Testis abnormalities in a population of the iconic Australian species, the eastern bearded Pogona barbata dragon Danny Wotherspoon 1, 2 and Shelley Burgin 2, 3, 4 1Abel Ecology, 113 Chapman Parade, Faulconbridge, 2776, Australia. 2 School of Science and Health, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, New South Wales, 2751, Australia. 3 Current Address: Faculty of Society and Design, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, Australia. Corresponding author: 4 Professor Shelley Burgin, Faculty of Society and Design, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland, 4229, Australia Phone: +61 7 5595 2189 Fax: +61 7 5595 1474 Email: [email protected] Testis volume is generally correlated with sperm production. Their size is, therefore, considered T informative, and is widely used as a surrogate for reproductive ability in a range of species. Gonadal abnormalities that influence adult reproductive function as a result of endocrine disruption compounds C (EDCs) have been reported. In response to the observation that the population of the bearded dragon A Pogona barbata had crashed in peri-urban Western Sydney, we investigated the nature and extent of testis deformity. It was observed that individuals collected in Western Sydney since the introduction R of unleaded petrol in 1985 have a high level of deformities that are consistent with disruption of the T endocrine processes. While deformities, such as missing testes, extreme asymmetry between testes, S and flattened testes were not associated with any single aspect of the reproductive cycle, and they were found across the range of the species, the problem was much greater in Western Sydney than B elsewhere in the species’ range. We suggest that the abnormalities in Western Sydney may, in part, be A responsible for the crash in the local population of P. barbata. Key words: endocrine disruption compounds, EDCs, testis deformity, reptile deformities, reproductive failure DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7882/AZ.2014.019 Introduction In addition to stage of maturity or seasonal variation among measurement of a single testis/individual (Shea 1993; Bull adult males, a range of factors may have an influence on et al. 1997; Harlow and Taylor 2000; Hernandez-Gallegos testis size (Awata et al. 2006). For example, gonadotropic et al. 2002; Taylor 2004; Aldridge and Arackal 2005; hormone (GtH) is one hormone that stimulates testicular Couto and Talamoni 2005; Pyter et al. 2005). Where growth in squamate reptiles (Lofts 1987), and it is a directional asymmetry has been observed, there is an seasonal regulator in other taxa, such as bears (Howell- expectation that the condition is uniform (Rising 1996; Skalla et al. 2000). There may, therefore, be a range of Merilä and Sheldon 1999), but it is not always so (Graves testis sizes at any one time within a population. However, 2004). testis volume is generally correlated with sperm production Environmental contaminants have been implicated in (Awata et al. 2006; Edwards et al. 2006). The size of testes physical abnormalities of the testes in herpetofauna in is therefore considered informative, and is widely used as the wild, for example, in the leopard frog Rana pipiens a surrogate for reproductive ability in a range of species (Hayes et al. 2003), and the American alligator Alligator including birds (Rising 1996; Merilä and Sheldon 1999), mississippiensis in the United States of America (Guillette reptiles (Shanbhag et al. 2000; Aldridge and Arackal 2005; and Iguchi 2003). In highly human-modified habits in Pizzatto 2005), and mammals (Gorman and Zucker 1995; Western Sydney, Ferraro and Burgin (1993a, b) found Schoeman et al. 2004; Couto and Talamoni 2005). only a single brown-striped frog Limnodynastes peronii (6% The basic structure of the testis is regarded as being highly of sample) with one shrunken and deformed testis, and conserved among vertebrates (Neves et al. 2002) and, in native habitat, a single Peron’s tree frog Litoria peronii as a consequence, data published typically rely on the (0.05%) was collected with an enlarged testis. The only Australian 2015 Zoologist volume 37 (3) 369 Wotherspoon & Burgin other research undertaken on the herpetofauna of the area of gonads and egg maturation (Colborn et al. 1993), that could be considered in an assessment of reproduction EDCs can interfere with the reproduction processes was a count of the numbers of freshwater turtle hatchings of genetically viable individuals. This phenomenon is in local wetlands. While the percentage of hatchlings was