% 'Wà'. ^mt. ' 3e ùiu*^^JisLr Faih R^^j .^^1 ^yrn 1 S^4" KiV&i^ «»«0 :wo *y l>^ FACSIMILE PAGE OF FERNAIG MS. SeeP/.gc102. : RELIQUI^ CELTICS TEXTS, PAPERS, AND STUDIES IN (5aelic Xiteratuve m\b philology LEFT BYTHELATE Rev. ALEXANDER CAMERON, LL.D. EDITEDBV ALEXANDER MACBAIN, M.A. Rev. JOHN KENNEDY. VOL. II. POETRY, HISTORY, AND PHILOLOGY "Beannj Dhe mi leouhir.' Fernai'sMS.p.Ò. 5nb*rnc»a THE NORTHERN COUNTIES NEWSPAPER AN© PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED 1894. PRINTEDATTHE NORTHERN CHRONICLE OKKICE, INVERNESS CONTENTS. Preface Fernaig MS 1 Book of Clanranald 138 Turner MS 310 Dbirdre and the Sons of Uisneach 421 Gaelic Proverbs and Phrases. 475 Translations of Hymns and Poems 508 Lectures and Addresses 524 . (1) OldestPrinted Gaelic Books 524 — (2) Gaelic ItsHistoiyand Literature 533 (3) Place-NamesofDumbarton . 547 (4) ArranPlace-Names 561 (5) GaelicOrthography 577 N (6) Avislaut in Gaelic 590 The Legend of Deer 602 Gaelic Irregular Verbs 610 . Glossary of Unpublished j^^tymologies 615 Index to Etymologies in the "Gael," &. 649 Addenda to Vol. II. 659 Corrigenda to Vol. il. . 660 Additional Corrigenda to Vol. I. . 661 Illustrations : Facsimilepage ofFernaig MS. Facingiitle-pnge Facsimile page of Black Book Facingp. 172