AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK Locatio11 Name of Port Service 1\1 a uagcr MISSOURI: ABnucgklulimn ................ .. (m) ~~~1o~~~rf?fci~·-·.· .:: : : : ::::: ::::: :: :: :: ::::::::: :: :: : :::: : : ::: Carthage ....... . Carthage Airport .......... THM .............................. . Joplin ........... (m) Jopli[!_Airport .. ......... <~HML ...... Ralph L. Nolan, .1gr. Kansas City ..... (111) Munrcrpal Arrport ......... I Hl\o! RLW .. Roy C. Farrell Kansas City .... . Richards Field ............ TH .M R W .......................... . Kirksville ...... . Dodson Airport ........... THM .............................. . Marshall ....... . Nicholas-Beazley Airport ... THMRLW .. R. A. Faust, Mgr. St. Joseph ...... . Rosecrans Field ........... THMRLW .. J. C. Shelton. Jr. St. Lours ........ (m) Lambert-St. Louis Airport .. THMRLW .. 0. R. Parks Springfield ....... (m) Springfield Mun. Airport .... L ........... Carl McClure MONTANA: Be!~rade ........ (m) Be!~ade Airport .......... T. ~- ....... E. A. Sticfcl, C. A. Cornm. Billings ......... (m) Billmgs Airport .............................................. . Butte ........... (m) Butte Airport ............. TI-l ......... J. K. Hcslct Drllon.. .. . . . . . . . Dillon Airpo.rt ... ......... TH 1 .............................. . Froid. . . . . . . . . . . Schnitzler Field ........... TH ................................ . Great Falls ...... (111) Great Falls Airport ........ TI-IMLW ........................... . Great Falls...... Vance Airport ............ THM .............................. . -Helena .......... (m) Helena Mun. Airport ...... TI.·I.. ................ Fred B. Sheriff, Chrm. KalisjJell ........ (111) Kalispell Aviation Park ... -1-~ ~- E. Trekell. Clerk Lrvmgston ....... (111) Tollman Freid .... ........ 1 ........... r. A. Ross, C. C. Miles City ....... (111) Municipal Airport ......... THMLW ........................... . Missoula ......•. (m) Missoula Airport .......... TH.ML ............................. . Sidney.......... Sidney Airport ............ TH ......... W. M. Combes Terry ........... (m) Terry Airport ......................... F. L. Patterson Wolf Point ...... (m) Wolf Point Airport .................... James F. Cook NEBRASKA: Alliance ........ . Alliance Airport ........... TH ................................ . Falls City ....... (m) Municipal Airport ..................... Airport Com. of Council Grand Island .... (111) Municipal Airport ......... THMLW .... Stover Deats. Mgr. Hastings ........ (m) Hastings Mun. Airport ................. H. J. Dun·n. Chrm. Havelock ....... . Arrow Airport .. ... : ...... THMW ..... James Fisher Kearney ......... (m) Mun!c!pal 1\!rport ......... k ..........] . D. W~lf. Mgr. Lincoln ......... (111) Mumctpa!Airport ......... ,IHMLW .... D. L. Enckson. C. E. Lincoln ........ . Page Arrport .............. fHMW ............................ . McCook ......... (m) American Legion Airport ...................................... . North Platte ..... (m) North Platte Airport ....... THMLW .... C. I-I. Sluder Ogallala ........ . Ogallala Airport .............................................•. Omaha ......... ,.(m) Omaha Mun. Airport ...... THMRLW .. Jay Dudley, Mgr. Scottsbluff ...... . Scottsbluff Airways Air- port ................... THMR ............................ . NEVADA: Caliente ......... (m) Caliente Airport .............................................. . Elko ............ (m) Keddie Field .............. THMW ..... Louis Notar Ely .........., •.. (m) Ely Airport ............... THMW ..... Harold Deeyle, Mgr. Las Vegas ....... (m) Las Vegas Airport. ........ THMLW ........................... . Reno ........... (m) Blanch Field .............. THMW ..... Robert E. Overman Reno .......... . Hubbard Field ............ THMLW ........................... . Yerington ....... (m) Kelly Field .......•................... L. B. Miller, C. P. NEw HAMPSHIRE: Claremont ......• (m) Claremont Airport ........ THMW ..... Claremont Aero. Service Concord ......... (m) Concord Airport .......... THMRW ... Horton C. Chandler, .Mgr. Manchester ...... (m) Manchester Airport ........ THM .............................. . Newport ........ (m) Albert N. Parlin Field ....................... : ................ . NEW JERSEY: Arcola ......... . Arcola Airport ............ TH MRW .............. : ........... . Atlantic City .... (m) Atlantic City Airport ...... THM ....... I-I. B. Baldwm, Supt. Caldwell. ...... . Curtiss-Essex Airport .................. Walter Avery Camden ........ . Central Airport. .......... THMRLW .. W. Sanger Green Dover .......... . Dover Airport .........................- ...................... . Freehold ....... . Patten Field ................- ................................. . Hasbrouck Hgts .. Teterboro Airport ......... THMRW ... ]. W. De Beaubien Kenvil ......... . Kenvil Airport ............................................... . Keyport ....... . Keyport Ai'1'ort ..... .". . . TM; ........ Everitl Fisher Lakehurst ...... . Lakehurst Arrport ......... THMW ............................ . New Brunswick .. Hadley Field .............. THMRLW .. C. W. Geo. Chegan, Mgr. Newark ......... (m) Newark Met. Airport ...... THMLW .... R. Aldworth, A. T. E. Red Bank ...... . Airview Flying-Freld ....... TI-IMRLW .. J. F .. Casey, Pres. . . Trenton ......... (m) Mercer Airport ........... THMRLW .. Wrllram S. Borden, Drr. APPENDIX Local ion a me of Pori 'Ew l\IEXICO: AJbuquerquc .... . T. & ,V. A. Airport ........................................... . Albuquerque .... . lbuquerquc Airport ....... TH i\IRLW .. D. E. Dalby Carlsbad ........ (111) C rlsbad Airport .......... T\V ................................ . layton ......... (m) Clayton M un. Airport. ................. I\ . I-I. Hollingsworth, C. M. lovis .......... . T. A. T. Airport ............................................. . Deming ......... (m) Deming Airport ....................... G. D. Robinson,Sec.C. of C. Gage ............ (m) Gage M un. Airport ... ................. City of Gage •all up .......... (m) Gallup Airport ............................................... . Roswell ........ . Roswell Airport ........... THi\ILW ........................... . Silver ity ...... (m) ilver City Airport ........................................... . • ocorro ... ...... (m) Socorro . irport . ...................... W. E. West, Sec. S. B. M. C . • 't:w YoRK: \lbany .......... (m) Albany Mun. \.irport ...... THi\IRLW .. J. F. Fitzgerald, Jr. Angola. . . . . . . . . . Angola Airport ............................................... . Armonk......... Westchester A.i.rport ................... C. D. Bowyer Binghamton..... Bennett Field ............. THMW ..... R. Bennett Buffalo.......... Becker's Airport .... ...... THiVIW ..... E. J. Becker Buffalo .......... (m) Buffalo Mun. f\.irport ...... TKMRLW .. ·. E. Duffy, Dir. ortlnnd ........ (m) Cortland County Airport ................................... -· .. . Dansville ........ (m) Dans\'tllc Airport ... ...... TAR ....... L. E. Ptc.kard Elmira.......... Elmira Airport ............ THi\1\V ........................... .. Endicott. . . . . . . . Endicott Airport .......... THM .............................. . Farmingdale. . . . . Farmingdale Airport ....... THi\1 .............................. . Flushing ....... •• 'cw York City Airport .... THi\'1. ...... L. B. Halleran, Pres. Garden City..... Roosevelt Field ........... THMRLW .. James G. Orr Geneva. . . . . . . . . Finger Lakes Atrport ...... TH ....................•............ Glens Fl'!lls ...... (m) Glens Falls Airport ........ THR .............................. . Gloversville...... Gloversville Airport ........ THi\'lR .. .......................... . Hammondsport.. Mercury Field ............ TH ......... H. Murnmeth Hemlock. . . . . . . . Hemlock Airport .......... TH ......... Dr. Harold 1 ·ott Jackson Heights, Queens.: ..... . Grand Central Air Ter- minal .................. L ... .............................. . Jamestown ..... . R:L:::: tf.\{rs_tp'~;ln~¥.j~j"J".::::::: T·H~•i ·R~~~~li .I{~id~;~~~-. LeRoy ......... . Niagara Falls .... (m) Niagara Falls Mun. Air- port ................... TH IR"W ... Maj. Harry Hublitz North Beach .... . Glenn L. Curtiss Airport ... THMRLW .. Capt. Harry Rogers Norwich ........ . 1'orwich Airport .......... THiVI"W ..... Warren Eaton, Pres. Pittsford ....... . Pittsford Airport. ......... TI·I r-•IR ............................ . Poughkeepsie ... . Poughkeepsie Airport .................. War S. Lent Rochester ....... (m) Rochester Airport ......... THMLW .... Howa.rd M. Shaffer Rochester ...... . Rouse Pa.rtidge Airport ......................................•.• Saratoga Springs. (m) McGregor Airport ............................................ : Schenectady .... . Schenectady Airport ....... THMRLW .. V. A. Richards Silver Creek .... . Silver Creek Airport ................... Chas. T. Howson Syracuse ........ (w) Syracuse Mun. Airport ..... THMRLW .. R. L. Kincaid Tonawanda ..... . Consolidated Aircraft Air- port . .................. THMW ............................ . Utica ........... (m) Utica Airport ............. THMRLW .. Reginald J. Heath Valley Stream ... . Curtiss-Wright Airport ..... THMRL' V .. ·walter L. Avery V,T a tertOWll ...... (m) Watertown "11un. Airport ... THW ....... F. H. Taylor IV ells ville ....... (m) Wellsville Airport ... ...... THW .............................. . NORTH CAROLINA: Asheville ........ (m) Asheville Airport ............................................. . Charlotte ....... . Charlotte AiqJOrt ... ...... THML ............................. . Greensboro ...... (m) Greensboro Atrport ........ THMRLW .. Henry Vl. Rafus Goldsboro ....... (m) Municipal Airport ......... HL ......... z. G. Hollowell, C. M. Marion ... . ..... j;n) Francis Marion Field ......................................... . PMinonehrouer s.t. ............. .. (m) ~~~{i~eo~jrx_i;;~~t ." .' : : : : : : ;rr-i: ~1:: :: : : : : L io).ci. 6: "Y o~t .......... . Raleigh ........ . Raleigh Airport ........... THMR W .......................... . Reidsville ...... . Reidsville Airport .. ....... L ................. ·. ................ . Rockingham .... . Rockingham Airport ....... THR .. ..... V. Ratliff Rock;• Mount ... . Eagle Field ............... THlVl .........................•..... Shelby .......... (m) Shelby Airport ............ TR ................................ . Tarboro ......... (m) Tarboro Airport .............................................. . Wilmington ...... (m) Wilmington Airport ........................................... . Winston-Salem ... (m) Miller Mun. Airport ....... THML ...... Herman B. Leeth NORTH DAKOTA: Bismarck ........ (111) Bismarck lVI un. Airport ....................................... . Fargo ........... (m) Hector Airport ............ TH ......... Florence E. Klingensmith Grand Forks .... . Grand Forks Mun. Airport .. TMR ....... E. L. Lium, Act. Mgr. Jamestown ..... . Jamestown Airport ........ TH ......... C. A. Henderson, Sec. AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK Locatio II Name of Pori Service .\la11agcr Linton ......... . Seeman Park Airport ...... T .................................. . Minot .......... (111) Port of Minot. ............ THM ....... C. 0. Shupe !"_embina ........ (111) Ashley Airport. ....................... l'vl un. Airport Comm. !owner ........ . Jake's Airport ............ THM .............................. . Valley City ...... (m) Valley City Mun. Airport ...................................... . Williston ........ (111) Williston Airport .......... THM ....... E. 'l. Canfield OHIO: Akron ........... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THMRLW .. B. E. Fulton Akron .......... . Stow Field ................ THM ....... N. C. Robbins Alliance ........ . Alliance Airport ........... THMR ............................ . Bryan .......... . Bryan Air Park ......•.... THRLW .... E. C. Ewing Canton ......... . Canton Airport ........... THl\•1R ..... ]. Curtis Cincinnati (Sharont>ille) .. . Crosley Airport .............................................. . Cincinnati ...... . Frank Airport ............. THM .............................. . Cincinnati ....... (m) Lunken Airport ........... THMRLVi .. Albert B. Wunder. Supt. Cincinnati ...... . Watson Airport ........... THMRLW .. Hugh Watson Cleveland ....... (m) Cleveland J\1 un. Airport .... THMRLW .. john Berry, Mgr. Cleveland ...... . Great Lakes Airport ....... TH ................................ . Columbus ...... . Columbus Airport ......... THMRLW ......................... . Columbus ....... (m) Port of Columbus Airport ... THMRLW .. Maj. wm. F. Centner. Supt. Coshocton ...... . Coshocton Airport ......... THM ..................... ·. ........ . Dayton •........ Mara inc Field ............................................... . Defiance ....... . Defiance-Simplex Airport ... TH ................................ . Findlay ........ . Rummell Aviation Park .... THMR .............................. . Gallipolis ........ (m) Twin City Airport ......... TH ......... Charles H. Holzer, M.D., " Owner Greenville ...... . Lansdowne Airport ...••....................................... Hamilton ....... . Hamilton Airport ......... I-I .. ........ C. R. M uhlberger Hudson ........ . Mid City Airport .......... THM ....... D. B. Peat Lima .......... . Thompson A1rport ......... THM ....... Rollie Thompson Lorain ......... . Port Mills Airport ......... THMR ............................ . Mansfield ....... (m) Municipal Airport ..................... F. D. Wolff, S. S: D. Martins Ferry ... . Scott Field ............... TH M .............................. . Marietta ........ (111) Ohio Valley Airport ....... THMW ..... Chris Matthews Marion ......... (m) Marion Airport .. ......... TI-I. ........ Lt. H. H. Hunter Middletown ..... (m) Middletown Airport Park ... H .......... Geo. J. W cdekind Sandusky ...... . Parker Field .............. THMRW .......................... . Springfield ....... (m) Springfield Mun. Airport ... THMRLW .. W. B. Little Steubenville .... . Steubenville Airport ....... THMW ............................ . Toledo ......... . Transcontinental Airport ... THMLW .... S. G. Van Buren Vandalia ....... . Dayton Airport ........... THMRLW .. E. A. johnson, Pres. Van Wert ... .... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THMW ..... ]. H. Weaver Willoughby ..... . Lake County Airport ...... THMR ..... Harry R. Playford Youngstown .... . Bernard Airport ........... THMR ................. , .......... . Youngstown ..... (m) Youngstown Airport ....... THM .............................. . Zanesville ...... . Zanesville Airport ......... H .......... R. Charles OKLAHOMA: Ada ............ (m) Ada Mun. Airport ......... TH ......... Lt. Paul Hinds Altus .. ......... (m) Altus Airport ................................................ . Ardmore ....... . Ardmore Airport .......... THM ....... A. Oakley .. Bartlesville ..... . Bartlesville Airport ........ THM ....... Wm. Parker Bristow ........ . Bristow Airport ........... TH M .............................. . Chickasha ....... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THM ....... Sam Gribi Clinton ......... (m) Clinton Airport ........... THM ....... Tim T. Warren, Sec. C. of C. Coalgate ....... . Coalgate Airport .......... T .........•. C. Carson Duncan ......... (m) Halliburton Field .......... THM ....... ]. H. Bender, C. M. Elk City ........ (m) Municipal Airport ......... M .......... Walter D. Mauk El Reno ......... (m) Reno Airport .. ........... T ........... H. M. Woods, C. A. C. Enid ............ (m) Enid Airport .............. TH MRL .... Capt. Askew Mangum ........ (m) Ponder Field .............. T ........... Ray Shiffett ~~Al<:ster ...... . kii~i~i Ki:~~~t: :: : : : : : : : : : T H MR: : : : : : : : ·: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1am1 ......... . Muskogee ....... (m) Muskogee Mun. Airport .... THMLW .... L. L. Rupert Oklahoma City ... (m) Oklahoma City Airport .... THMRLW .. Wm. E. Fletcher, F. S. Oklahoma City .. . Curtiss Airport ............................................... . Pauls Valley ..... (m) Pauls Valley.·. ............ H .......... Earl Witten Ponca City ...... (111) Everett Taylor Airport ..... THML ...... T. D. Harris Stillwater ........ (m) Stillwater Airport ............................................ . Tulsa .......... . Mcintyre Airport ......... THM ....... D. A. Mcintyre Tulsa, Box 3156 .. (111) Tulsa Mun. Airport .. -~ .... THMRLW .. C. W. Short, Jr. Weewoka ........ (m) Weewoka _Airport ......... H ................................. . OREGON: Albany .......... (m) Albany.,Mur:. Airport ..... ·!-........... F. E. Bloom, C. A. Comm. Arlington ....... . Arlmgton A1rport ......... H ................................. . Canyon ......... (m) Canyon City Airport .................. I.B.Hazeltine, C. A. Comm. APPENDIX Localioa Name of Port Seroicc Mrmagcr Corvallis ....... . Corvallis Airport .......... THMLW .......c . : Eugene ..... : .... (m) Eugene Mun. Airport ...... 1:HML ...... T. b~\r~~;e~;, ·s~pt.' · · · · Gr:H>ts P::1ss ..... (m) Joscphmc. C!':>unty A1rport .. 1L ......... Josephine County, A. C. Lake,·iew .... .... (m) Lakevww Airport...................... 1lbert D. Brown Lebanon ........ (m) Lebanon Airport .......... T ........... R. B. Miller Medford, Box 1016 ...... (m) Medford M_un. Airport ..... THMRLW .. Scely ·. Hall Portland ........ (m) Portland A1rport. ......... THMRLW .. James H. Polhemus Portla.nd ....... . Rankin Airport. .......... THMR W. Roseburg ........ (m) Roseburg Mun. . Airport ... ·; ......... : :.A.·.f"G;.,dd·~: ~ie;.,: ·,;.,:c.'·· alem ........... (m) Sa.lem Mun. Ai!J>ort .. ·.· ... fHM\'i ..... Lee Eyerly ............. . ilv rton ........ (m) Silverton Amenca.n L-eg~on Airport ... ............. THM ....... C. A. Reynolds C A C pringfie!d ....... (m) iferingf:ield Mun. Airport ... THMW ..... L-ee I.nman ' · · · Vermooia ........ (m) ermonia Airport ......... H ................................. . P£?'~SYLVA_NI.A: Altoona-T~crone .. Stultz Field ............... THMR ............................ . Bethlehem, Box 93-....... (m) Bethlehem Mu.n. Airport. .. THMW ..... Rupert E. Herr, 0. M. Bridgeville ...... . Mayer F.eld. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'onnells,,ille ..... (m) American Legion Ai.rport ... T .......... H. C. ·H~dd·o;.,k· · · · · · · · · · · Conway ........ . Conway Airport. .......... HM ........ A. J. Moore Erie ........... . Griswold Field ............................................... . Fairview ....... . Erie County Airport ....... THMLW .... N. R. McCray Gettysburg ..... . Gettysburg Airport ........ THMR ..... M. S. Kleinfelter Honesda.le ...... . Matter Airport ........... T. IRW ..... Paul C. Matter J obnstown ....... (m) Johnstown Mun. Airport. .. THML ...... J. 1:1. Ritter jones 1i11s ..... . Pike Run Airport ......... TRW .............................. . Lancaster ...... . Lancaster Ai.rport ......... THMW ............................ . Latrobe ........ . J.D. Hill Airport. ......... THM .............................. . Leighton ........ (111) Martin Jensen Airport. .... THMRW .. . Jensen Aviation Corp. Lemoyne ....... . St1enhauer Airport ..........................••................ M cKecsport .... . Bettis Field ............... THMRLW ......................... . Moscow ........ . Moscow Airport ........... T .................................. . . Mt. Pleasant .... . Ivrt. Pleasant Airport ......................................... . !\•fount Union .... (m) Mount Union Airport ......................................... . New Castle ..... . Jackson Field ................................................ . New Castle ..... . New Castle Airport ........ TH ................................ . Norristown ..... . Patco Field ............... THMRW .......................... . Parkesburg ..... . Robb Field ............... HM ............................... . Philadelphia, Island Rd ..... (m) Philadelphia Airport ....... THMRLW .. R. P. Hewitt Philadelphia .... . Pitcairn Field ............. THM .............................. . Pottstown ...... . Pottstown Airport ......... THMRW .......................... . Reading ........ . Whande.r Field ............ HMW ............................ . Selingsgrove ..... (m) Selingsgrove Airport. ....................... _. ................. . Sharpsburg, R. D. No.2 .... (m) Rodgers Field ............. THMRW ... rst Lt. S.C. Eaton, Jr. Somerset ....... . Rhoades Field ............ THM .............................. , Sunbury ........ . Wesley L. Smith F~eld ..... THML ............................ . Towanda ........ (m) Towanda .Legion Airport ... THW ....... Cecil E. Allen Waynesburg .... . Worley F1eld .............. TH ................................ . Waynesboro .... . Wayne_sboro Airpo~t ....... THR .............................. . Wilkes-Barre .... . Wyo_nung Valley AtfPOrt ... THMRW ... Geo. S. Ed:man Williamsport .... . \V•lllamsport Airport ...... TH ......... T. H. Kinkade RHODE IsLAND: Pawtucket ..... . Pawtucket AirPort ........ H .. ............................... . Providence ..... . Providence Airport ........ THMRW ... J. K. Fenno Westerly ....... . Westerly Airp<:Jrt .......... THM .............................. . Providence ..... . What Cheer Airport. .... , ....................................• SOUTH CAROLINA: Camden ......... (m) Woodward Airport ........ H .......... N. N. Prentiss Charleston ....... (m) Charle.ston Airport ........ TW ............•. , ................• , heraw ........ . ~locr~~~0:_i}~~;tt."::::::::: ~-~:::: ::::::::::: :::::::::: Florence ......... (m) · · · · · · · · Fort Mills ...... . Spring F1eld .......................... E. W. Springs Greenville ....... (111) Greenville Mun. Airport .... THMRLW .. Everett Williams Myrtle Beach ... . Myrtle Beach Airport ...... TH ......... C. G. Brown Seneca ......... . Seneca Airport ............ T .......... R. M. Tribble Spartanburg ..... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THMLW .... C. R. Coleman SouTH DAKOTA: Aberdeen ........ (m) Aberdeen Airport .......... TM ......... W. C. Boardman Sec. C. of C. ' Belle Fourche ... . Belle Fourche AirPort ...... TH M ..•.... Clyde Ice Lemmon ........ (111) Lemmon Airport ...................... C. of C. 490 AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK Location Name of Port Service il!anager Mitchell ......... (m) Mitchell Airport .......... H .......... H. Bowring Mobridge ...... . Mobridge Airport ..................... I. L. Hagen Pierre ......•.... (m) Walter J. Smith Airport Park ................... H .......... City of Pierre Rapid City ..... . Rapid City Airport ........ TH M W ..... Rapid Air Lines Tyndal ......... . Tyndal Airport ......................................... · · Vermillion ....... (m) Municipal Airport ......... TW ......... R. V.Newcomb, C. E. Volga .......... . Volga Airport ............. TH!v!R ..... L. W. Licb Wagner ......... (111) Wagner Mun. Airport ...... THMW ..... C. W. Knight, Sec'y Watertown ...... (m) Watertown Airport ........ THMLW ........................... . TENNESSEE: Chattanooga ..... (m) Lovell Field ............... THMRW ... W. Deland Dyke Knoxville ........ (m) McGhee-Tyson Airport ....................................... . Memphis ........ (m) Memphis Mun. A.irport .... TI-IMLW .... B. B. Holmes Memphis........ Arrowland Airport ......... THMRLW ......................... . Memphis........ Armstrong Field .............................................. . Nashville ........ (111) McConnell Field .......... THW ....... William K. Bukley Nashville........ . Skyharbor ................ THMRLW ......................... . TEXAS: Albany .......... (111) Plane Haven .............. H .......... A. M. Brackett Abilene......... Kinsolving Field ........... THMLW._.. . T. E. Derryberry Amarillo. . . . . . . . English Field .............. THMRLW .. Harold W. English Austin. . . . . . . . . . Robert Mueller Airport ....................................... . Austin.......... University Airport ......... THMRW .......................... . Beaumont ........ (m) Beaumont Airport ......... THMLW .... FrankL. Bertschler Big Springs...... Big Springs A1rport ........ THMRLW ......................... . Bonham ......... (111) Jones Field ........................... L. K. Crawford Breckenridge ..... (m) Breckenridge A1rport ... ............... City of Breckenridge Brownsville ...... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THMRLW .. T. E. Gilmore Cisco ........... (m) Cisco Airport ............. T ................................. . Corpus Christi ... (m) Corpus Christi Airport ..... THW ....... W. C. Maus Dallas .......... (m) Love Field ................ THMRLW .. Preston Sneed, Dir. Del Rio ...•..... (m) Warner Airport ....................... John Y. Long, Mayor Denison ......... (m) Gray Airport ............. TH ......... R. Gray Denton ......... (m) Denton Mun. Airport .................. B. W. McKenzie, Mayor El Paso ......... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THMLW .... A. E. Johnson El Paso. . . . . . . . . Standard Airport ............................................. . Fort Worth ....•. (111) Meachem Field ........... THMRLW .. William G. Fuller Harlingen. . . . . . . Harlingen Airport ... : ..... THM .............................. . Houston......... Houston Airport ........... THMRLW ......................... . Jasper .......... (m) Jasper Mun. Airport. .................. Goldman S. Drury Kerrville ... ..... (m) Louis Schreiner Airport ................ C. L. Mason, C. A. Comm. Lubbock ........ (m) Municipal Airport ..................... J. Bryan Miller. City Mgr. Midland ......... (m) Midland Airport .......... THMRW ... H. M. Becherer Pampa .......... (m) Pampa Airport ............ TH ................................ . Pecos ........... (111) Pecos Airport ......................... Ralph Sparke Port Arthur, P. 0. Box 712 .• Texaco Airport ............ T ........... F. P. Dodge Ranger ......... (m) Ranger-Haugland Airport .. TH ......... C. J. Moore, Mgr. San Angelo ...... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THM ....... Autrey Monsey San Antonio ..... (m) Winburn Field ............ THMRLW .. J. Wayne Parks Sherman ........ (m) Sherman Airport ............................................. . • Sweetwater ...... (m) Municipal A1rport ......... THM ....... W. A. Larner Texarkana ....... (m) Texarkana Airport ........ TM ............................... . Vernon .......... (m) Vernon Airport ....................... M. K. Berry, C. A. Cornm. Waco ........... (m) Rich Field ................ THML ...... C. E. Coder Wichita Falls .... (m) Municipal Airport ......... THML ...... C. P. Logan UTAH: Ogden .......... (m) Ogden Airport ............ THLW ..... Harold R. Tripp Salt Lake City ... (m) Salt Lake M un. Airport ..... THMLW .... Gilbert R. Rich VERMONT: Burlington ....... (m) Burlington Airport .... .... THW ....... S. E. Astles Manchester ..... . Equinox Airport ........... THM ....... F. W. Orvis Newport ....... . Newport Ai~ort .......... THMR ............................ . Springfield ....... (m) Springfield Airport .... .... TH ......... R. M. Wilcomb _ White River Junction ...... . Twin State Airport .................... A. W. Stone, Pres. VIRGINIA: Alexandria ...... . Alexandria Airport ... ..... THMR ............................ . Bristol ......... . Harkrader-Kilgore Airport .. H ................................. . Clifton Forge. . . . ,. Clifton Forge Airport ......................................... . Danville ........ (m) Danville Mun. A1rport .•. .............. M.G. Robinson APPENDIX 491 Location 'am< of Port Sor~<c J11anager Fredericksburg .. . Shannon Field ........•.... H ................................. . Hopewell ....... . Hopewell Airport ............................................. . Lynchburg, Box 782 .••.... (m) Preston Glenn Airport .................. R. D. Apperson 'oriol.k ........ . Grand Central Air Ter- minal. .................................................... . Port llichmond ... (m) Thompson Field .. : ...... ·. \M ......... Cro by Thompson, .1ayor Richmond ....... (11:) Rtchard E_. Byrd F.cld ...... / H M LW .... Rtchmond Air Transport Richmond ...... . Charles Fte!d ............. fH !II .............................. . Richmond ...... . j}~c;n~~~-~\C:~o~tn~ti_o_~ Roanoke ........ (m) .. : : :; : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: :: :: ::: : ::: : :: \Vaynesboro .... . alley Atrport ............ fH ......... C. C. Loth Winchester ...... (m) Bowler Field .............. TH M ....... Roy W. Richards \VA Sill NGTO:-<: Aberdeen ........ (m) Grays Harbor Airport ...... TH!IIRW ... F. D. Hobi Bellingham ..... . Graham Field ............. TH!\I ....... R. C. Graham Bellingham ..... . Tulip Field .................................................. . Centralia ........ (m) Centralia Airport .......... H M ........ T. R. Patton Chehalis ......... (m) Chehalis Mun. Airport ..... HL ......... A. C. St. John, Pres. Everett ......... (m) ~~~~c;,~.i~k'IP.i~~~~t: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Kenne~vick ...... (m) Olympm ......... (m) Olympia Airport ...................... E. N. Steele Pasco ........... (m) Franklin County A.irport ... TH'1\II L IV .... County Commissioners Renton ........ . Renton Airport ... ........................................... . Seattle .......... (m) Boeing Field .............. THMRLW .. -1aj. David G. Logg Spokane ......... (m) Felts Field ................ THMRLW .. Andrew J. Fabian, C. P. U. Tacoma. P.O. Box IISJ .. (m) Tacoma Field ............. TH.'IRLW .. L. E. Wilkeson Wenatchee ..... . \Venatchce Airport ........................................... . Yakima ......... (m) Yakima County Airport .... T.I-I. ........ County Comm.issioners WEST VIRGINIA: Bluefield ....... . Colle!ie Field .............. THMRW ......................... .. Moundsville .... . Langm F1eld .............. THM .............................. . Morgantown ..... (111) Morgan Field ............. TR ......... W. E. Brooh:s, C. M. White Sulphur Springs ....... . Greenbrier Airport. ........................................... . WISCONSIN: Appleton. . . . . . . . Appleton Airport .......... H .......... E. West Appleton ........ (111) Geo. A. Whiting Allport ... THi\IIRW ... Eluryn West Athelstane . . . . . . Athelstane Air ort ..................... R. H. Scha£ Del a van.. . . . . . . . . Del a van Ai.ryor ........... H .......... J. D. Ca.IJ?pbell Eagle Rtver...... Keystone Atrport .......... TR ......... F. G. Stemmuller Eagle lliver. . . . . Otter Rapids AL:Port ...... TR ................................ . Fond DuLac.... Fond DuLac Airport ...... TH ................................ . Green Bay. . . . . . . Green Bay Airport ........ H ................................. . Janesville........ Janesville Airport. ........ THi'viL ............................. . Kilbourn........ Kilbourn Airport. .. : ...... TRL ........ C. Berry Kohler .......... (m) Kohler-Sheboygan Airport .............. A. W. Sommers LaCrosse ........ (m) LaCrosse Mun. Airport .... THMLW .... Board Pub. Works Land O'Lakes .... (m) Land O'Lakes Airport .................. J. F. Handles, Sec. & !VIgr. Madison........ Mallison Airport .......... THMLW ........................... . Madison......... Penco Field ............... THMW ............................ . Manitowoc ...... (m) Manitowoc Airport ........ THMRW .. . F. Shoblaska Marshfield....... Miners Air~Jort ........................ W. Miner Milwaukee. . . . . . Curtiss-Wnght Airport ..... THMLW .... Dan Kiser Milwaukee ...... (m) Milwaukee County Airport .. THMRLW .. Maj. Stanley E. Piasecki Milwat•kee (City Hall R. 7 I I) .•... , .... (111' Maitland Airport .......... THMRLW .. FrankA. Kaiser, H. E. Mosinee ........ . Mosinee Airport ........... THM .............................. . Oshkosh ........ . Oshkosh Airport .......... THMW ..... R. A. Mensing, Jr. Portage, IJO E. Cook St ...... . Miller & Winkler Airport ... TM ......... E. L. Zastrow Princeton ........ (m) Princeton Airport ..................... G. V. Kelly Rhinelander ..... (m) Rhinelander Airport ....... TMLW ..... Steve Shadbreck Sheboygan ....... (m) Sheboygan _Airp<?rt ........ H .......... Kohler-Sheboygan Stevens Point ... . Stevens Pomt Airport ...... TW ............................... . Three Lakes ..... (m) Three Lakes Airport ....... THM ....... F. E. Olkowski Washington Island......... Washington Island Airport .. TMR ....... E. L. Zastrow Wausau ......... (m) Alexander Airport ......... THMRW ... H. D. Putnam Wisconsin Rapids ....... . Tri City Airport ........... THMW ..... Maj. L. G. Mulzer 492 AIRCRAFT YEAR BOOK Locatio" Name of Port Struice 1\1 auagcr WYOMING: Casper .......... (m) Wardell Field ............. THMLW .... E. C. Dilgardc Cheyenne ....... (m) Cheyenne Airport ......... THMRLW .. Boeing Air Transport Gillett ......... . Gillett Airport ............................................. . Lander .......... (m) Lander Airport. ........... TVv ......... Hugh D. Spangler, C. A. Comn1. New Castle ...... (m) New Castle Airport. .......................................... . Parco ........... (m) Parco Airport ............. L .................................•. Rock Springs .... (m) Stevens Airport ........... THM LW .... E. S. Maroney Sheridan ........ (m) Sheridan Airport ...................... Bob Garrett Wheatland ...... (m) Wheatland Airport ........................................... . COMMERCIAL SEAPLANE TERMINALS •Atlantic Coast Facilities • Location Owrwr AR SH G Atlantic City, N. J. Paul Bradley ARSHG Baltimore, Md. City of Baltimore ARSHG Bridgeport, Conn. Bridgeport Airport, lnc. AG Charleston, S. C. Standard Oil Co. (N. J.) ARSG East Boston, Mass. City of Boston ASG Fort Myers, Fla. City of Fort Myers ARSHG Miami, Fla. Curtiss-Wright flying Service ARSHG Miami, Fla. City of Miami ARSHG New Haven, Conn. Yale Flying Service A Newport News, Va. City of Newport News ARSHG North Beach, Queens, L. I., N. Y. Curtiss-Wright Airport Corp. AR SG North Quincy, Mass. John A. Sullivan AG Portland, Me. Portland Yacht Club ARSHG Port Washington, L. I., N. Y. American Aeronautical Corp. ARSG Rockland, Me. Curtiss-Wright Flying Service ARSHG South Jacksonville, Fla. City of South Jacksonville AG Wilmington, N, C. City of Wilmington Great Lakes RG Bristol, Pa. Keystone Aircraft Corp. RG Chicago, Ill. South Park Commission RSG Cleveland, 0. Thompson Aeronautical Corp. I R s G Detroit, Mich. Thompson Aeronautical Corp. AG Erie, Pa. Erie Yacht Club AG Essington, Pa. Frank Mills ARSG Lake George, N. Y. Curtiss-Wright Flying Service RG Milwaukee, Wise. City of Milwaukee RG Muskegon, Mich. City of Muskegon ., ARSHG Ottawa, Can. Department of National Defens~ ARG Sault Ste. Marie, Can. Ontario Provincial Air Force Gul! Coast AG Biloxi, Miss. ARSG New Orleans, La. Arthur Cambas Pacific Coast R Bremerton, Wash. Gorst Air Transport ASG San Diego, Calif. City of San Diego RG San Francisco, Calif. Air Ferries, Ltd. ARSHG Seattle, Wash. (Lake Union) Alaska Washington Airways ARSHG Seattle, Wash. (Lake Union) Barnes & Gorst Co. ARSHG Seattle, Wash. (Lake Washington) Northwest Air Service, Inc. RG Seattle, Wash. (Galbraith Pier) Gorst Air Transport (*)· A Anchorage R ......... ······ ...... ··········· .. Ramp s H • • • • • • • • • -~-••••• •••••••••• 0 . -:-•••• HSearnvgicaer (Repair) G Gas and Oil APPENDIX 493 SEAPLANE ANCHORAGES List Supplied by Hydrographic Office, Na.vy Department, Wash.i.ngton, D. C. Atlantic Coast CLASS I. ANCHORAGES WITH RAl\il', ETC. Bristol Pennsylva.nia Bar Harbor Essington Philadelphia (Naval Aircraft Factory) Mass a.clm s e tts Gloucester (Coast Guard Air Station) New Jersey South Dartmouth (Round HiJJ Airport) Cape May ·quantum (Naval Reserve Air Station) Virgi.nia Rhode Island Hampton (Langley Field) Quantico Newport (Gould !&land) Hampton Roads (Naval Air Station) Dahlgren Connecticut Bridgeport District of Columbia New York \:Vashiugton (Naval ir Station, Ana· Port Washington, Long Island costia) Amityville, Long Island Florida. Nort.b Beach, Long Island Miami New Dorp, Staten Island Key West CLASS II. ANCHORAGES WITH ORDINARY HARBOR FACILITIES Maille New Jersey Eastport Keyport Portland Ma.ryland Rockland Aberdeen New Hampshire Annapolis Portsmouth Baltimore North Massachusetts Elizabeth . 'cwburyport Morehead City Boston \¥iJmington \.Vest Barnstable Edenton New Bedford New Bern Nantucket Southport \ ineyard Haven South Salem Georgetown Provincetown Beaufort Onset Charleston Fall River Georgia. Edgartown Savannah Rhode Island Brunswick Providence Florida Connecticut Fernandina Stonington St. Augustine New Haven Titusville New London \¥est Palm Beach New York Jacksonville Port Jefferson, Long Island Daytona Beach Jamaica, Long Island Fort Pierce Gulf Coast , CLASS I. ANCHORAGES WITH RAMP, ETC. Florida St. Petersburg Pensacola (Naval Air Station) CLASS II. ANCHORAGES WITH ORDINARY HARBOR FACILITIES Marco Florida Fort Myers Sarasota Punta Gorda Tampa Cedar Keys Carrabelle Apalachicola Port St. Joe Panama City New Valparaiso Camp Walton 494 AIRCRAfT YEAR BOOK Alabama Port Arthur Texas Mobile Houston