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TETRAZYGIA PARALONGICOLLIS MELASTOMATACEAE), (MICONIEAE: NEW A FROM AND THE BAORUCO DE SPECIES SIERRA MARTIN DOMINICAN SIERRA GARCIA, REPUBLIC & Walter Judd Gretchen Teodoro M. lonta Clase S. Florida 32611, sville, U.S. judd@botany ufl.edu f Dan Skean, J. Jr. Department of Biology = ™HF HE : ™ .W* m -.Te, Paii mtospane mis Aon :anos:7 :ntes cere gicoll During the course of fieldwork conducted in connection with the study of the systematics of Miconieae (Melas- herbarium was tomataceae), material of a distinctive species collected in the Sierra Martin Garcia (by W.S. 1992 and and now Judd, in 2006) de Baoruco Sierra (by T. Clase, in 2001). evident that these collections It is represent an undescribed which species of Tetrazygia (Miconieae, Melastomataceae), appears be to closely & I related to longicollis Urb. Cogn. and elaeagnoid.es (Sw.) DC. These plants are described here, provided T. name with and compared the morphologically with above mentioned paralongicollis, the T. species. Recent molecular-based phylogenetic analyses (E Michelangeli, Goldenberg, W. and R. Judd, others; & unpublished genus 20 Skean data) indicate that Tetrazygia, a of ca. species (Judd 1991; Liogier 2000), is not monophyletic The as traditionally circumscribed. species of Tetrazygia Rich, are intermixed in prelimi- nary cladograms with members of several other genera of Miconieae, especially Pachyanthus A. Rich, and DC, Caly oogonium two genera predominantly that are Antillean in distribution, as Tetrazygia. Clarification is of generic limits within this subclade of the Miconieae, an Antillean complex Michelangeli (see i.e., et al. beyond we 2004, 2008) is the scope of this paper, but note that elaeagnoid.es, which has 4-merous flowers T. does and (as T. longicollis the species described herein), in preliminary cladistic analyses does not appear be T to closely related to the species with 5- or 6-merous flowers, such as bicolor (Mill.) Cogn., coriacea T. and Urb., T.lanceolata Urb. & Tetrazygia paralongicollis Judd, lonta, Clase Skean, sp. nov. (Fig. 1). 1 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) m main from branches the furrowed arising Shrub small 6 with horizontally bark; lateral or gray, tree to tall, Indumentum nearly upward. pale-ferrugineous, sessile trunk ± then arching of multicellular, horizontally, mm and simple, elongate multiseriate hairs 0.6 to 1.4 long, long-stalked, globular-stellate hairs, often also to mm Young 2-5 quadrangular, with wide, sometimes with minute twigs slightly antrorse these bristles. node) concave, the adjacent sides slightly the adjacent slightly the interpetiolar face (in relation to distally and becoming with with moderate dense globular-stellate hairs often sparse simple, convex, terete age, to cm cm many long in vigor- breaking with internodes 1.1-6.1 8.5 (to elongate multiseriate hairs, off age; mm mm 28 vigorously growing Leaves with petiole 6-9.4 long, (but to in leaves of ously vegetative shoots). cm 0.6-2.2(-7.7) growing vegetative shoots), with dense globular-stellate hairs; blade 2.5-6.8(-20.4) long, cm wide, 3.1-4.2 (2-3.5 in leaves of vigorously growing sucker-shoots) times longer than wide, ovate to el- with upturned margins, forming coriaceous, the apex acute to acuminate, with the tip of the leaf liptic, flat, mm a mucro 0.5-1. l(-6) long with adaxial pocket, the base narrowly acute to cuneate or slightly cordate, margin with only very few teeth along distal portion of the plane slightly revolute, nearly entire, a to i.e., mm mm with 0.1-0.3 blade, and these most 0.1 long, to ± clearly serrulate or ciliate-serrulate, teeth long, at acrodromous, sometimes associated with a short multiseriate hair, ± evenly spaced along margin; venation growing with prominent midvein and 4 secondary veins in leaves of rapidly vegeta- basal suprabasal, (6 to mm from margin, secondary positioned 1.7-4(-16 in sucker-shoot leaves) 2 conspicuous veins shoots), tive with an and 2 inconspicuous secondary veins closer to margin (but sucker-shoot leaves additional pair of numerous percurrent veins oriented subper- secondary tertiary inconspicuous, ± intramarginal, veins), such by composite-intertertiary veins (but separated pendicular midvein, the tertiary veins occasionally to common more on the higher-order veins