now widely acknowledged as the ‘oestrogen hypothesis’ extremely low compared to expectations, it was assumed (Sharpe and Skakkebaek 1993; Guillette and Gunderson that the deficit was due to nest predation (Ryan and 2001; Sharpe 2003), which has been proposed and Burgin 2007). The observation that there had been a refined to account for reproductive abnormalities during population crash in the bearded dragon Pogona barbata in male development described inclusively as the testicular the same general area was also assumed to be, at least in dysgenesis syndrome (Fisher 2004). This may be induced part, due to predation (Wotherspoon 2008). by increased foetal exposure to oestrogens (Sharpe 2003). In human males, shared risk factors for testicular germ cell A range of environmental pollutants has been found cancer, cryptorchidism, hypospadias (Nassar et al. 2007), to affect testicular form and function (Queiroz and together with low sperm counts or infertility, support the Waissmann 2006). Although ecotoxicological studies suggestion that these disorders that make up testicular have shown that several types of environmental chemicals dysgenesis syndrome have a common origin or cause are lethal to aquatic wildlife, there is growing concern during the period of testicular or sexual differentiation that subtle, low exposure to some contaminants may (Colborn et al. 1993; Sharpe 2003). cause developmental deformities (Damstra et al. 2002; Kloas 2002). Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) Foetal exposure to EDCs has been linked to testicular have been shown to affect the normal development of cancer in men. Hardell et al. (2003) found that mothers exposed individuals (Damstra et al. 2002) by altering the with higher organochlorine (PCBs, HCB, trans- and cis- functioning of body processes (Sharpe and Skakkebaek nonachlordane) levels were more likely to have given 1993; Guillette 2000; Guillette and Gunderson 2001; birth to sons who developed testicular cancer; and, in Sharpe 2003), and they may also act on the reproductive contrast, the sons themselves for the most part do not endocrine system (Colborn et al. 1993; Crisp et al. 1998; have elevated organochlorine levels compared with men Kloas 2002; Fenske et al. 2005). Such EDCs can enter without testicular cancer. the environment by emissions from aircraft (Merrill et al. In areas, such as the Cumberland Plain in Western Sydney, 1997; Tesseraux 2004; Dietzel et al. 2005), motor vehicles, sandwiched between the city in the East and South-east and volatilisation to the atmosphere (Colborn et al. 1993). and the Blue Mountains, the plume of air pollution from Baseline data for abnormalities have been gathered, the city has been identified as problematic. The area together with changes in abnormality rates over time is frequently blanketed with an inversion layer rich in (Schoff et al. 2003). Abnormalities, such as retarded pollutants, including recognised EDCs (Leighton and Spark gonadal development (gonadal dysgenesis) and testicular 1995). Because of its peri-urban setting, there may also be oogenesis (hermaphroditism) that could ultimately elevated levels of agricultural chemicals in the environment, influence adult reproductive function, have been found and the military airport in the region may also be a source to be the result of the action of EDCs (Colborn et al. of pollution. If EDCs were in sufficient concentration in 1993; Hayes et al. 2003; Mayer et al. 2003), in contrast the environment, they may be contributing to the decline to a genetic basis for the deformity (Duijf et al. 2003). For of one of Australia’s iconic species, Pogona barbata. In example, Kassim et al. (1997) found that flutamide caused this paper we investigate the nature and extent of testis developmental abnormalities in rat testes, with asymmetry deformity in P. barbata in peri-urban Western Sydney and as one characteristic. Administration of the nonsteroidal comment on potential conservation implications. Our antiandrogen flutamide to pregnant Albino Swiss (AS) results are compared with P. barbata from elsewhere within laboratory rats from gestational day 10 to birth resulted in the species range, and temporally. 