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The Airline Builders PDF

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(( VI THE fllRLINE BUILDEIlS i^mm ^M:^^m iatteai^a^>^.mfy-^t'i">»ftK'' ^X'.i:l4'l ^^ m* J ,-i ' *^ IS3 ^^?^:i^ ^¥ "iijiM I ^^ ^HKl : ; ESDPAPER 1930s. Awaitinc : i i : : i^ ; -^ i =: : ~ :r operated by TWA (iejiforeground) and a- - i < Curfiss Condor biplane ffe^ badi^ound); >----- 1 . _ i.s m ^ frontofthepassengertenninal atrighL This a . : :^-^^!ed scene from the tonna6ve years of air tiave' - . is especialy fcjr TiFie Airtne BuUders by the c.r j, ; . i: n artist Frank Wootton. THE BUILDERS fllRLIME ESDPAPER An American Airlines DC-2. its wing flaps and wheels down for landing, descends toward the runway of a typical western United States airport under brilliant but cloud-filled skies in the mid- 1930s. Awaiting clearance for takeoff are a Ford Tri-motor operated by TWA (left foreground) and an American Airlines Curtiss Condor biplane (left background): another DC-2 sits in front of the passenger terminal at right. This authentically detailed scene from the formative years of air travel was painted in oils especially for The Airline Builders by the distinguished aviation artist Frank Wootton. THE BUILDERS filRLINE TIME BOOKS OtherPublications: PLANETEAFTTH COLLECTORSLIBRARYOFTHECMLWAR UBRARYOFHEALTH CLASSICSOFTHEOLDWEST THEGOODCOOK THESEAFARERS THEENCYCLOPEDIAOFCOLLECTIBLES THEGREATCITIES WORLDWAR II HOMEREPAIRANDIMPROVEMENT THEWORLDSWILDPLACES THETIMEUFELIBRARYOFBOATING HUMANBEHAVIOR THEAFTTOFSEWING THEOLDWEST THEEMERGENCEOFMAN THEAMERICANWILDERNESS THETIME-UFEENCYCLOPEDIAOFGARDENING UFEUBRARYOFPHOTOGRAPHY THISFABULOUSCENTURY FOODSOFTHEWORLD TIMEUFEUBRARYOFAMERICA TIME-UFEUBRARYOFART GREATAGESOFMAN UFESCIENCEUBRARY THELIFEHISTORYOFTHEUNITEDSTATES TIMEREADINGPROGRAM UFENATUREUBRARY UFEWORLDLIBRARY FAMILYUBRARY: HOWTHINGSWORKINYOURHOME THETIMEUFEBOOKOFTHEFAMILYCAR THETIMEUFEFAMILYLEGALGUIDE THETIME-UFEBOOKOFFAMILYRNANCE Thisvolumeisoneofaseriesthattracestheadventureand scienceofaviation,from theearliest mannedballoonascension throughtheeraofjetflight. THE EPIC OF FLIGHT THE BUILDERS fllRLINE > by Oliver E. Allen AND THE EDITORS OF TIME-LIFE BOOKS TIME-LIFE BOOKS. ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA 1 Time-LifeBooksInc. THEAUTHOR ForinformationaboutanyTime-Lifebook, pleasewrite: isawhollyowned subsidiaryof Oliver E. Allen made his first passenger flight Reader Information TIME INCORPORATED in the open cockpit of an itinerant barn- T5i4m1e-NLoirftehBFoaoikrbsanksCourt FOUNDER Henrv R. Luce 1898-1%7 stornner's biplane earlyin the 1930s, an expe- Chicago. Illinois6061 rience thatsparked his interest in aviation. He EPCrxhe&asoiirdr-eimnnat-n:ChJoifeRtfih:echHBaeornadrryMduAnnRraatlooplhePGrDuanvwiadlsodn iosfaTfiomrem-eLrifseeriBeosoekdistoarnadndthpelaanuntihnogrdiorfecttwoor aN£noy1pe9alr8et1ctoTrfiotnmhieic-sLobirofomeekBcmohaoankyiscbaIenlcr.meAeplarlnorsdi,ughcitensdcrlieunsdeairnnvgyedif.nofromrmoartiboyn ECxheaciumtriaune.VEixceecPurteisviedeCnotmmCiltitffeoer:dJJaGmresumR Shepley jvaomlmuemress ianndThTeheSePaafcaifriecrsNasveirgiaest.orTsh.e Wind- spteorrmaigsesiaonndfrreotmrietvhaelpduebvliicsehsero,resxycsetpetmst,hawtibtrhioeuftpparsisoargwersitmtaeny EditorialDirector: Ralph Graves bequoted forreviews. GroupVicePresident. Books: Joan D Manley Secondprinting. Printed in USA ViceChairrmn: ArthurTemple Published simultaneously in Canada. THECONSULTANTforTheAirlineBuilders Schooland librarydistribution bySilverBurdett TIME-LIFE BOOKS INC. Richard P. Hallion Jr. is the author of several Company, Morristown, NewJersey. TMeAaNDAiGreIaNorG.EGDeIorTgOeRCoJenrsrtyabKloem TbhooekGsuogngeavnihateiiomn,CionnctlruidbiuntgiLoengatocyAmoefrFilicgahtn: TIME-LIFE isatrademarkofTimeincorporated U.S.A. BoardofEditors: Dale M Brown, George G Daniels. Aviation. A member of the faculty of the Uni- LibraryofCongressCataloguingin Pubbcation Data Thomas H FlahertyJr . Martn Mann. PhilipW. Payne, versity of Maryland, Dr. Hallion has also Allen, OliverE. PAGlenarnrDnyiirSnecgcthoDrrie.remTcpto.ormG.eSErudazlwudkairSdimBornassh satertvheedNaastiCounraaltAoirroafnSdciSepnacceeaMnudsTeeucmh.nology TB(ihTbheleiaoiEgrplriiacnpehoybf:ufillpi.dgehrt)s. DDDiirrrAeAeesscsccstiittsosoottrrraarnooortffft.:AORdpeAPmeshriyrennlaaolitrlisicsdtohrnK:Cast:CiWaHoiGornsel:oenelDyynawnaevrlLioldCSL.acEkHseaptrotrsiistoon TMcHlEvCinONBS.UZLiTsfAeNinT,StfhoerTphrienEcpiipcalofcFolnisguhlttant, is 2BH.oEoI1A9k.ni8scrA0.lelu3irdUno.eenAssTa—3iuitAtnlieUd4.cen3xsi1..1t1.eCdSoeSmrtimaeet3sr:e8cs7E—ip.ai7lHci0—so6tfo5Urfn7ylii.3tgheI.tdTSitmaet-e8Ls0i—-f1eH5i2s4to9ry. A DirectorofPhotograph);: Dolores Littles Deputy Director of the National Air and ISBN0-8094-3285-4 CHAIRMAN: John D. McSweeney Space Museum. Washington. He received ISBN 0-8094-3284-6lib. bdg. President: Carl G. Jaeger degrees in aeronautical engineering from the ISBN 0-8094-3283-8retailed. Executive VicePresiderus: JohnSteven Maxwell. Massachusetts Institute of Technology and VDiacveiPdreJsiWdaelntssh: GeorgeArtandi, StephenL Bair, has contributed to many scientific, techno- Peter G. Barnes. NicholasBenton, John L Canova, logical and historical publications. He is an BeatriceT Dobie, Carol Flaumenhaft JamesL Mercer, Associate Fellow of the American Institute of R Herbert Sorkin. Paul Stewart Aeronautics and Astronautics. THE EPIC OF FLIGHT Chades Harvard Gibbs-Smith, Research Fel- EditorialStaffforTheAirlineBuilders low at the Science Museum, London, and Editor Jim Hicks a Keeper-Emeritus of the Victoria and Al- Designer Donald S. Komai ChiefResearcher LoisGilman bert Museum. London, has written or edited PictureEditor Jane N Coughran some 20 books and numerous articles on STGtelaxeftnfEnWdriMitatorerrtssi::nRGMuuscsNsealtHlte.Bd.bLeeArsdglai.emTMsharJorsm.h,aaRlsilcAhaLredwiWs.,Murphy afierrstonLaiuntdibcearlghhisPtroroyf.esIsno1r9o7f8AehreossepravceedHaissttho-e Researchers: DominickA Pisanoand Diane Bohrer ry at the National Air and Space Museum, (principals). BettyAjemian, Susan SchneiderBlair Smithsonian Institution. Washington. AssistantDesigner: Van W. Carney Cop^iCoordinator Elizabeth Graham Dr. Hidemasa Kimura, honorary professor at ArtAssistant: AnneK. DuVivier PictureCoordinator RebeccaC. Christoffersen Nippon University, Tokyo, is the author of EditorialAssistant: Deta D. Follin numerous books on the history of aviation Editorial Operations and is a widely known authority on aeronau- Production Director: FelicianoMadrid tical engineering and aircraft design. One A A Assistants; Peter Inchauteguiz, Karen Meyerson plane that he designed established a world Copi/Processing: Gordon E. Buck distance record in 1938. Qualit\;ControlDirector RobertL. Young Assistant: JamesJ Cox Associates: DanielJ. McSweeney, Michael G. Wight ArtCoordinator Anne B. Landry Copi;RoomDirector Susan B. Galloway Assistams: Celia Beattie, Ricki Tarlow Correspondents: Elisabeth Kraemer (Bonn); Margot Haogood, DorothyBacon, LesleyColeman (London); Susan Jonas, LucyT. Voulgaris (NewYork); Maria VincenzaAloisi, Josephinedu Brusle (Paris); Ann Natanson (Rome). Valuable assistancewasalso provided by; Janny Hovinga (Amsterdam); Martha Mader (Bonn); JudyAspinall, Karin B. Pearce (London); John Dunn (Melbourne); CarolynT. Chubet. Miriam Hsia. Christina Lieberman (NewYork); M. T Hirschkoff(Paris); Mimi Murphy (Rome); JanetZich (San Francisco); Jean Bolton (Seattle).

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