reticulate; adaxial surface green, veins leaves of sucker-shoots), midvein and major secondary with numerous but quickly glabrescent, the globular-stellate hairs, initially and veins moderately impressed, minor secondary and tertiary veins slightly impressed to flat, higher order numerous subglobose due presence veins the surface appearing minutely papillose after drying to of flat, subcuticular druse abaxial surface light green, with dense pale ferrugineous, globular-stellate hairs crystals; some on hairs the obscuring the epidermal surface, and sometimes also elongate, multiseriate hairs, stellate midvein prominently major secondary veins moderately raised, major veins darker ferrugineous, the raised, and minor secondary and some composite-intertertiary veins slightly raised, higher- veins, tertiary veins, order veins very raised in some leaves of sucker-shoots). Inflorescences 3- to 12-flowered (or slightly flat cm cm segment lowermost proximal pyramidal cymes of to 2 branch-pairs, 4-7.5 long, 1.7-5 in diameter; of 1 cm inflorescence branches 1.4-2.5 long, distal internodes of inflorescence branches increasingly shorter, cm with dense and appearing 3-flowered dichasia, globular- ultimate branches 1.1-1.9 long, flowers in 1- to cm indumentum; with and peduncle 0.5-2.1 long, similar hairs sparse elongate multiseriate hairs; stellate cm 2.5-4.3 long, 0.7-1.2 proximal inflorescence branch associated with pair of persistent leaflike bracts, cm with caducous branches associated pair of form other inflorescence wide, similar in to vegetative leaves, androecium zygomorphic on specimens examined). Flowers (due to form), (and not present perfect, bracts mm indumentum branches. Free portion of inflorescence with similar that of pedicel 1.4-1.5 long, the to mm 2.9-3.8 hypanthium constricted above ovary, flaring and funnelform distal to the constriction, slightly and with dense moderate hairs sparse elongate multiseriate hairs, outer surface globular-stellate long, to on minute-globular hairs the ridges. glabrous except occasional the inner surface slightly 16-ridged, for mm mm and with wide, narrowly triangular, acute apex, terete External calyx lobes 1.2 long, 0.8 ca. ca. 4, mm mm 0.6-0.8 2.9-3.4 with dense internal calyx lobes long, in cross section, globular-stellate hairs; 4, apex rounded, green red-tinged, with dense globular-stellate hairs abaxially, wide, broadly triangular, to mm im- margin membranaceous, minutely calyx tube long. Petals glabrous adaxially, the erose; ca. 1.5 4, mm mm apex 4.3-4.9 wide, glabrous, white; 5.2-6.1 bricate in bud, ± asymmetrical, ovate- obovate, long, mm very rounded; margin Stamens anther elongate- ovate, 4.6-5.2 long, glabrous, pale yellow, entire. 8, new A Judd et species of Tetrazygia from the Dominican Republic al., A-l. Tetrazygia paralongicollis. A. Dichasiurr Fig. 1 . from hairs, abaxial leaf surface. E. Ovary, in cross T which from Judd 8148 except for (FLAS)). is Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) 38 and opening by dorso-apical pore, the filament single slightly sagittate at base, fertile the entire length, a mm and Ovary 4-lobed, 5.8-6 4/5 ellipsoidal slightly long, glabrous, white. 4-loculate, ca. inferior, terete, mm mm mm 3.5-3.9 long, 2.1-2.5 wide, with cylindrical apical crown ca. 0.7 long encircling base of style, mm the crown slightly 8-ridged, with sparse stellate hairs and elongate-uniseriate hairs at apex; style ca. 15 narrowed with longitudinal with placentas inserted into locules long, glabrous. Placentation axile terete, numerous. Nearly T-shaped ovules with portion, in cross-section; placental stalk flattened ellipsoid distal mm hypanthium, mature berries 9-12 in diameter, globose-ellipsoid, with strongly constricted persistent when with green immature, but probably turning purple-black maturity, sparse globular-stellate hairs. at mm smooth. Seeds angular-obovoid, 0.7-0.9 long; testa ± Dominican and —Tetrazygia paralongicollis restricted to the southern part of the Distribution habitat. is from Republic where has been collected only in the Sierra de Baoruco and Sierra Martin Garcia (Fig. 2), it Martin 720-860 m. In the Sierra de Baoruco occurs in Pinus occidentalis Sw. forests, while in the Sierra it melastomes montane Martin associated Garcia grows in moist forest (on limestone). In the Sierra Garcia, it DC., (Cogn.) Alain, Tetrazygia include Calycogonium hispidulum Cogn., Miconia laevigata Sagraeajuertesii (L.) & T and Cogn. DC., Urb. elaeagnoides (Sw.) longicollis with Etymology.