. Four of the Because it was a Friday night in autumn, many of the five spectacular fireballs which I investigated in recent witnesses happened to be attending high school football years had nearly horizontal trajectories. games, resulting in at least two dozen videos of the aer- For ufologists the supposed anomalousness of ial event. (As we all know, camcorders have become in- green meteors flying horizontally stretches back to the creasingly important tools in capturing elusive aerial green fireball (GFB) furor of the late 1940s and early objects.) Recently Bernard Haugen, a MUFON State '50s. The green hue is actually quite common in many Section Director in North Carolina (Oxford), asked me fireballs. The color can come from either atmospheric if I would review one of the videos of the object which oxygen glowing around the meteoroid (the same ele- was shown on Durham's WTVD. Subsequently, Field ment associated with the production of the green auro- Investigator trainee Joe Moore of Butner forwarded the ra borealis) or from magnesium which is abundant in tape to me. stony meteorites. Yet another source of this spectral The video was shot by television cameraman Brad color may be frozen nitrogen present in glowing icy Loch, who was covering a football contest in Fayetteville. meteoroids, the leftovers of old comets. In fact, most His equipment caught about seven seconds of the me- meteors, including many large fireballs, are of teor's nearly horizontal path as it passed over the bleach- cometary origin — ice and dust conglomerations that ers. The object appeared in the sky as a teardrop shape vaporize completely in the atmosphere, disappearing with a short wiggling tail. Complicating matters was a before striking the Earth's surface. (Dare I say that false report on the WTVD newscast that the object "had this might account for the famed GFBs?) fallen to the ground" east of Morgantown, West Virginia, No question that some fireballs do appear anomalous "is still glowing," and "police have cordoned off the to first-time observers. The New England fireball of area." (At my request Haugen attempted to track down June 14,1990, produced a number of UFO reports. This this rumor. It may have been spawned in part by the ap- object flashed bluish-white bursts of light bright enough parent proximity of the fireball as it passed over the lo- to cast moving shadows on the ground and was fol- cal horizon. It is a common illusion that bright meteors lowed by a delayed sonic boom after it disappeared. seem much closer than they really are, appearing to fall One excited woman thought she was being visited by a or land "in the next field" or "just over the hill.") UFO. She reported the bluish-white light shining I have investigated many slow-fireball sightings, through her bedroom window and then felt a "vibrating and I can state unequivocally that the Fayetteville and pulsating ... It was like the ground was shaking un- object was indeed a fireball. The colors, long duration, derneath me." and nearly level path are not particularly unusual fea- In this article I have used several related terms — me- tures of large meteors. Their variable colors are due to teor, meteoroid and meteorite. A meteor refers to the vis- a mix of glowing atmospheric gases surrounding the ible light surrounding an incoming space particle or meteoroid, the object's own stripped-off elements, and mass — a meteoroid. A meteoroid that survives its fiery decelerating velocities as the object plunges through journey through the atmosphere and lands on the Earth's denser layers of air. surface is called a meteorite. The October 9 fireball exceeded 17 seconds on some Incidentally, I owe a debt of gratitude to MUFON in- videotapes and may have approached half a minute in to- vestigators in my region who have often contacted me tal duration. "The Great Northeast Fireball" of March 6, with sighting reports following the passage of an unusual 1991, was visible in broad daylight for some 30 seconds. fireball. Not only have I received these reports voluntarily It followed a similar flat trajectory and covered at least from MUFON State Directors and other UFO investi- 600 miles, like the October object. (One widely quoted gators in New England, but I have also availed myself of airline pilot called the '91 fireball "the mother of all me- this valuable resource by actively seeking fireball reports teors"!) Perhaps the most famous long-lived meteor of from these same individuals. APRIL 1993 NUMBER SCO PAGE? MUFON UFO JOURNAL REJOINDER TO THE CRITIQUE OF BUDD HOPKINS Until a certain dignitary steps forth, the "Linda Cortile" case continues to generate controversy. By Walter H. Andrus, Jr. Beginning in January of this year, authors Joseph of charges. Linda was literally on trial. After several Stefula, Richard Butler and George Hansen began cir- hours of crossrexamining Linda and presenting their culating a 25-page document titled "A Critique of own testimony, Butler and Stefula reluctantly admitted Budd Hopkins' Case of the UFO Abduction of Linda that there was insufficient evidence to support their Napolitano." Stefula is a former Special