Testing black hole superradiance with pulsar companions Jo˜ao G. Rosa ∗1,† 1Departamento de F´ısica da Universidade de Aveiro and CIDMA, Campus de Santiago, 3810-183 Aveiro, Portugal We show that the magnetic dipole and gravitational radiation emitted by a pulsar can undergo superradiant scattering off a spinning black hole companion. We find that the relative amount of superradiant modes in the radiation depends on the pulsar’s angular position relative to the black hole’sequatorialplane. Inparticular,whenthepulsarandblackholespinsarealigned,superradiant modesare dominant at large angles, leading toan amplification of thepulsar’s luminosity,whereas for small angles the radiation is dominantly composed of non-superradiant modes and the signal is attenuated. This results in a characteristic orbital modulation of the pulsar’s luminosity, up to the percent level within our approximations, which may potentially yield a signature of superradiant 5 scattering in astrophysical black holes and hencean important test of general relativity. 1 0 PACSnumbers: 04.70.-s,04.30.Nk,97.60.Gb 2 g It has been known since the 1970s that low-frequency BH of mass M and spin J =aMc, which is given by: u A waves can be amplified upon scattering off a rotating ac 10M a˜ blackhole(BH)[1–5]. Superradiantscatteringoccursfor Ω= 10 kHz ⊙ , (1) 3 r2 +a2 ≃ (cid:18) M (cid:19)(cid:18)1+√1 a˜2(cid:19) wavesoffrequencyω <mΩ,whereΩdenotestheangular + 1 − ] vthealotcicthyaorafcttheeriBzeHs thhoeriwzoanvea’nsdanmgutlhaeramzoimmuetnhtaulmn.umSubcehr pwohseirteionr+of=the(GoMute/rc2h)o(1riz+on√a1n−d a˜a˜2=) dJecn/oGtMes2thisetrhaeddiai-l c waves carry negative energy and spin into the BH from q mensionlessspinparameter. Thisimpliesthat,forstellar the point of view of a distant observer,which is possible - massBHs inthe range10M 30M , superradiantam- ⊙ ⊙ r insidetheergoregionthatsurroundsarotatingBH.Such − g plification can only be significant for waves below the an observer thus sees the BH lose a fraction of its mass [ 1 kHz 10 kHz frequency range, particularly since it is andangularmomentuminthe scatteringprocess(see [6] − suppressed for large multipole numbers l and m [6]. 2 for a recent review of this topic). v Suchlow frequency radiationis naturally producedby 5 Superradiance is thus inherently associated to the pulsars. Theserapidly spinning neutronstarsharborex- 0 space-timedistortionproducedbyrotatingBHs. Finding tremely large magnetic fields formed in the collapse of 6 observational evidence for this process would then pro- the parent star. For ordinary pulsars, these can reach 7 0 vide an extremely important test of Einstein’s general 108−109 T, and even larger values for magnetars. This . relativity and a unique insight into the properties of the makes pulsars powerful emitters of magnetic dipole ra- 1 0 most compact objects in the universe. diation at the rotation frequency ωp ∼ 1 Hz−10 kHz, the upper bound corresponding to the rapidly spinning 5 Pulsar-BH binaries have long been regarded as the 1 millisecond pulsars (see e.g. [10]). ‘holy grail’ for testing the fundamental theory of grav- : In addition, spinning neutron stars may also be an v ity, combining one of the most accurate ‘clocks’ in the important source of gravitational waves due to devia- i X universe with the strong space-time warping produced tionsfromaxialsymmetry. Severalsourcesofasymmetry by a BH. Finding these systems is, in fact, one of the r havebeendiscussedin the literature,suchas anisotropic a key goals of the Square Kilometer Array [7], as well as stresses supported by the neutron star’s solid crust, a for current gravitational wave observatories such as Ad- misalignment between the rotation axis and the princi- vancedLIGO/VIRGO[8],wheredetectionofuptoafew pal axis of inertia