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The Abelian sandpile model on an infinite tree Citation for published version (APA): Maes, C., Redig, F. H. J., & Saada, E. (2002). The Abelian sandpile model on an infinite tree. The Annals of Probability, 30(4), 2081-2107. https://doi.org/10.1214/aop/1039548382 DOI: 10.1214/aop/1039548382 Document status and date: Published: 01/01/2002 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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Markovprocessesforspatiallyextendedsystemshavebeen around for about 30 years now and interacting particle systems have become a branch of probability theory with an increasing number of connections with the natural and human sciences. While standard techniques and general results have been collected in a number of books such as Liggett (1985), Chen (1992) and Toom (1990) and are capable of treating the infinite volume construction for stochastic systems with locally interacting components, some of the most elementary questions for long range and nonlocal dynamics have remained wide open. We have in mind the class of stochastic interacting systems that during the last decade have invaded the soft condensed matter literature and are sometimes placedunderthecommondenominatorofself-organizingsystems. SincetheappearanceofBak,TangandWiesenfeld(1988),theconceptofself- organized criticality (SOC) has excited much interest, and has been applied in a great variety of domains [see, e.g., Turcotte (1999) for an overview]. From the mathematical point of view, the situation is, however, quite unsatisfactory. The models exhibiting SOC are in general very boundary condition dependent [especially the Bak–Tang–Wiesenfeld (BTW) model in dimension 2], which suggests that the definition of an infinite volume dynamics poses a serious problem. Even the existence of a (unique) thermodynamic limit of the finite volume stationary measure is not clear. From the point of view of interacting particle systems no standard theorems are at our disposal. The infinite volume processes we are looking for will be non-Feller and cannot be constructed by monotonicity arguments as in the case of the one-dimensional BTW model [see Maes,Redig,SaadaandVanMoffaert(2000)]orthelong-rangeexclusionprocess [seeLiggett(1980)].Ontheotherhand,tomakemathematicallyexactstatements about SOC, it is necessary to have some kind of infinite volume limit, both for staticsandfordynamics. InthispaperwecontinueourstudyoftheBTWmodelforthecaseoftheBethe lattice;thisistheAbeliansandpilemodelonaninfinitetree.Forthissystem,many ReceivedDecember2000;revisedFebruary2002. AMS2000subjectclassifications.Primary82C22;secondary60K35. Keywordsandphrases.Sandpile dynamics, nonlocal interactions, interacting particle systems, thermodynamiclimit. 2081 2082 C.MAES,F.REDIGANDE.SAADA exact results were obtained in [Dhar and Majumdar (1990)]. In contrast to the one-dimensional case this system has a nontrivial stationary measure. We show here that the finite volume stationary measures converge to a unique measure µ which is not Dirac and exhibits all the properties of a SOC state. We then turn to the construction of a stationary Markov process starting from this measure µ. The main difficulty to overcomeis the strong nonlocality:addinga grain atsome lattice site x caninfluencetheconfigurationfarfrom x.In facttheclusterofsites influencedbyaddingatsomefixedsitehastobethoughtofasacriticalpercolation cluster which is almost surely finite but not of integrable size. The process we constructis intuitively describedas follows:ateachsite x of the Bethelattice we have an exponential clock which rings at rate ϕ(x). At the ringing of the clock weaddagrainatx.Dependingontheadditionrate ϕ(x),weshowexistenceofa stationary Markov processwhich correspondsto this description. We also extend (cid:1) thisstationarydynamicstoinitialconfigurationswhicharetypicalforameasureµ thatisstochasticallybelowµ. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce standard results onfinitevolumeAbeliansandpilemodelsandsummarizesomespecificresultsof [Dhar and Majumdar (1990)] for the Bethe lattice which we need for the infinite volume construction. In Section 3 we present the results on the thermodynamic limit of the finite volume stationary measures and on the existence of infinite volume Markovian dynamics. Section 4 is devoted to proofs and contains some additionalremarks. 2. Finite volume Abelian sandpiles. In this section we collect some results on Abelian sandpiles on finite graphs which we will need later on. Most of these results are contained in the review paper by Dhar (1999) or in Ivashkevich and Priezzhev(1998). 2.1. Toppling matrix. Let V denote a finite set of sites. We will always supposethatV is anearestneighborconnectedsubsetofZd orofT ,theinfinite d homogeneoustreeofdegreed+1.StartingfromSection3,wespecifytothetree. A matrix (cid:8)=((cid:8)x,y)x,y∈V indexed by the elements of V is called a toppling matrixifthefollowinghold: 1. forallx,y∈V,x(cid:5)=y,(cid:8) =(cid:8) ≤0; x,y y,x 2. forallx∈V,(cid:8) ≥1; (cid:1)x,x 3. f(cid:1)orallx∈V, y∈V (cid:8)x,y ≥0; 4. x,y∈V (cid:8)x,y >0. The fourth condition ensures that there are sites (so-called dissipative sites) for whichtheinequalityinthethirdconditionisstrict.Thisisfundamentalforhaving awell-definedtopplingrulelateron. ABELIANSANDPILEMODEL 2083 StartingfromSection3ofthispaperwewillchoose(cid:8)tobethelatticeLaplacian withopenboundaryconditions.Moreexplicitly, (cid:2) 2d, ifV ⊂Zd, (cid:8) = x,x d+1, ifV ⊂T , d (1) (cid:8) =−1 ifx andy arenearestneighbors. x,y ThedissipativesitesthencorrespondtotheboundarysitesofV.Theresultsonthe finite volume Abelian sandpile in this section remain valid for a generaltoppling matrix(cid:8). 2.2. Configurations. A height configuration η is a mapping from V to N= {1,2,...} assigning to each site a natural number η(x)≥1 (“the number of sand grains” at site x). A configuration η ∈ NV is called stable if, for all x ∈ V, η(x)≤(cid:8) .Otherwiseηisunstable.Wedenoteby(cid:14) thesetofallstableheight x,x V configurations.Forη∈NV andV(cid:1)⊂V,ηV(cid:1) denotestherestrictionofη toV(cid:1). 2.3. Toppling rule. The toppling of a site x corresponding to the toppling matrix(cid:8)isthemapping T :NV ×V →NV x definedby (cid:2) η(y)−(cid:8) , ifη(x)>(cid:8) , (2) T (η)(y)= x,y x,x x η(y), otherwise. In words, site x topples if and only if its height is strictly larger than (cid:8) , by x,x transferring −(cid:8) grains to site y (cid:5)=x and losing (cid:8) grains. Toppling rules x,y x,x commute on unstable configurations. This means, for x,z ∈ V and η such that η(x)>(cid:8) andη(z)>(cid:8) , x,x z,z (3) T T (η)=T T (η). x z z x For η ∈NV, we say that ζ ∈(cid:14) arises from η by toppling if there exists an V n-tuple(x ,...,x )ofsitesinV suchthat 1 n (cid:3) (cid:5) (cid:4)n (4) ζ = T (η). xi i=1 Thetopplingtransformationisthemapping T :NV →(cid:14) V defined by the requirement that T (η) arises from η by toppling. The fact that stabilization of an unstable configuration is always possible follows from the existence of dissipative sites (only a finite number of sites have to be toppled a 2084 C.MAES,F.REDIGANDE.SAADA finitenumberoftimes).ThusonlythefactthatT iswelldefinedislesstrivial:one hastoproveherethatforagivenunstableconfigurationeverypossiblestabilization makesthesamesitestopplethesamenumberoftimes.Moreover,by(3)theorder of the T in the product (4) is not important. A complete proof can be found in xi Meester(2002). 