51% non-directional asymmetry of testicular abnormality. Fathead minnows Pimephales promelas exposed to EDCs Methods in feedlot effluent were found to have reduced testis Study site mass and loss of reproductive function (Orlando et al. 2004). Testis deformity in reptiles has also been related Pogona barbata has a range that encompasses much to environmental toxins of human origin (Colborn et of South-eastern Australia (Cogger 2000), the area al. 1993; Guillette et al. 1994, 1995; Semenza et al. of greatest human population concentration and of 1997; Crain and Guillette 1998; Crisp et al. 1998; much of the agricultural production of the country. Guillette 2000). Such synthetic chemicals have been Species from across this range were used for comparison observed to cause endocrine disruption (Colborn et with individuals from peri-urban Western Sydney, on al. 1993). For example, fuels consist of a range of the Cumberland Plain, at the interface between the components (Bernabei et al. 2003; Dietzel et al. 2005), city and the Blue Mountains (a segment of the Great some of which are known EDCs (Reutman et al. 2002; Dividing Range, which runs the length of the east coast Tesseraux 2004). Action on gonadal development may of Australia). The pollution of the city of Sydney is therefore be inhibited by manufactured compounds and/ frequently trapped over the plain due to onshore air or their degradation products (de Voogt and van Hattum currents moving the air inland where it gets trapped 2003). In their normal development through the various against the mountain range (EPA 2002; DEC 2004a, b). distinct stages of sensitivity, specifically development In this area, there is relatively limited heavy industry Australian 370 Zoologist volume 37 (3) 2015 Testis abnormalities in Pogona barbata Figure 1. Distribution map for Pogona barbata within Australia (Source: Wotherspoon and Burgin 2011). compared with other parts of the Sydney region. However, volume to snout-vent length was made where appropriate. urbanisation is rapidly impinging on agricultural and Alternatively, when the comparison was between left horticultural land, and on natural bushland (DEC 2006; and right testes of individual animals, or the results were Beeton et al. 2006). expressed as a percentage of the total volume for each animal, such adjustment was not deemed necessary. Source of animals Amey (1999) observed that sexual maturity in males Animals were obtained from three sources: live collection, occurred at 133 mm snout-vent length, and dominant road kills and preserved museum specimens. animals were generally greater than 200 mm snout-vent Animals sourced from road kills were collected length. These groupings were accepted for this study; opportunistically in Western Sydney between 1999 however, all animals with evidence of testes were sampled and 2006. These animals were maintained frozen until whether juvenile or adult. dissection. Live animals were also captured during this The formula for a scalene ellipsoid was used to calculate period, and ultrasound was performed on them using a testis volume (cf. Wotherspoon and Burgin 2007) for high-resolution ultrasound machine (Phillips HDI 500 with both testes for each animal. Initially an analysis of the a linear array 10-15 MHz transducer). Live animals were total data set that included both testes (volume summed) subsequently returned to the point of capture and released. for all animals was undertaken. This took the form of a These data for Western Sydney were supplemented with regression between snout-vent length and testis volume/ preserved animals from the Australian Museum, while animal, prepared in the STATISTICA programme. animals sampled from across the species’ range were also Data were also separated spatially and temporarily. Since sourced from the Australian Museum collection. sample size was too small to allow rigorous statistical Testis measurements and data analysis analysis by decade, data were analysed as pre- and post- 1985. Although the decision was somewhat arbitrary, this The snout-vent length of each animal was recorded, and specific year was ultimately chosen because it coincided upon dissection or ultrasound (as appropriate) the length, with the introduction of unleaded petrol in Sydney (DEC width and thickness of both the left and right testes were 2006) which was heralded as being the catalyst for the measured to the nearest 0.1 mm with vernier callipers. No reduction in air pollution in the greater metropolitan area. adjustment was made for shrinkage due to preservation or freezing, as it was assumed that any shrinkage would have The decision to divide the Western Sydney region from been equivalent for both testes of the individual. Missing the rest of range was made on the basis that anecdotal testes were recorded as zero values. Adjustment for testis evidence from members of the local herpetological society Australian 2015 Zoologist volume 37 (3) 371 Wotherspoon & Burgin had indicated