as a result of its violent formation, or binary mergers per year may be expected [9]. a misalignment between the rotation and magnetic axes InthisLetter,weshowthattheradiationemittedbya (see e.g. [11]). Due to its quadrupole nature, gravita- pulsarcanundergosuperradiantscatteringoffarotating tional radiation is generically emitted at both the pul- BH companion, constituting the first example of an as- sar’s angular frequency and twice its value, in amounts trophysical system where observational evidence for BH depending on the structure of the deformation. superradiance can be found. It is thus clear that pulsars can emit both electro- magnetic (EM) and gravitationalwaves(GWs) with fre- WebeginbyconsideringtheangularvelocityofaKerr quency below the threshold for superradiant scattering, potentially providing two different channels for astro- physical observations. The question that remains to be addressed is whether this radiation has the correct mul- ∗Also at Departamento de F´ısica e Astronomia, Faculdade de tipolar character to extract energy and spin from a BH Ciˆencias da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre 687, 4169-007Porto,Portugal. companion. 2 Let us first review the basic features of EM and GW We note that Z (ω)= Z ( ω)forarbitraryfre- s lm s l,−m − scattering in the Kerr spacetime. A convenient frame- quencies [3], so that superradiance will occur for m < 0 work to study these processes is the Newman-Penrose for the wave modes of the form eiωt. (NP)formalism[12],whereoneprojectstheMaxwelland Superradiantamplificationis,however,muchlargerfor Weyl tensors describing the waves along a null tetrad. higher frequencies, in particular for near-extremal BHs For the Kerr spacetime,a useful choice is the Kinnersley (a˜ 1). In this regime, we need to employ numeri- ≃ tetrad [13], where two of the 4-vectors coincide with the cal methods to solve the Teukolsky equation. A simple principal null directions of the Weyl tensor. This allows procedure, first used in [4], consists in numerically inte- one to construct complex scalar functions, Υ , known as grating an ingoing wave solution at the horizon up to a s the NP scalarsand which encode the different spin com- large distance, where one can extract the coefficients of ponentsoftheEM(s= 1)andGW(s= 2)radiation. the incoming and outgoing radiation, as we describe in ± ± Thesequantitiessatisfyindependentscalarwaveequa- detail in a companion article [17]. tions thatcanbe solvedusing separationofvariables[3]. ForGWs,weobtainamaximumamplificationZmax ≃ In particular, they admit a generic mode expansion in 1.02 for the l = m = 2 mode with a˜ = 0.999 and Boyer-Lindquist coordinates (t,r,θ,φ) [14] of the form: ω 2Ω. In the EM case, the maximum gain is consider- ≃ ably lower, Zmax 0.044, for l = m = 1, in agreement Υs = e−iωteimφsSlm(θ)sRlm(r)+(ω ω)(2) with [4]. For non≃-superradiant modes, Z < 0 and Z l,Xm,ω →− increases with the frequency. In particular, the low|est| non-superradiant multipoles approach the maximal ab- For simplicity, we will first focus on modes of the form e−iωt and discuss the eiωt modes below. The angu- sorption limit, Z ≃ −1, for ω < mΩ. In addition, for a lar functions S (θ)eimφ correspond to spin-weighted given frequency, higher multipoles exhibit progressively s lm smaller gain/loss factors, such that only a finite num- spheroidal harmonics, which reduce to the well-known ber of modes will effectively be relevant in a scattering spin-weighted spherical harmonics Y (θ,φ) [15] for s lm problem (see also [18]). aω 1. The problem then reduces to a single radial ≪ A physical wave, described by real fields, generically wave equation, known as the Teukolsky equation [3]: containsbothe±iωt frequencymodes,aswellasdifferent d2 R d R (l,m) multipoles. Whether an overall amplification of s lm s lm ∆ +2(s+1)(r M) + dr2 − dr the signaloccurs upon scattering off a Kerr BH then de- K2 2is(r M)K pendsontherelativeamplitudeofthedifferentincoming − − +4isωr A R =0 , (3) s lm s lm modes, which we will now determine for the pulsar-BH (cid:18) ∆ − (cid:19) binary. where, in units such that G = c = ~ = 1, K(r) = (r2 + We consider the limit where the orbital distance is a2)ω ma,∆=r2 2Mr+a2andtheangulareigenvalue large, d λ & r ,R , where λ is the wavelength of the − − ≫ + p csa(sn+be1)w+ritte+kn=∞1acska(asωe)rkies[1e6x].pansion sAlm = l(l+1)− irtadisiaatiognooadndapRpprothxeimnaetuitornontostcaorn’ssirdaedriutsh.eIneletchtirsolmimaigt-, AlthoughPno exact solution of this equation is known, netic and gravitational fields generated by the rotating approximate solutions can be found for low frequencies, neutron star in flat space, which then give the incident ω r−1, in two overlapping regions. These “near” and wave for the scattering problem. ≪ + “far”solutions,validforr r+ ω−1,andr r+ r+, Sinceinthislimittheorbitalperiodwilllargelyexceed − ≪ − ≫ respectively, can then be matched to produce a com- the pulsar’s rotational period, we may first study the plete solution. We then obtain a relation between the scattering problem for a given pulsar position (d,θ ,φ ) p p incoming and outgoing radiation, and consequently the in the BH frame and then include the orbital variation energy flowing into the BH horizon. This is encoded in of these parameters. the gain/loss factor [2]: It is also a sufficiently good approximation to treat the pulsar as a point-like spinning magnetic dipole and dE /dt dE /dt Z out 1= BH mass quadrupole. Here we will focus on binary systems s lm ≡ dE /dt − − dE /dt in in wherethepulsarandBHspinsareeitheralignedoranti- 2 l 4̟2 aligned, although the same method can be applied to ̟ (4ωMǫ)2l+1C2 k2+ , (4) ≃ − ǫ ls (cid:18) ǫ2 (cid:19) arbitrary configurations. kY=1 For a misalignment angle α between the pulsar’s spin where ̟ = (ω mΩ)r , ǫ = (r r )/2M and C = and its magnetic dipole moment, we have: + + − ls − − (l+s)!(l s)!/(2l)!(2l+1)!. We thus conclude that su- perradian−t scattering, Z > 0, occurs when ω < mΩ M¨ = 1M ω2sinαe−iωpt[e ie ]+c.c. , (5) s lm p 2 0 p x± y for co-rotating wave modes, m > 0. Also, amplification is larger for the lowest multipoles and, since l s, it is in the Cartesian coordinates associated with the Boyer- ≥| | more pronounced in the EM case (at low frequencies). Lindquistframe,withtheupper(lower)signcorrespond- 3 ing to an aligned (anti-aligned) binary system. We will Π alsoconsiderthecasewhereanydeformationrotateswith 0 2 Π thepulsar,suchthatitsquadrupolemomentcorresponds 1 1 to that of a deformed ellipsoid with principal axis of in- ertia at an angle β from the spin axis. The resulting ower m=-2 m=+2 quadrupole tensor includes two frequency components, p nt as anticipated above, yielding [11]: de inci 12 m=0 12 QQ¨i0j = c2βe−iωpt 00i -001 ±-01i+sβe−2iωpt±01i −±01i 000 fractionof m=-1 m=+1 ± + c.c. (6) 0 0 0 Π Π wherec cosβands sinβ. TheamplitudesM and 2 Q canβb≡e obtained frβom≡the properties of the neu0tron Θp 0 star but will not be relevant to our discussion. We note FIG. 1: Relative fraction of the incident energy carried by thatthecomplexconjugatetermsinEqs.