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• ~ I I Exhibit 7 Contests listings I took this table from The ARRL OperatingManual (1996). It lists all majorcontests. There are eight CW-only contests, seven SSB-only (phone) contests, and two RTTY contests. (Other high frequency contest listed inthe table permitted any mode.) The SSB version ofthe All Asian DX Contest was included while the CWversion was inadvertently omitted. I have attached a listing from the May 1998 issue ofQST, which showsthe CWversion ofthis contest. Including the All AsianDX Contest (CW), there are nine CW contests comparedto seven for SSB. This Exhibit demonstrates that there are at least as many major contests onhigh frequency devoted to CW as to SSB, and that RTTYwas a distant third place. Table 7·1 Major Contests Month Contest Scope Exchange Jan ARRlVHF Primarily WNE Grid-square locator Sweepstakes Jan ·CQWorldwide 160-Meter International WNE: signal report,and Dec CQ; ContestCorral, Contest (CW) statefprovince; OX: signal report Jan QST . and country Jan ARB... International WNE: Signal report and RTlY Roundup state/province; OX: signal report and serial number Feb ARRL NoviceRoundup Novicesrrechs work others Feb ARRL International WNE stns work WNf:.: signal report and OX Contest(bW) OXstns state/province; OX: signal report andpower Feb CQWorldwide 160-Meter International See above See above Contest (phone) . Mar ARRl International OX Contest International See above Dec QST (phone) Mar Spring RTTYContest International UTC, signal report and Contest Corral, MayQST aso consecutive serial number Mar CQWPXContest{phone) International Signal report and consecutive Jan CQ; Contest Corral, aso serial number Feb QST May Russian CQ-M Contest International Signal reportand consecutive Contest Corral, AprQST aso (phone and CW) serial number . May CQWPX Contest (CW) International See above aso Jun ARRl June VHF Party International See above MayQST Jun .All Asian OX Contest (phone) Asian stns work Signal report and age Contest Corral Jun QST Jun ARRl Fjeld Day PrimarilyWNE Transmitter "class" and ARRl Jul IARU rtF World Championship International Signal report and lTU zone . (phone and CW) Jul CQ VHF WPX Contest International Consecutive asoserialnumber Feb CO; Contest Corral and call sign Jul QST Aug Worked All Europe(CW) EU stns work Signal report and.consecutive ContestCorral,May QST others aso serial number All Sep Worked Europe(phone) See above See above See.above aso Sep ARRl SeptemberVHF International Grid-square locator Party Oct CO Worldwide OX Contest International Signal report and CO zone Sep CO; Contest Corral, (phone) OctQST Nov ARRLSweepstakes (CW) WNE Consecutive aso serial number, power level designator, call sign .' last 2'digits ofthe yearyou were. licensed, ARRL section. . Nov ARRL Sweepstakes (phone) WNE Oct OST Nov COWorldwide OX Contest (CW) International See above See above Dec ARRL 160-Meter Contest (CW) International WNE: signal report and ARRl Section; OX: signal report Dec ARRL 10-Meter Contest (phone International WNE: signal report and and CW) state/province; OX: signal report aso and consecutive serial number Contests 7-3 f withARCImember.Otherscount2pts/samecon ofTexascountiesworked(254maxplusArmadillo province/DXCCentityandpoweroutput(MI-QRP tinentand4pts/differentcontinent.MultiplyQSO Countymysterystation).Texasstationsusenumber members send membership no.). Work stations pointsbystates/provinces/DXCCcountriesworked ofTexasc0!Jnties,states,CanadianProvinces,and onceperband.Score5pts/QSOwIMI-QRPmem perbandandbypowermultiplier(>5W(1;<5W DX countnes (less USA, Canada, Hawaii and bers,4pts/QSOw/non-membersoutsideWNEand (7;< 1W ( 10; <250 mW, ( 15). Awards. Mail Alaska).Addbonuspointstoyourfinalscore:Non 2p.ts/QSOwithWNEnonmembers.MultiplyQSO entriesbyJun23 toQRPARCIContestManager, Tex~sstations add 100points for every 10Texas POIntsbystates/provinces/DXCCentitiesworked Cam Hartford, N6GA, 1959 Bridgeport Ave, mobilesworkedperband/mode.Texasstationsadd perbandx 1.25 ifyou are using ahomebrewre Claremont,CA91711;[email protected]. 