Topics Fast neutron detectors, Methods and facilities for the production of fast neutrons, Simulation of detectors and fast neutron facilities, Signal processing and data analysis techniques, Applications Jointly organized by: SOREQ NRC, Israel; Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany; Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; University of Cape Town, South Africa The 2nd International Workshop on Fast Neutron Detectors and Applications (FNDA 2011) Proceedings Articles have been published in Journal of Instrumentation (JINST), 2012, number 7 Detection of explosives and other illicit materials by a single nanosecond neutron pulses — Monte Carlo simulation of the detection process R Miklaszewski, U Wiacek, D Dworak, K Drozdowicz and V Gribkov 2012 JINST 7 C07006 A single-shot nanosecond neutron pulsed technique for the detection of fissile materials V Gribkov, R A Miklaszewski, M Chernyshova, M Scholz, R Prokopovicz, K Tomaszewski, K Drozdowicz, U Wiacek, B Gabanska, D Dworak, K Pytel and A Zawadka 2012 JINST 7 C07005 Performance improvement of neutron flux monitor at KSTAR Y -K Kim, S -K Lee, B -H Kang, J -B Son and G -D Kim 2012 JINST 7 C06013 A novel liquid-Xenon detector concept for combined fast-neutrons and gamma imaging and spectroscopy A Breskin, I Israelashvili, M Cortesi, L Arazi, S Shchemelinin, R Chechik, V Dangendorf, B Bromberger and D Vartsky 2012 JINST 7 C06008 Research and development of a dedicated collimator for 14.2 MeV fast neutrons for imaging using a D-T generator I Sabo-Napadensky, R Weiss-Babai, A Gayer, D Vartsky, D Bar, I Mor, R Chacham-Zada, M Cohen and N Tamim 2012 JINST 7 C06005 Fast beam chopper at SARAF accelerator via RF deflector before RFQ A Shor, D Vartsky, V Dangendorf, D Bar, Y Ben Aliz, D Berkovits, M Brandis, M B Goldberg, A Grin, I Mardor, I Mor and L Weissman 2012 JINST 7 C06003 Diamond detectors for fast neutron measurements at pulsed spallation sources M Rebai, L Giacomelli, C Andreani, A Fazzi, C D Frost, E Perelli Cippo, A Pietropaolo, N Rhodes, M Tardocchi, E Schooneveld and G Gorini 2012 JINST 7 C05015 MONSTER: a time of flight spectrometer for ?-delayed neutron emission measurements A R Garcia, T Martinez, D Cano-Ott, J Castilla, C Guerrero, J Marin, G Martinez, E Mendoza, M C Ovejero, E M Reillo, C Santos, F J Tera, D Villamarin, R Nolte, J Agramunt, A Algora, J L Tain, K Banerjee, C Bhattacharya, H Pentilla, S Rinta-Antila and D Gorelov 2012 JINST 7 C05012 Diagnostic neutron activation system for KSTAR M S Cheon, Y S Lee, A C England, H S Kim, S Pak, C R Seon and H G Lee 2012 JINST 7 C05009 Fast-neutron detectors for nuclear physics experiments R C Haight 2012 JINST 7 C05002 Fast-neutron imaging spectrometer based on liquid scintillator loaded capillaries I Mor, D Vartsky, M Brandis, M B Goldberg, D Bar, I Mardor, V Dangendorf and B Bromberger 2012 JINST 7 C04021 Image recovery by removing stochastic artefacts identified as local asymmetries K Osterloh, T Bucherl, U Zscherpel and U Ewert 2012 JINST 7 C04018 A new recoil proton telescope for characterisation of energy and fluence of fast neutron fields J Taforeau, S Higueret, D Husson, L Lebreton, T D Le and M Petit 2012 JINST 7 C04015 Nuclear astrophysics with neutrons I Dillmann and R Reifarth 2012 JINST 7 C04014 Fusion neutron diagnostics on ITER tokamak L Bertalot, R Barnsley, M F Direz, J M Drevon, A Encheva, S Jakhar, Y Kashchuk, K M Patel, A P Arumugam, V Udintsev, C Walker and M Walsh 2012 JINST 7 C04012 Characterization of the IRSN neutron multisphere spectrometer (HERMEIS) at European standard calibration fields A Cheminet, V Lacoste, V Gressier, G Hubert, A Martin and M Pepino 2012 JINST 7 C04007 Liquid scintillators and composites in fast neutron detection J Iwanowska, L Swiderski and M Moszynski 2012 JINST 7 C04004 Neutron measurements with Time-Resolved Event-Counting Optical Radiation (TRECOR) detector M Brandis, D Vartsky, V Dangendorf, B Bromberger, D Bar, M B Goldberg, K Tittelmeier, E Friedman, A Czasch, I Mardor, I Mor and M Weierganz 2012 JINST 7 C04003 Pyroelectric crystal D-D and D-T neutron generators Y Danon2012 JINST 7 C04002 Light