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BiogeosciencesDiscuss.,9,9487–9531,2012 Biogeosciences Dis www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/9/9487/2012/ c Discussions u doi:10.5194/bgd-9-9487-2012 s s ©Author(s)2012.CCAttribution3.0License. io n P a Thisdiscussionpaperis/hasbeenunderreviewforthejournalBiogeosciences(BG). p e r PleaserefertothecorrespondingfinalpaperinBGifavailable. | D is c u The 1% and 1cm perspective in deriving s s io n and validating AOP data products P a p e r S.B.Hooker1,J.H.Morrow2,andA.Matsuoka3 | 1NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,OceanEcologyLaboratory,Greenbelt, Dis Maryland20771,USA cu 2BiosphericalInstrumentsInc.,5340RileyStreet,SanDiego,California92110,USA ss io 3Universite´ Laval,AvenuedelaMe´decine,Que´becCity,G1V0A6,Canada n P a Received:29March2012–Accepted:15June2012–Published:27July2012 p e r Correspondenceto:S.B.Hooker([email protected]) | PublishedbyCopernicusPublicationsonbehalfoftheEuropeanGeosciencesUnion. D is c u s s io n P a p e r 9487 | Abstract D is c u A next-generation in-water profiler designed to measure the apparent optical proper- ss ties(AOPs)ofseawaterwasdevelopedandvalidatedacrossawidedynamicrangeof ion in-waterproperties.Thenewfree-fallinginstrument,theCompact-OpticalProfilingSys- P a p 5 tem(C-OPS),wasbasedonaclusterof19state-of-the-artmicroradiometersspanning er 320–780nmandanewkite-shapedbackplanedesign.Thekite-shapedbackplanein- | cludestunableballast,ahydrobaricbuoyancychamber,pluspitchandrolladjustments, to provide unprecedented stability and vertical resolution in near-surface waters. A D is unique data set was collected as part of the development activity and the first major cu s 10 fieldcampaignthatusedthenewinstrument,theMalinaexpeditiontotheBeaufortSea sio inthevicinityoftheMackenzieRiveroutflow.Thedatawereofsufficientresolutionand n P quality to show that errors – more correctly, uncertainties – in the execution of data a p sampling protocols were measurable at the 1% and 1cm level with C-OPS. A sensi- e r tivityanalysisasafunctionofthreewatertypesestablishedbythepeakintheremote | sensing reflectance spectrum, R (λ), revealed which water types and which parts of 15 rs D the spectrum were the most sensitive to data acquisition uncertainties. Shallow river- is c ine waters were the most sensitive water type, and the ultraviolet and near-infrared u s were the most sensitive parts of the spectrum. The sensitivity analysis also showed sio n how the use of data products based on band ratios significantly mitigated the influ- P 20 enceofdataacquisitionuncertainties.Theunprecedentedverticalresolutionprovided ap e highqualitydataproductsatthespectralendmembers,whichsubsequentlysupported r an alternative classification capability based on the spectral diffuse attenuation coef- | ficient, K (λ). The K (320) and K (780) data showed how complex coastal systems d d d D can be distinguished two-dimensionally and how near-ice water masses are different is c 25 from the open ocean. Finally, an algorithm for predicting the spectral absorption due us s to colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM), denoted a (λ), was developed us- io CDOM n ingtheKd(320)/Kd(780)ratio,whichwasbasedonalinearrelationshipwithrespectto Pa a (440),withover99%ofthevarianceexplained.Therobustnessoftheapproach p CDOM e r 9488 | wasestablishedbyexpandingtheuseofthealgorithmtoincludeageographicallydif- D is ferentcoastalenvironment,theSouthernMid-AtlanticBight,withnosignificantchange c u s in accuracy (approximately 98% of the variance explained). Alternative spectral end s io members reminiscent of next-generation (340 and 710nm) as well as legacy satellite n P 5 missions(412and670nm)werealsousedtoaccuratelyderiveaCDOM(440)fromKd(λ) ap ratios(94%ormoreofthevarianceexplained). e r | 1 Introduction D is c u Anumberofinternationaloceancolorsatellitesensorsweredesignedandlaunchedin s s the last decade and a half to support oceanographic studies and applications includ- io n ingthefollowing:theOceanColorandTemperatureScanner(OCTS),thePolarization P 10 a andDirectionalityoftheEarth’sReflectance(POLDER)sensor,theSea-viewingWide pe r Field-of-viewSensor(SeaWiFS),twoModerateResolutionImagingSpectroradiometer (MODIS)instrumentslaunchedontheEarthObservingSystem(EOS)TerraandAqua | satellites, and the Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS). All of these D is 15 sensorshavecontributedsignificantlytothegeneralproblemofinvertingopticalmea- cu surementstoderiveconcentrationestimatesofbiogeochemicalparameters,andsome ss io continuetoprovideregularcoverageoftheglobalbiosphere. n P TheSeaWiFSandMODISmissionsareofparticularimportance,becausetheircal- a p ibration and validation capabilities were developed in parallel and jointly supported e r activitiesthatestablishedmanyoftherequirementsforoceancolorresearch,e.g.,the 20 | atmosphericcorrectionscheme.Aparticularlyimportantjointaccomplishmentwasthe establishmentofaseparatesiteforvicariouscalibrationdata,whichinvolvedarotating D is deploymentofspeciallybuiltMarineOpticalBuoy(MOBY)unitsinaclear-watersiteoff cu s thecoastofLanai,Hawaii(Clarketal.,1997). s io The worldwide deployments of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) radiometers have n 25 P