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The 3D Grazing Collision of Two Black Holes Miguel Alcubierre(1), Werner Benger(1,2), Bernd Bru¨gmann(1), Gerd Lanfermann(1), Lars Nerger(1), Edward Seidel(1,3), and Ryoji Takahashi(1) (1) Max-Planck-Institut fu¨r Gravitationsphysik, Am Mu¨hlenberg 1, D-14476 Golm, Germany (2) Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fu¨r Informationstechnik Berlin, Takustrasse 7, D-14195 Berlin, Germany (3) National Center for Supercomputing Applications, Beckman Institute, 405 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 (February7, 2008; AEI-2000-080) Wepresentresultsfortwocollidingblackholes(BHs),withangularmomentum,spin,andunequal mass. For the first time gravitational waveforms are computed for a grazing collision from a full 3Dnumericalevolution. Thecollision canbefollowed throughthemergertoform asingle BH,and through part of the ringdown period of the final BH. The apparent horizon is tracked and studied, andphysicalparameters,suchasthemassofthefinalBH,arecomputed. Thetotalenergyradiated in gravitational waves is shown to be consistent with the total mass of the spacetime and the final BH mass. The implication of thesesimulations for gravitational wave astronomy is discussed. 1 0 04.25.Dm, 04.30.Db, 97.60.Lf, 95.30.Sf 0 2 n a Thecollisionoftwoblackholes(BHs)isconsideredby in the close limit approximation[16–18]. J many researchersto be a primary candidate for generat- In this paper we consider singularity avoiding slicing. 8 ingdetectablegravitationalwaves,andhenceisthefocus We combine the application of a series of recently de- ofattentionfor many researchgroupsworldwide. As the veloped and tested physics analysis tools and techniques 2 v first generation of gravitational wave detectors [1], with with significant progress made in overcoming the prob- 9 enough sensitivity to potentially detect waves, is com- lems mentioned above, including the use of much more 7 ing online for the first time within a year, the urgency stable formulations and much greater computer power. 0 of providing theoretical information needed not only to Early, preliminary results from this series of simulations 2 interpret,butalsotodetectthewaves,isveryhigh. How- have been presented in [19,20], but we now provide the 1 0 ever,eveninaxisymmetry,the problemhasproventobe first detailed physics analysis not possible previously. 0 extremely difficult, requiring nearly 20 years to solve in We compute BHinitialdataofthe puncture type [21], / even limited cases (e.g. [2–6]). In full 3D progress has correspondingtotwoBHsinorbitabouteachother,with c q been rather slow due to many factors, including (but unequal masses, linear momentum, and individual spins - not limited to) unexpected numerical instabilities, lim- on each BH. The construction of such data sets, which r g ited computer power, and the difficulties of dealing with involves solving the non-linear elliptic Hamiltonian con- : spacetimesingularitiesinsideBHs. Thefirsttrue3Dsim- straint equation numerically, is described in [21]. A de- v i ulationofspinningandmovingBHswasperformedin[7]. tailed survey of a sequence of such data sets including X In [7], the two BHs start out very close to each other, various physical properties is discussed in [22]. In this r closer than the separation for the last stable orbit, and paper we choose punctures for each BH on the y-axis at a the evolution proceeds through parts of the plunge and ±1.5m,massesm =1.5mandm =m,linearmomenta 1 2 ring-down phase of a “grazing collision” within a very P = (±2,0,0)m, and spins S = (−1/2,0,−1/2)m2 1,2 1 shorttimeinterval. Thespacetimesingularitiesaredealt and S = (0,1,−1)m2. Note that the linear momentum 2 with by a particular choice of coordinates, singularity is perpendicular to the line connecting the BHs, equal avoiding slicing and vanishing shift. but opposite for a vanishing net linear momentum, and BH excision [8,9] has allowed improvements in the that the spins are somewhat arbitrarilychosento obtain treatment of the spacetime singularities to the extent a general configuration. that highly accurate simulations of single BHs can be For this case, an asymptotic estimate for the initial carriedout[10–14]andrecentapplicationstothegrazing ADMmassisM =3.22m. Solvingthe Hamiltoniancon- collisionofBHs show promise [15]. One of the key limit- straint leads to a larger value than the Brill-Lindquist ing factors in the existing two approaches to the grazing mass of m +m = 2.5m. The angular momentum for 1 2 collisionisthe achievableevolutiontime forwhichuseful puncturedataisgivenby(independentofthesolutionto numerical data can be obtained, which due to numerical theHamiltonianconstraint)J~=2d~ ×P~ +S~ +S~ ,where 1 1 1 2 problems has been limited to 7M in [7], and to about d~ is the vector from the origin to the first puncture. 