monitoring the future occasional ppaper sseries ppaappeerr 6650 THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF DEMOGRAPHIC SUBGROUPTRENDS FOR VARIOUS THE MONITORING THE FUTURE STUDY LICITAND ILLICIT DRUGS AND PROGRESS TOWARD 1975-2003 FULFILLING THEM AS OF 2006 Lloyd D. Johnston PLatlroicykd MD.. JOo’hMnsatlolney PJaetrraicldk GM. .B Oa’cMhmalaleny JJoohhnn EE.. SScchhuulleennbbeerrgg Jerald G. Bachman Monitoring the Future: A Continuing Study of the Lifestyles and Values of Youth As its title suggests, this study is intended to assess the changing lifestyles, values, and preferences of American youth on a continuing basis. Each year since 1975 about 17,000 seniors have participated in the annual survey, which is conducted in some 130 high schools nationwide. In addition, subsamples of seniors from previously participating classes receive follow-up questionnaires by mail each year. This Occasional Paper Series is intended to disseminate a variety of products from the study, including pre-publication (and somewhat more detailed) versions of journal articles, other substantive articles, and methodological papers. A full listing of occasional papers and other study reports is available from Monitoring the Future, Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, P.O. Box 1248, Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Recommended Citation JJoohhnnsstotonn, L, .L D. .D, O., ’OM’aMlleayl,l eP.y M, P.,. SMch.u, lBenabcehrmg, aJn. ,E J.,. G., & &Sc Bhauclhemnbaenr, gJ,. GJ.. (2E0.0 6()2.0 T0h4e) a. imDse amnodg orbajpechtiicv ess uobf gthreo up Monitoring the Future study and progress toward fulfi lling trends for various licit and illicit drugs, 1975-2003. them as of 2006 (Monitoring the Future Occasional Paper (Monitoring the Future Occasional Paper No. 60) No. 65) [Online]. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Re- [On-line]. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social search, 180 pp. Available: Research.Available: THE AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE MONITORING THE FUTURE STUDY AND PROGRESS TOWARD FULFILLING THEM AS OF 2006 Monitoring the Future Occasional Paper 65 Lloyd D. Johnston Patrick M. O’Malley John E. Schulenberg Jerald G. Bachman Institute for Social Research University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan 2006 Suggested Citation: Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Schulenberg, J. E., & Bachman, J. G. (2006). The aims and objectives of the Monitoring the Future study and progress toward fulfilling them as of 2006 (Monitoring the Future Occasional Paper No. 65). Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research. TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1 Specific Aims of the Project................................................................................................1 Overview of the Eleven Objectives.....................................................................................2 Part 1: THEORETICAL BACKGROUND AND CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK.............7 Domain of Variables and General Theoretical Grounding................................................10 The Basic Conceptual Framework.....................................................................................11 The Proximal Social Context.............................................................................................16 Person Characteristics........................................................................................................18 Attitudes and Beliefs About Drugs....................................................................................22 Comparison with Jessor and Jessor's Original Theoretical Approach...............................24 Indexes Versus Individual Variables.................................................................................25 Part 2: AN ELABORATION OF EACH OBJECTIVE, ITS RATIONALE, RELEVANT LITERATURE, AND PROGRESS TO DATE.........................................................................27 Objective 1 Monitoring drug use and potential explanatory factors in grades 8, 10, and 12................................................................................................................27 Objective 1a Self-reported use of over fifty classes and subclasses of drugs.....28 Objective 1b Patterns of initiation and noncontinuation.....................................29 Objective 1c Patterns of multiple drug use.........................................................31 Objective 1d Beliefs about the harmfulness of drugs..........................................36 Objective 1e Personal disapproval of drugs........................................................40 Objective 1f Perceived disapproval by peers......................................................42 Objective 1g Beliefs regarding cigarette smokers and marijuana users..............43 Objective 1h Friends' use and exposure to use....................................................44 Objective 1i Perceived availability.....................................................................47 Objective 1j Contexts in which drugs are used..................................................48 Objective 1k Reasons for use, abstention, and discontinuation..........................49 Objective 1l Use under medical supervision of stimulant-type drugs for attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders....................................51 Objective 2 Monitoring drug use, HIV-related risk behaviors, and potential explanatory variables among young adults (ages 19–30)..........................52 Objective 3 Monitoring and studying use at ages 35, 40, 45, and 50............................57 Objective 4 Distinguishing age, period, and cohort effects...........................................62 Objective 5 Explaining secular trends and cohort differences......................................65 Objective 6 Studying the natural history of drug use and explaining age effects.........69 Objective 6a Individual characteristics and social context during secondary school.............................................................................................82 Objective 6b Changes in social context and social roles after high school...........91 Objective 7 Assessing the consequences of drug use....................................................98 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Objective 8 Studying frequent or heavy users.............................................................106 Objective 9 Studying various underrepresented groups..............................................111 Objective 10 Providing methodological, policy, and other contributions to the field..118 Objective 10a Methodological contributions......................................................118 Reliability and stability................................................................118 Validity................................................................................................119 Representativeness.......................................................................121 Objective 10b Providing measures and national norms for use by others..........121 Objective 10c Providing the potential for additional policy-relevant research...123 Evaluating natural experiments....................................................123 