PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 1()S(3).2()()3, pp.611-629 THE AFROTROPICAL OMMATIUS FIJiVIPENNIS SPECIES GROUP (DIPTERA: ASILIDAE), WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF SIX NEW SPECIES Aubrey G. Scarbrough Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, 8000 York Road. Baltimore. MD 21252. U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. A new Afrotropical species group. Omiuatiusjlcivipeniiis. includingsix spe- cies (O. aiigustus. n. .sp.. O. callidus, n. sp., O. ftavipeiinis. n. sp.. O. nigrantis. n. sp., O.pernecessarius, n.sp.. and O.perscieiitus, n..sp.) are reported. The speciesgroupand species are diagnosed, described, and compared with similar species. Illustrations ofthe right wing ofthe male and terminaliaofall species and akey tothe speciesareprovided. Comments on the distribution are included. Kev Words: Diptera. Asilidae. Omiiuitiiis Wiedemann, ftaripcimis species group, new species, Afrotropical Oininatiiis Wiedemann (1S21) is a large, Methods widespread Oinmatiine (Diptera: Asilidae) The descriptive terminology follows gliettnluesaitntenthteionAfruonttirlopircescentthlayt h(aSscarrebcreoiuvgehd McAlpine (1981). Dissections of the ter- and Marascia 1996, 2000; Scarbrough minalia and preparation of illustrations of external and internal parts follow Scar- 2002a). Eighty species (Oldroyd 1980) are assigned tothisgenusofwhich46are from brough and Marascia (1999, 2000) and Africa. However, preliminary studies indi- Scarbrough (2002b). Descriptions are com- cate that a considerable number of unde- posites of all specimens examined. In re- scribed speciesfrom Africawillrequirefor- cording label data, each line is demarcated mal names and descriptions. Several addi- by a slash (/). Square brackets are used for tional taxonomic problems exist within this additional information not present on la- genus that must be resolved before phylo- bels. Ratios used in the descriptions are as genetic relations can be accessed and com- follows: Head-face ratio [HFWR] = the prehensive keys to the African species can greatest anterior distance across divided by be constructed. Thus far the genus Einpliy- the width ofthe face at the base ofthe an- somerci Schiner (1996, 1999) and the sub- tenna; flagellumwidth-lengthratio[FWLR] genus Metoiiimatius (Scarbrough and Mar- = the length divided by the greatest width ascia 2000) have been revised. Further, we of the flagellum; cell m, width ratio redescribed two species, designated types [m,WRj = width at the basal third [widest] forO. tcnelliisvanderWulpanddesignated and apical two-thirds [narrowest] divided a replacement name (O. ahdelkiiriensis by the basal width; hind femoral width- •Scarbrough) for O. tibialis Richardo (Scar- length ratio [HFWLR] = the length ofthe brough 2002a). The purpose of this paper hind femur divided by its greatest width. is to report a new Afrotropical species All measurements were made of pinned group, O. fiavipennis. including six new specimens. Structures in illustrationsarela- species. beled only for the first species and are not — PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON repeated for comparable structures of the 7) Spermatheca (Figs. 15, 25, 35, 55) long following species. Moiphological structures and tubular, with wide base and narrow illustrated in different positions have a sin- apex, usually recurved or looped, except gle scale line. short, carrot-—shaped in nigrantis (Fig. 45). Specimens used in this study are housed Remarks. Whereas most Ommatius inthefollowingInstitutions:TheNaturalHis- species are superficial similar externally, tory Museum. London (BMNH); California thestructureoftheterminaliaistheprimary Academy of Sciences, San Francisco means