beentheprimarysourceofvalidationdataforoceancolordataproducts,becausethey a p areoneofthefewmechanismstosamplethedynamicrangeinvolved.TheSeaWiFS er 9489 | Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS) has provided long-term access D is tothesedatafortheglobalcommunity(Hookeretal.,1994).COTSinstrumentshave cu s also been used for vicarious calibration, which is primarily an open-ocean problem s io becauseoftheneedforspatialandtemporalhomogeneityduringinsitudatacollection, n 5 atasimilarlevelofefficacytocustomhardwarelikeMOBY(Baileyetal.,2008). Pap TheabilitytouseCOTShardwareforvicariouscalibrationhasalsobeenconfirmed e r bytheBoue´epourl’acquisitiondeSe´riesOptiquesa` LongTerme(BOUSSOLE)project | in the Ligurian Sea (Antoine et al., 2008). Principal difficulties with buoy solutions for D AOPmeasurementsarethewave-inducedmotions,biofoulingofthesensors,anddam- is c 10 age from commercial and recreational boaters. Both MOBY and BOUSSOLE rely on us unique structural choices for wave mitigation (spar and transparent-to-swell designs, sio respectively),diverstokeepthesensoraperturesclean,andremotelocationstomiti- n P gate(butnoteliminate)thenegativeaspectsofboattraffic. ap e The central theme in the discussion presented here is the incremental pursuit of r 15 moreaccuratefieldobservationstoensureaccesstostate-of-the-artadvancesbymak- | ingthesolutionscommerciallyavailable.Thecurrentchallengeinoceancolorremote D sensingistoextendtheaccomplishmentsachievedintheopenoceanandthemargins is c of the coastal zone into much shallower waters (McClain et al., 2006), e.g., estuaries us s and rivers. This requirement is driven by the present focus of satellite observations, io n 20 which are inexorably tied to launching new missions based on novel research topics P a andensuringthequalityoftheensuingsatellitedata. p e The long-term NASA programmatic requirements for ocean color remote sensing r span a range of scales and applications (Hooker et al., 2007): (a) global separation | of pigments and ecosystem components, (b) high spatial and temporal resolution of D 25 near-shore waters, (c) active assessment of plant physiology and composition, and isc u (d) determination of mixed layer depths. The corresponding programmatic research s s questionsspanequallylargescales: io n P – How are oceanic ecosystems and their attendant biodiversity influenced by cli- ap e mateorenvironmentalchanges,andhowwilltheseevolveovertime? r 9490 | – How do carbon and other elements transition between oceanic pools and pass D is through the Earth system; and how do biogeochemical fluxes impact the ocean c u s andplanetaryclimateovertime? s io n – How (and why) are the diversity and geographical distribution of coastal marine P a habitatschanging,andwhataretheimplicationsforhumanhealth? p 5 e r – Howdohazardsandpollutantsimpactthehydrographyandbiologyofthecoastal | zoneandhumanactivities,andcantheeffectsbemitigated? D is Thesequestionsrequiremoreinterdisciplinaryscienceandgreaternumbersofobser- c u s vations in the land–sea boundary than prior ocean color missions. More importantly, s io a higher accuracy in field observations is needed, because the types and diversity of n 10 P dataproductsinvolvesignificantlymoreopticallycomplexwatermassesthanbefore. a p The principal objective of the results presented here is to initiate the preparedness e r forthelaunchofthenext-generationofoceancolorsatellites(NRC,2007;NASA,2010) | with the most capable COTS instrumentation in the shortest time possible. The latter D 15 is required to ensure that the science teams can start collecting the baseline obser- is c vations needed to begin formulating and testing the myriad details associated with u s hypotheses,algorithms,anddatabasesforthenewmissions.Becauseoftheempha- sio sis on the near-shore environment, which is typified by shallow water depths and an n P opticallycomplexverticalstructure,thereistheaddedrequirementtodemonstratethat a p e 20 the new technology can be validated in waters with unprecedented multi-dimensional r heterogeneity. | D is 2 Background cu s s io Theprincipaldataproductinoceancolorresearchistheradiantenergyemergingfrom n the sea, the so-called water-leaving radiance, LW(λ), where λ denotes wavelength. Pap 25 Forthepurposesofgroundtruth–morecorrectlysea-truth–observations,LW(λ)can er 9491 | be derived by extrapolating in-water measurements taken close to the sea surface D is orobtaineddirectlyfromabove-watermeasurements.Formeaningfulapplications,an c u s extremely high radiometric accuracy is required. The SeaWiFS Project, for example, s io establishedaradiometricaccuracytowithin5%absoluteand1%relative,andchloro- n 5 phylla(Chla)concentrationtowithin35%overarangeof0.05–50.0mgm−3 (Hooker Pap andEsaias,1993).Infact,field-to-satellitecomparisons(ormatchups)aremadewith e r respect to the total chlorophyll a (TChl a) concentration, denoted [TChla]. Variables + | explicitlyaccountingfortheglobalsolarirradiance,E (0 ,λ),atthetimeofdatacollec- d D tion–so-calledapparentopticalproperties(AOPs)–areusedformatch-upanalysis, is 10 because derivations of LW(λ) in identical waters, but different illumination conditions, cus willdiffer. sio Commercial sampling systems capable of measuring in-water AOPs in the open n P ocean with an accuracy in keeping