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Preview The Affine-Metric Quantum Gravity with Extra Local Symmetries

7 THE AFFINE-METRIC QUANTUM GRAVITY 9 9 1 n a J 3 1 WITH EXTRA LOCAL SYMMETRIES 2 v 8 5 0 2 1 5 9 M. Yu. Kalmykov 1 / h t - p Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141 980 e h Dubna (Moscow Region), Russian Federation : v i X r a Abstract We discuss the role of additional local symmetries related to the transformations of connection fields in the affine-metric theory of gravity. The corresponding BRST trans- formations connected with all symmetries (general coordinate, local Lorentz and extra) areconstructed. Itisshown,thatextrasymmetriesgivetheadditionalcontributiontoef- fectiveactionwhichisproportionaltothecorrespondingNielsen-Kalloshghostone. Some arguments are given, that there is no anomaly associated with extra local symmetries. PACS number(s) 0450+h, 0460-m 1 E-mail: [email protected] 1 Introduction At present, there is no theory of gravity that would be satisfactory ¿from the viewpoint of quantum field theory. The Einstein gravity, although agrees with all the available experi- mental data at the classical level, is not renormalizable. For the pure Einstein gravity, the one-loop counterterms vanish on shell [1] but the two-loop counterterms break the renormal- izability of the model [2]. Furthermore, as one adds matter fields, the renormalizability is violated already at the one-loop level [3]. Therefore, one has either to modify the theory or to prove that the difficulties are due to imperfection of the methods applied to treat the model. We are inclined to believe perturbative renormalizability to be one of the fundamental criteria for a ”true” quantum gravity. We are going to assume that a perturbative renormal- izable gravity exists but may differ from the Einstein theory. The simplest way to modifying the Einstein gravity consists in adding some terms to the action which are quadratic in the curvature. This kind of a theory would be multiplicatively renormalizable and asymptotically free but not unitary [4]. Ghosts and tachyons would be present in the spectrum of the tree-level S matrix, owing to the 1 behavior of the metric − p4 fieldpropagator, becausetheaction involves higherderivatives. Attempts torestoreunitarity by taking into account quantum corrections or adding some matter fields, failed [5]. We believe that the situation may be saved by increasing the symmetries of the initial action. Additional global or local symmetries that are maintained at the quantum level with- out generating anomalies may essentially improve renormalization properties. An example is supersymmetry. The simplest N = 1 supergravity is the first theory of gravity with matter in which the one-loop S matrix is ultraviolet finite [6]. The known models of the N = 1 − supergravity are finite up to two loops but may generate nonvanishing three-loop divergent counterterms. Models with the extended (e.g.N = 8) supersymmetry or some other addi- tional symmetry (e.g. the local conformal symmetry) have better renormalization features [7], but there is no proof of their complete finiteness by now. Another possibility is that space-time