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The 17th GCC Heads of State Summit and Aftermath PDF

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US-GCC GulfC ooperCaotuinocni l: CORPOR ATE Bahrain + Kuwait+O man Qat+a Sra uAdria bia CooPERATION· UniAtreaEdbm irates COMMITTEE INC �., "., co·�. i�,, fli�"l .. . i �f!la.{ £{I o.t. <.2l� ''"a (JOr<J"ai, JJ·.E conornl.._. ur " i!' • • PotnPtastt,e rPnrso,g nosts The1 7thH eadSst ate GCC of · • \\• X).(\SummAftietrm ath• : • and · Whitthhee r /} · GCC? · . /> �sh r 7z by ..') '�.· � � .... JohDnuk eAn thony OCCASIONAL A p p E R ��� cz, � 1ll S, I E R E s Mq� '('l'yv'\o V\ BORDrn (;0 B E R 8 ;::::J ' ' <20�\ -\\CS �nerg_v0 - <I!J fl:tusa 0 PubliisnAh sesdo cwiiattthhiN eoa nt ionalo nUC So-uAnRrceailbla t;ions T A B L EO F c 0 N TE N T s PointPsa,t rtnesP,ro gnosis The1 7tGhC C Headosf S tatSeu mmiatn dA ftermath: Whithetrh eG CC? FoREWORD . .D,r.Ra lpbyh R DiSibio INTRODUCfiON 1 ECONOMICAND COMMERCIAL ISSUES 2 EconRoimigcofh GtsC CC itizens 3 TariIffsI: n tra-TGaCriCffs 4 EconoCmihca lefolesrn t ghFeu ture 5 ForgiEnngd uTrirnadegR elatihoipnss 6 TariIffsIE :xt ernaTla rifft 7 InteFrnactaloa rnsEd xt ernTaarilffs 11 TariIffsI PIr:o groenTs arifsfU nification 13 Implicaofti oGanC sC -ETUr ade Agreement 18 PoLITICAL AND FoREIGPNo ucv IssuEs 20 Iraq 24 Iran 26 ThMied dElaesP te aPcreo cess 28 Terrorism 31 SECURITYAND DEFENSIES SUES 33 IntraD-efeGnCsCCeo operAa BtiaolnaS:nh ceee t 35 ThDea mascuDse clarCaotiuonnt ries 38 France 39 GreaBtri tain 40 ThUen itSetadl es 41 CONCLUSION 45 TribaNliastimo,n aSuli psrma,n ationalism 46 ThFeu tofu trheGe C CD·re amo Rre ality 50 Foreword Eacyhe athre,h eadosfs tatoef th e siGxu lCfo operatiCoonu nciclo untriecso nvefnoer theianrn ual summit in ofoth nee membceoru ntriecsa'p itaInls 1.9 9the6 ,1 �H eadosf StatSeu mmitt oopkl acienD ohaw herteh hee adosfs tataen dm emberosfth eir delegatidoinssc usissesdu oefms u tuaclo ncern. This repowrats w rittebnyt hSee cretaroyfth eU .S.-GCCoCrp oraCtoeo peration Committee who attentdhesedum mi t.Th e repoardtdre ssethse summit'tshr ee primarayg endiat emesc:o nomipcosl,i tiacnsdd, e fen·sWei.thin thesthree e rubricist, alspor ovideisn formatiaonnd anal ysiso ns pecifici ssuwehsi cohc cupitheedS ummi t's agendsau,c ahs e fforttso u nify external tariffs; estabhlmiesnotf a c ommon market; furthern ecesssatreypp su rsuatnoft o rgianfr ge etr ade agreewmieththn etE uropean Uniona;n dth e memberpso'is tionvsi s-aIr-aviqs, Irthaen ,M iddle Easptr opceeascse, weaponosfm assd esutrctiotenrr, orisamn,d th eifre llDoawm ascsDu eclaration countrieosfE gypatn dS yria, amongo thert oipcs. A concludeisnsgaa yt temtpotsp roviadb eal ancseh eeotfh owf athre GCChas come upt othis poinatn dw hati tpsr ospeacrtsfe oprr ogresfsurthienrg. As youw ills ee wheny our eathde repother tc,o mmentary andana lysiasr per esenwtiethdth e intereosfta sb road arorafUy . S. foreignan aalffyairsstsp ,o licymaaknedr s, decisionmiank ermsin d. Thisi sth e eigihntht hUe. S.-GCCCo rporaCtoeo peratiCoonmm ittee'sse rioefs Occasional Paopneth resr oloefth e GCCi nr egionaanld w orlafdf airThes . Committee presethnitssm onograpihn th e spiorfali lti tosth erp ublicatipornosgr,am sa,n d activitiaesas c ;o ntributitoonth e nationald ialogounAe m ericainn teraensdt s invlovemeinntth e GCCr egion. Dr.R alpDhi Sibio President ParsonDse velopmentCompany · and Chainnan U.S.