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Textual Sources for the History of the Middle Nile Region Between the Eighth Century Bc and the Sixth Century Ad (Fontes historiae Nubiorum) PDF

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Preview Textual Sources for the History of the Middle Nile Region Between the Eighth Century Bc and the Sixth Century Ad (Fontes historiae Nubiorum)

CIeO NTES HISTORIAE 10) 5)( @)G AY TEXTUAL SOURCES FOR THE HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE NILE REGION BETWEEN THE EIGHTH CENTURY BC AND THE SIXTH CENTURY AD VOL. I FROM THE MID-FIFTH TO THE FIRST CENTURY BC Edited by Tormod Eide, Tomas Hagg, Richard Holton Pierce and Laszlo Torok CLAREMONT SCHOOL OF THEGLOGY LIBRARY Given by Ernest W. Tune wr ( +)1 325 North Cellege Avenue , Claremont, CA 91711 FONTES HISTORIAE NUBIORUM Vol. II V ae ates Fe! FONTES 2a4 HISTORIAE NUBIORUM TEXTUAL-SOURCES FOR THE HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE NILE REGION BETWEEN THE EIGHTH CENTURY BC AND THE SIXTH CENTURY AD VOL. II FROM THE MID-FIFTH TO THE FIRST CENTURY BC Edited by Tormod Eide, Tomas Hagg, Richard Holton Pierce and Laszlo Torok Published with a grant from The Norwegian Research Council Theology Library CLAREMONT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Claremont, CA Editors’ address: University of Bergen Department of Greek, Latin and Egyptology Sydnesplassen 7 N-5007 Bergen © Institutt for klassisk filologi, russisk og religionsvitenskap Seksjon for gresk, latin og egyptologi Universitetet 1 Bergen All Rights Reserved ISBN 82-91626-01-4 ISSN 0804-9408 Printed in Norway 1996 John Grieg AS, Bergen «CONTENTS. a eh Introduction 355 A General Note to the Meroitic Texts 359 A Further Note to the Translations of the Egyptian Texts 362 Abbreviations 367 Periodicals and Series 367 Other Abbreviations 368 Bibliographical List 370 The Sources 393 (67) Talakhamani. Evidence for reign 393 68 The plague of 430 BC starts in Aithiopia. Ca. 430-400 BC. Thucydides 2.48 Biel (69) Irike-Amanote. Titles 396 (70) Irike-Amanote. Evidence for reign. Regnal years 398 71 Inscription of Irike-Amannote from Years 1-2 (Kawa IX). Second half of the 5th cent. BC 400 72 Donation text of Irike-Amannote (Kawa X). Second half of the 5th cent. BC 428 io Donation text of Irike-Amannote from Year 19 (Kawa XI). Second half of the 5th cent. BC 431 74 Donation text of Irike-Amannote from Year 25+X (Kawa XI). Second half of the 5th cent. BC 432 (75) Baskakeren. Evidence for reign 435 (76) Harsiyotef. Titles 436 (77) Harsiyotef. Evidence for reign. Regnal years 437 78 Annals of Harsiyotef from Year 35. First half of the 4th cent. BC 438 (79) Akhratani. Titles. Evidence for reign 464 (80) Amanibakhi. Evidence for reign 465 81 Mortuary stela of Amanibakhi. Second half of the 4th cent. BC (?) 465 (82) Nastasen. Titles 467 (83) Nastasen. Evidence for reign 468 84 Stela of Nastasefi from Year 8. Second half of the 4th cent. BC 471 84a Nectanebos II's flight to Aithiopia. 