ofidentification of species and spe- (CASC); Canadian National Collection. Ot- cies groups. The long setation ofthe head, tawa(CNCI);NatalMuseumofSouthAfrica. presence oftworowsofventral bristlesbe- Pietermaritzburg (NMSA); Musee Royal de low the middleandhindfemora, lengthand L'Afrique Centrale, Tervuren (MRAC); Mu- shape ofcell r^. and shape ofthe aedeagus seum National d" Histoire Naturelle, Paris readily separate the flavipennis species (MNHN); Hope Entomological Collection, group from all known Afrotropical conge- The University Museum. Oxford (OXUM), ners. The length and shape ofcell r4 of O. and The Natural History Museum of Zim- longipennis (Linder 1955) is similar to all babwe. Bulawayo(NMZB). Acronymsofin- membersofthe O.flavipennisbutdiffersin stitutions herein follow Amettet al. (1993). the other characters listed above. It is fur- thersimilarto O.perscientusinthethenar- Taxonomy row, mostly sparse setose face, thin brown The Afrotropical Omniatiiis flavipeiiiiis tomentose mesonotum, and brown veins species group and microtrichia. However, Ommatiusper- scientus differs significantly from O. lon- Diagnosis. Omnuitiiis flavipeiuiis spe- gipennis in the combined characters ofthe cies are readily recognizedbythefollowing terminalia. Speciesofthe subgenusMetom- combination of characters. 1) Abundant, matius Hull (Scarbrough and Marascia long setae below the head and proboscis, 2000) and O. tenelhis van der Wulp (Scar- length about as long as proboscis; long fla- brough 2002a)alsodifferin thepresenceof gellum, 1.7-3.0longerthanwide;dorsalfa- glabrousstripesorspotsonthemesonotum, cial setae usually long, Vi-Vi as long bris- tles. Anepimeral bristle present. 2) Wing wmiinnagliav.enTathieon,foramnedrcdhiafrfaecrtserfsurtohferthien ttehre- (Figs. 1—6) mostly orentirely dense micro- absence of marginal scutellar bristles and twriitchhobsae.seCaetllorTjjulstongb,eynoanrdroawpleyxtorfiacnegllulda;r rows of ventral bristles below the middle and hind femora. vein R4 strongly arched basally, slightly — concave or angled posteriorly before wing Distribution. The species group is margin. 3) Middle and femora with 2 ven- widespread in middle Africa, ranging from tral rows ofstout bristles, those ofhind fe- southern Ethiopia westward to Nigeria and mur extend from base to or near apex. 4) southward to Angola andZimbabwe. How- Apical sternites of abdomen with sparse ever, five species (O. callichts. O.flavipen- erect bristles except in nigrantis and per- nis. O. nigrantis, and O. pernecessarius. O. scientus. 5) Epandrium (Figs. 7, 17, 27,47, perscientus) are concentrated in the eastern 57) usually narrow except wide apically in halfofthe continent although O. perneces- nigrantis. apex pointed, curved dorsally in sarius ranges westward to Nigeria. Omma- nigrantis (Fig. 37). 6) Aedeagus (Figs. 10. tius angustus is known only from the Lu- 20, 30, 40, 50, 60) tubular, flattened dor- bango and Huambo regions ofAngola. All soventrally, with wide base and apex, nar- species were captured [where data given] rowed medially; ventral keel and flared between 1100 and 2100 meters in savanne apex present Figs. 12, 22, 32, 42, 52, 62). and low mountain forests. VOLUME 10?. NUMBER3 Fig. 1-6. Oinimiliiisspp..rightwing. 1.O. uiiiiiism O. ticiyipt'iinis.4.O,nii^niiili.s pemecessariiis. 6,O.perscientus. R4 = radialvein,rj radialcell,r-m = radial-medialcrossvein.d = m, = medialcell,m, = medialcell,CuA|+M,vein. Key to the Afrotropical Ommat/us 4. .^7—16); Democratic Republic of Congo. FLwiPENNis Species Group Tanzania niifiantii.n. sp. - Fore and middle femora yellow ventrally and Mesonotum dorsally brown tomentose. dif- posteriorly,darkbrowndorsallyandanteriorly: fused parumedial stripes sometimes present; abdomen round in cross-section, neither flat ocellartuberclewith4-5longsetae:postocular nor spatulate: thorax and abdomen dorsally bristleslong.thin,stronglyproclinate.apexof brown tomentose; wing and terminalia as in bristles well forward of posterior margin of Figs. 6. 