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No. One January-February 1990 The Abortion Debate: Its Deeper Meaning friction between the ascending new Here is the source of the apparent Few social issues provoke as fierce world-view and the declining old world- contradictions and hypocrisy in those a debate as that over aborlion, intensified view. With that understanding, we can motivated by fear. Because fears seek now as the Supreme Coutrtappears deter- view abortion as though through a prism, psychic strength by attaching themselves mined to further circumscribe women's examining each theme or color which to disparate beliefs, those beliefs may reproductive options. As Alexanderp oints blends into the white-heat battle of which- well contradict each other or cancel each out, the abortiondebate is an expression lblendsversus the white-heat other out. The fear masking itself be- of deeper currents flowing beneath society, hind the contradictory beliefs is the and he addresses the issue from that unifying nexus, binding the contradictory perspective. The Fetus As Symbol: The Fear values in an irrational, jumbled stew of Driving the "Pro-Life" Camp hypocrisy. Thisartilceis based on a channeled As another aspect of the nature of lecture delivered by Alexander at last As mentioned above, social issues fear, it is a psychological maxim that October's Whole Life Expo in New YorkCkityof great emotional intensity are often inner conflicts and fears which are too symbolic expressions of eruptions in the frightening to openly acknowledge and * * * * * * * collective unconscious. The more hys- accept may be projected onto others, terical, rigid, and uncompromising a onto the world at large, as a way of As the flow of daily events in an person or group is in advocating a posi- gaining distance from them and therefore individual's life rides atop deeper unseen tion, the greater the chance that the dealing with them in a safer, more .icurrents, so can communal events be advocacy is but the surface expression of oblique manner. This defense mecha- understood as symbolic expressions of deeper issues with which the person or nism of "projection" allows one to deal themes and issues emerging from the group is grappling. In the case of the with inner conflicts at arm's length, collective unconscious. ing both in- "pro-life" side of the abortion debate, we avoiding the intensity of probing intro- dividual and mass levels, those events find perhaps the shrillest, most uncom- spection. carrying great emotional impact derive promising, most militant advocates of These principles help us to under- their energy from the friction sparked as any social issue. More, we find apparent stand the motivations of the "pro-life" psychic structures are built up and torn contradictions and hypocrisy; as, for camp. For here we find a shrill, down, grating against each other in the example, in those who claim "sanctity of impassioned group railing against the private or communal psyche. During life" as their motive while bombing abor- slaughter of "pre-born children," while times of great upheaval -- private or tion clinics. engaging in the apparent hypocrisy of collective -- the clash betweprovateorom- When surface contradictions ap- ignoring the needs and rights of already patible psychic structures spills into pear, fear is at work. Indeed, it is fear, born women and children, with some symbolic expression as highly charged not respect for the sanctity of life, that even engaging in violence carrying the events. fuels the "pro-life" camp. Let us look potential for severe harm. As western culture's traditional briefly at the nature of fear and its mani- When surface contradictions ap- mechanistic, soulless world-view collapses festations. pear, fear is at work. What beliefs do into the multifarious global crisis, an Behind every irrational fear lies the "pro-life" forces hold? First, most ascendent world-view struggles to rise an erroneous belief. Erroneous beliefs base their actions on a traditional, often into awareness and right the course. The are those contrary to reality, and irra- fundamentalist, Christianity. The Old disparity between the two cosmologies is tional fears are the outer coatings on Testament Jehovah was the world's first so great, and the urgency of the crisis so such beliefs. Most often such belief-fear dysfunctional parent, alternately blessing compelling, that the schism between the couplings are carried as psychic scars and condemning His human creations, two world-views roils with. energy, the from childhood, where one's innate self- drowning the race when it dissatisfied cading into symbolic expression as cas love and trust in the world's safety have Him, demanding infanticide of Abraham munal events of passionate intensity. been perverted. Obscuring an erroneous as proof of obeisance. Because the battle over abortion belief behind an irrational fear makes To believe in the Jehovah model resembles just that -- a battle, a war n difficult an accurate assessment of one's of a creator, then, is to live in perpetual and because it evokes such ferven war--as- fundamental beliefs; in addition, fears fear of a wrathful, vengeful creator fig- sions on both sides of the issue, abortion often further mask their true source by ure who has the power and the will to stands as one of the key symbols of the latching onto entirely disparate beliefs. snuff out the lives of whose who dis- please Him. One feels tiny, frail, and Where is the respect for the "sanctity of while woman is the spiritual keeper of helpless, a mere insect under God's stern life" in attacking, berating, threatening, the world. Only a harmonious, respect- and unforgiving gaze -- and heel. While even assaulting those involved in the ful blend of these energies and perspec- Jesus' later teachings were meant to steer abortion procedure? The apparent tives results in a healthy, just, sane world. the race toward an image of a God of hypocrisy reveals that the "pro-life" camp So the pro-choice rallying cry of a love and forgiveness, conservative Chris- is motivated not by respect for life but woman's right to control her own body tians tend to cling to the Old Testament by fear, fear projected outward and is, in fact, one narrow slice of the deeper Jehovah as the model of their creator. symbolically enacted by a mother choos- emergence of the Goddess principle, a Consider the fetus. It is tiny, frail, ing to end a pregnancy. world-view which cherishes and upholds and helpless. It is utterly dependent on This explains the hysteria, the fury, everyone's freedom and dignity, not just its mother, forever at her mercy, the rigid, uncompromising stance, the those of the pregnant woman. The pro- incapable of independent action or free- willingness to suffer arrest and prison, to choice forces are the front-line soldiers ing itself from her omnipotent control. defy the authorities, to commit verbal in the larger struggle to restore western The mother-fetus relationship thus and physical violence: The "pro-life" culture to its neglected spiritual roots. symbolically represents the relationship forces are not battling for the lives of the between conservative Christian and unborn. They are battling for their own The Morality of Abortion: Jehovah. And because one hesitates to lives. When Does Human Life Begin? do battle against a wrathful and omni- potent God --- a prudent choice! -- the The Pro-Choice Camp: If all life is