with calibration and validation requirements were ap e refinedduringthepreparationandlaunchofSeaWiFSandthetwoMODISinstruments r 15 (HookerandMaritorena,2000).Somecommercialin-waterinstrumentswereshownto | beacceptableinturbidcoastalwatersandatmospheresunderrestrictedcircumstances D (Hooker et al., 2004). Above-water methods were considered particularly appropriate is c forcoastalwaters,becausetheydidnothavetoresolvetheverticalcomplexityofthe us s water column – which in coastal waters typically involves one or more optically dif- io n 20 ferent layers close to the surface – the LW estimate was obtained directly (Hooker Pa et al., 2002). Another advantage of the above-water approach was being able to ex- p e pand it to include atmospheric measurements, which are critical in coastal validation r exercises,asfirstdemonstratedbyHookeretal.(2000)withtheSeaWiFSPhotometer | Revision for Incident Surface Measurements (SeaPRISM). Problems associated with D 25 theinevitableplatformperturbationsassociatedwithabove-watersensorsystemswere isc u showntobesolvable(HookerandZibordi,2005),whichpermittedanetworkedcapa- s s bilityofSeaPRISMunitsforremotesensingvalidationincoastalwaters(Zibordietal., io n 2004). The development of a telescoping mast for deploying solar technologies with P a p e r 9492 | unobstructedviewing(Hooker,2010)hasvirtuallyeliminatedplatformcontaminationof D is upwardanddownwardabove-waterobservations(Hlaingetal.,2010). c u s Despiteprogressinmakinghigh-qualitymeasurementsinthecoastalzone,thepri- s io maryremotesensingperspectivehasbeenontheopenocean(HookerandMcClain, n 5 2000), because most recently the satellite sensors and project offices were designed Pap aroundthefactthatthemajorityoftheocean–whichistosaythemajorityofthepixels e r in a global image – is a desert. A single instrument architecture with the necessary | spectral and sampling resolution to span the dynamic range of near-shore turbid wa- D tersandatmospherestoopen-oceanbluewaterandblueskywasnotneededandnot is c 10 available. There was also the very significant practical problem that the field sensors us availableatthetimewerephysicallytoolargetobeusedinashallowriverorestuary; sio notonlybecauseofself-shadingconcerns,butalsobecauseaninstrumentthatisap- n P proximately1mlongorlongeranddescendingontheorderof1ms−1 isverydifficult ap e touseina2–5mdeepriver. r 15 Although free-falling, but tethered, in-water profilers can be floated away to avoid | platform perturbations associated with the structure the instrumentation is being de- D ployed from (e.g., a research vessel), additional problems remain and are a function is c ofthebasicdesign.Rocket-shapedprofilersusebuoyantfinsandaweightednose to us s verticallyorientthelightsensors,butregardlessoftheirlength,aratherhighdescent io n 20 speed is needed to maintain vertical stability to within reasonable thresholds (usually P towithin5◦).Closetothesurface,whentherightingmomentassociatedwithreleasing ap e theprofilerisestablished,largeoscillationsarecommonandmuchofthenear-surface r data are unusable. In a normal sea state with swell and wind waves, the oscillations | can be accentuated, and the first depths of usable data can be as deep as 3–5m, D 25 dependingonhowthelightsensorsaremountedontheprofiler. isc u s s 2.1 Methods io n P The significance of not acquiring useful data close to the sea surface is expressed ap e directly in the processing scheme used to derive data products from the light r 9493 | measurements.Theprocessorusedhereisbasedonawell-establishedmethodology D is (Smith and Baker, 1984) that was evaluated in an international round robin (Hooker c u s et al., 2001) and shown to be capable of agreement at the 1% level when the pro- s io cessingoptionswereassimilaraspossible.Completedetailsforthetermsanddepen- n P 5 dencies are available in the Ocean Optics Protocols (hereafter, the Protocols), which ap initially adhered to the Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) sampling procedures e r (JGOFS,1991)anddefinedthestandardsforNASAcalibrationandvalidationactivities | (MuellerandAustin,1992).Overtime,theProtocolswereinitiallyrevised(Muellerand D Austin,1995),andthenupdatedannually(Mueller2000,2002,2003). is c 10 TheProtocolsaredetailed,soonlyabriefoverviewforobtainingdataproductsfrom us vertical profiles of upwelling radiance (Lu) plus upward and downward irradiance (Eu sio and E , respectively) are presented here. In-water radiometric quantities in physical n d P units, P (i.e., Lu, Eu, or Ed), are normalized with respect to simultaneous measure- ap + e ments of the global solar irradiance, E (0 ,λ,t), with t explicitly expressing the time r d 15 dependence,accordingto | + D P(z,λ,t )=P(z,λ,t)Ed(0 ,λ,t0), (1) isc 0 Ed(0+,λ,t) uss io where P(z,λ,t ) identifies the radiometric parameters as they would have been n 0 P recorded at all depths z at the same time t , and t is generally chosen to coincide a 0 0 p withthestartofdataacquisition.Forsimplicity,thevariabletisomittedinthefollowing er text.Inaddition,anydatacollectedwhentheverticaltiltoftheprofilerexceeds5◦ are 20 | excludedfromtheensuinganalysis. D Afternormalizationandtiltfiltering,anear-surfaceportionofEd(z,λ)centeredatz0 isc andhavinghomogeneousopticalproperties(verifiedwithtemperatureandattenuation u s