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Preview THE 18TH AND 25TH DYNASTIES Lesson Duration

LESSON 3 Grades 4-12 PART 2: GREAT ERA’S - THE 18TH AND 25TH DYNASTIES Lesson Duration: 3 – 4 Class Period (30–50 Minutes) For Each Section PART 2: OVERVIEW OF SECTIONS 1 – 3 Overarching Questions .................................................................................................................. 66 Content Theme .............................................................................................................................. 66 Standards/Essential Skills .............................................................................................................. 39 Objective ........................................................................................................................................ 66 Key Questions: Part 2 – Great Era’s - The 18th And 25th Dynasties .............................................. 67 Section 1: The Nubian Origin - 18th Dynasty ..................................................................... 67 Section 2: The Nubian Origin of the 18th Dynasty ............................................................. 67 Section 3: The Nubian Origin of the 25th Dynasty ............................................................. 67 Vocabulary: Part 2 – Great Era’s - The 18th and 25th Dynasties .................................................... 68 Key Vocabulary Strategy ................................................................................................................ 68 Activity 1: Vocabulary Word Map ...................................................................................... 69 Activity 2: Categories ........................................................................................................ 69 Instructional Materials: Part 2 – Great Era’s - The 18th And 25th Dynasties .................................. 70 Differentiation And/Or Modification ................................................................................... 70 Activities: Part 2 – Great Era’s - The 18th and 25th Dynasties ........................................................ 70 Section 1 Background Information: The Nubian Origin Of The 18th Dynasty ................................................ 71 Activity: Introduction To Text And Shared Reading ....................................................................... 71  Method Of Delivery ........................................................................................................... 72  Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 73  Directions .......................................................................................................................... 73  Extended Cross-Curricular Activities ................................................................................ 74 o Activity 1: Geography: Map Skills ........................................................................ 74 o Activity 2: Social Studies: Timeline ...................................................................... 74 o Activity 3: Reading Comprehension And Recall .................................................. 74 o Activity 4: Reading Comprehension And Analysis ............................................... 75  Follow-Up .......................................................................................................................... 75  Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 76  Student Reflection & Debriefing Questions....................................................................... 76  Teacher Reflection ............................................................................................................ 76  Resources ......................................................................................................................... 76 Activity Worksheets  Activity Worksheet 3 –Part 2:Section 1 ............................................................................. 77  Activity Worksheet 3: Section 1 – 3 .................................................................................. 78  Activity Resource Sheet (Teacher Answer Key) 3: Section 1 – 3 ..................................... 79 Section 2 Background Information: The Ipet, The Covered Temple – 18th Dynasty ..................................... 81 Activity 1: Activity 1: Language Arts: Reading ............................................................................... 82  Method Of Delivery ........................................................................................................... 83  Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 83  Directions .......................................................................................................................... 83 Activity 2: Science: Biology ............................................................................................................ 83  Follow-Up .......................................................................................................................... 