has a reacher structure than just a Riemann space. This implies introducing, besides the metric g , some other geometric structures like torsion µν and nonmetricity. The so-called Riemann-Cartan space is the simplest extension. It has the torsion as an independentdynamicalvariable. Thereisawideliteratureonthegravity withtorsion[8]. We only remind some facts concerning the renormalization properties. In the framework of the Riemann-Cartan space, one succeeded in constructing themodels that areunitary at thetree level in the linear approximation [9]. Independent dynamical variables, metrics and torsion, have propagators with the 1 behavior. However, at the one-loop level, the dimension-4 p2 counterterms should be generated which are not forbidden by the symmetries present in the model,i.e. anyscalarsconstructedfromthecontractions ofthecurvatureandtorsiontensors. In general, these counterterms will break either renormalizability or unitarity. A further extension involves the affine-metric space-time characterized by the metric g µν and the affine connection Γ¯σ [10]. There are several variants proposed by now [11]. In µν the framework of the affine-metric theory there exist about two hundred arbitrary coeffi- cients , which are not defined from basic principles. Because of the technical complication of this model, the renormalizability properties of the affine-metric quantum gravity have been studied insufficiently. New hopes for a more perfect quantum gravity arose in connection with strings. The discussion of the bosonic string on the affine-metric manifold is given in [12]. Summarize the basic principles of the ”true” quantum gravity: Basic assumption is the existence of a perturbatively renormalizable theory of gravity. • As a consequence, all the assertions of the conventional perturbative quantum field theory should remain valid. In particular, the theory should be unitary at the tree level. Since no purely metric gravity is known to be both renormalizable and unitary, we are bound to introduce additional dynamical variables or to impose some new local symmetry, like supersymmetry. Thus,the truequantumperturbatively renormalizable, unitary theory of gravity without the supersymmetry can only be constructed in the framework of the extended space-time geometry, like the Riemann-Cartan or affine- metric geometry. The Lagrangian should not involve higher derivatives of the fields, in order to avoid • ghosts and tachyons in the spectrum. Therenormalization groupanalysisshows[13]thatinanordinaryrenormalizablequan- • tum field theory the most essential role belongs to the terms with the dimension of the space-time. Consequently, it is natural to start constructing a renormalizable model from the terms with the corresponding dimension. For the classical limit, coinciding with the Einstein theory, to exist one needs to add a • term linear in the curvature tensor to the Lagrangian. In this paper, we consider the affine-metric gravity. This theory may be invariant with respect to some extra local transformations of the affine connection for special value of the coefficients [14]-[16]. These invariances restrict arbitrariness of the initial Lagrangian and