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Preview The accretion history of dark matter halos II: The connections with the mass power spectrum and the density profile

Mon.Not.R.Astron.Soc.000,1–??(2013) Printed4August2015 (MNLaTEXstylefilev2.2) The accretion history of dark matter halos II: The connections with the mass power spectrum and the density profile 5 1 0 2 Camila A. Correa1⋆, J. Stuart B. Wyithe1, Joop Schaye2 and Alan R. Duffy1,3 g 1 School of Physics, Universityof Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia u 2 LeidenObservatory,Leiden University,PO Box 9513, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands A 3 Centre forAstrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne Universityof Technology, Melbourne, VIC 3122, Australia 3 ] 4August2015 O C ABSTRACT . h We explore the relation between the structure and mass accretion histories of dark p matterhalosusinga suite ofcosmologicalsimulations.We confirmthatthe formation - time,definedas the time whenthe virialmassofthe mainprogenitorequalsthe mass o r enclosedwithin the scale radius,correlatesstronglywith concentration.We provide a t semi-analytic model for halo mass history that combines analytic relations with fits s a to simulations. This model has the functional form, M(z) = M0(1+z)αeβz, where [ the parameters α and β are directly correlated with concentration. We then combine this model for the halo mass history with the analytic relations between α, β and the 2 linear power spectrum derived by Correa et al. to establish the physical link between v 2 halo concentration and the initial density perturbation field. Finally, we provide fit- 8 ting formulae for the halo mass history as well as numerical routines†, we derive the 3 accretionrate as a function of halo mass,and demonstratehow the halo mass history 4 depends on cosmology and the adopted definition of halo mass. 0 . Key words: methods: numerical - galaxies: halos - cosmology:theory. 1 0 5 1 : 1 INTRODUCTION sityprofilethatcanbedescribedbyasimpleformulaknown v i as the‘NFW profile’ (NFW). X Dark matter halos provide the potential wells inside which galaxiesform.Asaresult,understandingtheirbasicproper- The origin of this universal density profile is not fully ar ties,includingtheirformationhistoryandinternalstructure, understood. One possibility is that the NFW profile re- is an important step for understandinggalaxy evolution. It sults from a relaxation mechanism that produces equilib- is generally believed that the halo mass accretion history rium and is largely independent of the initial conditions determines dark matter halo properties, such as their ‘uni- andmergerhistory(Navarro et al. 1997).However,another versal’densityprofile(Navarro et al.1996,hereafterNFW). popular explanation, originally proposed by Syer& White Theargumentisasfollows. Duringhierarchical growth,ha- (1998), is that the NFW profile is determined by the halo losformthroughmergerswithsmallerstructuresandaccre- mass history,and it is then expectedthat halos should also tionfromtheintergalacticmedium.Mostmergersareminor follow a universal mass history profile (Dekelet al. 2003; (with smaller satellite halos) and do not alter the structure Manriqueet al. 2003; Sheth& Tormen 2004; Dalal et al. of the inner halo. Major mergers (mergers between halos 2010; Salvador-Sol´e et al. 2012; Giocoli et al. 2012). This of comparable mass) can bring material to the centre, but universal accretion history was recently illustrated by they are found not to play a pivotal role in modifying the Ludlowet al. (2013), whoshowed that thehalo mass histo- internal mass distribution (Wang& White 2009). Halo for- ries,ifscaledtocertainvalues,followtheNFWprofile.This mationcanthereforebedescribedasan‘insideout’process, wasdonebycomparingthemassaccretionhistory,expressed whereastronglyboundcorecollapses,followedbythegrad- in termsof thecritical densityof theUniverse,M(ρcrit(z)), ual addition of material at the cosmological accretion rate. withtheNFWdensityprofile,expressedinunitsofenclosed Through this process, halos acquire a nearly universal den- mass and mean density within r, M(hρi(<r)) at z = 0, in a mass-density plane. In this work we aim to provide a model that links the ⋆ E-mail:[email protected] halo mass history with the halo concentration, a parameter † Availableathttps://bitbucket.org/astroduff/commah that fully describes the internal structure of dark matter 2 C.A. Correa, J.S.B. Wyithe, J. Schaye and A.R. Duffy halos.Bydoingso,wewillgaininsightintotheoriginofthe Table 2.Cosmologicalparameters. NFW profileand itsconnection with thehalo mass history. We also aim to find a physical explanation for the known Simulation Ωm ΩΛ h σ8 ns correlationbetweenthelinearrmsfluctuationofthedensity field,σ, and halo concentration. DMONLY−WMAP1 0.25 0.75 0.73 0.90 1.000 Thispaperisorganizedasfollows.Webrieflyintroduce DMONLY−WMAP3 0.238 0.762 0.73 0.74 0.951 oursimulationsinSection2,whereweexplainhowwecalcu- DMONLY−WMAP5 0.258 0.742 0.72 0.796 0.963 latedthemergerhistorytreesanddiscussthenecessarynu- DMONLY−WMAP9 0.282 0.718 0.70 0.817 0.964 mericalconvergenceconditions.Thenweprovideamodelfor DMONLY−Planck1 0.317 0.683 0.67 0.834 0.962 thehalomasshistory,whichwerefertoasthesemi-analytic model. This semi-analytic model is described in Section 3, along with an analysis of theformation timedefinition.For ticles)whichassumevaluesforthecosmological parameters