sacred, is abortion inner conflict is projected outward, onto The Goddess Emerges murder? Are embryos to be considered the world at large, onto the fetuses float- "pre-born children," as the "pro-life" ing in their heipless dependency. Here Although the pro-choice side of forces claim? At what point does a fetus the fundamentalist can finally do battle the abortion debate is not fueled by become "human"? When does a soul against the secretly despised creator sublimated fear as is the "pro-life" camp, attach itself to the growing fetus? figure. Here millennia of chafing under still the pro-choice advocacy of a Such questions can never be re- the creator's capricious omnipotence can "woman's right to control her body" is solved among the various political, scien- finally be rectified. but the surface expression of a deeper tific, and religious camps debating the undercurrent flowing beneath society. abortion issue, as there is no agreement We may refer to this ascendent system on fundamental beliefs and values. We ~ of values as the emerging "Goddess offer our perspective from the spiritual principle." dimension, where the process of a soul Most readers will already be linking with a human body is perhaps familiar with the Goddess concept, a more clearly understood. growing body of thought digging deep No life exists without conscious- into humanity's roots for evidence of a ness; indeed, consciousness precedes The act of abortion is an exqui- time when the feminine principles of corporal form. Without consciousness sitely precise enactment of the fun- inclusion, compassion, and harmony infusing a living being, it soon decays damentalist's greatest fear, that of being between the sexes governed human into a heap of inorganic elements. A snuffed out by a creator figure. The affairs. Yet this anthropological probing growing fetus can be sufficiently infused mother -- exercising her life-and-death is itself another expression of a still with consciousness by its mother that power -- chooses to terminate a preg- deeper shift occurring in the species's there is no necessity for a "soul," a dis- nancy and the fetus is destroyed during collective unconscious. tinct sprout of consciousness, to link with the abortion procedure. It is the fun Western culture has for millennia the child in utero. In fact, in some cases damentalist's horror: an omnipotent been dominated by the patriarchy prin- a soul does not link with a child until decision to end a life followed by an act ciple, a system ruled by predominantly after birth. "Crib death syndrome" is of lethal viGleace against a tiny and masculine values of competition, vio- frequently a result of a child born with- helpless being. Abortion thus becomes lence, and dominance. As this system out a soul having "claimed" it as the a gruesome drama scripted by the fun plays itself out, manifesting as a world vehicle for earthly exploration. damentalist's darkest nightmares. torn by war, poverty, and impending Given this understanding, as a As mentioned, fears often latch ecological catastrophe, the system's general rule a soul "links" with a fetus onto beliefs far removed from their spiritual barrenness becomes apparent. between the third and ninth month of genuine source. In this case, a fear born As humanity casts about for a fresh pregnancy. As the fetus grows and the of a belief in one's impotent helplessness philosophical framework to right its pregnancy takes on increasing impor- instead trumpets the "sanctity of life" as course, long-suppressed bodies of tance to the mother, her thoughts in- its basis. But beliefs fueled by fear thought percolate into awareness. The creasingly fill with plans and expectations always reveal themselves in the end by emerging interest in Goddess religions for the new life she carries. As a wo- hypocrisies and contradictions. and cultures reflects the deeper under- man's thoughts focus more intently on ~.-- Where is the respect for the "sanc- standing that western culture's core her growing child, her thought process tity of life" in forcing women to bring malaise results from its disregard for ripples to the level of consciousness unwanted babies to term? Where is the feminine spiritual principles. At base, where those souls eager for earthly life respect for the "sanctity of life" in further the difference between the sexes is this: can perceive and evaluate it. Based on crowding a grossly overpopulated planet? man is the material keeper of the world, the degree of congruence between a soul's life purpose and the expected between the declining old order and the set up in the prior three decades come to childhood experiences to be offered by a ascending new order. final debate and resolution. Either the particular mother, the match is made. Like a fire throwing off a few fmal new world-view is embraced, leading to For this reason, a woman who sparks before decaying to cold ash, a ecological and social restoration, or the becomes pregnant through accident or philosophy or world-view whose time has old order triumphs at the expense of a assault, who has no desire or means to passed will be infused with a fmal burst habitable planet and social cohesion. raise a child, and who therefore con- of energy as it grinds against its succes- The abortion debate plays an invaluable templates abortion, will radiate a starkly sor world-view. This process is apparent role in the process, standing as it does as different thought process regarding the in the Eighties, with the rise of the right a symbol for the deeper upheavals occur- fetus she carries. No soul seeking a wing in politics and religion. For all its ring in the collective unconscious. lifetime commitment to earth would link apparent strength, the right wing's with the fetus growing inside such a growth is best understood as the rise Abortion as a Social Crucible woman. The process is self-selecting, before the fall, a fmal hoisting of the flag then, and occurs on a level of conscious- and beating of the drums before sur- We have examined abortion from ness beyond the normal waking focus. rendering to the inevitable ascendence of several perspectives, all with an eye The question of when a fetus a new world-view, a new world order. toward unearthing the deeper societal becomes "human," and whether abortion This process takes place on levels currents flowing beneath the protest is therefore murder, simply reflects beyond human affairs as well, as the marches and stinging rhetoric. As men- ignorance of the process through which Eighties has witnessed evidence of tioned before, any social issue engender- souls link with their earthly bodies. appalling ecological developments, in- ing passionate emotion and fervent de- From the perspective of the soul level of cluding the hole in the polar ozone layer, bate derives its energy from the grinding consciousness, one can no more "murder" rain forest destruction, the unprecedent- schism between two opposing world- an unselected fetus than one can "mur- ed droughts, temperature extremes, and views, one ascending and one decaying. der" an inanimate object. Murder is the storms of uncommon frequency and Abortion is a rich metaphor for the deliberate destruction of life; and where severity. The Earth itself plays a part in emergence of the new order, for it no life infuses a tiny fetus, abortion the schism between old and new orders, weaves together questions of the mean- entails no violation. as it presents in starkest