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TESTS IN SELECTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION SERVICE COURSES IN A COLLEGE by Rosemary Bessie Fisher A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Department of Physical Education for Women, in the Graduate College of the State University of Iowa June 1950 ProQuest Number: 10902157 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. uest ProQuest 10902157 Published by ProQuest LLC(2018). Copyright of the Dissertation is held by the Author. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The writer wishes to express her sincere appreciation to Dr. M. Gladys Scott of the State University of Iowa for her guidance and helpful criticism during the development of this study. The writer also acknowledges her indebtedness to Mrs. Charlotte Gregory, Miss Ruth Andrews, Miss Mary Price, and Dr. Cecile Gilbert who assisted in conducting this study. i ft) O ' ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Pag© Introduction....................................... 1 Statement of Problem • * ............................................ 2 Review of Literature 3 Procedure •»............................ 15 Data and Summary ........................................................ 20 Summary ............... 69 Conclusions .................................................................... 72 Appendix................................ 73 Bibliography .......................................................... 320 iii TABLE OF TABLES Table Page I Combined Analysis of Questions in Soccer Tests for 1948 and 1949 ....... 22 II Analysis of Questions in the Basketball Test for the Winter Quarter of 1948-1949 ...... 26 III Combined Analysis of Basketball Questions* 28 IV Analysis of the Items of the Volley Ball Examination as Given in the Fall Quarter of 1948 ........................................................................ 32 V Analysis of the Items of the Volley Ball Examination as Given in the Winter Quarter, 1948-1949, and the Spring Quarter 1949 ••* 34 VI Combined Analysis of the Items on the Volley Ball Examinations ........................................ 36 VII Analysis of the Questions in the Beginning Swimming Test for the Fall Quarter 1948 •• 41 VIII Analysis of Questions on the Beginning Swimming Test for Winter 1948-1949 and Fall 1949 .............................................................................. 42 IX Combined Analysis of the Test Questions for Beginning Swimming .......... 43 X Intermediate Swimming Question Analysis for Winter, 1948-1949, and Spring Term, 1949 • 47 XI Combined Analysis of the Test Questions for Intermediate Swimming..................... 48 XII Combined Analysis for Questions on Advanced Swimming ......... 51 XIII Analysis of Items of the Softball Test as Given in the Spring Quarter, 1949 .......... 53 iv Table Page XIV Combined Analysis of Stunts and Tumbling Questions for Academic Year of 1948-1949, for Fall Term of 1949, and for Winter Term of 1949-1950 ............................................................... 58 XV Analysis of Tennis Questions for the Spring Quarter of 1949 ..................... 60 XVI Combined Analysis of the Archery Questions 65 XVII Combined Analysis of Table Texmis Questions 66 XVIII Combined Analysis of the Bowling Questions 67 XIX Distribution of Tennis Wallboard Scores 73 XX Distribution of the Sum of Five Trials of the Volley Ball Serve Test . , • • 74 XXI Distribution of the Sum of Five Trials cf the Volley ball Wall Volley T est ............... 75 XXII Distribution of the Sum of Four Trials of the Combination Soeoer Skills Test for Fall Term 1949 . .............................................................................. 76 XXIII Distribution of the Sum of Three Trials of the Softball Repeated Throw.•................................. 77 XXIV Distribution of the Sum of Four Trials of the Basketball Skills Test ......................................... 78 XXV Distribution of Bowling Scores, Average for Two Games • • •.................... .......... 79 XXVI Distribution of Table Tennis Skill Test Scores 80 XXVII Distribution of Indoor Archery Scores. 81 v 1 INTRODUCTION There is a common misconception among both high school and college students as to the basis for grading in physical education programs* Too frequently emphasis is placed on class attendance and other similar factors rather than achievement of knowledge and skill in the activities* This study was done to lay the foundation for a unified testing program for evaluating achievement in both skill and knowledge in the physical education service courses for women at Ball State Teachers College* In any educational situation there should be some type of measurement so that the teacher may evaluate her teaching and so the student may be aware of her achievement and perhaps be motivated to improve* There seems to be a growing trend for written knowledge tests to be included with skill tests for evaluation purposes* Knowledge tests over rules of an activity are more common than written tests over techniques, etiquette, and game strategy* For the most part, the tests included here are not offered as a completed project but only as a start in a program which will take several years to develop to a satisfactory level. Individual and team sport activities have been the area of concentration* Measurement in rhythm courses is under the direction of another teacher* 2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM It is the purpose of this study to devise knowledge tests and to seleet skill tests that may be suitable evaluation instruments in the following physical education service courses: beginning swimming, intermediate swimming, advanced swimming, recreational sports, stunts and tumbling, soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and softball* This study was limited to the physical education service courses for women at Ball State Teachers College* 3 REVIEW OF LITERATURE Articles included in this review are primarily concerned with sport skill and knowledge tests for girls* However, some references are included which deal with tests for boys if the article in any way seemed to be related to or concerned with the same type of problem as this study* A trend showing increasing interest in testing of sport skills and knowledge begins to be apparent in physical education publications about 1950* From then on, there is an increase in the number of articles published concerning sport tests through 1941* From 1941 to 1946 emphasis in testing turned toward measures of physical fitness, a movement which, no doubt, gained impetus from World War II* Rodgers and Heath (75) supported testing with such reasons as the teacher's need for concrete evidence in grading, the supervisor's interest in the quality of teaching, the administrator's interest in having physical education be on an educational basis, and the pupils’ interest in their own progress* In an attempt to meet these needs in one phase of physical education, they selected elements in a battery to measure playground baseball and devised a knowledge test for use in the fifth and sixth grades* The knowledge test included one hundred true- false statements* The skill tests given at the beginning and the end of the season were used to show achievement* The authors "hoped this experiment' may give others a point of departure into the field of scientific investigation in skill and knowledge tests in physical education*" (75, p. 127) 4 Knighton (46) publiished a soccer test with true-false statements and multiple choice questions which, she hoped would help beginning soccer players understand the game* Murphy (59) published a golf knowledge test as used for required courses in freshmen and sophomores in physical education at Texas State Teachers College for Women* This test included fifty true-false state­ ments, thirteen recall items, and thirty matching items* Moser (56), believing in skill tests as a means of motivation and as a means of judging teacher efficiency, visited fifteen high schools of various sizes and types and found that they were not using any skill tests* The teachers interviewed indicated interest in using tests if accurate and easily administered tests were made available* In connection with these findings graduate students at the University of Southern California investigated practical and written basketball tests and constructed a battery of five tests including speed pass against the wall, moving target, free jump, Edgren ball handling test, bounce and shoot* Wagner (97), after several years of experimentation with methods of grading beginning tennis classes at the University of Nebraska, stated that the following tests seemed most satisfactory! forehand drive with no footwork,^ backhand drive with no footwork, fore­ hand drive and footwork, backhand drive and footwork, five serves from the right-hand court and five serves from the left-hand court* The practical test constituted 66 per cent of the numerical grade; and the

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