that this population had crashed in the 1165.4 mm). Some testes had greater width than length. past 10-20 years, an observation with which the authors The distribution of volume of the largest testis for each concurred, and was the basis of a larger study on the animal fitted a polynomial regression equation, and most management of the species (Wotherspoon 2008). Analyses animals were within one standard deviation of the mean. of sub-sets of the data were therefore undertaken to Scatter of points tended to increase with increase in the compare P. barbata testis condition from Western Sydney size of the animal, and was greatest among adults (Figure 2). with animals from across the range, and to compare The differences between an individual’s right and left animals collected before and post-1985. testes were non-directionally asymmetrical, with mean Tests for normality were determined by the Kolmogorov- -0.0636 mm (standard deviation 36.72, range -100-100 Smirnov (D statistic) and Lillefors tests (Sokal and mm), and the range was not normally distributed (KS Rohlf 1998). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test assumes p<0.05; Lilliefors p<0.01) (Figure 3). The variance about that the variable is continuous, which was confirmed. the mean was not significantly different between Western A Kruskall-Wallis test was performed to compare total Sydney and the rest of the P. barbata range. Individuals testis volume for populations, temporally and spatially with the smallest size testis measurable had variation of (Western Sydney, rest of the species range). Because up to 100%, and this variation occurred across the species the use of t-tests may be improved by assuming unequal range (Figure 4). Analysis of an individual’s left and right variances (Ruxton 2006), we made that assumption and testes as a percentage of the total volume of the testes avoided a two-step test process. for that individual, compared between Western Sydney and the rest of the range, pre- and post-1985, showed A correction factor was derived to give positive numbers that there was no significant difference, spatially and (where appropriate), and adjusted to a common mean of temporally (H = 0.749, p = 0.862). 370.9 mm3. Two outliers were removed from the data set 3, 85 for derivation of a line of best fit for the correction factor. Analysis of the largest testis of an animal adjusted Those removed were large adult males, as these may have for snout-vent length from Western Sydney, compared skewed the regression line away from a simple growth spatially and temporally, showed a highly significant relationship. Removal of those three individuals reduced difference (H = 10.644, p = 0.14). This difference 3, 87 the mean value by 5 mm3, but this was not a significant was largely due to the difference in size of the largest change. As a conservative approach, the adjustment factor testis in animals from pre- and post-1985 captured in used was that for the data set with outliers removed. Where Western Sydney (p = 0.018, other two-way comparisons, considered necessary to provide a baseline of the ‘normal p = 0.106-1.00). The mean largest testis volume of condition’, the largest testis of each animal was arbitrarily animals collected post-1985 in Western Sydney was assumed to be the closest testis to that condition. smaller than those collected pre-1985, and smaller than animals collected from elsewhere in the species range (Figure 5). When the same analysis was undertaken on Results an individual’s combined testis volume, the same pattern The testes of 87 animals from across the range of P. barbata of statistical significance emerged (H = 12.649, p = were sampled. The range in snout-vent length was 69-266 3, 85 0.006, comparison pre- and post-1985 Western Sydney p mm (mean 209 ± 31 mm), and the mean of the largest = 0.004, other two-way comparisons, p = 0.082-1.00). testis of each animal was 347.2 mm3 (± 255.4; range 1.6- Figure 2. Regression with 95% confidence intervals for Figure 3. Difference between left and right testes of snout-vent length against calculated volume of largest Pogona barbata as a percentage of total volume of the testis of individual Pogona barbata from across their range testes for each animal. Animals sampled from across the in Southeastern Australia (polynomial regression equation range of the species in South-eastern Australia. = 159.2-3.5*x+0.0216*x2). Australian 372 Zoologist volume 37 (3) 2015 Testis abnormalities in Pogona barbata Of the 14 males collected from Western Sydney after last decade had testis deformities that varied