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-- Afriu Wo0rld Press, Inc. ro ""''""' 1.,, "'"•" hl!'"lPfl Nl~- "-"m.a.o. t-RtTRt"- Copyright:~-., 2007 Chima 1\.orieh and Fcmi J. Kolapo First Printing 2007 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced. ston.-d in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical. photocopying. n.'Cording or otherwise without the prior wrillen permission of the publisher. This book was set in Garamond by Goldline Publishing Services, Owcrri, Nigeria Cover Design: Sam Saverance Cover photograph: "Removing Palm Nuts from Clusters" by Jeanne Tabachnick Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data The aftermath of slavery : transitions and transformations in southeastern Nigeria I edited by Chima J. Korieh And Femi J. Kolapo. p.cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 1-59221-514-9 (hardcover) --ISBN 1-59221-515-7 (pbk.) 1. Slavery--Nigeria--History. 2. Slave trade--Nigeria--History. I. Korich, Chima J. (Chima Jacob), 1962-II. Kolapo, Fcmi James. HT1394.N6A48 2006 306.3 '6209669--<lc22 2006032265 I \ l_Lniv. F~aywuth LU11iv. 81b\iothekj Contents Ackn<lwlcdgerncnts II lntroducti<>n .f. I •emi.J. Kolapo and Chima Korieh 1. New Calabar Middlemen, Her Majesty's Consuls, and British Traders in late Nineteenth Century Niger Delta Waibinte Wan'boko 11 2. Gender and the Political Economy of the Post-Abolition Era: The Bight of Biafra (Nigeria) and its Hinterland Chima]. Kon'eh 41 3. The Aftermath of the Atlantic Slave Trade: Two Settlement Patterns in Southeastern Nigeria U. D. Atryanwu 59 4. The Canoe in Nineteenth Century Lower Niger and the Delta Femi]. Kolapo 75 5. lgbo Slaves and the Transformation of the Niger-Delta Raphael Ch!Jioke Njoku 115 6. Oral Tradition and the Material Culture of the Atlantic Slave Trade as Historical Evidence: The Aro and the Bight of Biafra Hinterland ]. Akuma-Kalu Njoku 136 - •biafran' Historidty: 1ft-. ( )krika, and :\n.·hit«·tural /, Representation JJuwr J1a11~· Ok~ 158 8. The Vocllbulary of Ni~r Dclr-A Hi~tnrio~Aphy ]11~1 1-: A. l :~· 197 9. Theses. Antithesis, and S~'Tltht>~i~: Ni~r Ddt'.l Historio~-rraphy in Time Pe~pC'l·rive N~-c '~""'· 209 t 0. ;'\ro and Nri: Tht' l.e-ssons of NinC"tt·enth Century l~o History .\li~/_1. c: Jf.&hmto 228 Sd~ted Bihlio~>t"aphy 248 Notes on Contributors 256 Index 259 Acknowledgements Most of the chapters in the book arc updated versions of papers prcscntlxl at the J>osi-Aholition Commrm conference, hdd at lmo State University, Owcrri, Nigeria on 11 and 12June 2004. The project has accumulated many debts too numerous to mention individually here. As editors, we would like to express our thanks to those whose essays make up this volume. The support of some individuals and organizations has been crucial to the production of this book. They deserve our th;mks and we duly give it. We thank students of the History Department of lmo State University, ()werri, Nigeria, espe cially, Anthony Ohams, Rachel Omenoba, among others, who as sisted the local o'b>anizing committee with administrative and secretarial duties during the conference. We also wish to acknowl edge the support of Students Against Poverty (SAP) including, among them, University of Guelph's International Development Studies students led by Manon Germain, who though on a separate summer mission to assist in community development in Nigeria, found time to give an interesting presentation of their activities among the Osoro commtmity of Ondo State of Nigeria at the con ference. Lastly, but most importantly, the conference could not have been successful \vithout substantial funding support. We therefore pay our debt of thanks to the following organizations whose funding made possible the conference: the Department of History, Central l\lichigan University, Office of Institutional Diversity and Interna tional Education, Central Michigan University, History Department, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada; and University of Guelph Centre for International Development Studies. \'\'e are particularly grateful to the Social Sciences and Hun1anities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), which offered a grant to Femi Kolapo for his re search on "Patterns of \'\'est Africa's Integration into a 'New Inter national Economic Order': The Lower Niger River Basin E'\.perience, 1807-1884." This grant made the conference possible. Introduction FEMIJ. KOl. . APOANDCHIMAJ. KORJEH Considerable amount of research has been conducted into the im pact of the Atlantic slave trade as much as into the effects of its abo lition for African societies. The interest in this central theme gener ally increased after the publication of Anthony Hopkins' article entitled "Economic Imperialism in West Africa," and his influential book, An Economic History of West Africa. 