-GCCCo rporaCtoeo peratiCoonmm ittee POINTS,P ATTERNS,P ROGNOSIS THE1 7™G CCH EADSO FS TATES UMMIT ANDAF TERWARDS:W ITHETR HEG CC? by JohnDuk e Anthony INTRODUCTION The 17tha nnuaGClC headosfs tatseum mitc onveneidnD ohaQ,a tarD ecemb7e-r9 , 1996This. gatherinwga sb othsimilar toa ndd ifefrenfrto me acho fi tpsr edecesIsto rs. wass imilar inth es ense.thtahtpe arti cipanftosc usoendc aeg ain oni ssuoefps a n-GCC inrtees·ta ncdo nceInrn .k eepiwnigth e acohf th ep reviomuese tingsd atinfrgo mth e GCC's establiins 1hm9e8n1tthe, primary focuwsa so ne conompiocl,i tiacnadld ,e fense topics. Amongth em ositm portainsts udeesl iberawteerdthe o sere latetod th eE conomiUcn ity Agreemenotf1 981Also. importawnetr oen goicnogn cernsr elatetd oIra q,Ir anth,e MiddleE aspte acper ocetesrsr,o risma,n dth es preoafd weapoofman sss destructi.o n . aIdnd tiionb,o thwi thin anda partfr ome acohf th esec aterigeost,h seum m iteers considethreem du ltifacetiemdp licaotifoa ns se rieschan goefs -globarle,g ionaanld, nation-aolnth eG CCr egions'hso ratn-dl onger-dteevreml opmepnrtoaslp ects. Twoth ingdsif fer��tiatethdi ss ummit froalmlthe otherOsn.e w asth en early simulntaeoucso nvenionfg several other regional ofm meaejtionirgm sp ortantcothe e GCCc ountrieInste.r -governmenmtaele tingisnG oa,Jakarta, andS ingapionrw ehi ch promineinntetrna tional leadeardsd resosilea dn dg asp,e acaen dj usticande ; internationalb usinesiss,s uoefsd irienctte rteoths etm embesrta tes; ovewriltha pped the summit.. The secomnodr,ei mportante rdeifnfwcaes Bah rain'sa bsenBcahreai.n 'sd ecisitoon boycothtet s ummit was unprecedenteandd wasc ommented uunfpaovno rably.by everyopnree seAlntla. gr eedth ati tasb senwcaesa m ajor embarrassment. Bahrain'rse asfoonnr o ta ttendwinagsi tsl ong-stanadnidnm gu ltifacetedte rritorial dispuwtieth th es ummihto sQta,t aThre. dispuwtase n oto nt haeg endiank, e eping witGhC Cp olithcayt b ilatperroabll ebmest wemeenm berssh oubleds olvbeidl aaltlye.r 2 This saiadt,th e endo fth e meetingB,a hraisnu cceeidneg de ttintgh es ummiteetor s agreteoc omprisaef our-natiocno mmitteet oc onsitdheedir s put-ea s ignificant departur efr omG CC proceduIrnea .m eeting inC airo onth e sidelionfte hsela te December 199b6ian nuals essioofthn e D amasc usD eclraatiocno untrie-sth e six GCC statesp,l uEsg ypantd Syria -Bahrainan'ds Q atar'fso reiminigns tersa greedt om eetin RiyadihnJ anuariyn a ne ffortot s ettthel ed isputOen.J anua8ra yn d1 2th,e mediation. committaenedth e ministersd idm eetA.s a re sultth,et woc ountriesl'e adeargsr eeads, afi rsstte pt,o c eastheeir hostimleedia campaignsa gainst eacohth er. Bahraianb'sse nfrcoem th es ummit didn oth,o weveprr,e vethnet a ttendfreoems dealing withth e businaesthas n d.This repohritg hlightsth e summita'csh ievements andan alyzethse iirm plicatiofnoskr e yU .Sin.t eraneds tfso reipgonli cyo bjectivIet s. alsfoo cusoens whawta sn ota ccomplisInh seodd .o inigt, examintheesr easoannds offersa p erspecotinvth ee prospefcotspr r ogriensth se peraihoeda d. The repoirsbt a sedo nt haeu thoro'bss evartionansd meetings and disicnDu oshsai