Agent for the hoax theory. They conceded that there were a few U. S. Army Criminal Investigations Command and a inconsistencies in the statements made to them by former MUFON State Director for New Jersey. Linda, in a private interview, versus what she had told Richard Butler is a former law enforcement and secu- Budd Hopkins. Even though Butler and Stefula were rity police specialist for the U. S. Air Force, now embarrassed by their lack of evidence to prove their researching abductions and government cover-up. hoax claim, they have continued to write articles for George Hansen is an author and parapsychologist liv- potential publication, probably encouraged by George ing in New Jersey. The document has been published Hansen. whole or in part in several UFO newsletters, including However, based upon their knowledge of the case, the HUFON Report, and on various electronic bulletin they felt that Linda should file charges to prosecute the boards. As we go to press, we understand that it is two security men, identified previously as "Rich" and also scheduled to be printed, in whole or in part, in the "Dan," for kidnapping and physical assault. Since we March/April issue of the International UFO Reporter, have been unable to positively identify the security edited by Jerry Clark and published by the J. Allen agency employing Rich and Dan, going to the New Hynek Center for UFO Studies. York City Police Department and filing charges for such an unusual event might have made Linda's pre- C lark invited several of the people denigrated in posterous story look like a joke in the eyes of police of- the "critique" by Stefula, Butler and Hansen to ficials. Linda was also reluctant to file charges because write a rejoinder to be published concurrently she felt that if Rich and Dan were government agents, with their rambling article in IUR. After heading up they were only acting in behalf of national security. It the Mutual UFO Network for 22 years, I have firmly es- was the considered opinion of several of us present that tablished my personal integrity and credibility in the under the circumstances this would have been a futile field of Ufology, therefore feel it is unnecessary to re- and non-productive method to secure restitution from spond to implied character assassination or to defend the Rich and Dan. It would have meant attempting to sue an stature of MUFON to three publicity-seeking agitators. unknown security agency through a mailing of letters to The following narrative, then, is basically an update all possible such organizations within the U.S. to the two articles published in the MUFON UFO Government. This case has ramifications far more im- Journal by Budd Hopkins about the "Linda Cortile" portant than suing Rich and Dan. case for the benefit of UFO researchers. As a participant in the October 3, 1992 meeting at Budd Hopkins' apart- MORE WITNESSES ment in New York City, I welcome the opportunity to Since there were many more witnesses to the event on share with readers what actually occurred at the called the Brooklyn Bridge, and an unknown number of po- meeting. In previous correspondence with Budd tential witnesses in automobiles also stalled near the Hopkins, Stefula, Butler and Hansen asked for a hearing security vehicle manned by Richard and Dan, it was of their charges that the case was a hoax perpetrated by considered prudent to refrain from filing any court suits Linda. Mr. Hopkins made a wise decision by giving that might squelch potential volunteer witnesses from them a tribunal to present their evidence to a panel of coming forward to testify. It is still imperative that Rich qualified and vitally interested researchers, including and Dan reveal their last names and agree to testify those of us who are now responding to their accusations. publicly or in confidence as witnesses. If the identity of the "third man" could definitely be confirmed and if he LINDA ON TRIAL would agree to share his experiences, this would literally Linda, her husband and two sons related their indi- "blow the lid" off the reality of the UFO abduction sce- vidual experiences in an environment reminiscent of a nario. Strong speculation exists that the visual abduction courtroom trial. Rich Butler, acting on behalf of the of Linda was staged for the dignitary's benefit, because claimants, represented them as a proverbial antagonis- he experienced the "full treatment," so to speak. tic prosecuting attorney, working from a prepared list PAGES NUMBER 300 APRIL 1993 MUFON UFO JOURNAL Based upon the significant importance of such dis- George A. Filer, III, who replaced Joe Stefula as closures by the dignitary and additional witnesses, Jerry New Jersey State Director, was also present and lis- Clark and I made an appeal to the team of Stefula, tened attentively at the October 3rd meeting. Mr. Filer Butler and Hansen to refrain from making a formal re- offered me an insight into what may have prompted quest for a federal investigation of the government Mr. Stefula to become a party to this debunking exercise. agents responsible for the alleged felonies for at least six Having been trained in police