The Alkaloids Volume 12 A Specialist Periodical Report The Alkaloids Volume 12 A Review of the Literature Published between July 1980 and June 1981 Senior Reporter M. F. Grundon School of Physical Sciences, New University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland Reporters K. W. Bentley University of Technology, Loughborough A. S. Chawla University College, Cardiff R. Dharanipragada University of West Virginia, U.S.A, G. Fodor University of West Virginia, U.S.A. H. Guinaudeau University of Limoges, France D. M. Harrison New University of Ulster R. B. Herbert University of Leeds A. H. Jackson University College, Cardiff J. A. Lamberton C.S.I.R .O., Melbourne, Australia J. R. Lewis University of A berdeen S. W. Page University of Georgia, U.S.A. S. W. Pelletier University of Georgia, U.S.A. A. R. Pinder Clemson University, South Carolina, U.S.A. D. J. Robins Glasgow University . J E. Saxton University of Leeds M. Shamma Pennsylvania State University, U.S.A. The Royal Society of Chemistry Burlington House, London W1V OBN ISBN 0-85186-357-4 ISSN 0305-9707 Copyright 0 1982 The Royal Society of Chemistry All Rights Reserved No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without written permission from The Royal Society of Chemistry Printed in Great Britain by Spottiswoode Ballantyne Ltd., Colchester and London Foreword The whole of the alkaloid literature is reviewed for the year with the exception of Lycopodium Alkaloids, which will be given a two-year coverage in Volume 13. As in previous volumes of the series we aim to include all references to the isolation, structure, chemistry, synthesis, and biosynthesis of alkaloids and to provide an adequate account of biological properties. The annual comprehensive treatment is unique in the alkaloids literature and has received much support. Rising costs, however, have put the future of the series in doubt and we are experimenting with cheaper methods of production; alternative means of producing chemical structures were used in Volume 10 (Chapters 6, 7 and 10) and in this Volume (Chapters 1, 6, 7, 10 and 14), I believe without significant reduction in quality, and Volume 13 will be published from camera-ready copy. These changes place an added burden on our authors and I would like to express my gratitude for their continuing commitment to the principles of this series and for their willingness to take part in new production techniques. September 1982 M. F. GRUNDON Contents Chapter 1 B iosynt he sis 1 By R. B. Herbert 1 Pyrrolidine and Piperidine Alkaloids 1 Simple Pyrrolidine Alkaloids 1 Phenanthroindolizidine Alkaloids 4 Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids 4 Lysine 6 Quinolizidine Alkaloids 7 2 Isoquinoline Alkaloids 9 Papaver Alkaloids 9 Aporphine and Berberine Alkaloids 10 BisbenzylisoquinolineA lkaloids 11 3 Alkaloids Derived from Tryptophan 14 P-Carboline Alkaloids 14 Terpenoid Indole Alkaloids 14 Ergot Alkaloids 16 P yrrolnitrin 18 Indolmy cin 20 Penitrems 20 Anthramycin 21 4 Miscellaneous 21 Ansamycins, Mitomycins, and Pactamycin 21 0-Lactam Antibiotics 25 Aranotins and Sirodesmin 28 Phenazines 29 Cytochalasins 31 C ycloheximide 31 Steroidal Alkaloids 33 Betalains 33 Capsaicin 33 Chapter 2 Pyrrolidine, Piperidine, and Pyridine Alkaloids 35 ByA. R. Pinder 1 Pyrrolidine Alkaloids 35 Sceletium Alkaloids 38 Dendrobium Alkaloids 38 viii The Alkaloids 2 Piperidine Alkaloids 38 Decahydroquinoline Alkaloids 41 Spiropiperidine Alkaloids 42 Bispiperidine Alkaloids 42 3 Pyridine Alkaloids 42 Chapter 3 Tropane Alkaloids 45 By G. Fodor and R. Dharanipragada 1 Structure of New Alkaloids 45 2 Synthesis and Reactions 48 3 Pharmacology 51 4 Analytical Aspects 52 Chapter 4 Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids 54 By D. J. Robins 1 Syntheses of Necine Bases 54 2 Synthesis of Neck Acids 59 3 Synthesis of Macrocyclic Diesters 59 4 Alkaloids of the Boraginaceae 61 5 Alkaloids of the Compositae 62 Eupatorieae Tribe 62 Senecioneae Tribe 62 6 Alkaloids of the Gramineae 64 7 Alkaloids of the Leguminosae 64 8 Alkaloids from Animals 65 9 General Studies 66 10 Pharmacological and Biological Studies 67 Chapter 5 In dolizidine Alkaloids 69 By J. A. Lamberton 1 Castanospermum Alkaloids 69 2 Prosopis Alkaloids 69 3 Elaeocarpus Alkaloids 69 4 Dendrobates Alkaloids 71 5 Phenanthroindolizidines 72