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The Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian, Symmetry Currents and Spontaneously Broken Extended Supersymmetry PDF

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Preview The Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian, Symmetry Currents and Spontaneously Broken Extended Supersymmetry

The Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian, Symmetry Currents and Spontaneously Broken Extended Supersymmetry T.E. Clark∗ and S.T. Love† Department of Physics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1396 1 0 Abstract 0 2 n a Ageneralization of theAkulov-Volkov effective Lagrangian governing theself J 6 interactions of the Nambu-Goldstone fermions associated with spontaneously 1 broken extended supersymmetry as well as their coupling to matter is pre- 2 v 5 sented and scrutinized. The resulting currents associated with R-symmetry, 2 2 supersymmetry and space-time translations are constructed and seen to form 7 0 a supermultiplet structure. 0 0 PACS number(s): 11.30.Na, 11.30.Pb, 14.80.Ly / h t - p e h : v i X r a Typeset using REVTEX ∗e-mail address: [email protected] †e-mail address: [email protected] 1 I. INTRODUCTION Many proposed fundamental theories of nature require there to be supersymmetry (SUSY) in extra dimensions. When reduced to four dimensions, this results in models exhibiting an extended supersymmetry, N 2. Since the low energy standard model of ≥ elementary particle interactions has no supersymmetry, N = 0, the question of the nature of the chain of supersymmetry beakdown from higher N to N = 0 is quite relevant. In addi- tion, forthose models withN = 1 supersymmetry atthe electroweak scale, thebreakdown of SUSY from a higher N > 1 to N = 1, either in stages (partial supersymmetry breaking), or directly, is of paramount importance. Models of partial supersymmetry breaking have been extensively studied and require exploiting one of two possible avenues of realization. Either the supersymmetry current algebra requires the inclusion of certain central charges, [1]- [3], or when embedded in a supergravity model, the gravitino gauge field contains negative norm states [4]- [6]. In this paper, we present the construction of the Akulov-Volkov effective ac- tion [7] describing the spontaneous breakdown of N-extended supersymmetry to N = 0 [8] [9]. This model contains only the Nambu-Goldstone fermions necessary for it to describe the spontaneous breakdown of the extended supersymmetry. Since the supersymmetry charges are in the fundamental representation of an accompanying (unbroken) SU(N) symmetry, R their Akulov-Volkov realization depends on a single scale, the common Goldstino decay con- stant. This fact is explicitly exhibited by exploiting this non-Abelian SU(N) symmetry of R the N-extended SUSY algebra which manifests itself through a rescaling invariance of the action resulting in its single scale dependence. The Noether currents associated with the chi- ral SU(N) symmetries, the N supersymmetries and the space-time translation symmetries R are constructed and the supersymmetry transformations of the currents are determined. In particular the R-currents, supersymmetry currents and the energy-momentum tensor are shown to form the components of a supercurrent [10]- [11]. This extends previous work [12] for N = 1 supersymmetry. Finally, the couplings of the Goldstino fields to matter and gauge fields are delineated once again generalizing the construction of the N = 1 case [13]- [14]. 