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THE ALKALOIDS Chemistry and Biology 66 VOLUME Edited by Geoffrey A. Cordell Evanston, Illinois Amsterdam(cid:2)Boston(cid:2)Heidelberg(cid:2)London(cid:2)NewYork(cid:2)Oxford Paris(cid:2)SanDiego(cid:2)SanFrancisco(cid:2)Sydney(cid:2)Tokyo ACADEMIC AcademicPressisanimprintofElsevier PRESS Academic Press isanimprintofElsevier 84Theobald’s Road,London WC1X8RR,UK Radarweg29, PO Box211, 1000AEAmsterdam,The Netherlands LinacreHouse, JordanHill, OxfordOX2 8DP, UK 30Corporate Drive, Suite400, Burlington, MA01803,USA 525BStreet,Suite1900, SanDiego, CA92101-4495, USA Firstedition 2008 Copyrightr2008Elsevier Inc.Allrights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recordingorotherwise without the prior written permission ofthe publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights DepartmentinOxford,UK:phone(+44)(0)1865843830;fax(+44)(0)1865853333; email:permissions@elsevier.com.Alternativelyyoucansubmityourrequestonline by visiting the Elsevier web site at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/permissions, andselectingObtainingpermissiontouseElseviermaterial Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages shouldbe made ISBN:978-0-12-374520-0 ISSN:1099-4831 ForinformationonallAcademicPresspublications visitourwebsiteatbooks.elsevier.com Printed andbound inUSA 0809101112 109 87 6 5 43 2 1 CONTRIBUTORS Numbers in parentheses indicate the pages on which the authors’ contributions begin. Brad J. Andersh (191), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Bradley University, Peoria, IL 61625-0208, USA AtharAta(191),DepartmentofChemistryandBiochemistry,BradleyUniversity, Peoria, IL 61625-0208, USA Jaume Bastida (113), Departament de Productes Naturals, Biologia Vegetal i Edafologia, Facultat de Farma`cia, Universitat de Barcelona, 08028 Barcelona, Spain Mary J. Garson (215), School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld 4072, Australia Toh-Seok Kam (1), Department of Chemistry, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuan-Hon Lim (1), Department of Chemistry, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Maribel G. Nonato (215), Research Center for the Natural Sciences, College of Science, Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Espan˜a, Manila 1015, Philippines EdisonJ.Osorio(113),GrupodeInvestigacio´nenSustanciasBioactivas,Facultadde Qu´ımica-Farmace´utica, Universidad de Antioquia, A. A. 1226, Medell´ın, Colombia Sara M. Robledo (113), Programa de Estudio y Control de Enfermedades Tropicales,FacultaddeMedicina,UniversidaddeAntioquia,Medell´ın,Colombia Hiromitsu Takayama (215), Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, Japan vii PREFACE Thefourchaptersinthisvolumereflectsomeveryinterestingaspectsofthediversity of global alkaloid research in its various chemical and biological applications with contributions from several different countries. KamandLimreviewthestructuraldiversityandbiologicalactivitiesrepresented bythemonomericandbis-monoterpenoidindolealkaloidsisolatedinrecentstudies of the alkaloids of Kopsia. An important aspect of this work is the continuing evolution of the structural diversity of the indole alkaloids, which represent some significant challenges in developing biogenetic pathways for their formation. Osorio, Robledo, and Bastida summarize another important aspect of the biological applications of alkaloids, their antiprotozoal activity. This activity was founded in the 17th century discovery of the antimalarial activity of Cinchona, and extends today to a diverse array