ons with summit participants.T heana lysiiss s upplemenbtyie nfdo rmationa ndi nsight derivefrdo m subsequveinstian tsd meetingsf ollowthien sgu mmiwti tho fficialsin the GCC Secretariina Rti yadahs wealswl i thl eadeirnfs o uro ft heo rganizations'isx memberc ountries. ECONOMICAN D COMMERCIALI SSUES Viewefrdo m the outsideth,e GCC is seenas different btyhid nigffse rent pTeoo ple. manyi,ti sa g eopolibtilcoaoclfm onarchicraelgim esth ata rek eetno p erpetuathteei r moderate-to-conssyesrtevmsao tifgv oev ernanceT.o s omei,ti ss eeasn being preoccupwiiethmd atterpse rtaining to·nationaanld regionald efenswe ealasls domestisce curiTtyoo. th ersi,rt e preseabn otlsad n da mbitioeuffso rttoe stablisha custounmiso na nd eanc onomciocmm on marketa lonthge lineosf t hEeu ropean UnionT.os tilolth erits ,is m ainly af oruimn w hicthh em embercsa nair perspectives oni ssuoefsr egionwimipdoer tancwei tha vi ewt ofo rging greatceoro peration. Fromi tisn ceptiothne ptroe sethnet G,C C has beeannd remainalsl f ouorf th eset hings andm oreIn. th e wordtso this writbeyra m embeorf th e GCC'sM inisteCroiuanlc il, the organization's pproilincycif poarulml atinbgo dy",A tt hee ndo fth e dayw,e a re seekintgoi mprovthee securaintyd m ateriwaell l-beoifon ugrp eoplAlel.th e efforts relatteodd e fenalsleth; e deliberawtiiotnhsci onm mittaeensd, our meetings away from asw elasl at tsumhmie tsa rea imeda to neo verarcohibnjge ctitvope r:o tecwth at weh aveb uianldt toe stabliass htr ongfeoru ndatisounp portiovfpe e acseta,b ilitya,n d prosperfiothtyre preseanntdth e future." 3 Atthis summitk,e yp rovisioonfts h e GCC'sE c1o9n8o1mi Ucn ityA greeme(nEtU A) receigvreeda teerm phasithans ata nyG CC heaodfss ta tmee etinfgo qru ites ometi me. Tob es ureea,ch s ummitd evoteesx tensivaet tentitoothn e d egroeefp rogresasc hieved ini mplmeentinthge E UAb ecauistie sth efi rsatn dt,o d ates,i ngle most iomfp ortant theo rganization'asg reemenAtdsd.i tialolny,th eo verwhelming majoriotfyth e Secretars2i 9a0f- strosntafgfw orkyse ar-romuainnldy one cononlaincde conomic­ relatiesds ues. The added emphoanes ciosn ommaittce rsa tthi s year'ssu mmiwta sth ere sulotfthe memberdse'ci sitoonp laces ucihs suneesa thre topo ft heairg endTah.a dte cisioann,d thep romineanttte ntiogni vebny th eho st--venuael sfoo thre 1 99Mi7d dleE asatn d NortAfrihca Economic Sumtmothi etne -edt oa ccelerparitvea tsee ctpoarr ticipation inth e memberc ountriedsev'e lopmepnrto cesrseefsl,e tctehdem embersc'o ncernw ith theim pacto fg lobatrle ndosn their ecionntoemirce sts. A b�oamdi xo fv erys pecifiecc onomic einsgsaugethesed p articipainn tthsi sr egard. Thesei ncludneodto nlthey pernnialely vexinigs suoefhos w to unify theierx ternal -custohmosw, toe nhanceth em ovemenotfg oodsse,r viacnedsl ,a bowirthin theG CC regiohno,w toa ttramcotr ef oreiagnn dl ocpalr ivasteec tionrv estmenatsn,dh owt o gaignr eataecrc etsosth e markeotsf th eimra joerc onompiartnce rs.It also included sucrhe latiesds uaeshs o wto regismteorr e effepcrtiovger etsso wareds tablisah ing custoumniso na ndin stilling am uch greaters ensoefe conomicictiz enshiapm ongth e sisxt atpeeso'p les. EconoRmiigcofh tGsC CC itizens The EUA wasn oti ntendtoe bde a nal l-embracidnogc umernetq uirinings tant