Shams Al'Din Al'Ourtobi THE ADMONITION IN DEAD PEOPLE CASES AND HEREAFTER AFFAIRS Translated by Mohammad Al'Sharif Downloaded via ~4ifJJJl.:::1 DI IKlli lilliyl• OKI Tltle THE ADMONITION ..,1r:;t-..:::..~ 11111 ~c:V'~~..J..9 ~I Est. by Moll1mm1d All Blydeu111t71 lllint • .......... IN DEAD PEOPLE CASES hlbh pM' Molllmld All BlyHl11t71 ..,...... • Lillln AND HEREAFTER AFFAIRS ,.;s ;;_,s.J:A.11 #-Ji,,._~·~ Copyright © -~~1.J.JAi_,~_,.JIJl~i All rights reserved Tous drolts r6serv6s Classification : Exhortation a.__._i;,,._.~IJ~lll~I~~ Author : Shams Al-Din Al-Ourtobi .:i~-.:.»1-1 • ! •'•lt~t;t..L.......J ,1 ~".,.'""' ~ -.w1,1a.,-.~,1.r-.,..;,1 e-i'o~.J Translator : Mohammad Al-Shanf _....J.-'Jl .,i.o "1U.• .:.p.-IS&i.;-M .,la ~JI~ .L...,iw.~U114.M1-.ir1'-:.l,.-..:.Ut,i..-1.,K~,>1JI Publlsher : Dar Al-Kotob Al-ilmiyah Exclu1lve rlght8 by © Dar Al-Kotob Al-llmiyah Pages :304 Bt1rut -t..banon No part or this publication may be translated, reproduced, distributed In any form or by any means, Year : 2009 or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed In :Lebanon Toua drolta excluslvement....,,.. l© nd Dar Al-Kotob Al-llmiyah Edition : 2 Beyrouth Llban TOI.lie repr8sentation, 6clldon, craduction OU reproduction mime panielle, par r.ous proc«l6s. en IDUS pays, faite sans autOrisation pnialable signee par r6diteur est illicite et exposerait le contrevenant a des poursuites judiciaires. 2nd Edition 2009 A.D-1430 H. Mohamad Ail ~n Publocabons Dar Al-Kotob Al-llmiyah uJl.S.L.o~L0./1~le,JL........:.1~IJ.oJ• iiJl>;ifl Ram el Al-Zarif, Bohtory Str., Mel kart Bldg., Is t Floor (\" l)M'l~•-Mtl"\A 1..,.& ~1.,.;s:JIJl•~·~I •. :,,.....~~ ISBN 978-2-7451-3399-1 Aramoun Branch -Dar Al·Kotob Al-llmlyah Bide. ISBN 2-7451-3399-3 ~~-~~n-'\n11.,,.~ "''" U•lA\• /\\ / \h.~ \\•Vm• .:.J.1<1·~1~ "'"'' •" "'"'"'"""u 1111 1111 9 0 0 0 0 > 111111 e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] 9 782745 133991 [email protected] The Book's Speech 3 In The Nan1e Of Allah The Most Gracious, · The Most Merciful The Book's Speech Said the poor slave in relation to hig lord, who is hoping to be free from his sins to be able to get Allah's 1.1ercy, Mohammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Abu'bakr Ibn Farah Al'andalusi, ani:. then Al'Qurtobi, may Allah pardon him, his parents, and all of Muslims: Praise be to Allah, the most glorious and almighty, who created all beings and doomed them to die and perish, in order to be resurrected and sent ~:> the house of judgment, according to Allah's saying: "Verily the Hour is coming - My design is to keep it hidden - for every soul to receive its reward by the measure of its Endeavour." (Taha 15) Allah said also: "Verily he who comes to his Lord as a sinner (at Judgment), for him is Hell: therein shall he neither die nor live. But such as come to Him as Believers who have worked righteous deeds, for them are ranks exalted, Gardens of Eternity, beneath which flow rivers: they will dwell therein for aye: such is the reward of those who purify themselves (from evil)" (Taha 74:76) Then, I thought it is better, to write a brief book to be as an admonition· to myself, and a good work after my death, in which I talk of death, and the dead people cases, in addition to resurrection, Garden and Hell. Some words also are said of the seditions and the Day of Judgment's signs. This book is rendered from those leading Muslim Imams and the confidential Muslim scholars. You will see yourself that every thing is attributed to its auther. tic composer or compiler. It is called "The admonition in Dead Peor-~ Cases and Hereafter Affairs." It is classified into many sections, attached to each of which there are some cl1apters to explain the odd and problematic traditions and jurisprudence questions. In this way, the book will be much more completely advantageous, because knowing The Messenger of Allah's traditions is the most important aim, particularly on the Day of Judgment. May Allah make it only for his sake, because there is no god to be worshiped or praised but He Almighty. 4 Not To Hope Death For Avoiding Any Kind Of Damage Or Loss Not To Hope Death For Avoiding Any Kind Of Damage Or Loss Muslim reported that The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, said: "When one of you makes supplication, he should supplicate with a will and should not say: 0 Allah, confer upon me if You like, for there is none to coerce Allah." Al'bukhari reported that The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, also said in this issue: "No one of you must desire to die, nor should he call for it, that is because if any one of you died, his work would inevitably be cut off. And a man is better under longevity." Al'bukhari commented: No one shall hope to die. If he is good man, he then will be better during his long life; and if he is bad, he may be admonished. The Messenger of Allah also said in this context: "No one might hope death~ indeed, it is too formidable to bear. A man might be much more happy to live longer until Allah gives him the ability to refer to him." In this issue, our scholars said that death is not purely annihilation, nor is it to be a merely nothingness. It is only a soul departure from a body in so far that it turns to be a shifting change from term to term. Death, in this sense, is to be the greatest horror. But to forget it, or to neglect mentioning its consequences is much more greater. According to a tradition attributed to the prophet, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him: "If the beasts know of death the same you know, you will eat nothing delicious from