of alkaloid structures and protozoa. ThegenusBuxusisanimportantsourceofaselecttypeofsteroidalalkaloids.As Ata and Andersh have summarized, in the recent past, this group has expanded rapidly to yield a series of interesting structures and biological activities. Pandanus species are an important economic product in several countries of Southeast Asia, yet they have received limited chemical and biological study. A collaboration between groups in the Republic of the Philippines (Nonato), Japan (Takayama), and Australia (Garson) describes their studies on the alkaloids of the genus Pandanus and those of other research groups. Geoffrey A. Cordell Evanston, Illinois ix 1 CHAPTER Alkaloids of Kopsia (cid:2) Toh-Seok Kam and Kuan-Hon Lim Contents I. Introduction 1 II. MonoterpeneAlkaloids 2 III. SimpleIndoleAlkaloids 6 IV. Corynanthe,Akuammiline, Vincorine,Aspidodasycarpine, and Pleiocarpamine Alkaloids 8 V. Condylocarpine, Stemmadenine, and Akuammicine Alkaloids 12 VI. Eburnane Alkaloids 16 VII. Aspidospermine–Aspidofractinine and Related Alkaloids 20 A. Aspidospermine Alkaloids 20 B. Aspidofractinine Alkaloids 30 C. Kopsine, Fruticosine,and Related Alkaloids 39 D. Syntheses ofAspidofractinine and KopsaneAlkaloids 44 E. Kopsidasinine Alkaloids 52 F. Pauciflorines and Related Alkaloids 52 G. Lapidilectines andLundurines 59 H. Kopsifolines 66 I. Mersinine Alkaloids 69 VIII. Miscellaneous NovelAlkaloids 76 IX. BisindoleAlkaloids 84 X. Electroorganic Transformations of KopsiaAlkaloids 88 XI. AlkaloidDistribution inthe GenusKopsia 91 References 105 I. INTRODUCTION PlantsofthegenusKopsia(Apocynaceae)aredistributedfromsouthernChinaand BurmatonorthernAustraliaandVanuatu.Thegenusis,however,mostdiversein Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak (Malaysian Borneo) (1). All species are shrubs DepartmentofChemistry,UniversityofMalaya,50603KualaLumpur,Malaysia (cid:2) Correspondingauthor. E-mailaddress:[email protected](T.S.Kam). TheAlkaloids,Volume66 r2008ElsevierInc. ISSN:1099-4831, DOI10.1016/S1099-4831(08)00201-0 Allrightsreserved 1 2 Toh-SeokKamandKuan-HonLim or small trees, and due to their attractive appearance (the most distinguishing featurebeingtheshowywhiteflowerswithred,pink,oryellow‘‘eyes’’),anumber have become widely cultivated as garden or ornamental plants. The genus was firstpublishedin1823byBlumeinhonoroftheDutchbotanistJ.Kops,withone speciesK.arborea(2).Laterbotanicalstudiesincludeapreliminarypartialrevision byMarkgraf(3)andachemotaxonomicstudybySe´venetetal.(4).Themostrecent andcomprehensiverevisionofthegenus,however,isthatofMiddletoninwhich 24speciesarerecognizedandfournewspeciesaredescribed(1,5).Inthisreview, we shall follow the classification according to Middleton (1), with the species attributed in the original reports cited in parenthesis. The first Kopsia alkaloid isolated was kopsine (1) (6). The structure was, however, only solved in the 1960s after considerable classical degradation studies coupled with the introduction of high-resolution mass spectrometry (7–17). Additional confirmation was later provided by chemical correlation of kopsine with minovincine (18), as well as by X-ray crystallographic analysis of the methyl iodide salt of ((cid:2))-kopsanone (19,20). Other notable examples of early Kopsia alkaloids include fruticosine (2) and fruticosamine (3) fromK. fruticosa (14,21–25), and kopsingine (4) fromK. singapurensis (26). These alkaloids have also been discussedinpreviousvolumesofthis,aswellasother,series(27–31).Inmorerecent times,plantsofthisgenushaveproventobefertilesourcesofmanyalkaloidswith