84  Assessment ....................................................................................................................... 84  Student Reflection and Debriefing Questions ................................................................... 84  Teacher Reflection ............................................................................................................ 84  Resources ......................................................................................................................... 84  Answer Key: IPET Temple ................................................................................................ 85  Student Activity Worksheet - Lesson 3 – Part 2: Section 2 ............................................. 86 Section 3 Background Information: The Nubian Origins Of The 25th Dynasty ............................................... 87 Activity 1: Language Arts: Reading Comprehension Activity ......................................................... 89 Interacting With Text And Creating A “Newspaper ........................................................................ 89  Method Of Delivery ........................................................................................................... 89  Procedure .......................................................................................................................... 89  Directions .......................................................................................................................... 89 Cross-Curricular Extension Activities ............................................................................................. 90 Activity 1: Language Arts: Research Projects ................................................................... 90 Activity 2: Geography: Map Skills ..................................................................................... 90 Activity 3: Math Skills: Calculating Time ........................................................................... 90 Activity 4: Math Skills: Activity Worksheet: Figure Out How Long Ago It Happened ........ 91  Follow-Up .................................................................................................................... 91  Assessment ................................................................................................................ 91  Student Reflection and Debriefing Questions ............................................................ 91  Teacher Reflection ..................................................................................................... 92  Resources ................................................................................................................... 92 Extended Activities ......................................................................................................................... 92 Activity Worksheets  Activity Worksheet - Lesson 3 – Part 2 ............................................................................. 93  Activity Worksheet: Map Of The Nile River Valley- 25th Dynasty ...................................... 94 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. LESSON 3 | Grades 4-12 Before America – African Heritage GREAT ERA’S - THE 18TH AND 25TH DYNASTIES Part 2 Lesson Duration: 3 – 4 Class Periods 30 – 50 Minutes of this lesson is to explore The Pyramids of Jebal information related to the Barkal in the Sudan Ancient African Dynasties. It examines the development of the greatest dynasties of Pharaohs who ruled Egypt and other parts of the world. Of particular note are the rulers and historical events that occurred during the 18th and 25th Dynasties. Engineering, medical and mathematical skills helped advance many innovative practices during that time period. The Ipet Covered Temple built during the 18th Dynasty is one example of this knowledge and use of OVERARCHING QUESTIONS: skills. 1. Where are we going? Each section in the part of the lesson includes 2. Where are we now in our understanding background information that can be copied and used of this topic? as reading material for the students. In addition, key 3. Why are we trying to discover more? questions, and lists of vocabulary words, materials 4. How will we get there? and activities for each section are included at the 5. How will we know we have arrived at any new beginning of this 4-section lesson understandings about this topic? PART 2 – GREAT ERA’S - THE 18TH AND CONTENT THEME: 25TH DYNASTIES Understand that past Ancient African civilizations Section 1: The Nubian Origin of The 18th Dynasty reached great levels of accomplishments during the Section 2: The Ipet, The Covered Temple – Dynastic Period of Egyptian history which can be 18th Dynasty broken into 8 or 9 Kingdoms ruled by 30 Dynasties Section 3: The Nubian Origin of The 25th Dynasty and lasting over a 3000 year span of time which is longer than any other known civilization. Students will: 1. Analyze vocabulary words that include STANDARDS/ESSENTIAL SKILLS: unfamiliar names and locations. Standards are listed in the Overview Section of 2. Analyze the Nubian origin of Egyptian Lesson 3. They are directly related to or can be closely government and accomplishments during connected to this lesson. Depending on the direction the 18th Dynasty. the teacher wishes to focus the lesson, these standards 3. Analyze the medical knowledge demonstrated provide a foundation for teachers to adapt and during the 18th Dynasty and incorporated into implement a standards-based curriculum approach. the design of the Ipet Covered Temple. 