57-62); Zambia. Zimbabwe eye;sternitesoffemalewithonlythinsetalike persclcnrii.s. n.sp. bMreisstolnesotum dorsally with two. narrow, con- -'!. Mesonotum with most lateral bristles yellow; otcrcuaelslatlrianrbgrltiysutbbleerrscolwtehniwctikotmhaenondntlosysheo2rtp,laortnaigmpsesdeuitsaaulea;lsltpyroisjptueoss-t; crgaiolonlroyls.yty(bFlaiusgses.wmiIutIch.h2a1.wpir3do1em)r;inaienendtdeoacrgosunasclanvvaiirteyrwo,pwomsaitpdei--- forwardofeyemarginposteriorly,wellbehind basal"shoulders"absent(Figs. 10.20,30),ven- ocellartubercle;bodyyellowtomentose:apical tral keel variable (Figs. 12, 22, 32); sternite8 sternitesoffemale with fewtoseveral yellow offemalewith 1-4prominentbristlesapically, bristles preapical, medioapical tubercle ab.sent (Figs. Fore and middle temora black, narrow base 14.24.34);genitalforkwithnarrow,constrict- sometimes yellow; abdomen unusually flat, edbase(Figs.26,36,46) 4 clavate apically: mesonotum posteriorly, scu- - Mesonotumusually with lateralbristlesblack; tellumentirely,andbasalsegmentsofabdomen gonostylus without prominent concavity pos- graytomentose:wingandterminaliaasinFigs. teriorly (Fig. 51); aedeagus wide in dorsal PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Figs.7-12.Ommatiiisangustus.maleterminalia.7-9.Lateral,dorsal,andventralviews. 10.Aedeagus.dorsal view. 11. Lettgonostylus. 12.Aedeagus. lateral view. AE = aedeagus. EP = epandrium,CE = cercus.GS = gonostylus.GC = gonocoxite. HY = hypandrium. view,widemid-basal "shoulders"(Fig.50)and present(Fig.32);apicalmarginofstemite8of strongventralkeelpresent(Fig.52);stemite8 femaleevenlycontoured, hornlikeprocessab- offemale without prominentbristles apically. sent. 2 flat bristles present (Fig. 34); sperma- a prominent, preapical. medioapical tubercle theca as in Fig. 35; Democratic Republic of present(Fig.54);spermathecawithapreapical Congo.Zambia.Zimbabwe . . .flavipennis. n. sp. constriction (Fig. 55); genital fork with wide - Gonostyluscurvedforward(Figs. 11,21);gon- base (Fig. 56); Burundi. Democratic Republic ocoxiteshorter,sidesevenapically(Figs.7,9, ofCongo, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria,Tanzania, 17, 19); aedeagus triangular in dorsal view, Uganda,Zambia peniecessorius. n.sp. sides gradually widens posteriorly (Fig. 10, Gonostylusangular(Figs. 27, 31);gonocoxite 20), keel as in Figs. 12, 22);apicalmarginof long,capitateapicallyinlateralview(Fig.27); stemite 8 of female hornlike, each aedeagusunusuallynarrowindorsalview,base bearingprominentbristles(Figs. 14,24);sper- abruptlywide(Fig.301,prominentventralkeel mathecaasin Fills. 15, 25 5 VOLUME 105, NUMBER3 Figs. 13-16. Oininaliii.saiii;iisiii.\. femaleterminalia. 13-14. Dorsalandventralviev 15.Sperniatheca. 16. Genitalfork.Abbr.TG8 = tergite8.TG9 = tergite9,CE = cercus,ST8 = sternite8. Gonostylusnarrow,onlyslightlyarchedforward (Fig. 24); apexof.spermatheca not noticeable (Figs.7. 11)aedeaguswideapically,apexoval, swollen (Fig. 25); genital fork as in Fig. 26; about as wide dorsally as laterally (Fig. 10),a DemocraticRepublicofCongo . . callidus. n. sp. moderate ventral keel present (Fig. 12); tergite 8offemalewithlateralbristlesoval,sidesgrad- TaxA uallynarrowedfrombasetoapex(Fig. 13);ster- nite 8 with deep, medioapical notch between Ommatiiis angiistus Scarbrough, prominenthornlikeprocesses(Fig. 14);apexof new species sperniatheca slightly swollen (Fig. 10); genital (Figs. 1. 7-16) GfoornkosatsyilnusFiwgi.de1,1;stArnognogllayarchedfoariwigaursdli(isF.ig.n. sp. Male.