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Preview The Airborne Demonstrator for the Direct-Detection Doppler Wind Lidar ALADIN on ADM-Aeolus ...

2516 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME26 The Airborne Demonstrator for the Direct-Detection Doppler Wind Lidar ALADIN on ADM-Aeolus. Part II: Simulations and Rayleigh Receiver Radiometric Performance ULRIKEPAFFRATH,CHRISTIANLEMMERZ,OLIVERREITEBUCH,ANDBENJAMINWITSCHAS DeutschesZentrumfu¨rLuft-undRaumfahrt,Institutfu¨rPhysikderAtmospha¨re,Oberpfaffenhofen,Germany INESNIKOLAUS PhysicsSolutions,Munich,Germany VOLKERFREUDENTHALER Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversityofMunich,Munich,Germany (Manuscriptreceived7April2009,infinalform21July2009) ABSTRACT IntheframeoftheAtmosphericDynamicsMissionAeolus(ADM-Aeolus)satellitemissionbytheEu- ropeanSpaceAgency(ESA),aprototypeofadirect-detectionDopplerwindlidarwasdevelopedtomeasure windfromgroundandaircraftat355nm.WindismeasuredfromaerosolbackscattersignalwithaFizeau interferometerandfrommolecularbackscattersignalwithaFabry–Perotinterferometer.Theaimofthis studyistovalidatethesatelliteinstrumentbeforelaunch,improvetheretrievalalgorithms,andconsolidate theexpectedperformance.Thedetectedbackscattersignalintensitiesdeterminetheinstrumentwindmea- surementperformanceamongotherfactors,suchasaccuracyofthecalibrationandstabilityoftheoptical alignment.Resultsofmeasurementsandsimulationsforaground-basedinstrumentarecompared,analyzed, anddiscussed.Thesimulatedatmosphericaerosolmodelswerevalidatedbyuseofanadditionalbackscatter lidar.ThemeasuredRayleighbackscattersignalsofthewindlidarprototypeuptoanaltitudeof17kmare comparedtosimulationsandshowagoodagreementbyafactorbetterthan2,includingtheanalysesof differenterrorsources.FirstanalysesofthesignalattheMiereceiverfromhighcirruscloudsarepresented.In addition,thesimulationsoftheRayleighsignalintensitiesoftheAtmosphericLaserDopplerInstrument (ALADIN)AirborneDemonstrator(A2D)instrumentongroundandaircraftwerecomparedtosimulations ofthesatellitesystem.Thesatellitesignalintensitiesabove11.5kmarelargerthanthosefromtheA2D ground-basedinstrumentandalwayssmallerthanthosefromtheaircraftforallaltitudes. 1. Introduction mate(Bakeretal.1995;ESA1999).Satellite-basedlidar systems offer the potential foradequateverticalresolu- Atpresent,ourinformationonthethree-dimensional tionandglobalcoverage. wind field over the Northern Hemisphere oceans, the WithinthecontextoftheEarthExplorercoreprogram tropics,andtheSouthernHemisphereisincompletebe- oftheEuropeanSpaceAgency(ESA),theAtmospheric cause of insufficient measurement data. There are sig- Dynamics Mission Aeolus (ADM-Aeolus) comprises nificantareaswheremeasurementsdonotyieldreliable adirect-detectionDopplerlidartomeasureglobalwind data,andthereisastrongdemandforimprovementsin fieldsfromsatellite,whichwillbethefirstEuropeanli- global wind profiles, which are crucial for numerical darinspaceandthefirstwindlidarinspaceworldwide. weather prediction andstudiesrelatedtothe global cli- The lidar system on ADM-Aeolus is the Atmospheric LaserDopplerLidarInstrument(ALADIN),whichis designed to provide global observations of wind pro- Corresponding author address: Oliver Reitebuch, Deutsches filesinthetroposphereandlowerstratospherefornu- Zentrum fu¨r Luft- und Raumfahrt, Institut fu¨r Physik der At- mospha¨re,Oberpfaffenhofen,82234Wessling,Germany. mericalweatherprediction(ESA2008;Stoffelenetal. E-mail:[email protected] 2005). DOI:10.1175/2009JTECHA1314.1 (cid:2)2009AmericanMeteorologicalSociety DECEMBER2009 PAFFRATH ET AL. 2517 In the frame of the ADM-Aeolus program, a proto- the A2D on ground and aircraft are compared to sim- typeinstrumentwasdeveloped—theALADINAirborne ulationsofthesatellite. Demonstrator (A2D)—to validate the measurement The A2D instrument is introduced in section 2. The principlewithrealisticatmosphericsignals from ground simulator is presented in section 3, and results of the and aircraft before satellite launch. The instrument de- radiometricperformancearediscussedinsection4. sign of the A2D is described by Reitebuch et al. (2009, hereafterPartI). 