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eoiariouse 24 us}S0USC 20240) i (U) Table of Contents (UFOVO) Executive SOMMMETY nso 3 (UMFOUO) Background ....... somes _ 6 (Wit OUO) Impact Assesement _— 9 xn bite (UFOUO) Annex A: Terms of Reference 19 (eoyeuse @MROUO) Amex BE iY 2 ‘Girls (QUFOUO) Annex) 26 (Uui®OV0) Ameer D4 le7 _{UUEOUO) Annex Ei} 32 (UEOUO) Annes Fs ~ 36 (OHROUO) Annex G: Distribution - 9 coi ox 19 (oy) 90 USC 302i, i : i i rirRanaRREER sulted alas sie Pages Sanda wo wine fina andrat seuce RSE aia es NEA contre il Raves GRAVE smapact on US. aalional Goreme f 22a Beat ate , 9 Ut & a URC: 2 Seer 2 ropes? ani 2a within. | a ‘sana | ste iat -Fopsrenet| [NOFORN- eneyau-a use xp: htoysp USS (W)BACECROUND! eat) former NSA contractor compromise [From NSA Net and the Join Worldwide Inelligeace (Conmunicalons System OWICS]. Oa Tune 2013, media groups published the first stories ‘based op this material, and on 9 Jane 2013 they identified the source as an NSA contractor who had worked m lawait. Abts, | © (U/PBYEA On 11 Joly 2013, LTG Flynn directed establishment ofthe Information Review Task Force 2 (IRTF-2) to acqoire, triage, analyze, and assess all DIA and DoD compromised information © (U/POUE Since 11 July 2013, IRTP-2 has le = coordinated DoD effort to discover, triage, aad arses the impact of ron-NSA Defense material Som NSA boldings of compromised det. (UIPERO As of 18 Decersibet 2011, the federted IRTF-2 assessment community includes: sropsuerent_ Noro gona use 224, (usr USC 3024) fo1ay10 uso 424i) (Gyo use sous (1) IMPACT ASSESSMENT JNOFORN- sienna ro ues eic0 ESS Hs ‘Use az (bv) 89 ieeaar ern (ein. ten) Guidusc 42s, (eisrsa use 8 TI) big) 10USC 424.0) ‘oso US 30240 (Pages Tih Taare rein ana et netted ‘eit Jos} “9 USC «24 bie USE aDEAKRAENTY Patents Oe a) {221° HARRY US. tntetigence Capaba G0" <9 pep The scope ofthe compromised nowledge related to U.S, incligence USC capabilities ts stamscring, 7 oye 0 anon ants . ie tetas a : tause 424.0) : i : a rR Pages ruse Se wanna hand not inte, mgr teuse 424 (Sjs0 USC staan) orseenen{_serons- (©) As specified in O 12958, as amended, information maybe clasifie atone of the folowing, three levels: Top Secret shall be applied to information, the unauthorized disclosure of which reasonably could be expected to caus exceptionally grave demage fo national ‘ecu. 4 Serzet sal Be epi to information, the tinauthorized disclose of which reasonably ould be expected to cause serfous damage to nationel security + Confidential shall be applied to information the usnuthorized dislosure of which retonablycoold be expected cause dazage i satonal secur (U) By CI Damage Definitions? {(U) Responsibility for national assessments wus assigned to by the Counterintelligence ‘Enhancement Act of 2002 and reaffirmed by the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention ‘At 0f 2004 (i) Four Major Catogorice roan tenes | this bynes 3 peroxcoe a 285 124,01 araguse Ea 0 (isto. use zai. (aysouse saat) {ul ant nat incised aonseenpe{ RO FORN- ge tausb 9 Ampex D (ayo Use Suzan) rorsreren{_ FORK ‘agp use a) Bea rE ini s0 USC 228.05, Giscuse s20) pyar w9Use ane) Gyo use atc

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