terms the choice ing and sanctity of life; social control between perpetuating the old order versus individual freedom; the Judea- The Old Order's Last Gasp approach to nature -- thus leading to Christian legacy of an omnipotent, ultimate ecological collapse --or embrac- wrathful God, hidden beneath the "pro- Abortion has been legal in Amer- ing the new order approach based on life" camp's hysteria; the emergence of ica since 1973. Why, then, have the anti- respect for nature's wisdom and sanctity. the "Goddess," a life-affirming, inclusive, abortion forces risen to prominence in Thus, the anti-abortion forces have compassionate spirituality; and it il- the Eighties, particularly the late Eight- risen to prominence in the Eighties, lumines the fractured philosophical ies? Why have the protests, blockades, particularly the late Eighties, as an ex- underpinning of western culture, as and harassment reached a fever pitch in pression of the impending fmal show- scientific, religious, and political world- the last few years? down between old and new orders. By views clash in antagonistic conflict over As mentioned earlier, social issues synthesizing old order religion --a Bible- these vital issues. fraught with passion and polemic are based belief in an omniscient, capricious As mountains rise inexorably from fueled by the friction between conflicting creator figure -- and old order conserva- the sea, so is humanity ever carried to world-views, one decaying, the other tive politics, the anti-abortion forces greater heights of spiritual understand- ascending. Each of the last three de- serve as advocates for the decaying ing. The clash between the old order cades has served as a phase in the three- world-view as it succumbs to the fresh and the new order is best viewed not as step process of cultural revolution. The vitality of the ascending new world order. a struggle between world-views of equal Sixties saw the initial burst of energy The Nineties will be experienced strength and validity, but as the furious infusing society with a fresh vision and as the "time of trial," when those conflicts dying assault of the decaying old order vitality, chipping away at the edifice of .. ····· ........................................................................................................................................................ white male patriarchy, manifesting as the ~····················· ~ Vietnam War protests, the civil rights SUBSCRIPTION FORM ' 1,, movement, rising environmental aware- ness, women's liberation, and revolution- The Alexander Journal ary leaps in art, music, and philosophy. P.O. Box 863 The Seventies was the decade of rest and Ojai, CA 93023 reflection, when the legacy of the Sixties was sifted through and evaluated, to Name --------------------------------------------------- retain what was truly of value and per- manence while discarding the excess and Address ----------------------------------------------~- harm of the Sixties' rougher edges. In the Eighties, society is once again infused City -----------------------State --------- ZIP ----------- with a fresh burst of energy, but this time its purpose is to set the stage, in clear Subscriptions are $10 per year (6 issues). and unmistakable terms, for the struggle Make checks payable to The Alexander Journal. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... railing against the emerging new order. have thoughts and emotions, for example, facility with language that determines the The rise of the right wing in general can but lacking the ability to squeeze thought verbal expression of the entity's material. best be understood as the deathbed into symbolic language, they express their In a sense, entities may "study" shudders of the dying old order, strug- thoughts through direct action. If you English or other host langaages, for as gling to its elbows for a few fmal blasts consider the times when "words failed" to there are great differences among human of reactionary protest before succumbing adequately express an emotion or ex- cultures, so are those differences reflect- to the ineluctable emergence of the new perience, you realize that words, lan- ed in their languages. Each culture order. guage, are but the symbolic coating on carries its fundamental world-view as the The abortion debate is a crucible an experience which exists in full vibran- foundation of its verbal and written in which this struggle takes place; it cy only on the preverbal level of con- expression. Some cultures offer deep, reduces the deeper process to a manage- sciousness. rich, varied expressions for emotional able, symbolic expression. The battle Given this understanding, it is no content, while others excel in highly over abortion is thus best viewed as one great leap to understand the process technical jargon. So an entity choosing strand of the greater social tapestry being through which nonphysical entities to speak through a particular host may woven as the old order's decaying thread "speak" through their human hosts. "study'' the basics of the host's language is replaced with the vibrant fiber of a cul- Behind every word of every human lan- for an understanding of the parameters ture living in harmony with nature's guage lies a preverbal "thought-form" of through which material will be delivered. principles. which the word is the symbolic expres- But, again, the specific words and sion. "Cat" in English and "gato" in phrases produced will be determined Spanish differ in their symbolic expres- solely on the host's side of the exchange. * * * * * * * sion, but the preverbal thought-form they represent remains identical. So an entity Readers' questions of general feeding a stream of thought through a interest are invited. human host need only link with the host's consciousness in a trance state; and as the host's consciousness accelerates and the entity's thought-forms decelerate, a link is made through which thought-form assumes the symbolic expression of the What is the process through which host's native language. a discarnate entity's thoughts find expres- No entity "speaks" in any human sion in English? Does the entity actually language. We offer our material in "speak" in English or does the channel nonverbal form, which is then translated choose the words? Do entities have to by the host's consciousness. As a result, . study the native language of their hosts? the precision and eloquence of a given entity are controlled by the linguistic Alexander: To understand how a fluency of the host. Writers frequently nonphysical consciousness expresses itself make excellent channels, for their love of in human language, first consider that the language ensures a smooth, accurate process is identical for all beings, wheth- translation of the material. By the same er in human form or ·not. That is, a token, channels whose command of thought exists first as a preverbal unit of language is not as strong may appear to consciousness, an amorphous swirl of give voice to entities needing a course in information. Human infants and animals remedial grammar. Again, it is the host's The Alexander Journal Bulk Mail P.O. Box 863 U.S. Postage Ojai, California 93023 PAID Permit No. 329 Ojai, California T h.e ALEXANDER JOURNAL No. Two March-April1990 & Gaia Bank Trust: Building a Natural Economy In the current euphoria over the weaving the fabric you perceive as a The third principle of nature's collapse of communism and