2.4. Addition operators. For η∈NV and x ∈V, let ηx denote the configura- tion obtained from η by adding one grain to site x, that is, ηx(y)=η(y)+δ . x,y Theadditionoperatordefinedby (5) a :(cid:14) →(cid:14) , η(cid:14)→a η=T (ηx) x V V x represents the effect of adding a grain to the stable configuration η and letting a stableconfigurationarisebytoppling.BecauseT iswelldefined,thecomposition ofadditionoperatorsiscommutative:forallη∈(cid:14) , x,y∈V, V a (a η)=a (a η). x y y x 2.5. Finite volume dynamics. Let p denote a nondegenerate probability (cid:1) measure on V, that is, numbers px, 0<px <1, with x∈V px =1. We define a discretetimeMarkovchain{η :n≥0}on(cid:14) bypickingapointx ∈V according n V to p at each discrete time step and applying the addition operator a to the x configuration.ThisMarkovchainhasthetransitionoperator (cid:6) (6) Pf(η)= p f(a η). x x x∈V We can equally define a continuous time Markov process {η :t ≥ 0} with t infinitesimalgenerator (cid:6) (7) Lϕf(η)= ϕ(x)[f(a η)−f(η)], x x∈V generatingapurejumpprocesson(cid:14) ,withadditionrateϕ(x)>0atsitex. V 2.6. Recurrent configurations, stationary measure. We see here that the Markov chain {η ,n≥0} has only one recurrent class and its stationary measure n istheuniformmeasureonthatclass. LetuscallR thesetofrecurrentconfigurationsfor{η :n≥0},thatis,those V n for which P (η =η infinitelyoften)=1, where P denotes the distribution of η n η {η :n≥0} starting from η =η∈(cid:14) . In the following propositionwe list some n 0 V properties of R . For the sake of completeness we include the proof which can V alsobefoundinMeester(2002). PROPOSITION 2.1. (i) RV containsonlyonerecurrentclass. (ii) The addition operators a generate an Abelian group G of permutations x ofR . V ABELIANSANDPILEMODEL 2085 (iii) ThegroupGactstransitivelyonR .Inparticular|G|=|R |. V V (iv) |R |=det(cid:8). V PROOF. (i) Wewrite η(cid:29)→ζ ifintheMarkovchainζ canbereachedfromη withpositiveprobability.Sincesandisaddedwithpositiveprobabilityonallsites (p >0),themaximalconfigurationη definedby x max η (x)=(cid:8) max x,x can be reached from any other configuration. Hence, if η∈R , then η(cid:29)→η ; V max thereforeη ∈R andη (cid:29)→η [see,e.g.,Chung(1960),page19]. max V max (ii) Fixη∈R ;thenthereexistn ≥1suchthat V y (cid:4) anyη=η y y∈V and (cid:4) g =anx−1 any x x y y∈V,y(cid:5)=x satisfies(a g )(η)=(g a )(η)=η.Theset x x x x Rx ={ζ ∈R :(a g )(ζ)=ζ} V x x isclosedundertheactionofa ,containsη,hencealsoη :itisarecurrentclass. x max By (i), Rx =R , a g is the neutral element e and g =a−1 if we restrict a V x x x x x toR . V (iii) Fix ζ ∈ R and put :G → R ;g (cid:14)→ g(ζ). As before (G) is V ζ V ζ a recurrent class; hence (G) = R . If for g,h ∈ G, (g) = (h), then ζ V ζ ζ gh−1(ζ)=ζ, and by commutativity gh−1(g(cid:1)ζ)=g(cid:1)ζ for any g(cid:1) ∈G. Therefore gh−1(ξ)=ξ for all ξ ∈R ; thus g =h. This proves that is a bijection from V ζ GtoR . V (iv) Adding (cid:8) particles at a site x ∈V makes the site topple, and −(cid:8) x,x x,y particlesaretransferredtoy.Thisgives (cid:4) a(cid:8)x,x = a−(cid:8)x,y. x y y(cid:5)=x OnR thea canbeinvertedandweobtaintheclosurerelation V x (cid:4) (8) a(cid:8)x,y =e. y y∈V Write (cid:7) (cid:8) (cid:8)ZV = (cid:8)n:n=(ny)y∈V ∈ZV , where (cid:6) ((cid:8)n) = (cid:8) n . x x,y y y∈V 2086 C.MAES,F.REDIGANDE.SAADA Consider (cid:4) (9) :ZV →G:n(cid:14)→ anx. x x∈V Themap isahomomorphismfromZV ontoG,thatis, (n+m)= (n) (m) and (ZV)=G.Therefore,G isisomorphicto