unusual and fascinating molecular structures, as well as interesting biological activities,andareviewchapterdevotedexclusivelytotheKopsiaalkaloidsappears timely.Thepresentreviewshallthereforefocusonthechemistryandpharmacology ofthesemorerecentKopsiaalkaloids.Theorganizationofthechapterwillbebased onthealkaloidstructuretype,inorderofincreasingcomplexity,andapproximately along the lines of a progressing biosynthetic pathway. Under each section, aspects ofstructureelucidation,chemistry,synthesis,andbiologicalactivityofthealkaloids concerned will be addressed. Finally, the occurrence of alkaloids in Kopsia species which have been chemically investigated will be summarized. N N N H H H O OH O N N N H MeO2C MeO2C OMeR R OH R2 R1 OH 1kopsine 2 R1 = OH, R2 = H 4 R = CO2Me kopsingine 3 R1 = H, R2 = OH II. MONOTERPENE ALKALOIDS Themonoterpenealkaloidsconstitutearelativelysmallgroupofcompoundsand occur in several species, including K. pauciflora, K. profunda (K. macrophylla), and K. dasyrachis, from which several new monoterpene alkaloids (5–13) related to skytanthine have been recently isolated. AlkaloidsofKopsia 3 TheNorthBorneospeciesK.paucifloraprovidedsixsuchmonoterpenealkaloids, namely, kinabalurines A–F (5–10), which are hydroxyskytanthine derivatives (32,33). The first alkaloid isolated was kinabalurine A (5), which was obtained as colorlessplates.Themassspectrumshowedamolecularionatm/z183(C H NO) 11 21 accompanied by fragments due to loss of H, Me, and OH, and other fragments at m/z 84, 58, and 44, characteristic of skytanthine-type alkaloids. The IR spectrum indicatedthepresenceofahydroxylgroup(3357cm(cid:2)1),andthiswassupportedby thepresenceofanOHresonanceca.d3.27inthe1HNMRspectrum.The13CNMR spectrumaccountedforall11carbonatomsandthepresenceofanoxymethinewas confirmed by the resonance at d 80.0. Other significant peaks in the 1H NMR spectrum included a pair of three-H doublets at d 0.97 and 1.06, corresponding to two CH CH– groups, and an N-methyl singlet at d 2.25. The spectral data thus 3 suggested that kinabalurine A is a hydroxyskytanthine derivative, and COSYand HETCOR experiments confirmed that hydroxy substitution was at C(7) and allowed the full assignments of the NMR spectral data. In addition, the observed J value of 10Hz required a trans ring junction. The NMR data, however, were 1–9 insufficient to establish the stereochemistry completely and unequivocally and for this purpose X-ray diffraction analysis was undertaken, which established the structure of kinabalurine A. Kinabalurine Awas the second 7-hydroxyskytanthine reported, the first being incarvilline (14) isolated from the Chinese plantIncarvillea sinensis. The structure of incarvilline was also established by X-ray analysis (34). Kinabalurine A differs from incarvilline in having a trans ring junction, a 7b-OH substituent, and a 4a-methyl group. Kinabalurine B (6) is the 7-oxo derivative of kinabalurineAasshownbythespectraldata,aswellasbyitsreadyformationvia oxidation of kinabalurine A. Similarly, kinabalurine C (7) was readily shown to be the N-demethyl derivative of kinabalurine B from the spectral data (loss of the N-methyl signal in the 1H and 13C NMR, and the presence of a secondary amine absorption in the IR at 3400cm(cid:2)1). The trans ring junction in kinabalurine C was clearlyshowninthe600MHz1HNMRspectrum,whichshowedtheH(9)signalas a quartet of doublets (J ¼J ¼J ¼12Hz, J ¼4Hz). 