parameters)extendingfromz1=z0+∆zandz2=z0−∆zisestablishedseparatelyfor sion 25 theblue-greenandredwavelengths;theultraviolet(UV)isincludedintheintervalmost P a similartotheUVattenuationscales.Bothintervalsbeginatthesameshallowestdepth, p buttheblue-greenintervalisallowedtoextenddeeperifthelinearityinln(cid:2)L (z,λ)(cid:3),as er u 9494 | determined statistically, is thereby improved. The negative value of the slope of the D is regressionyieldsthediffuseattenuationcoefficient,K (λ),whichisusedtoextrapolate c d u thefittedportionoftheE profilethroughthenear-surfacelayertonulldepth,z=0−. ss Fluctuations caused byd surface waves and so-called lens effects prevent accurate ion P 5 measurements of Ed(λ) close to the surface. A value just below the surface (at null ap depth z=0−) can be compared to that measured contemporaneously above the sur- e r face(atz=0+)withaseparatesolarreferenceusing | E (0−,λ)=0.97E (0+,λ), (2) D d d is c where the constant 0.97 represents the applicable air–sea transmittance, Fresnel re- u s s 10 flbeectttearntcheasn, a1n%dftohresiorrlaadriealnecveatrioenflsecatabnocvee3(E0u◦/aEndd),loawnd-tois-mdoedteerrmatienewdintdosapneaecdcsu.rTahcey ionP distributionofEdmeasurementsatanydepthzinfluencedbywavefocusingeffectsdo ape notfollowagaussiandistribution,solinearfittingofE inanear-surfacelayerispoorly r d constrained, especially if the number of samples is small. The application of Eq. (2) | 15 tothefittingprocessestablishesaboundaryconditionorconstraint forthefit(Hooker D andBrown,2012). is c u TheappropriatenessoftheE extrapolationinterval,initiallyestablishedbyz andz , s d 1 2 s isevaluatedbydeterminingifEq.(2)issatisfiedtowithinapproximatelytheuncertainty io n of the calibrations (a few percent); if not, z and z are redetermined – while keeping P 1 2 a theselecteddepthswithintheshallowesthomogeneouslayerpossible–untilthedis- p 20 e (cid:2) (cid:3) r agreement is minimized (usually to within 5%). The linear decay of ln P(z,λ) for all lightparametersinthechosennear-surfacelayerarethenevaluated,andiflinearityis | acceptable,theentireprocessisrepeatedonacast-by-castbasis.Subsurfaceprimary D quantitiesatnulldepth,P(0−,λ),areobtainedfromtheslopeandinterceptgivenbythe isc 25 least-squareslinearregressionofln(cid:2)P(z,λ)(cid:3)versusz withintheextrapolationinterval uss specifiedbyz1 andz2. ion Thewater-leavingradianceisobtaineddirectlyfrom Pa p e L (λ)=0.54L (0−,λ), (3) r W u 9495 | wheretheconstant0.54accuratelyaccountsforthepartialreflectionandtransmission D is oftheupwelledradiancethroughtheseasurface,asconfirmedbyMobley(1999).To c u s accountfortheaforementioneddependenceofL onthesolarflux,whichisafunction s W io of atmospheric conditions and time of day, L is normalized by the (average) global n W P 5 solarirradiancemeasuredduringthetimeintervalcorrespondingtoz1 andz2: ap e L (λ) r R (λ)= W , (4) rs E (0+,λ) | d D where R is the remote sensing reflectance. Normalized variables are the primary is rs c u inputparametersforinvertingTChlaconcentrationfrominsituopticalmeasurements s s aspartofthe“OC”classofalgorithms(O’Reilleyetal.,1998),whichmeanstheyare io n 10 centralvariablesforvalidationexercises. Pa An additional refinement includes the bidirectional nature of the upwelled radiance p e field, which is to a first approximation dependent on the solar zenith angle. An early r attempttoaccountforthebidirectionalityofL byGordonandClark(1981),following | W Austin(1974),definedanormalizedwater-leavingradiance,(cid:2)L˜ (λ)(cid:3) ,asthehypothet- D 15 icalwater-leavingradiancethatwouldbemeasuredintheabseWnceoNfanyatmospheric iscu loss with a zenith Sun at the mean Earth–Sun distance. The latter is accomplished s s by adjusting Rrs(λ) with the time-dependent mean extraterrestrial solar irradiance, F0 ion (ignoringalldependenciesexceptwavelengthforbrevity): P a p e (cid:2)L (λ)(cid:3) =F (λ)R (λ), (5) r W N 0 rs | whereF (λ)isusuallyformulatedtodependonthedayoftheyearandisderivedfrom 20 0 D look-uptables(Thuillieretal.,2003).Anadditionalcorrectionforaso-calledexact nor- is c malizedwater-leavingradianceisrequiredforsatelliteandsea-truthmatchups(Mueller u s s andMorel,2003),butthatlevelofcompletenessisnotneededhere. io n The light absorbance of colored dissolved organic matter (CDOM) was measured P a 25 using an UltraPath liquid waveguide system manufactured by World Precision Instru- pe ments, Inc. (Sarasota, Florida). The detailed methodology is described in Matsuoka r 9496 | etal.(2012),soonlyabriefsummaryispresentedhere.Watersampleswerecollected D is from a Niskin bottle or a clean plastic container (for surface samples) into pre-rinsed c u s glassbottlescoveredwithaluminumfoil.Watersampleswereimmediatelyfilteredafter s io samplingusing0.2µmGHPfilters(AcrodiscInc.)pre-rinsedwith200mlofpurewater. n P 5 Absorbancespectraofthefilteredwaterswerethenmeasuredatseafrom200–735nm ap with1nmincrementswithreferencetoasaltsolution(thesalinityofthereferencewas e r adjustedtothatofthesample(towithin2salinityunits),preparedwithpurewaterand | granularNaClpre-combustedinanoven(at450◦Cfor4h). D AnUltraPathallowsfouropticalpathlengthsrangingfrom0.05–2.0m(i.e.,0.05,0.1, is c 10 0.5, and 2.0m) to be selected. In most cases, a 2.0m path length was used, except us forcoastalwatersattheMackenzieRivermouth,wherea0.1mpathlengthwasused. sio