this model we use the empirical McBride et al. (2009) for- derived from the different releases of Wilkinson Microwave mula.ThisfunctionalformwasmotivatedbyEPStheoryin Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the Planck mission. Table acompanionpaper(Correa et al.2015a;hereafterPaperI), 2 lists the sets of cosmological parameters adopted in the andwecalibratethecorrelationbetweenitstwo-parameters different simulations. (α and β) using numerical simulations. As a result, the Halo mass histories are obtained from the simulation semi-analytic model combines analytic relations with fits outputs by building halo merger trees. We define the halo to simulations, to relate halo structure to the mass accre- mass history as the mass of the most massive halo (main tion history. In Section 3.6 we show how the semi-analytic progenitor) along the main branch of the merger tree. The model for the halo mass history dependson cosmology and method used to create the merger trees is described in de- the adopted definition for halo mass. In Section 4 we pro- tailinAppendixA1.Whileanalysingthemergertreesfrom vide a detailed comparison between the semi-analytic halo thesimulations,welook foranumericalresolution criterion mass history model provided in this work, and the analytic under which mass accretion histories converge numerically. modelpresentedinPaperI.Theparametersinthisanalytic Webeginbyinvestigatingtheminimumnumberofparticles modeldependonthelinearpowerspectrumandhalomass, halosmustcontainsothatthemergertreesleadtoaccurate whereas in the semi-analytic model the parameters depend numerical convergence. We find a necessary minimum limit on concentration and halo mass. We therefore combine the of 300 dark matter particles, which corresponds to a mini- two models to establish the physical relation between the mumdarkmatterhalomassofMhalo ∼2.3×1011M⊙ inthe linear power spectrum and halo concentration. We will ex- 100h−1Mpc box, Mhalo ∼ 2.6×1010M⊙ in the 50h−1Mpc pand on this in a forthcoming paper (Correa et al. 2015c, box,and Mhalo ∼3.4×109M⊙ in the 25h−1Mpc box. hereafter Paper III), where we predict the evolution of the In a merger tree, when a progenitor halo contains less concentration-mass relation and its dependence on cosmol- than 300 dark matter particles, it is considered unresolved ogy.Finally,weprovideasummaryof formulaeanddiscuss anddiscarded from theanalysis. Asaresult,thenumberof ourmain findingsin Section 5. halos in the sample that contribute to the median value of themasshistorydecreaseswithincreasingredshift.Remov- ing unresolved halos from the merger tree can introduce a bias. When the number of halos that are discarded drops 2 SIMULATIONS tomorethan50% oftheoriginal sample, aspuriousupturn In this work we use the set of cosmological hydrodynam- in the median mass history occurs. To avoid this bias, the ical simulations (the REF model) along with a set of median mass history curve is only built out to the redshift dark matter only (DMONLY) simulations from the OWLS at which lessthan 50% of theoriginal numberof halos con- project (Schayeet al. 2010). These simulations were run tributetothemedian mass value. with a significantly extended version of the N-Body Tree- Fig. 1 shows the effects of changing the resolution for PM,smoothedparticlehydrodynamics(SPH)codeGadget3 thedarkmatteronlyandreferencesimulations.Wefirstvary (last described in Springel 2005). In order to assess the ef- theboxsizewhilekeepingthenumberofparticlesfixed(left fects of the finite resolution and box size on our results, panel).Then wevarythenumberof particles while keeping most simulations were run using the same physical model theboxsizefixed(rightpanel).Theleft panel(rightpanel) (DMONLY or REF) but different box sizes (ranging from ofFig.1showsthemasshistoryasafunctionofredshiftfor 25h−1Mpc to 400h−1Mpc) and particle numbers (ranging halosineleven(seven)differentmassbinsfortheDMONLY from 1283 to 5123). The main numerical parameters of the (REF) simulation. All halo masses are binned in equally runs are listed in Table 1. The simulation names contain spaced logarithmic bins of size ∆log M = 0.5. The mass 10 strings of the form LxxxNyyy,where xxx is the simulation histories are computed by calculating the median value of box size in comoving h−1Mpc, and yyy is the cube root thehalomassesfrom themergertreeatagivenoutputred- ofthenumberofparticlesperspecies(darkmatterorbary- shift, the error bars correspond to 1σ confidence intervals. onic).Formoredetailsonthesimulationswereferthereader Thedifferentcolouredlinesindicatethedifferentsimulations to AppendixA. fromwhichthehalomasshistorieswerecalculated.Thehor- Our DMONLY simulations assume the WMAP5 cos- izontal dash-dotted lines in thepanels show the300×m dm mology, whereas the REF simulations assume WMAP3. To limitforthesimulationthatmatchesthecolour.Halosinthe investigatethedependenceontheadoptedcosmological pa- simulationwithmasseslowerthanthisvalueareunresolved, rameters, we include an extra set of five dark matter only andhencetheirmasshistoriesarenotconsidered.Themass simulations(100h−1Mpcboxsizeand5123darkmatterpar- histories from halos whose main progenitors have masses The accretion history of dark halos II 3 Table 1. List of simulations. From left-to-right the columns show: simulation identifier; comoving box size; number of dark matter particles (there are equally many baryonic particles); initial baryonic particle