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Wnited States Senate \WasHINGTON, oC 20610 Ioonsary 17, 2019 The Homoruble Kirsijen Nielsen Sourelury Department of Homeland Sectzity S80) Nebrasa Ave, NW ‘Washington, D.C, 20528 Tioar Seerebiny Nielsen: ‘We write today to express our consems regunding the Trumnp Administration’s efforts to cescreise the power of eminent domain ugainst the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brownsville, ‘Tesay and other reliinus orguniations in support of building « wall along the seuthwester homer othe U.S. We request char you provide transparency reyariing how many’ religious ‘organizations and Amotican citizous will have their land seized so that President Lramp can build bis border wll Tn Ovtoher 2018, the Departatent of Justice, on beball ol Cusioms anil Border Protection, sued the Diocese demanding an easement of propesty in the Ria Grande Valley owned by the Catholic Church ro bogin preparatory wark needed ta plun a barter on the border.' The affected property includes La Lomits Chapel, « 153-your old strucnire crested by missionaties from the (Oblates of Mary Immaculate and referred to by parishioners as their “mother church.” The Dincese challenged the Lump Administtion’s exoreive ofeminent domala on religious giounds. Lhe Dioesse is uals to consent an easement arta any other action tht sould feat the eastrvetion nfs ore wall ants neopertyBocause the proposed bord ‘val is *Findhmentally inconsistent with Catholic values and, if completed, would substantially burden the ire exercise ofzligion by zestricting access (oT Lorvta Chapel. savred site ofthe Uo Grande] Valley's The Trump Administration's lawsuit against the Diocese rnises imporvan questions on the exercise uf eminent domain to build a boeder wall sé the inspuct i ll have on religious ‘organizations and American taxsayers, According io report relezsed by Une ininority staff of the Seaste Comunittoc on Homelind Security and Governmental A‘faies, the Trump administration has boon unable ta provide spevitie information regarding how many sAmetican vitizens will hhuve their land seized, detinitive real estar costs or requirements, or » timelahle for eormpleting "Deel Ron Cathalie inca of Browne Immediate Percasion (5, Renian Cotave Dae 2M *. Suplerentl Boe x Opposon wy Peis Mo fie Frenne a a Noe lind avquistion efforts ncoessary to build President Trarnp’s harder yall Ta ado, Tndovimers whose lanl as taken through eminent domain during priar hurler effrs tak ‘Congress thul the flere! goverment did ust provide just compensation for Ue property und insome instances sere sill waiting lsh earmpensated for takings that ocousred nese’ a decade aga.” Given that 67 peeeent ofthe land along our southorest bouder elonys tv eniites eer than the Federal government, wae troubled that Presidear Tromp bas aot prowided any estimates regarding Ue impel of using e-nimert domain to build @ borcer wall. We are particularly by Peesider. Trump's praise the sina of privately-owned property calling eminent demain “wonderful” and “absolutely novessary."* In aeklition, sllvouh required bry lus: the Dspariment of Homeland Security has tot yet provided Congress with a plas to consult focal elected ellieals on cho erainent domain process relating ro physica! harriers slong, the boden” Ihe federal government rust exercise exe caution when seizing privars property, copecially wits acct to seored sites lke Lat Lanta Chapel, liven than, «eminent domain should ro! he invoked in violation of xy religioes erganization's Vist Ameiiement right free exercise nf religion. Filth Amendment sight to just compousstion for any public hing private property, or the Religious Freedom Restemalion Act To better urdesstand how Presiccns Trump's exercise al eminent dannin i build ore wall wail frnpuet religions organizations aud American citizens, we nik thal you ress bo the Fallowing questions by January 31, 2019: 1, _How many telipious organizctions wd Armerioun vitizems will have ir km seized ths exercise of eminent domain te build a border yall? oats foe land seicuses From religions domain to bulid a timated real setae costs or require ‘organizations and American citizems thrash the cxcmcise of ean borer well? ‘What is he estima timerable for complering lal acquisitions elfines necessary build aahurder wall? " mmane Data: Adsaiweaticn acs Phan Cat Bina for La Svcs Meesaty to Conse Boe Waal tse Sl ta Senne Commitee on Homtelans Scat and Govern Abts in 1, 2917) sos ents anvinainedndee/ PONT nha nit-Adnb oteLee fans nonin Domain iy Wendi, Nae, Res (Oe. 7, 2015) faeneibe at sway taoralteviesseerfi's1252 2st alunite ie gers, Tar Fah kepublican Dita, New Havin 206, C8 Reo (Pb, 7. 2016} cea wir bares comncwstenscrip ight cpia vdchatenaebaieD1 6, 7 Soulan 241 tthe Cov Appeatics Ach, 2018 (Pa. Le. (15-1 4. Tas the Depantenent ever waived, of doss it alan to waive, the requirements af Religious Igedaen Restoration Aet i build a bordce will? ‘Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter Sinecrsly, Charles F. Schumer Richaed | Duoln United Sigs Senator Tom Tata ‘Mastin Heintich (United States Serator ‘United States Sonstar ee: The Hlongnuble Kevin K. MeAleeran Commission: TS, Customs aud Borer Peerection

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