Evaluating planned experiments..................................................124 Extended study of select subgroups.............................................125 Other research potentials..............................................................125 Objective 10d Providing measurement of the achievement of national goals....125 Objective 11 Facilitating the use of MTF data by others..............................................126 References...................................................................................................................................129 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Basic Elements in the Theoretical Framework..............................................................12 Figure 2. Elaboration of Elements in the Theoretical Framework................................................14 Figure 3. Further Specification of the Elements in the Theoretical Framework...........................15 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Classes of Drugs Included in the Study..........................................................................26 v Acknowledgements A great many people have contributed to the substance of this occasional paper. Major contributions were made by Jennifer Maggs, Ph.D., Alicia Merline, Ph.D., Justin Jager, and Emily Messersmith. vi Aims and Objectives INTRODUCTION Specific Aims of the Project Monitoring the Future (MTF) is an ongoing program of research designed to accomplish three broad and complementary aims: (1) To monitor drug use and potential explanatory factors among American secondary school students, college students, other young adults, and middle- aged adults (detailed under Objectives 1 through 3, below); and to monitor, among young adults, risk and protective behaviors related to transmission of the human immunodeficiency virus. (2) To distinguish which of three fundamentally different kinds of change—age, period, and/or cohort—are occurring for various types of drug use, including the use of tobacco and alcohol (Objective 4 below). (3) To study the causes, consequences, and (where relevant) developmental patterns associated with these different types of change in drug use (detailed under Objectives 5 through 9, below). Objectives 10 and 11 list additional methodological, policy, data-sharing, and other objectives. In pursuit of these three interrelated aims, the project employs a cohort-sequential research design consisting of (a) annual cross-sectional surveys of large, nationally representative samples of high school seniors (beginning with the class of 1975) and 8th and 10th graders (beginning in 1991); and (b) follow-up surveys of each senior class annually through age 30, and at half-decade intervals thereafter. At present, some 44,000–50,000 secondary school students located in approximately 410–420 secondary schools are surveyed annually—about 17,000 eighth- grade students in about 150 public and private schools, about 15,000 tenth-grade students in about 130 public and private schools, and about 16,000 seniors in approximately 125– 140 public and private high schools. In addition, the follow-up surveys of previously graduating classes yield an annual sample of 8,000–8,200 respondents in the age range of 19 to 30, which includes about 1,500 young adults who are actively enrolled in a two- or four-year college and comprise the college student sample.1 Additional follow-ups are 1 For an in-depth description of the study’s research design, see Bachman, J. G., Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2006). The Monitoring the Future project after thirty-two years: Design and procedures (Monitoring the Future Occasional Paper No. 64). Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research. A less detailed description can be found in Johnston, L. D., O’Malley, P. M., Bachman, J. G., & Schulenberg, J. E. (2006). Monitoring the Future national survey results on drug use, 1975–2005: Volume I: Secondary school students (NIH Publication No. 06-5883). Bethesda, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse. 1 Occasional Paper No. 65 conducted at ages 35, 40, and 45, and are being proposed at five-year intervals thereafter. These several data sets, in addition to a panel survey of three of the 8th-grade cohorts (surveyed as 8th graders in 1991–1993), provide the information base with which the multiple aims of the study are being pursued. The first of the broad aims—monitoring drug use and related factors in order to provide social indicators of historical change, as well as to explain those changes— clearly implies an ongoing effort. The same is true for the second broad aim of distinguishing the three types of change—age, period, and cohort. Although it may be less obvious, the third broad aim—exploring causes, consequences, and developmental patterns—is also an ongoing effort, involving analyses at both individual and aggregate levels. At the aggregate level we continue to document the emergence of new secular (and recently cohort) changes, as well as the emergence of new drugs. At the individual level of analysis, the process is ongoing in part because new developmental stages are being added to the study, and also because the underlying relational patterns are themselves subject to change (e.g., see Bachman, Johnston, & O’Malley, 1981a, 1989; Bachman, O’Malley, & Johnston, 1986; Johnston, O’Malley, & Bachman, & Schulenberg, 2006c). Further, new policies and programs are constantly being introduced (e.g., decriminalization, legalization of marijuana use, lowering of the legal blood alcohol level for teen drivers, changes in the minimum drinking age, the parent group movement, national advertising campaigns against drug and cigarette smoking), so having this “social observatory” in place permits a more timely, and often a prospective, assessment of their impacts. We believe that the multiple aims of the study are interconnected and mutually facilitating. Thus, a substantial efficiency results in addressing them in a single project rather than a number of separate ones, and in some important ways, the total product is greater than would be possible under a more fractionated approach. Overview of the Eleven Objectives To provide an overview, the 11 specific objectives of the study are listed below without commentary. Then, after a section on the theoretical background and conceptual framework which gave rise to the many variables included in the study, each of the 11 objectives will be discussed separately. Each will be explained more fully, its logic and rationale presented, relevant theory and literature (sometimes an extensive literature) cited, and the study’s progress to date in accomplishing the objective briefly summarized. Objective 1: To continue monitoring a broad range of drug-related behaviors, as well as potential explanatory factors—including attitudes, beliefs, and perceptions— across nationally representative samples of eighth-, tenth-, and twelfth-grade students. This annual monitoring began in 1975 for twelfth-grade students, and in 1991 for eighth- and tenth-grade students. The specific characteristics to be monitored are: a. Self-reported use of over 50 classes and subclasses of drugs, both licit and illicit. (Listed in Table 1.) b. Patterns of initiation of use and noncontinuation of use. 2