2. Instrumentdescription To evaluate the measurement capability of the in- strument and to predict its performance, the detected TheA2Dincludesafrequency-tripledNd:YAGlaser signalintensitywasanalyzed.Therandomerrorofwind operatingatawavelengthof354.89 nm(Schro¨deretal. measurements of the ALADIN instrument is mainly 2007),aCassegraintelescopewithadiameterof0.2 m, determinedbythesignalintensityresultingfromphoton acoaxiallaserbeampathwithrespecttothetelescope, noise. A simulator was developed to represent the andtwospectrometers(Fig.1)todetecttheaerosoland ALADIN instrument for performance analyses and to molecularbackscattersignal(Durandetal.2005;PartI). improvetheprocessingalgorithms.Theobjectiveofthis Details oftheA2Ddesignandcomparisonstothesat- paperistocomparetheexpectedsignalintensitiesfrom elliteinstrumentcanbefoundinPartI. simulations with measurements to validate the radio- The emitted photons of the laser pass the transmit metricperformance. optics with a transmission t , which includes three T The radiometric performance of direct-detection mirrors, and for the airborne systems,the aircraft win- Dopplerlidarswasdeterminedbysimulations,beginning dow. The backscatter signal from the atmosphere is in 1979, for different spaceborne instruments (Abreu collected by the telescope, reflected by mirrors, and 1979; Menzies 1986; Rees and McDermid 1990; McGill passesthefrontopticswithareceivetransmissiont . R etal.1999).Theradiometricperformancewasvalidated Thebackscattersignalispartlytransmittedthroughthe forattenuatedbackscatter,asshownbyTaoetal.(2008), Fizeau interferometer and imaged as a fringe onto the formeasurementsofaground-basedinstrumentandthe detector.Thesignalstrengthdependsonthewavelength- current satellite lidar on the Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and dependent transmission of the Fizeau interferometer Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation (CALIPSO). t (l) and the peak transmission of 0.406, which is de- Fiz Acomparisonofmeasuredandmodeledsignalintensities scribedinsection3e.Thistransmissiont (l),whenin- Fiz was shown by Fischer et al. (1995) for a ground-based tegrated over the imaged spectral range, yields the wind lidar, concluding that the measured radiometric spectralefficiencyof12.7%.Furthermore,apeaktrans- signal intensities are within the range of the modeled missionoftheFizeauinterferometerof40.6%hastobe values. A performance validation was presented by taken into account. The aperture of the Fizeau in- Gentry and Chen (2003) for a mobile wind lidar at terferometer is circular; because of the truncation at a wavelength of 355 nm, where simulations and mea- asquaredetectorplane,thesignalisreducedbyafactor surementscorrespondtoeachother. of2/p,whichiscalledthepupiltruncationratio(Paffrath A lidar simulator was introduced by Veldman et al. 2006). (1999)toanalyzetheperformanceoftheADM-Aeolus AfterreflectionattheFizeauinterferometer,theback- instrumentduringitsinitialdesignphase(ESA1999).It scatter signal is directed toward the Fabry–Perot inter- wasfurtherappliedbyMarseilleandStoffelen(2003)for ferometer.TheDopplerfrequencyshiftofthemolecular the performance prediction regarding different atmo- backscatter signal is measured with the double-edge spheric conditions. A simulator of the direct-detection method using a Fabry–Perot interferometer (Garnier lidarfortheADM-Aeolusinstrumentwasdevelopedby and Chanin 1992; Gentry et al. 2000), which is charac- Leikeetal.(2001)andupdatedtoincorporatetheactual terizedbyanewmethodtoseparatelightdependingon ALADIN satellite design. This simulator provided the polarizationcalledthesequentialtechnique(Fig.2). basisoftheA2Dsimulator,whichwasusedtovalidate In the sequential Fabry–Perot interferometer of the theA2Dinstrument(Paffrath2006). A2D with a mean spectral reflection of 82%, the in- MeasurementswiththeA2Dwereperformedin2007 coming photons are directed first to filter A with a and 2008 from ground. It is planned to extend the resulting mean spectral transmission of about 18%. analysisoftheradiometricperformance withmeasure- Thus,82%ofthephotonsarereflectedoffthefirstfilter mentsfromaircraftinadownward-lookingperspective, tothesecondfilterB,whereagain18%oftheincoming as for the ALADIN satellite. In this study, the radio- photons are transmitted, resulting in a total trans- metric performance of simulations and ground-based mission of 15% to filter B. Such a scheme is more ef- measurementsisanalyzed.Additionally,simulationsof ficient than conventional nonsequential Fabry–Perot 2518 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME26 FIG.1.BlockdiagramoftheA2Dreceiverwiththecorrespondingopticaltransmissionco- efficientsusedforsimulations.ThesquaredetectorplaneoftheRayleighreceiverisdividedinto twosectionsforfiltersAandB.TheefficiencyoftheMie(Rayleigh)receiveris0.6%(1.5%). interferometers, where a beam splitter halves the in- ground were performed with zenith-looking