yield and n-? pulse-shape discrimination of liquid scintillators based on linear alkyl benzene T Kogler, A R Junghans, R Beyer, R Hannaske, R Massarczyk, R Schwengner and A Wagner 2012 JINST 7 C03047 C03047 Neutron medical treatment of tumours — a survey of facilities F M Wagner, B Loeper-Kabasakal and H Breitkreutz 2012 JINST 7 C03041 SNM detection by means of thermal neutron interrogation and a liquid scintillation detector A Ocherashvili, E Roesgen, A Beck, E N Caspi, M Mosconi, J -M Crochemore and B Pedersen 2012 JINST 7 C03037 Fast neutron detection with pressurized 4-He scintillation detectors R Chandra, G Davatz, H Friederich, U Gendotti and D Murer 2012 JINST 7 C03035 Feasibility of a large area detector for fast neutron imaging E Bogolubov, A Koshelev, V Mikerov and A Sviridov 2012 JINST 7 C03034 Neutron measurements in ITER using the Radial Neutron Camera D Marocco, B Esposito and F Moro 2012 JINST 7 C03033 Novel neutron sources at the Radiological Research Accelerator Facility Y Xu, G Garty, S A Marino, T N Massey, G Randers-Pehrson, G W Johnson and D J Brenner 2012 JINST 7 C03031 Two detector arrays for fast neutrons at LANSCE R C Haight, H Y Lee, T N Taddeucci, J M O'Donnell, B A Perdue, N Fotiades, M Devlin, J L Ullmann, A Laptev, T Bredeweg, M Jandel, R O Nelson, S A Wender, M C White, C Y Wu, E Kwan, A Chyzh, R Henderson and J Gostic 2012 JINST 7 C03028 Electrometric sensors for neutron radiation: conceptual study E Bogolubov, A Koshelev, V Mikerov and A Sviridov 2012 JINST 7 C03026 Neutron diagnostics at the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator W Schneider, B Wiegel, F Grunauer, R Burhenn, S Koch, H Schuhmacher and A Zimbal 2012 JINST 7 C03025 Monte-Carlo simulations of neutron-induced activation in a Fast-Neutron and Gamma-Based Cargo Inspection System B Bromberger, D Bar, M Brandis, V Dangendorf, M B Goldberg, F Kaufmann, I Mor, R Nolte, M Schmiedel, K Tittelmeier, D Vartsky and H Wershofen 2012 JINST 7 C03024 Results for the response function determination of the Compact Neutron Spectrometer F Gagnon-Moisan, M Reginatto and A Zimba l2012 JINST 7 C03023 Determination of the photon spectrum in an intense fission neutron beam M Jungwirth, H Breitkreutz, F M Wagner and T Bucher l2012 JINST 7 C03022 Towards high efficiency solid-state thermal and fast neutron detectors Y Danon, J Clinton, K C Huang, N LiCausi, R Dahal, J J Q Lu and I Bhat 2012 JINST 7 C03014 nGEM neutron diagnostic concept for high power deuterium beams G Croci, M Rebai, G Claps, M Cavenago, M Dalla Palma, G Gervasini, G Grosso, F Murtas, R Pasqualotto, E Perelli Cippo, M Tardocchi, M Tollin and G Gorini 2012 JINST 7 C03010 Neutron resonance spectroscopy for the characterization of materials and objects P Schillebeeckx, A Borella, F Emiliani, G Gorini, W Kockelmann, S Kopecky, C Lampoudis, M Moxon, E Perelli Cippo, H Postma, N J Rhodes, E M Schooneveld and C Van Beveren 2012 JINST 7 C03009 Liquefied Noble Gas (LNG) detectors for detection of nuclear materials J A Nikkel, T Gozani, C Brown, J Kwong, D N McKinsey, Y Shin, S Kane, C Gary and M Firestone 2012 JINST 7 C03007 First neutron spectrometry measurements in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak G Tardini, A Zimbal, B Esposito, F Gagnon-Moisan, D Marocco, R Neu, H Schuhmacher and the ASDEX Upgrade Team 2012 JINST 7 C03004 Concept of a novel fast neutron imaging detector based on THGEM for fan-beam tomography applications M Cortesi, R Zboray, R Adams, V Dangendorf and H -M Prasser 2012 JINST 7 C02056 Time and position sensitive single photon detector for scintillator read-out S Schossler, B Bromberger, M Brandis, L Ph H Schmidt, K Tittelmeier, A Czasch, V Dangendorf and O Jagutzki 2012 JINST 7 C02048 Characterization methods for an accelerator based fast-neutron facility C Franklyn and G C Daniels 2012 JINST 7 C02043 The investigation of fast neutron Threshold Activation Detectors (TAD) T Gozani, M J King and J Stevenson 2012 JINST 7 C02042 Fast neutron inelastic scattering at the nELBE facility R Beyer, D Bemmerer, E Grosse, R Hannaske, A R Junghans, M Kempe, T Kogler, R Massarczyk, R Nolte, R Schwengner and A