mass; dark matter particle mass; comoving (Plummer- equivalent)gravitational softening;maximumphysicalsoftening;finalredshift. Simulation L N mb mdm ǫcom ǫprop zend (h−1Mpc) (h−1M⊙) (h−1M⊙) (h−1kpc) (h−1kpc) REF−L100N512 100 5123 8.7×107 4.1×108 7.81 2.00 0 REF−L100N256 100 2563 6.9×108 3.2×109 15.62 4.00 0 REF−L100N128 100 1283 5.5×109 2.6×1010 31.25 8.00 0 REF−L050N512 50 5123 1.1×107 5.1×107 3.91 1.00 0 REF−L025N512 25 5123 1.4×106 6.3×106 1.95 0.50 2 REF−L025N256 25 2563 1.1×107 5.1×107 3.91 1.00 2 REF−L025N128 25 1283 8.7×107 4.1×108 7.81 2.00 2 DMONLY−WMAP5−L400N512 400 5123 − 3.4×1010 31.25 8.00 0 DMONLY−WMAP5−L200N512 200 5123 − 3.2×109 15.62 4.00 0 DMONLY−WMAP5−L100N512 100 5123 − 5.3×108 7.81 2.00 0 DMONLY−WMAP5−L050N512 50 5123 − 6.1×107 3.91 1.00 0 DMONLY−WMAP5−L025N512 25 5123 − 8.3×106 2.00 0.50 0 Figure1.MedianhalomasshistoryasafunctionofredshiftfromsimulationsDMONLY(leftpanel)andREF(rightpanel)forhalosin elevenandsevendifferentmassbins,respectively.Thecurvesshowthemedianvalue,andthe1σerrorbarsaredeterminedbybootstrap resampling the halos from the merger tree at a given output redshift. The different colour lines show the mass histories of halos from different simulations. We find that a necessary condition for a halo to be defined, and mass histories to converge, is that halos should have a minimum of 300 dark matter particles. The horizontal dashed dotted lines show the 300×mdm limit for the simulation that matches the colour, where mdm is the respective dark matter particle mass. When following a merger tree from a given halo sample, somehalosarediscardedwhenunresolved.Thisintroducesabiasandsoanupturninthemedianmasshistory.Therefore,masshistory curves arestopped once fewerthan50% ofthe originalsampleofhalos areconsidered. Simulations intheREFmodel with25h−1Mpc comovingboxsizehaveafinalredshiftofz=2,thereforethehalosmasshistoriesbeginatthisredshift. 4 C.A. Correa, J.S.B. Wyithe, J. Schaye and A.R. Duffy lower than 1012M⊙ at z = 0 were computed from simula- Table 3. Notation reference. Unless specified otherwise, quanti- tions with 50h−1Mpc and 25h−1Mpc comoving box sizes. tiesareevaluatedatz=0. In the right panel, where the mass histories from the REF modelareshown,allmass historycurvesobtained from the Notation Definition REF simulation with a 25h−1Mpc comoving box size have afinalredshiftofz =2.Therefore,thesehalomasshistories M200 Mr(r200),total halomass begin at this redshift. r200 Virialradius r−2 NFWscaleradius c NFWconcentration Mz M(z),totalhalomassatredshiftz 3 SEMI-ANALYTIC MODEL FOR THE HALO Mr(r) M(<r),massenclosedwithinr MASS HISTORY x r/r200 hρi(<r−2) Meandensitywithinr−2 Inthefollowingsubsectionswestudydarkmatterhaloprop- Mr(r−2) M(<r−2),enclosedmasswithinr−2 erties and provide a semi-analytic model that relates halo z−2 Formationredshift,whenMz equalsMr(r−2) structure to the mass accretion history. We begin with the ρcrit,0 Criticaldensity ρcrit(z) Criticaldensityatredshiftz NFW density profile and derive an analytic expression for ρm(z) Meanbackgrounddensityatredshiftz themean innerdensity,hρi(<r−2), within thescale radius, r−2.Wethendefinetheformationredshift,andusethesim- ulations to find the relation between hρi(< r−2) and the thatthehalomassisdefinedasallmatterwithintheradius criticaldensityoftheuniverseattheformationredshift.We r (see Table 3 for reference). 200 discuss the universality of the mass history curveand show The NFW profile is characterized by a logarithmic howwecanobtainansemi-analyticmodelforthemasshis- slope that steepens gradually from the centre outwards, torythatdependsononlyoneparameter(asexpectedfrom and can be fully specified by the concentration param- ourEPSanalysispresentedinacompanionpaper).Wethen eter and halo mass. Simulations have shown that these calibrate this single parameter fit using our numerical sim- two parameters are correlated, with the average concentra- ulations. Finally, we show how the semi-analytic model for tion of a halo being a weakly decreasing function of mass halomasshistorydependsoncosmologyandhalomassdef- (e.g.NFW;Bullock et al. 2001;Eke et al. 2001;Shaw et al. inition. 2006;Netoet al.2007;Duffyet al.2008;Maccio` et al.2008; Dutton& Maccio` 2014; Diemer & Kravtsov 2015). There- fore, the NFW density profile can be described by a single 3.1 Density profile free parameter, the concentration, which can be related to virialmass.ThefollowingrelationwasfoundbyDuffyet al. An important property of a population of halos is their (2008) from a large set of N−body simulations with the sphericallyaverageddensityprofile.BasedonN-bodysimu- WMAP5 cosmology, lations,Navarroet al.(1997)foundthatthedensityprofiles ofCDMhaloscanbeapproximatedbyatwoparameterpro- c=6.67(M200/2×1012h−1M⊙)−0.092, (3) file, for halos in equilibrium (relaxed). ρ δ TheNFWprofilecanbeexpressedintermsofthemean ρ(r)= crit c , (1) (r/r−2)(1+r/r−2)2 internaldensity wathewrehicrh itshethleogararidtihums,icr−d2ensisitythselopcheairsac−te2r,istρic r(azd)iu=s hρi(<r)= (4Mπ/r(3r))r3 = 2x030YY((ccx))ρcrit, (4) crit 3H2(z)/8πG is the critical density of the universe and δc where x is defined as x = r/r200 and Y(u) = ln(1+u)− is a dimensionless parameter related to the concentration c u/(1+u). From this last equation we can verify that at by r=r , x=1 and hρi(<r )=200ρ . 