—The highlights the purported close relationship of this species Tetra- specific epithet and zygia especially as evidenced in the characteristics of its flowers fruits. longicollis, —Stem, and anatomy were assessed in material of Tetrazygia paral- anatomy. petiole Vegetative leaf, & and and anatomy were (FLAS) and 3035 (FLAS), petiole as- i.e.Judd 8148 Clase Delprete leaf ongicollis, 6656 (FLAS) and i.e.Judd 6553 (FLAS) using the sessed in material of i.z.Judd elaeagnoides, longicollis, T. T. Howard As by Melastomataceae, phloroglucinol-hydrochloric acid technique outlined (1974). is typical of and have xylem with phloem positioned both externally internally the stems of paralongicollis a ring of T. The and Miconieae, medullary vascular bundles are present. pith ligni- (amphiphloic), characteristic of is as inner portion and perivascular fibers are lacking, but there are scattered lignified idioblasts in the of fied, which may have function (because they surround the Druses also are present the cortex, a protective stele). The nodes but the vascular bundle divides within the petiole in the cortex. are unilacunar/unifascicular, base, forming several bundles in the petiole. The petioles (sectioned at their midpoint) of all three species composed bundles exhibit a U-shaped pattern composed of 7 to 11 vascular bundles, with the individual xylem surrounded by phloem. The ground parenchyma unlignified, but in paralongicollis there are a of is T. numerous The and petioles of few scattered lignified idioblasts, in longicollis there are lignified idioblasts. T. parenchyma packed but have abundant druse the literally elaeagnoides lack lignified idioblasts, crystals; is T. with parenchyma and has only scattered druse crystals. druses. In contrast, the of paralongicollis longicollis T. T. and spongy mesophyll; The have dorsoventral blades with an epidermis, palisade leaves of three species all more midvein has vascular bundles, which are or arranged in a ring. Lignified idioblasts are the several less and parenchyma with midvein bundles present in the associated the vascular of paralongicollis T. longicollis, I. with while these are lacking in elaeagnoides. The abaxial leaf surface of all three species is covered a cells T. parenchyma midvein which As with the the of the thick layer of stellate hairs, are variably lignified. petiole, with lamina of elaeagnoides contains very abundant druses. Druses are present in the of all three species, T. spongy these placed below the epidermis in either the palisade or mesophyll. crystals DDIISSCCUUSSSSIIOONN seen most Leonard). This especially Tetrazygia paralongicollis similar to lloonnggiiccoolllliiss ((iinnccll.. brevicollis is is T. T. : broadly in the form of flowers and 4-meerroouuss,, wwiitthh ccoonnii(cal-terete external calyx lobes, trian- fruits, its i.e., an ob white stamens with ovate-elongate anthers, ellipsoidal calyx lobes, ovate- ovate, petals, A new Judd et species of Tetrazygia from the Dominican Republic al., ovary (only 4-lobed) and with the placentas inserted into locules, slightly with hypanthium. However, globose-ellipsoid berries strongly constricted aatly differentiated from by with branches radiating globose-stellate hairs, longicollis T, its i.e., i central region with branches more or radiating outward from a central flattened-stellate hairs, less (vs. i.e., region), the tertiary veins usually connected by reticulate quaternary veins, only occasionally separated i.e., by by composite-intertertiary veins veins usually separated composite-intertertiary veins, thus tertiary (vs. making and the leaf "tertiary" veins appear to be closer together than they actually are), external calyx lobes mm mm 1-5 that are ca. 1.2 long (vs. variable in length, ca. long). Tetrazygia paralongicollis is also quite morphology and similar to elaeagnoides, especially in the of stellate hairs in the pattern of venation T. its from by hypanthia (and of its leaves. Tetrazygia paralongicollis is easily distinguished this species its fruits), when which and becoming unlobed are globose-ellipsoid only very slightly 4-lobed in flower, in fruit (vs. and extended and T-shaped subglobose strongly 