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That Pride of Race and Character: The Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South PDF

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That Pride of Race and Character This page intentionally left blank Tat Pride of Race and Character Te Roots of Jewish Benevolence in the Jim Crow South Caroline E. Light a N E W Y O R K U N I V E R S I T Y P R E S S New York and London NEW YORK UNIVERSITY PRESS New York and London www.nyupress.org © 2014 by New York University All rights reserved References to Internet websites (URLs) were accurate at the time of writing. Neither the author nor New York University Press is responsible for URLs that may have expired or changed since the manuscript was prepared. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Light, Caroline E., author. Tat pride of race and character : the roots of Jewish benevolence in the Jim Crow south / Caroline E. Light. pages cm Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4798-5453-0 (cloth : alk. paper) 1. Jews—Southern States—Social life and customs—20th century. 2. Jews—Southern States—Politics and government—20th century. 3. Benevolence. 4. Charity. 5. Kindness. 6. Jewish way of life. I. Title. F220.J5.L54 2014 305.892’4075—dc23 2014004202 New York University Press books are printed on acid-free paper, and their binding materials are chosen for strength and durability. We strive to use environmentally responsible suppliers and materials to the greatest extent possible in publishing our books. Manufactured in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Also available as an ebook Contents Acknowledgments vii Introduction: Loving Kindness and Cultural Citizenship in the Jewish South 1 1 “To the Hebrews the World Is Indebted”: Te Southern Roots of American Jewish Benevolence 24 2 “For the Honor of the Jewish People”: Gender, Race, and Immigration 55 3 “Virtue, Rectitude and Loyalty to Our Faith”: Jewish Orphans and the Politics of Southern Cultural Capital 81 4 “A Very Delicate Problem”: Te Plight of the Southern Agunah 123 5 “None of My Own People”: Subsidizing Jewish Motherhood in the Depression-Era South 150 6 Sex, Race, and Consumption: Southern Sephardim and the Politics of Benevolence 183 Conclusion: Loving Kindness and Its Legacies 212 Notes 217 Selected Bibliography 257 Index 273 About the Author 278 >> v This page intentionally left blank Acknowledgments Over the years of researching and writing this book, I have incurred many debts and benefted from the tremendous generosity of friends, family, mentors, and colleagues. First and foremost, I want to thank Kathi Kern and Karla Goldman for their unambivalent benevolence, for inspiring this project, for fostering my interest in American Jew- ish cultural history, and for helping train my eye on the multifaceted South. Tanks to Pat Cooper, for her resolute insistence that this proj- ect would one day become a book and her confdence in my ability to see it through. In the early stages of the project, I also benefted from the wisdom of my doctoral committee members: Joan Callahan, Fran- cie Chassen-Lopez, Fon Gordon, and Gordon Hutner. When I frst began my exploration of southern Jewish history, I landed most fortuitously in the then-nascent Ida Pearle & Joseph Cuba Archives at the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum of Atlanta, where I benefted from the exceptional generosity and support of the professional staf. I ofer my sincere gratitude to Sandy Berman, archi- vist, friend, and expert in Jewish Atlanta, who supported this project from start to fnish. Mickey Harvey and Maureen MacLaughlin helped me sort through the Archives’ treasure trove of case fles and images. Both of the Breman Museum’s executive directors whose tenure coin- cided with my research, Jane Leavey and Aaron Berger, provided steady support and encouragement. Sincere thanks to Lara Dorfman, execu- tive director of the Jewish Educational Loan Fund, and the board mem- bers who trusted me with the Atlanta Hebrew Orphans Home’s conf- dential case fles and their largely untold history. Early research for this book received funding from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation and from the Jacob Rader Marcus American Jew- ish Archives in Cincinnati. Many thanks to Kevin Proftt and the other >> vii viii << Acknowledgments staf members at