100pointsforevery 10Texasmobilesworkedper ceiverortransmitter. Awards. Send logstoL. T. Texas QSO Party, sponsored by the Texas DX band/mode.Texasmobilesadd5000pointsperev Switzer, N8CQA, 654 Georgia Ave, Marysville, Society.1400ZMay23to0500ZMay24and1400Z ery5countiescoveredwith atleast5contactsper MI48040-1243;[email protected]. to 2000Z May 24. Categories: single op, multi countyandadd 100pointsforevery 10Texasmo singleandmulti-multi;Texasmobilesingleopand bilesworkedperband/mode. Sendlogs(anddupe 30-31 multiop; QRP single and multi xmtr; and a Club sheetsifover200QSOs)byJune5,1997toTDXS, Aggregatecategory.ExchangeRSTandState,prov POB 540291, Houston, TX 77254; WSHNS@aol CQWWWPXContest,CW,seeMarQST,p101. ince, country, or maritime region. Texas stations .com;http://n5uh.tech.uh.edul-tdxsl. sendRSTandcounty.Suggestedfrequencies:CW JuneEvents 30kHzup.Phone-25kHzupinGeneralclassseg 25·26 ments. VHF-50.200 144.200.Workstationsonce Memorial Day CW Sprint, sponsored by the 6 QRPTacticalContest perbandandmode.Texasmobilesmaybeworked Michigan QRPClub, 2300ZMlI)IrI25 until 0300Z 13-15 ARRLJuneVHFesoParty onceperband/modefromeachcounty.Score2pts/ May26.CWonly,160-6meters(eX"<ilpt30,17and 7t' 20-21 All-AsianOXContest,CW <:- phoneQSO and 3pts/CWand otherdigital mode 12meters).Classes:<250mW;250mWto1W; 1 27-28 FieldDay ~ QSO. Multipliers: non-Texas stations use number W to 5W; and over 5 W. Exchange RST, state! Edited byBev Fernandez, N1NAV •Assistant Contest Manager Louisville, KY: Amateur Radio Transmitting GordyHanson,N0ZRD,2317ByrdAveN.,Golden Washington,DC: BoyScoutTroop170,K2BSA/ Society, Inc, W4CN, OOOIZ May 1 to 2359Z Valley,MN55422. 3,1400-1900ZMay9,NationalCapitolAreaCoun May3, 124thKentuckyDerby,3.8507.250 14.250 Sunflower,KS:SandhillsandTrojanARC,K0S& cil Scout Show on the Mall, 7.230. Certificate. 28.400. Certificate. Shelby Summerville, K4WW, W0MI,OOOOZMay22400ZMay3,Operatingfrom Jay Chamberlain, AE4MK, 27 Fox Run Ln, 6505LantanaCt,Louisville,KY40229-1544. thehighestpointinKansas,3.92014.285.040CWo Fredericksburg,VA22405. Marion,AR: DrivenElementsARG, K5M, 2200Z, Certificate. Mt Sunflower Expedition, Box DX, Logansport,IN:CCARC,W9V, 1400-0200UTC, May 1to 0200ZMay 2,and 6th annual Esparanza Colby,KS67701. May9,45thAnniversaryofCCARC,7.255 14.282 BonanzaFestival,7.28521.37528.410.Certificate.R Philadelphia,PA:TheOlympiaARC, WA3BAT, 28.330146.520.QSL.TheCassCoARC,Box1092, Brockwell,118Brougham,Marion,AR72364. 1300ZMay22200ZMay3, 100thAnniversaryof Logansport,IN46947. Beavercreek, OH: Upper Valley ARC, KI8CJ, Admiral Dewey'striumph overtheSpanishFleet. Leesvllle,SC: Ridge ARC, W4RRC, 1600-2000Z 2000ZMay1to2000ZMay2FourthAnniversary 3.898 7.248 14.03021.040. Certificate. Olympia May 9, South Carolina Poultry Festival, 14.260 ofParkwoodElementarySchool'sfourthgradeclass ARC,211 SouthColumbusBlvd,Philadelphia,PA 21.360 28.360 147.255. Certificate. RARC, Box Adopt-A-Ham Program, 145.41 146.94 146.64 19106. 1046,Leesville,SC29070. 145.19.QSL.MikeFisher,KI8CJ, 1791WileneDr, Madison, WI: Four Lakes ARC, W9SIW9IXG, Blackfoot,ID:PocatelloARC,N7PI,OOOOZMay9 Dayton,OH45432. 1400ZMay20200ZMay10,150thAnniversaryof toOOOOZMay10,TendoyDistrictBoyScoutJam Eldon,MO:NorthsideARC,AA0VM,1500ZMay Wisconsin Statehood, 28.325 50.175 144.225 boree,7.25014.25021.35028.350.QSL.Pocatello 1to2300ZMay3,OpeningoftheLakeoftheOzarks 144.55.Certificate.UWSpacePlace, 1605 SPark ARC,Box2722,Pocatello,ID83206-2722. Community Bridge, 7.250 14.25021.35028.350. St,Madison,WI53715. Fairmont,WV: MountaineerARC,W8SP,OOOOZ Certificate.NorthsideARC,Box954,RockyMount, Canon City, CO: Royal Gorge ARC, KB0TUC, May9to2400ZMay10,FirstMothersDayobser M065072. 1400-2100ZMay 3, Annual Music and Blossom vanceattheInternationalMothersDayShrine,Gen Aquinnah,MA:FallRiverARC,WIACT/P,1800Z Festival, Lower portionsofGeneral bands 40-15. eral portion of 80 40 20 15. Certificate. Chuck May1to1500ZMay3,IotaNA046fromGayHead Certificate.ChuckWard,NC0A, 1101HarrisonSt, McClain, K8UQY, RR4 Box 161, Grafton, WV LighthouseMarthasVineyardIsland,14.260allHF CanonCity,Co81212. 26354. bands. QSL. Roland Daignault, NIIOY, 19 Davis Wausau,WI:WisconsinValleyRA,W9SM,1500Z Selinsgrove, PA: Susquehanna Valley ARC, Rd,Westport,MA02790. May 5 to 2000Z May 8, Dream Flight Wausau, W3VPJ,1300ZMay90200ZMayl0,10thAnniver FreedomTownship,OH:PortageARC,KB8UUZ, 14.25021.32528.325146.640.Certificate.Wiscon saryofSVARCaffiliationwiththeARRL,10-80in 1700ZMay1to2300ZMay3,40thAnnualLoyalty sinValleyRA,Box363,Wausau,WI54402-0363. thegeneralportionofeachband.Certificate.SVARC Day, 40 20 15 10. Certificate. Tom Parkinson, WestMimin,PA:BelleVernonHighSchoolARC, SpecialEventStation,Box73,HummelsWharf,PA KB8UUZ,9992StateRte700,Mantua,OH44225. KB3BKW, 1400-2000ZMay 7, Amusement Park 1783I. Brownsville,TX:CHARROARC,KC5PCN,1300 Physics and Communications Day, 3.850 7.225 Ono,CA:CopsContestClub,W6P,OOOOZMay10 2000ZMay2,operatingfrom thelastbattleofthe 14.225 21.300. Certificate. Belle Vernon HS Are, to 