200 200 crit 200 c3 Evaluating hρi(<r) at r=r−2, we obtain δ = , (2) c 3 [ln(1+c)−c/(1+c)] hρi(<r−2)= (M4πr/(3r)−r23) =200c3YY((1c))ρcrit. (5) which applies at fixed virial mass and where c is defined −2 as c = r200/r−2, and r200 is the virial radius. A halo is of- Fromthislastexpressionweseethatforafixedredshiftthe ten defined so that the mean density hρi(< r) within the meaninnerdensityhρi(<r−2)canbewrittenintermsofc. halo virial radiusr∆ is a factor ∆ times thecritical density Bysubstitutingeq.(3)into(5),wecanobtainhρi(<r−2)as of the universe at redshift z. Unfortunately, not all authors afunction of virial mass. Finally, wecan computethemass adoptthesamedefinition,andreadersshouldbeawareofthe enclosed within r−2. From eq.(5) we obtain difference in halo formation history and internal structure Y(1) whendifferentmassdefinitionsareadopted(seeDuffyet al. Mr(r−2)=M200Y(c), (6) 2008;Diemeret al.2013).WeexplorethisinSection3.6.2to which thereader isreferred tofor furtherdetails. Through- where we used M =(4π/3)r3 200ρ . 200 200 crit outthisworkweuse∆=200. WedenoteM ≡M (z)as Although the NFW profile is widely used and gen- z 200 thehalomassasafunctionofredshift,M ≡M(<r)asthe erally describes halo density profiles with high accuracy, r halo mass profilewithin radius r at z =0, r as thevirial it is worth noting that high resolution numerical simu- 200 radius at z = 0 and c as the concentration at z = 0. Note lations have shown that the spherically averaged density The accretion history of dark halos II 5 theoverdensityofhalosvarieswiththeirformationredshift. SubsequentinvestigationshaveusedN-bodysimulationsand empiricalmodelstoexploretherelationbetweenconcentra- tion and formation history in more detail (Wechsler et al. 2002; Zhao et al. 2003, 2009). A good definition of forma- tion time that relates concentration to halo mass history wasfoundtobethetimewhenthemainprogenitorswitches from a period of fast growth to one of slow growth. This is basedontheobservationthathalosthathaveexperienceda recentmajormergertypicallyhaverelativelylowconcentra- tions,whilehalosthathaveexperiencedalongerphaseofrel- atively quiescent growth have larger concentrations. More- over, Zhao et al. (2009) argue that halo concentration can be very well determined at thetime the main progenitor of thehalo has 4% of its finalmass. Thevariousformationtimedefinitionseachprovideac- curate fits to the simulations on which they are based and, at a given halo mass, show reasonably small scatter. How- ever, our goal is to adopt a formation time definition that has a natural justification without invoking arbitrary mass fractions.Tothisend,wegobacktotheideathathalosare Figure 2. Relation between the mean density within the NFW formed ‘inside out’, and consider the formation time to be scaleradiusatz=0andthecriticaldensityoftheuniverseatthe defined as the time when the initial bound core forms. We haloformationredshift,z−2,forDMONLYsimulationsfromthe followLudlowetal.(2013)anddefinetheformationredshift OWLSproject.ThesimulationsassumetheWMAP-5cosmolog- icalparametersandhaveboxsizesof400h−1Mpc,200h−1Mpc, asthetimeatwhichthemassofthemainprogenitorequals 100h−1Mpc,50h−1Mpcand25h−1Mpc.Theblacksolidlinein- themass enclosed within thescale radius at z=0, yielding dicatestherelationshownineq.(8),whichonlydependsoncos- mologythroughthemass-concentrationrelation.Theblack(red) z−2=z[Mz =Mr(r−2)]. (7) starsymbolsshowthemeanvaluesofthecomplete(relaxed)sam- Fromnowonwedenotetheformationredshiftbyz−2.Inter- pleinlogarithmicmassbinsofwidthδlog M =0.2.Theblack 10 estingly, Ludlowet al. (2013) found that at this formation dashedandsolidlinesshowtherelationsfoundbyfittingthedata redshift, the critical density of the universe is directly pro- ofthe complete andrelaxedsamples,respectively. Thefilledcir- portionaltothemeandensitywithinthescaleradiusofhalos clescorrespondtovaluesofindividualhalosandarecolouredby massaccordingtothecolourbaratthetopoftheplot. at z =0:ρcrit(z−2)∝hρi(<r−2). A possible interpretation ofthisrelationisthatthecentralstructureofadarkmatter halo (contained within r−2) is established through collapse andlateraccretionandmergersincreasethemassandsizeof profiles of dark matter halos have small but systematic thehalowithout addingmuch material toits innerregions, deviations from the NFW form (e.g. Navarroet al. 2004; thusincreasingthehalovirialradiuswhileleavingthescale Hayashi& White 2008; Navarroet al. 2010; Ludlow et al. radiusand its innerdensity (hρi(<r−2)) almost unchanged 2010;Diemer & Kravtsov2014).Whilethereisnoclearun- (Husset al. 1999; Wang& White 2009). derstanding of what breaks the structural similarity among halos,analternativeparametrizationissometimesused(the Einastoprofile),whichassumesthelogarithmicslopetobea 3.3 Relation between halo formation time and simplepowerlawofradius,dlnρ/dlnr∝(r/r−2)α(Einasto concentration from numerical simulations 1965). Recently, Ludlowet al. (2013) investigated the rela- tion between the accretion history and mass profile of cold Wenowstudytherelationbetweenρcrit(z−2)andhρi(<r−2) using a set of DMONLY cosmological simulations from the dark matter halos. They found that halos whose mass pro- OWLSproject thatadopt theWMAP-5cosmology. Webe- files deviate from NFW and are better approximated by ginbyconsideringtwosamplesofhalos.Ourcompletesam- Einasto profiles also have accretion histories that deviate plecontainsallhalosthatsatisfyourresolutioncriteriawhile from theNFWshapeinasimilarway.However,theyfound our ‘relaxed’ sample retains only those halos for which the theresidualsfrom thesystematicdeviationsfromtheNFW separation between the most bound particle and the centre shape to be smaller than 10%. We therefore only consider ofmassof theFriends-of-Friends(FoF)haloissmaller than theNFW halo density profilein thiswork. 