avoid undesirable counterterms at the quantum level. However, the quantum properties of these symmetries have not been studied. The main aim of this paper is to investigate extra local symmetries connected with the local transformation of the affine-metric gravity at the quantum level. We would like to show that these symmetries may give additional contribution to the effective action. The BRST- transformations connected with the symmetries of the affine-metric theory are constructed as a basis for further investigations of renormalizability and unitary properties. We don’t discuss the physical ground and geometric nature of these symmetries in this paper. In section 2, we give the structure of the affine-metric gravity and introduce extra symmetries. In section 3, we introduce the BRST-transformations connected with extra symmetries in the geometrical and tetrad approaches, construct the quantum Lagrangian and discuss the problem of anomalies connected with new symmetries. In section 4, we conclude with a discussion of the results and perspective. The following notation and conventions are accepted: 4 d c= h¯ = 1; µ,ν = 0,1,2,3; k2 = 16πG, ε = − 2 (g) = det(g ), e= det(ea ) η = (+ ), µν µ µν −−− The Riemannian connection is Γσ = gσλ1( ∂ g +∂ g +∂ g ). Objects marked µν 2 − λ µν µ λν ν λµ bybarareconstructedbymeansoftheaffineconnectionΓ¯σ . TheothersaretheRiemannian µν objects. For further calculations one needs to define the following tensor object: Dσ = µν Γ¯σ Γσ . µν µν − 2 Extra local symmetries in affine-metric gravity The affine-metric manifold permits the geometric and tetrad description. The geometric approach implies the description in terms of the metric g and affine connection Γ¯σ . The µν µν basic objects are expressed as curvature • R¯σ (Γ¯) = ∂ Γ¯σ ∂ Γ¯σ +Γ¯σ Γ¯α Γ¯σ Γ¯α (1) λµν µ λν ν λµ αµ λν αν λµ − − torsion • 1 Q¯σ (Γ¯)= Γ¯σ Γ¯σ (2) µν 2 µν − νµ (cid:16) (cid:17) nonmetricity • W¯ (g,Γ¯) = ¯ g = ∂ g Γ¯α g Γ¯α g (3) σµν σ µν σ µν µσ αν νσ αµ ∇ − − In the tetrad formalism, for describing the manifold we use the tetrad ea and the local µ Lorentz connection Ω¯a . Using the following relations [10] bµ g = ea eb η (4) µν µ ν ab ¯ ea = ∂ ea +Ω¯a eb Γ¯ν ea = 0 (5) σ µ σ µ bσ µ µσ ν ∇ − where η is the Minkowskian metric, we can obtain the main geometric objects in tetrad ab formalism: curvature • R¯σ (Γ¯) = R¯a (Ω¯)e σeb = (∂ Ω¯a ∂ Ω¯a +Ω¯a Ω¯α Ω¯a Ω¯α )e σeb (6) λµν bµν a λ µ bν ν bµ αµ bν αν bµ a λ − − torsion • 1 Q¯σ (Γ¯) = Q¯a (e,Ω¯)e σ = ∂ ea ∂ ea +Ω¯a eb Ω¯a eb e σ (7) µν µν a −2 µ ν − ν µ bµ ν − bν µ a (cid:16) (cid:17) nonmetricity • W¯ (g,Γ¯) = W¯ (Ω¯)eaeb = Ω¯ +Ω¯ eaeb (8) σµν σab µ ν abσ baσ µ ν − (cid:0) (cid:1) An affine-metric theory of gravity may have additional local symmetries related to trans- formations of the connection [14]-[16]. The simplest is the transformation of irreducibleparts of the connection. The affine connection can be rewritten as Γ¯σ = Γσ +Dσ (9) µν µν µν where Dσ is the tensor. An arbitrary tensor of third rank D is known to be expandable µν σµν in terms of the following irreducible parts: 1 D = A g +B g +C g + Dˇ +D (10) σµν σ µν µ νσ ν µσ 6 [σµν] σµν where Dˇ is the antisymmetric part; A ,B and C , are the vector fields [σµν] σ µ ν 1 A 5D λ Dλ Dλ (11) σ ≡ 18 σλ − σλ− λσ (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 B D λ+5Dλ Dλ (12) σ ≡ 18 − σλ σλ − λσ (cid:16) (cid:17) 1 C D λ Dλ +5Dλ (13) σ ≡ 18 − σλ − σλ λσ (cid:16) (cid:17) and D is the traceless part satisfying the following conditions: σµν Dν = Dν = D µ 0 (14) µν νµ νµ ≡ ǫλσµνD = 0 (15) σµν The symmetries related to transformations of irreducible parts are Γ¯σ ′ Γ¯σ = Γ¯σ +gσρΛ +gσρT +Mσg +N δσ +P gσ (16) µν µν µν [ρµν] ρµν µν ν µ µ ν → where Λ ,T ,M ,N ,P are arbitrary antisymmetric, traceless tensors and vectors, [σµν] σµν σ ν µ respectively. If the theory is invariant under all the symmetries (16), the affine connection has no dynamical degrees of freedom. Just becomes an auxiliary field. After eliminating it the theory reduced to a metric gravity. We restrict ourselves to considering only some particular cases of (16): Γ¯σ ′ Γ¯σ = Γ¯σ +gσλΛ (x)+δσC (x) (17) µν µν µν [λµν] µ ν → This transformation is the sum of the projective transformations [15]: Γ¯σ ′ Γ¯σ = Γ¯σ +δσC (x) (18) µν µν µν µ ν → and antisymmetric transformations: Γ¯σ ′ Γ¯σ = Γ¯σ +gσλΛ (x) (19) µν µν µν [λµν] → Consider the tetrad approach. Using relations (5) it is easy to show that the transforma- tion (17) has the following form in the tetrad formalism: Ω¯a ′ Ω¯a = Ω¯a +eaλΛ (x)+δaC (x) (20) bσ bσ bσ [λbσ] b σ → What is the meaning of these extra gauge invariances? Usually, local invariances are related to physically relevant groupslike, for instance, the diffeomorphismand Lorentz group or internal group in the Yang-Mills type theories. And usually, a gauge field (potential, connection) is adjoined to each gauge invariance. However, for extra local symmetries no additional gauge fields appear. Therefore, these symmetries do not fit into the framework of ”ordinary” gauge theories. This is a gauge invariance without of any physical meaning and geometric nature. At the same time, the presence of extra gauge invariances imposes some new constraints on the source terms. These new constraints may solve some old problems concerning the interaction of matter and vector gauge fields with connection in affine-metric gravity[10],[11]. Inouropinion,theroleofthesesymmetriesinfersinexcludingcounterterms of the particular type and restricting arbitrariness of the initial Lagrangian. This is possible if the symmetries are maintained at the quantum level. The questions arise about the gauge fixing and corresponding ghost fields connected with these symmetries. For constructing the quantum Lagrangian we must add the gauge fixing terms and appropriate Faddeev-Popov ghost fields. We derive the corresponding theory from the invariance of the full Lagrangian under the BRST-transformations sL = 0 (21) quan where s is a graded, nilpotent BRST operator. 