Wagner 2012 JINST 7 C02020 PUBLISHEDBYIOPPUBLISHINGFORSISSAMEDIALAB RECEIVED:January9,2012 REVISED:April12,2012 ACCEPTED:May21,2012 PUBLISHED:July16,2012 2nd INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON FAST NEUTRON DETECTORS AND APPLICATIONS, NOVEMBER 6–11 2011, EIN GEDI, ISRAEL 2 0 1 2 Detection of explosives and other illicit materials by J a single nanosecond neutron pulses — Monte Carlo I simulation of the detection process N S T R. Miklaszewski,a,1 U. Wia˛cek,b D. Dworak,b K. Drozdowiczb and V. Gribkovc 7 aInstituteofPlasmaPhysicsandLaserMicrofusion, 23Herystr.,01-497Warszaw,Poland C bInstituteofNuclearPhysics,PolishAcademyofSciences, 0 147Radzikowskiegostr.,31-342Krako´w,Poland 7 cBaikovInstituteofMetallurgyandMaterialsScience, 49Leninskiipr.,119991Moscow,Russia 0 E-mail: [email protected] 0 6 1Correspondingauthor. (cid:13)c 2012IOPPublishingLtdandSissaMedialabsrl doi:10.1088/1748-0221/7/07/C07006 ABSTRACT: Recent progress in the development of a Nanosecond Impulse Neutron Investigation System(NINIS)intendedforinterrogationofhiddenobjects(explosivesandotherillicitmaterials) bymeansofmeasuringelasticallyandnon-elasticallyscatteredneutronsispresented. Themethod uses very bright neutron pulses having durations of the order of few nanoseconds, generated by a dense plasma focus (DPF) devices filled with pure deuterium or a deuterium-tritium mixture as a working gas. A very short duration of the neutron pulse, as well as its high brightness and mono- chromaticity allows using time-of-flight methods with bases of about few meters to distinguish signalsfromneutronsscatteredbydifferentelements. ResultsoftheMonteCarlosimulationsofthescatteredneutronfieldfromseveralcompounds (explosives and everyday use materials) are presented. The MCNP5 code has been used to get 2 information on the angular and energy distributions of neutrons scattered by the above mentioned 0 compoundsassumingtheinitialneutronenergiestobeequalto2.45MeV(DD)and14MeV(DT). 1 A new input has been elaborated that allows modeling not only a spectrum of the neutrons scat- 2 tered at different angles but also their time history from the moment of generation up to the de- tection. Such an approach allows getting approximate signals registered by hypothetic scintil- lator+photomultiplerprobesplacedatvariousdistancesfromthescatteringobject,demonstrating J principalcapabilityofthemethodtoidentifyanelementalcontentoftheinspectedobjects. Theex- I tensivecomputationsreveledalsoseverallimitationsoftheproposedmethod,namely: lownumber N ofneutronsreachingdetectorsystem,distortionsandinterferencesofscatteredneutronsignalsetc. S Furthermore,preliminaryresultsoftheMCNPmodelingofthehiddenfissilematerialsdetec- tionprocessarepresented. T KEYWORDS: Detectionofexplosives;Detectionofcontrabandanddrugs;Neutrondetectors(cold, 7 thermal,fastneutrons) C 0 7 0 0 6 Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Themethod 1 3 MCNPmodelingofthemethod 3 3.1 Modellingoftheneutronscatteringfromsimpleobjects 3 3.2 Morerealisticcase-modelingofaluggage 6 2 3.3 Modelingofsignalsfromobjectsplacedinarow 7 0 4 Detectionofhiddenfissilematerials,Monte-Carlosimulation 8 1 4.1 Spectraofscatteredneutrons 8 2 4.2 Modelingofscatteredneutronssignalsdetectedbytheneutronprobes 10 5 Conclusions 11 J I N 1 Introduction S A new approach to the detection of explosives and other illicit materials was proposed in [1, 2]. T Taking advantage of the capabilities of modern neutron generators (based on the Plasma-Focus principle)thatarecapabletoproduceflashesofveryintense(upto109 of2.45MeVneutronsfrom 7 DD and up to 1011 of 14MeV neutrons per shot from DT reaction) and very short neutron pulses (<10ns),itispossibletodetermineelementalcontentofunknownbulksamplesfrominformation C existinginafieldofscatteredneutrons. Duetoshortneutronpulsedurationatime-of-flightmethod canbeinvolvedintheidentificationprocedure. 