between 1985, one from 1987 had ‘normal’ testes. The other substantial asymmetry to a total lack of functional individuals were captured between 1999 and 2006. Eleven testes. These data show a wide variation for an organ of these showed signs of abnormality: 10 had a deviation that is regarded as being highly conserved in reptiles in testis size of greater than 20%, two were missing both (Greenville and Dickman 2005). However, asymmetry testes, and overall, five had at least one testis flattened, of ≤ 20% has been observed in other species (Calhim even those caught in the breeding season. This indicated and Birkhead 2007), and adolescent boys frequently an overall abnormality rate in Western Sydney over the have 15%, and occasionally more than 30%, difference previous decade of 76.9%. in testis volume during testicular development (Thomas and Elder 2002). In a sample of 45 bird species, the average testis asymmetry was found to be 17% (Calhim Discussion and Birkhead 2007). In contrast, species such as the No previous studies have addressed reproductive fitness of skink Lerista labialis showed no asymmetry (Greenville P. barbata in the Sydney region despite anecdotal evidence and Dickman 2005). Conversely, effectively half of that they have declined across the area (White and Burgin the P. barbata we sampled had greater than 20% non- 2004). Explanations have generally been associated with directional asymmetry. This indicates that substantial predation, particularly by foxes which have been reported asymmetry was occurring across the range of the species to destroy over 90% of freshwater turtle nests in the inland and, on occasions, only one testis was present. Murray-Darling River Basin of South-eastern Australia Testicular volumes may change seasonally in many species (Thompson 1999), and they also are nest predators in (Edwards et al. 2006). In birds, where testicular asymmetry the Sydney Region (Burgin 2006). In addition to natural occurs, it is a seasonal phenomenon that develops with the predators, introduced species (e.g., domestic dogs and age of the animal (Graves 2004). However, the pattern of cats) also prey on skinks (Barratt 1997; Koenig et al. variation we encountered did not fit a seasonal pattern 2002; Paltridge 2002), and presumably also small dragons. since males were found with asymmetrical, flattened, Other factors that contribute to the loss of P. barbata from and/or shrunken testes throughout the year. There are the wild are road kills which tend to remove the largest no other data available that would explain that the males and, although illegal, collection of individuals for sometimes dramatic deviation from unity was a ‘normal’ pets (Wotherspoon 2008). Although there is no previous condition over such a large proportion of a population. evidence that reproductive failure may be a factor in the decline of the species, we consider that reduced fertility Functional fertility is directly related to testicular volume would be contributing to their demise. (Moller 1988, 1991; Birkhead et al. 1994; Sheldon 1994). Our results indicate that, under even the most conservative In Western Sydney, P. barbata males caught post-1985 assessment of the reproductive fitness of the Western had smaller gonads (adjusted for animal size) than Sydney population of P. barbata, there has been a decline. elsewhere in the range. This phenomenon is recent. While indications are that non-directional asymmetry Animals collected in Western Sydney prior to 1985 is the normal condition, the numbers of individuals had testes that were broadly equivalent to those of with gross deformities of the testes has increased (e.g., individuals from elsewhere in their range. In contrast, missing, shrunken or flattened testes), especially over most animals collected from Western Sydney within the Figure 4. Differences between left and right testes of Pogona Figure 5. Box plot of variation between Pogona barbata barbata as a percentage of total volume of testes for each collected from Western Sydney compared to the rest of the animal compared to snout-vent length. Animals sampled from range of the species in Southeastern Australia, compared across the range of the species in Southeastern Australia. between pre- and post-1985. RP = rest of range prior to Triangles represent sample from Western Sydney, open circles 1985, RA = rest of range from 1985, WP = Western Sydney represent individuals from the rest of the species range. prior to 1985, WA = Western Sydney from 1985. Australian 2015 Zoologist volume 37 (3) 373 Wotherspoon & Burgin the last decade, and