2400ZMay 17, Commemorate National Police CivilWarfoughtnearBrownsville,Generalportion 425CrestAve,BelleVernon,PA 15012. OfficersWeek, 7.29028.49021.390 14.290. Cer of2015andPhoneportionoftheNovice10meter. Middlebourne,WV:TylerCountyARO, KC8GXI, tificate.JerryBoyd,Box252,Igo-Ono,CA96047. Certificate.CHARROARC,3554BocaChicaBlvd, 1400ZMay8to2200ZMay9,Commemoratingthe Dayton, OH: Dayton Amateur Radio Association, Brownsville,TX78521. Tyler Co Historic Museum, 3.860 7.230 14.270 W8BII8,1200t02201Z,May15,1200to2100ZMay SaltLakeCity,UT:UtahARC,N7T,1600-2300Z 28.320.Certificate.TCARO,Box287,Middlebourne, 16and1200to1600ZMay17.DaytonHamvention. May2, Scout-O-RamaCommunicationsExercise, WV26149. 25kHzfrombottomof20and40meterGeneralphone 7.235 14.265 21.350 28.400. QSL. Eugene Fairfield, CT: Fairfield ARA, WBICQO, 1400 andCWsubbands;25kHzfrombottomof40-meter Christensen, KC7CSE, 1193 Serpentine Way, 2000ZMay9,63rdAnnualDogwoodFestival,Gen NovicelTechnicianPlusCWsubband.QSL.W8BII8, Sandy,UT84094-4633. eralportionof40201510.Certificate/QSL.FARA, POBox44,Dayton,OH45401-0044. Farmville,VA: SouthsideARA, KE4ZBH, 1400 WBICQO, Box486,Southport,CT06490-0486. Gadsden,AL: GadsdenRC, K4JMC, 1700Z May 2000Z May 2, Heart of Virginia Festival, 7.225 Luther,OK:LutherHistoricalSociety/LutherYouth 15 to 0500Z May 17, Riverfest 98, 3.965 7.230 14.22550.20028.385.QSL.JohnAustin,N4CFA, ARC,KB2AW, J500-2300ZMay9, 100thAnniver 14.260 147.16. Certificate. GARC, K4JMC, Box 1001 7thAve,Farmville,VA23901-2317. sary ofLuther, 14.250 21.350 28.400. Certificate, 392,Gadsden,AL35902. Novi,MI:NoviARC,KC8FSW,1400-2100ZMay2, Luther Historical Society, Box 601, Luther, OK Wheaton,IL:DupageARC,W9DUP, 1500-2100Z 2ndAnnualIndy500Celebration,7.2447.2467.125 73054-0601. May 16,Armed ForcesDay,7.250 14.29028.400 '1.325.QSL.NARC,Box268,Novi,MI48376-0268. BrokenArrow,OK:BrokenArrowARC,W5BBS, 145.25. Certificate. John McCarty, Box 71, ClarendonHills,IL60514. ChancellorsvilJe,VA:RappahannockValleyARC, 1400-2200ZMay9,AnnualRosterDay,3.9007.200 NJ4F,1500-2100ZMay2,Generalportionof2040. 14.300 21.400. Certificate. BAARC, Box 552, Baltimore,MD:MarylandMobileersARC,W3N, Certificate.RVARC,Box1496,Fredericksburg,VA BrokenArrow,OK74013-0552. 1400-2000ZMay16,HonoringtheSubmarineSer 22402 NewBern,NC:NewBernARC,N4B,1200-2000Z vice, 7.240 14.240 21.340 28.340. Certificate. MMARC,Box935,Severn,MD,21144. Annondale,MN:Explorerpost676.K0BSA,2300 May9, 100th BirthdayofPepsi, inventedin New 0300ZMay2,and 1500-0200May3,SternsBoy Bern,7.1137.24814.248146.610.Certificate.New Hayesville,NC:TriodeARC,AD4FJ,1400-1800Z ScoutCamper-All,7.29014.29018.140.Certificate. BernARC,Box12483,NewBern,NC28561-2483. May16,SmokeyMountainHamRadioPicnic,7.275 May1998 97 • I ~ i I Exhibit 8 Contest scores I took these scores from articles in QSTreporting the results ofthe most recent ARRLDX Contests, both phone and CW, and the ARRL Sweepstakes (a domestic contest), both phone and CWo Scores are determined by multiplying QSO points (that is, the point value for each contact) by certain multipliers. Multipliers are the same for the CWand SSB contests. The more amateurs that participate in a particular contest, the greaterthe number ofQSO opportunities, and the higher scores. The scores inthe two CW contests were similar to the scores inthe two SSB contests. It is a reasonable inference that the CW contests drew an approximately similar number ofparticipants as the SSB contests. Scores for the ARRL DX Contest from the October and NovemberIssues ofQST: Phone CW WNEQRP 204,624 468,468 WNE LowPower 1,018,791 1,602,975 WNE High Power 4,476,600 3,742,200 WNE Unlimited 10,373,508 9,435,786 DXQRP 86,388 1,799,424 DXLowPower 1,184,358 3,369,600 DXHigh Power 7,051,413 5,822,952 WNE Unlimited 12,587,448 9,781,728 ARRL Sweepstakes Results from May and June Issues ofQST: Single Op QRP 144,888 166,058 Single Op Low Power 268,758 190,008 Single Op HighPower 371,932 234,788 Multi Op 303,360 217,408 InExhibit 23, below, David Sumner, KIZZ, publisherofthe ARRL's QST, made this observation: "CW contest operators can only chucklewhen they hear oftheimpending demise of the mode. The fact is that scores keep climbing as both the numberand the skill ofparticipants continue to increase." By Dave Patton, W9QA and Billy Lunt, KR1R 1998 ARRL International DX Contest CW Results Itwas agreat way to spend aweekend-working DX with 5W!