0.07R ,where R istheradiusfor which themean inter- vir vir nal density is ∆ (as given by Bryan & Norman 1998) times the critical density. Netoet al. (2007) found that this sim- 3.2 Formation redshift ple criterion resulted in the removal of the vast majority of Navarroet al. (1997) showed that the characteristic over- unrelaxed halos and as such we do not use their additional density (δ ) is closely related to formation time (z ), which criteria.Atz=0,ourcompletesamplecontains2831halos, c f theydefinedasthetimewhenhalfthemassofthemainpro- while our relaxed sample is reduced to 2387 (84%). genitor was first contained in progenitors larger than some Tocomputethemeaninnerdensitywithinthescalera- fraction f of the mass of the halo at z = 0. They found dius, hρi(< r−2), we need to fit the NFW density profile that the ‘natural’ relation δ ∝ Ω (1+z )3 describes how to each individual halo. We begin by fitting NFW profiles c m f 6 C.A. Correa, J.S.B. Wyithe, J. Schaye and A.R. Duffy Figure 3.Relation between formationredshift, z−2, and halo concentration, c (left panel), and between formationredshiftand z =0 halo mass, M200 (right panel). The different symbols correspond to the median values of the relaxed sample and the error bars to 1σ confidence limits.The solidlineinthe left panel isnot a fit but a prediction of the z−2−c relationfor relaxed halos given by eq. (9). Similarly,thedashedlineisthepredictionforthecompletesampleofhalos,assumingaconstantofproportionalitybetweenhρi(<r−2) andρcritof854,ratherthanthevalueof900usedfortherelaxedsample.Thegreyareashowsthescatterinz−2plottedinFig.A1(right panel). Similarly,the solidlineinthe rightpanel is aprediction of the z−2−M200 relation given by eqs. (9)and (3). The dashed line alsoshows the z−2−M200 relationassuminghρi(<r−2)=854ρcrit and the concentration-mass relation calculated usingthe complete sample. to all halos at z = 0 that contain at least 104 dark matter 25h−1Mpc. The hρi(< r−2)-ρcrit(z−2) values are coloured particleswithinthevirialradius.Foreachhalo,allparticles by mass according to the colour bar at the top of the plot. in the range −1.25 6 log (r/r ) 6 0, where r is the The black (red) star symbols show the mean values of the 10 200 200 virial radius,are binnedradially in equally spaced logarith- complete(relaxed)sampleinlogarithmicmassbinsofwidth micbinsofsize∆log r=0.078.Thedensityprofileisthen δlog M =0.2. As expected when unrelaxed halos are dis- 10 10 fit to these bins by performing a least square minimization carded (e.g. Duffy et al. 2008), the relaxed sample contains of the difference between the logarithmic densities of the onaverageslightlyhigherconcentrations(byafactorof1.16) modelandthedata,usingequalweighting.Thecorrespond- and so higherformation times (by afactor of 1.1). ing mean enclosed mass, Mr(r−2), and mean inner density InFig.2thebest-fittothedatapointsfromtherelaxed atr−2,hρi(<r−2),arefoundbyinterpolatingalongthecu- sample is shown by the solid line, while the dashed line is mulative mass and density profiles (measured while fitting the fit to the complete sample. The ρcrit(z−2)−hρi(<r−2) theNFWprofile)fromr=0tor−2=r200/c,wherecisthe correlation clearly shows that halos that collapsed earlier concentration from the NFW fit. Then we follow the mass have denser cores at z = 0. Using the mean inner density- historyofthesehalosthroughthesnapshots,andinterpolate critical density relation for therelaxed sample, to determinetheredshift z−2 at which Mz =Mr(r−2). We perform a least-square minimization of the quan- hρi(<r−2) = (900±50)ρcrit(z−2). (8) tity ∆2 = 1 N [hρ i(ρ ) − f(ρ ,A)], to obtain N i=1 i crit,i crit,i the constant of proportionality, A. We find hρi(< r−2) = (900±50)ρcrit(zP−2)fortherelaxedsample,andhρi(<r−2)= We replace hρi(< r−2) by eq. (5) and calculate the depen- (854 ± 47)ρcrit(z−2) for the complete sample. The 1σ er- denceof formation redshift on concentration, rorwasobtainedfrom theleastsquaresfit.Forcomparison, Ludlow et al. (2014) found a constantvalueof 853 for their 200 c3 Y(1) Ω relaxedsampleofhalosandtheWMAP-1cosmology.Fig.2 (1+z−2)3 = 900Ω Y(c) − ΩΛ. (9) showstherelation betweenthemean innerdensityat z=0 m m and the critical density of the universe at redshift z−2 for Thislast expressionistestedinFig.3(leftpanel)wherewe various DMONLY simulations. Each dot in this panel cor- plot the median formation redshift as a function of concen- responds to an individual halo from the complete sample tration using different symbols for different sets of simula- in the DMONLY−WMAP5 simulations that have box sizes tions from the OWLS project. The symbols correspond to of 400h−1Mpc, 200h−1Mpc, 100h−1Mpc, 50h−1Mpc and themedianvaluesoftherelaxedsample, andtheerrorbars The accretion history of dark halos II 7 indicate 1σ confidence limits. The grey solid line shows the z−2−crelationgivenbyeq.