4. Analyze the Nubian origin of Egyptian OBJECTIVE: government and accomplishments during the This lesson is presented in 3 sections. The purpose 25th Dynasty. Dynasty 18–1570-1293 BCE Ahmose I restored Egyptian independence. Amenhotep I created the Valley of the Kings. Tuthmosis I, Tuthmosis II, Hatshepsut Queen/Pharaoh 66 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. KEY QUESTIONS: SECTION 2: THE NUBIAN ORIGIN PART 2 – GREAT ERA’S – THE 18TH OF THE 18TH DYNASTY AND 25TH DYNASTIES THE IPET, THE COVERED TEMPLE – 18TH DYNASTY SECTION 1: THE NUBIAN ORIGIN – 1. How did the Ipet Temple show the Ancient 18TH DYNASTY Africans knowledge of biology? 1. How did Upper and Lower Egypt unite and 2. How did the construction of the Temple reflect become the Ancient Egyptian Kingdom? thinking and learning to others who understood 2. Who were the people who invaded, infiltrated the secret of the temple? and migrated into Egypt before the 18th 3. Why was the 18th Dynasty considered Egypt’s Dynasty? What effect did their coming have Glorious Age? on the nation? 3. What important things happened in Egyptian SECTION 3: THE NUBIAN ORIGIN history before the 18th Dynasty was created? OF THE 25TH DYNASTY 4. What role did women play in governing Egypt? 1. How did the prominent nation of Assyria 5. What connection do the names of countries impact Ancient Africa? found in the history of Egypt have with 2. How did the Nubian nation regain control of countries located in the world today? Upper and Lower Egypt again? 3. Why did the people of Ancient Africa love and show allegiance to their Pharaoh’s in the 25th Dynasty? Rameses II Temple of Amun at Aswan 67 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. VOCABULARY: PART 2 – GREAT ERA’S - THE 18TH AND 25TH DYNASTIES SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 The Nubian Origin of The Ipet, The Covered The Nubian Origin of the the 18th Dynasty Temple – 18th Dynasty 25th Dynasty approximately friezes Napata, Nubia King Menes social and historical Assyria Cleopatra Old Kingdom vegetable oil Lebu (Libya) Pyramid Age Matching Temples Red Sea, New Kingdom weakened Wa’at Mediterranean Sea invaders Luxor Indian Ocean internal strife Thebes vassal nation expulsion foreign invaders Ipet Pharaoh Tafnak Hyksos Ipet-Isut Osorkon III nomes Grand Lodge cultural revolution greedy quarreling Karnak Senankhtenre worsened Avenue of Sphinxes Seqenere grants commoners Covered Temple Pharaoh Kashta infiltration commemorate fourth cataract of the Nile invaded pineal gland Pharaoh Painky chaos Mesopotamia phenomenal Memphis Syria First Hypostyle Amen-Ra Palestine upheaval Peristyle Court Kurro (Kooroo) Gutians Collonade of Amun Nuri (Noo-ree) MesAkkad Court of Ramses Pharaoh Shabaka Sumerians expelled Temple Platform Pharaoh Taharka Amorites New Kingdom Mentuemhat (Men-too-em-hat) Caanan The Pre-Archaic, Archaic, The Iron Age Mari Euphrates Old and Middle Kingdoms 25th Kushite Dynasty centralized government cornerstones indigenous Meso-America obstacles Intef I, II, and III genius Olmec Civilization Menthuhotep Egypt’s Glorious Age Hurrians Caucasus Mountains Senankhtenre and Seqenenre Queen Tiye Amenhotep III’ Hatshepsut Thutmoses III Tutankhamon Tuthmosis III made a victorious expedition into Mesopotamia, he was one of the greatest Pharaohs ever in Eygpt. Amenhotep II, Tuthmosis IV, Amenhotep III warred success- 68 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. KEY VOCABULARY STRATATEGY: VOCABULARY STRATEGY: ACTIVITY 1: VOCABULARY WORD MAP ACTIVITY 2: CATEGORIES 1. Provide each student with a list of vocabulary 1. Each student needs paper or a word journal. words for the 3 sections of this lesson. The journal should have pages numbered by 2. The teacher will provide students with copies ABC letters (A – Z) on separate pages on the and read the Background Information to front side of each sheet. the students. 2. Allow students to create and label the columns 3. As the teacher reads, have students work where they will list the words under a category independently and underline all of the proper heading. nouns they find. 3. Allow students 5 minutes to complete the 4. After the Information has been read, have activity. They will name the categories and students write all of the proper nouns in generate a list of words to match the categories a column. they chose. 5. In a second column, ask students to break the 4. Then allow students to work in pairs to words up into syllables that they think make compare their lists and make adjustments to sense. (HINT: The proper nouns will begin their lists. (5 minutes) with capital letters.) 