while the level of recent deformities much of the most urbanised areas of Australia. The air was greatest in Western Sydney, there was a trend that pollution of the local area could also be exacerbated by indicated that the problem was across the geographic air traffic associated with the local military airbase which range of P. barbata. would introduce the products of aviation fuel and de-icing residues. However, this base has been in place since 1937, Recent surveys of natural amphibian populations have and has previously had higher volumes of air traffic than shown correlations between population decline and currently occurs. Another source of potential EDCs proximity to agricultural lands (Bishop et al. 1999; Relyea (e.g. xeno-compounds) includes irrigation from recycled 2005). Water is a primary medium by which pesticides are effluent used locally, which may include volatile EDCs. transported from the site of application to adjacent lands While, as Manning (2005) suggested, there may be a link (Bakouri et al. 2005). Spray drift and edge-of-field runoff between these compounds and the deformities observed, (Schulz et al. 2001a, b; Dabrowski et al. 2005) are the major there is no obvious reason why this problem should be mechanisms for transport of pesticides from agricultural worst in Western Sydney or affect a terrestrial species that environments into non-target environments (Schulz 2000). does not come in contact with these waters. This may be a mechanism that was operating in Western Sydney; however, farm chemical use is likely to be more Some EDCs may be taken up by plants (Doucette et al. targeted in the small-scale food producing (e.g., vegetables 2005), and legumes such as introduced clovers are high in and fruit) properties of Western Sydney than in areas of phytoestrogens (Saloniemi et al. 1995). Clover constitutes broad-scale cropping elsewhere in the species range, that in a substantial component of the adult male diet, and to places use extensive aerial spraying. a lesser extent the female diet. Males, in particular, may therefore obtain EDCs in their diet. The major dietary Air quality of Western Sydney deteriorated in the 1980s component of P. barbata is invertebrates, and juveniles (EPA 2002; DEC 2004a, b), with an atmospheric pattern are fully insectivorous (Wotherspoon and Burgin, in that concentrated a range of organic compounds either review). This prey could bioaccumulate phytoestrogens. known as, or likely to be EDCs (Hyde et al. 1978; Under such a scenario, embryos could be exposed to SPCC 1986; Nelson 1993; Leighton and Spark 1995). maternally-derived chemical exposure during early One response to this phenomenon was the introduction embryonic development (Damstra et al. 2002; Yellayi et of unleaded petrol (DEC 2006). There is no apparent al. 2002; Selvaraj et al. 2004); however, it is unlikely to be evidence from our results that the poor air quality prior the primary cause of the problem. This is because exotic to the introduction of unleaded petrol was detrimental legumes and clovers have been widely used in agriculture to the reproductive health of P. barbata. However, some throughout Australia, and have become naturalised as newly introduced compound/s or mix of chemicals into the weeds over the full range of P. barbata, and there was environment, for example, associated with agriculture, the no indication that only animals from Western Sydney air pollution mix, and/or irrigation water (recycled effluent consumed a diet high in these exotic species. is being increasingly used in the area) has made a major change to, at least, the reproductive health of P. barbata, and probably at least some other animal species of the area. Conclusions A range of potential or identified EDCs (Colborn et al. There has been limited reporting of the effects of EDCs on 1993) has been recorded in measurable concentrations gonadal development and subsequent fecundity; however, over Western Sydney since at least 1996 (EPA 2002; DEC difference in testis size is established early in development 2004a, b). Dioxins, benzene, 1,3-butadiene, benzo (a) (Kloas 2002). Since the pattern found in P. barbata did pyrene and other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons occur not appear to change with age, it appears that the trigger locally in elevated concentrations. Winter conditions in is operating in the embryonic stage, as previously observed Western Sydney tend to reduce mixing in the atmosphere in humans (Hardell et al. 2003), amphibians (Kloas 2002), because of stronger and more frequent temperature and some