0 7 2 Themethod 0 Themethodisbasedonthewellknowfactthatnuclide-specificinformationispresentinthescat- 0 tered neutron field. By detecting neutrons elastically and in-elastically scattered at different labo- 6 ratoryanglesfortwodifferentincidentneutronenergies(2.45MeVand14MeV),theamountsand positionsofthescatteringnuclidesmaybedetermined(figure1). Scattering signatures of different elements (especially H, C, N and O) should be precisely measured and a data basis of such signatures established. Then, using the data basis, scattering signaturesmeasuredforunknownsamplesareunfoldedtodeterminetheirelementalcomposition. The method proposed belongs to the wider group of approaches that make use of specific interactionofneutrons(fastorthermal)withdifferentmaterials. Asaresultofsuchinteractionan inducedgammaradiationisemittedfromanobjectirradiatedaswellasafieldofscatteredneutrons appears(duetoelasticandinelasticscatteringofprimaryneutrons). Theinformationonelemental composition of the object can be drown from both the gamma radiation and the scattered neutron field[3]–[7]. –1– Figure1. Theschemeillustratingideaoftheproposedmethod. 2 0 1 2 J I N S T 7 C 0 7 0 Figure2. Schemeofthe“singleshot”detectingsystem. 0 6 Weproposetobringintoplayaneutronsourcebasedonaplasmaaccelerator. whichgenerates verypowerfulpulsesofneutronsinthenanosecondrangeduration. NeutronsourcesofthePlasma Focus type can generate neutron pulses with durations in the nano-second range, and provide a veryhighneutronyieldinthesepulses. For example our device PF-6 (operating at the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Micro- fusion, Warsaw, Poland) with 7.4kJ of energy in its capacitor storage, is capable to generate in one pulse of ∼=10ns duration up to 109 DD (2.5MeV) neutrons or 1011 DT (14MeV) neutrons. This feature allows to create a “single-shot” detection system. It means that all necessary infor- mation will be received using a limited number of very bright pulses of neutrons having duration in a nanosecond range and registered by means of the time-of-flight technique. A proposal of the generalschemeofsuchdetectionsystemispresentedinfigure2. –2– 2 0 1 Figure3. ThegeometryoftheMCNPcalculation(R : source-objectandR : object-detectordistances). 1 2 2 3 MCNPmodelingofthemethod J TheMCNP(version5)[8]codehasbeenusedtoinvestigatevariousfeaturesandpropertiesofthe I method. The complexity of the input-files increased together with increasing knowledge of the team. The most important progress was the achievement of the capability of simulating scattered N neutronsignalsasregisteredbyfactiousscopes(time-amplitudesignals). S T 3.1 Modellingoftheneutronscatteringfromsimpleobjects In the first step the MCNP code was used to simulate scattering of neutrons from simple objects (spheres with radius = 5cm) made of basic elements like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon, Sulphur 7 as well as some compounds e.g. explosives (RDX) and everyday use materials like melamine, glucose and acetamide. The aim of these investigations was to examine the dependence of the C registered neutron signals on angles and distances: neutron source-sample, sample-detector etc. 0 TheneutronpulsefromthepointDDsource(E =2.45MeV)wasassumedtobeGaussianintime n 7 withtherealisticfullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM)of10ns. Thegeometryofthecomputation ispresentedinfigure3. 0 Results of the computations performed using the geometry presented in figure 3 have been 0 alreadypublishedin[9]. Herewepresentonlysomeofthemconnectedwiththechoiceofascat- 6 teringangle,theimportantfactorforthecapabilityofthesystemtodeterminetheelementalcontent oftheinvestigatedcompound. Infigure4,signalsweredetectedwhiletheinitial2.45MeVneutron pulse interacts with the investigated object (a sphere filled with the RDX explosive material) in a geometrycorrespondingtotheonepresentedinfigure3. The following conclusions can be drawn from the basic investigations with the use of the simplegeometryshowninfigure3: 1. Capabilityofthesystemtodistinguishesignalscorrespondingtoneutronsscatteredbydiffer- entelements(C,N,O)dependsstronglyonthescatteringangle. Fromtheresultspresented infigure4itisevidentthatratherhighscatteringangles150◦–170◦ (practicallybackscatter- ing)shouldbeusedforthedeterminationoftheelementalcontentofunknownobjectsasfor loweranglesthesignalsoriginatedfromvariouselementsmergegradually. –3–