1 9M–15M in [15]. Here time is measured in units of the The total angular momentum is therefore J = 7.58m2, total “ADM” mass M of the systemas opposedto using which corresponds to an angular momentum parameter thebaremassmofoneoftheBHs. Notethatthegrazing of a/M = J/M2 = 0.73. In this configuration the indi- collisionofblackholeswithoutspinhasalsobeenstudied 1 0.8 0.4 0.006 0.005 0.2 0.004 0.6 0.003 M H|2 0.4 00..0000012 evenψ/22 0 0.30m | 0 2 4 6 8 H(0.30m)/2.25 −0.2 0.24m 0.20m H(0.24m)/1.44 0.2 H(0.20m) −0.4 0 10 20 30 40 t/M 00 10 20 30 40 FIG.2. Waveform at resolutions 0.30m, 0.24m, 0.20m. t/M FIG. 1. Root-mean-square value of the Hamiltonian con- 0.4 straintonacenteredcubewithouterboundaryat38manda gridspacing of 0.30m, 0.24m, 0.20m. The curvesare rescaled 0.2 so that theycoincide for second order convergence. M vidualspinsincreasethetotalangularmomentum,sowe evenψ/22 0.0 R=5.0M R=5.9M call it the “high-J” case. The following discussion refers −0.2 R=6.8M R=7.8M exclusivelytothisonedatapointinparameterspace,ex- R=9.3M R=10.6M cept that when discussing waveforms below we compare −0.4 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 thehigh-Jcasewithdatawheretheindividualspinsvan- t/M ish (medium-J, M = 3.00m, J = 6.00m2, a/M = 0.67) FIG. 3. Mode l = m = 2 of the even Zerilli function ex- or where S1 →−S1 and S2 →−S2 (low-J, M = 3.07m, tracted for different radii as a function of time. A wave that J =4.64m2, a/M =0.49). developsafter theBHs collide is propagating out. This initial data is evolved with evolution equations of the “BSSN” family [23,24], using the implementation Schwarzschild),thereforeevolutiontimesof30M ormore that we developed and tested for the collapse of strong areaprerequisiteforwaveextraction,whichwasnotpos- gravitational waves to BHs in [25]. We discuss some siblein[7,15]. Thesimulationsdonotcrashatthattime, reasons why certain variable choices and certain com- but as we will discuss now, the numerical data becomes binations of the evolutionequations with the constraints degradedduetoeffectsoftheouterboundaryanddueto can lead to more stable evolutions than the traditional grid-stretching(i.e.largemetricgradients)inthevicinity “ADM” system in [26], and we do observe a significant of the BHs. Fig. 1 shows the root-mean-square value of improvement in numerical stability in practice. We use theHamiltonianconstraintovertheentiregridfordiffer- radiative boundary conditions for the outer boundary. ent resolutions but same outer boundary location. The The coordinate singularities at the BH punctures are inset shows clean global second order convergence up to handled as in [7,11] by a time independent conformal about 6M. A local analysis shows that there are large factor. We solve the maximal slicing condition on the contributionstothisaveragefrominsidethehorizon,and initial slice and then use the so-called 1+log slicing for thatsmallererrorsintrude fromthe outer boundary,but the lapse and vanishing shift during the evolutions. the code is convergentbeyond 30M. The computer simulations were carried out on a 3D Since a main result of the simulations are waveforms, cartesian grid. On a 256 processor SGI/Cray Origin the most relevant measure and often most stringent cri- 2000 machine at NCSA we were able to run simulations terion for numerical quality is convergence in the wave- of 3873, which take roughly 100GB of memory (to our forms. We use the gauge invariant waveform extraction knowledge this makes them the largest production nu- technique,developedoriginallybyAbrahams[27]andap- merical relativity simulations to date). A good balance pliedtothe3Dcasein[28],toextractgravitationalwave betweenresolutionintheinnerregionanddistancetothe modes of arbitrary ℓ,m. As shown in [28,29], this tech- outer grid boundary was achieved for a grid spacing of nique can be used on numerically evolved 3D distorted 0.2m,whichputstheouterboundaryforacenteredcube BHspacetimestoproduceveryaccuratewaveformsaway at about 38m or about 12M. All said, the combination from the BH, even if errors are rather large near the ofresolution,outerboundarylocationandtreatment,co- horizon. Here, we extract for example the