5b–9a 1b–9a 8b–9a 1a–9a OH O OH O 7 H Me H Me H Me H Me Me Me Me Me 9 5 H H H H 3 N 1 N N N Me R Me Me 5 6 R = Me; 7 R = H 8 9 OH OH H Me H Me H Me H Me Me Me Me Me H OH H R + N N N N Me Me O− Me Me 10 11 14 15 R = OH; 16 R = H 4 Toh-SeokKamandKuan-HonLim The spectral data for kinabalurine D (8) showed it to be yet another 7-hydroxyskytanthinediastereomer,butprovedinadequatefordefinitiveassign- ment of stereochemistry. To this end, kinabalurine D was converted to the quaternary ammonium salt, which provided suitable crystals for X-ray analysis. Kinabalurine D differs from kinabalurines A–C in having a 4b-methyl group and a trans ring junction in which the stereochemistry of H(5) and H(9) are now reversed. Kinabalurine E (9) is the 7-oxo derivative of kinabalurine D, as shown by the spectral data and by chemical correlation (PCC oxidation) with 8. Kinabalurine F (10) was obtained in minute amounts, and its structure elucidation relied mainly on analysis of the 600MHz NMR data and by comparison with 5, 8, and incarvilline (14). The orientation of the 7-hydroxy group of kinabalurine F was deduced to be b based on comparison of the observed C(7) shift (d 81) with those of 5 (d 80) and 8 (d 81), which also have a 7b-OH. The C(7) shift in incarvilline, which has a 7a-OH, was shifted upfield to aboutd73.TheobservedNOEinteractionsfromH(7a)tothe8-methylandfrom H(6a) to H(5) fixed their respective stereochemistry. Likewise, the observed H(1b)/H(8b) NOE interaction allowed the assignmentof H(1a),which appeared asatripletwithJ¼10.5Hz,requiringH(9)andH(1a)tobetrans-diaxial,whichis possible only if H(9) is b. The observed H (3) signals as a triplet with J¼11Hz 2 andadoubletofdoublets(J¼11,2Hz)areonlyconsistent withH(4b),resulting inH(4b)andH(3a)beingtrans-diaxialtoeachother.The4-methylofkinabalurine F therefore has an a-orientation. KinabalurineG(11)wasisolatedfromtheleafextractofK.dasyrachis,another Kopsia from Malaysian Borneo (35). It was the most polar alkaloid from the leaf extract. The mass spectrum showed fragments typical of skytanthine-type alkaloids, while the IR spectrum indicated the presence of a hydroxyl group. The 1H NMR spectrum indicated the presence of two CH CH groups and an 3 N-methyl group, which was rather deshielded at d 3.17. This observation, coupledwiththepolarnatureofthiscompound,andtheobservationofastrong M-16fragmentinthemassspectrum,suggestedthatcompound11isanN-oxide. This was readily confirmed by FeSO reduction of 11, which yielded the parent 4 monoterpene alkaloid 15. The N-methyl signal was shifted upfield to d 2.30, while the resonances of the two a-carbons, C(1) and C(3), were also shifted upfield from d 67.3 and 67.2 to d 62.5 and 57.7, respectively. The presence of a low-field, quaternary carbon signal at d 79.1 indicated that the hydroxyl C function was attached to a quaternary carbon, i.e., C(5) or C(9), based on a skytanthine-type carbon skeleton. Detailed analysis of the 1H and 13C NMR spectral data (COSY, HMQC, HMBC,NOE)andcomparisonwithd-skytanthine(16)(36)enabledplacementof the OH function on C(9) and allowed full assignment of the NMR spectral data, as well as elucidation of the stereochemistry. The parent monoterpene, 9-hydroxy-d-skytanthine (15), is unknown, and was not detected in this study, although a 9-hydroxyskytanthine of unknown stereochemistry, as well as a b-skytanthineN-oxide,havebeenpreviouslyreportedfromTecomastans(37)and AlkaloidsofKopsia 5 Skytanthusacutus(38),respectively.Thekinabalurines,togetherwithincarvilline, provide a useful array of stereoisomers in this series with various ring junction, 7-hydroxy, and 4- and 8-methyl group stereochemistry. K. profunda (K. macrophylla) (1) provided two more new monoterpene alkaloids, kopsilactone (12) and kopsone (13), in addition to the known alkaloids 5,22-dioxokopsane, dregamine, akuammiline, tabernaemontanine, deacetylakuammiline, norpleiomutine, and kopsoffine (39). The IR spectrum of kopsilactone (12) indicated the presence of a g-lactone unit (1770cm(cid:2)1), which was supported by the observation of a quaternary carbon resonance at d 176. The observed J value of 11Hz required a trans-diaxial arrangement 3–4 between H(3a) and H(4b), while the estimated J value of ca. 4Hz suggested a 4–5 cis relationship between H(4) and H(5). An equatorial H(5) required a cis ring junction between the piperidine and the five-membered ring, which, in turn, fixed the stereochemistry of the lactone–piperidine ring junction. The second monoterpene alkaloid, kopsone (13), gave a molecular ion, which analyzed for C H NO. The IR (1720cm(cid:2)1) and 13C NMR (d 218) data 11 19 indicated the presence of a ketone function. Other groups indicated by the NMR spectra were two CHMe, an N-methyl, three methylenes (one deshielded at d 56), and four methines (one deshielded at d 72). These, as well as a C C postulated common origin of 12 and 13 from the hypothetical 9-hydroxysky- tanthine precursor 17 (Scheme 1), led to the proposed structure for kopsone. The relative stereochemistry was deduced from analysis of the 1H NMR spectrum. The leaves of K. dasyrachis also gave kopsirachine (18), which is constituted from union of the flavonoid, catechin, and two units of skytanthine. The gross structure was deduced from spectroscopic and chemical H Me H Me H Me Me Me Me [O] b a OH O H OH + CoA N N a N Me Me CH CCoA Me O 2 17 O b CoA H H Me Me O Me O Me N H N O Me Me 13 12 Scheme1 6 Toh-SeokKamandKuan-HonLim evidence, but the stereochemistry of the skytanthine units in 18 remains to be firmly established (36). Me OH N OH Me Me HO O Me N OH OH Me Me 18 kopsirachine III. SIMPLE INDOLE ALKALOIDS The simple b-carboline alkaloid harmane (19), although widely distributed in several plant families, is rarely encountered in the Apocynaceae. It has been recentlyobtainedforthefirsttimefromKopsiafromK.griffithiiandwasfoundto display moderate leishmanicidal activity against Leishmania donovani (40,41). N N N N N N H Me H H H H 19 20 21 Anewb-carboline,(+)-harmicine(2,3,5,6,11,11b-hexahydro-1H-indolizino[8,7-b] indole), which has been previously synthesized in racemic form (42–46) was also isolated for the first time as an optically active natural product from K. griffithii, and was assigned the structure 20 (40). Recent enantioselective syntheses of both (S)-((cid:2))- and (R)-(+)-harmicine resulted in the correct assign- mentoftheabsoluteconfigurationofnaturallyoccurring(+)-harmicineas(R),as shown in 21 (47–49). The synthesis of (S)-harmicine (Scheme 2) was based on the use of the (S)-1-allyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-b-carboline (23) as the starting compound, which was in turn obtained by a diastereoselective C(1)-allylation of the appropriate b-carboline precursor 22, incorporating a glutamic acid-derived chiral auxiliary. Subsequent hydroboration, followed in succession by removal of the trichloro- ethoxycarbonyl group, and cyclization through a Mitsunobu reaction, led eventually to (S)-harmicine (20) (47,48). Thesynthesisof(R)-harmicine(21),ontheotherhand,wasbasedonanasym- metric transfer hydrogenation of the appropriate iminium salt 24, in the presence ofthechiralRu(II)catalyst(S,S)-25,asthekeystep(Scheme3).Thestructureofthe product was also confirmed by an X-ray crystallographic analysis (49).

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