THE ACTOR'S BOOK OF CONTEMPORARY STAGE MONOLOGUES THE ACTOR'SB OOK OF CONTEMPORARY STAGE MONO LOGUES EDIETD BY NinaS hengold A SMITH AND KRAUSI NC.B OOK PENGUIN BOOKS PENGUIS BOOK!> VikiPnegn guIinnc 40. ,W est23 rdS treeNt.ew YorkN,e wY or1k 0010U..S .A. PenguBioonks Ltd2.7 W rightLasn e.Lo ndonW 8 5I"l (Publish&i Endgi torial). andH armondsworthM,i ddlesex. (EDnildansdt ribu&ti Woanr ehouse) PenguBoionk sA ustraLltidRa.i ngwoodV.i ctoAruisa.t ralia PenguBioonks CanadLai mit280ed1. JohSntre et,:\ farkhOanmt,a riCoa,n adaL3 R 184 PenguBoionk s( N.ZL.t)d 1.8 2-190W airauR oad,A ucklan1d0 N,e wZeal and Firsptu blisihnedP enguBioonk s1 987 Published simulitnCan aeonuasdlay CopyrightC Smitanhd KrausI n.c.1 987 Alrli ghrtess erved CAUTION: Professaniodn aalmsa teuarsr eh erebwarnye d thatth ep layrse presented int hiboso kare subjecttoa ro yaltyTh.e y arfuel lpyro tectedu ndetrh eco py righlta wors t heU nitSedta teso fA merica.a ndo fal lco untriesco veredb yt he lotematioCnoaply right (Uinnicolnut dhieDon mgi nioonfC anada andt her esto f theB ritiCsohm monwealtahn)do, f a lcolu ntriecosv erebdy t heP an-American Copyright Conveanndt itohneU niverCsalo pyrigChotn ventanido no,fa lcolu ntrieswi th whicthh eU nitSetda theass rec iprocalco pyrighrte latiAolnrlsi .g hitnsc,l uding ro.t iopni cturrecei.t ation, pluectbulririnecgad ,i ng, radio broadcasting, telviedveioso irso onu.n tda pinaglo,lt hefro rmso fm echanicalo r electronicr eproductsiuocnash, i nformatsitoonra gaen dr etriesvyaslt eamnsd photocopyianngd,t her ighotrts ra nslaitnitofono reilgnan guagaerses, t rictly reserved. Particular eimslp ahiuasdpoi nst heq uestorio rne adinpgesrm,i ssion forw hicmhu sbet SC<'uredFro m thea uthoargse nitnwri ting. Page34s1 -355 constitanu teex tensoifto hnico sp yrigpah�te. • Printedi nt heU nitSetda toesfA mericab y R.R .Do nnell&ey S onCso mpanyH,ar risonburVg.i rginia Seti nCa ledonia Designedb >R obert Bull Excepitn t heU nitSedt atoefAs m erica.t hiboso ki ss olsdu bjecttot he condititohnai tts hanlolt b.y w ayo ft radeo ro therwibese l.e nrt.e -sold, hiredo uto,ro therwisec irculwiatthedo utth ep ublishperirocosrn senti n anyf ormo fb indionrCOg \"oetrh etrh anth ati nw hicihti sp ublisanhded withouat s imilar condition tihnicocsnl duidtiibenoignn g impoosnet dh e subsequepnutr chaser ACKNOWLE DG M ENTS Gratetfuhla ntkoDs a viBda cbockf rol ocaltiitnegdr oazlly ens moofn ologauneds t,teh o f lolowpienogp leg ifvoirn g mes rcipstusge,gs otnisa,n frdi ednspha ilotnehgw ayD:a na AleanxdeArl,aA nm tzJiesBff,r won,Lo ua nEdd itFhi esrh, DebrFar ankPehlip,l iGourecvhi,Lt auraH arrington, RicharKdr awtezE,ri cLa ne,J eeffryLa ne,R ickL eedM,a rk ManncuicM,el anMieera ins,T inNae wto,nR onN yswaner, PhD.a taM,ar yP ortsJearm,eS sk oefildE,l eanSopreee rt, SteapnhiSet eiDna,v iVda nB iemSah,e llWeyya tn,a nd myf aimlSyp.ei catlh anaklsst ooS mit&h K rauIsn.,cb ,o ok proudcersf,ocr on ecivitnihbgso oakn dhe lpnigm et rhough altleh paperwoFrki.n altlhyan,tk ots e h playwtrsif ogrh lettuisbn ogr ryoowu wro drs. CONTENTS EDITOR'SP REFACE xi A ConversawtitihSo wno osKiuer tz xiii MONOLOGUES TheA ctosrN 'ightmaCrhres itopDhuerra ng 1 AngeFlasl Ll anfWoirsldo n 3 TheA rotf D ini(n2g)T inHao we 5 AunDta n aLnemdo n WallSahcaew n 9 Baby wtieht Bha twhaterC