. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . ... .. .*.: . . . . .e.. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . One of the oldest adages in analyti- in the interface may hold the key to , tion have been clear for many years to cal chemistry is that the analysis can the success or failure of the whole ap- most workers in the field. What has only be as good as the sample. By proach. been less obvious are suitable means analogy, in atomic spectroscopy the How, then, has this strong diver- to overcome them. Primary weakness- analysis can only be as good as the gence between the excellent optical es have resulted both from lack of uni- sample introduction. The sample in- and electronic components of most fied theory and from deficiencies in troduction process conditions the modern atomic spectrometers, and the existing models of critical processes. sample as it passes to the flame or rather inadequate sample introduc- Without such models, it is very diffi- plasma, and so largely determines the tion systems, become so strong? Fur- cult either to optimize existing sys- accuracy of the analysis. With this in thermore, does there appear to be any tems or to move into new areas. The mind, it might he thought that sample hope that significant advances in sam- current state of the art is probably the introduction systems would have oc- ple introduction techniques can be ex- limit of empirical development, and cupied a central role in research and pected in the next few years? We he- major advances will come only when a development in atomic spectroscopy lieve that the key to the second ques- sound framework of fundamental over the past decade. However, even a tion is contained in the answer to the knowledge is in place. Without this cursory comparison of instruments first. Only by identifying the causes of structure, it will be very difficult even produced in that time shows that sam- the present blockage in the research to define clear goals for future re- ple introduction systems have not pipeline can we hope for significant search. shared in the advances made by opti- advances. In contrast to the rather negative cal and electronic components. As a The problems of sample introduc- picture painted above, there has been direct consequence, there has been a strong move in the past few years to ... develop improved sample introduction relatively little progress over the past 10-15 years in some critical bench- procedures. A comparison of papers marks. For example, there have been published in the various areas of no dramatic improvements either in atomic spectroscopy, between 1979 detection limits or in measurement and 1983, bears evidence to this (Fig- precision. Additionally, the future ure 1).A steady increase in publica- growth of “speciation” measurements tions that may he considered as about using atomic spectroscopy may be cur- “sample introduction” is seen. In ad- tailed. In speciation studies, the sam- dition to broadening the range of sam- ple introduction system acts as the in- ............. ple introduction techniques available, terface between the chromatograph strwwntal techniqi these developments may also finally and the spectrometer. Developments lead to the much-needed improve- 786A * ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 56. NO. 7. JUNE 1984 0003-2700/84/035 1-786A$01.50/0 0 1984 American Chemical Society Remrt Richard F. Browner School of Chemistry Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Cia. 30332 Andrew W. Boorn Sciex 55 Glen Cameron Road, #202 Thornhill. Ontario L3T tP2, Canada The Achilles' Heel of Atomic Spectroscopy? menta in some of the analytical bench- lem to be considered is that as ICP troscopy. And this is occurring a: a marks mentioned earlier. spectroscopists are drawn into studies time when we have barely scraped the In the remainder of this REPORT we with ICP-mass spectroscopy interfac- surface of establishing acceptable cri- will attempt to describe some of the ing, the sample introduction criteria of teria for the emission technique! As a major problems that remain to be con- this new technique may possibly differ redeeming feature of this situation, fronted in sample introduction. Addi- from those for optical emission spec- there is reason to believe that there- tionally, current understanding of -7 basic mechanisms will be reviewed. The sample introduction routes we t 30 will consider are those most widely used at present: liquid aerosol, vapor, 25 and dry aerosol (electrothermal) (Fig- ure 2). In this month's INSTRUMEN- 20 TATION (page 875 A), some recent de- ' !5 velopments in techniques for sample 15 introduction will be described. z __ Deflnlng Goals 10 Stated simply, the goals of sample 5 introduction are the following: the re- producible transfer of a representative 0 portion of sample material to the at- ' Mechanisms omizer cell, with high efficiency and L YAppIications with no adverse interference effects. Unfortunately, in certain circum- stances, several of these criteria are d mutually contradictory. As a further Instrumentation .complication, the criteria for optimum sample introduction in, for example, L flame atomic absorption spectroscopy A - % Sample Introduction (FAAS) differ markedly from those -~ ~ for inductively coupled plasma (ICP) 1979 80 81 82 83 emission spectroscopy. Another prob- Figure 