-KBOUA ~A fter the lastfew years ofwriting boxes from an areathat has generally worse the top score from 1997 and are agreat in aboutthe dearth ofsunspotsand propagation than the rest ofthe world-ie, a dication of improving conditions. AJ2U poorconditions,the1998running station located near the Arctic Circle, North jumpedontheQRPbusinBermudaoperat ofthe CWversion ofthe ARRL Dakota, or the Far East. Of course, a great ing VP9ID to a 1.7 million-point victory InternationalDXContesthasprovidedsome scoredoesnothave tomakeatopscoresbox from the DX side! He far outdistanced the actualhigh-bandpropagationaboutwhichto tobe"great."Alow-powerstationthatbeatsa ever-presentHPIAC,G0TDXandBBBK. write!Stationsaroundtheworldcommented high-powerstation,astationthatworksatre KN4Tknockedoutover1595QSOsinthe on the great improvement of the IS-meter mendous number of multipliers despite bad barefootcategoryforafirstplacewin!Walt's band. Other operators were even more conditions, stations that used small antennas Floridalocationprobablyhelpedhimextend pleasedtoonceagainhearoldfriendsacross oremergency powerand still turned inasu thebandopeningson10and ISandbeatthe the world who had seemingly disappeared perbeffort,areallexamplesof"greatscores." stiffcompetition from W2TZ, KIVUT and withthe sunspots. Someofthebestscorescomefromthebattles VOIMP. Fartherwest, K5RX camein with Activity washigh andscores improved betweenstationsinthesamecategorysuchas just under a million points and a seventh overthosefrom 1997.Forthoseofyouwho themulti-opcategories. Scores thatareclose place finish from Texas. The DX side en are about to experience your first sweeps togetherusuallyindicateterrificcompetition! joyed lots oflow poweractivity, butit was throughthesunspotmaximum,startprepar Evidence ofthat can be found in the USA's KE2VBoperatingWP2Zwhotookthecrown ingyourstationstoreallytakeadvantageof multi-twocategorybattlethisyear! and the record with a 3.3-million point 10,15,and20!Andyoumightwanttorevisit Starting with the QRP battles, 1998 saw effort that includedover3740QSOs! K3DI yourstrategyforrunningstations.Thegen K3PH take the domestic title with a score jumped out of the QRP category this year eral ruleofthumbforastationenteringone approaching 500,000! He finished ahead of and took second place from VP2EEI. The of the all-band categories is to run on the N7IRwhoknocked out397kilopointsfrom "Wisconsinguy,"WI9WI placedthirdwith highestbandopentoamajorpopulationarea. outwest. Both ofthese scores handily beat hiseffortfromC6AJZ.TheBahamasproves So, when sunriserolls aroundyou will find yourselfwithaterrificproblem-whichband torunon?Effectivelytherewillbelittletime TopTen tospendon20meters (even though 20will WNESingleOperator, WNESingleOperalor, OXSingleOperelor, OXSingleOperalor, be wide open!), and while 15 may be the CRP,CW LowPower,CW CRP,CW LowPower,CW K3PH 468,468 KN4T 1.602,975 VP91D(AJ2U,op)1,799,424 WP2Z(KE2VB,op) 3,389,600 "money"band, if10meters opensthat may N71R 397,992 W2TZ 1,356,282 HP1AC 172,992 VP2EEI(K3Di,op) 2,422,452 betheplacetogo.Ifyouhavetheabilityand NHM 362,490 K1VUT 1,242,000 GaTDX 155,568 C6AJZ(WI9WI,op) 1,227,150 W8LVN 322,623 V01MP 1,223,508 i3BBK 142,884 KP2IKaDI 1,055,700 desire to use another radio simultaneously W4KY 210.000 N8AA 1,148,292 JR4DAH 103,068 9XaA 1,001,478 withyourrunning radio (tofind multipliers N1CWR 192,192 NA2U 1,091,718 DL4FN 94,335 L36E 876,345 W8QZAl6 185,277 K5RX 993,300 PY2RNJ 72,765 EA7GTF 779,220 onotherbands,scoutanotherbandforpropa AA1CA 175,422 K4RO 925,704 JA6UBK 68,820 VK5GN 736,020 gation,etc)greatpropagationconditionscan W3ZZ 170,016 W040 910,800 JA9RPU 63,840 ZV80(PV80NU,op) 733,028 KD2TT 161,355 WT10 890,781 WP4JXD 52,272 S57DX 730,944 be even more fun. Keep in mind that often threebands(andpossiblyfour)maybeopen tothe sameareaatthe sametime! There were some great scores and great battlesinthe 1998CWcontest.Howdoyou recognizeagreatscore?Whenyou readthe contestresultsandlooktothescorelistings, doyoufindyourscoreandcompareittothe other local competitors and then stop read ing? Ifso, you have a lot more to gain by "lookingfurtherintothestory!"Besidesthe enjoymentofunderstandinghowgreatscores are achieved, you can learn much from the scorelistingsincluding:whichstationshave favorite bands or modes; discovering that therereallyisahugeamountofactivityfrom SouthAmericaifyouknowwhereandwhen to look; finding that there were no entries from your region on a particular band; or maybe discovering that you too could be John, W1BIH, andJack, W1WEF, verysuccessfulonaDXpeditionwithonlya Dan, K1TO, and Ron, WD4AHZ, arebusy celebrate theirvictoryasthe first place verticalantennafrom the Caribbean! running stations at K40J's multi-multi multioperatorsingletransmitterworld Great scores are those that make top score station in SFL. winners atPJ9C. 110 October 1998 -------.