the embrace bedrock world and universe. economy may seem more philosophical by some communist countries of "market Energy must be free to flow in its than physical at first: Every living being, socialism," meaning a move toward natural course. Consider the conse- plant or animal, is driven by the urge capitalist principles, few discern the quences of unnaturally blocking energy's toward self-fulfillment. Nothing simply deeper meaning of these events, or what free flow -- damming a river, repressing exists without purpose. The plant they might portend for the future of anger, arteriosclerosis -- and one finds a stretches toward the sun, the bird builds capitalist economies. Indeed, as the "negative" result accruing, a clue that its nest, the child paints and sings, all capitalist and communist frameworks are natural law has been violated. driven by the unconscious but unquench- both built upon western culture's divorce In nature's economy, free-flowing able urge to live, to grow, to find self- from the natural order, both must ulti- plant energy is the foundation of every fulfillment, each within the contours of mately fail. That communism has done healthy ecosystem. Plants use the sun's its creaturehood. Each being is born a so first demonstrates only that in prin- energy to grow leaves, roots, flowers, and bundle of potential, and spends its life ciple and practice it represents a far fruit, absorbing the sun's rays and trans- striving to express and fulfill that poten- deeper violation of natural law than muting its energy into the eternal cycle tial as broadly and grandly as it can. capitalism. Let us examine in detail the of birth, growth, and release. Upon While often reduced by western scientists principles of nature's economy -- mean- release of physical form, a plant's stored to "instincts" like self-preservation and ing the precepts by which nature creates energy is freed, eaten by animals or the avoidance of pain, every being is and handles energy, her "capital" -- and returning to the earth during decay. The driven first and foremost by the urge contrast them with the principles of sun's energy is never frozen into place toward self-fulfillment, the realization of western culture's two main economic during the plant's life cycle, never locked its divine potential. expressions, capitalism and communism. away unavailable for use by the plant or A corollary of this principle is that others. The sun's warm spark fuels a the highest harmony results when each The Principles of perpetual, free-flowing dance of energy. being is free to pursue its private self- Nature's Economy The second principle of nature's fulfillment without interference or economy is this: Nature always seeks control by others. You may marvel at While energy and consciousness balance. While nature may abhor a the wondrous interwoven web of life in infuse every element of creation, from vacuum, she also cares little for im- a given ecosystem, from a desert to an the electron's dance to the whirl of balance. Nature creates a bedrock arctic plain to the ocean's depths, but no galaxies, for this discussion we will foundation of balance upon which all the creature within these systems gives a consider that the fundamental source of astonishing diversity of creation depends. moment's thought to sustaining the larger life energy for your world is that created Harmony ensues when all elements of a scheme in which it plays a part, and no by plants during photosynthesis. This system are functioning smoothly, within overseer dictates how each shall live. energy is the basic building block of the their natural ranges of activity, with no The harmony arises spontaneously, food chain, upon which all living beings one element so out of balance as to seemingly miraculously, from each crea- depend. As plant energy is the elemental violate the smooth performance of the ture's pursuit of its own self-fulfillment. thread of the web of life, it is the "capi- whole. The last law of nature's economy tal" of nature's economy. With this When you open the door of a we will consider here is this: Nature understanding, we can explore the prin- warm house on a cold day, the tempera- knows no surplus. The plant uses the ciples which govern the natural economy. tures balance, leaving a lukewarm house. sun's energy for growth and producing The first principle, while valid at When you mix red and yellow dyes, they seed; it does not generate more chloro- the level of plants, is even more apparent balance, into orange. When the earth's phyll than it can use. Each creature at the subatomic level: Energy is in plates grind against each other, the arises every morning needing to find its constant motion. Modern physics has building pressure balances, into an earth- food anew; nature's creatures own no cast aside the notion of a bedrock world quake. At every level of existence, from silos. Hibernating creatures build up fat of granular building blocks coalescing the electron exchange of chemical reac- to sustain them through the long winter, into structures of ever greater size. tions, to the homeostasis sustaining and squirrels bury their winter's cache, Instead, the physical system is seen as mammalian form, to the imponderable but neither builds surplus beyond what fields of pulsating activity, waves and sweep of the galaxies, nature always it needs to survive until spring, when particles dancing in perpetual motion, seeks balance. daily foraging must resume. If energy must remain in constant and a linear perspective, let us examine look deeper and ask why anyone would motion, then surplus is a violation, for it how these values lay the foundation on want to accumulate such vast holdings, represents energy extracted from the which western economics is built. why anyone would live with the acquisi- perpetual dance, held apart from the First, what is money? At base, tion of property as one's central life ceaseless recycling of the natural world. human capital is identical to nature's purpose. No creature living in harmony with capital: plant energy. As humanity We must look to the spiritual life nature hoards more than it reasonably progressed from nomadic tribes to agri- of western culture, or what remains of needs to survive; for every creature lives culture, the entire tribe was no longer it. Unlike native cultures, which recog- with a deep, unconscious faith and trust required to hunt and prepare food; those nize the spirituality of all creation, in nature's beneficence. tending the crops could produce more western culture drained the natural world than they needed, thus freeing some to of spiritual content when it dispensed The Principles of engage in other labor. Currency arose as with the gods of Greek and Roman Western Culture "symbolic food," which could be ex- mythology and installed one omniscient changed for real food as needed. God high in the heavens, standing apart Before focusing specifically on Farmers grew more food than their from His creation as a sculptor regards western culture's economic systems, let families needed, freeing the town's other his clay. Believing in an omniscient, all- us take a broader look at the basic specialists -- blacksmith, priest, mayor, powerful creator fosters a sense of child- principles underlying all of western doctor --to pursue their work, be paid in ish impotence; worse, the earth is no culture. For all realms of thought and currency (symbolic food), and exchange longer