4th cent. BC. Ephorus in Diodorus Siculus 16.51.1 501 Fontes Historiae Nubiorum II 85 Alexander and Queen Candace. Hellenistic period. Ps.-Callisthenes, Alexander Romance 3.18; 3.21.1-3; 3.22.2-5, 7-8 503 (86) Aktisanes. Titles. Evidence for reign 511 87 Temple building inscription of Aktisanes from Nuri. Ca. 300 BC 513 88 Aktisanes. Ca. 320-305 BC. Hecataeus of Abdera in Diodorus Siculus 1.60- 61.1 515 (89) Aryamani. Titles 521 (90) Aryamani. Evidence for reign. Regnal years 522 91 Donation stela of Aryamani, Years 3-9 (Kawa XIV). Early 3rd cent. BC 522 92 Fragments of a stela of Aryamani, Years 9-24 (?) (Kawa XV). Early 3rd cent. BC 528 (93) Kash(...). Evidence for reign 532 (94) Irike-Piye-qo. Evidence for reign 533 (95) Sabrakamani. Titles. Evidence for reign 533 96 Inscription of Sabrakamani (Kawa XIII). First half of the 3rd cent. BC 534 97 An Aithiopian attack on Elephantine. Papyrus letter. 3rd cent. BC 536 98 Buhen, South Temple, Greek graffito. 4th-2nd cent. BC 538 99 Buhen, South Temple, Greek graffito. 3rd cent. BC 540 100 The earliest Hellenistic writers on Aithiopia. Ca. 300 BC and later. Pliny, Naturalis historia 6.183 541 101 A piece of zoological lore. Ca. 300 BC. Dalion in Paradoxographus Vaticanus 2 542 102 On the ethnography of Aithiopia and sub-Saharan Africa. Ca. 300 BC. Dalion in Pliny, Naturalis historia 6.194-195 544 103 On the geography of Aithiopia. 3rd cent. BC. Aristocreon in Pliny, Naturalis historia 5.59 546 104 On the geography of Aithiopia. 3rd cent. BC. Aristocreon in Pliny, Naturalis historia 6.191-192 547 105 On the name Candace. 3rd cent. BC. Bion of Soloi in Schol. Act. Apost. 8.27 549 106 On the name Candace. 3rd cent. BC (?). Bion of Soloi (?) in Ps.- Oecumenius, Commentary on Act. Apost. 12, ad 8.27 550 107 On Aithiopian kingship. 3rd cent. BC. Bion of Soloi in Athenaeus 13.20, 566c 551 108 Itineraries. 3rd cent. BC. Bion of Soloi in Pliny, Naturalis historia 6.177- 178, 180-181; 1915193 552 109 A description of Aithiopia. 3rd cent. BC. Eratosthenes in Strabo 17.1.2 557 110 On the reasons for the Nile flooding. 3rd cent. BC. Eratosthenes in Strabo 17.1.5°561 111 On the name Meroe. 3rd cent. BC. Eratosthenes in Strabo 17.1.5 563 350 Contents 112 The Nubian nome list of Ptolemy II. Philae, Temple of Isis. After ca. 274 BC 564 (113) Arkamanigqo (Ergamenes I). Titles 566 (114) Arkamaniqo (Ergamenes I). Evidence for reign 566 (115) Amanislo. Titles. Evidence for reign 568 116 Earliest Greek source for the Blemmyes. First half of the 3rd cent. BC. Theocritus 7.111-114 569 (117) Amanitekha. Titles. Evidence for reign 570 (118) King [...] Ssp-enh-n-Imn Stp.n-R«. Titles 571 (119) King [...] Ssp-enh-n-Imn Stp.n-R¢. Evidence for reign 572 120 Letter to Egyptian elephant hunters on the Red Sea coast. 224 BC 572 121 Payment of elephant hunters. 