--r---------------- _ everyyeartobeagreatplacetooperatethe WNE SingleOperator, High Power, CW ARRLDXContests.Itiseasytogetto,warm CallSign Scora 160 80 40 20 15 10 and radio friendly, and in 1998 there were W1KM 3,742,200 124/51 559/69 788178 1040189 599180 40129 no fewer than five active C6A stations on K1ZM 3,709,221 104/52 312/67 910/83 820188 827/89 50/30 KQ2M 3,457,458 85/49 510/69 796176 821/90 723179 43124 thebands!Therewerealsoacoupleofother N6BV/' 3,219,990 80/46 291/62 787/80 1139182 643174 25118 terrific low-power scores from places that N2LT 3,005,775 75/38 267/54 620174 815185 935194 33120 K3Z0 2,852,700 72140 225/57 617169 880187 715184 61133 aren'tquiteas closeas theBahamas: 9X0A W9RE 2,372,931 60/38 140/53 341170 638181 941/91 59/30 produced a megapoint from Rwanda and W4PA 2,290,554 37/27 170/53 525173 905188 564183 25/19 K1ZR(atKB1S0) 2,185,440 39/29 203/55 660171 tOl0184 388163 20/12 VK5GNcameout with over700,000points W6AX(N6IG,op) 2,053,716 14/12 106/43 535170 643185 742181 86/31 fromfarawaySouthAustralia.Operatingthe ARRLDXContestfrom VK5 made Martin WNE180 WNE80 WNE40 WNE20 WNE15 WNE10 really maximizehisbandopenings! WW24VZVO 2402,,960505 KW81MMKK 217743,,886206 NAD7D6DDO 218936,,649126 W(Wl'JUl'JNUA,4o9p5),495 K(5aTtRW5KF34n3,200 WK49JGYIOL 1111,,903710 Theguyswiththekilowattsputonanother K4TEA 16,692 K9DX 132,720 N2PP 188,964 NSl'JZ 397,188 WW4RR 313,020 W5Z0 9,804 WF2W 15,120 VE1JF 118,188 K4VX 186,186 (W9WI,op) (N4ZZop) KC5QBG 7,695 showthisyear.WIKMwonarepeatvictory K30SX 8,322 K5MR 77,760 (K9BGL,op) WS1M 277,560 N5NJ 298,758 W7USA 5,580 in'98,butonlyby32,000pointsoverKIZM! VE30SZ 7,638 VE3DO 67,776 AA7A 137,124 K1DKX 275,616 (atK5MR) AI2C 5,568 W4SVO 7,104 N2GC 60,450 N2FY 56,283 K2BA 220,806 N4VZ 263,025 K1Dil 3,519 Bothofthesescores andthose from KQ2M W8WEJ 3,219 K3JGJ 60,102 WB8ZWY 33,930 K7ZA 209,250 W91W 218,160 W1RFQ 1,425 and N6BVII beat WIKM's 3.16-million W1UK 53,856 N8PR 27,048 W90F 183,456 (ES2RR,op) N3CZB 12 W4HM 27,720 W4NTI 22,344 W5FO 166,320 K9QVB 170,748 pointwinnerfrom 1997.W9REcamein7th W3KT 20,736 K7ZZ 149,202 W4S0 158,004 from Indiana, and N6IG placedW6AX into K9CAN 111,024 N7BZ 155,034 N41R 138,290 thenumber10slotfromCaliforniawithover W6BSY 121,626 2millionpoints.TheDXsidewaswonhand ily byW2SC whoonceagainavoidedoper OXSingleOperator, High Power, CW atingthecontestfromKansas,insteadtaking CallSign Score 160 80 40 20 15 10 onthechallengefromsunny8P9JG.Tomal 8P9JG(W2SC,op) 5,822,952 269146 598157 1198157 1262157 1161156 1376158 mostmadeitto6000QSOs.FollowingTom FM5DN 4,275,876 192137 504155 893156 1043158 1085159 751154 were FM5DN, YV5A (OH0XX), LTlF YV5A(OHl'JXX,op) 3,659,880 010 352154 558/55 1100157 1125/57 1222157 LT1F(LU5CW,op) 3,534,732 515 154/41 807154 813157 1007158 1483/60 (LU5CW), andNH7A (N6HR). Theseguys NH7A(N6HR,op) 3,172,104 155/42 287149 842157 472/54 954157 679153 V47KP(W20X,op) 2,582,139 161/38 296/43 463/48 502/53 891157 688148 gave us all lots ofmultipliers in 1998! The OA4SS 2,323,785 0/0 194142 340152 679/57 759157 951/57 Europeanchampionfor 1998is F6FGZ. F6FGZ 2,060,658 147/35 382/43 784152 933155 628154 010 OK1RF 2,046,120 122130 365143 838/53 829156 736154 0/0 Thesingleoperatorassistedcategorysaw S58A 1,883,007 99129 230136 821/56 759/56 631153 43113 KIlG place KING in the winner's circle OX160 OX80 OX40 OX20 OX15 OX10 againthisyear,followedcloselybyK3WW, EA8ZS 36,036 OT8T 121,476 C6A1K4PG226,722 ZF2NE 350,784 FM5CD 326,388 LU3HIP 202,440 and eight more W2s and W3s! Obviously SP7GIQ 30,987 (ON4WW,op) 9A5Y 207,081 (W5ASP,op) PY0ZFO 317,715 PYl'JFF 145,200 SWU 28,128 DF9ZP 92,355 (9A3LG,op) SP2FAX244,260 (W9VA,op) CX9BT 76,645 the East Coast PacketCluster network S57M 22,134 (K8ZB,op) S52AW 198,012 OH8LQ 228,420 TI71N4MO235,809 LU9APM 48,096 works okay! Both KING and K3WW beat 13VHO 18,228 OM5DX 80,511 S53M 196,896 IT9XUC 207,180 HC2SL 217,500 PJ5JP 39,216 HAl'JDU 15,072 YUlEXY 79,621 (S51TA,op) S50K 190,878 LSOFC 178,350 VK4XA 32,967 WIKM'sscoreandprovidedsolidevidence OK1AEZ 10,584 OM3PA 66,264 EA7KW 188,442 OM3NA 181,431 OTeA 159,390 CX9BAG 16,920 of the advantage of packet DX spotting YU7AU 10,212 DL5YM 65,898 HB5H 187,920 YT1R 174,522 (ON5UM,op) 9A1CAL 252 F6CWA 7,209 Yl9A 57,933 (HB9FAP,op) (YU1ZZ,op) PY2XE 136,950 (9A3JI,op) assistance. YZ41Z 7,062 (YU1NW,op) YT7A 175,566 DLl'JDAN160,215 C6A1N4BP127,200 ZV2VT 48 