The absorption coefficient of CDOM, a (λ), in units of per meter, was calculated n CDOM P fromthemeasuredvaluesofabsorbance(A),oropticaldensity,asfollows: ap e r A(λ)−A¯(685) a (λ)=2.303 , (6) | CDOM l D where2.303isafactorforconvertingfromnaturaltobase10logarithms,l istheoptical is 15 c u path length (in meters), and for each absorbance spectrum, the 5nm average of the s s measured values of A(λ) centered around 685nm, A¯(685), was assumed to be zero io n andtheA(λ)spectrumwasshiftedaccordingly(Pegauetal.,1997;Babinetal.,2003). P a p e 2.2 Next-generationperspective r | The emphasis on coastal processes in next-generation planning created a potential 20 D void in the instrumentation needed to provide sea-truth observations at the neces- is c saryqualitylevel.Althoughexistingabove-watersensorscouldprovidetheneededL u W s s measurements directly, they could not provide the desired water column properties. io n Existingfree-fallingin-waterinstrumentscouldprovidethelatter,butnotalwaysclose P a 25 tloontgheroscekaets-ushrfaapceedanddevnicoetsal(w1amysinaltetnhgethdeosrirmedorvee)rtthicaatlfreellsqouluictikolny,(baebcoauuts1emthse−y1)wweirteh per 9497 | aslowdatarate(usually6Hz)foropticallycomplexwaters.Addingtothedifficultywith D is alegacy approachwasthatrocketsarethemoststablewhenmovingquickly,soslow- c u s ingtheirdescentusuallyledtohighdatalossesfromexcessiveverticaltilts(datathat s isnotplanartowithin5◦ arerejectedwhenderivingL ). ion W P 5 Anin-wateralternativewastomountthelightsensorsinawinch-and-cranedeploy- ap mentsystem,butsuchanapproachhasdifficultymakingunperturbedmeasurements e r closetotheseasurface,becauseofthepresenceandmotionoftheshipordeployment | platform,exceptunderspecializedcircumstances(Zibordietal.,2002).Therewasalso theneedtoreducethesizeofthesensorstoreduceself-shadingeffects(importantin Dis c 10 turbidwaters)andtomakealternativedeploymentplatformsmoreaccessible(e.g.,re- us motely or autonomously piloted vehicles) to expand the total number of observations sio beingsubmittedtodatabases. n P What was needed was much smaller light sensors with a higher sampling rate that ap e couldbemountedonanewbackplane thatfellthroughthewaterveryslowly.There- r 15 sulting high vertical resolution would allow the optical complexity of water masses to | be resolved. That is, thin intrusive layers (perhaps of freshwater origin from rivers or D meltingice)wouldbeproperlysampledforthefirsttimeinafreelyfallingpackage,as is c wouldtherapidlightvariationsinclearopen-oceanwaters.Bothofthesecomplexities us s wereusuallyaliasedinthesamplingbylegacydevices.Topromoteinternationalpart- io n 20 nerships, a COTS solution available to all scientists was attractive. The basic design P a criterionwasaCompact-OpticalProfilingSystem(C-OPS)thatwasequallycapableof p e samplingshallow(2m)riversandtheopenocean(hundredsofmeters). r The first step in developing a new free-falling profiler was to enhance a COTS ra- | diometer as the starting point for designing the new sensors and testing the pro- D 25 filer in the laboratory and field. The Biospherical Surface Ocean Reflectance Sys- isc u tem (BioSORS), an above-water system manufactured by Biospherical Instruments s s Inc.(SanDiego,California)with19wavebands,wasusedtotestthenewsizereduction io n andcharacterizationconceptswhileretaininganapproximately10-decaderangeinre- P a sponsivity(Hookeretal.,2010a).Thelatterwascriticaltothenewapproach,because pe r 9498 | an anticipated above-water application of the new sensor technology was to sup- D is portnext-generationjointocean-atmospheremissions,likeAerosol-Cloud-Ecosystems c u s (ACE) and Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and Ocean Ecosystem (PACE). A common architec- s io tureforbothabove-andin-waterinstrumentswasimagined,becausethiswouldreduce n P 5 costs and make the new COTS technology more accessible for the global research ap community. e r For next-generation missions, it was anticipated that a more sophisticated above- | water version of the new sensor system would function as a radiometer to sample D the ocean and as a sun photometer to sample the atmosphere (Hooker et al., 2012). is c 10 Such a capability had already been established with the aforementioned SeaPRISM us device, but a more capable system with polarization and a larger spectral range from sio theultraviolet(UV)totheshort-waveinfrared(SWIR)wasneededfornext-generation n P satellitemissions.Atthisearlystage,theemergingfull-designconcepthadtoinclude ap e ahyperspectralcomponenttosupportmissionsliketheGeostationaryCoastalandAir r 15 PollutionEvents(GEO-CAPE)andtheHyperspectralInfraredImager(HyspIRI). | The next-generation missions placed an emphasis on adding high-quality calibra- D tion and validation data products from the UV and NIR domains. These spectral end is c members posedasignificantsamplingproblemforin-waterdataacquisition,because us s the signals are usually highly attenuated and must be accurately recorded very close io n 20 totheseasurfacewherewavefocusingeffectsdominate.Consequently,althoughthe P a newsensordesignstartedoutbasedonanabove-waterperspective,thenextcritical p e stagewasassociatedwiththeuniqueaspectsoftheuseofthesensorsaspartofan r in-waterprofiler. | D is c 3 Akite-shapedprofiler u s s io