1. Publication trends in atomic spectroscopy, 1979-1983 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 56. NO. 7, JUNE 1984 787A transport term that describes the total analyte mass transport rate to the at- omizer. This may he further suhdivid- ed into components W, and W,, which are the mass transport rates of useful and excess analyte, respective- ly. Here, “useful” analyte is consid- ered to refer to analyte contained in drops sufficiently small to produce useful analytical signal in the atomiz- \ I er. The “excess” term refers to analyte - contained in drops too large to pro- duce useful signal in the atomizer. Although there is no sharp dividing line between these two terms, the con- cept is felt to have considerable prac- 3tornizer tical use. It provides an indication of &Plasma what drop size the atomizer is able to accommodate, while giving rise to in- terference-free analytical signals. For Figure 2. Sample introduction routes for atomic spectroscopy example, in FAAS using the premixed air-acetylene flame, the transition quirements of ICP/MS interfacing ac- ences that they experienced. from useful to excess aerosol, for the tually may he a little less stringent In flame atomic absorption spec- removal of the classic phosphate-cal- than those of optical emission spec- troscopy, the guiding principle is that cium interference, occurs in the region troscopy. For example, height profiles any improvement in transport effi- of three to five pm. The diameter of should he less important with the MS ciency must not he achieved by intro- the aerosol drop, which contributes interface, because of the different ducing large aerosol drops to the less than 1%t o the analytical signal, is sampling mode. Nevertheless, all cur- flame. For a solution of concentration designated dmOx.A lthough numerical rent knowledge from the emission C (pg/mL), contained in a drop of ini- data for d,,, are presently sparse, this spectroscopy field will require reeval- tial diameter do (pm), the dry salt parameter should also be a useful uation for mass spectroscopy applica- crystal of density p (g/cm3), formed benchmark for comparing atomizer tions. after solvent loss will have diameter d, capabilities. (pm), given by: Lack of transferability of interfer- Liquid Sample Introduction ence and detection limit data between One of the most attractive aspects laboratories has been a lingering proh- of liquid sample introduction is its rel- lem in atomic spectroscopy. A major ative simplicity and reliability. This, source for the discrepancies has been allied with the fact that a sample dis- For example, a 2-pm-diameter drop of unrealized variations in drop size dis- solution step is often necessary to pro- 100 pg/mL sodium chloride solution tributions of aerosols generated hy vide suitable sampling statistics, is will dry to a particle of approximately different instruments. In the past this probably the reason for the over- 0.07 pm diameter. A 10-pm-diameter has led to the unfortunate situation whelming use of liquid sample intro- drop of the same solution will give a where lack of data correlation has duction in all branches of atomic spec- 0.36-pm-diameter particle. been taken as an indication of had troscopy. Nevertheless, an ICP spec- When nonvolatile matrices are technique. With more objective troscopist observing 99% of a hard present in high concentration, the va- benchmarks, it should he possible to won analyte solution passing to waste, porization rate of the analyte will be avoid this type of unproductive con- or having to wait 60 s between the in- inhibited. In lower temperature flict. troduction of successive samples to flames, such as air-acetylene, this may There is currently no reliable sam- the spectrometer, is aware of the need lead to severe vaporization interfer- ple transport data base, even for pa- for improvement. Table I indicates ences of the calcium-phosphate vari- rameters such as E.. This is a conse- the relative wastefulness of pneumatic ety. quence of the widespread historical nebulizers used for liquid sample in- use of indirect methods for measuring Experimental Sample introduction troduction. In atomic absorption spec- Benchmarks troscopy, no higher than 10%e fficien- cy can be expected. In ICP spectrosco- While transport efficiency, E”, is a Table 1. Transport Efficiency py, a typical value is 1%. commonly used criterion for evaluat- Data for Pneumatic The most direct approach to over- ing nebulizers and spray chambers, it coming poor sample transport effi- does not readily lend itself to compari- Nebulizers a ciency (defined as the percentage of son of different systems. For example,. e .. % analyte mass reaching the atomizer, the transport efficiency of a system Auxlllary Gas compared to that aspirated) is to allow often can he increased simply by re- flow, umin System 0 8.8 more of the pneumatically generated ducing solution uptake rate to the aerosol to pass directly to the flame or nebulizer with a smaller diameter up- AA-no burner head 5.1 7.4 plasma. Indeed, some early atomic ah- take tube. However, this does not re- AA-with burner head 5.3 6.6 sorption spectrometers used a total sult in any net increase in analyte ICP-wncentric #I 0.6 - consumption burner placed directly mass transport to the atomizer, or in iCP-concentric #2b 1.4 - beneath the laminar flame