regarded as .host to innumerable activity -- whether science, religion, the currency with the farmer for the real swarms of consciousness, manifesting in politics, or economics -- are built upon thing. sky and water and tree, but is seen as a the foundation of western culture's core The same process holds true cold, indifferent bed of rock upon which values, as a myriad of houses could be today: you work a job, are paid in cur- one lives under the unblinking gaze of a built upon a given foundation. rency, and exchange that currency for capricious creator. More, the individual The overarching value driving food. That there is money left over for no longer feels the flow of spirituality western · culture is that humanity is other necessities and luxuries does not through himself and all creation, but separated, even divorced, from nature. invalidate the principle that money is stands meaningless and empty without Western culture views itself as having symbolic food; every groaning empty validation from above. stepped outside of the natural world and belly echoes this principle's truth. At In addition, as traditional religion its guiding principles, and is freed from base, then, both natural and human has lost its grasp and given way to the conducting itself in accordance with economies are built on the same founda- ascendence of reason and science, many nature's plan. This core value permeates tion: "capital" is symbolic food, stored are left with no spiritual life whatsoever. every aspect of western culture. plant energy. This total divorce from spiritual truth Another core value of western The basis of capitalism is private triggers a quiet terror, an existential culture, through which it filters experi- property, but does nature know private insecurity, in the face of a random exis- ence, is the linear perspective. Nature property? It is true that almost all tence without design or purpose and the works in cycles, spheres, loops, feedback, creatures create private inviolate spheres belief in physical death as the cessation and balance. Western culture thinks and of control, often known as nests, which of consciousness. works in straight lines, right angles, serve as a home base offering security The intrinsic urge toward self- boxes, and exponential growth. As an from the elements and predators and a fulfillment, toward realization of one's example, consider the housing created by nursery for the young. Most creatures highest potential, is blunted from healthy cultures living in harmony with nature -- will defend their spheres of control expression -- fulfilling oneself in the the Eskimo's igloo, the Native Ameri- vehemently, often violently, sometimes to security of a world pulsing with spiritu- can's tepee, the African tribe's thatched the death. It seems, then, that nature's ality immanent in all things -- and is hut -- all are built in a rounded or slop- design includes the notion of private perverted into two extremes: the relin- ing shape, mimicking nature's spherical property to the extent of providing each quishing of all worldly possessions in the pattern, and allowing the free circulation creature a safe haven, which others may of heat and air. Western culture, by violate only at their peril. contrast, lives in boxes with flat planes While no one begrudges a human The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly, publishes material received from Alexander, and right angles, in which dead air and family its safe warm home, the massive a discarnate consciousness who channels heat are trapped in the corners. Western accumulation of property far beyond through Ram6n Stevens. culture's linear perspective developed need or reason grinds against the con- The Journal's purpose is to offer a spiritual perspective on the issues facing our from its divorce from nature and her science. Recognizing the violation of society in the transition between old and principles, resulting in structures -- moral law which allows some to accumu- new orders; to educate and encourage us in physical, theoretical, economic -- which late vast wealth while others starve, creating our reality; to inform, enlighten, violate natural law. capitalist countries evolve governmental and inspire. Subscriptions are $10 per year (six issues). structures and laws which seek to redis- Address correspondence to P.O. Box 863, The Principles of tribute, through taxation and social Ojai, California 93024. Human Economy programs, the excess property holdings of Alexander's first book, Whatever the rich. While the impulse is noble and Happened to Divine Grace?, is available at your bookstore or directly from Stillpoint Understanding the core values of in harmony with nature's guiding prin- Publishing at (800) 847-4014. western culture as divorce from nature ciple of balancing extremes, we must I The Alexander Journal March-April 1990 Page 2 hope of currying favor with the creator, pulating the economy with takeovers and property sometimes allowed in commu- as in taking a vow of poverty; or the junk bonds. If the root source of nist regimes. A privately owned plot of frantic accumulation of property and imbalance is not faced and resolved, the land is miraculously four times more possessions as the only standard of self- extremes become more extreme until the productive than a state-owned plot next worth in a world without meaning. system collapses. to it. Does privately owned soil carry It is noteworthy that the two Finally, capitalism is fueled by the more nutrients, and receive favorable superpowers, one a bastion of capitalism, goal of perpetual growth. This fixation treatment from sun and rain? The the other of communism, explicitly with linear economic growth violates difference lies in the consciousness of the divorce economic and political life from nature's principle of working in cycles, fanner tending such plots; when his urge spiritual life. The American Constitution feedback, loops. Since western culture's toward self-fulfillment is granted free decrees the separation of church from economy is built on the two pillars of play, he naturally works harder and with state, while the Soviet Union bans relig- consumerism and war, and since both more care to produce a bountiful crop. ious practice altogether. This cements in pillars require the destruction of natural As many have noted, communism the very foundation of modern economic resources, the goal of perpetually ex- seems so ideal in principle, and always life the absolute divorce of spiritual truth panding such an economy is ultimately manifests so wretchedly in practice. from economic practice. suicidal. The outcome of such a system Indeed, the ideal communist state -- is not only collapse of the economy, but where everyone's needs are met and all The Principles of Capitalism of the global ecosystem as well. work in harmony for the common good-- While capitalism is in harmony is precisely how nature works. But Capitalism does embrace nature's with nature's fundamental urge toward because western culture is fundamentally fundamental law that every being must self-fulfillment, the spiritual barrenness divorced from nature, no structure built be free to pursue its self-fulfillment of western culture leads its capitalist upon this violative foundation can without interference or restriction. By economies to violate virtually every other operate in harmony with natural law. allowing each person to accumulate natural law. As we have