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The Africa Agriculture Status Report 2013 : Focus on Staple - AGRA PDF

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AFRICA AGRICULTURE STATUS REPORT F O C U S O N S T A P L E C R O P S 2013 3 Design and layout: blossoming.it 4 table of contents Foreword 6 Acknowledgements 7 Preface 8 Acronyms 9 Chapter 01: 12 Introduction Chapter 02: 18 Agricultural Productivity, Growth, and Competitiveness Chapter 03: 30 Securing Land for Agricultural Production Chapter 04: 42 Improving Soil Health in Africa: Challenges and Promising Solutions Chapter 05: 52 Status of Seed Systems Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Chapter 06: 70 Financing African Agriculture: An Imperative for Inclusive Innovative Financing Chapter 07: 84 Transforming African Agriculture by Improving Output Markets Chapter 08: 94 Enabling Policy Environment Chapter 09: 112 Farmers’ Organizations as Key Actors in Agricultural Development Chapter 10: 120 Capacity Development in Agriculture in Africa Chapter 11: 138 The Role of Women In Africa’s Smallholder Agriculture: Status, Trends, and Opportunities Chapter 12: 150 Extension and Advisory Services for Facilitating Sharing of Agricultural Innovations Chapter 13: 162 Conclusion Section II: 166 Status of Agricultural Statistics Technical Notes Agriculture data for the selected 16 countries 174 5 Foreword The world faces a major agricultural challenge. We must, the potential to achieve rapid growth and development over the next few decades, find ways to deliver nutritious, on the continent. The report adopts a new thinking in safe, and affordable food to a growing global population agriculture, one that reflects a value chain approach. The that is projected to reach 9 billion people by 2050. Stress on authors cover such issues as input availability and access, our land and water, increase in soil degradation, salinization the need for an enabling policy environment, and access of irrigated areas, migration of youth to urban areas, climate to output markets. The report also pays special attention to changes, are among the many risks that are negatively the crosscutting issues of gender equity, strengthening of affecting the agricultural production potential in many farmer organizations and collective action, and the need countries around the world. The need for a comprehensive to improve access to high quality extension and advisory solution to global food and nutritional security is urgent. services. Our progress in ensuring a sustainable and equitable food Encouragingly, African countries are giving greater priority supply chain will be determined by how coherently the to agricultural development. The African Union (AU), persistent challenges are tackled. This will also determine through its New Partnership for Africa’s Development our progress in reducing global poverty and achieving (NEPAD), is providing leadership and support via a uniquely African Green Revolution. Fortunately, Africa NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development is endowed with abundant natural resources, including Programme (CAADP). Through this program AU is about 60% of the world’s arable land, some of it still encouraging countries to develop investment plans and virgin land. These resources, if effectively and efficiently to allocate at least 10% of their annual national budgets to harnessed, could reduce the threat of food insecurity. agriculture. Clearly, recent sharp increases in international Increased agricultural productivity, combined with viable food prices are contributing to increased food import agribusiness that adds value to farmers’ production and bills in the short run. However, improved performance in improved access to markets, can drive broader economic Africa’s agriculture sector through increased public and growth across the continent and vastly improve food private investment and targeted interventions can help security. offset those short-term effects and, over the longer term. Achieving the African Agenda of attaining an average of 6% In recent years, a renewed focus on agriculture has been growth rate in agriculture will not only support sustained evident in policy and development agendas across the overall economic growth, but will also open up major African continent. Yet, little knowledge has been generated opportunities for African farmers in domestic, regional and on the inter-linkages of research and development, international markets. We need to enhance our collective agricultural production, and markets, as well as the efforts to achieve both food and nutritional security in potential for developing them. This report outlines the Africa and we urge all the stakeholders in agriculture to status of agriculture in 16 African countries, paying sustain the momentum through collaboration to push attention to agricultural land and labour productivity and forward the African agriculture agenda. Kofi A. Annan Board Chairman 6 Acknowledgements The African Agriculture Status Report 2013, focusing on staple crops, received support and guidance from many contributors whom I acknowledge here. David Sarfo Ameyaw provided the overall leadership for the development and production of the Report. A Steering Committee comprising Aboubacar Diaby, Joseph DeVries, Augustine Langyintuo (now with IFC), Sylvia Mwichuli, Fadel Ndiame, Jane Njuguna and Marie Rarieya, coordinated the overall framework and structure of the report. The project coordinators were Jane Njuguna, Aboubacar Diaby, and Susan Ndung’u. Special thanks are extended to AGRA staff in the Monitoring and Evaluation, and Communication units for providing input as well as logistical support for production and launching of the report. As the President of AGRA, I thank all the people who provided support in various ways. Special thank you to the chapter authors: • Introduction and Agriculture Productivity, Growth, and Competitiveness: Willis Kosura, University of Nairobi and Geophrey Sikei, EfD- Kenya. • Agricultural Production: Evelyn Namubiru-Mwaura, AGRA and Frank Place, ICRAF. • Soil