Invitation T H E You are cordially invited to the A defence ceremony of my PhD G IN thesis, entitled: G I M ‘The aging immune system and M nutritional interventions’ U N E S which will take place at Y Wednesday 18 January 2017 at S T E 16:00 hours in the Aula of the M Wageningen University, Generaal A N Foulkesweg 1, Wageningen D N U The defence will be followed by a T R reception until 19:45 hours at I T Ceres, Generaal Foulkesweg 1b, I ON THE AGING IMMUNE SYSTEM Wageningen A L I N T AND E R V E N NUTRITIONAL INTERVENTIONS T I O N S A.A. van Beek Adriaan van Beek Zomereik 57 2925CX Krimpen a/d IJssel 06-49138905 [email protected] Paranymphs Pieter C. van Beek A [email protected] .A . v 06-43787203 a n B Ben Meijer e e [email protected] k 06-13167107 Propositions 1. Dietary tryptophan restriction arrests B cell development, potentially mediated by gut microbial changes. (this thesis) 2. The definition of probiotics by the World Health Organization/Food and Agriculture Organization is misleading in that it omits the health condition and age of the host. (this thesis) 3. Scientists that have overlapping interests and are based at the same academic institute should collaborate rather than compete to optimize scientific yield. 4. Generating a PhD thesis induces stress and hence accelerates the aging process of the PhD student. 5. The successful scientist seems to be the one that is involved more in political issues rather than in scientific issues. 6. The ultimate consequence of reasoning is the realization that there are many things beyond it, including supernatural things. (based on Blaise Pascal, ‘Pensées’) Propositions belonging to the thesis, entitled: ‘The aging immune system and nutritional interventions’ Adriaan van Beek Wageningen, 18 January 2017 The aging immune system and nutritional interventions Adriaan A. van Beek Thesis committee Promotors Prof. Dr H.F.J. Savelkoul Professor of Cell Biology and Immunology Wageningen University Prof. Dr R.W. Hendriks Professor of Pulmonary Medicine Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam Co-promotors Dr P.J.M. Leenen Associate professor, Department of Immunology Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam Prof. Dr H.J. Wichers Professor of Immune Modulation by Food Wageningen University Other members Prof. Dr S. Kersten, Wageningen University Dr A. Mercenier, Nestlé Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland Prof. Dr J. Garssen, Utrecht University/Danone Research Center, Utrecht Prof. Dr C. Nicoletti, Institute of Food Research, Norwich, United Kingdom This research was conducted under the auspices of the Graduate School Wageningen Institute of Animal Sciences The aging immune system and nutritional interventions Adriaan A. van Beek Thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor at Wageningen University by the authority of the Rector Magnificus Prof. Dr A.P.J. Mol, in the presence of the Thesis Committee appointed by the Academic Board to be defended in public on Wednesday 18 January 2017 at 4 p.m. in the Aula Adriaan van Beek The aging immune system and nutritional interventions 250 pages. PhD thesis, Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL (2017) With references, with summary in English ISBN: 978-94-6257-955-2 DOI: Table of contents Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................7 General introduction Chapter 2 ..................................................................................................................... 21 The interaction between basophils, T cells and dendritic cells Chapter 3 ..................................................................................................................... 43 Basophil differentiation changes during aging in mice under the influence of senescing microbiota Chapter 4 ..................................................................................................................... 57 Metabolic and epigenetic alterations in aging macrophages: a recipe for inflammaging? Chapter 5 ..................................................................................................................... 73 Interaction of mouse splenocytes and macrophages with bacterial strains in vitro: the effect of age in the immune response Chapter 6 ..................................................................................................................... 97 Supplementation with Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1 prevents age-related decline of mucus barrier in colon of accelerated aging Ercc1-/Δ7 mice Chapter 7 ................................................................................................................... 127 Tryptophan restriction arrests B cell development and enhances microbial diversity in WT and prematurely aging Ercc1-/Δ7 mice Chapter 8 ................................................................................................................... 151 Aged gut microbiota contribute to systemical inflammaging Chapter 9 ................................................................................................................... 173 General discussion References ................................................................................................................ 194 Summary ................................................................................................................... 240 Acknowledgements (dankwoord) .............................................................................. 242 Curriculum vitae ......................................................................................................... 245 List of publications ..................................................................................................... 246 Overview of completed training activities .................................................................. 248 Chapter 1 General introduction A.A. van Beek 7 Chapter 1 8