Pascagoula Mississippi Corpus Christi Gulfport Galveston Biloxi Rockport Bay St. Louis Point Isabel Louisiana New Orleans 'Necks Pacific Coast CLASS I. ANCHORAGES WITH RAMP, ETC. California Washiugton San Diego (Naval Air Station) Seattle (Sand Point, Naval Reserve Air Santa Monica Station) Port Townsend Seattle CLASS II. ANCHORAGES WITH ORDINARY HARBOR FACILITIES California iVIarshfielcl Los Angeles Yaquina River Port San Luis Empire Santa Cruz Winchester Bay Oakland Astoria Eureka Washi.ngton Santa Catalina Island • Grays Harbor Monterey Port Angeles San Francisco Everett Sausalito Anacortes Crescent City Neah Bay Bremerton Oregon Dungeness Port Oxford Bellingham ALASKAN FLYING FIELDS List Supplied by Aeronautics Branch, Department o! Commerce Anchorage, Anchorage Aviation Field, Lake Minchumina, Lake Mi.nchumina Field, municipal auxiliary Fairbanks, Weeks Field, commercial Lake Spenard, Lake Spenard Field, aux- Fort Yukon, Fort Yukon •Aviation Field, iliary commercial Livengood, Livengood Field, auxiliary American Creek, American Creek Field, Lost Hiver, Lost Hiver Field, auxiliary auxiliary Lower Tonsina, Lower Tonsina Field, Anchorage, Anchorage Field, auxiliary auxiliary ... Bettles River, Bettles River Field, auxiliary McCarthy, McCarthy Field, auxiliary Bluff, Bluff Field, auxiliary McGrath, McGrath Field, auxiliary Cache Creek, Cache Creek Field, auxiliary Medfra, Medfra Field, auxiliary Candle, Candle Field, auxiliary Moose Creek, Moose Creek Field, auxiliary Cantwell, Cantwell Field, auxiliary Moses, Moses Field, auxiliary Chandalar, Chandalar Field, auxiliary Nabesna, Nabesna Field, auxiliary Chena Hot Springs, Chena Hot Springs Nenana, Nenana Field, auxiliary • Field, auxiliary Ninilchik, Ninilchik Field, auxiliary Chicken, Chicken Field, auxiliary Nome, Nome Field, auxiliary Chisana, Chisana Field, auxiliary Nulato, Nulato Field, auxiliary Circle Hot Springs, Circle Hot Springs Palmer Creek, Palmer Creek Field, auxiliary Field, auxiliary Pilgrim Springs, Pilgrim Hot Springs Field, Copper Center, Copper Center Field, auxiliary auxiliary Ruby, Huby Field, auxiliary Cordova, Cordova Field, auxiliary Seward, Seward Field, auxiliary ' Curry, Curry Field, auxiliary Solomon, Solomon Field, auxiliary Cou~_cil, Council Field, auxiliary Susitna Station, Susitna Station Field, Deenng, Deering Field, auxiliary auxiliary Eagle, Eagle Field, auxiliary Takotna, Takotna Field, auxiliary Flat, _Flat Field, auxiliary Tanana, Tanana Field, auxiliary Golovm, Golovin Field, auxiliary Telida, Telida Field, auxiliary Healy, ?ealy Field, auxiliary Teller. Teller Field, auxiliary Hot Sp:mgs, Manley Hot Springs Field, Unalakleet, Unalakleet Field, auxiliary auxiltary Upper Tonsina, Upper Tonsina Field, Kantiahna District, Kantiahna Field -aux- auxiliary iliary ' Valdez Valdez Field, auxiliary Kasil?f, Kas~lof .Field, auxiliary Valdez' Creek, Valdez Creek Fie-ld. auxiliary K~nai1 I:"ield, auxiliary Cape Prince of Wales, Cape Prince of Kiwahk, Kiwahk _Field, auxiliary Wales Field, auxiliary Kobuk, Kobuk Field, auxiliary (formerly Wasilla, Wasilla Field, auxiliary Shumgnak) Willow Creek, Willow Creek Field, auxiliary Kotzebue, Kotze~ue Field, auxiliary Wiseman, Wiseman Field, auxiliary Koyuk, Koyuk Field, auxiliary APPENDIX 495 FLYING IN THE UNITED STATES Calendar Year 1930 Air Transport Summary 19-6 1927 1928 1929 1930 Operators ........... 19 2-f 32 27 35 Planes in sen· icc ..... 95 144 29-t 619 6Ss !\Iiles scbeduJed ...... -· ....... . ........ 30,703,II9 Miles flown .......... 4.6o8, 8oa 5,2.12. 39b 10,472,02-t 20,242,891 28,833.967 Passengers .......... 5.782 12,594. 52.934 165,263 385,9IO Ex press, I bs .......... I, 733.092e 2,J07,579C 2,I48.059C 197,538f 286,798f Mail,lbs ............ 433.6-19 I ,22-, 4Jd J,63-,059C 7,096.930 8,005,201 a-Includes 2,583,056 miles flown on government operated man routes. b-Includes 1,320,535 miles flown on government operated mail routes. c-Ineludes miscellaneous freight flow·n by special order. d- Indudes rzr, 439 pounds mail flown on government operated routes. e- Includes 631,541 pounds mai.l flown on F.A.M. routes. f-Includes only express poundage carried on regular sclredules . • Aerial Service Summary 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 Operators reporting... 420 357 168 Soo* 6oo* Planes in sen•ice...... 969 768 489 7,408 5,324 JV!ilesflown .......... 7,656,,192 8,341,517 8,.JI1,889 ro4,336,56o 95.959,645 Passengers carried.. . . 380,201 476,724 526,203 2,995.530 2,621,769 *Statistical estimates b:1sed on typical reports. Private Flying Summary (Corporate and Personal) Estimated 1928 1929 1930 Miles flown.................................... rz,ooo,ooo 25,000,000 40,000,000 Government Operations 1926 IQ27 1928 1929 1930 U.S. Army ........ !6,764.540 I4,87r,87o I9,546,450a 27 ,405,790a 32,500,000 U.S. Navy ........ 8,352,800 10,452,720 I4,I35,490b 19,513,095b 26,478.700 (b) U.S. Coast Guard .. r6,300 28,960 83,083 48,254 67,6ss U.S. Dept. of Com- merce ........... . . . . ... . . 900,000 I,OOO,OOO 1,427,000 0 • • •••••• a-Includes National Guard. b-Includes Marine Corps and Naval Reserve. General Summary 1929 1930 Civilian and Commercial. ....................... . I49.579.45I miles r64,793,6r2 miles Government ........ : ................ · ....... · · · 47,967,139 miles 60,473,355 miles