geometry, comingfluxtoeachfilter. whereonlyverticalwindsaffectthesignal.Theincoming The sequential routing technique results in different photonsintheRayleighreceiverpatharereducedbythe peaktransmissionsforfiltersAandB.Thetransmissions filterpeaktransmission(0.293ofAand0.196ofB)and ofbothfiltersforzerowindspeedandaDoppler-shifted the spectral efficiency. The spectral efficiency of the spectrumfor 250 m s21(thelargevalueistakenforil- lustration) are shown in Fig. 3, where the Rayleigh spectrumwithzerowindspeediscenteredclosetothe crosspointofbothfiltercurves.Inthepresenceofwind speed,however,theRayleighspectrumisshiftedtoward one maximum of the filter curves, resulting in a differ- ence of intensity ratio of the two filters. The Doppler shiftcanbedeterminedfromeithertheratioofthein- tensitiesA/B(FlesiaandKorb1999;Gentryetal.2000) orfromthecontrastfunction(A2B)/(A1B),assug- gested by Chanin et al. (1989) and used for ALADIN (Dabasetal.2008;Tanetal.2008). To analyze the radiometric performance, the signal intensities that are transmitted through filters A and B aresummedup.Thistotalsignalisonlyslightlyaffected bythewindspeed.Windsof10 m s21alongthelineof sightleadtoashiftoftheRayleighspectrumof0.02 pm FIG. 2. Illustration of the spectral efficiency of the sequential Fabry–Perot interferometer for a mean reflection of 82%: the and therefore only lead to small variations in the total transmittedsignaloffilterA(B)with18%(15%)efficiencyresults signal of A and B of less than 2%. To validate the ra- inthetotalspectralefficiencyof33%forabroadbandRayleigh diometric performance, the A2D measurements from spectrum. DECEMBER2009 PAFFRATH ET AL. 2519 FIG.3.Principleofthedouble-edgemethodwithfiltersAandBandanatmosphericsignal spectrumwiththenarrowbandMieandthebroadbandRayleighsignalfor0and250ms21. GrayareasindicatethetransmittedsignaltotheRayleighdetectorfor0ms21. Fabry–Perot interferometer describes the ratio of ulator is characterized by a high vertical atmospheric transmitted to incoming photons and is determined by layerresolutionof15m.Simulationsareperformedwith the spectral width of the Rayleigh signal, the filter singleoraccumulatedlaser-pulsespectrawithaPoisson- spectral widths, and the filter spectral spacing. Alto- distributed random number of detected photons from gether,thetransmissionfactorsoftheRayleighreceiver atmospheric scattering processes. The input parameters arethespectralefficiency(0.33),thepeaktransmission of the simulator are adapted to the actual instrumental (mean0.244),thereceiveopticstransmission(0.22),and parameters. thequantumefficiencyofthedetector(0.85),andthey a. Backscattersignal result in a Rayleigh receiver efficiency of 1.5%. The correspondingefficiencyis0.6%fortheMiereceiver. The lidar equation is used to determine the back- The instrument parameters of the A2D are listed in scattersignaldetectedbyalidarsystem.Thenumberof Table1.TheA2Ddetectorisanaccumulationcharged signal electrons on the detector per laser pulse from coupleddevice(ACCD)thatiscapableofaccumulating adistancerfromthelidarsystemisgivenby electronicchargesfromseverallaser-pulsereturns.The incomingphotons at theACCD are convertedto elec- N (l, r)5N DR(A)t(l)T t t m b(r)T2(r), (1) trons with a quantum efficiency of 0.85. The signal is e L r2 p R T eff imagedontoalightsensitiveareaof16316pixels.An whereAistheareaofthereceivertelescope;DRisthe electro-optic modulator (EOM) in the front optics is depthofthesensingvolume;bistheatmosphericback- used to reduce the backscatter light close to the in- scatter coefficient; and T2 is the atmospheric two-way strumentupto1 kmtoavoidasaturationoftheACCD. transmission,includingmolecularandaerosolextinction. Duringmeasurementsin2007,thetransmissionofthe The instrumental parameters are the wavelength- EOMwasreducedto0.75forallaltitudes.However,the dependenttransmissiont(l),thefilterpeaktransmission nominaltransmissionof100%wasachievedin2008. T (T ,T ,andT ),thereceiveopticstransmissiont , p A B Fiz R thetransmitopticstransmissiont ,andthequantumef- T 3. Simulations:Atmosphereandinstrument ficiencym ofthedetector.ThetermN istheequivalent eff L number of emitted photons by the laser, which are de- The ALADIN prototype simulator was developed rivedfrom to represent the A2D operated on ground and air- craft.Thesimulatorincludesthelasertransmitter,the l receiver,thedetectionunit,andtheinteractionofthe NL5 hLc EL, (2) transmitted light with the atmosphere. This enables the study of the radiometric and wind measurement wherel isthewavelengthofthelaser,cisthespeedof L performance for different atmospheric states and the light,hisPlanck’sconstant,andE istheenergyofthe L improvementofthewindretrievalalgorithms.Thesim- laserpulse(Table1). 