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AN AESTHETIC RESPONSE TO AN ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGE: ARCHITECTURE‘S DIALOGUE WITH THE ARTS IN POSTWAR TURKEY A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY EZGĠ YAVUZ IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE PROGRAM OF ARCHITECTURAL HISTORY JANUARY 2015 Approval of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Prof. Dr. Meliha AltunıĢık Director I certify that this thesis satisfies all the requirements as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut Head of Department This is to certify that we have read this thesis and that in our opinion it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut Supervisor Examining Committee Members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Namık Erkal (METU, AH) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin Boyacıoğlu (GU, AH) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Yasa Yaman (HU, Art HIST) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lale Özgenel (METU, AH) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut (METU, AH) I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Ezgi Yavuz Signature : iii ABSTRACT AN AESTHETIC RESPONSE TO AN ARCHITECTURAL CHALLENGE: ARCHITECTURE‘S DIALOGUE WITH THE ARTS IN POSTWAR TURKEY Yavuz, Ezgi Ph.D. Program in Architectural History Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut January 2015, 524 pages This study aims to analyze architecture‘s dialogue with the arts in postwar Turkey. It attempts to comprehend the formation of the idea of ‗collaboration‘ between arts and architecture and the meaning of this from the viewpoint of architectural production. Thus, it investigates the atmosphere together with the facts and actors involved in this unity, all of which contribute to uncover the intellectual background and the practice of ‗collaboration‘. The ultimate goal in this study is to understand the intention behind integrating the modern arts into modern architecture in that particular context. Defined as an ―interregnum,‖ the mid-century modernism faced with an ―internal critique‖ in terms of architectural discourse and production. This critical approach searched for new interpretations of the ―modern,‖ which was expected to suggest satisfactory and adaptable solutions for the requirements of the time. In this respect, the study tries to read the contemporary discussions and the materialized works in Turkey with reference to a wider international frame of the architectural context that witnessed similar debates and practices. This includes the reevaluation process of modern architecture, which was also seen in the Turkish architectural climate in the form of a rapprochement between architecture and the public, and a solution to the dichotomy between the local and the universal. At the end, the investigation examines the attempt of reconstructing a dialogue with the plastic arts by analyzing the triggering factors, intellectual basis, modus operandi, and the implications in both artistic, architectural and the iv general socio-cultural context of the postwar period; and evaluates the consequent formation of a ―situated modernism‖ in contemporary architecture in Turkey. Keywords: Postwar Period in Turkey, Modern Architecture, Modern Art, Publicness, Local/Universal v ÖZ MĠMARĠ BĠR SORUNA ESTETĠK BĠR KARġILIK: ĠKĠNCĠ DÜNYA SAVAġI SONRASI DÖNEMDE TÜRKĠYE‘DE MIMARLIĞIN SANATLA KURDUĞU DĠYALOG Yavuz, Ezgi Doktora, Mimarlık Tarihi Lisansüstü Programı Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut Ocak 2015, 524 sayfa Bu çalıĢma, Türkiye‘de 2. Dünya SavaĢı sonrasında mimarlığın diğer sanatsal etkinlikler ile kurduğu diyaloğu analiz etmeyi amaçlamaktadır. AraĢtırma, sanat ve mimarlık arasındaki birliktelik düĢüncesinin oluĢumunu ve bu iliĢkinin anlamını mimarlık açısından kavramaya çalıĢmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalıĢma, dönemin atmosferini bu birlikteliğin düĢünsel altyapısını ve pratiğini ortaya çıkarmada önemli katkıları olan olguları ve bu iliĢkide yer alan aktörleri de içine alarak incelemektedir. Bu çalıĢmadaki esas amaç, bu bağlam içinde modern mimarlığa modern sanatı dahil etmenin arkasında yatan niyeti anlamaktır. Ara Dönem (interregnum) olarak adlandırılan çağ ortası modernizmi mimarlık söylemi ve üretimi açısından içsel bir eleĢtiriyle yüzyüze gelmiĢtir. Bu eleĢtirel yaklaĢım, dönemin ihtiyaçları için tatmin edici ve uygulanabilir çözümler sunması beklenen ―modern‖ olanın yeni yorumlarını aramaktadır. Bu anlamda, bu çalıĢma Türkiye‘deki çağdaĢ tartıĢmaları ve gerçekleĢen örnekleri, benzer tartıĢmalara ve uygulamalara tanık olmuĢ daha geniĢ bir çerçevedeki güncel mimarlık bağlamına referansla okumaya çalıĢmaktadır. Bu çalıĢma, Türk mimarlık ortamında da mimarlık ve toplumun yakınlaĢması