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Tetun for the Justice Sector PDF

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Tetun for the justice sector Written by CCCCaaaatttthhhhaaaarrrriiiinnnnaaaa WWWWiiiilllllllliiiiaaaammmmssss----vvvvaaaannnn KKKKlllliiiinnnnkkkkeeeennnn together with AAAAlllleeeexxxxaaaannnnddddrrrreeee FFFFeeeerrrrnnnnaaaannnnddddeeeessss CCCChhhhaaaammmm,,,, AAAAnnnnaaaabbbbeeeellllaaaa MMMMaaaaiiiiaaaa SSSSaaaannnnttttoooossss,,,, HHHHeeeennnnddddrrrriiiiaaaannnnaaaa ddddaaaa CCCCoooossssttttaaaa MMMMaaaarrrrççççaaaallll,,,, JJJJaaaacccciiiinnnnttttaaaa CCCCaaaannnnoooossssssssaaaa SSSSooooaaaarrrreeeessss TTTTiiiimmmmoooorrrr----LLLLeeeesssstttteeee PPPPoooolllliiiicccceeee DDDDeeeevvvveeeellllooooppppmmmmeeeennnntttt PPPPrrrrooooggggrrrraaaammmm DDDDiiiilllliiii IIIInnnnssssttttiiiittttuuuutttteeee ooooffff TTTTeeeecccchhhhnnnnoooollllooooggggyyyy FFFFiiiirrrrsssstttt eeeeddddiiiittttiiiioooonnnn 2222000000009999 © Catharina Williams-van Klinken 2009 These materials are published by the Timor-Leste Police Development Program for use in training its members. They may be copied and used with prior permission of TLPDP. Email: [email protected] ISBN 978-989-8615-03-9 i Table of contents Preface ..................................................................................................................................................... v Acknowledgements .............................................................................................................................. vii 1. Atividade loro-loron nian (Daily activities) .................................................................................. 1 Kostumi: folin 3 Kostumi: husu 3 Estrutura lingua nian 3 1. Specifying quantity 3 2. Asking price 3 3. lori ba/mai ‘take, bring’ 4 4. fali ‘again’ 4 2. Estrutura polísia (Structure of police) ........................................................................................... 7 Unidade Polísia (Police Units) 8 Informasaun kona ba PNTL 8 Estrutura lingua nian 10 1. balu ‘some’ 10 2. laós ‘not’ 10 3. More on possession 11 4. seidauk ‘not yet’ 11 5. foin ‘just’ and kleur ‘a long time’ 11 Cognate verbs ending in -a 13 3. Estrutura governu (Structure of government) ............................................................................ 15 Orgaun soberania (Organs of state) 16 See mak iha governu? 16 Governu lokál 17 Estrutura lingua nian 18 1. mos ‘also’ 18 2. sei ‘will’ 18 3. sei ‘still’ 19 4. hanesan ‘like’ 19 4. Ita nia isin lolon (Our body) ......................................................................................................... 21 Estrutura lingua nian 23 1. gosta ‘like’, toman ‘be accustomed to’ 23 2. loos ‘very’ 23 3. laduun ‘not very’ 24 4. tanba saa?, tansaa? ‘why?’ 24 5. Violénsia (Violence) ...................................................................................................................... 25 Grupu arte marsiais (Martial arts groups) 26 Estrutura lingua nian 27 1. hodi ‘to be used for’ 27 2. ona ‘already’ 27 3. malu ‘each other’ 28 4. lai ‘first’ 28 ii 6. Sira baibain baku malu ka? (Do they usually have fights?) ..................................................... 29 Estrutura lingua nian 31 1. Frequency 31 2. How often? 31 3. iha ‘there is’ 32 7. Detensaun (Detention) ................................................................................................................. 33 Informasaun kona ba detensaun 34 Sistema kahur malu (A mixture of systems) 35 Estrutura lingua nian 36 1. foo ba / foo mai ‘give to’ 36 2. bainhira, kuandu ‘when, whenever’ 37 3. tiha ona ‘already’ 37 4. hela ‘currently’ 37 Cognate nouns ending in -dade 39 8. Iha nebee? (Where?) .................................................................................................................... 41 Estrutura lingua nian 43 1. Location 43 2. nebee ‘which’ 44 3. komesa, hahuu ‘begin’ 44 4. tok ‘have a...’ 44 9. Tránzitu ho asidente (Traffic and accidents) ............................................................................. 45 Kostumi: completely unofficial road practices 47 Kostumi: hatudu dalan 48 Kostumi: asidente 48 Estrutura lingua nian 48 1. se ‘if’ and karik ‘perhaps’ 48 2. fali ‘instead’ 49 3. too ‘until’ 50 4. nebaa ‘there’ 50 10. Deskreve ema (Describing people) ............................................................................................ 51 Estrutura lingua nian 53 1. liu ‘more’ and ‘most’ 53 2. Age 53 3. la ... ida ‘not’ 53 4. More on adjectives 54 5. isin boot and related expressions 54 Countries and continents 55 11. Saúde (Health) ........................................................................................................................... 57 Estrutura lingua nian 60 1. halo ‘cause’ 60 2. senti ‘feel’ 60 3. kedas ‘immediately’ 61 4. hatete ‘tell’ and dehan ‘say’ 61 iii 12. Rezolve problema (Settling disputes) ........................................................................................ 63 Lisan (Tradition) 64 Rezolve problema (Settling disputes) 64 Estrutura língua nian 66 1. atu ‘to (purpose)’ 66 2. malu idioms 66 3. ‘before’ 66 4. ‘after’ 67 13. Data ho konvite (Dates and invitations) .................................................................................... 69 Estrutura lingua nian 71 1. saa fulan? ‘which month?’ 71 2. Dates in Tetun 71 3. Next/last week 72 14. Intervista (Interviewing) ............................................................................................................ 73 Estrutura lingua nian 75 1. Nobody, nowhere, nothing 75 2. katak ‘that’ 75 3. hanoin ‘think, miss’ 76 4. oinsaa ‘how’ 76 5. Using Portuguese nouns to derive verbal expressions 77 Cognate nouns ending in -mentu 78 15. Buka ho prende (Search and seizure) ....................................................................................... 79 Estrutura lingua nian 80 1. tiha ‘already’ 80 2. hotu, remata ‘finish’ 81 3. lalika ‘don’t’ 81 Notas (Notes) ......................................................................................................................................... 82 v Preface This book was developed by the Tetun teaching team from Dili Institute of Technology, in conjunction with the Timor-Leste Police Development Programme, to provide intermediate-level Tetun language and cultural training for international police officers. Some chapters are specific to the justice and policing sectors, while others are of general interest. Before starting on this book, learners should have knowledge of chapters 1-11 of the Peace Corps East Timor Tetun Language Course. We trust that this course will help further the cooperation and good-will between Timorese and internationals working in these areas. Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their appreciation of the many people who helped contribute to the development of this book. The initial overview was developed in close cooperation with Dirk Stoelhorst, with Adam Bycroft later taking over as principal driver. Numerous people – too many to mention individually – contributed from their knowledge and experience to helping us better understand the intricacies of policing in Timor-Leste, including terms, customs, structures and tasks. These include language assistants from the TLPDP in Comoro, trainers and technicians from the Police Academy, various staff from the TLPDP in Lecidere, members of the national investigation unit at general headquarters, staff on the complaints desk at Aimutin station, and the commander and staff of the Rapid Response Unit. Edio da Costa helped the appearance of the book by locating clipart for each chapter. To all these people we say:

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