2520 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME26 TABLE1.InstrumentparametersoftheA2Dandthesatelliteinstrumentusedforsimulations. Valueinsimulation Instrument Symbol Parameter A2D Satellite Instrument z Altitude 0km 408km i Laser l Laserwavelength 354.9nm* 355nm L E Laserpulseenergy 57mJ* 120mJ L FWHM Laserlinewidth 0.021pm* 0.021pm L u Laserdivergence 200mrad(2007)* 12mrad L 100mrad(2008)* Receiver u FOV 100mrad 19mrad R d Telescopediameter 0.2m* 1.5m Tel t Transmitopticstransmission 0.98* 0.66 T t Receiveopticstransmission 0.22* 0.42 R t EOMtransmission 0.75(2007)* 1.0 EOM 1.00(2008)* Fizeauinterferometer T Peaktransmission 0.406* 0.60 Fiz Spectralefficiency 0.127** 0.135 FilterFWHM 0.059pm* 0.059pm FilterUSR 0.69pm* 0.69pm FilterFSR 0.92pm** 0.92pm Fabry–Perotinterferometer T PeaktransmissionA 0.293* 0.68 A T PeaktransmissionB 0.196* 0.61 B Spectralefficiency 0.33** 0.37 FilterFWHMA 0.749pm* 0.70pm FilterFWHMB 0.752pm* 0.70pm FilterFSR 4.6pm* 4.6pm Spectralspacing 2.603pm* 2.300pm ACCD m Quantumefficiency 0.85* 0.85 eff *Measured. **Derivedfromcalculations. b. Theatmosphere from the atmospheric temperature T(z) and pressure p(z)profile, The atmospheric backscatter and extinction coeff- icients are calculated from the reference model atmo- (cid:2)296K(cid:3)(cid:2) p(z) (cid:3) b 5 N s , (3) sphere (RMA) climatology data, which were derived Mol T(z) 1:013 3 105Pa L Mol fromfieldcampaignsbefore1991(Vaughanetal.1995). These data were used for different satellite lidar simu- withN 52.47931025 m23moleculespervolume,the L lations(MarseilleandStoffelen2003;DiGirolamoetal. Loschmidt’s number referenced to a temperature of 2008; Ehret et al. 2008). The aerosol backscatter co- 296 K,andapressureof1.0133105 Pa. efficientsofthemedianmodelagreewithinanorderof Thetwo-waytransmissionisderivedfrom magnitude and better with aerosol measurements in " # ðz Europeduringthelastfewyears(Wandinger2003).The T2(z)5exp (cid:2)2 ta(z)dz , (4) temperature and pressure profiles of this study were z i takenfromtheU.S.StandardAtmosphere,1976,which representsanidealizedstateoftheearth’satmosphere, where the total extinction a is the sum of the aerosol referring to a period with moderate solar activity for extinction a and molecular extinction a . The alti- A Mol various climatic conditions (Champion 1985). Option- tude of the instrument is z, and the altitude of the at- i ally, temperature, pressure, cloud cover, backscatter mospherictargetisz. t coefficients,andwindprofilesfromobservationscanbe The molecular extinction is calculated from a 5 Mol usedasinputtothesimulator. b 8p/3. The aerosol extinction is derived from a 5 Mol A Themolecularbackscattercoefficientisderivedfrom 50b ,wheretheextinction-to-backscatterratioorlidar A theRayleighbackscattercrosssectionperairmolecule ratioisassumedtobeaconstantvalueof50sr,whichcan s (58.444 3 10232 m2 sr21 at 355 nm; Collis and beassumedasameanforcontinentalaerosol(Vaughan Mol Russell 1976) and the number of molecules N per et al. 1995; Winker et al. 1996; Marseille and Stoffelen Mol unitvolumedependingonaltitudez,whichiscalculated 2003). DECEMBER2009 PAFFRATH ET AL. 2521 c. Spectraldistributionofthebackscattersignal Thespectraforscatteringonaerosolsandmolecules arecalculatedindependenceonwavelengthandatmo- spheric temperature. The spectrum of laser light is broadened for molecular scattering resulting from the molecular thermal motion, which may be described by a Gaussian line profile function with a standard de- viation(SD)s of R sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2l kTN s 5 L A, (5) R c m air wherem isthemeanmolecular airmass(2.93 1022 air kg mol21), k is the Boltzmann constant, and N is the A Avogadro constant. The spectrum of laser light scat- teredbyaerosolsisassumedtobeequaltothefullwidth FIG. 4. The signal-loss factor f(r) resulting from a laser di- athalfmaximum(FWHM)ofthelaser-pulsespectrum vergenceof100(dashedline)and200mrad(boldline)forare- FWHML(seeTable1). ceiverFOVof100mrad. d. Effectofthelaserbeamexceedingthereceiver fieldofview backscatter signal is reduced by a factor f(r) depend- Ifthelaserbeamdivergence(u 5200mradin2007 ing on the range r, which is calculated from the ratio L and100mradin2008)givenasa63svalueislargerthan of the received power P , restricted by the FOV of rec thefieldofview(FOV;u 5100mrad)ofthereceiver, the