5. Then have students share their categories with 6. Many of the words on the list are Proper Nouns the whole group and add words under the that name cities, countries and people con- headings that other students give. nected to Ancient Egyptian history. 6. Make a separate list of words that do not fit into 7. In a third column ask students to mark if the anyone else’s columns. proper nouns name a person, place, group of 7. Provide students with a map of Africa and people or thing. allow them the opportunity to label the maps 8. Then ask each student to pick 5 other words and place the correct names of listed places from the vocabulary list that are NOT on the map. proper nouns. 8. Circle the names of places on the vocabulary 9. Ask students to use another page in their list that are not inside of Africa. journal for each of the 5 words they chose. 9. For homework, have students add all of the 10. They will create a Vocabulary Word Map for words to a vocabulary journal where, next to each of those words. each word, they are required to use the 11. Have students use pencils to draw a vertical, Vocabulary Word Map categories. then horizontal line through the center of 10. Students will keep the journals and use them each sheet. throughout the school year for all subject areas. 12. In the center of the page where the lines cross, make a box to write one of the chosen words. (Erase the lines inside the box.) 13. Write the word in the center box. 14. At the top of each of the 4 sections you created, write a heading for each box. 15. In one box write, “Definition in Your Own Words”. 16. In the second box write, “List of Synonyms”. 17. In the next box write, “Sentence that Shows Meaning”. 18. In the last box write, “Picture for the Word”. 19. Allow students the opportunity to use the Background Information to find the context words that are used. 20. This activity is called a Vocabulary Word Map – created by Raymond Jones and found at www.readingquest.org 21. Also see other strategies at: http://www.readingquest.org/strat/home.html 69 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: PART 2 – GREAT ERA’S - THE 18TH AND 25TH DYNASTIES SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 The Nubian Origin of The Ipet, The Covered The Nubian Origin of the 18th Dynasty Temple – 18th Dynasty the 25th Dynasty Background Information Sets Maps of the Background Information Sets Background Information Sets Nile Valley Region Information for Time- Worksheet of Ipet and Human Body Map of Nile Valley Region line Questions for “Stand and Defend” DIFFERENTIATION / MODIFICATION 1. Students will be allowed to choose different 3. Students will work in pairs and in teams to events to research. share and present information. 2. Students will be allowed to present their information in a variety of ways. ACTIVITIES: PART 2 – GREAT ERA’S - THE 18TH AND 25TH DYNASTIES SECTION 1 SECTION 2 SECTION 3 The Nubian Origin of The Ipet, The Covered The Nubian Origin of the 18th Dynasty Temple – 18th Dynasty the 25th Dynasty Read Background Information Read Background Information Read Background Information Map Skills Jump In Map Skills – Ipet / Research Project Timeline Human Body Map Skills – Nile River Valley Stand and Defend: Find clues Math Skills – Time Calculations that support your answers – How Long Ago Did it Happen Key Question Answers (Worksheet) (Worksheet) “Avenue of Sphinxes.” Ram head Sphinxes at Karnak fully in the south and north of Egypt, during its most glorious time in ancient Egypt’s history. Akhenaten founder of Aten and leader of the monotheism movement. Smenkare 70 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: PART 2: SECTION 1: THE NUBIAN ORIGIN OF THE 18TH DYNASTY T he Ancient Egyptian kingdom was also known as Kemet, the Black land, because of the rich, black soil deposited by the Nile River that runs throughout the nation. The pharaohs who ruled the land were part of about 30 dynasties that changed as the leadership of the government passed from one particular family to another. Although researchers have identified several groupings, the dynasties could be grouped into three main time periods that lasted approximately 3000 years. After the northern and southern parts of Egypt united, the first pharaoh in the Thutmose III united nation was King Menes. The Ancient African dynasties began about 3500 B.C.E. and ended around Before this story continues however, we need to 47 B.C.E. when the Roman Empire conquered Egypt look back at the 5th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt, which while Cleopatra VII served as the last of over 300 existed between 2563 B.C.E.