1 For Hopkins, the commer cial transition ushered in a period of "crisis" for some West African societies that had been involved in the slave trade as they grappled with the economic changes brought by the abolition of that trade and the new demand for agricultural commodity. Hopkins linked the crisis resulting from the end of the slave trade and the adverse economic and political climate it created to the imposition of colo nial rule in West Africa.2 While the direct relationship between the abolition of the slave trade and imposition of colonialism may not have been as critical as Hopkins stipulated, his powerful and evoca tive thesis, which locates market and external trade as the engine of growth and a major catalyst for change in West Africa tended to ig nore internal dynamics that also shaped economic and political out comes. A conference organized at Imo State University, Nigeria in June 2004 provided an opportunity to take a fresh look at the history of the Lower Niger Basin (Nigeria) in the context of the post abolition period. This volume is largely the outcome of that conference. West African societies, as elsewhere in Africa, responded to the changing economic milieu of the nineteenth century. As this book makes clear, the changing economic landscape was followed by extraordi nary political and social changes. In the economic sphere in particu lar, African producer adopted new production relations in response to increased demands for labor required for the production of agri cultural goods. Some advances were made in production techniques and technology, especially for the export production of palm pro duce. Transportation and haulage responded to increased quantities anc.l built (~in' rdariuns ufrn-tut·rion saw important mnsti.lnna ri.'!N primaril\· in ~n~ tu labor ilnc.f t·ontn~ uf llt"\'t"S:oJ. to pnltiuc- . I tnT ~ 'IUI\"'C'S. lndc-ni. the- ..n uu~ of the tnln:o~ition fn11n ltlll\'t"l"\' to !~rima~ triklt" in the- 'l'C"St Ah-k:an ~on, llrl\l of the Ni~"t"r llt-1111 in piirtku lar. is~ the- rn.1."t tnlp~S.'l.i\'e ~,f llllY ~on in t\tiin1. Yet Ot'W ~ of llf),"UUll(1lt an..i art"llS ~ ,f ~sl"lln:h t·ontinuc to cnsu~ tht' \'itai m· and rdr-\'lUll't" of the thmlt' and thc justitkation for schollll"$ tn ~lsit il. • l'ht-t'lU'fy llfl(f ch"t" l'!lfl~"t"nl)' of thc t.'o~tst\llmiddk men and rhc- imrnntillte hmterlantl societies with Eumpean trndcrs, trav drn;.. u~t'n'CTS.. lllltl otndals durifv.! the shm: tnufe era and in the af rmnath uf sla'Tt:\' in the nint"tcTnth ct"ntury h01.s pn xluccd 11 happy situation of rdari\T~· amplt' avllilabili~· of wri!tt"n ~mrd. As such. a ~ h*. ar matters is not only ~1ssiblt' but \vdwmc. \Xll11tt new in~t can we dntw frum this n:Won in the broader debate on the impact of the abolition of the slave trade? This introduction will ¥J.ight the irn~lrtant themes anlund which this b(xlk is organized. Crisis of Adaptation The first theme is framed amund the now popular l)Ucstion of whether there was a "crisis of adaptation" attendant on the introduc tion of produce commerce after the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade. Researches on the crisis of adaptation has focused mainly on issues of structures, processes, and exercise of political power and has sought to clarify several related themes: Did the locus of political and economic power change at the locallevd, between the ~:renders, between the subordinate classes and the elite, and between African societies and European ones? If they did, by what means and to what extent did this change occur? Did the structures of political de cision-making or, at leaJ!t, the structures that defined the political sys tem become more accountable and or accessible to more than the traditional elite~ Did all thc:11e changes result in political leverage to wtnnen, children, clicnt11, •lave11, and ex-slaves? The i1111ue of f'olitical power structures and pmcesses are inter lac.td with Wlfllnnk uru:11. A basic premise in the literature is that ~ tu the ltructure!l of production and comrnerce- tlf'~:t.a.Wm, tr:&nat'onation, labor unit, and marketinh"--Wen: con ~ to the pro~Mses that gmdually saw an end to the overseas J ~lllVC' C'llf1C1M Mild ll~ tillip to intt'nUd produrtinn of expoM produrc-in t hC' nint"tC'C'nth l·rntury. Tht" natun.- of the- intt'nwtion of thc:oRc:o latter pn ll'CSSC'S with thosC" of tht" politiral i'lt."ctor ha~ come to mark the moM visibiC" lint"~ of both the e-arlier n.'~C'arch and tht." rcvi!lioni11m that t( ,tlowc-d. 'l11is i~ e-spe-cially i'lo in n.