the American Jewish Archives, where I began my exploration of the New Orleans Jewish Orphans Home. Tanks to Dale Rosengarten, curator of the Jewish Heritage Collection at the College of Charleston’s Addlestone Library, who introduced me to the nation’s frst Hebrew Benevolent Society seal and helped me uncover its fascinat- ing history. Ned Goldberg, director of New Orleans Jewish Children’s Regional Services, the organization that started as the frst southern Jewish orphan home, granted me unrestricted access to his collection of images of the home’s early days. I am grateful to David Gefen and Joel Zif, who shared the fascinating unpublished autobiography of their grandfather, Rabbi Tobias Gefen. I am deeply grateful to the many intellectually generous people who read drafs of chapters — ofen more than once — discussed the project with me, and ofered sage advice and encouragement: Steve Beeber, Robin Bernstein, Kimberly Juanita Brown, Kirsten Delegard, Katharine DuBois, Susan Faludi, Melanie Beals Goan, Wahneema Lubiano, Susan Marine, Tamera Marko, Virginia Noble, William Norrett, Jennifer Pet- tit, Meredith Reiches, Elizabeth Reis, Kate Stanton, Susan Torne, Mar- lene Trestman, Anne Mitchell Whisnant, Robyn Wiegman, and Kat Williams. Dianne Ashton, in her capacity as editor of American Jewish History, and two anonymous readers, helped me refne my thinking on the agunah — the abandoned Jewish woman — and some material from the resulting AJH article appears in chapter 4 of this book. Tanks to Jeanne Follansbee, my stalwart writing partner, whose expert inter- disciplinary guidance enriched my critical reading of primary sources and who read so many drafs of this project that she can doubtless recite much of it by heart. I am ever grateful to Linda Schlossberg, extraordi- nary colleague and friend, who helped keep me focused on the fnish line, reading multiple drafs and coaching me through the most chal- lenging parts. Troughout the course of this project, treasured friends and col- leagues have provided support and encouragement in ways too numer- ous to count. I want to thank all my colleagues at Harvard’s Program in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. I am also indebted to the following for contributing their guidance, friendship, and insights at various points along the long journey of this book: Michael Bronski, Kelly Cogswell, Elizabeth Jemison, Betsy Leondar-Wright, Christianna Acknowledgments >> ix Morgan, Eve Nagler, Afsaneh Najmabadi, Amy Parker, Ann Pellegrini, John Plotz, Anne Swedberg, and Aubry Trelkeld. I am grateful to Bradley Craig and Edward Michael Dussom for their excellent research assistance and encouragement. Tanks to the fantastic editorial staf at New York University Press. I thank Jennifer Hammer, my editor, for her enthusiasm about the project and for shepherding me through the process so gracefully and efciently. I am grateful to the three anonymous readers who ofered exceptionally generous notes and suggestions. Teir comments have signifcantly enriched the quality of this book, and I hope that I may someday thank them in person. Tanks to managing editor Dorothea Halliday and editorial assistant Constance Grady for their guidance and infnite patience and to Nicholas Taylor for performing the all- important and challenging task of copyediting. I am fortunate to have had the steadfast support of family members and friends, who never tired (or at least never appeared to have tired) of discussing my project. Personal thanks to my Aunt Caroline (Light) Triplett and my Uncle Robert Berlin — each representing diferent sides of my family tree — who shared their fascination with genealogy and fondness for old primary documents. I thank my father and stepmother, Henry and Angelica Light, for being exemplars of modern benevolence, and my brother, Andrew Light, and sister, Leslie Light, for their unfal- tering provision of humor and perspective. I thank my mother, Sandy Berlin Light, for giving me an appreciation for the unconventional and for teaching me to pursue success in my own way. I dedicate this book to my family, to Jocelyn, Miriam, and Andrew Cubstead — for whom this project has been a lingering presence for as long as they can remember — and most importantly, to Matt, for over two decades of friendship, love, and laughter. Tis one’s for you.

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