(9),whereasthegreydashedline shows thesamerelation assumingaconstant of854 instead of 900 (as obtained for the complete sample). Similarly, us- ing the Duffy et al. (2008) concentration-mass relation we obtain the formation redshift as a function of halo mass at z=0(rightpanelofFig.3).Itisimportanttonotethatthe z−2−candz−2−M relationsarevalidinthehalomassrange 1011−1015h−1M⊙,atlowermassestheconcentration-mass relation begins to deviate from power laws (Ludlowet al. 2014). In Appendix B we analyse the scatter in the forma- tion time−mass relation and show that it correlates with the scatter in the concentration−mass relation. Thus con- cluding that the scatter in formation time determines the scatter in the concentration. Also, we investigate how the scatter in halo mass history drives the scatter in formation time. Figure 4. Mass histories of halos, obtained from different DMONLY−WMAP5 simulations, as indicated by the colours. 3.4 The mass history The bottom left legends indicate the halo mass range at z = 0, selectedfromeachsimulation.Forexample,weselectedhalosbe- Fig. 4 shows the mass accretion history of halos in differ- entmassbinsasafunctionofthemeanbackgrounddensity. tween 109−1011M⊙ from the DMONLY−WMAP5−L025N512 simulation, divided them in equally spaced logarithmic bins of ThemasshistoriesarescaledtoMr(r−2)andthemeanback- size ∆log M = 0.2, and calculated the median mass histories. grounddensitiesarescaledtoρm(z−2)=ρcrit,0Ωm(1+z−2)3. The differ1e0nt curves show the median mass history of the main Thefigureshowsthatallhalomasshistorieslookalike.This progenitors,normalizedtothemedianenclosedmassofthemain is in agreement with Ludlowet al. (2013), who found that progenitorsatz=0,Mr(r−2).Themasshistoriesareplottedas themassaccretionhistory,expressedintermsofthecritical afunctionofthemeanbackgrounddensityoftheuniverse,scaled density of the Universe, M(ρcrit(z)), resembles that of the tothe meanbackground density atz−2.Thebluedashed lineis enclosed NFW density profile, M(hρi(<r)). The similarity afit of expression(18) to the different mass historycurves. The in the shapes between M(ρ (z)) and M(hρi(< r)) is still medianvalueoftheonlyadjustableparameter,γ,isindicatedin crit thetop-rightpartoftheplot. notclear,butitsuggeststhatthephysicallymotivatedform M(z)=M (1+z)αeβz,whichisaresultof rapidgrowth in 0 the matter dominated epoch followed by a slow growth in thedarkenergyepoch,producesthedoublepower-lawofthe and hence NFWprofile(seee.g.Lu et al.2006).Weusethisfeatureto find a functional form that describes this unique universal ln MMzr((zr−=20)) −βz−2 α = . (13) curveinordertoobtainanempiricalexpressionforthemass (cid:16) ln(1+z(cid:17)−2) accretion history at all redshifts and halo masses. From this last equation we see that α can be written as a WearemotivatedbytheextendedPress-Schechteranal- ysisofhalomasshistoriespresentedinPaperI.Inthatwork, function of β, Mr(r−2), Mz(z = 0) and z−2. However, as we showed through analytic calculations, that when halo Mr(r−2) is a function of concentration and virial mass (see mass histories are described by a power-law times an expo- eq.6),wecanwriteαintermsofβ,concentrationandz−2, nential, M(z)=M (1+z)αeβz, (10) α = ln(Y(1)/Y(c))−βz−2. (14) 0 ln(1+z−2) andthattheparametersαandβareconnectedviathepower The next step is to find an expression for β. We find spectrum of density fluctuations. In this work however, we β(z−2) by fitting eq. (10) to all the data points plotted in aim to relate halo structure to the mass accretion history. Fig.4.WenowneedtoexpressM(z)(eq.10)asafunctionof Wethereforefirstdeterminethecorrelationbetweenthepa- themeanbackgrounddensity.Todothis,wereplace(1+z) rameters α and β and concentration. To this end, we first by (ρ (z)/ρ /Ω )1/3 and divide both sides of eq. (10) m crit,0 m findthe α−β relation that results from theformation red- byMr(r−2), yielding shift definition discussed in the previous section. Thus, we evaluatethehalo mass at z−2, α/3 M (z) M (z=0) ρ (z) z = z m Mz(z−2)=Mr(r−2) = Mz(z=0)(1+z−2)αeβz−2. (11) Mr(r−2) Mr(r−2) (cid:18)Ωmρcrit,0(cid:19) 1/3 ρ (z) Taking thenaturallogarithm, we obtain, × exp β m −1 . (15) Ω ρ "(cid:18) m crit,0(cid:19) #! ln MMzr((zr=−20)) = αln(1+z−2)+βz−2, (12) Multiplyingbothdenominatorsandnumeratorsbyρm(z−2), (cid:18) (cid:19) we get, after rearranging, 8 C.A. Correa, J.S.B. Wyithe, J. Schaye and A.R. Duffy followed by a slower growth at late times. The changefrom α/3 α/3 rapidtoslowaccretioncorrespondstothetransitionbetween Mz(z) = Mz(z =0) ρm(z−2) ρm(z) themassanddarkenergydominatederas(seePaperI),and Mr(r−2) Mr(r−2) (cid:18)Ωmρcrit,0(cid:19) (cid:18)ρm(z−2)(cid:19) depends on the parameter β in the exponential (as can be 1/3 seen from eq. 10). The dependence of β on the formation × exp β ρm(z−2) −1 redshiftisgivenineq.(21),whichshowsthatamorerecent Ω ρ "(cid:18) m crit,0(cid:19) #! formation time, and hence a larger halo mass, results in a 1/3 larger value of β, and so a steeper halo mass history curve. ρ (z) × exp γ m −1 , (16) ThislastpointcanbeseeninFig.5fromthemasshistories "(cid:18)ρm(z−2)(cid:19) #! of halos in different mass bins (coloured lines shown in the panels).Thepanelontheleftshowsthemasshistorycurves where, we have defined γ ≡ fromtheDMONLYsimulationoutputs(colouredlinesinthe β(ρm(z−2)/Ωm/ρcrit,0)1/3 = β(1 + z−2). The term background),and themass histories predicted by eqs. (10), α/3 1/3 (14) and (21) (red dashed lines). From these panels we see Mz(z=0) ρm(z−2) exp β ρm(z−2) −1 Mr(r−2) Ωmρcrit,0 Ωmρcrit,0 that, (i) the mass history formula works remarkably well in eq.