other vertebrate classes (Edwards et al. 2006). inversions. As a result, pollutants can be trapped in a Previous researchers (Colborn et al. 1993; Sharpe 2003; shallow layer at ground level and concentrated. This is often Edwards et al. 2006) have confirmed that testicular compounded by calm conditions, further limiting dispersal abnormalities have a common origin or cause in the of the pollutants from over the suburbs of Western Sydney, period of testicular or sexual differentiation. Sharpe (e.g., dioxins – Westmead, winter average, 1996-2003 480 (2003) suggested that potent oestrogens are powerful fg/m3, maximum 1,500 fg/m3; benzene - St Marys, 1996- anti-androgens and inhibitors of normal reproductive 2003 approximately 0.3 ppbV ppb by volume; polycyclic tract development in males. As this process occurs during aromatic hydrocarbons – Blacktown, winter average embryonic development (Edwards et al. 2006), for P. 1997-2001 4.29 ng/m3, maximum of 14.3 ng/m3; Benzo barbata it may occur within the egg while exposed to the (a) pyrene – Blacktown, 1997-2001 winter average 0.43 soil environment. The EDCs may also be included during ng/m3, maximum 1.92 ng/m3). The background levels, the vitellogenesis process, from EDCs accumulated in for example of dioxins, are an order of magnitude greater maternal fat deposits, a result of bioaccumulation from than found in rural Central-western New South Wales the maternal diet. The effect will not be realised until the and New Zealand (EPA 2002). Despite these elevated male mates and suffers low fertility. levels of potential EDCs, it does not explain the great In Western Sydney, P. barbata had higher levels of structural disparity in abnormality levels observed between Western testis abnormalities than Kassim et al. (1997) could induce Sydney and the rest of the species’ range which includes in the laboratory in albino Swiss rats in a study of EDC Australian 374 Zoologist volume 37 (3) 2015 Testis abnormalities in Pogona barbata effects. Although we could not identify a single obvious vulnerable to the detrimental impact of local pollutants. factor that was responsible for the abnormalities, as a Vertebrates (terrestrial and aquatic) possess similar hypothesis we suggest that some form/s of EDC/s is/ endocrine systems and can act, to some extent, as are responsible. One scenario that could result in levels surrogates for each other in testing or monitoring being elevated above background levels in P. barbata is programmes (Colborn et al. 1993; Shi 1999; Miyamoto that the vegetation that males consume is predominantly and Burger 2003; Tata 2003). Due to the similarities introduced clovers (Wotherspoon and Burgin, in review), in physiological function between reptiles and humans, and their prey may also play a role in the bioaccumulation the abnormalities in P. barbata may have implications of the unknown compound/s. During winter, adults for humans (Ballatori and Villalobos 2002). However, retreat to the canopy of trees and, at this time of year, unlike mammals, Australian agamids may have either there is frequently an inversion layer that hangs low over temperature-dependent or genotypic sex, and multiple the woodlands, at times for substantial periods. Thus, transitions have apparently occurred between these sex- while metabolising stored fat during winter, individuals are determining mechanisms (Azaz et al., 2009). The ability to also potentially subjected to elevated levels of EDCs in the switch in this manner demonstrates that, unlike mammals surrounding air. After winter they return to the woodland (and many other animals), sex determination in this group floor to mate with depleted fat stores and (presumably) is somewhat labile (Azaz et al., 2009). For this reason P. metabolites of any toxins circulating in their blood. barbata may be much more vulnerable to the impact of Females, also with diminished fat reserves, would suffer EDCs than humans. Our findings may, therefore, be an the same fate. Thus, at the time of reproductive activity early warning of a potentially wider spread problem. and embryonic development, these reptiles are most Acknowledgements This project was supported by a Postgraduate Scholarship and Wildlife Act section 132C licence number S10419 of University of Western Sydney. An Animal Research covered the appropriate aspects of the work. Helen Authority approval number, ARP00:05, was granted Bassett provided valuable editorial advice pre-submission by the University of Western Sydney Animal Care and of the manuscript. 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