slot as a any signal increase. It has therefore iCP-aossflow 1.5 - means of high-efficiency sample intro- recently been suggested that a more * A~~~osoulUstiM . duction. However, users of these in- useful criterion for assessing nehulizer ICP concentric nebulizers $I and #2 are struments will vouch for the poor pre- and spray chamber performance is the differem examples of the same model. cision and high vaporization interfer- W-parameter (I). W,,, is a mass 788A ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 56. NO. 7. JUNE 1984 Advertising removed from this page L r s. ... ... . I Flgure 3. Aerosols from pneumatic nebulizers (top) AA nebulizer (bonan) ICP nebulizer transport properties. Indirect methods chamber modifies the flow patterns are generally unreliable, and those considerably. Nevertheless, a compa- wishing to carry out 6, or W measure- rable range of drop sizes, and equally ments are referred to recent publica- turbulent gas and aerosol flow pat- tions for better procedures (2,3).T he terns, will still exist in the more con- essential point to note is that except strained environment. where transport efficiencies are excep- The Sauter mean diameter of the tionally high, i.e., 20% or greater, the aerml produced by pneumatic nebu- simple arithmetic of calculation en- lizers (e.g., the diameter of the drop sures that data obtained by indirect whose volume-to-surface-arear atio is waste collection will have a much the mean of the distribution) has tra- higher error than data obtained by di- ditionally been described by the equa- rect aerosol collection. Errors with tion due to Nukiyama and Tanasawa. ICP systems are especially high, be- The relationship, derived from their cause of the generally low (0.5-2.0%) c h i cs eries of papers (4), is: transport efficiencies common to them. With indirect procedures, it is easy to obtain e, values with a 500% positive error (2). Aerosol Generation and Transport Processes where d. (Nm) is the Sauter mean di- The limitations of pneumatic nebu- ameter, V, the velocity difference he- lizers are clear from looking at Figure tween gas and liquid flows (ds)u,, 3. Aerosols produced from atomic ab- the surface tension of the liquid (dynl sorption and ICP nebulizers can be em), p, the liquid density (g/cmS), 7, seen to have both extremely wide drop the liquid viscosity (poise), and Q, size ranges, and very turbulent gas and Qg.t he volume flow rates of liquid flow patterns. The photographs were and gas, respectively (em3/s). taken with the nebulizers operating in The limitations of this equation are free air, and the presence of a spray well known, and it is doubtful that it 7SOA ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 56, NO. 7, JUNE 1984 Advertising removed from this page Figure 4. Aerosol modifying processes is an accurate description of aerosols generated hy all pneumatic nebulizers. Nevertheless, it has been shown to have considerable value, at least for predicting trends for aerosol genera- tion in atomic spectroscopy. The im- portant thing to note is that this equa- tion refers to the aerosol emerging from the nebulizer, not to the aerosol reaching the atomizer. The aerosol modifying processes that convert the primary aerosol produced by the neh- ulizer to the tertiary aerosol arriving at the atomizer are caused by devices such as spray chambers, impact heads, impaction surfaces, etc., placed in the aerosol path (Figure 4) (I). Aerosol modifiers may act in a variety of ways, hut typically remove large drops from the stream, and allow only drops of less than a certain size to pass. Impact beads may also act to generate small drops by shattering larger drops from the primary aerosol. This results in production of the secondary aerosol. The effectiveness of these aerosol modifiers in the removal of drops is Figure 5. Drop size distribution curves 792A * ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 56, NO. 7, JUNE 1984 Advertising removed from this page generally expressed as the cutoff di- ameter of the spray chamber, d,. This .able 111. ICP Signal Enhancements with Organic Solvents a refers to the drop size, on a drop size I distribution plot, where the ordinate mass transport term is reduced to 50% of its peak value hy the action of the spray chamber (Figure 5). The transi- :hlwoform 0.4 0.1 2.2 1.1 tion from primary to tertiary aerosol is MlBK 2.8 0.3 3.2 1.8 accompanied by a large reduction in Xylenes 3.0 0.8 3.2 2.5 mean drop size of the aerosol. The mass fraction of aerosol contained in *Measured at 15-mm obsewation height, with 1.0Mlmin nebuiizer flow, l2lIminp lasma gas the larger drops is substantial, and its "^w, l.M/min auxiliary gas flow, and 1.75.kW rf pawr- loss accounts for the high rate of wast- age found with pneumatic nebuliza- tion, as essentially all the large drops introduction to the plasma, with ei- on the walls of the tubing used for pass to waste. ther a cooled spray chamber (9)o r a transport between the vaporizer and Solvent Vapor lnteractlons with condenser (7). the plasma. For example, volatile ele- The case of organic solvent intro- ments such as cadmium and zinc may Flames and Plasmas duction is a severe one. Nevertheless, he readily lost in the transport pro- When more aerosol is introduced even aqueous solutions exert a major cess. With ETV, the criterion for opti- into a flame or