Thesinglebandswereamixedbagin1998. ON4AKL 51,786 YU7KW 166,896 LA8W 144,420 IK4WMG 124,497 JA0RYN/7 42 S53X 41,769 OT8T 159,318 (LA4DCA,op) C08LY 122,907 The low bands did not perform anywhere YU1KR 39,975 (DL2CC,op) OK1FPG141,288 near 1997's level, but still great scores OM5M 146,172 (OM2RA,op) abound. W4ZV found 71 countries to win 160 meters from the US, while EA8ZS put hisbigsignalwellintoNorthAmericatowin original Wisconsin guy we must add!), year's winning 15 meterscore from the US 160fromtheDXside.SP7GIQnearlycaught W9WI, who operated NS0Z in Missouri. was61,000points!FM5CDbeatW9VAwho 'ZS withafine 30,000score! W9WIisoneofthebestCWoperatorsinthe wasoperatingatPY0ZFOforthetophonors EightymeterssawRob,WIMK,nearlyre US,andhasquietlycompilednicescoresyear on15fromtheDXside.TowinfromEurope peathisscorefromlastyearat274k!K8MK afteryear.Onecansaytheexactsamething ON5UMkeyedOT8Ato 159kon 15,so the came in second at 173k, and going west, about W0UA too! Look at these two zero goodconditions wereenjoyedeverywhere! K9DXwasthird,andK5MRcameinatnum district scores and understand that you are Ten metersjustwasn'tquite there yetfor ber5.Wayoutwest,K6SEpiled-up27kfrom seeinggreatscores!W9WIhasalsowonthe the US and Canadian stations. K4JYO put California.TheDXsideof80metersfound KC DX Club's CW copyingcompetitionat together enough QSOs for 11,000 points, ON4WWkeyingOT8Tto121,000andawin the Dayton Hamvention several times, so whichwasabout 10times betterthan 1997! over DF9ZP. In the great score category, obviouslythatcompetitiontrulyreveals the LU3HIPhadamuchbettertimeon10amass KL7RAfinishedjustoutofthetop 10witha best! Other high finishers in the copying ing202,000points andbeatingthecompeti 32kscorefrom Alaska! competition year after year include K3Z0 tion ofPY0FF. On40 meters AD6DO abandoned his old and K5ZD. Look for their scores very high The always-competitive multioperator KC6CNV call sign, and put up 283,000 up in the standings too! Fromthe DX side, categories provided a lot of fireworks in points for a terrific winning score overlast Joe,W5ASP, played20metersfrom hisfa 1998.TheK5ZDstationandoperatorspulled year'swinner,N7DD.OneoftheC6stations, voriteZF2NEspot.Joerepeatshiswinfrom inwitha4megapointscoreandfirstplacedo C6A/K4PG, produced 227k to win for the 1997 while beating another fine number 2 mesticallyintheMulti-singleclassjustahead DXside.9A5Y(9A3LGoperating)pulledin scorefrom Poland-SP2FAX! ofW3BGNandN2RM.FromtheABCislands 2ndworldwide. Interestingly, Europewasa Thebigstoryfrom 1998wastheimprove once againthis yearcamethe fight for world greatplacetobein 1998formaking thetop mentinconditions andscoreson 15meters. honors.PJ9C,withWlBIHandWIWEFatthe score boxes. On 160 meters European sta In the early stages ofthe sunspotcycleup controlsbeatP49VandV31TPina1-2-3fin tionstookspots2through10,on80theytook swing, stations in the southern areas ofthe ish that mirrored 1997. Can this finish order ..~spots 1through 1O,on40they tookspots2 US, and in fact, anywhere south and/or happen again next year? Multi-single in Eu through10,andon20meters,again,Europe near the equator really do well on 15 and ropeisalsoverypopularandTM9Cpulledout ans finished number2through number 10! 10 meters. K5TR put W5KFT's station to allthestopstowinfrom the oldcontinent. Twentymeterswasabattleofzeroesinthe good use in winning the US with a 343 Multi-two saw the best competition in US,asW0UAatW0UNtookthenumberone kilopoint score over N4ZZ using his funny 1998, A mere 351,000 points separated the slot over that other "Wisconsin guy" (the looking WW4RR club call at 313k. Last domestic winner, KIAR, fromnumberfour, Q~ October 1998 111 - By Dave Patton, W9QA, and Billy Lunt, KR1R -1998 ARRL International DX Contest Phone Results Best Propagation in Years!-N3HBX [§] omebody threw away the bro- year, bothto "workout the kinks" and per year.Oneofthehighlightsofall-bandcon S kenCDfromlastyearasthe1998 haps to attract a fresh crop ofenthusiastic testing is to break 1000 QSOs on a single Phone DX Contestweekend saw operatorswithwhomtostaffstationsforthe band while doing well on the other bands, excellentactivityandtremendous future. too.Well,Johndidn'tjustbreak1000QSOs scores.Thescoreincreasesoverthosefrom KIARtuned-uphisrunningskillsforthe ononeband,butputup1394QSOson20and 1997on 15and20meterswereastounding, future with an awesome4.4 megapointvic 12960nIS!Thosetwobandscombinedwere andshowedwhatispossiblewhenthesolar tory in the high-power single-op class this moreQSOsthantheothercompetitorscould flux rises evenonly afew