implementatiIto wna.sm eantt ob ev ieweadsa b luepraisna tb ,r oadsltya tgeudi deline fothre di rectioinnw hichth e GCCs'f oundeernsv iiosneodri entintgh eeicro nomies ovethre lontegremr. Neitheirst heE UAf ocused mainolnyth e questioonftarif f s.T ariffsa rbeu to nea mong numeroouthse ri ssuaedsd resstheeds ,u mo fw hicihsa imeda te nhancing the memberisn'd ividaunaldc olcltieveec onmioc strengathn dp romotinthge iprr oweass s ane nlargtreaddin g bloc. Amongo therg oalisse nlargemoefthn etb asoef e conomic invoblevtewmeeaennntd amongG CCna tionals. In thisr egarthde,G CC hass oughttoi ncretahsneea tuarned numbeorfo pprotunitifeospr r ofessicoenalrstifi eidn o neG CC counttropy r actiinc e anyo fth e otherC CCc ountries. This is ana reianw hictheh GCC has achievedc onisderapbrloeg reFsosre. x amplea,s ar esuolfat s ummidte cisrieoanc hsehdo rtlayf ttehr1e 9 9-0199K1u watiC risis, accountanatrsc,hi tedcenttiss,ts d,o ctoernsgi,n eearnsd,la wyerwsh ose credaerneti als 4 validiantK eudw aiatr een titlteodw orikn s,a yOman,, Qatar, or ientl hsGeeC wCh ere regiIno then .U nitSetadte sAm,e ricainsnth escea teghoravieye estt owin such privil-egabe rso ardan ogfep rofesscieornaltifisei dno nset actea nnmootv te oa nother stataen db egpirna cthtiecrewe i thoubtei rneg-c ertifibeythd e a ppropariuathtoer ities in thats tate. A brekathorugohfm ore tandgimibelnes iwoansrs e achaetdth eG CCs ummithtr ee yeaargso A.sa r esualntyci, tiz eno fo neG CCc ounitrseyn titlteodo wnr eaels tiante anoy ft hoeth eGrC Cc ountriAesas c .o nsequoefdn ececi siroenasch aetdo thGeCrC sumimtsth,e ci tizens aonfGyC Cc ounatrryae l so taoab vlaiethl e mselveosfl ow-cost businleosasfrns o ma noyf th er egioangr'isc ultubruasli,na ensdis n,d ustrial developfmuenndAts k .e pyr ovihsoowv,ee ri,ths a tt hreeci pieonfst u cbhe nefiwtosrk and lini thev ec ountryw hichp rovithed elso an. Therea roeft eandminis trative restrictioannds c ontidoinaliintith eessa en do ther measudreessi gtnoee xpda ntdh cea tegoarinedesx teonfet c onorimigch atsn db enefits foGrC Cn ationAasli snth. e U nitSetadt easn dp racticaelvleyor thye cro untrym,a ny whos eetkoa vathielm selofv seusc phr ivileencgoeuson tbesrta claetts h lee voefl implementaInti thoenG .C Cc ountrieasse lsewhtheerraeer, b eu reauacrnadpt est ty officiawlsh og uarjdea lotuhesi lsys uaonfpc eerm iatnslid c ensIne asd.d ition, parochialisma ndo thefro rmosfp rejuadniddc iecrimins atiocna cno mien top lay. The importanpto inhto,w eviesthar t, no to nlwye rseu cphr ivilneogens-exi stenat decaadneda half agow hethne G CCb egathne;yw ere envoetdn r eamoefad s a possibwiilithinty thel ifetimeo fth osweh oi,nthe intervefifteneinn gy eaharvse, workedm atkothe e m a reMaolrietyo.vth eern ,u mboefrG CCc itizewnhso h ave avaithleemds elovfthe ess oep portunitie-sc urreinnthtl eyf ew thou-scaonndtisn ues tog row. TariffsI I: ntra-TGarifCfsC Sincea s eaarslM ya rc1h9 8the3 ,GC Cc ountrieeliminast ed intraC-CGtarif fs onl ocally manufactguoroedthdsa th avaeminim um of4 0%va lauded epdr,o vithdaet5d 1 %o f thec ompapnryo ducinthge item isb yoa Gw CnCen da tionIna lth.u sa bolishing custocmomsp leteolnsy u chl ocally-pgroooddsusoc lwedid thi nth es ix-satartetheae , membecro untrhiaevsae d vcaensidg nificanitlnty h dier