receiver with radius r , and the laser beam R FOV then the transmitted laser beam power is partially lost powerP withradiusr (Witschas2007).Thepower total L and the backscatter signal is reduced. The laser beam of the laser beam is calculated by integration over the intensity distribution was determined to be Gaussian two-dimensional beamprofileintensities in thetwodi- with low M2 values of 1.9 in 2007 and 1.2 in 2008. The rectionsx(r)andy(r): ð1rFOVð1rFOV (cid:5) (cid:2)9[x2(r)1y2(r)](cid:3)(cid:6) I (r)e (cid:2) dxdy P 0 2r2(r) f(r)5 rec 5 (cid:2)rFOV (cid:2)rFOV L , (6) P ð1‘ð1‘ (cid:5) (cid:2)9[x2(r)1y2(r)](cid:3)(cid:6) total I (r)e (cid:2) dxdy 0 2r2(r) (cid:2)‘ (cid:2)‘ L whereI isthemaximumlaserintensityatdistancerand functions. The Airy function is written as (Vaughan 0 r isthe3s radiusofthelaserbeam,whichisapproxi- 2002) L matedbyr 50.5u r.ThediameteroftheFOVofthe L L receiver can be calculated from rFOV 5 0.5uRr 1 t(l)5[11Fsin2(u/2)](cid:2)1, (7) r . The function f(r) is shown in Fig. 4 for a re- Tel(r50) ceiver FOV of 100 mrad and laser divergences of 100 whereFisthecoefficientoftheFinesse,whichisderived (dashed line) and 200 mrad (bold line). Even with the fromF5(2F /p)2andthereflectivefinesseofF 5FSR/ r r laser beam within the FOV of the receiver, there is FWHM.Thefreespectralrange(FSR)isdefinedasthe about5%lossofbackscatter lightatthereceiverfrom spectraldistanceofthetransmissionmaximawithFSR5 14-kmaltitudebecauseoftheGaussianbeamprofile.A l2/(2nd) for perpendicular incidence of light (Vaughan laserdivergenceof200mradresultsinalossofpowerof 2002). The phase u 5 4pnd(cosd)l21 is linked to the about45%at14-kmaltitude. wavelength, where d is the angle of incidence, d is the distance of the two etalon plates of the interferometer, e. TheMieandRayleighspectrometer andnistherefractiveindexofthemediumbetweenthe FortheMiereceiverwiththeFizeauinterferometer, plates. The transmission of the Mie spectrometer de- the filter transmission curves are assumed to be Airy pendingonwavelengthlis 2522 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME26 (cid:5) (cid:2)p(cosd)l(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:2)1 atmosphere, the background light during daytime op- t (l)5 11Fsin2 , (8) eration, and an electronic detection chain offset. The Fiz FSR Fiz detectionchainoffsetisaconstantelectricvoltageatthe whereFSR andFWHM arethefreespectralrange analog digital converter. The background light is re- Fiz Fiz and full width at half maximum of the Fizeau in- duced by several filters in the A2D front optic. The terferometer,respectively,accordingtoTable1.Forthe remaining background light and the detection chain case where the laser beam is out of the FOV and the offsetaredeterminedfromanadditionalmeasurement EOM transmissionsmallerthan1,thenumberof elec- andremovedduringsignalprocessing. tronsattheMiedetectorN iscalculatedby TovalidatetheRayleighradiometricperformance,the e,Fiz signal electrons on the Rayleigh receiver were analyzed N (l, r)5N (l, r)f(r)t , (9) e,Fiz e EOM for cloud-free sky on different days with similar atmo- spheric temperature profiles. The measured Rayleigh withN (l,r)fromEq.(1),thefactorf(r)[Eq.(6)],and e signal level only depends slightly on atmospheric tem- the EOM transmission t (Table 1). The signal EOM perature.Furthermore,forhigheraltitudes,pureRayleigh photons that are not transmitted through the Fizeau signal isexpected at the receiver without impact of Mie interferometer are reflected to the Rayleigh receiver signal.FirstanalysesoftheMiesignalattheMiereceiver (N ). The transmission of each filter of the Fabry– e,FP arepresentedfromhighercirrusclouds.Multipurposeli- Perot interferometer can be described by the Airy dar system (MULIS) measurements are available from function, 2007, and there was one event with cirrus clouds during (cid:5) (cid:2)p(cosd)l(cid:3)(cid:6)(cid:2)1 thecampaign.Furtheranalysesareplannedinthefuture. t (l)5 11Fsin2 . (10) FP FSR Becauseoftheimpactofthetelescopeoverlapupto FP 2 km and the attenuation of the signal close to the in- ThenumberofelectronsontheRayleighdetectorfor strument resulting from the EOM, measurements and filterAiscalculatedusingEqs.