seen, such a Communism, arising as a reaction against wealth in his name and for his benefit, system cannot be sustained indefinitely capitalism's violations, is itself an even capitalism upholds this fundamental law. and must ultimately collapse. greater violation. As a result, it is The problem arises when, because of the doomed to collapse sooner and with a spiritual emptiness of western culture, The Principles of Communism greater crash than capitalism -- as recent the accumulation of wealth becomes the events have borne out. sole standard of meaning, leading to Communism arose as a protest violation of other natural principles. against the horrific injustice of capitalism The Natural Human Economy First, each person is free to accu- as practiced in the nineteenth century, mulate far more than he could ever the extreme poles of rich and poor, the If capitalism and communism, the spend, in one lifetime or ten. This atrocious working conditions and hours, two main economic structures of western violates nature's principle of holding no the enslavement of children, the abject culture, must ultimately fail, then what surplus, of gathering one's "capital" on a disregard for the human dignity of will replace them? How would an eco- daily basis, in the faith and trust that workers. Despite its noble intentions, in nomic system in harmony with nature's nature's beneficence will replenish its formulation communism violates the principles be shaped? tomorrow what is used today. one natural law capitalism embraces, that Before we examine the details of Allowing unfettered accumulation of allowing unfettered effort toward self- such an economy, we must look to the leads to violation of another law of fulfillment, perverted as that may be into very root of western culture's crisis: nature's economy, that of balance. material accumulation. Rather than western culture has no genuine spiritual Whereas nature brings extremes back allowing each person the hope and life. A spiritual system originating mil- toward the center, pure capitalism results opportunity to earn and keep the fruits lennia ago in a distant time and place, in the opposite: a polarity of rich and of his labors, communism absorbs all now frozen into fossilized ritual and poor, the rich owning the means of effort into one centralized structure -- dogma, carries no vibrancy or power to production and feeding off the labor of the state -- which takes it upon itself to speak to Space Age culture. It takes the the poor. In this century, the moral distribute the nation's wealth as it deems threat of global extinction, of ecocide, to outrage over such a system led to proper. force modern culture to recognize funda- demands for governmental action to right While communism may seem to be mental truth: the human species holds no the balance; most western economies are built upon nature's principle of balance, "dominion" over the earth, but is now a mix of free enterprise and govern- it violates the even deeper principle of inextricably interwoven with all other ment programs redistributing wealth and freedom of self-fulfillment. Further, it species in the web of life. creating "balance," a middle class, soften- achieves its "balance" through the forced This spiritual revolution will heal ing the rough edges of the rich-poor participation of all workers sacrificing western culture's most gaping wound: its polarity. Because such governmental their labor for the "common good." existential insecurity in the face of a programs, however well-intentioned, do Because sacrifice in nature is always capricious creator, or of meaningless not address the fundamental source of voluntary and limited to one's immediate existence in an empty void. Once each the imbalance, they are ultimately inef- circle, communism's forced sacrifice person feels within himself the pulsing fective in healing the economy; witness violates natural law. spiritual warmth infusing all of creation, the rise of the homeless concurrent with Nowhere is this more apparent the need for external, material standards the extraordinary wealth of those mani- than in the limited allowances of private of self-worth will fade. Gone will be the I The Alexander Journal March-April 1990 Page 3 frantic accumulation of wealth and chase the right to own and destroy the sustaining the young and old. While property as the sole expression of the earth's skin with impunity. Ascending government now provides such security, urge toward self-fulfillment. In its place above "property rights" will be "moral its future shrinkage will return the will come a calm and inviolate security laws" which dictate the use of land. The responsibility to its proper place, the born of one's innate divinity and intrinsic total acreage one person may own will cornrn unity. worth in a universe suffused with shrink to what is reasonably required for Finally, an economy in harmony meaning. one's horne and garden; the rest will be with natural law will operate in recog- Building upon such a sturdy common land for the benefit of all. Such nition of nature's cyclicity, rather than in spiritual foundation, a healthy human a trend is evident in the "land trust" pursuit of perpetual growth. Natural economy will naturally evolve in harmony movement, where ownership of land is resources will be utilized only at the rate with nature's principles. The most held by the community, and only dwell- that nature can replace them. This profound change will be in the approach ings are privately held. The right to alter means a simpler, less materialistic life- to capital and private property. Capital-- land or build upon it will take into style. It means a reduction in the human ownership of the means of production -- account the larger biotic community, as population, as the current numbers far and private property--purchased "rights" the impact of change on the greater eco- exceed the earth's capacity to sustain to control land -- will undergo radical system must be considered. Plants and them. It means knowing the source of reformation. animals will be understood to have what one buys, that no violation has been The sharp demarcation between "rights" to seek self-fulfillment in their committed in a product's creation. It owners and workers which now marks natural homes, undisturbed by man; as of means recycling every possible scrap. It capitalist economies will evolve toward now, only "endangered" species are means caring for one's body, with food greater worker participation and owner- granted this respect, and only marginally. and shelter, as the vehicle of conscious- ship. In harmony with nature's urge Beneath these changes in the ness, while recognizing that the only toward self-fulfillment, workers will enjoy approach to private property will be the worthy life is one spent in growth and the fruits of their labors in proportion to recognition that no one can "own" the experience which elevate the spirit and the overall health of an enterprise, rather earth; it is given, freely and without deed endure beyond release of physical form. than receiving a given wage regardless or mortgage, to all species as a divine Such an economic revolution is but of profit. Already this trend is seen as crucible for growth and exploration. one facet of the larger spiritual revolu- workers demand "profit sharing" pay- "Property rights" will be subordinated to tion now swelling beneath the crumbling ments. As this trend continues, a more higher