thequotientZV/Ker( ). By(8), (cid:8)ZV is contained in Ker( ). Conversely, let n∈Ker( ), and put n=n+−n−, where n+ = max{n ,0}, n− = max{−n ,0}. Since (n) = e, adding to a x x x x recurrentη∈R accordingto n+ hasthesameeffectasaddingaccordingto n−. V Therefore,thereexistk+,k−∈(Z+)V,ζ ∈R suchthat V η+n+−(cid:8)k+=ζ =η+n−−(cid:8)k− andweconcluden∈(cid:8)ZV.ThisshowsthatGisisomorphicto ZV/(cid:8)ZV andthe lattergrouphascardinalitydet(cid:8). (cid:1) AsaconsequenceofthegrouppropertyofG,theuniquestationarymeasureis uniformonR . V COROLLARY 2.1. (i) Themeasure (cid:6) 1 (10) µ = δ V |R | η η∈RV V is invariant under the action of a , x ∈ V (δ is the Dirac measure on x η configurationη). (ii) OnL2(µ )theadjointofa is V x (11) a∗=a−1. x x REMARK. This shows that µV is invariant under the Markov processes generatedby(6)and(7). 2.7. Allowed configurations. Given a configuration η ∈(cid:14) , we say that its V restrictionη toanonemptysubsetW ⊂V isaforbiddensubconfigurationif,for W allx∈W, (cid:6) η(x)≤ (−(cid:8) ). x,y y∈W,y(cid:5)=x A configuration η ∈ (cid:14) is called allowed if it does not contain a forbidden V subconfiguration.WedenotebyA thesetofallallowedconfigurations. V PROPOSITION 2.2. A =R . V V ABELIANSANDPILEMODEL 2087 It is easy to see that toppling or adding cannot create a forbidden subconfigu- ration, which immediately implies A ⊃R . For a proof that A =R using V V V V spanningtrees seeIvashkevichandPriezzhev(1998);a directproofcanbe found in Meester (2002). For a generalization to nonsymmetric toppling matrices, see Speer(1993). The property of having a forbidden subconfiguration in W ⊂V only depends on the heights at sites x ∈ W. Therefore η ∈ R implies η ∈ R . This V W W “consistency”propertyenablesustodefineallowedconfigurationsoninfinitesets. 2.8. Expected toppling numbers. For x,y ∈ V and η ∈ (cid:14) , let n (x,y,η) V V denote the number of topplings at site y ∈V by adding a grain at x ∈V, that is, thenumberoftimeswehavetoapplytheoperatorT tostabilizeηx.Define y (cid:9) (12) G (x,y)= µ (dη)n (x,y,η). V V V Writing downbalancebetweeninflowandoutflowatsitey,oneobtains[cf.Dhar (1990)] (cid:6) (cid:8) G (z,y)=δ , x,z V x,y z∈V whichyields G (x,y)=((cid:8))−1. V x,y InthelimitV ↑S (whereS isZd ortheinfinitetree),G convergestotheGreen’s V functionofthesimplerandomwalkonS. 2.9. Some specific resultsfor the tree. When V is a binary tree of n genera- n tions,manyexplicitresultshavebeenobtainedinDharandMajumdar(1990).We summarizeheretheresultsweneedfortheconstructionininfinitevolume. 1. When adding a grain on a particular site 0∈V of height 3, the set of toppled n sitesistheconnectedclusterC (0,η)ofsitesincluding0havingheight3.This 3 clusteris distributed asa randomanimal(i.e., its distribution only dependson itscardinality,notonitsform).Moreover, (cid:10) (cid:11) (13) lim µ |C (0,η)|=k (cid:23)Ck−3/2 n↑∞ Vn 3 as k goes to infinity. The notation (cid:23) means that if we multiply the left-hand sideof(13)byk3/2,thenthelimitk→∞issomestrictlypositiveconstantC. 2. When adding a grain on site x, the expected number of topplings at site y satisfies (cid:9) (14) lim µ (dη)n (x,y,η)=G(x,y), n↑∞ Vn Vn 2088 C.MAES,F.REDIGANDE.SAADA whereG(x,y)istheGreen’sfunctionofthesimplerandomwalkontheinfinite tree,thatis, (15) G(0,x)=C2−|x|, and|x|isthe“generationnumber”ofx inthetree. 3. Thecorrelationsinthefinitevolumemeasuresµ canbeestimatedintermsof Vk the eigenvaluesof a productof transfermatrices. This formalism is explained in detail in Dhar and Majumdar (1990), Section 5. Let f,g be two local functionswhosedependencesets(seebelowaprecisedefinition)areseparated byngenerations.Toestimatethetruncatedcorrelationfunction (cid:9) (cid:9) (cid:9) (16) µ (f;g)= fgdµ − f dµ gdµ , Vk Vk Vk Vk considertheproductofmatrices (cid:3) (cid:5) (cid:4)n 1+γk,n 1+γk,n (17) Mk = i i , n 1 2+γk,n i=1 i where γk,n ∈[0,1]. The meaning of γk,n is explainedin Dhar and Majumdar i i (1990), but we will only use the fact 0≤γk,n ≤1 in Lemma 4.1 below. Let i λn,k (resp.