3 BRST-transformations in the affine-metric gravity with ex- tra local invariances Consider an arbitrary model of the affine-metric gravity quadratic in the torsion, curvature andnonmetricity, invariantunderthegeneralcoordinateandadditionallocaltransformations (17) in the geometric approach. The propagators which stem from the classical Lagrangian are not all defined because the quadratic field approximation of the initial Lagrangian is degenerated, i.e. contains modes associated with the gauge invariance. The propagators can be made invertible if a gauge fixing term is added to initial Lagrangian. We consider the symmetries (17) as a gauge symmetry. Hence, we must fix these symmetries. The gauge fixing Lagrangian is 1 1 1 L = bµω Fν +πµζ fν +dµς ρν bµω bν πµζ πν dµς dν √ g (22) gf µν µν µν µν µν µν − 2 − 2 − 2 − (cid:18) (cid:19) where b , π , d are auxiliary fields, ω ,ς ,ζ are arbitrary differential operators µ µ µ µν µν µν { } { } whichcontaintwoorsmallerderivativesand F ,f ,ρ fixthegeneralcoordinate,projective µ µ µ { } and antisymmetric gauges. SinceauxiliaryfieldsappearwithoutderivativesintheLagrangian,theycanbeeliminated by means of their equations of motion which yield 1 1 1 L = Fµω Fν + fµζ fν + ρµς ρν √ g (23) gf µν µν µν 2 2 2 − (cid:18) (cid:19) We fix the general coordinate transformations by the following gauge: Fµ = ( g)−τ∂ (gµν( g)τ)+a Γ¯µ gαβ +a Γ¯ν gαµ +a Γ¯ν gαµ (24) − ν − 1 αβ 2 αν 3 να where τ and a ,a ,a are arbitrary constants. The projective gauge (18) can be fixed as 1 2 3 follows [16]: fλ = f δλgµν +f gµλδν +f gνλδµ Γ¯σ (25) 1 σ 2 σ 3 σ µν (cid:16) (cid:17) where f are constants satisfying the condition: i { } f +f +4f = 0 (26) 1 2 3 6 The most general coordinate and projective gauge fixing terms are Fµ = ( g)−τ∂ (gµν( g)τ)+a Γ¯µ gαβ+a Γ¯ν gαµ+a Γ¯ν gαµ+Eµρλ αβ Γ¯σ (27) − ν − 1 αβ 2 αν 3 να σ ∇ρ∇λ αβ fλ = f δλgµν +f gµλδν +f gνλδµ Γ¯σ +Gλρλ αβ Γ¯σ (28) 1 σ 2 σ 3 σ µν σ ρ λ αβ ∇ ∇ (cid:16) (cid:17) where Eµρλ αβ and Gµρλ αβ are reduction tensors, i.e. a product of metric tensors and Kro- σ σ neker’s symbols. Intheinitial Lagrangian theindependentdynamicalfieldshave propagators withthe 1 behavior. Then,thegauge-fixingtermsproportionaltoEµρλ αβ andGµρλ αβ with p2 σ σ higher derivatives may break the unitarity of the theory. To avoid this problem we consider the case Eµρλ αβ = Gµρλ αβ = 0. σ σ For the antisymmetric transformation (19) we use the gauge condition ρλ = ǫλσµνΓ¯ (29) σµν The BRST-transformations are obtained in the usual way [17] ¿from gauge transforma- tions by replacing the gauge parameter by the corresponding ghost field sg = g sΓ¯σ = Γ¯σ +kδσχ +kησ µν c µν µν c µν µ ν µν L L sc¯ = b sb = 0 scµ = cλ∂ cµ µ µ µ λ sχ¯ = π sπ = 0 sχν = 0 µ µ µ sη¯ = d sd = 0 sησ = 0 (30) µ µ µ µν where s is a graded, nilpotent BRST operator and c¯ ,cµ, , χ¯ ,χβ , η¯ ,ηλ are an- ν α σ µν { } { } { } ticommuting ghost fields connected with general coordinate, projective and antisymmetric tcroaonrsdfionramteattiroannss,forersmpaetcitoinveslyx;µLξA′ xµ1µ...=µνk1x...µνl+iskaξnµ,tohrdeiLnaierydeLriievadteivrievsaatirvee:. Under the general → ( g)α = kα(2∂ ξσ +ξσgµν∂ g )( g)α +O(k2) ξ σ σ µν L − − g = k ∂ ξβg +∂ ξβg +ξβ∂ g +O(k2) ξ µν µ βν ν βµ β µν L Γ¯σ (x) = k(cid:16)Γ¯σ ∂ ξα+Γ¯σ ∂ ξα Γ¯α ∂(cid:17)ξσ +ξα∂ Γ¯σ +∂ ξσ ξ µν αν µ µα ν µν α α µν µν L − + O(cid:16)(k2) (cid:17) (31) The action of s on any function of fields is given by the graded Leibniz rule: s(XY) = (sX)Y X(sY) ± s∂ = ∂ s µ µ s2 = 0 (32) where the minus sign occurs if X contains an odd number of ghosts and anti-ghosts. The quantum Lagrangian is 1 1 1 L = L +s c¯µω Fν bν +χ¯µζ fν πν +η¯µς ρν dν (33) quant clas µν µν µν − 2 − 2 − 2 (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19) where for simplicity we consider the case sω = sζ = sς =0. The generating functional µν µν µν is 1 1 1 eiW = dg dΓ¯σ dc¯µ dcν dχ¯µ dχν dη¯µ dησλνeiSquan(detω )2 (detζ )2 (detς )2 (34) µν µν µν µν µν Z where detω ,detζ ,detς are the so called Nielsen-Kallosh ghosts. µν µν µν ¿From (22) and (30) we obtain the one-loop ghost Lagrangian: L = c¯µω sFν χ¯µζ sfν η¯µς sρν gh µν µν µν − − − ω σ ω (a +a +4a ) 0 cν µσ ν µν 1 2 3 △ = (c¯µ χ¯µ η¯µ) ζ Zσ (f +f +4f )ζ 0 χν (35)  µσ ν 1 2 3 µν   − ς Lσ 0 ς αǫ ησλν µσ ν µ ασλν       where µ ,Zµ and Lµ are ν ν ν △ 1 = k (a 1)g 2+ (a +a +2τ 1)( + ) µν 1 µν 2 3 µ ν ν µ △ − ∇ 2 − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ (cid:18) 1 + (2a 1 a a 2τ)R + a D λ+a Dσ +a Dλ 2 1− − 2− 3− µν 1∇ν µλ 2∇ν µσ 3∇ν λµ (cid:16) (cid:17) + a Dλ +a Dλ a g Dαβ D λ D λ 2 νλ 3 λν ∇µ− 1 µν β∇α− µν ∇λ− µ ν∇λ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:19) +O(k2) (36) 1 1 Z = k f g 2+ (f +f )( + )+ (2f f f )R µν 1 µν 2 3 µ ν ν µ 1 2 3 µν ∇ 2 ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ 2 − − (cid:18) + f D λ+f Dσ +f Dλ + f Dλ +f Dλ 1 ν µλ 2 ν µσ 3 ν λµ 2 νλ 3 λν µ ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) f g Dαβ D λ D λ +O(k2) (37) − 1 µν β∇α− µν ∇λ− µ ν∇λ (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:19) Lµ = kǫµαβλ Q¯ +D g Dσ + Q +O(k2) (38) ν αβν λ ανβ λ αν βλ σ ν αβλ ∇ ∇ − ∇ ∇ (cid:16) (cid:17) Let us consider the case a +a +4a = 0 (39) 1 2 3 Then,we can get thediagonal formof theghost Lagrangian (35) by the following redefinition of the ghost fields: 1 χ˜ν = χν + Zν cσ f +f +4f σ 1 2 3 1 η˜σµν = ησµν + ǫσµνλZ cα (40) λα 6 This redefinition does not change the functional integral measure. In the new variables the ghost Lagrangian has the diagonal form: ω σ 0 0 cν µσ ν △ L = (c¯µ χ¯µ η¯µ) 0 (f +f +4f )ζ 0 χ˜ν (41) gh  1 2 3 µν   − 0 0 ς αǫ η˜σλν µ ασλν       The loop contribution of the projective and antisymmetric ghosts to the effective action is proportional to (detζ )(detς ). The one-loop generating functional is µν αβ eiW = dg dΓ¯σ ei(Sclas+Sgf)(detω )12 (detω α )(detζ )32 (detς )32 (42) µν µν µν µα ν µν µν △ Z In this way, in the geometric formalism the projective and antisymmetric ghost contribu- tion is added to the corresponding Nielsen-Kallosh ghost one. Hence, the presence of extra symmetries, which have not the physical meaning, give a new, extra contribution to the effective action. This contribution may improve the renormalizable properties of the theory. In an analogous way consider the affine-metric gravity in the tetrad formalism. In the tetrad formalism the theory is invariant under the general coordinate, local Lorentz and additional (20) transformations. Let us construct the corresponding BRST-symmetry. The gauge fixing Lagrangian looks like L = bµω Fν +πµζ fν +dµς ρν +λµν̺ fαβ gf µν µν µν µναβ (cid:18) 1 1 1 1 bµω bν πµζ πν dµς dν λµν̺ λαβ e (43) µν µν µν µναβ −2 − 2 − 2 − 2 (cid:19) where b , π ,d ,λ are auxiliary fields, ω ,ς ,ζ ̺ are arbitrary operators and µ µ µ µν µν µν µν µναβ { } { } F , f , f , ρ fix the general coordinate, local