—Body 15.9-17.0mm;wing 12.3- 21);aedeagusnarrowapically.apexmuchwid- 12.5 mm. Head: Face yellow tomentose. er dorsally than laterally, a low ventral keel dorsal halfwithblackvestiture,dorsalsetae present(Figs. 20-22);tergite8offemalewith abundant. Vi-Vi as long as bristles; FHWR abbarsueptolyf nlaatrerroalwsbrbiesytloensdf(laFtigsa.nd23.wi2d4e),; sstiedre- 1.0;7.1-1.0:7.5. Antenna, frons. and ocellar nite 8 only slightly recessed, not strongly tubercle black setose. Flagellum about as notched between short, hornlike processes longasscapeandpedicelcombined;FWLR PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON 1.0:2.0-1.0:3.2. Frons light-brown tomen- 1.0:5.6. Head:Occiputwith2-3dorsalpos- tose, setae longerthan scape. Ocellartuber- tocular bristles yellow. Legs: Fore tarsus cle with 2 long setae, length siibequal to with yellow bristles present on outer side scape and pedicel combined. Dorsal posto- only; hind femur with setigerous bristles cular bristles short, mostly black, longest onlyonbasalVi:hindtarsuswithonlyblack setawithtipjust forwardofeyeposteriorly. bristles. Abdomen: Most tergites laterally Thorax: Mesonotum with 2 wide, and sternites apically with 2-4 stout, bris- brown,tomentose.paramedial stripes,fused tles, latter mostly yellow. Terminalia (Figs. anteriorly, and 2 lateral spots; 4 dorsocen- 13-16): Sternite 8 mostly black, narrow tral bristles present, most black. 1-2 yel- apex red; apical margin strongly produced low; 5 lateral bristles yellow, 1 notopleural as hornlike processes, apex with 3-4 stout, bristle black. Scutellum with scattered, black bristles. — long, yellow setae and 2 yellow marginal Specimens examined. Holotype S, bristles; weak preapical groove present. ANGOLA: (A6)/Tundavala/9 mis NW Sa/ Anepimeral bristle yellow. da Bandeira [= Lubango, Hufla Plateau]/ Winfi(Fig. 1): Entirelyyellowtoyellow- 23.vii.1972/Southern/African Exp./B. M. ish-brown microtrichose. Anterior radial 1972-1 (BMNH). Paratypes: 1 <5. 3 9, vein mostly yellow, brown apically. Cell same data as holotype (BMNH); 1 9. m.WR 1.0:1.8:1.6-1.0:1.9:1.6. (A22), Nova Lisboa [= Huambo, Bie Pla- Lesis: Femoramostlyyellowwithyellow teau]/5-7.viii.l972/Southern/African Exp./ bristles; fore and middle femora mostly B. M. 1972-1—(BMNH). black anteriorly, nanow apex black poste- Etymology. Latin aiigii.snis for nairow riorly; hind femur with narrow apex and passage, referring to the gorge at Tunda- narrow anterior stripe black, stripe present vala. — on apical Vi-Vr. apical anteroventral bristle Distribution. Montane species [eleva- sometimes black. Middle femur with 4-5 tion 1676 m] capture inJuly and Auguston ventral bristles in each row. HFWLR 1.0: the Hin'la and Bie Plateaus of west central 4.3-1.0:5.1. Nanow apex of middle and and si>uth ce—ntral Angola. hind tibiae brown. Tarsi yellow setose; bas- Remarks. The long narrow flagellum, al 3 tarsomeres yellow, narrow apices yellow thoracic and femoral bristles, and sometimes brown; fore and middle tarsi combinedcharactersoftheterminalia(Figs. with numerous yellow bristles laterally; 7-16) especially the gonostylus and aedea- hind tarsus with only 1 yellow bristle. gus of the male and segment 8 and sper- Abdomen: Mostly yellow to yellowish- matheca of the female distinguish O. an- gray tomentose, yellow setose; tergites 5-7 giisnt\ from congeners. sparse, brown tomentosedorsally,black se- tose; apical corneroftergites 2-8 with 2-4 Oiumatiiis callidiis Scarbrough, stout, usually yellow, bristles; sternites 2-7 new species usually with 1-4 stout yellow bristles api- (Figs. 2. 17-26) cally. Male.