(5)and(6)lead thel=2modesofthegravitational radiation emittedbythe to waves of the form eiωt. pulsar, normalized tothetotal quadrupolecontribution,as a From this we can use the standard dipole and function of its polar angular position, θp. quadrupole formulas to determine the EM and GW fields generatedby the pulsar andthe correspondingNP scalars. In the pulsar’s frame, the s < 0 NP scalars are, Additionally, the relative contribution of the e±iωt up to an s dependent magnitude, given by: modesalsodependsontheangleθpthroughdistinctspin- − s harmonics, which correspond to the NP scalars in the e−iω(t−r) eiω(t−r) pulsar’sframe. Hence,theamountof(non-)superradiant Υ Y (θ,φ)+ Y (θ,φ),(7) s ∼ r s lp,mp r s lp,−mp modes in the incident radiation depends on the pulsar’s wherel =1andm = 1forEMradiationoffrequency angular position relative to the BH’s rotation axis, and p p ω , while for GWs we h±ave l = 2 and m = 1, 2 for the radiation is generically “polarized”. p p p ± ± ω =ω ,2ω , respectively. Thefractionoftheincidentenergythatis absorbedor p p In the BH frame, however, the NP scalars become amplified by the BH can be determined by multiplying plane waves for large orbital distances, which are super- the incident energy of each mode by the corresponding positions of all the different multipoles l> s. The mul- gain/loss factor Z . We may then obtain the effective s lm | | tipolar decomposition of the NP scalars, which we will pulsar luminosity by subtracting the energy flowing into describe in detail in a companion article [17], yields a theBHperunittimefromthetotalpower. Weillustrate remarkably simple result for the incoming radiation (di- this in Fig. 2 for GWs of frequency ω = 2ω 2Ω and p ≃ rected towards the BH). For the e−iωt modes, we obtain a˜ = 0.999. This would correspond to e.g. a millisecond for the incident power: pulsar around a 16M near-extremalBH. ⊙ dEi(ns,l,m) =π λ 2 Y (θ ) 2 Y (θ )2P (8) This figure shows that results depend on the relative dt (cid:18)d(cid:19) s lp,−mp p |s l,−m p | s (cid:12) (cid:12) orientationofthepulsarandBHspins. Ontheonehand, (cid:12) (cid:12) where P denotes the pulsar’s total luminosity in EM when the spins are aligned, superradiant modes of the s or GWs, while for the eiωt modes we find an analogous form e−iωt and m > 0 ( eiωt and m < 0) are domi- result with m m . nant at large (small) angles, and the signal is amplified p p →− We thus conclude that the fraction of the incident when the pulsar’s position makes an angle larger than power carried by each (l,m) mode depends on the po- 62◦ with the equatorial plane, both above and below ∼ lar angle θ but not on the azimuthal angle φ , which theequator. Closertotheequator,theincidentradiation p p only determines the phase ofeachmode. To better illus- is dominated by non-superradiant modes and the pulsar trate this, we show in Fig. 1 the relative contribution of luminositydecreases. Wenotethat,inthisexample,only the different GW quadrupole modes. the l = 2,3 modes are relevant, with higher multipoles Asshowninthisfigure,them>0modesaredominant having negligible gain/loss factors. at large angles, while the m < 0 modes give the largest On the other hand, when the spins are anti-aligned, contribution at small angles. Close to the BH’s equator, therelativecontributionsofthee−iωt andeiωt modesare θ =π/2,mostoftheradiationisinthenon-superradiant reversed. The incident wave is then dominated by non- p m = 0 mode, and modes of opposite m are present in superradiantmodesandtheradiationismostlyabsorbed equal amounts. This is a generic behavior, common to for all angles. In the equatorialplane, modes with oppo- all multipoles in both the GW and EM cases. sitemandω arepresentinequalamountsandthesignal 4 Π 0 2 Π 0.010 0.010 aligned 0.005 0.005 aligned 0.000 D(cid:144)PPGWGW -00..000005 D(cid:144)PPGWGW --00..001005 anti-aligned -0.015 anti-aligned -0.010 N -0.020 -0.015 S 0 Π Π 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2 Orbitalperiods Θ p FIG. 3: Modulation of a pulsar’s GW luminosity for a polar FIG.2: Modulation ofthepulsar’sluminosityinGWsoffre- circularorbitaroundanear-extremalBH(a˜=0.999),forfre- quency ω = 2ωp ≃ 2Ω with a near-extremal BH companion, quency ω =2ωp ≃2Ω and orbital radius d=10λ. The solid