Fertility Management: Bashir Jama, Rebbie Harawa, Abednego Kiwia, Marie Rarieya, David Kimani, Abdi Zeila, at AGRA and Jason Scarpone, AFAP. • Status of Seed Systems Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: Edward Mabaya, Cornell University; Paul Omanga, FAO; and Joseph DeVries, AGRA, with contributions from George Bigirwa, Jane Ininda, Issoufou Kapran, Rufaro Madakadze, Itai Makanda, Kehinde Makinde, Fred Muhhuku, Aboubacar Toure, all at AGRA. • Financing Agriculture: Bernadette Mukonyora, IFAD, and Nixon Bugo, AGRA. • Transforming African Agriculture by Improving Output Markets: Gideon Onumah, NRI, with contributions from Anne Mbaabu and Stephen Njukia, both with AGRA. • Enabling Policy Environment: Augustine Langyintuo, International Finance Corporation, World Bank Group (formerly at AGRA). • Status of Farmers’ Organization and Associations: Nicholas Biekpe, Africa Growth Institute; Fadel Ndiame, Mary Njoroge, Pauline Kamau, Samuel Sey, all with AGRA. • Capacity and Institutional Development: Rufaro Madakadze and Marie Rarieya, both with AGRA; Sebastian Chakeredza, ANAFE, and Wellington Ekaya, RUFORUM. • Gender and Agricultural Development: Margaret Kroma, AGRA • Extension and Advisory Services: Kristin Davis, GFRAS/IFPRI, and Margaret Kroma, AGRA Valuable comments and suggestions were provided by Sam Asuming-Brempong, University of Ghana; Bernard Bashaasha, Makerere University; Sonii David, HKI; David J. Spielman, IFPRI; Shellemiah Okoth Keya, University of Nairobi; Julius Mangisoni, Bunda College; Patricia Mbote, University of Nairobi; Isaac Minde, Sokoine University; Munguzwe Hichaambwa, Indaba University, Zambia; David Ndung’u, University of Nairobi; Olanrewaju Smith, ITC; Haroon Sseguya, Makerere University; Hardwick Tchale, World Bank; August Temu, ICRAF; Timothy Williams, IWMI; Ishmael Sunga, SACAU; and Bernard Vanlauwe, IITA, who peer reviewed and critiqued the chapters on Africa Agriculture Status Report. Maria Wanzala contributed information on CAADP that was included in the report. The report also benefited from a technical convening on the Report held on April 29, 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya. All those who were able to attend deserve our appreciation. The report benefitted greatly from the insights of the members of the editorial team and we are very grateful for their time and effort. We thank staff from the ministries of agriculture, and the central bureau of statistics in Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia for providing the country specific micro data included in this report. The technical box on Status of Agriculture Statistics was prepared by Naman Keita, FAO. Data tables were compiled and prepared by Jane Njuguna and Aboubacar Diaby. Jane Karuku President 7 Preface The Africa Agriculture Status Report: Focus on Staple Crops trigger smallholders’ agricultural transformation across the was inspired by the need to have an accessible and staple crop value chain; discussing factors of production, reliable resource depicting the status and trends of African technology adoption, input-output markets, access to agriculture. Given the crucial role agriculture plays in finance, policy environment, and institutional and human African economic growth and development, it is critical to capacity building. The collection also considers partnership have such a resource—compiled with current and accurate and leveraging of resources. The second section is a collation information on key indicators—as a reference when of both macro and micro data from 16 Sub-Saharan Africa designing policies and strategies that guide future growth countries that AGRA currently operates in. The micro data and development of agriculture in Africa. were provided by the ministries of agriculture and bureaus of statistics in the respective countries. The macro data The 2013 Report has taken more than one and half years came from institutions that track key indicators on a regular to produce. During this period we consulted a number of basis such as the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Government Agriculture Ministries, Bureaus of Statistics, Organization. The Report aims to foster an on-going data bilateral and multilateral organizations, NGOs, and other collection effort on key agriculture indicators that are research institutions who have done extensive work and tracked on a regular basis and reported on in subsequent are involved in the collection and publication of relevant publications moving forward. Sub-Saharan Africa agriculture statistical reports and data on staple crop production, distribution, and marketing. We The 16 countries were selected based on the size of have attempted to consolidate and condense the relevant rural population, the potential of increased production staple crops statistical reports and data in one publication estimated by comparing average productivity with best and to provide a contextual narrative to these data to inform practices in the region, the presence of key threshold Africa’s agriculture stakeholders and decision makers. conditions for a successful transformation, including existence of hard infrastructure, overall governance and Our aim is to produce an annual series of the Africa leadership, and interest of other partners/donors/private Agriculture Status Report that will provide an in-depth and sector. The rural population of these countries is estimated comprehensive analysis of emerging issues and challenges to represent about 60% of the rural population in Sub- being faced by African smallholder farmers and allow Saharan Africa excluding South Africa and Sudan. These African scholars and professionals to contribute practical countries also reflect regional representation, and the and evidence-based solutions. The publication also offers likelihood of regional spill-over effects. a platform to share relevant and current knowledge and experiences that can contribute to improving Africa’s food It is our hope that this first edition of the Africa Agriculture security. The Report is also an opportunity to promote open Status Report