ThelessonslearnedwiththeBioSORSsensorswereincorporatedintoanewin-water n 25 P profilercalledtheBiosphericalProfiler(BioPRO),a19-channel(λ )devicebasedon a 19 p a proven rocket-shaped design, although the fins were not buoyant (Hooker et al., er 9499 | 2010b).Thetailbuoyancycamefromafoamcollarattachedtothemainbodyattheend D is oftheprofiler,andthetwofinsweresolidplastic.Theoveralllengthwasapproximately c u s 0.6m,soitwasarathercompactdesign(typicalfree-fallprofilersinuseforopen-ocean s io samplingatthetimewereabout1.2–1.8minlength).Usingonlythecollarweight,the n 5 descent speed was about 30cms−1; to achieve greater stability, weight was added, Pap whichresultedinatypicaldescentspeedof40–60cms−1. e r Open-oceantestingofBioPROshowedthesensormodificationsto-dateresultedin | excellentperformancewithrespecttoestablishedstandards.Anopenocean(case-1) D intercomparisonwithalegacyinstrumentbasedoncommonwavelengthsshowedthe is 10 unbiased percent difference (UPD1) for each channel between the two profilers aver- cus aged −7.6% to 0.3%, with an overall average of −2.2%, which is to within the cali- sio brationuncertainty.Thelargestdifferencecorrespondedtothe510nmchannel,which n P was a source of bias and a problematic wavelength with a particular class of legacy ap e radiometers (Hooker and Maritorena, 2000). A least-squares linear regression of the r 15 datashowedalmostone-to-onecorrespondencetowithin4.2%,withover99%ofthe | varianceexplained. D Thefollow-onstepsforthein-waterdevelopmentprogramcreatedanewfree-falling is c instrument called the Submersible Biospherical Optical Profiling System (SuBOPS). us s SuBOPScombinedtheincrementalchangesinradiometrywithanewcompactback- io n 20 plane for mounting the light sensors that could descend more slowly – but also very P stably (vertical tilts less than 5◦) – than legacy, rocket-shaped devices (Hooker et al., ap e 2010b). The new backplane used a four-point harness reminiscent of a kite. The ori- r entationofthelightsensorscouldbequicklyadjustedtocountercabletension(oran | insitucurrent)andmovableflotationallowedthelightsensorstobetrimmed tomain- D 25 tain a planar geometry. In addition, one or more compressible air bladders contained isc u with a floodable hydrobaric buoyancy chamber allowed the instrument to loiter at the s s io 1TheUPDisdefinedas200(Y −X)/(Y +X),whereX isthereferenceinstrumentordata, n P whichinthiscaseisthelegacyprofiler,buttheotherdatasourceisconsideredequallyvalid. a p UPDstatisticsareusedheretodiscernbiases,whichshouldnotbepresent. er 9500 | seasurfacebeforedescendingandreachingterminalvelocity,whichgreatlyimproved D is near-surfaceverticalresolution. c u s Comparisons of SuBOPS with a legacy profiler showed SuBOPS recorded 519, s io 829,and1138samplesinthefirst5,10,and15m,respectively,ofthewatercolumn, n P 5 whereas the legacy instrument returned 38, 70, and 102 samples, respectively. With ap a vertical sampling resolution of approximately 1cm in the upper 5m, SuBOPS cap- e r turedthehighfrequencyperturbationsassociatedwithwave-focusingeffectscloseto | theseasurfacesufficientlywelltominimizethealiasingnormallyencounteredwiththe D legacydevice.Undermanyconditions,thekite-shapedprofileralsoprovidedstabletilts is c 10 during the retrieval of the instrument after descent was stopped, whereas the legacy us instrumentrarelypermittedtherecordingofanupcast.Withtheadjustablefeaturesof sio thenewbackplane,planarorientationofalllightsensorswasalmostalwaystowithin n P 5◦,exceptduringsignificantlyadversecurrentsituations. ap e TheintercomparisonresultsbetweenSuBOPSandBioPROtookplaceinpredomi- r 15 nantlyeutrophic(case-2)waters,becausethefocuswastobegintheprocessofmak- | ing better AOP observations in coastal waters. The average UPD for channels pre- D dominantlycommontothefirstBioPROintercomparisonrangedfrom−3.5%to3.6%, is c withanoverallaverageof1.3%,whichistowithinthecalibrationuncertainty.Aleast- us s squareslinearregressionofthedatashowedanalmostone-to-onecorrespondenceto io n 20 within4%,withover95%ofthevarianceexplained. P a Followinganincrementalapproachtomanagerisk,thenextlevelofsophisticationin- p e volvedevaluatingnewradiometersthatwereemergingfromaseparateSmallBusiness r Innovation Research (SBIR) development activity based on so-called microradiome- | ters (Booth et al., 2010). One of the architectural advantages of the microradiometer D 25 approachwastoestablish–forthefirsttimeinoceanographicopticalinstrumentation isc u –asingleinstrumentdesignwithinherentflexibilityanddynamicrangeastobescal- s s able across all the sampling requirements for both above- and in-water optical mea- io n surements (Morrow et al., 2010a). A microradiometer had components that were so P a small,theyhadtobemachineassembled.Theouterdiameterof1.1cmwassetbythe pe r 9501 | photodetector and after the fore optics and metal shielding were applied, the overall D is lengthwas9.6cm.Theautomatedproductionapproach,withconformalcoatingofthe c u s electronics,removedalmostalloftheinstrument-to-instrumentperformancevariability s io thathadplaguedlegacyinstruments,whichwerehandmade. n P 5 In practice, system expansion for a radiance sensor built with microradiometers is ap onlylimitedbydatarates,becauseeachmicroradiometer,afterapplicationofthefore- e r optics is, in fact, a radiance