moral law. foundations of western culture. No one holistic approach to business will emerge All other principles of the natural will impose such a new economic order; in which workers and management view economy will find expression in human it will arise naturally, organically, from a themselves as interconnected and mutu- economy as well. The principle of bal- people restored to their natural and ally dependent parts of the whole, and ance means an end to extremes of wealth spiritual origins. When each person feels therefore equally sharing in an enter- and poverty. The restoration of balance the innate divinity pulsing within, senses prise's profit or loss. Another aspect of of wealth cannot be accomplished the interconnection with all of life, and this trend is the rise of worker-owned through force -- a violation -- but lives consciously in harmony with natural businesses, where the "owner" class has through each person's taking care of his law, then all cultural expressions -- been eliminated. These are the first reasonable needs, with perhaps a mone- politics, religion, economics -- will natu- steps toward the evolution of the owner- tary equivalent of the squirrel's cache in rally be transformed. Such is the new ship of capital. the bank, and no more. Such an economic order, the New Age, toward More fundamental will be change approach to personal wealth will evolve which you are headed. in thinking about private property. Only in step with the restoration of community a culture divorced from nature could as the basic unit of human culture, as The Questions & Answers column devise a system in which one can pur- those of working age contribute to will resume with the next issue. The Alexander Journal Bulk Mail P.O. Box 863 U.S. Postage Ojai, California 93024 PAID Permit No. 329 Ojai, California No. Three May-June 1990 UFOs and Alien Encounters: Invasion or Fantasy? The success\ of several recent books Your earth is now at the most one aligns oneself with that earth not detailing alleged encounters with UFOs crucial danger point of its history, for only by choosing parents who are already and their alien occupants testifies to our you hold in your power both the capacity upon it, but by configuring one's intrinsic eternal fascination with the question of to destroy yourselves with nuclear death core energy to align with the axis of that life beyond our planet. Yet the paradox and to make the planet unlivable through probable earth. Thus, you share the remains: For all the reported increase in enV:.ronmental degradation. However physical space of your planet with an sightings, encounters, and abductions, large the problems of the past, never has infinite variety of probable earths, while scant physical evidence remains to the planet as a whole faced such dire under ordinary circumstances never convince the skeptic requiring hard peril, literally threatening to unravel becoming aware of the other versions proof of alien visitation. nature's meticulously interwoven web of which occupy the same space. You are Moving beyond the debate as cur- life. tuned ·to a very narrow band or fre- rently framed, Alexander offers a per- Flipping this situation over, examin- quency and all else is lost to you, just as spective which confinns the essential ing the positive side, never have you held many radio or television programs are validity of the "visitor" experience - in such opportunity to correct your course, broadcast simultaneously, but you can certain tenns - while affinning that we to do so en masse, as a unified people tune into only one frequency, one pro- are not the prey of alien hordes descend- and race. For ecological catastrophe gram, at a time. ing en masse to probe and tenify us. respects no boundaries; neither does When a probable earth such as yours Indeed, the ultimate significance of the radiation. You will face up to these sends up a universal cry for guidance, in phenomenon may not lie in resolving the problems as a species, united, or will a sense you weaken, or make more debate over its literal validity, but in the perish in the detritus of your common permeable, the normally rigid barrier life-changing, even mystical experience of ignorance. Because the times are so between probable earths. While you those whose lives are shattered by "alien" dire, the consequences so frightful, there normally rest safe and sound in the encounters. is a deep unconscious cry sent out by illusory bed of your reality, times of peril your species to the spiritual realm, plead- and danger can weaken the membrane * * * * * ing for guidance. While there is always between probable earths as you seek to an unconscious flow between spiritual draw in alternate frequencies other than The "visitor" phenomenon is the and human realms, in times of great peril the one on which you and your planet latest version of a process which has the human species sends up shoots of operate. accompanied the human species through- urgency as it seeks to forge a new world- There are probable earths on which out its history. The current manifesta- view and thus avert catastrophe. the human species never deviated from tion stands unique, however, because it Now, in terms most difficult to living in harmony with nature's prin- is inextricably linked to the global crisis explain, you share the physical space of ciples. There are probable earths now looming before you. The phenome- your planet with many different "versions" reduced to radioactive cinder. As you non is in fact the result of several factors, of the planet's history. All time is simul- stand at the brink of catastrophe, your which we shall explore one at a time. taneous. All probable and parallel earths need for information and guidance is so First is the partnership between the exist at the same time, in the same space. great that you weaken the normally human species and its spiritual source. You are prevented from conscious impermeable barrier between probable Communication between the spiritual awareness of other probable earths earths to perceive how other civilizations realm and the human species has guided because each probable earth carries a have handled similar problems and your race from time immemorial; and in distinct vibrational frequency at its core, challenges, to learn from them quickly, those early days, was consciously under- at its axis. Each individual also carries a rather than through your own trial and stood and accepted as an essential and unique vibrational frequency carried error, as you normally would. intrinsic part of the human experience. within the spine, which "locks" one into When the normally rigid barrier In the millennia since, human cultures experiencing life on a particular probable between probable realities is weakened, have constructed pantheons of gods, earth. A soul seeking rebirth will search it is possible that those in other realities demons, angels, cherubs, and fairies as out the probable earth, the time period, may take advantage of this in order to symbols of the basic reality that you are the inherent challenges of the era and so expand their field of knowledge, just as never alone, never cast adrift in an empty forth, most in harmony with the soul's you seek to expand your field of know- universe, but are forever cushioned and desired experience and growth. Once the ledge by drawing upon the experiences of guided by the spiritual realm. selection of a probable earth is made, others. Just