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The 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of Karl Marx: A Critical Commentary and Interpretation PDF

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THE 1844 ECONOMIC AND PHILOSOPHIC MANUSCRIPTS OF KARL MARX: A CRITICAL COMMENTARY AND INTERPRETATIO FAY, MARGARET ALICE ProQuest Dissertations and Theses; 1979; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global INFORMATION TO USERS This reproduction was made from a copy of a document sent to us for microfilming. While the most advanced technology has been used to photograph and reproduce this document, the quality of the reproduction is heavily dependent upon the quality of the material submitted. The following explanation of techniques is provided to help clarify markings or notations which may appear on this reproduction. I. The sign or «target" for pages apparently lacking from the document photographed is "Missing Page(s)". If it was possible to obtain the missing page(s) or section, they are spliced into the film along with adjacent pages. This may have necessitated cutting through an image and duplicating adjacent pages to assure complete continuity. 2. 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The 1844 Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of Karl Marx: A Critical Commentary and Interpretation By Margaret Alice Fay A.B. (Hons.) (University of Cambridge) 1966 M.A. (Syracuse University) 1971 DISSERI'ATION Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY in Sociology in the GRADUATE DIVISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY Apapr~~..~- -~-: -.-·;·_-()~_~~--. ,~---~__ : --j--.1'.l, t1No 'Cha- . Date ~~- . ·- -- --- i=k_!~.J'f71 ---... -- ------:- ---~--.--.- ---.- --_f/.?t/:?j. C /4 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. I Murphy1s Laws: Nothing is as easy as it looks; every thing takes longer than you expect; and if anything can go wrong, it will. O'Toole's Commentary on Murphy's Law: Murphy was an optimist. (From "Macgougan at Large", by Denny MacGougan: Tacoma, Sun. Feb. 25, 1979: THE NEWS TRIBUNE) Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. PREFACE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CHAPTER I: Introduction: Does the World Really Need Yet Another Interpretation of Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1 • 1 Who? The Smi thian Marx 1.2 What? Marx's Paris Writings of 1844 1.2.1 Marx's Excerpt Notebooks of 1844 on Politi cal Economy 1.2.2 The Content of Marx's Economic and Philo sophic Manuscripts of 1844 1.2.3 Marx's Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844 as Physical Objects Tw"o notebooks and two sets of four pages What we read in the printed text is in many places not what Marx him self in tended Summary of the four :manuscripts as physical objects -- 1 • 3 How? From Adam Smith' s Labour Theory of Value to Marx's Theory of Alienation Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ii CHAPTER II: The Suppression of the Commodity Structure of Marx's Smithian Notebook 2. 1 The Alleged Irrelevance of Adam Smith in All Edi tions of the EPM 2. 2 The Flaw in the MEGA Editors' Rationale 2.3 A Note on the MEGA Editors' Lack of Familiarity with Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations 2.4 The Purpose of the Commodity Structure of Marx's Pages CHAPTER III: The Division of Marx's Srnithian Notebook In to a core Notebook a.'1.d Outer Sheets: Towards an Understanding of the Co:mmodity Structure of the Pages 3. 1 The Compilation of Marx's Hegeliar~ Notebook 3. 2 The Divergence between t."l.e Numbered and the Physi cal Sequence of the Pges of Marx's Smi thian Notebook 3.3 The Significance of the Division of Marx's Srnithian Notebook into a Core Notebook and Outer Sheets 3.4 The Commodity Structure of the Pages of the core Notebook and the Commodity Structure of the Outer Sheets Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. iii 3. 4.1 The straightforward commodity structure pre dominant in the core notebook (pages I-VI, VIII-VII 3.4.2 Variation I: the identity between the commo dity structure of page VII and the commodity structure of the "Alienated Labour" (pages XXII-XXVII) 3.4.3 Variation II: t..l'.).e two column pages at the end of the core-notebook (pages XIII-XVI) 3.4.4 Variation III: the nnique state of "Rent of Land" in the outer sheets (pages XVII-XXI) 3.4.5 The commodity structure of t.."J.e "Alienated Labour" pages (pages XXII-XXVII) 3. 5 Summary CHAPTER IV: Marx's Application of the Dialectical Method to Ada1n Smith's Wealth of Nations 4. 1 Hegel's Dialectical Meth.ad 4. 1. 1 The level of understanding 4. 1.2 The dialectical stage of negati\e reasoning 4. 1. 3 The speculative stage of positive reasoning 4. 2 Srni th' s Weal th of Nations as the Level of Under standing 4. 3 The Core Notebook as the Dialectical Stage of Negative Reasoning Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. iv 4. 4 The Outer Sheets as the Speculative Stage of Positive Reasoning CHAPTER V: Labour and Property in Adam Smith Is Weal th of Nations CHAPTER VI: Marx's Core Notebook (1): Wage Labour as the Exclusion of Labour from WEealth 6.1 Pages I-II: Labour as a Commodity: Wages as the Price of that Commodity 6.2 Pages !II-V: The Labouring Poor and the Wealth of Nations 6.3 Pages VI-VII: Marx's List of Contradictions in Smith's concept of Labour CHAPTER VII: Marx's Core Notebook (2): Wealth as the Consolidation of the· Rule of Capital over Labour 7 .. l capital and Land as the Rule of Private Property over the Production Process 7. 2 COmpeti tion and the Consolidation of the Rule of capital 7. 3 Competition and the Disappearance of the nRent of Land" Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.

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