hristDouprhaenrg1 2 Balmi nG ilaed LandfW oirlson 14 BetweenD ayliagnhdBt oo nvillMea HW illia1m5s BirdbatLheo ndaM relfi 17 TheB looKdn o(t2 A)t hFoulg ard 19 BlueW indoCw raiLgu cas 24 Bluefsor M itseCrh alri(e2 )j amBeasdl win 26 Bosomasn dNe glte cjohGnu are 29 BrontosauLraunsdf W oirlson 32 CalmD own Motehr MegaTne rry 34 ChristmaMsa rosHn a rryK ondoleon 35 CloudN ine CarCyhluc rhli l 37 Come Backt ot eh5 & DimeJ,i mmDyea n, JimmDye anE dG rac::..yk 39 CowboMy outhS amS hepard 41 CoytoeU glyL ynnS iefert 43 Criemso ft eh HeartB etHhe enyl 44 Cursoeft ehS tairvnCgl a(ss2 S) amS hepard4 6 DaddiDeso ugGloawse r 51 The Dancea ndt hRea rioladD avHiedrn yH u,·a54n g Danny atnehd DeBelupe S ea( 2) johPna trSihcakn ley 56 A Dayi nt eh DeatohfJ oeEg g PetNeiroc lhs 58 viii CONTENTS The DayNsih gtaosnfB d e ebFeeen sterm(a2k)e r WillSinaymd er 61 DeaCtohm etsoU sA lMla,r Ayg nes ChirstoDpuhrearn g 64 TheD eaotfha � �i nePra uCliaz mar 66 'denCtriistiCysh irstoDpuhrearn g 68 TheE ffeocftG ammRaa vosnM an-inM-otohne - MarigoPladusZl i ;nld 70 F.BO..( 2)D avHiedn Hryw ang 72 TheF aiGrayr deHna rKroyn odleon 75 Fenc(e4s)A ugusWti lson 77 TheF irBserte zoefS umemrL eslie Lee8 3 Fishilt.1in cgh Waeellle r 86 TheF oreigLnaerrSr hyeu 88 · GemiAnil blertnu nraato 91 GettOiun(tg2 )M arsNhoan nan 93 GlegnarGrelyn R osDsa vMiadm et 96 GlorainaEd spera(n2zj)a u lBiovea sso 99 TheG reaNte haui ln OrLiaofnno rWdis lon 130 GrowUnp sj ulFeesfif er 150 TheH omeocminHga orlPdi nter 170 TheH ousoefB luLee av(e2s)j ohGnu aer 190 TheH ousoefR amoIng lejsoisRaei vae r 131 In Btohoem BRoooom(m 2 )D avRiadb e 151 Jesasnetd h Bea ndQiute eDn avFirde eman1 81 KennedyC'hisl d(r3e)Rn obteP ratrick 191 TheL adayn d Ctlhaer (i2n)Me itc hCarie.r�lt o1f22e r LakeboData vMiadm et 162 Landscaopfte h e BojdoyhG nu aer 172 LaterC orijnancek er 129 Lieaf nLdi mbK eiRtehd din 103 TheL isbTorna viTaetrar MecnNcael ly 123 LitFtoloet stTeepds Tally 143 LitMtulred erjsu lFeesfif er 173 LooEsned sM ichWaeelrll e 193 LunchtLiemoen Maerlfid 141 CONTENTS ix MaR aineByl'ascB okt otm( 3)A ugusWti lns o 142 TheM ad DogB lueSsa mS headpr 147 TheM adneosfLs ad yB righLta nfWoirsldo n 150 A Map of the WDoarvlHidad er 125 Maroc PoSlniog as Soljoo hGnu aer 154 TheM arargieo fB etatne dB oo( 2) ChirstoDpuhrearn g 156 A MidnigMhootn a tt hGer eaSspyo o(n2 ) MiguPeiln ero 161 TheM oundB uildeLarnsf doW rilson 164 MuseumT inHao we 166 NatiSvpeec eh EriOcv ermyer 196 OhD adP,o oDra dM,a ma'Hsun gY oui n Ctlhoes et andI 'Fme elSionS ga dA rthuKro pit 127 OldT imeHs aorlPdi nter 147 OrphanLsy lKee ssler 167 Paniting hCehs(u 3r)Tc inHao we 177 PassGianmge S teTvesei ch 138 PastorDaelbe oEriashe gn ber 185 A PrayfeorMr y D augh(t2er)T homBaasb e 187 TheP riamrEyn gliCslha sIss rHaoeorlv itz 193 TheR eaTlhi ngT omS toppard 195 Reckl(e2s)Cs ra iLgu cas 196 Reuionn DavMiadme t 199 SavaigneL imbo( 3j) ohPna trSihcaekny l 201 SayG oodinghGtra,ic eR alPpahp e 205 SocotTehro maMsak esIt t ot hTeo po ft he WorldP etPearr nell 207 TheS eaH ores( 2)E dwarMdo]o.r e 209 SerenaLdouiinegL andfW oirlson 211 ShairveeW illMiaasmt rosimone 213 ShoErty es( 2)M iguPeiln ero 215 SistMearryI gnatEixpulsna siI tAl flro Y ou( 2) ChristoDpuhrearn g 223 SmallC rfta Warninsg( 2)T ensnseeWei lliams22 8 SoaOpp er(a2 )R aplhP ape 232