investigative techniques, months This would allow time for other witnesses to Joe has difficulty accepting evidence in his own mind come forward and permit present witnesses to testify pub- that is not purely black or white. He has also admitted to licly. On October 3, 1992, Joe Stefula was MUFON's Mr. Filer that he really does not believe in the reality of New Jersey State Director, whereas Rich Butler and UFOs, therefore, like Philip Klass, he may have been George Hansen had no MUFON affiliation. After mak- searching for an alternative explanation to the abduction ing a sincere appeal to these three men, both Joe Stefula scenario. Richard Butler professes to be an abductee and Richard Butler consented to the proposal to "buy and was attending Budd Hopkins' abduction support valuable time." Hansen, on the other hand, became very group sessions where he met Linda. Butler brought Joe belligerent, refusing to concede to the six-month de- Stefula as a guest to two sessions, where he interro- lay, and flatly stated that he was personally going to file gated two females present until they were in tears. As a charges as a citizen of the U.S.A. The meeting effectively distinct outsider, George Hansen injected himself into adjourned, since it was apparent that as an outsider. the Linda case by volunteering his writing ability, ap- Hansen had decided to disregard any recommendations parently hoping to gain some degree of recognition in and to take things into his own hands, irrespective of how the UFO field, regardless of whether it was positive or it might hurt Linda and her immediate family. negative. Mr. Hansen has no connections whatsoever with the UFO community and apparently feels that by denigrat- CASE OF THE CENTURY? ing the major personalities in UFO and abduction re- Both Stefula and Butler totally disregard the eyewit- search, he could thus elevate his own questionable ness testimony of Rich, Dan, the dignitary and the lady stature. After two somewhat threatening calls to Walt on the bridge, and then deny that such people really Andrus, George proceeded to forge ahead on his own. exist. If they are actually trained in police investigative The January 8, 1993 article, "A Critique of Budd techniques, as they profess, they must be cognizant that Hopkins' Case of the UFO Abduction of Linda eyewitness testimony is acceptable in a court of law. It is Napolitano," was spitefully written, apparently in hopes difficult for me to understand that on one hand, the wit- that someone would publish it. nesses do not exist, and in the next breath they want to sue them for alleged felonies. W hile I have no intention of responding to the George Hansen has written to several government claims, falsehoods and implied innuendos that departments demanding that they conduct an investiga- are so prevalent in the article, obviously written by tion into their agents' atrocities. The U.S. Secret Service George Hansen, but also signed and supported by Joe contacted Linda and scheduled an interview with her Stefula and Richard Butler, I do feel that it is imperative which was also attended by Budd Hopkins. After hear- to mention one item which the trio has proposed to ex- ing their testimony, the two special agents made an of- plain their suspicions that Linda orchestrated the story. ficial report for their records and thanked Linda and They selected passages, names of characters and events Budd for their cooperation. They advised Linda that if from the science fiction novel Night Eyes by Garfield any other agency should contact her, she should simply Reeves-Stevens, published in Canada in April 1989, a refer them to the Secret Service special agents who few months before Linda revealed her abduction expe- conducted the interview for further information. rience to Budd Hopkins. In order to make these claims Apparently, they did not take Hansen's claims seriously, sound legitimate, it was necessary to change names and treating him as another eccentric or "crank writer." events throughout the book to find similarities between In conclusion, after nearly 30 years in the UFO field, Night Eyes and the Linda case. They imply that Linda I have developed a sensitivity to recognizing witnesses read the science fiction book and then proceeded to or- who are prevaricating or fabricating a story. I am con- chestrate the entire event, witnesses and all. Is this sci- vinced that Linda is telling the truth as she knows it. She entific research or simply, a "shot in the dark" by three is mentally and physically incapable of planning and im- disgruntled individuals? plementing a hoax scenario of this magnitude. I predict Again, I have no intention of debating or refuting that continued investigation of reports from additional point by point 25 pages of typed single-spaced accusa- witnesses and public disclosures by the known wit- tions, references to diverse publications, a science fiction nesses will confirm that the Linda case is indeed "The book and even fantasy role-playing in the game Case of the Century." "Dungeons and Dragons." What does the latter game have to do with scientific UFO research? APRIL 1993 NUMBER 300 PAGE 9