-2423 B.C.E. The districts pharaohs who had lead the government. where people lived were called nomes; either a man The Old Kingdom, also known as the Pyramid Age, or a woman leader governed each nome. Although lasted roughly between 2700 B.C.E. – 2200 B.C.E. The the system worked very well for a long period of time, Middle Kingdom lasted from 2100 B.E.C – 1800 B.C.E. the rulers of the districts became greedy and began Throughout the years, although the pharaohs had the quarreling. The quarreling turned to open fighting in greatest power, other officials also wanted to rule the the districts. The Egyptian royal family worsened the country, so there was a great deal of turmoil during this crisis by favoring the priesthood and giving them large, time. The New Kingdom began around 1570 – 1080 generous grants of money and land to the African B.C.E. with their greatest achievements coming around priesthood and nobility. The commoners revolted 1400 B.C.E. Although this kingdom grew wealthy because of the changes in government policies. as they conquered other nations around them and To complicate matters further, a new wave of gathered many treasures, toward the end of this era, Nubian expansion in Upper (south) Egypt began. the kingdom weakened. The country broke up into Keep in mind that the Africans in Egypt were direct smaller states because many officials tried to gain more descendants of the Nubians who were entering Upper power for themselves, and, consequently, Egypt became Egypt at this time. In order to stop the flow of Nubians, weaker than in previous times. Invaders took advantage the Africans living in Egypt began to carry out attacks of this internal strife and eventually conquered the on the Africans in Nubia. This internal war left the whole kingdom. borders of Lower (North) Egypt open to more attacks The 18th Dynasty ushered in the “New Kingdom” and infiltrations of Asians into the northern regions of that lasted from 1570-1329 B.C.E., years before the Egypt. The end of the pyramid age in Egypt in the 6th Christian era. The Nubian family that founded this Dynasty made way for what is called “the Intermediate empire was a combination of the old African Egyptian Period.” This era occurred between the 7th and 11th family who had been forced into exile out of Egypt by dynasties, 2242-2065 B.C.E. During this time, chaos some invaders known as the Hyksos, and the Nubian governed Lower Egypt. (present day Sudan) royal family that accepted this While all of this was happening, other events Egyptian family while they were in exile. This African occurred that lead to the early migration of the first mixture of royalty brought together some of the best Asians to Africa. In the East, Asia was at war with minds of East Africa. One of the most important events itself and Ancient Mesopotamia. Syria and Palestine of the 18th Dynasty was the expulsion of the foreign also experienced social upheavals. A group of Asians invaders, the Hyksos. Hyksos is derived from two words, called the Gutians (Goo-tee-ahn), attacked and Heka, to rule and Kwast, foreign desert dwellers; so, conquered the African Kingdom in Mesopotamia, the Hyksos were known as the “rulers of foreign desert also named, MesAkkad (Ahk-kahd). The Gutians dwellers”. 71 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. ruled Mesopotamia from 2190-2100 B.C.E. until the reigned as pharaoh, it is interesting to note that the Sumerians, another African people, expelled them. Egypto-Nubian priesthood were the administrators of Around 2200 B.C.E., the Amorites also attacked the government. the African civilization in Palestine, Syria and Canaan. Archeologists have discovered a significant deal The Amorites were from Mari, on the Upper Euphrates of information about this time period, including new and were unaccustomed to city life and formal, details about great African personalities from this era, centralized government. Instead, they were familiar including: with desert life. The war with the Canaanites drove • Queen Tiye was Amenhotep III’s wife, who the Amorites west into Lower Egypt. But soon, many co-ruled with her husband and influenced Amorites took advantage of the inner struggle in Egypt, her son, Akhenaten and Tutankhamon, and between 2100-1800 B.C.E. they began a slow, her grandson. but steady, infiltration across the border into Lower • Hatshepsut, was a Pharaoh/Queen who during (Northern) Egypt. Although Africans always remained her reign saw important medical, astrological the pharaohs of Egypt, the Asian infiltration and the and engineering breakthroughs achieved. indigenous people’s discontent kept the Egyptian • Thutmoses III conquered many cultures in Royalty from regaining total stability. Europe and Asia and spread Egypt’s Despite great obstacles, however, Upper and African Culture. Lower Egypt were reunited under the founder of the • Tutankhamon became a pharaoh at a very 11th Dynasty, Intef I and his successors, Intef II and young age. The treasures found when Intef III who were all from Upper (Southern) Egypt. Westerners entered his tomb, opened the Although they began the work of reunification, it was Western world’s eyes to the secret world of Menthuhotep, the last pharaoh of this dynasty, who ancient Egypt and its wealth. completed the cultural reunification of the two lands. Menthuhotep, ruled from 2065-2062 B.C. E. He also ended the 1st Intermediate Period and began the Middle Kingdom. The Middle Kingdom lasted from 2065-1785 B.C.E. and during this time, they experienced an increase in Asian