a˜=0.999, as afunction ofthepolar angle θp. The solid blue blue (dashed green) curve corresponds to the case where the (dashedgreen)curvecorrespondstothecasewherethepulsar pulsar and BH spins are aligned (anti-aligned). The bottom andBHspinsarealigned(anti-aligned). Theorbitaldistance diagrams depict the pulsar’s position in its orbit, with the is d=10λ in this example. arrow indicating theBH spin axis. is attenuatedby the same factor in both the aligned and either enhance or reduce the signalmodulation at differ- anti-aligned configurations. ent points in the orbit. The analysis given above never- WefindsimilarresultsforEMwaves,althoughamplifi- thelessyieldsthegenericmagnitudeandorbitalevolution cation is less pronounced (. 10−4) and requires angular oftheeffectsofsuperradiance. Weaklensingmayalsopo- deviations from the equatorial plane of more than 77◦. tentiallyposeanimportantexperimentalchallengealong TheexampleinFig.2correspondstothemostpromising particular lines-of-sight [20], although its effects may in scenario,sinceamplificationfactorsaremaximalforGWs principle be distinguished from superradiant amplifica- close to the superradiance threshold ω 2Ω and near- tion by measuring different EM and GW frequencies. ∼ extremal BHs. For lower frequencies and BH spins we In the example above the effects of superradiance on nevertheless find similar qualitative results, with e.g. an thepulsar’sluminosityarebelowthepercentlevel. How- overall modulation of 0.01% for a˜ =0.9, for which we ever,weexpectthiseffecttobecomemorepronouncedfor ∼ will give a detailed analysis in [17]. smaller orbital radii, namely for systems close to merg- Orbits in the Kerr space-time are generically non- ing, where the incident power is larger. Moreover, the planar, making the pulsar probe different polar angles incident wave should approachthe single multipole form in its orbit [19] and thus inducing a modulation of its obtained in the pulsar’s frame as the radius decreases, luminosity. Here we consider the simplest case of pla- thus favoring superradiant modes for an aligned binary. nar circular orbits, which are a good approximation at Although this lies outside the scope of this work, it mo- large orbital radius. Since the effects of superradiance tivates further study of this problem beyond the plane are more pronounced close to the poles, we illustrate in wave approximation. Fig. 3 the best-case scenario of a polar orbit for the ex- For EM waves, the modulation effect is quite sup- ample considered above. pressed and, furthermore, low-frequency radio waves are Whileweobserveasinglemodulationoftheluminosity easily absorbed/attenuated in astrophysical plasmas. In for anti-aligned spins, an aligned binary system exhibits fact, the plasma in the pulsar’s magnetosphere may pre- anadditionalmodulation,whichisentirelyduetosuper- ventthemagneticdipoleradiationfromreachingtheBH. radiant scattering when the pulsar moves awayfrom the Evenforpulsarswherethisplasmaisperiodicallyabsent, equatorialplane. Thisdouble-modulationisagenericfea- such as B1931+24 [21], free-free absorption in the inter- ture, which is more or less pronounceddepending onthe stellarmediumwillmostlikelypreventtheradiationfrom radiationfrequency,BHspinandorbitalinclination,thus reaching the Solar System, and the superradiant modu- potentially yielding a ‘smoking gun’ for superradiance. lation can at most be probed through its indirect effect Althoughwehaveconsideredthetotalpulsarluminos- e.g. in heating intervening gas clouds [22]. ity, a similar modulation will occur along different lines- GWs can yield a much stronger and cleaner evidence of-sight,aswewilldescribeindetailin[17]. Notethatin- for superradiance in pulsar-BH binaries. 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