points. Inthe US musteronallbandscombined!Secondplace and in Canada, eastern stations happily finisher KIZMandthirdplaceholderN2NT worked JAs and otherAsian stations while TopTen bothmadethegradeataroundthe2700-QSO hamsinthewestevenmorejoyouslylogged WNESII;gleOperator, OXSingleOperator, level.W9REandWB9Zbattleditoutforthe QRP,Phone QRP,Phone hundreds ofEuropeans and Middle Eastern N1TM 204,624 F5BEG 86,388 Midwestand finisHed in6th and 9th places stations.Thisyear'scompetitionseemstobe N1CWR 176,040 LW1ECO 66,825 respectively.FromWashingtonstateW7EW W6CN 142,875 LW3DWX 62,073 a precursor of great things to come. Ten W8QZAl6 114,480 JA2DLM 39,204 operatedW7ATinto the 12thspotandfirst metersshowedsignsoflifeanditmighttake N6AZR 111,552 JR4DAH 37,386 from thefar west. N7VY 55,002 JA2JSF 36,270 only one more year before the polar paths NQ7X 54,960 JA6UBK 26,565 W2GDtookupresidenceagaininAruba openup forthe masses. KN7A15RPVB 3551,,036400 CYTU11KENn 2135,,402046 atP40Wandputover7millionpointsonthe The1998contestlookedlikea"tune-up" N8XA 31,872 OKlDKS 11,475 board to win the high power single-op cat year for many stations as preparations are WNESingleOperetor, OXSingleOperator, egory from the DX side. W5AJ wentabout LowPower,Phone LowPower,Phone beingmadetoenterthenextsolarupswingas K4ZAM 1,018,791 4M5E 1,184,358 thesamedirectionandput8P9Pintosecond --adyaspossibleforthehighestlevelofcom- K5RX 882,318 (YV5NWG,op) place with a nice 5.3 million-point score. W2TZ 877,365 W8HL! 856,908 tition ever. New technology in station KN4T 754,320 PY10B 667,878 What could be betterthan tropical weather hardwarehasfounditswayaroundtheworld, W040 726,453 JH4UYB 549,480 andscorchingrates?KB3AFTwenttoWP3R N60J 706,626 L36E 544,872 dozensofnewstationshavebeenbuiltsince WD5K 701,883 LU8ADX 541,236 andtookthirdat5.2-millionpoints.Getting the last cycle peak, traveling operators are NK6AR2UO 669524,,887044 LT(4LAU1BCE,op4)63,275 furtherawayfromthehomecontinentN6TJ takingtripslikeneverbefore,andinterestin N9JF 651,240 4A1AC 419,244 puthisfamousZD8Zcalltogooduseandan (XE1BEF,op) contesting is rising again. The multi-opera 8P6CV 412,257 8thplace finish followed by NH7A in 9th, torcategorieswereparticularlypopularthis S57J 364,320 andtheverywelcomemultiplierofXQ8ABF TheCuban and Canadianteam atT48RACfinished10th placeamongthe North American Multi-Single stations. (leftto right: CM8DC, VE3ESE, VE3NXB, C08Kl, Benjamin, XE2AUB, completed400OSOs C02JA, VE3NOK, C08lY, C08HF, C08VN and C08TW.) operatingsingle-band (10meters). q~ November 1998 99 WNESingleOperator, High Power, Phone WNE PlaqueWinners-Phone CailSign Score 160 80 40 20 15 10 SingleOperator KK11AZMR 34,,477266,,640500 2686//2423 222121//6659 229562//7789 1103294611113102 11209665//112136 181001/3326 AllBand KlAR FrankfordRadioClub NKN526ZNBDVT(K9PG,op) 333,,,322660224,,,687409602 453802///332145 222521561///666642 2324470301//787632 1992987603///111000938 11108004719//11/900895 839178///231405 71.M8HMzHz ANA710B0U DBuaMtvciehdmLGorTreiahvloem,Wps9oEnW,KC4,JRB WW93RBGEN 22,,967965,,116420 1395//2173 18938//4586 214294//7630 1919048//111056 1185817/110977 7931//2266 L14owMPHozwer VKE4Z6AJYM WDailuliabmervFillBeeOyXer,AJsrs,nN2WB WK3BZ90Z 22,,549990,,053987 3254//2168 113555//5513 214942//7670 576154//9986 110045401/111102 109201/2367 QAsRsPisted NN2HAM RMiicchhaigrdanHQalRlmPaCn,luNb7TR K8LX 1,984,344 14/10 66/44 127/68 821/103 748/106 82/25 (N2TX,Op) WNE160 WNE80 WNE40 WNE20 WNE15 WNE10 Multloperator AWVAE213VBDOUO 551,,,685113049 KWK119LFRZZM 11703436,,,822487445 WNN7C3D4KNDTC 2441860,,,599853566 VVVEAE336XMJYNM 373717552,,,149926280 NNN82711M1CL/0 445624212,,,332975607 KKK4KZZ50WMSSM 362025,,,763549002 TUSwinnlogimlTeirteTadnrasnmsimtteitrterKKKC38L1ARZXX WMStaeedsvteRerAinvdeNarmeRwsa,dYWiooSrCk4lFOubXAssn, W6HG 1,134 VE1JF 36,381 KZ21 46,689 N3HBX 339,066 (KE7X,op) VE1RAA 23,490 W2RR W4SVO 33,024 N09Z 39,195 NB7N 306,636 NA5B 411,936 AI2C 21,294 OX PlaqueWinners-Phone W2LU 31,563 N6WLXl8 37,914 N5DX 274,134 WW4RR 404,427 W9GIL 20,412 W6ZJ 30,084 N5DO 37,422 WS1M 253,341 (N4ZZ,op) K6KAY 15,732 SingleOperator (KQ6QL,op) WA4QDM 28,416 W7FP 235,002 VA3MG 362,340 (NIT) World P40W NorthJerseyOXAssn NA4CW 10,080 WF2W 26,901 KB2BF 226,044 K4JYO 323,088 W5VGX 15,162 (W2GO,oP) W2FR 7,956 W4JKC 21,336 K6HNZ 216,300 N4MXT 262,080 KY5N 14,790 Asia JH70NO NU6SinMemoryofDave WIlSF 7,800 K7VS 232,869 NM9C 14,595 Walker,NX60 KG0Z1 227,808 Europe GW3YOX JerryGriffin,K6MO NorthAmerica 8P9P ChodHarris,VP2ML (W5AJ,Op) Oceania NH7A W7EW-inHonorof W7IYW OX