ectiobne coofmin agm ore integratrtaeddi bnlgo c. This compavreersfy a vorablayn yow thiethr grooufAp riancbgo untrieesl sewhIne re. AraNbor thAfri ca,th eL evatnhtNe,i lVea llaenydt, h Fee rtiClree scneonthintg, remotceolmyp arahasb lbee eanc hieved. Yetl,e tshits a ssessmenta sunb deu lsryeo esniy it,sim portant toou wtpha otih nats yetot tr anspBiarrer.fi unrgt ehceorn odmiivce rsifiacnadbti eotntm earr kaectc ess 5 withithne GCC,f oerxam ple,the prospefcottrsh GeC Cs, becominegn lthaer ged tradinbgl othact itfso unders enviwsiillro enmaine du ncertain. EconomiChca llenfogre sth eF uture In manyw aysth,e e conomifcu tuprreso pecftso trh eG CCr egiareo nmi xed.In generald,e mographtriecn d-sth eG CCc ountrihaevse o ne ofth ew orldh'isg hest popluatigroonw th rat-esc ouplweidt grho winugn employmenatn din creasing demandissf ,o marn y policymakane runse,n dincgh allenThgeer.e i sn oq uicfixk in sight. A constancto nstrainitsth es imilarity ofthe GCCc ountrieecosn'o miesAl.l sriexlo yn oielxp ortfso thre vasmatj oriotyf th einarti onal revenueTsh.e ye xpothisr t oinlo tto eacohth erb,u tr ather to mamrukcehfurthet rs afielidnA siaE,u ropaen,d the Americas. '· Dealing withth ei mpliocnastio fthis phenomenfoonthr e ihro peosfe stablisahinn g incarseingilnyt egreacteodn omic ehansti notyt beeena syT.o the members tates, policymakers andd eciisonmakeristr, emains asd auntinagsa nyoth er singlcehal lenge. The GCC countries' ecocnoommimce,r cainald,i ndustripalanln ersh ave worharkde d to altthise r realiAsta yr .e suthlet l,e voefli ntra-GcCoCmme rces,tartin g from al ow base ofa pprximao tel3y% o f theierx tteornalttr aald ehas, experiensciexd- fao ld increase. The challencgoen tinuteors e ceihviegp hr ioriinthety membecro utrniesstr'a tegic plannin g.F ore xamplien,ca rseinngum berso fi ndustriinalv estaorrebs u ilding factorini ethse belitheaftth ey willb e abtleos elthle iprr oductnso tj usttothe local market butt othe entirGeC C regioBnyan. y standarthisd ,r anksp raosg reYsests.,u ch investhoarvsye e tot acats a g routpoe nsutharte then umerous obsttaocth leeisr objecti-vpeosl itical, alnedtg eachnli,c al( e.ign.trmina,e bldee laaytsb ordcreors sings, arbitraaryn di nconsiasptepnlti caotifro ulne as ndr egulatiothen slim,i tede fficacyo f existidnigs pumteec hanismasn,ds oo n)- areelimina ted ors ignificantly decreased. Thus,i mpressaisiv tme a ys eemi nth e abstratchtre,a taen de xteonftp rogriensthis s arehaa sy etto mak e as ignificantd enti nth e continuinagc utdee pendeonnce ex ports ofe nergtyoth e industrialized and neiwnldyu trializisng nationsE.v eni nS audi Arabiaw,h erien dustrialization aesax ma ijsotsr n ationeaclo nomsitrca teagnyd m ore than 2,00f0a ctoarriiee nso peratiionnd,u strys'hsa rienth eKin gdom'sG OP,a lthough growindgo,en so te xcee1d3 %. Farm oreti me,f amro re investmenftar,m ore econionmitce grafarti omno,r ep rogress ini ntilsling ani ndustriale thosa mongthe citizenry in generaanld,f amro reh eadway in eliminating intra-regainodnae lx ternmala rkebta rriweilrlsb er equirbeedf othree

their annual summit in one of the member countries' capitals. Union; and the members' positions vis-a-vis Iraq, Iran, the Middle East peace process,.
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