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Tue AFRICAN DIASPORA EXPERIENCE SECOND EDITION sss= Uy my OeOO 0]yf Ete ee Ee ASg is on Ge Sn as —= — > — — _ :| \ Edited by Glenn O. Phillips THE AFRICAN DIASPORA EXPERIENCE —SECOND EDITION— Edited by Glenn O. Phillips Tapestry Press, Ltd. Acton, Massachusetts 01720 Copyright O 2001 by Glenn O. Phillips All rights reserved. Printed in the United States. ISBN 1-56888-472-9 Acknowledgments: Pp. 5-12: "The Dynamics of the Global African Diaspora," by Joseph E. Harris. The Walter Prescott Webb Memorial Lectures Committee, The University of Texas at Arlington. All rights reserved. Pp. 13-25: "The Emergence of Mankind in Africa," by David W. Phillipson. From African Archaeology, by David W. Phillipson, © 1993. Reprinted by permission of Cambridge University Press via the Copyright Clearance Center. Pp. 26-43: "The Dialectic Between Diasporas and Homelands" by Elliot P. Skinner. From Global Dimensions of the African Diaspora edited by Joseph Harris, Howard University Press, 1982. Pp. 47-60: "Origin of the Ancient Egyptians," by Cheikh Anta Diop. From Egypt Revisited by Cheikh Anta Diop. © 1989 by Cheikh Anta Diop. Reprinted by permission of Transaction Publishers. Pp. 61-67: "The Land, Early Nubian Cultures and Egypt," by John H. Taylor. From Egypt and Nubia by John H. Taylor. Reprinted OY permission of British Museum Publications. Pp. 68-77: "The Great Empires of Medieval Sudan" by Robert W. July. Reprinted by permission of Waveland Press, Inc. from A History of the African People, Fifth Edition by Robert W. July. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press, Inc., 1998. All rights reserved. Pp. 83-97: "Toward an Understanding of the Ancient View of Blacks," by Frank M. Snowden, Jr. Reprinted by ermission of the publisher from Before Color Prejudice Oy Frank M. Snowden, Jr., Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Copyright © 1983 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Pp. 98-115: "European Dimensions of the African Diaspora by Allison Blakely, from Africa in World History: Old, New, and Now edited by Leonard Plotnicov and Michael W. Coy, Jr. Ethno "ogy Monographs. All rights reserved. Pp. 116-131: "Black Slaves in the Mediterranean World: Introduction to a Neglected Aspect of the Black Diaspora,’ from John O. Hunwick, Slavery and Abolition, 5, 1978, Pp. 10-30. Reprinted by permission of Frank Cass Publishers. Pp. 132-140: "The Black Slaves of Turkish Arabia During the 19th Century" by Albertine Jwaideh and James W. Cox. From The Economics of the India Ocean Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century by William Gervase Clarence-Smith. Reprinted by permission of Frank Cass Publishers. Pp. 145-157: “The 19th Century Islamic Slave Trade from East Africa: Alternate Census," by Ralph A. Austen in The Economics of the India Ocean Slave Trade in the Nineteenth Century by William Gervase Clarence-Smith. Reprinted by ermission of Frank Cass Publishers. p. 158-167: “The African Presence in Asia," by Joseph E. Harris. From The African Presence in Asia, Northwestern University Press, © 1971. Reprinted by permission. | Pp. 168-183: “The Importation of Negro Slaves to China Under the T'ang Dynasty 618-907," by Chang Hsing-Lang. From The Bulletin of the Catholic University of Peking, 1930, pp. 46-49. Pp. 184-200: "A Brief Analysis of the Role and Status of the Negro in the Hawaiian Community" by Lloyd L. Lee. American Sociological Review, 1948, Vol. 13, Number 4. All rights reserved. ep: 203-210: “The Ethiopian Slave Trade and Its Relation to the Islamic World," by Mordechai Abir. From Slaves and Slavery in Muslim Africa, Vol. 2, © 1985. Frank Cass & Co. Ltd. Pp. 211-216: “The Origin of Negro Slavery," by Eric E. Williams. From Capitalism and Slavery by Eric Williams. Copyright © 1944, by the University of North Carolina Press, renewed (with a new introduction by Colin A. Palmer) 1994. Used by permission of the publisher. Pp. 217-223: "The Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African," by Olaudah Equiano. From The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah quiero or Gustavas Vassa, The African, Longman, 1793. Pp. 224-231: “Measuring the Immeasurable: The Atlantic Slave Trade," by David P. Henige. From the Journal of African History, 1986. Reprinted by permission of Cambridge University press via the Copyright Clearance