nonaxisym- ordinate choice, evolution system and puncture method metric ℓ=m= 2 mode, expected to be one of the most for the BHs allows evolution times past 30M. The low- important modes in binary BH coalescence [30]. Fig. 2 est quasi-normal mode of the ring-down phase of the fi- shows for three resolutions the Zerilli function ψeven(t) nal rapid Kerr BH has a period of about 13M (17M for 22 extracted at R = 7.8M. Up to a time t ≈ 30M the 2 0.4 0.2 M evenψ/22 −0.02 0.30 data 0.24 data 0.30 fit 0.24 fit −0.4 20 30 40 20 30 40 0.4 0.2 M evenψ/22 −0.02 00..2200 dfitata −0.4 0 10 20 30 40 t/M FIG.4. A fit to the quasi normal mode determined by M andashowsgood agreementinthefrequencyanddecayrate at late times for a resolution of 0.2m. 0.25 0.01 0.005 evenψ/M20 0 oddψ20 0 −0.005 −0.25 −0.01 FIG. 6. The merger of the AH. Shown are marginally 0 10 20 30 0.020 10 20 30 trappedsurfacesattimes2.5M,3.7M,5.0M,and6.2M. The 0.25 apparent horizon is theoutermost of thesesurfaces. 0.01 M0.05 evenψ/22−0.15 hmigehdium oddψ22−0.001 graOvniteatoiofntahlewpaovteesnitsiatlheindsiegthetrsmifnroamtionthoefdtheteecotriioenntao-f low tion of spins in relation to the orbital motion. Fig. 5 −0.35 −0.02 0 10 20 30 t/M 0 10 20 30 showsthe wavesignatureforthehigh,medium, andlow- FIG. 5. Even and odd wave parts showing differences de- J data. For vanishing spins (medium-J), we note that pendingon high, medium, and low-J data. ψodd is zerowithinnumericalaccuracy,while ψodd shows 20 22 an oscillation with amplitude 3×10−5. A comparison with the methods of [18] would be useful. dependence on resolutionis rather small, which suggests Whileitwillbethewavesthatwecanobserveonearth that the resolution reaches the convergent regime. directly, it is also interesting to compute the apparent In Fig. 3, we show a sequence of extracted waves at horizon in the grazing BH collision. During the evolu- different radii, obtained by integration over the corre- tionweusea3Dapparenthorizon(AH)finderdescribed sponding coordinate spheres, as a function of time. The in [32] to track the location of the horizon. In principle, outermostdetectorsshowlatetime problemsduetospu- the event horizon can also be located by techniques de- rious signals propagating in from the outer boundary, veloped in Ref. [33], but we do not yet know whether a while the inner detectors are affected by the closeness to single event horizon is present on the initial slice in this the strong field region. Note that these methods assume data set. Fig. 6 showsthe AH during a grazingcollision. aSchwarzschildbackground,buttheycanbeappliedona We compute the BH mass M and compare with rotatingBH,theprimaryeffectbeinganoffsetdepending AH the ADM mass of the initial data and the radi- on the rotation parameter a [31]. In Fig. 4, we show the ated energy to assess the overall energy account- l=m=2evenparitywaveforthedetectoratR=7.8M ing. In Fig. 7, we show the result of the calcula- and a match to the corresponding lowest quasi-normal tion of the so-called irreducible mass as a function modeplusthefirstovertone. ThevaluesforM andade- termine thequasi-normalfrequency,while the amplitude of time, defined as Mir =pAreaAH/16π. The hori- zon mass M can be determined through the formula and the offset in time are fitted. The observed period is AH M2 =(M )2+J2/(2M )2, where we use J =7.58m2 13M, which is consistent with a final distorted Kerr BH AH ir ir of the initial data. The observed upward drift in M witha/M =0.73. Gravitationalwavescarryawayenergy ir may be curable by excision or better coordinate condi- and momentum from the BHs. For the energy, we have dE/dt = 1/(32π)P∞l=2Plm=−l((dψlemven/dt)2+(ψlomdd)2). tfiinoanls,mbausstoefvtehneiBnHthteopbreesMent≈ca3se.0wmeacnadnMestim≈ate3.t3hme Integrating the l =2,3,4 modes up to t=35M, we find ir AH in this simulation. Comparing this to the initial ADM ∆E =0.0323m≈1%M. 3 5 longer term evolution. 4.5 Acknowledgments. We thank in particular G. Allen, 4 J. Baker, M. Campanelli, T. Goodale, C. Lousto, and 3.5 many colleagues at the AEI, Washington University, Mir 3 Universitat de les Illes Balears, and NCSA for the co- 2.5 0.30m development of the Cactus code, and for important dis- 2 0.24m 0.20m cussions and assistance. Calculations were performed at 1.5 AEI, NCSA, SDSC, RZG, and ZIB. 1 0 10 20 30 t/M FIG.7. Weshowtheevolution of Mir for thehigh-Jcon- figuration. AstheBHsmerge,theareagrows,andthenbegins to level, as the final BH goes into the ringdown. 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