plasma, not only the effect on plasma excitation properties. mum sample transport becomes the mass transport rate of analyte to the Recent studies have indicated that, for production of highly dispersed, partic- plasma increases, hut also the mass example, a doubling in water aerosol ulate material that may be transport- transport rate of the accompanying transport rate to an ICP, for a fixed ed readily in the gas stream between solvent. This may have a significant analyte mass transport rate, can result the vaporizer and the plasma. This is effect in lowering the temperature of in up to a hundredfold reduction in in marked contrast to the situation in atomic absorption flames, hut its in- emission intensity (IO). Taken one atomic absorption or emission spec- fluence is observed most dramatically step further, the high water loading troscopy, where efficient atomization with the ICP, where high solvent load- from an ultrasonic nebulizer can even in the furnace is essential for accurate ings may actually extinguish the plas- extinguish a plasma. Consequently, in analysis. With the ICP, the desired ma discharge. This becomes particu- order to obtain improved detection species are not atomic but molecular, larly noticeable when volatile organic limits using ultrasonic nehulization, and furthermore preferably con- solvents are used. Rapid aerosol evap- the solvent loading must he greatly re- densed molecular species. Conse- oration with volatile solvents results duced. With ultrasonic nehulization, it quently it is desirable that there in a higher mass transport rate of ana- is possible to increase W (the analyte should he rapid cooling of the vapor lyte to the plasma, hut also a corre- mass transport rate) to the plasma by after it leaves the vaporizer surface. sponding higher mass transport rate about 10 times (2). With (partial) This will assist the rapid formation of of solvent (5).A dditionally, the sol- aerosol desolvation, the signal im- highly dispersed nuclei, with suhse- vent vapor coming from aerosol evap- provement also can he close to this quent growth by condensation, to give oration also passes to the plasma. Sev- value. dry aerosol in an easily transportable eral publications have shown that the The whole area of solvent-plasma, form. The efficient transport of less effect of organic solvent on the plasma vapor-plasma, and aerosol-plasma in- volatile or carhide-forming species has is generally to reduce its excitation teraction is in need of thorough inves- been shown to he capable of improve- properties significantly (6, 7). This tigation. Without a better under- ment by the addition of volatilizing may result in a substantial net reduc- standing of fundamentals, it will he gases, such as freons, to the argon car- tion of analytical signal, in spite of the very difficult to make any significant rier stream (15).T his approach is sim- increase in analyte mass transport improvements in liquid aerosol intro- ilar to the carrier distillation tech- rate to the plasma. Some selected duction for the ICP. The optimization niques well known to spectrographers. mass transport data for several sol- of low flow mini- and microtorches While the transport mechanisms as- vents are shown in Table 11, and signal (11,12) will also require parallel stud- sociated with electrothermal vaporiza- data in Table 111. ies, as undoubtedly the conditions for tion are much simpler than they are It is possible to overcome the nega- optimum sample introduction will for liquid sample introduction, the un- tive effect of increased solvent trans- vary for the different combinations of certainty about optimum plasma exci- port to the plasma by one of two gas flow and power loading. These tation conditions still remains to he means: Either oxygen may he added to studies are also relevant to electro- clarified, as mentioned earlier. the plasma to oxidize the organic thermal sample introduction, as dis- species present (8),o r excess solvent cussed helow. Vapor Introduction vapor may he removed before aerosol Vapor introduction techniques are Electrothermal Vaporization well established in AAS for stable, hy- Electrothermal devices show a great dride-forming species (e.g., arsenic, deal of promise when used as sample antimony, selenium, tellurium, germa- 'able II. Transport Efficiency introduction devices for the ICP (13, nium, tin, bismuth, and lead) and also lata for Various Solventsa 14). Transport mechanisms with elec- for mercury vapor introduction. These trothermal vaporization (ETV) are techniques have been applied recently much simpler than those involving liq- to sample introduction with the ICP, uid sampling. The two mechanisms with considerable success (16,17). Ad- Xylenes 29.1 14 that can inhibit transport of material ditionally, a more specialized ap- Nlbobenzene 43.9 15 between the vaporizer and the plasma proach, which involves the production are first, the formation of nonvolatile of volatile metal chelates from a wide Water 72.7 1.5 - carbides on the furnace walls (e.g., range of transition elements, has been a IC" .rDBsflow nebulizer. with silicon, vanadium, etc.) and sec- used successfully with the inductively ond, the loss of very volatile materials coupled plasma (18). 794,. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, VOL. 56, NO. 7. JUNE 1984 Advertising removed from this page