Center. Pp. 235-253: "Social Structure of Caribbean Slave Plantation Society’ by Franklin W. Knight. From The Caribbean, the Genisis of a Fragmented Nationalism, Franklin W. Knight. Oxford University Press, 1990. All rights reserved. Pp. 254-263: "The Charter of Freedom," by Katia M. de Queiros Mattoso. Mattoso, Katia M. Queiros, To Be a Slave in Brazil 1550-1888. translated by Arthur Goldhammer, copyright O 1986 by Rutgers, The State University. Reprinted by permission of Rutgers University Press. Pp. 264-275: "The Slave Family,” by John W. Blassingame. From The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Antebellum South, Revised and Enlarged Edition by John Blassingame. Copyright O 1972, 1979 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Used by permission of Oxford University Press, Inc. Pp. 276-291: Savery in Nineteenth-Century Peru’ by Peter Blanchard. From Slavery and Abolition in Early Republican Peru by Peter Blanchard. Copyright 1992 by Scholarly Resources, Inc. Reprinted by permission of scholarly Resources Inc. Pp. 292-304: “The Black Legions of Buenos Aires, Argentina" by George Reid Andrews. From The Afro-Argentines of Buenos Aires, 1800-1900. © 1980. Reprinted by permission of the University of Wisconson Press. Pp. 305-316: "African Feminism: A Theoretical Approach to History of Women Diaspora," by Rosalyn Terborg-Penn. From Women in Africa and the African Diaspora. Copyright © 1987 by Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, Sharon Harley & Andrea Benton Rushing. Reprinted with the permission of The Permissions Company, P. O. Box 243, High Bridge, NJ 08829, USA on behalf of Howard University Press. Pp. 317-326: "The Economic Role of Slave Women," by Barbara A. Bush. From Slave Women in Caribbean Society by Barbara A. Bus Reprinted by permission of Indiana University Press. - 327-335: ‘Slave Women in the Eighteenth-Century Charleston Marketplace" by Robert Olwell. From More Than Chattel edited by D. C. Hine and D. B. Gaspar. Reprinted by permission of Indiana niversity Press. cP. 336-348: “Perceptions of Slave Women in Nineteenth-Century Brazil" by Robert W. Slenes. From More Than Chattel edited by D. C. Hine and D. B. Gaspar. Reprinted by permission of Indiana University Press. Pp. 351-367: "The Haitian Revolution," cy David Geggus, from The Modern Caribbean, edited by Franklin W. Knight and corn A. Palmer. Copyright © 1989 by the University of North Carolina Press. Used by permission of the ublisher. p. 368-382: “Akan Slave Rebellions in the British Caribbean," by Monica E. Schuler. All rights reserved. Pp. 383-390: “The Abolition of the Atlantic Slave Trade," by Michael L. Conniff and Thomas J. Davis. Copyright © 1994 by St. Martin's Press, Inc. From: African in the Americas by Conniff/Davis. Reproduced by permission of St. Martin's Press, Inc. Pp. 391-397: "Gradual Abolition and the Dynamics of Slave Emancipation in Cuba, 1868-1886," by Rebecca J. Scott. From Hispanic American Historical Review, 63:3 (August 1983), pp. 449-477. Copyright 1983, Duke University Press. Reprinted with permission. Pp. 403-418: “DuBois and the Pan-African Congress Movement,” by Immanuel Geiss. Methuen, 1974. All rights reserved. Pp. 419-432: "Back to Africa, 1958-1962,” by Colin Legum. From Pan-Africanism: A Short Political Guide, Greenwood Press, O 1965 by Colin Legum. All rights reserved. Mp. 99-145: quarcus Garvey, the Caribbean and the Struggle for Black Jamaican Nationhood," by Tony Martin. All rights reserved. Pp. 446-451: From The Autobiography of Malcolm X, by Malcolm X with the assistance of Alex Haley. Copyright O 1964 by Alex Haley and Malcolm ko Copyright O 1965 by Alex Haley and Betty Shabazz. Reprinted by permission of Random House, Inc. Pp. 455-464: "Three Centuries Removed: Black Americans and Their African Connections," by Edwin Dorn and Walter Carrington. From Africa in the Minds and Deeds of African-American Leaders, Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, © 1991. All rights reserved. Pp. 465-470: "Defending the Spirit: A Black Life in America,’ by Randall Robinson. From Defending the Spirit: A Black Life in America by Randall Robinson. Copyright © 1998 by Randall Robinson. Used by permission of Dutton, a division of Penguin Putnam Inc. Pp. 471-480: "Another Exodus: The Hebrew Israelites from Chicago to Dimona" by Ethan Michaeli. From Black Zion: African American Religious Encounters with