SingleOperator, HighPower, Phone 1.8MHz SP7VCK/7FredRace,W8FR,ZL2BT CailSign Score 160 80 40 20 15 10 Memorial 3.5MHz ZF2JB K1ZMCommunicationsInc. P40W(W2GD,op) 7,051,413 165/36 445/55 605155 1596/59 2020/59 2446/59 14MHz SP2FAX CentralCaliforniaOXClub 8P9P(W5AJ,op) 5,353,773 94/27 369/51 694/58 1795/59 1374/58 1487154 21MHz ZXSJ LongIslandOXAssn WI"3R(KB3AFT,op) 5,290,560 134/34 439/57 887/56 1659/60 1302/59 1090/54 LowPower 4M5E IslandVillaContestClUb,WP2Z HU1X 5,021,856 118/42 433/56 599/59 1146/59 1610/59 1182/54 (YV5NWG,op) KP3P(K7BV,op) 4,861,584 128/32 589/54 636157 1190/58 1561/58 1090/53 FS5PL 4,738,944 34/13 397/54 626/54 1512/59 1999/59 936/48 ORP F5BEG SouthernArizonaOXAssn V47KP(W20X,op) 4,187,781 125/28 320/49 721/54 1181/58 1630/58 820/44 Assisted LU4HAW WillametteValleyOXClub ZD8Z(N6TJ,op) 3,450,954 84126 199/44 311/49 1204/59 881158 1247157 (lU3HIP,op) NH7A 3,320,898 24/8 158/34 715/54 876/55 1698/58 803/49 XQ8ABF 2,673,000 0/0 1/1 218/42 1262/58 1049/57 1595158 Multioperator,SingleTransmitter World PJ9G CarlCook,AI6V/P49V OX160 OX80 OX40 OX20 OX15 OX10 Asia JA7YAA YankeeClipperContest SP7VCK/73,024 ZF2JB 214,878 9A5Y 154,413 SP2FAX 368,691 ZX5J 598,791 LU6ETB 539,850 Club EA1DVY 630 OT8T 88,836 (9A3LG,op) PA3DZN 341,787 ZF2MR 593,304 LU3FZW 464,448 NorthAmerica VP5A NickGlash,K9KlR LY1FW 3 (ON4UN,op) OT8T 138,159 OF9ZP 340,194 HCIOT 517,194 PQ5W 439,314 Oceania WH6H AH9BN73B UT0ZZ 3 YV1CR 73,899 (ON4MA,op) GM8X 313,821 P43P 459,492 LU20W 413,649 14AVG 50,061 9J2AM 133,878 S51lK 300,150 LT1F 414,816 LU5MM 406,215 Multioperator,TwoTransmitters OT8L 36,645 EA3FQV123,648 HU4X 296,652 (LU1FKR,op) LU9HS 390,978 World 602X W6Nl&K6Bl S570 35,802 VK40Z 116,325 LU2NI 284,316 CT98BOP413,295 CX8CP 367,836 JH5FXP 35,112 IR1A 104,676 OH6RX 282,576 CT8T 356,940 LU5FC 349,353 Multloperator,Unlimited HC1HC 32,430 S51l0 101,712 RW1ZA 271,695 (CT1ESV,op) LW8EXF 330,813 World WP3X TheNotKenwoodClub YT0T 25,536 OM5M 99,375 HA6NF 261,696 HK4QIM 333,036 (LU70W,op) Asia JA3Z0H HajimeKato,J01RURl2, . OL6X 23,808 (OM2RA,op) 104LEC 327,120 LU2FA 316,476 KH0G F6CUK 74,235 ZP5MAL 317,538 Europe 9A1A OperatorsatK1TTT YU7KW 71,910 who finished tenth with 2,6 million points. were good for N60J. too, who made IS F5BEG,operatingQRP,made313QSOs ThefirstplacescoreoutofEuropeanbelongs metersplaytoa6thplacefinish andfirstout toproduce86kilopointsandawinningscore to GW3YDX at almost 1.4million points. west. Fromthe DX sideYV5NWG used his intheQRPcategory!LWIECOfinishedsec The low power category was dominated contestcallof4M5Etomakeover2400QSOs ond at 66,000. The QRPrace stateside was again this year by Jim, K4ZAM (ex and win the contest over LU8HLI and theneatstoryoftheone-twopunchofwinner WA4ZXA) who maximized 15 meters with PYIOB. Fourth place went to a great score NITMoversecondplaceNICWR,whoboth 560 QSOs and 95 countries to win overthe from JH4UYB who made over 1200 low movedup from 1997'sfinish of7th and8th NorthTexasstationofK5RX.Theconditions powerQSOs from Japan! Congratulations! places! Congrats on the nice improvement! Special Plaques SingleOperator WNECombinedScore K1ZM NationalContestJournal WNELowPowerCombinedScore KN4T Rochaster,NY, OXAssn WNE40MetersCombinedScore N700 PaceEngineering,InMemoryof JimRafferty,N6RJ WNEUnder18CombinedScore A0600 ConnacticutOXAssn, FatherMoran,9N1MM,Memorial WorldCombinedScore V47KP MikeManafo,K3UOC (W20X,op) JapanCombinedScore JA1ELY JA7WME AtlanticDivisionCW K3Z0 RichardPilzeruse,K2NY Memorial-SaltCityOXAssn GreatLakesDivisionCW N9AG LivoniaAmateurRadioClUb, (N8NR,op) Livonia,MI GreatLakesDivisionPhone KeLX LivoniaAmateurRadioClUb, Livonia,MI JapanAllBandCW JH5FXP AkitaOXAssn JapanAllBandPhone JH7DNO CommunicationHamClub. JH7YJF JapanLowPowerAllBandCW JH4UYB WesternWashingtonOXClub JapanLowPowerAllBandPhone JH4UYB WesternWashingtonOXClub SeventhCallAreaAllBandCW W2VJN/7 WillametteValleyDXClub SeventhCallAreaAllBandPhone W7AT WillamatteValleyOXClub (W7EW,op) NinthCallAreaAllBandCW W9RE NorthernillinoisOXAssn Multloperator Pictured arethetowers andantennaswell abovethetree line at CaribbeanMUlti-SingleCW PJ9C TheYASMEFoundation 7J2YAF (JA1KSO,op) Noboperated single-band (15 meters) Multi-MultiCombinedWorld V26B W2PVMemorial-SchenectadyARA from thisfine station. 100 November 1998

1001 7th Ave, Farmville, VA 23901-2317. May 5 to 2000Z May 8, Dream Flight Wausau, . through the sunspot maximum, start prepar- So, when sunrise rolls around you will find .. taking trips like never before, and interest in.
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