(1)and(10)withf(r)and simulations were evaluated above 2-km altitude. The theEOMtransmissiontEOM: range bins close to the instrument up to 2 km are 315.6 m, and range bins for higher altitudes are from N (l,r)5N (l, r)f(r)t . (11) A e,FP EOM 631.2to1262.4 m.Therangebinwidthdependsonthe ACCDintegrationtimest ,whichcanbeamultipleof The reflected signal of Rayleigh filter A is transmitted int 2.104ms(315.6 m).Duringsignalprocessing,thesignal through filter B, and the number of electrons on the electronsattheRayleighreceiverACCDfromfiltersA Rayleighdetectorforthisfilteriscalculatedwith andBaresummedupandscaledtoarangebinwidthof NB(l, r)5TB(l)[1(cid:2)TA(l)]NA(l, r). (12) 315.6 m by a factor of tint/2.104 ms to have a uniform verticalresolutionfrommeasurementsandsimulations. The vertical signal profiles presented in this paper are theresultof630accumulatedlaserpulsesduring14 sat 4. Radiometricperformance thedetector.Atotalof10%of700pulsesfromalaser Ground-basedmeasurementswereperformedinJuly with50-HzrepetitionratearelostbecauseoftheACCD 2007attheRichardAßmannObservatoryoftheGerman readout.Tovalidatetheradiometricperformanceofthe Weather Service (DWD; Deutscher Wetterdienst) in instrument,differentdayswithoutcloudsarecompared. Lindenberg,65 kmsoutheastofBerlin(528139N,148089E, Simulationsofverticalprofilesofsignalelectronsfor 97m MSL) and in October 2008 at the German Aero- differentatmosphericconditionsareintroducedinsec- space Center (DLR; Deutsches Zentrum fu¨r Luft- und tion4a.Section4bshowsresultsofmeasuredbackscatter Raumfahrt) in Oberpfaffenhofen (488049N, 118169E, coefficients by an aerosol lidar compared with atmo- 620 mMSL). sphericmodelsforaerosolcontent.A2Dmeasurements ThemaindifferencebetweentheA2Dmeasurements fromgroundarevalidatedwithsimulationsinsections4c, in2007and2008wasthelaserdivergence,whichwas200 4d, and 4e. Simulations of the A2D from ground and mradin2007andthuslargerthanthe100-mradfieldof airborneplatformsandthesatelliteinstrumentareshown viewofthereceiver,andthetransmissionoftheEOM, insection4f. whichwas75%in2007(Table1).In2008,thelaserbeam a. Simulations divergencewas100mrad,withinthefieldofviewofthe receiver,andtheEOMtransmissionwas100%. The signal electrons on the Rayleigh detector have The measured signal electrons at the A2D detector been calculated for different aerosol content (median arise from the laser light that is backscattered by the and lower-quartile models from the RMA; Fig. 6) and DECEMBER2009 PAFFRATH ET AL. 2523 FIG. 5. Simulations of the number of signal electrons on the Rayleighdetectorfordifferentatmospherictemperatureprofiles FIG. 6. Simulations of the number of signal electrons on the (U.S.StandardAtmosphere,1976;midlatitudesummer;andarctic Rayleigh detector for the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976 tem- winter;thinblacklines).Theratioofthenumberofelectronsfrom perature profile and different aerosol models. The ratio of the the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976 to the midlatitude summer numberofelectronsregardingthemedian(dottedline)andlower- (bolddashedline)andtoarcticwinter(dottedline)isuptoafactor quartile(boldline)aerosolmodelsisuptoafactorof1.4(dashed of1.1. line). quartile aerosol models with the temperature profile of different atmospheric temperatures (U.S. Standard At- theU.S.StandardAtmosphere,1976showdifferencesin mosphere,1976;midlatitudesummer;andarcticwinter; signal up to a factor of 1.4. The aerosol backscatter co- Fig. 5). Temperature and pressure determine the mo- efficients were determined from measurements by an leculardensityandthusthemolecularbackscattersignal aerosolbackscatterlidarin2007.Therewerenoaccom- [Eq.(3)]. panyingmeasurementsofthebackscattercoefficientsin Thetemperaturescanvaryoveralargerange,andthe 2008.Itisassumedthatthedifferencesofsignalin2008 U.S. Standard Atmosphere,1976 model isclose tomea- presented in this paper, up to a factor 1.4 (40%), can sured temperature profiles during the A2D observation arisefromdifferencesinatmosphericaerosolcontent. periodinJuly2007andOctober2008.Twofurthertem- In addition, the aerosol content does not only de- peratureprofileshavebeenconsidered:thearcticwinter crease the Rayleigh signal by extinction above aerosol profileandthemidlatitudesummerprofilewithamaxi- layers,butitalsoincreasetheRayleighreceiversignals, mum temperature difference of 30 K at an altitude of whichiscalledcrosstalk,inthecaseofMiebackscatter 10km,whichresultsinadifferenceofafactor1.1ofthe signal from aerosols. From the Fizeau interferometer, Rayleigh signal (Fig. 5). The differences in signal from about5%oftheincomingphotonsaretransmitted(with expected temperature differences during several mea- apeaktransmissionof40.6%andaspectralefficiencyof surementperiodsisabout5 K,whichresultsinavariation 0.127; see Fig. 1) and 95% are reflected toward the ofsignalofabout61%(Table3). Rayleighreceiver(section3e).Thus,theRayleighsignal