will be the beginning of a series of many such access to Africa’s agriculture data. Another complementary reports that will highlight and examine the challenges and objective of this Report is to develop a common platform opportunities that smallholder farmers in Africa currently where national agricultural surveys/censuses, data from face. It is also our fervent hope that the featured topics national and international research institutions, data from will contribute to the solutions and innovations needed bilateral and multilateral funded projects and programs to trigger the unique approaches and methodologies can be readily accessible to all the stakeholders interested contextualized in Africa for Africans to achieve a uniquely in agriculture and food security in Africa. African Green Revolution. We will continue to improve and expand the scope of the macro and micro data coverage This report is divided into two sections. The first section is and the countries and regions represented in Sub-Saharan a collection of comprehensive and well-focused articles on Africa as we move forward in subsequent publications and agriculture in Africa guided by the uniqueness of the African as data become available. We welcome collaborators and Green Revolution Concept. The topics focus on factors that contributors to future publications. Dr. David S Ameyaw Director, Strategy, Monitoring and Evaluation Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) 8 Acronyms ADI Africa Development Indicators ADP Agro-dealer Development Program AECF Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund AFAAS African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services AFAP African Fertilizer Agribusiness Partnership AFnet African Network for Biological Management of Soil Fertility AFORNET African Forestry Research Network AFRICRES Africa Investment Climate Research AfSIS Africa Soil Information Service AGOA African Growth and Opportunity Act AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa AICAD African Institute for Capacity Development AIS Agricultural Innovation System ANAFE African Network for Agriculture, Agroforestry and Natural Resources ARPPIS African Regional Postgraduate program in Insect Science ASARECA Association for Strengthening Research in Eastern and Central Africa ASTI Agriculture Science and Technology Indicators AU African Union AusAID Australian Agency for International Development AUC African Union Commission BioEARN Eastern Africa Regional Programme and Research Network for Biotechnology BWFCU Becho Woliso Farmers’ Cooperative Union CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme CFC Common Fund for Commodities CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture CIDA Canadian International Development Agency CIP International Potato Center CMAAE Collaborative Master’s Program in Agricultural and Applied Economics COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa DAAD German Academic Exchange Service DFID Department for International Development DUS Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability EACI Education for African Crop Improvement EAGC Eastern Africa Grain Council EAPGRTC East African Plant Genetic Resources Training Consortium EASCOM Eastern Africa Seed Committee ECA Eastern and Central Africa ECOWAS Economic Community of West African States ECX Ethiopia Commodity Exchange EFSA European Food Safety Authority EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database FARA Forum of Agricultural Research in Africa FDI Foreign Direct Investment FFS Farmer Field Schools FIACC Fund for the Improvement and Adoption of African Crops FOSCA Farmer Organizations Support Centre in Africa 9 FTE Full Time Equivalent GDP Gross Domestic Product GEM Gender Entrepreneurship Markets GFRAS Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services GM/GMO Genetically modified GOR Government of Rwanda IAC Inter Academy Council IARC International Agriculture Research Centers IAU International Association of Universities ICT Information Communication Technology IFAD International Fund for Agriculture Development IFC International Finance Corporation IFDC International Fertilizer Development Center IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture ILO International Labour Organization ISFM Integrated Soil Fertility Management ISTA International Seed Testing Association JSE Johannesburg Stock Exchange KACE Kenya Agricultural Commodity Exchange KARI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute KDGCBP Kenya Dairy Goat and Capacity Building Project KENFAP Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers KIRSAL Kenya Incentive- Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending LBC Licensed Buying Company MDG Millennium Development Goal MIS Market information systems MSc Master of Science NAMC National Agricultural Marketing Council NARI National Agricultural Research Institutes NARS National Agricultural Research Systems NCPB National Cereals and Produce Board NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations NPT National Performance Trial NRI Natural Resources Institute ODA Official Development Assistance OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development OSCA One Stop Centre Association PASS Program for Africa’s Seed Systems PhD Doctor of Philosophy PVP Plant Variety Protection R&D Research and Development RUFORUM Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture SACAU Southern African Confederation of Agricultural Unions SACCO Savings and Credit Cooperative SADC Southern Africa Development Community SAFE Sasakawa Africa Fund for Extension Education SAFEX South Africa Futures Exchange SAP Structural Adjustment Program SARUA Southern Africa’s Regional University Association SEPA Seed Production for Africa SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SSSN SADC Seed Security Network 10

Status of Seed Systems Development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Chapter 06: 70. Financing African Agriculture: An Imperative for Inclusive Innovative Financing.
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