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The Abandoned Property Investor's Kit: Find the Owner, Buy Low PDF

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Abandoned The Property Investor’s Kit Find the Owner, Buy Low (with No Competition), Sell for Big Profits REGGIE BROOKS John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Abandoned The Property Investor’s Kit Abandoned The Property Investor’s Kit Find the Owner, Buy Low (with No Competition), Sell for Big Profits REGGIE BROOKS John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright©2008byReggieBrooks.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. 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Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthat appearsinprintmaynotbeavailableinelectronicbooks.Formoreinformationabout Wileyproducts,visitourwebsiteatwww.wiley.com. LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData: Brooks,Reggie,1948– Theabandonedpropertyinvestor’skit: findtheowner,buylow(withnocompetition!),andsellforbigprofits/ReggieBrooks. p. cm. Includesindex. ISBN978-0-470-26765-3(pbk.) 1. Realestateinvestment—UnitedStates. 2. Abandonmentofproperty— UnitedStates. 3. Realproperty—Purchasing—UnitedStates. I. Title. HD255.B7572008 332.63(cid:2)24—dc22 2008009616 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 How I Got Started Making an Extra $43,000 Investing in Abandoned Properties—And How You Can Too! 1 Investing in Abandoned Properties Is a Public Service to Your Community 5 Foreclosures Feed the Abandoned Property Market 6 How I Got Started 11 The Beauty of Abandoned Property Investing: Very Few Competing Buyers! 16 CHAPTER 2 Why Every Real Estate Investor Should Do at Least One Abandoned Property Deal 21 Motivated Sellers 28 Advantages of Abandoned Property Investing over Other Strategies 31 Combining Abandoned Properties with Other Techniques 34 CHAPTER 3 How to Nail Low- or No-Money-Down Deals 39 Raise the Price, Lower the Interest Rate 46 Government Programs 49 How to Research Grants in Your Area 56 Available Loan Programs 60 v CONTENTS CHAPTER 4 Find Abandoned Properties Fast 63 Target Your Search 68 Spread the Word 71 Join the Club 72 Other Commonsense Strategies 74 Stick with a System 82 CHAPTER 5 Track Down the Owner 85 Ask the Neighbors 88 The Tax Advantage 94 Other Public Records 95 Simplicity Itself 98 CHAPTER 6 Negotiating: Understand What Owners Want 101 Key Principles 105 Emotions in Negotiation 105 Preparing to Negotiate 106 Striving for a Win-Win 107 Establishing Rapport 112 What Does the Seller Need? 115 CHAPTER 7 Want an Option? Be Convincing 119 A Sample Option Purchase 124 Purchase Agreement and Receipt for Deposit 126 Another Great Option Story 127 Selling an Option 130 Other Option Techniques 132 vi Contents CHAPTER 8 Creative Financing Techniques 139 The Wraparound Mortgage 146 The Subject-To Deal 148 The Contract for Deed 150 Other Creative Strategies 151 CHAPTER 9 Turning the Corner and Heading Down the Home Stretch to the Abandoned Properties Winner’s Circle 153 Determining the Value of a Property 156 Making an Offer 162 A Standard Real Estate Purchase Contract 164 The Purchase Contract Explained 172 CHAPTER 10 Rehabbing Abandoned Properties: Creating Curb Appeal and Homes in Demand for Maximum Profit 177 Preparation and Inspection 180 Renovating for Rental 189 Renovating for Resale 193 A Shopping Trip 197 CHAPTER 11 An Abandoned Property Deal from A to Z 199 Schedule Reggie Brooks to Speak at Your Event 213 Special Bonus: How to Create Massive Wealth in Real Estate 215 Here’s How to Get Your Free Wealth-Building Bonus ... 217 Who Is Reggie Brooks? 219 Index 221 vii

For a novice real estate investor this book is a dream come true. If you're more experienced, and coming to abandoned property real estate investing from another niche, the first thing you'll notice is the lack of competition. Instead of butting heads with every other investor in America hoping to m
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