sensor. Irradiance sensors are considerably more con- | strained, however, because each microradiometer has to properly view the solitary diffuser used in the construction of the cosine collector. Although the SuBOPS irradi- Dis 10 ance sensor was the starting point for designing the new C-OPS irradiance diffuser, cus the21.4%smallersizeofthelatterwithrespecttotheformer,andtherigid,linearform sio factorofmicroradiometers,posedchallenges. n P A microradiometer is a complex assembly of filter, photodetector, acquisition elec- ap e tronics, and microprocessor, all packaged in a thin metal cylinder. For multiple wave- r 15 bandinstruments,theindividualmicroradiometerscannotbetiltedtoorientthematthe | center of the secondary diffuser and still maintain a small sensor diameter, because D microradiometersaretoolong.Tosolvethisproblem,aplano-convexlenswasdevel- is c oped to control the viewing geometry and center each microradiometer on the same us areaofthelowerintermediatediffuser(Boothetal.,2010). sio n 20 Thefirstrealizationoftheoriginalfree-fallingdesignconceptwastheC-OPS,which P a combined all the lessons learned to-date into a single device (Morrow et al., 2010b). p e Part of the attraction of sensor systems built from microradiometers includes their r adaptability to sensor networking, for example, acquiring data from an ancillary sen- | sor like a global positioning system (GPS) device or controlling an accessory device D 25 suchasashadowbandattachmentforthesolarreference(Bernhardetal.,2010).The isc u lattercanbeusedtoimprovetheself-shadingcorrectionbyprovidingmeasurementsof s s theskyirradiance.Figure1presentstheC-OPSinstrumentinitsmostadvancedstate io n including the use of a custom-blended, low-density polyurethane resin for buoyancy, P a p e r 9502 | whichwasspeciallyformulatedtoproducearigidfoamthatismachinablewhileretain- D is ingaveryhighcrushandwaterresistance. c u s Intermsofnext-generationobjectives,aprincipaladvantageofmicroradiometersis s io theirflexibilityinprovidingamultitudeofsystemconfigurationsandupgradepathsfor n P 5 shallowandopticallycomplexwaters(Morrowetal.,2010a).Anotherbenefitofthemi- ap croradiometertechnologyistheopportunityforanunprecedentedamountofsimplicity e r in assembly and repair. Both of these accomplishments were expected to reduce the | cost of acquiring and maintaining sensors with a state-of-the-art observational capa- D bility. Prior to C-OPS, changing, replacing, or repairing a filter or filter-photodetector is c 10 combinationrequireddisassemblyoftheentireelectro-opticssectionoftheinstrument, us whichwasatime-consumingandtediousprocedurewithaninherentriskofunintended sio damagetoassociatedcomponents.Significanteffortwassubsequentlyrequiredtotest n P thesubassembliesandthenrecalibratethesensor. ap e In contrast, changing a filter or replacement of an entire microradiometer within r 15 C-OPS requires only a few hours to unplug the component and replace it before re- | calibrating. In addition to the savings in time (and money), the potential for uninten- D tionalnegativeconsequencesisminimizedwiththemicroradiometerdesign,because is c somuchoftheelectronicsismodular.Consequently,therearesignificantlyfewercon- us s nectors and cables that must be dealt with. This also means instruments can be ini- io n 20 tially populated with fewer microradiometers if resources are limited, and then easily P a expandedovertimeasresourcesorscienceobjectivesevolve. p e The C-OPS instrument was commissioned in mesotrophic (case-1) coastal waters r andevaluatedineutrophic(case-2)coastalwatersbyintercomparingitwiththeSuB- | OPSinstrument(Morrowetal.,2010b).TheC-OPSsolarreferencewasdifferentthan D 25 SuBOPS,becauseirradiancesensorsbasedonmicroradiometersuseaplano-convex isc lenstoprojectthefluxexitingthesecondarydiffusertoallowaparallel,radialarrange- us s mentofmicroradiometers.Consequently,theintercomparisonsbetweenthetwoinstru- io n mentsystemsincludedabove-andin-watertrials. P a p e r 9503 | Theaverageunbiasedpercentdifferenceforasubsetofninechannelsbetweenthe D is two in-water systems ranged from −7.0% to 6.5%, with an overall average of 1.8% c u s (case-1)and−0.8%(case-2),whichistowithinthecalibrationuncertainty.Theleast- s io squares linear regressions of the data showed almost one-to-one correspondence, n P 5 to within 2% for both water types, with 95% or more of the variance explained. The ap above-waterreferenceshadaUPDrangeof−2.5to3.9%,withanoverallaverageof e r 1.3% (for the same wavelengths as the in-water results), which is also to within the | calibration uncertainty. A least-squares linear regression of the data showed one-to- D onecorrespondencetowithin3.4%,withover99%ofthevarianceexplained. is c 10 With the addition of the UV and NIR end-member bands to the in-water intercom- us parisons, the UPD range continues to increase and reaches −50.7% at 780nm. The sio reason for this increase is the presence of near-surface layers in the case-2 environ- n P ment. Although the two profilers were very similar in their capabilities (e.g., they both ap hadverticaltiltstowithin1.5◦),theC-OPSprofilerhadthemostadvancedbackplane, er 15 whichallowedittoloiteratthesurfaceforalongerperiodoftimethanSuBOPS.Conse- | quently,moreC-OPSdatawerecollectedinthepartofthewatercolumnthatwasthe D