as you might be curious about the evolutionary progress on other In deepest terms, the intruders are Let us broaden our discussion to realities radically different from your psychological beings who would best be some of the other physical effects beyond own, so it stands to reason that beings interpreted as bodies of light, amorphous bodily effects: the sighting of lights in the from other realities would find you of and vaporous. Yet your brain is not sky, space ships, unusual lights and noises interest. This does not mean you are at innately equipped to make this inter- in the home, and so on. their mercy. It means that if you make pretation, for it senses also the great There are ·essentially three levels of the choice, on levels unconscious, you intelligence and curiosity of these beings. energy density on your level of aware- may be open to visitations. Unable to create the hallucination of an ness: thought, event and object. In basic Everything you physically perceive intelligent, curious cloud of vapor, the terms, everything of which you are is simply the result of electromagnetic brain must stfUWe to render the image aware -- from your briefest thought to waves being interpreted in highly specific in more palatable, traditional terms. It the tallest mountain -- is composed of and unique fashion by your senses. Your does so by forcing a hallucination of as grids of electromagnetic energy. The eyes see along a narrow band of vibra- humanoid an appearance as possible, density of these grids determines whether tion; your ears hear along another band granting them limbs and eyes and so they are experienced as thought, event or of vibration. Other species do not inter- forth. object. pret physical reality as you do; some have You see now why these beings don't As we have said, the experiences of far broader ranges of perception, some leave evidence of windows and doors those receiving "visitors" are psychologi- can perceive what is invisible or silent to ajar, or other forced entry. They are not cal events, interpreted by the brain as you. So all physically experienced pheno- physical beings. They are psychological physical events. As these psychological mena are your unique interpretations of entities, interpreted by the brain within beings from probable realities approach essentially nonphysical energy. You see the limitations of its design. your system, they must intert'.vi.ne their one version of a given reality, while The experiences some have of being unique axis energy with that of your others with different visual perceptive transported, of fmdingthemselves aboard planet, in a sense creating a hybrid mechanisms would see something entire- space ships and so on, are again psycho- energy, a bridge, across which they can ly different, and both would be equally logical events interpreted in physical travel. There will be blending, mixtures valid. You are always interpreting when fashion. The visitors are interested in of energy and intent as the desire to you experience the physical world, not probing the human psyche, for it contains cross the threshold intensifies. Again, perceiving a bedrock reality. all knowledge of the condition, evolution human eyes may interpret these amor- Given that, the visual and aural and history of your planet. There is no phous grids of energy and intent along experiences of those receiving "visitors" need to rend the body asunder to fmd physical lines: as lights, space ships and will be their interpretation of essentially this information; it is all contained within so forth. Frequently an individual receiv- nonphysical material. Visitations are not the psyche, invisible to you. Again, any ing "visitors" will become aware of such intrusions of actual physical beings but such experience of having one's psyche manifestations, whether as lights in the psychological intrusions, interpreted by probed and examined will be interpreted house or a craft in the sky, because that your senses as physical manifestations. in physical terms because there is no individual has agreed -- on levels uncon- The "beings" seen and heard are psycho- other way for the brain to render a scious -- to participate in the event. logical projections from probable earths, satisfactory explanation to itself of what These sightings are the first indications oozing through the now-permeable occurred. You cannot wake up and say, or portents, then, that a probable reality barrier betwet ..1 probable realities. "I had my psyche probed last night." is oozing through the membrane into Because you automatically assume, or You do not know where your psyche is, yours. Those who have chosen to par- your brain is conditioned to assume, that if you acknowledge having one at all, and ticipate will find themselves aware of the highest form of life is man, you will there is literally no way for your brain, as such phenomena precisely because they automatically imbue such creatures with it has evolved in your framework, to are precognitively aware of the impend- humanoid characteristics such as arms, absorb and express the event. It must be ing visitation. Again, the brain struwes legs, heads, etc. And yet the psycho- interpreted along the lines of its training to make physical sense of a psychological logical structures involved are so radically and structure, rendering a psychological and impossibly different from your own event as a physical event. that the brain cannot fully mask them as The body is a reflection of the human, cannot hallucinate these beings psyche. It is the physical version of the The Alexander Journal, issued bimonthly, publishes material received from Alexander, into appearing completely human. The psyche you carry with you from birth to a discarnate consciousness who channels brain goes as far as it can in interpreting death. If your psyche is probed in un- through Ram6n Stevens. these beings along the lines of its familiar, uncomfortable ways, it stands The Journal's purpose is to offer a neuronal structures, but at some point to reason there may well be a physical spiritual perspective on the issues facing our society in the transition between old and this breaks down, for these are indeed aftereffect, for the body faithfully reflects new orders; to educate and encourage us in beings -- psychological beings -- so the condition of the psyche. Scars, creating our reality; to inform, enlighten, utterly foreign to your experience that residual feelings of pain and so on, are and inspire. the brain is unequipped to experience pulsations from the psyche, expressions Subscriptions are $10 per year (six issues). Address correspondence to P.O. Box 863, them in their true form. As in a dream, ·of the unfamiliar intrusion. Ojai, California 93024. - -- the brain squashes essentially nonphysical Alexander's first book, Whatever material down into symbol as a way of Happened to Divine Grace?, is available at • • • your bookstore or through the Journal at making it palatable, or understandable, $14.95 plus $3.00 postage and handling. to the everyday waking consciousness. I 2l The Alexander Journal May-June 1990 Page

ascendent world-view struggles to rise and because it evokes such ferven war--as- sions on tional fears are the outer coatings on ing itself from her omnipotent control. consciousness in a trance state; and as .. This total divorce from spiritual truth . government now provides such security,.
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