ve yerel/evrensel arasındaki ikiliğe çözüm biçimlerinde görülen modern mimarlığın yeniden değerlendirilme sürecini de kapsamaktadır. Sonuçta araĢtırma, mimarlığın plastik sanatlarla yeniden iliĢki kurma giriĢimini, tetikleyici etkenlerini, düĢünsel altyapısını, iĢleyiĢ biçimini ve vi savaĢ sonrası dönemde sanatsal, mimari ve genel sosyo-kültürel bağlamdaki yan anlamlarını da içeren bir kapsam içinde analiz ederek incelemekte; ve Türkiye‘deki çağdaĢ mimarlıkta ―konumlandırılmıĢ modernizm‖e uyumlanan oluĢumu değerlendirmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Türkiye‘de 2. Dünya SavaĢı Sonrası Dönem, Modern Mimarlık, Modern Sanat, Kamusallık, Yerel/Evrensel vii To Sevil, Necan and Uygar Yavuz viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elvan Altan Ergut, who always had positive attitude that buoyed me during this exhaustive and difficult period. I feel indebted to her for her sincere support, indispensable criticisms and kind guidance throughout my graduate study, and also for encouraging me to experience doing my research and studies abroad. I owe sincere and earnest thanks to my thesis committee, Prof. Dr. Belgin Turan Özkaya and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Esin Boyacıoğlu, who contributed to my thesis with their reviews and suggestions on the development of this study. I would like to show my gratefulness to my jury members Assoc. Prof. Dr. Namık Erkal, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lale Özgenel, and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Yasa Yaman, who demonstrated their thoughtful concern and for sharing their invaluable comments, from which I greatly benefitted. I am truly indebted and thankful to Prof. Dr. Neslihan Dostoğlu, who believed in me and encouraged me in my aspiration and determination to follow an academic career. She was the first person to urge me to apply to the Architectural History Graduate Program at METU via KKTC-ÖYP program. I must express my appreciation to the professors of the Architectural History Graduate Program, Prof. Dr. Suna Güven, Prof. Dr. Ali Uzay Peker, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Sevil Enginsoy Ekinci, for their scholarly guidance and courteousness during my PhD education. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Hilde Heynen for being my advisor during my Erasmus period at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and providing me the opportunity to make a thorough investigation regarding my study. ix I am thankful to the staff of the Campus Arenberg Library and the Center Library in KULeuven for their kindness and helping me during my studies at these institutions, especially with the periodicals. I owe many thanks to Palmer-Eloot Celeste from the NATO Multimedia Library and Eudes Nouvelot and Ineke Deserno from the NATO Archives, and Nathalie Mehl from the Strasbourg Council of Europe Directorate of Information Technology, who kindly allowed me to access and use the written and visual documents related to my research. I also wish to thank the staff at the National Library, the Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate of State Archives, the Architects Association 1927, the Chamber of Architects of Turkey, the library of the Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning, the Istanbul Divan Hotel, the Izmir Swiss Hotel, and especially Aslı Can Üner from the SALT Research Archives for their kind assistance during my research at these institutions. I am thankful to the secretary staff at the METU Faculty of Architecture and the ĠTÜ Faculty of Architecture and the library staff at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and the staff at the archive section of the ĠTÜ Faculty of Architecture for providing me with the documents related to the educational guides. I would like to express my gratefulness to the interviewees, Aydın Boysan, Beril Anılanmert, Cengiz BektaĢ, Cemil Eren, Devrim Erbil, Doğan Tekeli, Enis Kortan, Kayhan Yüceyalçın, Muhlis Türkmen, Mustafa Pilevneli, Orhan ġahinler, Turan Erol, who generously gave their time and sincerely shared their professional life stories, which helped me attain a better understanding of the postwar period. In addition, special thanks are due to artist Gencay Kasapçı, who had a keen interest in my study and kindly sent copies of several relevant materials from her personal archive. Also, I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Jale Erzen for her attention and for providing me opportunity of making contact with Devrim Erbil. I am especially thankful to TÜBĠTAK for the financial support throughout my PhD education. x

325. Figure 32. ĠTÜ, detailed information of ‗modelling' and ‗colour and form An investigation of a new vocabulary came out of this period, which
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