Judaism edited by Yvonne Chireau and Nathaniel Deutsch. Copyright 2000, Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. Pp. 481-489: "American in Africa: A Black Journalist's Story," by Keith B. Richburg. Copyright © 1995, The Washington Post. Reprinted with permission. Contents Preface to Second Edition Introduction to the African Diaspora Experience X] MAPS OF AFRICAN DIASPORA Africa During the Thirteenth to Seventeenth Centuries xVv11 Africa, 1914 xv111 The Main Corridors of the African Slave Trade X1XX The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Mexico and the Caribbean Area XX1 African American Population in the United States XX11 The Modern States of Africa XX111 SECTION ONE: UNDERSTANDING THE AFRICAN DIASPORA Introduction The Dynamics of the Global African Diaspora Joseph E. Harris The Emergence of Mankind in Africa 13 David W. Phillipson The Dialectic Between Diasporas and Homelands 26 Elliott P. Skinner SECTION TWO: ANCIENT AFRICAN CIVILIZATION Introduction 45 Origin of the Ancient Egyptians 47 Cheikh Anta Diop The Land, Early Nubian Cultures and Egypt 61 John H. Taylor The Great Empires of Medieval Sudan 68 Robert W. July SECTION THREE: AFRICANS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN, THE MIDDLE EAST, AND EUROPE Introduction 79 Toward an Understanding of the Ancient View of Blacks 83 Frank M. Snowden, Jr. European Dimensions of the African Diaspora 98 Allison Blakely Black Slaves in the Mediterranean World: Introduction to a Neglected Aspect 116 of the African Diaspora John O. Hunwick The Black Slaves of Turkish Arabia During the 19th Century 132 Albertine Jwaideh and James W. Cox SECTION FOUR: AFRICAN PRESENCE IN ASIA Introduction 141 The 19th Century Islamic Slave Trade from East Africa (Swahili and Red 145 Seas Coasts): A Tentative Census Ralph A. Austen The African Presence in Asia 158 Joseph E. Harris The Importation of Negro Slaves to China under the T'ang Dynasty (A.D. 618-907) 168 Chang Hsing-lang A Brief Analysis of the Role and Status of the Negro in the Hawaiian Community 184 Lloyd L. Lee SECTION FIVE: THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE Introduction 201 The Ethiopian Slave Trade and Its Relation to the Islamic World 203 Mordechai Abir The Origin of Negro Slavery 211 Eric E. Williams The Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa the African 217 Olaudah Equiano Measuring the Immeasurable: The Atlantic Slave Trade 224 David P. Henige SECTION SIX: AFRICAN SLA VERY IN THE AMERICAS Introduction 233 Social Structure of Caribbean Slave Plantation Society 235 Franklin W. Knight The Charter of Freedom 294 Katia M. de Queiros Mattoso The Slave Family 264 John W. Blassingame Slavery in Nineteenth-Century Peru 276 Peter Blanchard The Black Legions of Buenos Aires, Argentina 292 George Reid Andrews SECTION SEVEN: THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE AFRICAN DIASPORA Introduction 305 African Feminism: A Theoretical Approach to History of Women in the African 307 Diaspora Rosalyn Terborg-Penn The Economic Role of Slave Women 317 Barbara A. Bush Slave Women in the Eighteenth-Century Charleston Marketplace 327 Robert Olwell Perceptions of Slave Women in Nineteenth-Century Brazil 336 Robert W. Slenes SECTION EIGHT: SLAVE RESISTANCE AND ABOLITION Introduction 349 The Haitian Revolution 391 David P. Geggus Akan Slave Rebellions in the British Caribbean 368 Monica E. Schuler The Abolition of the Atlantic Slave Trade 383 Michael L. Conniff and Thomas J. Davis Gradual Abolition and the Dynamics of Slave Emancipation in Cuba, 1868-1886 391 Rebecca J. Scott SECTION NINE: THE RISE OF BLACK NATIONALISM AND PAN-AFRICANISM Introduction 399 Du Bois and the Pan-African Congress Movement 403 Immanuel Geiss Back to Africa, 1958-1962 419 Colin Legum Marcus Garvey, the Caribbean and the Struggle for Black Jamaican Nationhood 433 Tony Martin from The Autobiography of Malcolm X 446 Malcolm X SECTION TEN: REACHING BACK—SOME AFRICAN DIASPORA CHALLENGES Introduction 453 Three Centuries Removed: Black Americans and Their African Connections 455 Edwin Dorn and Walter Carrington Defending the Spirit: A Black Life in America 465 Randall Robinson Another Exodus: The Hebrew Israelites from Chicago to Dimona 471 Ethan Michaeli American in Africa: A Black Journalist's Story 481 Keith B. Richburg APPENDIX Further Readings 491

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