(16(cid:16))is equal(cid:17)tounity,(cid:18)wh(cid:20)ic(cid:16)h canbe(cid:17)seen by(cid:21)re(cid:19)placing when compared with the simulation, and (ii) the larger the ρm(z−2)/Ωmρcrit,0 = (1 + z−2)3 and comparing with eq. massofahaloatz=0,thesteeperthemasshistorycurveat (11). Henceeq. (16) becomes early times. Incontrast, themass history of low-mass halos is essentially governed by thepower law at late times. ThehalomasshistoriesplottedinFig.5comefromthe α/3 Mz(z) = ρm(z) completesampleofhalos(relaxedandunrelaxed).Wefound Mr(r−2) ρm(z−2) no significant difference in mass growth when only relaxed (cid:18) (cid:19) halos are considered. We therefore conclude that the fact 1/3 ρ (z) × exp γ m −1 . (17) thatahaloisunrelaxedataparticularredshiftdoesnotaf- "(cid:18)ρm(z−2)(cid:19) #! fectitshalomasshistory,providedtheconcentration−mass relation fit from therelaxed halo sample is used. This is an Thus, based on eq. (17), the functional form to fit the interesting result because while deriving the semi-analytic massaccretionhistoriesfromthesimulationscanbewritten modelofhalomasshistory,weassumedthatthehalodensity as profile is described by the NFW profile at all times. There- forewhiletheNFWisnotagoodfitforthedensityprofileof unrelaxedhalos (Netoet al. 2007),oursemi-analytic model f(z˜,γ) = α(z−2,c,γ)z˜/3+γ(ez˜/3−1), (18) (basedonNFWprofiles)isagood fitallhalos(relaxed and unrelaxed). TherightpanelofFig.5showshalomasshistoriesfrom where f(z˜,γ) = ln Mz(z) and z˜ = ln ρm(z) . From Mr(r−2) ρm(z−2) theREFhydrodynamicalsimulations.Wecomputethehalo eq. (14) we see that(cid:16)the para(cid:17)meter α is a fuhnction oif z−2, c mass as the total mass (gas and dark matter) within the and γ, virial radius (r ). We find that the inclusion of baryons 200 steepens the mass histories at high redshift, therefore the α = ln(Y(1)/Y(c))−γz−2/(1+z−2). (19) btheestcdonesccernitprtaiotinono-fmMa(szs)reislagtiivoennfrboymeqtsh.e(c1o0m),p(l1e4t)e,s(a2m1)p,laenodf ln(1+z−2) halos, c=5.74(M/2×1012h−1M⊙)−0.097. Therefore, γ isnowtheonlyadjustableparameter. Weper- form a χ2-likeminimization of thequantity 3.5 The mass accretion rate N 1 ∆2 = N [log10(Mz(zi)/Mr(r−2))−f(z˜i,γ)]2, (20) The accretion of gas and dark matter from the intergalac- Xi=1 ticmediumisafundamentaldriverofboth,theevolutionof darkmatterhalosandtheformationofgalaxieswithinthem. and find the value of γ that best fits all halo accretion his- tories. The sum in the χ2-like minimization is over the N Forthatreason,developingatheoreticalmodelforthemass accretion rate is the basis for analytic and semi-analytic available simulation output redshifts at z (i = 1,N), with i z˜ =ln ρcrit,0Ωm(1+zi)3 . models that study galaxy formation and evolution. In this i ρm(z−2) sectionwelookforasuitableexpressionforthemeanaccre- Figh. 4 shows halo miass histories (with Mz(z) scaled to tion rate of dark matter halos. To achieve this, we take the Mr(r−2)) for our complete halo sample as afunction of the derivative of the semi-analytic mass history model, M(z), mean background density [ρm(z) scaled to ρm(z−2)]. The given byeq.(10) with respect totime and replacedz/dt by bluedashed line is thefit of expression (18) to all the mass −H [Ω (1+z)5+Ω (1+z)2]1/2, yielding 0 m Λ history curves included in the figure. Here, the only ad- justable parameter is γ. We obtained γ = −3.01 ± 0.08, dM yielding dt = 71.6M⊙yr−1M12h0.7[−α−β(1+z)] β=−3(ρm(z−2)/Ωm/ρcrit,0)−1/3 =−3/(1+z−2). (21) ×[Ωm(1+z)3+ΩΛ]1/2, (22) Fig. 4 shows that the halo mass histories have a char- where h0.7 = h/0.7, M12 = M/1012M⊙ and α and β are acteristic shapeconsisting of a rapid growth at early times, given by eqs. (14) and (21), respectively. As shown in the The accretion history of dark halos II 9 Figure 5.MasshistoriesofallhalosfromsimulationsDMONLY−WMAP5(leftpanel)andREF(rightpanel).Halomassesarebinned inequallyspacedlogarithmicbinsofsize∆log M =0.5.Themasshistoriesarecomputedbycalculatingthemedianvalueofthehalo 10 massesfromthemergertreeatagivenoutputredshift,theerrorbarscorrespondto1σ.Thedifferentcolourlinesshowthemasshistories ofhalosfromdifferentsimulationsasindicatedinthelegends,whilethereddashedcurvescorrespondtothemasshistoriespredictedby eqs.(10),(19)and(21). previous section, the parameters α and β depend on halo estimate given byeq.(23).Asexpected,thelarger thehalo mass(throughtheformationtimedependence).Wefindthat mass, thelarger thedark matter accretion rate. thismassdependenceiscrucialforobtaininganaccuratede- scriptionforthemasshistory(asshowninFig.5).However, 3.5.1 Baryonic accretion the factor of 2 (3) change for α (β) between halo masses of 108 and 1014M⊙ is not significant when calculating the Next, we estimate the gas accretion rate and compare accretion rate. Therefore, we provide an approximation for our model with similar fitting formulae proposed by the mean mass accretion rate as a function of redshift and Fakhouriet al. (2010) and Dekel& Krumholz (2013). The halo mass, by averaging α and β over halo mass, yielding bottom panel of Fig. 6 shows the gas accretion rate as a hαi=0.24, hβi=-0.75, and functionredshiftforarangeofhalomasses(log10M/M⊙ = 11.2 − 12.8). The grey circles correspond to the gas ac- cretion rate measured in REF−L100N512. In this case we hddMt i = 71.6M⊙yr−1M12h0.7 tchome pmuetregetrhetrteoetsa,lamndastshegnrowestthim(aMte=theMggaass +acMcreDtMio)nfrroamte ×[−0.24+0.75(1+z)][Ωm(1+z)3+ΩΛ]1/(22.3) by multiplying the total accretion rate by the universal baryon fraction f = Ω /Ω . The green solid line corre- b b m Fig. 6 (top panel) compares the median dark matter sponds to our gas accretion rate model (given by Ωb/Ωm accretion ratefordifferenthalomasses asafunctionofred- times eq. 23). The blue dot-dashed line is the gas accre- shift(solidlines)tothemeanaccretionrategivenbyeq.