Theincreasedaerosolcontentintheboundarylayeris levels in the boundary layer with aerosols are signifi- acauseofhigherextinctionoflaserlightforlidarsystems cantlyincreasedbecauseofcrosstalkoftheMiesignal. operatingfromground,whichleadstoadecreaseinsignal Inaddition,thefirst2 kmarestronglyinfluencedbythe from higheraltitudes.Themedianaerosolmodelrepre- telescopeoverlap.Inthefollowing,analysesofthesig- sentstheatmosphereduringmostdaysinJuly2007quite nalattheRayleighreceiverwereperformedforcloud- well(section4b).TheRayleighsignalinFig.6,withthe freeconditionsabove2 km.ThesignalattheRayleigh median aerosol model (dotted line), shows lower signal receiverincreasesignificantlybyMiesignalfromclouds; fromhigheraltitudes(e.g.,10 km)resultingfromextinc- hence,onlyeventswithcloud-freeskyareconsideredto tionfromaerosolsintheboundarylayercomparedtothe determinetheRayleighradiometricperformance. lower-quartilemodel(boldline).Dayswithloweraerosol b. MULISmeasurementsofaerosolbackscatter contentarerepresentedbythelower-quartilemodeland coefficients show increased Rayleigh signal from higher altitudes (Fig. 6,boldline) resulting from the lower extinction in TheMULISfromtheUniversityofMunichisamo- theboundarylayer.Simulationsofthemedianandlower- bilebackscatterlidarwithanNd:YAGlaseroperatingat 2524 JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC AND OCEANIC TECHNOLOGY VOLUME26 threewavelengths(1064,532,and355 nm).Thevertical profiles of the backscatter and extinction coefficients at 355 nm were derived from MULIS measurements (Freudenthaleretal.2009)bymeansofthemethodde- scribed by Klett (1985), assuming a height-independent extinction-to-backscatterratioof55sr.Thevolumeand aerosoldepolarizationwasmeasuredat532 nm.Forthis study,theverticalprofileswitharesolutionof7.5mare averagedover10min. Thecomparisonsoftheaerosolbackscattermodelsof theRMAand MULISmeasurements duringJuly2007 (0628and1226UTC8July;0333,0613,and0849UTC 14July;0750UTC15July;and1010and1830UTC17 FIG.7.AerosolbackscattercoefficientfromMULISmeasure- July)isshowninFig.7,wheretheMULISobservations ments at 355nm during different days in July 2007 (thin black areindicatedasthinblacklines.Allthesemeasurements lines).ThemeanaerosolbackscattercoefficientofMULISisrep- resentedbythedottedline.TheRMAlower-quartile(dashedline represent different aerosol loadings during periods ontheleft),RMAmedian(boldline),andRMAhigher-quartile without clouds. The mean value of all MULIS mea- model atmosphere (short-dashed line on the right) are in good surements is close to the RMA median aerosol model. agreementwiththeMULISmeasurements. Most of the MULIS measurements fall between the lower-quartile and the higher-quartile aerosol models, electronsattheMiereceiverwereobservedfromacir- which vary by a factor of 10 in aerosol backscatter co- ruscloudat9-kmaltitude,whichisafactorofabout10 efficientupto2.5 km.Althoughtheaerosolbackscatter lower than from simulations. The high signal from the coefficient of the median and lower-quartile models zenith-pointing measurement may arise from specular differs by a factor up to 5, the effect on the Rayleigh reflectance, which occurs for specific ice crystal orien- signalisonlyafactorof1.4(Fig.6). tations (Noel and Sassen 2005). To avoid specular re- c. FirstresultsontheMieradiometricperformance flectance, the MULIS lidar was pointing 28 off zenith, buttheA2Dwaspointingtowardzenithtoavoidimpact TheradiometricperformanceoftheMiereceiverwas ofhorizontalwind.A2Dmeasurementswitha28–48off- not analyzedin detailuptonowbecause oflargevari- zenith-pointingsystemhavetobeperformedtoexclude ations in the backscatter signal arising from aerosol specularreflectance. variations,depolarization,andspecularreflectancefrom Hard target measurements were performed with a clouds or, in the case of a hard target, of unknown al- surfaceofunknownalbedoinadistanceof1–2 km,which bedo.Inafirststep,aroughestimateoftheMiesignal isstillinthetelescopeoverlaprange.Hence,thesemea- fromcirruscloudsat8–10-kmaltitudewasinvestigated surementswerenotconsideredwithrespecttotheMie and compared to MULIS measurements at 2008–2018 radiometric performance. The reflectance of the sea UTC8July.FromMULISmeasurements,abackscatter coefficientof231025 m21 sr21andalidarratioof13sr surface from airborne observations with the A2D and theanalysisoftheMiereceiversignalaredescribedby at355 nmwereretrieved.Thiscorrespondsquitewellto Lietal.