—Body 19.3-20.3 mm; wing 12.5- Tcrminalia: Black (Figs. 7-12). Gonos- 12.7mm.Head:Facewithyellowvestiture, tylus naiTow in lateral view, concave pos- setae on dorsal % short, Vi as long as bris- teriorly. Aedeagus triangulardorsally,basal tles; HFWR 1.0:6.7-1.0:8.0. Antenna, cornerswide; wideinlateral view;lowven- frons. and ocellar tubercle black setose; tral keel pr—esent. pedical rarely scattered yellow setose. Fla- Female. Differsas follows. Body 14.5- gellum less than scape and pedicel com- 19.5 mm; wing 10.8-12.5 mm; FHWR 1.0: bined; FWLR 1.0:1.9-1.0:2.2. Frons ven- 6.6-1.0:6.7; FWLR 1.0:2.8-1.0:2.9; m,WR trally with setae slightly longerthan scape. 1.0:2.1:1.9-1.0:2.5:2.4: HFWLR 1.0:5.1- Ocellar tubercle with 2 setae about % as VOLUMH IOS. NUMBER3 Pigs. 17-22. Oinniauiisiitlticlii maleterminulia. l7-|y. Lateral.dcirsal. and venlral view.s. 20. Aedeagus. dorsul view. 21. Lettgonoslylus. 2'. Aedeagus, lateral view. long as scape and pedicel comhined. Pos- setae and yellow marginal bristles; preapi- tocular bristles yellow, rarely with 1-2 cal groove absent. Ancpimeral bristle yel- black; bristles short, longest with tip just low. forward ofeye posteriorly. Wing (Fig. 2); Entirely yellow tobrown- Thorax: Mesonotuin with 2 wide, ish-yellow micrt)trichose. Anterior radial brown,tomentose,paramedial stripes,fused veins yellow basally. Cell niiWR 1.0:2.3: anteriorly, and2 lateral spots;bristlesmost- 2.0-1.0:2.8:2.3. ly yellow; 7-8dorsocentral bristlespresent; Legs: Femora mostly yellow, narrt)w 2-3 dorsocentral and I notopleural bristles apices brown; ventral bristles usually yel- usually black. .Scutellum with long, yellow low; fore and middle femora mostly brown PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Figs. 23-26. Oininatiii. callidits. tenialetermiiialia. 23-24. Dorsaland ventral views. 25. Spermatheca. 26. Genital fork. anteriorly, hind femur anteriorly with nar- 1.0:2.3-1.0:2.6; m,WR 1.0:2.3:3.0-1.0:3.0: row brown sometimeson apical V3-V2. Mid- 2.6; HFWLR 1.0:4.9-1.0:5.3. Thorax: Two dlefemurwith2-3 blackanteroventralbris- to 4 dorsocentral and 2 notopleural bristles tles. HFWLR 1.0:4.1-1.0:4.3. Narrow apex sometimes black. Legs: Fore and middle of2, sometimes3,tibiaebrown.Tarsimost- femora yellow, only naiTOw apex black; lyyellowsetose;basal 3 tarsomeresyellow, middle femur with 1 anterior and 2 anter- narrowapicesoftenbrown;eachtarsuswith oventralbristlesblack.Abdomen:Lateroap- several yellow bristles. ical margin of tergites and scattered on Tenninalia (Figs. 17-22): Gonostylus most sternites with yellow bristles. Tennin- wide, strongly arched forward, wide con- alia (Figs. 23-26): Sternite 8 red, apical cavity posteriorly. Aedeagus with wide margin produced medially, short processes apex and base in dorsal view, triangular, with 1-2 black bristles apically, each pro- narrow in l—ateral view; ventral keel weak. cess separated medially by shallowconcav- Female. Body 17.3-18.3 mm; wing ity bearing a divided tuber—cle. 15.0 mm; HFWR 1.0:6.2-1.0:7.3; FWLR Specimens examined. Holotype S. VOLUME 105. NUMBER3 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO: brown anteriorly and narrow apices poste- MuseeduCongo/LuluaRiv. Luele/1928/Dr. riorly,yellowotherwise. Middlefemurwith Walker (MRAC). Paratypes: 3 6.4 $, 4 black bristles. 1 anteriorly and 3 antero- same data as ho—lotype (MRAC). ventrally; posteroventral bristles yellow. Etymology. Latin callidus, meaning Hind femuryellow withnarrow apexblack, skillful, refers to the hunting ability ofasi- black variable anteriorly as a narrow or lidsD.istribution.