(23) tionrateproposedbyDekel& Krumholz(2013)(dMb/dt= (greydashedlines).Fromthemergertreesofthemainhalos, 30M⊙yr−1fbM12(1+z)5/2), who derived the baryonic in- wecomputethemassgrowthrateofahaloofagivenmass. flow on to a halo dMb/dt from the averaged growth rate We do this by following the main branch of the tree and of halo mass through mergers and smooth accretion based computing dM/dt = (M(z )−M(z ))/∆t, where z < z , ontheEPStheoryofgravitationalclustering(Neistein et al. 1 2 1 2 M(z ) is the descendant halo mass at time t and M(z ) is 2006;Neistein & Dekel2008).Lastly,wecompareourmodel 1 2 the most massive progenitor at time t−∆t. The median with the accretion rate formula from Fakhouriet al. (2010) valueofdM/dtforthecompletesetofresolvedhalosisthen [dMb/dt = 46.1M⊙yr−1fbM112.1(1 + 1.11z)(Ωm(1 + z)3 + plottedfordifferentconstanthalomasses.Wefindverygood Ω )1/2], plotted as the purple dashed line. Fakhouriet al. Λ agreement betweenthesimulation outputsandtheanalytic (2010) constructed merger trees of dark matter halos and 10 C.A. Correa, J.S.B. Wyithe, J. Schaye and A.R. Duffy 3.6 Dependence on cosmology and mass definition We have developed a semi-analytic model that relates the innerstructureofahaloatredshiftzerotoitsmasshistory. ThemodeladoptstheNFW profile,computesthemean in- ner density within the scale radius, and relates this to the criticaldensityoftheuniverseattheredshiftwherethehalo virial mass equals the mass enclosed within r−2. This re- lation enables us to find the formation redshift-halo mass dependence and to derive a one-parameter model for the halo mass history. In this section we consider the effects of cosmology and mass definition on thesemi-analytic model. 3.6.1 Cosmology dependence The adopted cosmological parameters affect the mean in- ner halo densities, concentrations, formation redshifts and halo mass histories. To investigate the dependence of halo masshistoriesoncosmology,wehaverunasetofdarkmat- teronlysimulationswithdifferentcosmologies. Table2lists thesetsofcosmologicalparametersadoptedbythedifferent simulations. Specifically, we assume values for the cosmo- logical parameters derived from measurements of the cos- mic microwave background by the WMAP and the Planck missions (Spergel et al. 2003, 2007; Komatsu et al. 2009; Hinshawet al. 2013;Planck Collaboration et al. 2014). It has been shown that halos that formed earlier are moreconcentrated(Navarroet al.1997;Bullock et al.2001; Ekeet al. 2001; Kuhlenet al. 2005; Maccio` et al. 2007; Netoet al. 2007). Maccio` et al. (2008) explored the depen- dence of halo concentration on the adopted cosmological model for field galaxies. They found that dwarf-scale field halos aremore concentrated byafactor of 1.55 in WMAP1 compared to WMAP3, and by a factor of 1.29 for cluster- sized halos.Thisreflectsthefact that halosofafixedz=0 mass assemble earlier in a universe with higher Ω , higher m Figure 6. Mean accretion rate of dark matter (top panel) and σ8 and/or higherns. gas (bottom panel) as a function of redshift for different halo Thehaloformationredshiftcanberelatedtothepower masses. Top panel: the accretion rate obtained from the simu- at the corresponding mass scale, and therefore depends on lation outputs up to the redshift where the halo mass histories bothσ andn .Theparameterσ setsthepoweratascale 8 s 8 are converged. Grey dashed lines show the accretion rate esti- of 8h−1Mpc, which corresponds to a mass of about 1.53× mated usingeq. (23). Bottom panel: gas accretion rate obtained 1014h−1M⊙(Ωm/Ωm,WMAP5),andawavenumberofk8.This fromtheREF−L100N512simulation(greycircles),fromΩb/Ωm lastquantityisgivenbytherelationM =(4πρ /3)(2π/k)3. m timeseq.(23)(greensolidline),andfromvariousfittingformulae For a power-law spectrum P(k)∝kn, the variance can be takenfromtheliterature. written as σ2(k)/σ2 =(k/k )n+3. Therefore, the change in 8 8 σbetweenWMAP5andWMAP1foragivenhalomassthat corresponds toa wavenumberk is σWMAP1(k) = σ8,WMAP1 k (ns,WMAP1−ns,WMAP5)/2.(24) σ (k) σ k WMAP5 8,WMAP5 8 (cid:16) (cid:17) quantified their merger rates and mass growth rate using A halo mass of 1012M⊙ corresponds to a wavenumber of the Millennium and Millennium II simulations. They de- k1.3 ∼6k8.Thetotalchangeinthemeanpowerspectrumat finedthehalomassasthesumofthemassesofallsubhalos this mass scale is σWMAP1(k1.3) =1.27. This is proportional σWMAP5(k1.3) withinaFoFhalo.Weseethatouraccretionratemodelisin tothe changeof theformation redshift, excellent agreement with the formulae from Fakhouriet al. (1+z )=1.27(1+z ). (25) (2010) and Dekel& Krumholz (2013). We find that the f,WMAP1 f,WMAP5 Fakhouriet al.(2010)formulagenerallyoverpredictsthegas Next, we test how this change affects the halo mass accretionrateinthelow-redshiftregime(e.g.itoverpredicts history. We showed that the mass history profile is well it by a factor of 1.4 at z = 0 for a 1012M⊙ mass halo). described by the expression M(z)=Mz(z =0)(1+z)αeβz, TheDekel& Krumholz(2013)formulaunderpredicts(over- where α and β both depend on the formation redshift. In predicts) the gas accretion rate in the low- (high-) redshift themasshistorymodelpresentedinSection4therearetwo regime for halos with masses larger (lower) than1012M⊙. best-fitting parameters that can be cosmology dependent.

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