immigrations. By 1785 B.C.E., there was another wave of attacks from the Hyksos. Archeologists found remains that showed the Hyksos were a combination of Amorites and Hurrians. As stated before, the Amorites were from the Kingdom of Mari, on the Upper Euphrates River. The Hurrians were a branch of Asians from the Caucasus Mountains located in southern Russia in a place called Georgia. This area, located between Lake Va and the Zargos River, was east of the Tigris River. The Hurrians were of Teutonic (German) ancestry who also migrated to Mesopotamia, then into Syria/ Lebanon next to Palestine. Their true hold on Egypt Amenhotep III and was in the Lower Delta region where they maintained Queen Tiye power for between 75 – 100 years Returning now to the story of the 18th Dynasty, we find the origin of the Nubian pharaohs from Upper Egypt. This family ended one dynasty and created the next dynasty when they ended the Hyksos’ reign. Nubians again expanded into Upper (south) Egypt. Rulers of the 17th Dynasty, Senankhtenre and Seqenenre began reunification of the two lands. However, it was Ahmoses, organizer of the 18th Dynasty, who expelled the Hyksos completely and Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) second son of Amenhotep III totally reunified Upper and Lower Egypt. Although he his older son died as a child. Tutankhamun, Ay, Horemheb Dynasty 19–1293-1185 BCE Ramesses I, Seti I conquered the tribes in Western Asia, built Hall of Ancestors at Abydos and said to have 72 TEACHER ACTIVITY GUIDE The Historic Journey: “Yes We Can” © 2010 Holland and Associates; All rights reserved. 4. Work with a group to present information to Amenhotep III the entire class about the Kingdom Period assigned to their group. 5. Answer questions about the Background information to check comprehension skills. DIRECTIONS: 1. Give students a copy of the vocabulary list for Part 2: Sections 1 – 3. 2. Provide students with journals for them to record vocabulary words from the list. 3. Use Section 1 words with this lesson. 4. Have students read over the list and record every word that is not at proper noun. (There are 19 words. These are the words the class will focus on with this section of the lesson.) 5. Have students write in their journals next to the words something about the words they listed ACTIVITY: INTRODUCTION TO TEXT AND and what they already know. (1 minute) SHARED READING: 6. Have students work with a partner and share METHOD OF DELIVERY: –Teacher modeled reading; their information. (2 minutes) Student generated products, worksheet exercises 7. Have the entire class share information they think they already know while others record PROCEDURE: information that is shared. The teacher will: 8. Distribute copies of the Background Information. 1. Provide a vocabulary list for each 9. Have students underline proper names before student.(PART 2: Section 1) beginning the reading assignment. 2. Provide students with journals for them to 10. Have students underline facts that they think record vocabulary words, make vocabulary are important as they hear the Background maps, and write reflections about materials they Information read. read, research, and view. 11. Read or have students listen to others read the 3. Provide maps showing ancient Egypt and the Background Information. Nile River Valley for students to locate cities 12. Use the skill of shared reading. Let the teacher and nations connected to Ancient model reading parts of the passage, let students African history. read, have the whole class read portions in 4. Provide copies of the Background choral reading. Information to students. 13. Have students, after the information is read, 5. Read the passage with students using a shared circle the names of people or groups that they reading strategy. feel are important to understanding the history 6. Decide which strategy the class will use to of the 18th Dynasty. present their findings about the Kingdom 14. Have each student take 2 minutes to write a periods to the class. summary of what they think are some of the main ideas in this passages. The students will: 15. Allow students to share their ideas. 1. Use vocabulary words to develop skills to group 16. Inform the class that they will have to present proper nouns, unfamiliar words and use context information about the Dynastic Periods at the clues. end of the Lesson 3. 2. Practice active listening as the teacher and 17. Inform them to keep up with Background students read the Background material using Information sheets, notes and vocabulary shared reading strategies. information because they will be using them 3. Work with a group to explore information and other sources to complete their projects. about the Kingdoms and dynasties in Ancient Africa. 73

Menthuhotep. Hurrians. Caucasus Mountains. Senankhtenre and Seqenenre. Queen Tiye. Amenhotep III'. Hatshepsut. Thutmoses III. Tutankhamon. SECTION . Akhenaten founder of Aten and leader of the monotheism movement. Smenkare transitioning or bridging to allowing others to speak first
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