—Captured along the Lulua wveindteralstrberaiks,tloefsteynelmlooswt;lyHbFlWacLkRant1e.r0i:o4r.ly6;- RiversinsoutheasternDemocraticRepublic 1.0:5.4. Tarsi mostly yellow setose; basal ofCongo. — 2-3 tarsomeres light, usually yellow with Remarks. The short facial, frontal, and apex brown; each tarsus with 5-12 yellow ocellarsetae,theyellowpostocularand me- bristles. sonotal bristles,andcombinedcharactersof Abdomen: Dark brown with yellow to the terminalia (Figs. 17-26). especially the yellowish-gray tomentum and yellow ves- gonostylus and aedeagus of the male and liture; each tergite dorsally with brown to- segment 8 and spermatheca of the female mentum. light brown on basal segments, distinguish O. ciillichis from congeners. grading to dark tomentum on apical ter- gites. Apical margins oftergites 2-7 later- Ominatiusflavipeitnis Scarbrough, ally with 2 yellow bristles; apical cornerof new species sternites3 and4with 1-2thickyellowbris- (Figs. 3. 27-36) tles, remaining sternites with bristly setae. Male.—Body 13.9-17.3 mm; wing 9.8- Terminalia (Figs. 27-32): Gonostylus 11.2 mm. Head: Face with yellow and strongly angular, L-shaped, deep concavity black setae dorsally. setae about Vi as long posteriorly. Gonocoxite apically capitate. as bristles; FHWR 1.0:5.9-1.0:7.0. Anten- Aedeagus narrow in dorsal view, base na, frons. and ocellartubercle black setose. abruptly wide; wide in lateral view; prom- Flagellum as long as scape and pedicel inently ven—tral keel present. combined; FWLR 1.0:2.7-1.0:3.0. Frons Female. Differs from males as follows. brownish yellow to red-brown tomentose. Face: DorsalVz-Vj,black setose; FWLR 1.0: Ocellartubercle with longest setae about as 3.1. Legs: Middle femur with only yellow long as scape and pedicel combined. Occi- bristles. Hind femuroften withonly narrow put with black postocular bristles usually apex black. Basal 3 tarsomeres offore and extendstodorsolateral ormidlateralmargin middle tarsi and basal 2 of hind tarsus of eye; dorsal bristles with apices just be- mostly yellow.Abdomen: Apical marginof yond posterior margin ofeye. tergites 2 and 3 laterally with 3-4 and ter- Thorax: Mesonotum dorsally largely gites 4-7 with 2 yellow bristles; tergite 8 brown tomentose. paramedial stripes and with 3 black bristles. Sternites 3-7 with lateral spots present in best specimens; 5 several, scattered, yellow bristles. Termin- lateraland3-6dorsocentralbristlespresent, alia (Figs. 33-36): Sternite 8 with apical most black, often 2-3 dorsocentral and 2- margin slightly produced medially. 2 flat, 3 lateral bristles yellow. Scutellum with black bristles present—mediolaterally. scattered, long setae and yellow marginal Species examined. Holotype S. ZAM- bristles; shallow preapical groove present. BIA: Sakeji River [1400m.elev.]/Ikelenge/ Anepimeral bristles yellow. N. Mwinilungo/Nat Mus Bulawayo/13- Wing(Fig. 3): Entirely yellowtobrown- 14.iv.l972/Pinley-de Moor Exp. (NMZB). ish-yellow microtrichose. Anterior 2-3 ra- Paratypes: DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICOF dial veins yellow basally. Cell niiWR 1.0: CONGO: 1 cJ. 2 9. Congo Beige: RN.U./ 3.2:2.6-1.0:3.0:2.7. Mbuywe-Bala (1.750 m)/25-31.iii.1948/ Legs: Fore and middle femora dark Mis. G. E de Witte (MRAC). ZAMBIA: 2 PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Figs.27-32. Oinniatiiisflayipennis. maleterniinalia.27-29.Lateral,dorsal,and entralviews.30.Aedeagus dorsal view. 31. LcCl aonoslylus. 32.Aedeaaus.lateral view. Rd.,/8109,msaEmeodfatKaapasinh/o7l.oitiyip.el;9629/6Pi,nMhreuys-hdie wnaitnigo,nroeffefrlrainvgus—tofotrheyeclolloowroafndthpeenwinnigs.for MoorExp(NMZB); 1 d, 35 mi SofNdola/ Distribution. Captured from December 30.i.l965/Nat Museum S Rhodesia through April at altitudes between 1400- (NMZB). ZIMBABWE: 1 cJ. 1 2. Croco- 1750 meters along the river basin Plateaus dile Pool Farm Blanket/Nat Museum S ofsouthern Democratic RepublicofCongo, Rhodesia/15.X!i.l977/D.K.B. Wheeler Zambia, and Zimbabwe. — (NMZB). Remarks. The nanow fiagellum, black — Etymology. Latin, fiavipennis, combi- setae on the dorsal half of the face, and