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The 8085 Microprocessor Architecture , Programming and Interfacing PDF

626 Pages·2016·15.73 MB·English
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Preview The 8085 Microprocessor Architecture , Programming and Interfacing

#2 The 8085 Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Interfacing K. Upaya Kumar B. S. UMASHANKAR ) The 8085 Microprocessor ecture, Programming and Intertacing K. Upava Kumar B. 8. UMASHANKAR K.UDAYA <UMAR Pine: po PLM, bat te Tar srelogy Rarclove, bd B. 5. LIMASHANKAR, Pecan, BLA, bat i Tatoo Parrckoe, bd a Copsright + 2008 Dorling Kindersley Calas Pet Ld [reso of Peano Lnction i Sou Asia Ne pen of ta cook mop be und or eproduc i any manner wbeleeeser bout hs pubisbe's poe ‘as onk sy ormaynol:rshude lasses tba. wore pet oF be ssn! ween. She public eevee High le smose une satel poset Bs elec: ax re. Issn oTeELTESNASSH SSRN 97887 Heud Ooo: 4$'8%, Sector 62. Xnuledgo Boulevard. ib Ev. NO3A 201 308. ein Rogntad Oe: LU Local Shopping Cano, Pave ee Perk. Now Deby ‘19017, “na Peels ret to the Gosbfes of Learning This page is intentionally left blank. Contents Prasiece a 5, First Assembly Language Progiam 38 Part S Anmike Manse Kit St FUNDAMENTALS OF & ee ener MICROPROCESSOR 1 Questing 32 1, Evolution ef Microprocessors 3 6, Dota Tronshar Group of 1 Vy nr Cree 8 Instructions 52 LEB Muprcenes 4 © toma $ Mesure dig Sip Ba pena 2, Fundamentals of Computer 7 Symmes me iar 1 acing le PINS 38 3. Number Represeniation 17 Sutin 2a signal wry ote? 7, Auithmelic Group of Instructions 65 12 Syme trary lege 15 epreenion oT ator “Sipe louie Pot [21ers bo Perf ci 3 Kinston Ranta Ti imtortntgee Np neta 78 Hien By 4 Fundamentals of Microprocessor 27 Fe oem! nonin RRS 75 40 Quest 22 Desmpion HS oe ar hingmusasin 7 8, logical Group of Insiuctions. 77 £83 Projmmmers Wie A HORS” Ret oe Meginers $1 aseetions ti Merry “ARD 44 Accumuba ye Reiter 35 Opera Te 2 egies CLD Tad 36 32 testa Fo Parr “OR Ouest ie penta 19 83 Instuctions Perform, 12, Addressing of /O Ports 125 EXCLUSIVE OR Oyertion 0 £4 iaanetont» Caupkensot ‘econ 8 5 Instuctons to Complementet ‘Cy Fug 82 6 Inston to Penta Compe Operon 1.7 Instone to Rotate (Questions e “Aecimulstsr # oestne 9. NOP and Stack Group of Instructions 9 22 tnmuetion Type POP zp 92 73 steetion Type PUSE p93 7 0 2d Need oe O Rema 25 (22 iMagd OUT doetmetone (27 123 Metmor-Mapped 10128 12a O-Maped r0. 129 5 Compunten of Memory Stepped PO and F-Mpped LO 13, Architecture of 8085. 133 12.1 Det of #085 bieerre 123 tertmetiow Cycle 140 Te reas 1253 Comparisn of Ditereoc Machine Sack ud Ths Sack ofa: 96 Gates 25 12.4 Meiory speed Requiemeuc (G55 Wat Seve Genenton 160 95 taserioa Tipe LAL SP d.6 98 oesions 161 95 mntencton Tipe SPHL PS 2G inamocton Tipe XT 2 hnarocton Tepe INK SP 95 3 tnmicton Tope DEX SP 96, 9 tntmicton Tipe DAD SP_ 6 Part ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMS. 163 240 saucion Tye NOP 96 ection 14, Simple Assembly Language 10. Branch Group of Instructions 9% Programs “165 LULL Mote Details aboxt Broerus Execution 2 Unconditional Rin Hsbuctions 102 00 Ud Exchenge “0 Bynes 165 (G2 dt to Malt-Byre Suber 143 Ate feu Rlukite BCD 3 CendoadlJungp nstacrone 104 Sumber 171 ia Unum Cad Rerum (Gl Blo Bove without Ovecp 4 Tnatuctions 07 5 : 1.5 Blok Moveniem wits Ovedap 3 Condit Call aeraetioas 10 i Movenen with Ovedap {ié Condiooe Renu Intctoos LL) L4G add’ Sumber f Size 3 Bi i? RSTN Remote nections 112 ovations 11. Chip Select Logic 1177 11 Concept of ip Steet “17 U2 RAM Chip Ptr Dew od ‘Addeee Runge La Mohiple Mewar Address Rang: U4 Wsiiag of 4:28 Decoder (C120 U3 Use ot 8128 m0 Geamare Chie us i ‘Seles Logie U6 Use of MISS inALS-SDAGSM ‘ki 12? Ouestoos fred (25 Gecko Tob bata ye 128 Stet ro Eley esas 180 gy moe Se oan ie 110 Dade eB Nhee em Ba Rewer 187 ty cuesioan 83 18. Use of PC in Weting and Executing 8085 Programs inguge Prog 197 182 Creation of ASM Fle sing "Text tar 298 0 18 cry 190 16.1 Steps Netded(o Run an Assenbly 15.3 Gsnoration of OB) Filo uring a Ceon-Assetbler 19S 1.4 neration of BEX Fils sig a Tinkst 10? 