4-angled), placental form, the placenta into the locule i.e., and parenchyma in cross-section in cross-section), the presence of lignified idioblasts in the of elliptic (vs. many T have the petioles lignified idioblasts lacking). In addition, plants of elaeagnoides shorter exter- (vs. mm may mm. some nal calyx lobes, 0.2-0.4 long, but in plants they be as long as 1.6 Plants of e.g., ca. T. from from both having paralongicollis the type locality differ of these species in simple, elongate, multiseriate on margin hairs intermixed with the globular-stellate hairs their stems, abaxial leaf surface, leaf (in associa- with and hypanthium. The Martin however, tion the inflorescence axes, plants of the Sierra Garcia, teeth), lack these hairs, but these plants (unfortunately, only collected in sterile condition) are considered within and morphology match paralongicollis because their leaf shape, venation, stellate-hair closely that of the T. type specimens. noteworthy that the leaves of the Sierra Martin Garcia population are frequently larger It is new than those of either or elaeagnoides. This species occurs with both and T. longicollis T. T. longicollis T. Only elaeagnoides in the Sierra Martin Garcia, but no intermediate plants were seen in that region. longi- T. known however, from the Sierra de Baoruco, in the vicinity of the type locality collis, is combination morphological Tetrazygia paralongicollis, exhibiting a distinctive of characters, satisfies the & expectations of the morphological-phenetic (Judd 2007) and diagnostic (Wheeler Platnick 2000) species concepts. known The number from description of Tetrazygia brings the of species of Tetrazygia paralongicollis Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) 40 we ex Moscoso be given consider urbaniana (Cogn.) Croizat to Hispaniola eight (Liogier 2000), that to T. & Ekman synonym morphologically variable tuerckheimii (Cogn.) Urb. All the other species of of the a T. compared show on broad geographical distributions the island to paralongicollis. T. Tetrazygia fairly ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Norris Williams, Keeper, and Kent D. Perkins, Collections Manager, of the University of Florida Museum specimen processing loans. Herbarium (FLAS) in the Florida of Natural History, for assistance in We thanks indebted the director of JBSD, Daisy Castillo, for the loan of herbarium material. Special are to and herbarium personnel the Peguero, other given Milciades Mejia, Francisco Jimenez, Brigido at are to Dominican Jardln Botanico Nacional, Santo Domingo (JBSD) for their support of fieldwork in the Republic. We We new thank Richard Combs thank Frances her help with the illustration of this species. also for J. was Reuben and Delprete assistance in the This research supported, in Abbott, E. Judd, for their field. P. improving by NSF Grant DEB-0515636. Two anonymous reviewers provided helpful suggestions for part, REFERENCES 25-1 The stem-node-leaf continuum of the Dicotyledoneae. Arnold Arbor. 55:1 81. Howard, 1974. R.A. J. Melastomataceae) the Greater Miconia Chaenopleura (Miconieae, Antilles. Judd, W.S. 2007. Revision of sect. in Monogr. -235. 81 Syst. Bot. :1 and Taxonomic the Miconieae (Melastomataceae). Generic realign- 991 studies Judd, W.S. Skean, in IV. J.D. Jr. 1 . among 36:25-84. ments Mus. terminal-flowered taxa. Florida Nat. Hist, Biol. Sci. Bull. Ma. de Melastomataceae. Botanico Nacional Rafael 2000. Hispahola, Jardin "Dr. A.H. La flora Vol. 9. Liogier, la Domingo Domingo, Dominican Moscoso"& Tecnologico de Santo Santo Republic. (INTEC). Institute A phylogeny the and 2004. preliminary of M.H. Skean, Michelangeli, D.S. Penneys, Giza, D. Soltis, Hils, J.D. Jr. F.A., J. on Miconieae (Melastomataceae) based on sequence data and implications inflorescence nrlTS tribe its Taxon 53:279-290. position. and 2008. Multiple events FA, Goldenberg, Martin. Michelangeli, W.S. Judd, D.S. Penneys, J.D. Skean, E.R. Becquer, R. C.V. Jr., 74:53-77. of dispersal and radiation of the tribe Miconieae (Melastomataceae) in the Caribbean. Bot. Rev. Wheeler and and 2000. The phylogenetic species concept (sensu Platnick). In: Q.D. Wheeler, Q.D. Platnick. N.I. Columbia Wheeler and Species concepts and phylogenetic leory: a debate. University Press, Meier, eds. R. New 55-69. York. Pp.

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