223 BC 575 122 The failure of Philopator’s elephants in the battle of Raphia. Ca. 150 BC. Polybius 5.84.3-7 577 123 Mention of Blemmyes in 220/19 BC 579 (124) Arnekhamani. Titles 580 (125) Arnekhamani. Evidence for reign 581 126 Apedemak hymn from the Apedemak temple at Musawwarat es Sufra. (7A 3 Oates« 72 127 Isis hymn from the Apedemak temple at Musawwarat es Sufra. Ca. 221 BC 585 (128) Argamani (Ergamenes II). Titles 586 (129) Argqamani (Ergamenes II). Evidence for reign 588 (130) Adikhalamani. Titles 590 (131) Adikhalamani. Evidence for reign 591 132 Fragment of a stela of Adikhalamani from Philae. Ca. 207/6-186 BC 592 133 An episode of the Upper Egyptian revolt. 187 BC (?) 596 134 Second Philae Decree of Ptolemy V Epiphanes. The participation of Meroites in the Upper Egyptian revolt. 185/4 BC 600 135 Sehel, Famine Stela. Incomes from the Dodecaschoenus. Early 2nd cent. BC (?) 607 136 Mention of Blemmyes around 180 BC 612 137 The Nubian nome list of Ptolemy VI. Philae, Temple of Isis. Ca. 163-145 BC 614 138 Debod, building inscription of Ptolemy VI Philometor. Ca. 172-170 BC (?) 630 (139) King [...]mrf[...]t. Evidence for reign 631 140 Provisions requested from Nubia for Philae. 149/8 BC 631 141 Towns founded by Ptolemy VI in the Triacontaschoenus. Ca. 151-145 BC 635 351 Fontes Historiae Nubiorum II 142 Description of Aithiopia, 2nd cent. BC. Agatharchides in Diodorus Siculus 3.2.1-7.3 638 143 On Aithiopian tribes. 2nd cent. BC. Agatharchides in Diodorus Siculus 3.8-10 650 144 Ptolemy II in Aithiopia. 2nd cent. BC. Agatharchides in Diodorus Siculus 1.37.5 655 145 Ptolemy II in Aithiopia. 2nd cent. BC. Agatharchides, On the Red Sea 1.20 656 146 The Nubian gold mines. 2nd cent. BC. Agatharchides in Diodorus Siculus 3.12 657 147 On burial customs among the Trogodytes. 2nd cent. BC. Agatharchides in Diodorus Siculus 3.33.2 659 (148) Queen Shanakdakheto. Son of Ré name 660 (149) Queen Shanakdakheto. Evidence for reign 661 (150) Tafiyidamani. Titles 662 (151) Taftyidamani. Evidence for reign 664 152 Meroitic stela of Tafiyidamani from the Amin temple at Gebel Barkal. Late 2nd or early Ist cent. BC 665 153 Meroitic votive stela of Taftyidamani from the Apedemak temple at Meroe City. Late 2nd or early 1st cent. BC 671 154 Mortuary inscription of Tsemerese from Faras. Late 2nd or early 1st cent. bEG72 155 Mortuary inscription of Hllhror from Faras. Late 2nd or early 1st cent. BC 675 156 Egyptian forces stationed at Philae. 118-116 BC 676 157 Privileges granted to the temple of Chnum in Elephantine. 117-115 BC 678 158 On Aithiopian kingship. Late 1st cent. BC. Nicolaus of Damascus in Stobaeus, Florilegium 4.2 683 (159) Nagyrjinsan|...]. Evidence for reign 685 (160) King Horus K3-nht[...]. Evidence for reign 686 (161) Aqrakamani. Evidence for reign 686 162 Dakka, inscription from the reign of King Aqrakamani. 29 or 25 BC (?) 687 163 Cornelius Gallus on his Nubian campaign: Latin. 29 BC 689 164 Cornelius Gallus on his Nubian campaign: Greek. 29 BC 694 165 Cornelius Gallus on his Nubian campaign: Hieroglyphic. 29 BC 696 166 Augustus’ war with Meroe. AD 14. Res Gestae Divi Augusti 26.21-22 700 167 Diodorus Siculus on his sources for Aithiopia. 1st cent. BC. Diodorus Siculus 3.11.2-3 704 352

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