mostsensitivetodifferencesinverticalsamplingresolution,whichmeansthatthever- is c ticalextentoftheC-OPSextrapolationinterval,z1–z2,wasusuallysmallerforC-OPS uss thanforSuBOPS,whilestillretainingalargenumberofdatapoints. io n 20 ThedifferenceinsurfaceloiteringresultedintheC-OPSextrapolationintervalshav- P a ingalmost70%moredata(onaverage)thanSuBOPS,whentheintervalswerecom- p e parable;whentheintervalsweredifferent,theverticalextentoftheC-OPSextrapola- r tionintervalwasabout29%less(onaverage).Byeithermeasure,theverticalresolu- | tionofC-OPSwassubstantiallybetterthanC-OPS.Forhighlyattenuatedwavelengths D 25 (e.g., the open ocean NIR and the coastal ocean UV), this exposed an important dif- isc u ference between the two profilers and created the concept of estimating the degra- s s dation in producing data products from profiles wherein the data sampling was not in io n keeping with the optical complexity of the water column as a function of wavelength. P a Thefactthatthevalidationintercomparisonsweresuccessfullyconductedinthemost pe r 9504 | challenging(case-2)watersdemonstratedthatAOPmeasurementscouldbevalidated D is acrossawidedynamicrangeinwaterproperties.Thisresultsuggestedthatthesensi- cu s tivitiesforallspectraldomains(UV,blue,green,red,andNIR)–intermsofsampling s io resolution problems – could potentially be investigated in the field with a single high- n P 5 resolutioninstrument(C-OPS). ap e r 4 The1%and1cmperspective | D Tomanagethedynamicrangeoftheinsitudata,theAOPprofilesareseparatedinto isc u threegroupsaccordingtothelocationofthepeakintheR (λ)spectrum:blue,green, s rs s and red, with the latter used if the peak is in the near-infrared (NIR) domain. These io n three categories roughly correspond to deep open-ocean, shallow coastal, and very P 10 a shallowestuarine(orriver)waters.TheC-OPSinstrumentwasdeployedfromtheso- pe r called barge during the Malina field campaign within these three categories of water types, and was used to collect data close to the ice edge on several occasions. The | nominalverticalresolutionofC-OPSsamplingintheupper5mofthewatercolumnwas D is 15 1cm, which permitted well-resolved sensitivity analyses to be performed on a variety cu ofdeploymentpracticesthatcandegradethequalityoftheobservationsand,thus,the ss io dataproductsderivedfromthedata. n P Thefirstanalysisconsideredhereistheinfluenceofartificialverticaldisplacements a p onthedata.Anexamplesourceforsuchadisplacementwouldbeincorrectlydetermin- e r ingtheoffsetdistancebetweenthelightsensorapertureandthepressuretransducer 20 | (Fig. 1). Calibration and validation uncertainties require this type of uncertainty, as measuredbytherelativepercentdifference(RPD2),tobeunbiasedandlessthan1%. D is c 2TheRPDisdefinedas100(Y −X)/X,whereX isthereferencedata,whichinthiscase us s hasnoartificialverticaldisplacement.RPDstatisticsareusedheretoshowthelevelofbias, io n whichshouldbepresent,onceanartificialdisplacementisapplied. P a p e r 9505 | 4.1 Verticaldisplacements D is c u Ttioonboefgainntihnecraenaasliynsgiss,iztheeoRfaPnDairntifithceiadldeitseprmlacineamtioennto,δfR,rrsa(nλg)inisgcforonmsid1e–r3e2dcams.aTfhuensce- ssion displacementsrepresentpotentialerrorsinLu(z,λ)andEd(z,λ)duetothefactthatthe Pa p 5 depthz foreachlightmeasurementisdeterminedbythepressuretransduceratadif- er ferent horizontal plane then each of the optical sensors, which also differ from each | other.TheRPDvaluesarecomputedbyfirstfollowingthemethodologyinSect.2.1to establishthereferenceextrapolationintervals,whereinδ=0cm.Next,δ isincreased D is andthedataarereprocessedusingthereferenceextrapolationintervals,butwiththe cu s displacement applied to the original data. A 1% threshold is set for calibration and s 10 io validation activities or algorithms requiring absolute radiometry (e.g., next-generation n P missionplanningforPACEandACE),sobiasestowithin1%canbeconsiderednegli- a p gible. e r The results for the blue water type (Fig. 2a) show all displacements have a dis- | cerniblebias,whichmeanstheprocessingscheme(andreferencedata)issufficiently 15 D sensitivetodetectdisplacementsatthe1cmscale.Forthe1and2cmdisplacements, is c however,allbiasesarelessthan1%,andforthe4cmdisplacementonlythe780nm u s channelstartstoexceed1%.Forallotherdisplacements,thebiasesfirstincreasein sio n theNIRandUVdomains,andthensubsequentlyintheblueandredregions.Notably, P 20 theblue-greendomainremainssubstantiallytowithin1%evenwithadisplacementas ap e largeas32cm(theapproximatelengthofaC-OPSradiometer). r In the green water type (Fig. 2b), the 2cm displacement is barely contained within | the 1% threshold, and all the displacements first show the greatest sensitivity in the D UV followed by the NIR. The reversal to a lower RPD value at 320nm is caused by is c 25 thelowradiancesatthisvalueforwhichthedisplacementscancausenon-physicalre- us s sults,whichareflaggedbytheprocessorandignored(and,thus,notaveragedintothe io n statistics).Thesmallestamountofstructureforeachdisplacementcurveisinthevicin- P a ityofthespectralpeak(560nm).The32cmvaluemayseemexcessiveforarealistic p e r 9506 |

Jul 27, 2012 1NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Ocean Ecology Laboratory, .. (ACE) and Pre-Aerosol, Clouds, and Ocean Ecosystem (PACE).
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