Lorentz, projective and antisymmetric µ µν µ µ { } gauges. Since auxiliary fields appear without derivatives in the Lagrangian, they can be eliminated by means of their equations of motion which yield 1 1 1 1 L = Fµω Fν + fµζ fν + ρµς ρν + fµν̺ fαβ e (44) gf µν µν µν µναβ 2 2 2 2 (cid:18) (cid:19) We fix the coordinate, projective, antisymmetric and local Lorentz gauges by means of the following terms: Fµ = e−τ∂ (e µeaνeτ)+a Ω¯µα +a Ω¯aµ +a Ω¯a µ (45) ν a 1 α 2 a 3 a fλ = f eλebν +f ebλeν +f gνλδa Ω¯a (46) 1 a 2 a 3 b bν (cid:16) (cid:17) where τ and a ,a ,a are an arbitrary constants and f are the constants satisfying the 1 2 3 i condition (26), ρλ = ǫλµσνΩ¯ eaeb (47) abν µ σ f = c ∂ Ω¯ µ Ω¯ µ +c ∂ Ω¯ µ Ω¯ µ ab 1 µ a b− b a 2 µ ab − ba + c3∂µ(cid:0)Ω¯µab−Ω¯µba(cid:1)+c4(ea(cid:0)b−eba) (cid:1) (48) (cid:0) (cid:1) where are arbitrary constants. i { } The most general coordinate and projective gauge fixing terms are Fµ = e−τ∂ (e µeaνeτ)+a Ω¯µα +a Ω¯aµ +a Ω¯a µ+Mµαβ bν Ω¯a (49) ν a 1 α 2 a 3 a b ∇α∇β bν fλ = f eλebν +f ebλeν +f gνλδa Ω¯a +Nµαβ bν Ω¯a (50) 1 a 2 a 3 b bν b ∇α∇β bν (cid:16) (cid:17) where Mµρλ αβ and Nµρλ αβ are a product of metric tensors and Kroneker’s symbols. To σ σ avoid theproblemswithunitarityofthemodel,weconsiderthecaseMµρλ αβ = Nµρλ αβ = 0. σ σ The complete BRST-transformations are sea = k ea ∂ cσ +cσ∂ ea +Θa eb +O(k2) µ σ µ σ µ b µ sΩ¯a = k (cid:16)Ω¯a ∂ cσ +cσ∂ Ω¯a + ¯ Θ(cid:17)a +δaχ +ηa +O(k2) bµ bσ µ σ bµ µ b b µ bm ∇ sc¯ = b (cid:16) sb = 0 scµ = cλ∂ cµ (cid:17) µ µ µ λ sχ¯ = π sπ = 0 sχν = 0 µ µ µ sη¯ = d sd = 0 sην = 0 µ µ µ sΘ¯ b = λ b sλ b = 0 sΘa = cσ∂ Θa +Θa Θm (51) a a a b σ b m b where s is a graded, nilpotent BRST operator and c¯ ,cµ, , χ¯ ,χβ , η¯ ,ηλ , Θ¯ n,Θa { ν } { α } { σ µν} { m b} are anticommuting ghost fields connected with the general coordinate, projective, antisym- metric and the local Lorentz transformations, respectively. The quantum Lagrangian is 1 1 L = L +s c¯µω Fν bν +χ¯µζ fν πν quant clas µν µν (cid:18) − 2 (cid:19) (cid:18) − 2 (cid:19) 1 1 +η¯µς ρν dν +Θ¯αβ̺ fµν λµν (52) µν αβµν (cid:18) − 2 (cid:19) (cid:18) − 2 (cid:19)! where for simplicity we consider the case sω = sζ = sς = s̺ = 0. The generating µν µν µν αβµν functional has the following form eiW = dea dΩ¯a dΘ¯ab dΘmn dc¯µ dcν dχ¯µ dχν dη¯µ dησλνeiSquan µ bν Z 1 1 1 1 (detω )2 (detζ )2 (detς )2 (det̺ )2 (53) µν µν µν abmn The ghost Lagrangian is L = c¯µω sFν χ¯µζ sfν η¯µς sρν Θ¯µν̺ sfαβ = gh µν µν µν µναβ − − − − ω α Bω 0 Kω ¯ cν µα ν µν µm n △ ∇ ζ Zα Aζ 0 Lζ ¯ χν c¯µ χ¯µ η¯µ Θ¯ab  µα ν µν µm∇n   − ςµαDαν 0 ςµαǫασλν ςµαǫαβmn¯β ησλν (cid:16) (cid:17) ̺abijMijν U̺abµν∂µ T̺abλν∂σ ̺abijSijm∇n  Θmn    (54) where A= f +f +4f , B = a +a +4a , K = (a a ), L = (f f ), T = 2(c +c c ), 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 − − − U = 2(c +c ), and µ ,Dµ ,Zµ,Ma and Sab are 1 3 △ ν ν ν bν mn 1 1 = k g 2+ (τ 1)( + ) (1+τ)R µν µν µ ν ν µ µν △ − ∇ 2 − ∇ ∇ ∇ ∇ − 2 (cid:18) +a Ω¯ σ ∂ +∂ Ω¯ σ +a Ω¯σ ∂ +∂ Ω¯σ 1 µ ν σ ν µσ 2 µν σ ν µσ (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) +a Ω¯σ ∂ +∂ Ω¯σ +O(k2) (55) 3 σν µ ν σµ (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:19)

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