(2010). the RMA model values for cirrus clouds with 1.4 3 1025 m21 sr21and14sr.Thevolumedepolarizationratio d. RayleighradiometricperformanceofA2D variesbetween0.1and0.3atthecloud altitudederived in2007 fromMULISmeasurements.Ameandepolarizationra- tio of 0.25 can be assumed for simulations for altitudes Measured A2D signal electrons from different days of8–9km. and simulations are compared in Fig. 8, where the The summated number of 122 000 Mie signal elec- Rayleighbackscattersignalisdetectedupto17-kmal- tronswithacirruscloudandabackscattercoefficientof titude. The A2D measurements were selected for one the RMA is comparable to simulations with MULIS day with lower aerosol content (14 July 2007) and an- backscatter with 131 000 signal electrons. The corre- otherdaywithhigheraerosolcontent(17July2007),as sponding A2D zenith-pointing measurements result in measured by MULIS. On 14 (17) July 2007, the A2D 217 000 Mie signal electrons from the cirrus cloud, measurements were averaged over 5 (15) min and whichisafactorof1.6higherthanfromsimulationswith compared to simulations with the instrumental param- MULIS backscatter. During a 158 off-zenith-pointing eters from Table 1. Simulations were performed with measurement (1955–1957 UTC), only 12 250 signal measured MULIS aerosol backscatter coefficients DECEMBER2009 PAFFRATH ET AL. 2525 FIG.8.(left)SignalelectronsontheRayleighdetectorfromA2Dmeasurementsononeday with lower aerosol content (14 Jul 2007; black bold line) and one day with higher aerosol content (17 Jul 2007; dashed bold line) are compared to simulations. Input parameters of simulationsare measured temperatures by radiosondewith aerosolbackscattercoefficients measuredbyMULIS(dottedlines).(right)Theratioofthenumberofsimulatedtomeasured electronsontheRayleighdetectorfrom14(blackdottedline)and17Jul2007(dasheddotted line)areshown. averaged over 10 min and temperature profiles from showing that theday-to-dayvariationof thealignment radiosonde,withthecorrespondingtimesinTable2. wasalsosignificantlyimproved. TheA2Dsignalelectronsmeasuredon14and17July Simulations using the median aerosol backscatter 2007areafactorof2.5–6lowerthanthecorresponding coefficient and the temperature of the U.S. Standard simulations(Fig.8,right).Factorsupto6atloweralti- Atmosphere,1976,ascomparedtoA2Dmeasurements, tudes arise from broadening effects of the laser diver- differ by a factor of about 2 for altitudes above 4 km genceresultingfromatmosphericturbulenceandsmall (Fig. 9, right). A factor of up to 4 difference for alti- differencesinalignmentinthetransmitandreceivepath tudesbelow4 kmarisesfrombroadeningeffectsofthe from day to day. Both strongly affect the telescope laserdivergenceresultingfromatmosphericturbulence overlap function (Wandinger and Ansmann 2002). Be- and small misalignments in the transmit and receive cause of insufficient agreement of the simulated and path. The fluctuations in signal are not larger than observed overlap function, it has not been included in 3.5%, which is the SD of the current measurement at the simulations up to now. Small differences between 1040–1103 UTC 20 October 2008. Concluding, it was bothdaysarecausedbydifferencesinalignmentofthe shown that measurements withthe A2D differ to sim- transmitandreceivepathopticsin2007. ulationsin2007byafactorof2.5andin2008byafactor of2.0foraltitudesabove4 km. e. RayleighradiometricperformanceofA2Din2008 The systematic differences of measurements and In2008,thelaserdivergencewasreducedtobebelow simulationsarisefromuncertaintiesoftheatmospheric 100 mrad (63s, 99.7%) and is therefore within the re- conditions and the instrument parameters. Error con- ceiver FOV. The EOM refractive index fluid was re- tributions to the measurements are the variation in filled, which leads to a nominal transmission of 100%. alignmentofthetransmitandreceivepathandthetur- Verticalprofilesofthenumberofsignalelectronson12 bulentbroadeningofthelaserbeam.Atmospherictur- and 20 October 2008 are all upon each other (Fig. 9), bulencecancausethelaserbeamtobebroadenedand TABLE2.TimetableofmeasurementsfromA2D,MULIS,andradiosonde. Date A2Dmeasurements Inputsimulations 14Jul2007 0413–0418UTC Radiosonde0600UTC;MULIS0328–0338UTC 17Jul2007 0708–0723UTC Radiosonde1200UTC;MULIS1010–1020UTC 12Oct2008 1)0903–1000and2)1138–1146UTC U.S.StandardAtmosphere,1976RMAmedianaerosolmodel 20Oct2008 1040–1103UTC U.S.StandardAtmosphere,1976RMAmedianaerosolmodel

In the frame of the Atmospheric Dynamics Mission Aeolus (ADM-Aeolus) satellite mission by . lidar for the ADM-Aeolus instrument was developed by.
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