15.5 Doselaing fhe Mocking Cade ‘he nit 12 15.6 Running the Desmloaded Program ‘the Rit 2 15.5 Runaing ths Peogfam osing cho PE; ‘3 Tera! 201 ute 201 16. Additional Assembly Longuage Programs 205 16. Sao for a Nuner wing Tinesr Seach. 2h 182 hind he oalet Suber 206 163 Compme tte HOF of Toe 23 anew 210 16g Check fr Esatof 5 Code 212 165 Comer SCT Binagy 211 166 Cnet Binary ASCH 216 165 Comeon BCT Bing 218 168 Conver Binary BED 31 169 Check fe Palindone. 223 16 Compas the LEM of Ta Bie Munbers 230 16.1 Soa unborn BUDS Sy 3 16.2 Soe Minbar wing Seon Sut 238 118 Situtass Decinal up Coumey 287 IG Simulate Dcinal dan Couns 240 16 ela acy at the bata Field 241 116 Situtae a Real-Tins Chak 242 Ousstons 26 17. More Complex Assembly Language Programs 247 14 Subse ManeeByes BCD unison 248 152 Canate HEB Bina BED 254 173 Dian opsraton an Toa Nsnbere Tite on the lus st 282 154 Doan aeration ot Teo BCD ‘unis Batol on ths aloe ox 17.5 Bubble Satin Assendng Dosending ‘Ordaras per Cos 288 i len Sorin asin Desconding Orit a ot Cleo 28 HE Add Coats of 8 Ward aligns 266 15.8 Mulply Boo Bit Same (Shile id Ad Method) 268 17.9 Maleny 0 Sigh BED Nonhy 270 13.10 Malis too 168i Binary Nears 2 Ousstions > Parti PROGRAMMABLE AND NON PROGRAMMABLE I/O PORTS 275 1B. Interrupts In 8085 277 Il Data Transfer Sekamse 238 13 Gover Discusion sou S085 Taste 282 1g Etand DI Testctons. 265 Ted OTR and BTA Ping 288 1e3 ROTSS ate RSTSS Pie 201 Ted RSTES Pin 29 12 Tap erg Pin 298 18 Reset TPAD i Thstrstion 296 1.9 smurard RIM Trucos 297 8 io HUT Tstmsion 302 ISI Peogame sing Tusmaps 302 aration 310 19. 8212 NonProgrammable 8-Bit VO Pert 311 1 Working of 24.1 192 patios of 2IS" 315 ‘Qesons 822 20. 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Chip 323 26, Desition 8255 0032 303 Operainnal Mero 633.4 305 Comet Pon ot 1255. 328 304 Mase I-Sunted 20 331 305 Mods 2-BeDirctnal EO 340 Guesion. 512 21. Programs using Interface Modules 344 AL asstigton Lage onl ert 344 1.2 Suess appieination ‘ADC Teriaos 383 213 Dual Spo ATIC Tease 388 1317 Dial unalog Gaver irefas 350 1. Seay Mol! Ineface 368, uosions 3 Part Iv SUPPORT CHIPS 367 22. Interfacing of I/O Devices 36° 22: Ineteing -Soumont Dips 1% 23 Dinar terface ust Seri “Tat 304 223 twedtcng Site Resboard SA teteing Metts Kesboa 380 vito uf arn Reybran Tertase 381 227 Programe ing S279 102 Questions at 23. Intel 8259A—Programmable Inierrupt Controller 416 5. Neal fora tne Coots a1? 1.2 Overvia oft Working RSIS 245 tio Yaa Rogie won 3922 2383 roaring the 4299 wih Wo sles. 244 Programming the 4259 wth Sic 8s 284 Tae R259 an RRR ssn 159. 28S archiecle $259 180 stone 440 24, Intel 8257—Programmable DMA Controller 442 4.1 Canoe of ives Menvoty ecos(DMAI 442 Tor BMA Data Tenet 443 aN 25. 26. 7. “4.8 Deetption atS25¥ DMA ‘Comte Chip #44 Ha Proataming host 445 HLS Deserpton the Pins OF mar 32 2.8 Working the R99 Ma Coneuller 38 2s Sate Diag uf S089? ‘Questiang 45 Injel 8253Programmable Interval Timer 467 1 Need for Progiammable Ts "Tine tel 222 esriniow af 258 tine ARE § rote to 23416} 31 Make Inert On Kenia cunt 4a? 5 Mode I-ReTiigerate Mone Sle M8 & mods as Gens 168 AN met Squse tne Geantor BEA Menke tran egere Suche 473 289 Vande S-HardwareTiggeod Subs 38 28.10 soo a294 in AL Kit wctans $5 ahs Injel 82514—Universl Synchronous Asynehranous Receiver Transmiter (UsaRT] 477 3K. Reed foe USARI 47 3K2 Atwelnunar tras £38 5 AggaclicnousRozepian 481 4 Senohronqas Tansicion 48 36 Synclienius Reweplin RA 2K Paneer 4291 TSAIRE AR ec Progamming the S188 SRN Une nt S03 Boe ORD ‘era! rans 492 ‘questions 193 Zilog 2.80 Microprocessor 495 1 Capon of ml 680 ih tel ts 498 222 rome oe ut 40. 5 Spon eausoF 280 498

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