λn,k)denotethesmallest(resp.largest)eigenvalueofMk.Then m M n λn,k (18) µ (f;g)≤C(f,g) m . Vk n,k λ M For sites i far from the boundary of V , that is, for fixed i and n, in the limit k k→∞,γk,ntendsto1,andthecorrelationsbetweenlocalfunctionsinthelimit i V →S are then governed by the maximal and minimal eigenvaluesof M = (cid:12)k (cid:13) n 2 2 n . We shall need the estimate of a local function with a function living 1 3 ontheboundaryofV ;thereforewehavetousethefullexpression(17),(18). k 3. Mainresults. 3.1. Notation,definitions. Fromnowon,S denotestheinfiniterootlessbinary tree,V ⊂S afinitesubsetofS;(cid:14) isthesetofstableconfigurationsinV,thatis, V (cid:14) ={η:V →{1,2,3}}, and the set of all infinite volume stable configurations V is (cid:14)={1,2,3}S.Theset(cid:14) isendowedwith theproducttopology,makingitinto a compact metric space. For η ∈(cid:14), η is its restriction to V, and for η,ζ ∈(cid:14), V ηVζVc denotesthe configurationwhoserestriction to V (resp. Vc) coincideswith ηV (resp. ζVc). As in the previous section, RV ⊂(cid:14)V is the set of all allowed (or recurrent)configurationsinV,andwedefine (19) R={η∈(cid:14):∀V ⊂S finite, η ∈R }. V V ABELIANSANDPILEMODEL 2089 Afunctionf :(cid:14)→RislocalifthereisafiniteV ⊂S suchthatη =ζ implies V V f(η) = f(ζ). The minimal (in the sense of set ordering) such V is called the dependence set of f and is denoted by D . A local function can be seen as a f functionon (cid:14) forall V ⊃D , andeveryfunction on (cid:14) canbeseenasalocal V f V functionon(cid:14).ThesetLofalllocalfunctionsisuniformlydenseinthesetC((cid:14)) ofallcontinuousfunctionson(cid:14). Througout the paper, we use the following notion of limit by inclusion for a functionf onthefinitesubsetsofthetreewithvaluesinametricspace(K,d): DEFINITION 3.1. LetS={V ⊂S, V finite}andf :S→(K,d).Then limf(V)=κ V↑S if,forallε>0,thereexistsV ∈S suchthat,forallV ⊃V ,d(f(V),κ)<ε. 0 0 DEFINITION 3.2. AcollectionofprobabilitymeasuresνV on(cid:14)V isaCauchy net if, for any local f and for any ε>0, there exists V ⊃D such that, for any 0 f V,V(cid:1)⊃V , 0 (cid:14)(cid:9) (cid:9) (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14) (cid:14)(cid:14) f(η)νV(dη)− f(η)νV(cid:1)(dη)(cid:14)(cid:14)≤ε. A Cauchynetconvergesto a probability measureν in the following sense:the mapping (cid:9) :L→R, f (cid:14)→ (f)= lim f dν V V↑S defines a continuous linear functional on L [hence on C((cid:14))] which satisfies (f) ≥ 0 for f ≥ 0 and (1) = 1. Thus by the Riesz representation theorem (cid:15) thereexistsauniqueprobabilitymeasureon(cid:14)suchthat (f)= f dν.Wewrite ν →ν andcallthisν theinfinitevolumelimit ofν . V V We will also often consider an enumeration of the tree S, {x ,x ,...,x ,...}, 0 1 n andput (20) T ={x ,...,x }. n 0 n 3.2. Thermodynamiclimitofstationarymeasures. THEOREM3.1. ThesetRdefinedin(19)isaperfectset;thatis,thefollowing hold: (i) R iscompact. (ii) TheinteriorofR isempty. (iii) Forallη∈R thereexistsasequenceη (cid:5)=η,η ∈R,convergingtoη. n n

particle systems no standard theorems are at our disposal. The infinite volume lattice site x can influence the configuration far from x. In fact the cluster .. side of (13) by k3/2, then the limit k → ∞ is some strictly positive constant C. 2 A collection of probability measures νV on V is a
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