2 The N-extended supersymmetry Weylspinor charges QA andQ¯A, where A = 1,2,...,N, α α˙ obey the supersymmetry algebra (in the absence of any central charges) QAα,Q¯Bα˙ = 2δBAσαµα˙Pµ n o QAα,QBβ = 0 = Q¯Aα˙,Q¯Bβ˙ n o n o Pµ,QAα = 0 = Pµ,Q¯Aα˙ (1) h i h i with Pµ the energy-momentum operator. This algebra can be realized by means of the Akulov-Volkov nonlinear transformations [7] of spontaneously broken N-extended supersymmetry. The N Weyl spinor Goldstino fields λ′α(x) and their hermitean conjugate fields λ¯′A(x) are defined to transform under the A α˙ nonlinear extended supersymmetry as δQ(ξ,ξ¯)λ′α = f ξα +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λ′α A A A ρ A δQ(ξ,ξ¯)λ¯′A = f ξ¯A +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λ¯′A, (2) α˙ A α˙ ρ α˙ where ξα, ξ¯A are Weyl spinor N-SUSY transformation parameters, f are (for the moment A α˙ A 2 independent) constants with dimension mass and 1 Λρ(ξ,ξ¯) = λ′ σρξ¯ ξ σρλ¯′ . (3) if A A − A A A h i [Comment on notation: Throughout this paper, a summation convention is employed in which all repeated indices in a single term are summed over. The only exceptions are the first terms on the right hand side of Eq. (2) and Eq. (7). In addition, we shall often supress the indices when they are summed over. Thus, for example, ξσµξ¯ ξασµ ξ¯Aα˙.] ≡ A αα˙ Further representing the space-time translations as δP(a)λ′α = aρ∂ λ′α A ρ A δP(a)λ¯′A = aρ∂ λ¯′A, (4) α˙ ρ α˙ it is readily established that the above extended SUSY algebra is indeed satisfied by the associated variations. 3 Using these Goldstino field extended SUSY transformations, it is straightforward to gen- eralize the Akulov-Volkov N = 1 SUSY construction to form the extended SUSY invariant action, Γ = d4x , where AV AV L R f2 = detA (5) AV L − 2 where f is a scale with dimension mass2. The Akulov-Volkov vierbein A ν is the 4 4 matrix µ × defined as i ↔ A ν = δ ν + λ′ ∂ σνλ¯′ . (6) µ µ f2 A µ A A (cid:18) (cid:19) Expanding the determinant, a canonically normalized kinetic term for each of the Goldstino fields is secured after the rescalings f λ′ = Aλ . (7) A f A Since all self interactions of the Goldstinos have the functional form (in a short hand nota- tion) f2F(λ′A∂λ¯′A, ∂λ′Aλ¯′A) = f2F(λA∂λ¯A, ∂λAλ¯A), it follows that there is really only one scale f2 f2 f2 f2 A A in the action and the Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian can be written as f2 = detA (8) AV L − 2 where i ↔ A ν = δ ν + λ ∂ σνλ¯ . (9) µ µ f2 A µ A (cid:18) (cid:19) Since this Akulov-Volkov action is the unique extended SUSY invariant structure containing the lowest mass dimension Goldstino self interactions, it follows that the extended SUSY algebra is completely broken at this single scale, √f, which can be identified as the common Goldstino decay constant [8]. That is, one cannot sequentially break the various supersym- metries at different scales and still realize the algebra of Eq. (1). This conclusion is in accord with a heuristic argument [15] which follows from the form of the extended SUSY algebra, Eq. (1). If onedemands that theHilbert space ofstates bepositive definite, thenthe algebra 4 dictates that it cannot be that some of the supersymmetry charges annihilate the vacuum while others do not. As was previously pointed out [1], however, this argument is purely formal since for spontaneously broken symmetries, the associated symmetry charges really do not exist. In our approach, we reach an identical conclusion using very concrete effective Lagrangian techniques which explicitly encapsulate the relevant dynamics. The result is certainly a very strong constraint and is very different from the situation often encountered involving multiple global symmetries which can generally be broken at different scales. Thus we encounter yet another example [16] of how supersymmetry very tightly constrains the allowed dynamics of a model. Further note that in terms of the rescaled (unprimed) fields, the extended nonlinear SUSY transformations take the form δQ(ξ,ξ¯)λα = fξα +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λα A A ρ A δQ(ξ,ξ¯)λ¯A = fξ¯A +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λ¯A, (10) α˙ α˙ ρ α˙ with 1 Λρ(ξ,ξ¯) = λ σρξ¯ ξ σλ¯ . (11) A A A A if − h i Clearly, the supersymmetry algebra δQ(ξ,ξ¯),δQ(η,η¯) λα = 2iδP(ξ ση¯B η σξ¯B)λα A − B − B A h i δQ(ξ,ξ¯),δQ(η,η¯) λ¯A = 2iδP(ξ ση¯B η σξ¯B)λ¯A (12) α˙ − B − B α˙ h i continues to be satisfied. Here the space-time variations, δP(a), of the unprimed fields are of the same form as for the primed fields (cf. Eq. (4)). The Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian is invariant while the Goldstino SUSY transformations are covariant under a global SU(N) symmetry which has the properties of an R symmetry. Under this SU(N) symmetry, the Goldstino fields transform as R δR(ω)λα = iλαω (Ta)B A − B a A δR(ω)λ¯A = iω (Ta)A λ¯B, (13) α˙ a B α˙ 5 where ω , a = 1,2,...,N2 1, are the SU(N) transformation parameters and Ta denote a R − the fundamental representation matrices of SU(N). It follows that δR(ω),δQ(ξ,ξ¯) λα = δQ(ξ ,ξ¯ )λα A R R A h i δR(ω),δQ(ξ,ξ¯) λ¯A = δQ(ξ ,ξ¯ )λ¯A, (14) α˙ R R α˙ h i which is precisely what is required of an R-symmetry. Here ξα iξαω (Ta)B RA ≡ B a A ξ¯A iω (Ta)A ξ¯B. (15) Rα˙ ≡ − a B α˙ This symmetry isalsoreflected intheextended SUSYalgebra, Eq. (1), which remains in- variant under an SU(N) rotation of the supersymmetry charges. The QA and Q¯ transform A as the N and N¯ fundamental representations of this SU(N) symmetry, so that R Ra,QB = i(Ta)B QC C h i Ra,Q¯ = iQ¯ (Ta)C , (16) B − C B h i while the energy-momentum operator is R invariant: [Ra,Pµ] = 0. (17) It should be noted that Eq. (16) requires the Akulov-Volkov realization of the SUSY trans- formations to form fundamental representations of SU(N) which, along with Eq. (13), R implies that the Goldstino decay constants must all be the same. Combining these various results, it follows that the Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian [8] [9] of Eq. (8) is invariant under SU(N) transformations while transforming as a total divergence R under SUSY and space-time translations: δR(ω) = 0 AV L δQ(ξ,ξ¯) = ∂ Λρ(ξ,ξ¯) AV ρ AV L L h i δP(a) = ∂ [aρ ]. (18) AV ρ AV L L Hence the action constructed from this Lagrangian is invariant under these transformations. 6 II. SYMMETRY CURRENTS Noether’s theorem can be used to construct the conserved currents associated with the abovesymmetriesoftheaction. Firstintroducethelocalvariationbymeansofthefunctional differential operator δ δ δ(x) = ζα(x) +ζ¯Aα˙(x) , (19) A δλα(x) δλ¯Aα˙(x) A which allows for space-time and field dependent Weyl spinor variation parameters, ζ(x) and ζ¯(x). When applied to the Akulov-Volkov Lagrangian, Eq. (8), this yields f δ(y) (x) = detA(x)(A−1) µ(x)∂x δ4(x y)Λν(ζ(x),ζ¯(x)) LAV 2 ν µ − h i iδ4(x y) detA(x)(A−1) µ(x) ζ (x)σν∂ λ¯A(x) ∂ λ (x)σνζ¯A(x) . (20) − − ν A µ − µ A h (cid:16) (cid:17)i Further defining the variation operator, 4 δ = d xδ(x) , (21) Z it follows that i ↔ ↔ δ (x) = detA(x)(A−1) µ(x) ζ (x) ∂ σνλ¯A(x)+λ (x) ∂ σνζ¯A(x) , (22) LAV −2 ν A µ A µ (cid:20) (cid:21) while the local variation of the Akulov-Volkov action, Γ = d4x , is secured as AV AV L R f δ(x)Γ = δ (x) ∂ detA(x)(A−1) µ(x)Λν(ζ(x),ζ¯(x)) (23) AV AV µ ν L − "2 # which constitutes Noether’s theorem. To extract the various currents and their conservation laws, one allows the local trans- formation parameters ζα and ζ¯A to assume the various forms of the associated Goldstino A α˙ transformation laws. For example, taking the explicit form to be that of a space-time trans- lation of the Goldstino field ζα(x) = aρ∂ λα(x) A ρ A ζ¯A(x) = aρ∂ λ¯A(x) (24) α˙ ρ α˙ 7 and substituting into Noether’s theorem, Eq. (23), leads to the conserved Noether energy- momentum tensor f2 Tµ(x) = (detA(x))(A−1) µ(x). (25) ν − 2 ν and its conservation law a ∂ Tµν(x) = δP(x;a)Γ . (26) ν µ AV with δ δ δP(x;a) = a [∂µλα(x) +∂µλ¯Aα˙(x) ]. (27) µ A δλα(x) δλ¯Aα˙(x) A Similarly, the parameters can be chosen as ζα(x) = iλBα(x)ω (Ta)B A − a A ζ¯Aα˙(x) = iω (Ta)A λ¯Bα˙(x) (28) a B whichcorrespondtotheformofaGoldstinoSU(N) transformation. Thistimesubstitution R into Noether’s theorem produces the conserved R current 2 Rµ(ω) ω Raµ(x) = Tµ(x) λ (x)ω (Ta)A σνλ¯B(x) . (29) ≡ a f2 ν A a B h i and its conservation law ∂ Rµ(ω) = δR(x;ω)Γ , (30) µ AV where the Ward identity functional differential operator describing R transformations is given by δ δ δR(x;ω) = ω i(Ta)C λα(x) +i(Ta)B λ¯Cα˙(x) . (31) a"− B C δλαB(x) C δλ¯Bα˙(x)# Finally, the parameters can be chosen to have the form of the Goldstino nonlinear SUSY transformations ζα(x) = fξα +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λα(x) A A ρ A 8 ζ¯Aα˙(x) = fξ¯Aα˙ +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λ¯Aα˙(x), (32) ρ with the ξ and ξ¯ appearing on the right hand side being the usual constant spinor SUSY transformation parameters. So doing, the supersymmetry currents Qµ and Q¯µ are ob- Aα Aα˙ tained from Noether’s theorem as Qµ(ξ,ξ¯) = 2Tµ(x)Λν(ξ,ξ¯), (33) ν where Qµ(ξ,ξ¯) = ξαQµ (x)+Q¯µ (x)ξ¯α˙A. The current conservation equation takes the form A Aα Aα˙ ∂ Qµ(ξ,ξ¯) = δQ(x;ξ,ξ¯)Γ , (34) µ AV with δ δQ(x;ξ,ξ¯) = fξα +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λα(x) A ρ A δλα(x) A (cid:16) (cid:17) δ + fξ¯Aα˙ +Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ λ¯Aα˙(x) . (35) ρ δλ¯Aα˙(x) (cid:16) (cid:17) The conserved currents in the effective theory are related through their SUSY transfor- mation properties. The SUSY transformation, δQ(ξ,ξ¯) = d4xδQ(x;ξ,ξ¯), of the R current R produces the supersymmetry current plus a term that is a Belinfante improvement term for the supersymmetry currents as well as additional Euler-Lagrange equation terms: δQ(ξ,ξ¯)Rµ(ω) = Qµ(ξ ,ξ¯ )+∂ qρµ(ω,ξ,ξ¯)+Λµ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ Rρ(ω). (36) R R ρ ρ − Here the ρµ antisymmetric improvement terms are defined as qρµ(ω,ξ,ξ¯) = Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)Rµ(ω) Λµ(ξ,ξ¯)Rρ(ω). (37) − Notethaton-shell, thedivergenceoftheRcurrentvanishesasaconsequence oftheR-current conservation law and the field equations. Analogously, the Noether SUSY currents transform into the Noether energy-momentum tensor, its Belinfante improvements, other trivially conserved (without need of field equa- tions) antisymmetric terms and Euler-Lagrange equation terms that enter through the di- vergence of the supersymmetry currents which again vanish on-shell: 9 δQ(η,η¯)Qµ(ξ,ξ¯) = 2i ξσ η¯ ησ ξ¯ Tµν +∂ Gρµ(η,η¯,ξ,ξ¯)+Λµ(η,η¯)∂ Qρ(ξ,ξ¯). (38) ν ν ρ ρ − (cid:16) (cid:17) The ρµ antisymmetric improvement terms Gρµ are defined as Gρµ(η,η¯,ξ,ξ¯) = Λρ(η,η¯)Qµ(ξ,ξ¯) Λµ(η,η¯)Qρ(ξ,ξ¯). (39) − Finally the SUSY variation of the energy-momentum tensor does not lead to another conserved current but only to a trivially conserved antisymmetric term and the on-shell vanishing Euler-Lagrange equation terms so that δQ(ξ,ξ¯)Tµν = ∂ Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)Tµν Λµ(ξ,ξ¯)Tρν +Λµ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ Tρν. (40) ρ ρ − h i Hence, the currents Rµ, Qµ, and Tµν form the component currents of a supercurrent. Given the R current, the SUSY currents and the energy-momentum tensor canbe defined by SUSY variations of Rµ(ω) through the above transformation equations. Due do the R invariance of the N extended SUSY algebra, all of the lower component R and SUSY currents transform into the energy-momentum tensor. The form of the currents, their conservation laws and multipletstructureexhibitanentirelysimilarstructuretothatfoundfortheN = 1nonlinear SUSY theory [12]. III. MATTER AND GAUGE FIELDS The N extended supersymmetry algebra can also be nonlinearly realized on matter (non- Goldstino, non-gauge) fields, generically denoted by φi, where i can represent any Lorentz or internal symmetry labels, using the standard realization [13], [14], [17] δQ(ξ,ξ¯)φi = Λρ(ξ,ξ¯)∂ φi. (41) ρ The matter fields also carry a representation of the chiral SU(N) symmetry so that R δR(ω)φi = iω (Ra)i φj, (42) a j with (Ra)i constituting a set of SU(N) representation matrices. It is straightforward to j check that the extended SUSY algebra is obeyed by these transformations: 10

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