them." Al'termizi reported another news item, which he ascribed to Adam, Allah's peace be upon him, according to which, one of his sons had died. He told Eve who asked: "What is death?" He answered: "It is something, that causes one not to eat and drink, nor to be able to sit and stand up." She cried for him. But Adam replied: "I and my sons are free from this act." A Muslim scholar called "Tastari" was reported to have said: "There are only three kinds of men who can hope to die: a man, ignorant of what is behind death, a fleeing from Allah's fate over him, and a man, very inclined to meet Allah." The prophet Abraham, Allah's peace be upon him, was cited to have met death angel who wanted to take his soul. The prophet asked: "Oh death Angel! Did you see a friend taking his friend's soul?" Then, he Not To Hope Death For Avoiding Any Kind Of Damage Or Loss 5 returned to Allah and told him the story. Allah said to him: "Ask him: did you see a friend disliking to meet his friend?" Abraham answered: "Oh! Take my soul as soon as you can." Abul' darda was reported to have said: "There is no believer expecting for death. That is because death is not better. And if you do not believe me, listen to Allah's saying: "Let not the Unbelievers think that our respite to them is good for themselves: We grant them respite that they may grow in their iniquity: but they will have a shameful punishment"." (Al'imran 178). But, at the same time, you are permitted to hope and call for death fearing of going faithless. Allah, to whom be ascribed all perfection and power, said in the Holy Qur'an on Yusuf's tongue: "O my Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on me some power, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams and events, 0 Thou creator of the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Take Thou my soul (at death) as one submitting to Thy Will (as a Muslim), and unite me with the righteous." (Yusuf 101). He also said in Mary's tongue: "And the pains of childbirth drove ,-:_er to the trunk of a palm tree: she cried (in her anguish) "Ah! Would that I had died before this! Would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!" (Mary 23). In this issue, The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, said: "The Day of Judgment will not come before a man passing by a man's tomb and saying: oh Allah! You may put me in his place!" In commenting on this account, there is, in my opinion, no ccntradiction between the two points of view. As for Yusuf, Qatada was c;.:ed to have said that he had not hoped to die but even to join to Al~;:ih's integrated blessing and gratitude. And, in interpretation, Yusuf was cited to have called only for death as a Muslim and no else. To be sure, he was the only prophet to call for death. Concerning Mary, she was cited to have wished for death because of only two reasons: she feared of being accused of adultery from which she was so much free of course. She also might have been afraid that her nation would fall into telling lies and untruth, which might lead them to enter into Hell. Indeed, Allah, to whom be ascribed all glories and might, said in his 6 Not To Hope Death For Avoiding Any Kind Of Damage Or Loss Holy Qur'an of those who told lies and untrue speech of A'esha: "Those who brought forward the lie are a body among yourselves:Think it not to be an evil to you:To every man among them (will come the punishment) of the sin that he earned, and to him who look on himself the lead among them, will be a Penalty grievous." (Light, "Noor" 11) He also said in this connection:"Behold, ye received it on your tongues, and said out of your mouths things of which ye had no knowledge; and ye thought it to be a light matter, while it was most serious in the sight of Allah." (Light, "Noor" 15). As a matter of fact, people were different in Mary's situation whether she was a true believer according to Allah's saying: "Christ, the son of Mary, was no more than a MesseDger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how Allah doth make His Signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!" (Table, "Ma'ida" 75) or a prophet, considering his Almighty's telling: "She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent to her Our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects" (Mary 17) and "Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee, chosen thee above the women of all nations." (Al'imran 42). For this reason, lies could be rather made about her more than others. These two interpretations are much more considered in hoping and calling for death. And Allah and his messenger are much more knowing. As for the tradition attributed to The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, hoping and calling for death are accounted for fearing of turning faithless, and not for any kind of damage and loss of body and money, which could decrease one's sins. The Messenger of Allah, Allah's peace be upon him, emphasized on this fact by saying: "Oh Allah! M'.iy I ask yo1:1 to cause me to be able to do good acts, and avoid the bad ones; I ask you to make me love those who are needy. I also ask you, in case of imposing trials and distresses upon people, to cause me to die and be attach to you." Omar Ibn Al'khattab, Allah's good pleasure be upon him, said as such: "Oh Allah! I grew weak and old, with people increasingly widespread in the earth. You may cause me to die, so that I could keep myself far from losses and deficiency." In this month Omar died, may Allah's mercy be upon him. Another Muslim called Abul'abbas Al'khafari sat one day with one of Not To Hope Death For Avoiding Any Kind Of Damage Or Loss 7 his Muslim friends named Alim. They watched people dying as a result of plague. Then, Abul'abbas said: (oh plague! Would you cause me to die!)