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TEXTUALITIES TEXTUALITIES BETWEEN HERMENEUTICS AND DECONSTRUCTION J. Hugh Silverman ROUTLEDGE: NEWYORKAND LONDON Publishedin1994by Routledge 29West35thStreet NewYork,NY10001 PublishedinGreatBritainin1994by Routledge II NewFetterLane LondonEC4P4EE Copyright© 1994byRoutledge PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmericaonacid-freepaper. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedorutilizedinanyformor byanyelectronic.mechanicalorother means.nowknownor hereafterinvented.includingphoto copying and recording. or in any information storageor retrievalsystem.without permission in writingfromthepublisher. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Silverman.HughJ. Textualities:betweenhermeneuticsanddeconstruction IHughJ.Silverman. p. em.- (Continental philosophy:6) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN0-415-90818-3-ISBN0-415-90819-1 (pbk.) 1.Philosophy.European-20thcentury. 2. Philosophy.Modern-20thcentury. 3. Hermeneutics. 4. Deconstruction. 5. Literature-Philosophy. 6. Semiotics. I. Title. II. Series. B804.S566 1993 190'.9'04-dc20 93-38481 CIP BritishLibraryCataloging-in-PublicationDataalsoavailable. iv Formymother Eleanore R. Silverman CONTENTS Acknowledgments IX Abbreviations XI IntroductoryRemarks 1 1 CONTINENTALPHILOSOPHYANDTHE TEXTUREOFTHEORY 1 FromHermeneutics to Deconstruction 9 2 Semioticsand Hermeneutics 22 3 Hermeneutics and Interrogation 31 4 Interrogation and Deconstruction 38 II TOWARDATHEORYOFTEXTUALITY 5 Enframing theWorkofArt 49 6 Writingatthe EdgeofMetaphysics 58 7 Textualiryand LiteraryTheory 70 8 The LanguageofTextuality 80 III AUTOBIOGRAPHICALTEXTUALITIES 9 AutobiographicalTextualityandThoreau's Walden 89 10 TracesofAutobiographicalTextualiryinNietzsche'sEcceHomo 103 11 The Time ofAutobiography:Levi-Strauss's Tristes Tropiques 113 12 The Self-InscriptionsofSartreand Barthes 125 13 The AutobiographicalTextualiryofHeideggersShoes 134 IV VISIBLE/SCRIPTIVETEXTUALITIES 14 The PhotobiographicalTextualityofthe Philosopher'sBody: Sartre/Heidegger 151 15 The VisibilityofSelf-Portraiture:Merleau-Ponty/Cezanne 162 16 The TextoftheSpeakingSubject:Merleau-Ponry/Kristeva 175 17 WritingonWriting:Merleau-Ponry/Derrida 183 vii V THEINSTITUTION(S) OF PHILOSOPHYASTEXTUALITIES 18 OntheUniversity:Nietzsche/Schopenhauer 195 19 On PhilosophicalDiscourse:Merleau-Ponry/Blanchot 204 20 OntheTimeoftheLine:Derrida/Heidegger 210 21 OntheOrigin(s)ofHistory: Foucault/Derrida 221 22 PhilosophyHasItsReasons... 231 Notes 241 Bibliography 255 Index 267 viii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS With the frameofthe presentbook inview,anumberofthechaptersweredeliv eredasinvitedlecturesinEuropeand NorthAmerica.Manycolleagues,students, and friendshavecommented upon preliminary versionsofwhat nowconstitutes this volume. Initial forays were presented at the Merleau-Ponty Circle, the HeideggerConference, theAmericanSocietyforAesthetics,the SemioticSociety ofAmerica, the Nietzsche Society, the Sociery for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, the Centre International d'Etudes Francaises (Nice, France), the Collegium Phaenomenologicum (Perugia, Italy), the Warwick Continental Philosophy Summer Workshops (Coventry, England), the Internationales Wissenschaftsforum (Heidelberg, Germany), the Osterreichische Gesellschaft rur Philosophie (Vienna, Austria), and the Wrodaw Institute of PhilosophyFacultySeminar(Poland). Grateful acknowledgmentismade to the followingforpublishingportionsof this book prior to their appearance here: Journal ofthe British Societyfor Phenomenology(Wolfe Mays, editor), Research in Phenomenology(John Sallis, editor), Pbanomenologische Forschung (Ernst Wolfgang Orrh, editor), Phenomenology + Pedagogy (Max van Manen, editor), Semiotica (Richard Lanigan, specialguest editor), Boundary2 (William V.Spanos, editor), Journal ofAestheticsandArt Criticism (John Fisher,editor), Time andMetaphysics, ed. David Wood and Robert Bernasconi (Coventry: Parousia Press, 1982), DeconstructionandPhilosophy, ed. John Sallis(Chicago: University ofChicago Press, 1987), Horizons ofContinental Philosophy, gen. ed. Hugh J. Silverman (Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1988), Continental Philosopby-Il: Derrida and Decon struction, ed. Hugh J. Silverman (London and New York:Routledge, 1989), OntologyandAlterity in Merleau-Ponty, ed. Galen A. Johnson and Michael B. Smith (Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1990), and Merleau-Ponty Vivant,ed.M. C. Dillon (Albany:SUNYPress,1991). William Melaneyand ErikVogtreadthewhole manuscriptin an earlydraft. Gertrude Postl reviewed it carefully as it was nearing completion. The final product issurely much improved asa result oftheir many detailed comments. Although Iam extremelygrateful toeachofthem fortheir interest in thiswork, ix they are not however responsible for any infelicities in the text. At various stages, Patricia Arhay,George Noble, Martin Dillon, David Holdcroft, Gianni Vattimo, jean-Francois Lyotard, Graeme Nicholson, Wilhelm Wurzer, Dalia judovitz, and Gary Aylesworth have discussed this work with me. I am deeply indebtedto allofthem fortheir friendship and good will. StratfordCaldecottconvinced me that asequel to Inscriptionswasnot only a good idea but alsoworth undertaking. He evenselectedamagnificent medieval postcard that would have been an ideal cover for the book. Anita Roy encour aged the project while she was with Routledge in London and, as always, Maureen MacGrogan, my Routledge editor in New York,has been a source of encouragementand generous support. Myappreciationisalsodue to Evanthia Speliotis,who copyeditedthe manu script for Routledge. Her careful reading ofthe linguistic Spielrdumeaswell as whatever philosophicalprofondeurisachieved here hassurelyimprovedthe ulti mate effect ofthis work. Only in matters ofhyphenation did we disagree. Hence, the presenceofhyphens in many instancesareatmyown insistence. A visiting professorship at the University ofLeeds(England) in Spring 1988 and at the Universita di Torino (Italy)in Fall 1990,and a sabbaticalleavefrom SUNY at Stony Brook during part of the 1990-91 academic year permitted a modicum oftime in which I wasable to advance this project, but without the peaceand distanceofsummers inVienna, Iwouldnot havebeenableto finishit. This book has been completed amidst extreme turmoil in the Stony Brook Philosophy Department. I am glad for my colleagues David B. Allison, David A. Dilworth, Patrick A. Heelan (now executive vice-president for the Main Campus at Georgetown University), Donald Kuspit, Francois Raffoul, and VictorinoTejeraformaking itallstillseemworthwhile. My children Claire and Christopher were in their own ways supportive of this project andwillbegladtosee Textualitiesin publishedform. x ABBREVIATIONS Throughout the text, the followingabbreviations have been used. Full biblio graphical information isgiven for each item when first cited in the Endnotes. When twodatesarelistedforthesameitem, thefirstisthedate oforiginalpub lication, thesecondisthat ofthe translation. Onlyitemswhich arequotedmore than onceareincluded below. AF Derrida, ArcheologyoftheFrivolous(1973/1980) Cartepostale Derrida, LaCartepostale(1980/1987) Cezanne ConversationsavecCezanne(1978), ed.P. M. Doran DC Bloom, DeconstructionandCriticism(1979) DegreeZero Barthes, WritingDegreeZero(1953/1967) Diffirance Derrida, "Differance" (1968), in Speech and Phenomena and OtherEssays(1973) Dissemination Derrida, Dissemination(1972/1981) DP Blanchot, "Le 'Discours Philosophique,'" L'Arc: Merleau Ponty(1971) EGT Heidegger, "Logos (Heraclitus, Fragment B 50)" (1944/ 1951), in EarlyGreek Thinking(1975) EH-RHtr Nietzsche,EcceHomo(1888/1979), trans. R.]. Hollingdale EH-WKtr Nietzsche,EcceHomo(1888/1967), trans.WalterKaufmann EM Merleau-Ponty, "Eye and Mind" (1961), in ThePrimacy of Perception(1964) Grammatology Derrida, OfGrammatology(1967/1975) HHS Ricoeur,HermeneuticsandtheHumanSciences(1981) Holz Heidegger,Holzwege(1950) IMT-DA Barthes,"The DeathoftheAuthor"(1968)in Image/Music/Text (1977) IMT-FWT Barthes, "From Work to Text" (1971), in Image/Music/Text (1977) Inscriptions Silverman, Inscriptions: Between Phenomenology and Struc turalism(1987) JOG Derrida, IntroductiontotheOriginofGeometry(1962/1978) LWA ISniglvaerrdmena,n,TheLiteraryH~rkomoofArt(1931/1973) xi

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