-g.tn\!1 to the extt'nt the wider SC'ctor of thC' sodC'ty or servile catq~orie!l !luc-h a!l Mlave!l, t"ffecrivdy partidpatt"ll in or hc-ndiml from innea.'IC'llarc-e!l!l to the nt"W world upitalist market. The extent to which indusivenC'!I!I wa!l achieved or exdusivC'f\C'ss mR.intained within a nam1w ~roup of dite have been descriht"ll respectively in tenns of "revolution" or "chan~" in con tnlst to "continuity" or "status quo" in the literature. WhiiC' clear-cut cases of the two extremes obtain, detR.ilcd re search on discrete scwnents of affected societies and the varied in terest ~roups that were impacted by the tramition calls 11uch stark binary contrast into l)Ucstion. ~ Obviously, the new fonns of political and economic negotiations, contests, and the chan~s that occurred affected the nature of the relationship between the Niger Ddta rul ership, peoples, and merchants on the one hand, and their European counterpart on the other. This was the context in which twentieth century imperialism and colonization, a global movement, played out locally. The character of imperialism as it played out between and among Europeans and Africans remains a dominant theme in post abolition discourses. The complexities that marked the relationship between British economic and political interests on the one hand and their African counterparts on the other during the period of produce trade and the beginnings of colonial incursion in the Niger Ddta is illuminated by W. Wariboko. He explicates the often con flicting, contradictory themes and trends and the clashes of interest and ideology within the imperializing European trading and political interest group on the coast of Africa. While conceding the link that the post abolition literature places between the post abolition com merce and nineteenth century imperialism, Wariboko unscrambles the hidden layers to the simplistic dichotomy between imperializing European economic and political interests versus African victims. In the Niger Delta, middlemen states also struggled against one another and against foreign trading contenders to maintain a dominant or a viable place in the post abolition commerce. ( )n the other ~kk: of the dl\iJe, f·:uropcan comular offtcials, nlC.Tl·hanr mtcn:'l~. and rharterl"{l companic<r-all with different r ..n rtnj,>cnt kk.'f >lo-,._..;c~. mtere~r~. and goal~ompcr<:d again~t one ;mother unol Hnn .. h colonia.Ji.,m wa~ finally accomplished. 'lncy ,fuftcd aJitanc~ "1th various African trading and political interests to further thctr o;cp'Arate and individual interests in Africa and to ensure tavonhk heari~ in the Foreign Office in I J>ndon to the hurt of their Luropcan rivals. Such problematics highlight the ambivalent nature ,f early Briti'lh imperial policy and the swings in the balance 1 of compctmg African interests aO<I Africa-based l·:uropean interests v.nhin rhc exigencies of Company Rule. Consuls Hewert and .Johns ron, for example, were fervently opposed to the Royal Niger Com pany and cknounct"(l the usc of chartered companies to effect Btit j,h cokJOiaJ interests. 'Jncy put their support behind the Niger Delta mickllc nx:n of Kalabar. Ultimately though, all of the Niger Delta came ufklcr cokmial domination, however, the pacification of the 1\iigcr Delta was much more complex than hitherto conceived. Warihoko'~ examination of New Calahar's divergent and varied his torical taJ1i.,rcnt relative to other Niger Delta societies of the late nine tt-cnth century helps bring this home clearly. Yc t the pcrit Kl witnessed a fervent contestation for political and economic control hctween Africans and Europeans. A significant impact of the emerging relationship was the continuous loss of Afri can control of the palm oil trade on the coast and other trading posts ak>ng the Niger Delta to European merchant and politicalln ftTests. The gradual establishment of British control and the increas ingly intrusive and domineering nature of European trading interests in the rqQon resulted in major political and economic changes. Ex amples of the deteriorating economic fortunes and reversing military and political position in favor of Europeans Anglo-African trade re lations in the Niger Delta include the Consul .Johnson-Jaja sa1-,ra of 1R H7 that ended with the "kidnapping" and deportation of .Jaja to the Caribbean Island of St. Vincent and the Nemhe-Brass-Royal Ni ger Company trade dispute that culminated in the Akassa War of 1WJ5. 'The Niger Delta was an important producer of palm oil from the ninetemth c~ntury. British import from the region increased from the 1H 50s, with a sij.,rnificant percentage coming from the Niger Dclta.1 'Ilu: spin-off effect of the palm oil trade in the Niger Delta '

In The Aftermath of Slavery Transitions and Transformations in Southeastern Nigeria the contributors present an in-depth survey of the impact of the abolition of the Atlantic slave trade on the societies of the Lower Niger Basin of Nigeria. The book provides critical perspectives on the economic, so
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