? Alim replied: why did you say this? The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, ordered us not to hope and call for death. Abul 'abbas said: I heard The Messenger of Allah saying: (you may hope and call for death in six cases: the princedom of foolish men, selling rule, blood slightness, kinship break, increasing provisions and taking the Holy Qur'an as a kind of song at hands of the least religious men. This case will be explained in detail later. 8 You Are To Mention Death, And Prepare Yourself For It You Are To Mention Death, And Prepare Yourself For It The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, was reported to have said, according to Al'nesa'ee: "You have to mention much more the pleasure destroyer." Being asked about it's meaning, The Messenger of Allah answered: "It is death. " This tradition was also reported by Ibn Maja. Ibo Maja mentioned that The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, had been sitting with many of Muslims, when a man from Patrons (Ansar) came to him asking: "Oh messenger of Allah! who of Muslims is to be better?" The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, replied: "It is he who has the best morals." The man asked: "And who does have the best morals?" The Messenger of Allah said: "It is he who is the most intelligent; and the most intelligent of you is the most to remember death and prepare himself for receiving it as properly as it could be." ":Malek Ibn Anas mentioned this tradition too." Al'termizi mentioned another tradition said by The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, in which he spoke of two kinds of contradictory men: "The most intelligent is this who resists himself and gets ready to receive death and its aftershocks; and the most foolish is this who follows himself and demands Allah's pardon." He also reported a tradition through Anas Ibn Malek, in which The Messenger of Allah, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, said: "You have to mention death as much as you could; because this does erase your sins and eliminate your guilt. This, too, causes oneself to be abstinent." The Messenger of Allah was cited to have said also in this issue: "It suffices death to become as a preacher and ~utter." The Messenger of Allah was asked: ''Oh messenger pf Allah! Will anyone be joined to martyrs?" He replied: "Yes, they are those who do mention death daily twenty times." Indeed, Allah, to whom be ascribed all glories and might said in his . Holy Qur'an: "He Who created Death and Life, that He may try which of you is best in deed; and He is the Exalted in Might, Oft-Forgiving." (Reign, "Mulk" 2). Some scholars ~x.plained "the best" As referring to one who does mention death as much as he can, and prepare himself to receive it because by which he is to be more frightened and careful. Some people You Are To Mention Death, And Prepare Yourself For It 9 explained also The Messenger of Allah's tradition: "You should mention death as much as you can", in addition to Allah almighty's saying: "Every soul shall have a taste of death: and only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): for the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception" (Al'imran 185) as being perfectly comprehensive brief, because when a man remembers death, his current pleasure in this world will be interrupted so that he might enunciate it to the extent of stopping himself from hoping to live in this world longer. And, this is only enough for people to take their precautions. But even, the stagnant hearts, and the ignorant souls need more preachers' protractions and verbal decorations to be able to understand the greatest dangers of death. Most companions of the first generation had mentioned death so much. A reference may be made here to Omar lbn Al'khattab, who frequently talk as example those following verses: Nothing, which you can see well freshly, survives but Allah, while money and sons usually pass away inevitably. One of Persian kings had, in one time, the greatest treasures, but, they were unable to protect him; and so did those of Ad. Even, Solomon, the prophet, had had the most gigantic kingdom with such things as wind running at his disposal. But, he died in the end. Then, where are the power reinforced kings and presidents now? All of them went to death. It is something that every once whoever may he be, will necessarily taste. Indeed, mentioning death is, to be sure, somewhat useful to believers. If they are in a crisis, it will be too easy to bear as being less dangerous than death which is to be, of course, more difficult. And, if they are under the umbrella of comfort and blessing, they will know this may not survive forever because death will inevitably come to interrupt their lives. As a matter of fact, death is known to have no definite age and certain disease. It comes suddenly to withdraw a man from his blessing and richness; to take him from his children and money he collected during his life, isolating oneself from his friends and comrades who would abandon him. Al'hasan Al'basri was reported to have said: there was a nation which got out of this world with nothing good because they were made to forget death by their false hopes of vanity. But even, each one of them said to himself: "I think my lord shall pardon me inevitably." However, if they were to think of Allah as such, they would, of course, do good to deserve