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Preview Test of \textit{Topmetal-${II}^-$} In Liquid Nitrogen For Cryogenic Temperature TPCs

Test of Topmetal-II− In Liquid Nitrogen For Cryogenic Temperature TPCs Shuguang Zou, Yan Fan, Mangmang An, Chufeng Chen, Guangming Huang, Jun Liu, Hua Pei, Xiangming Sun∗, Ping Yang, Dong Wang, Le Xiao, Zhen Wang, Kai Wang, Wei Zhou aPLAC, Key Laboratory of Quark & Lepton Physics (MOE), Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079, P.R.China Abstract 6 1Topmetal-II− is a highly pixelated direct charge sensor that contains a 72×72 pixel array of 83µm pitch size. The key 0feature of Topmetal-II− is that it can directly collect charges via metal nodes of each pixel to form two-dimensional 2images of charge cloud distributions. Topmetal-II− was proved to measure charged particles without amplification at n room temperature. To measure its performance at cryogenic temperature, a Topmetal-II− sensor is embedded into a uliquid nitrogen dewar. The results presented in this paper show that Topmetal-II− can also operate well at this low Jtemperature with a noise (ENC) of 12 e− lower than that at room temperature (13 e−). From the noise perspective, 7Topmetal-II− is a promising candidate for the next generation readout of liquid argon and xenon Time Projection Chamber (TPC) used in experiments searching for neutrinoless double beta decay and dark matter. ] t eKeywords: Topmetal, Pixel, low noise sensor, cryogenic temperature d - s n1. Introduction Inthispaper,wemainlystudyhowTopmetal-II−works i . in liquid nitrogen(77 K) and compare the performance of s c Overtheyearspeoplehavebeeninterestedinrareevent the sensor at room temperature and in liquid nitrogen. i sexperiments like neutrinoless double beta decay[1] and ydark matter[2] searches. Liquid argon and xenon are con- 2. Topmetal-II− h sidered to be good media for low rate TPC detectors such p as ICARUS[3] and LANNDD[4]. The traditional readouts Topmetal-II− isadirectchargesensorwithhighspatial [ of liquid argon or xenon TPCs are basically multi-wire resolution. Charges can be collected via metal nodes on 2 electrodes. Itischallengingtoreducethedistancebetween each pixel when an electric field is applied above the top v twowirestoafewhundredsmicronsortensofmicronsfor ofsensor. Awire-bondedTopmetal-II− sensorisshownin 5 5a large scale liquid argon or xenon detector[5]. Figure. 1. It consists of a 72×72 square pixel array. Each 9 On the other hand, a direct charge CMOS sensor with pixel size is 83×83 µm2. 6large pixel array is a good choice of readout for such low 0 rate and large scale detectors, since CMOS sensors offer . 1small resolution and high granularity. Timepix[6] chip is 0a good example of direct charge readout sensor that has 6 a good performance at -125 ◦C(148 K) with a noise of 1 99 e−[7]. Coupled with an aluminum mesh [8] where gas : vamplification occurs, Timepix can be applied in a dual i Xphase argon TPC with high detection efficiency[9]. r We have designed a CMOS sensor named as Topmetal- aII− with rather low noise and high spatial resolution. It canbeappliedintoaTPCdetectorasachargecollectorto (a) (b) measure single electrons generated by alpha particles[10] at room temperature without any charge multiplier being Figure1: (a)PhotographofasingleTopmetal-II−sensor. Itconsists necessary. ThisresultpromptedustotestifTopmetal-II− of72×72pixels. (b)Zoom-inpictureshowseachpixelsizeis83×83 can work at the temperature of liquid argon(83.8 K). µm2. The size of each charge collection electrode (in light color) is 15×15µm2. ∗Correspondingauthor ThetotalstructureofTopmetal-II− hasbeendescribed Email address: [email protected](XiangmingSun∗) in an earlier paper[10]. Here the internal structure of Preprint submitted to Elsevier June 8, 2016 single-pixel analogue readout is briefly presented in Fig- charges are injected at falling edges. The sensor chip can ure. 2. Eachpixelconsistsofachargecollectionelectrode, be tested at a single pixel level and the result is shown in a charge sensitive amplifier (CSA), an analogue readout Figure. 5. channel and a digital readout channel(not shown in fig- ure). Analogueanddigitalreadoutchannelsoperateinde- V [V] reset pendently. There is a guard ring at the periphery of the 1.3 1.32 1.34 1.36 1.38 1.4 1.42 1.44 1.46 metal nodes of each pixel and the sensor’s performance room temperature (Bottom Xaxis) is measured by injecting pulse into the CSA through the 103 guard ring. The capacitance between the guard ring and liquid nitrogen (Top Xaxis) top metal of pixels (C ) extracted by IC design software d is about 5.5 fF. 102 s] m [ t 10 1 0.7 0.72 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.8 0.82 0.84 0.86 V [V] reset Figure2: Internalstructureofanaloguereadoutofasinglepixel. Figure3: Asinglepixel’sresetvoltage(Vreset)dependenceofdecay time constant of Topmetal-II− at room temperature (solid square) andinliquidnitrogen(triangle). Thesensorisprovedtobeableto workinliquidnitrogenwithhigherresetvoltage(Vreset)thanthat atroomtemperature. 3. Test Results of Topmetal-II− The decay time constant of a single Topmetal-II− pixel In order to compare the performance of Topmetal-II− varieswithtemperature,thusdifferentresetvoltagesV atroomtemperatureandcryogenictemperature,theoper- reset should be applied at room temperature and in liquid ni- ating setup of this sensor embedded inside liquid nitrogen trogen to measure the variations of decay time constants hastobewelldesigned. Topmetal-II− sensorisconnected withV andbeadjustedtoachievesimilardesiredmean to a PCB board, the PCB board is fixed on a lifting plat- reset values. In liquid nitrogen, Topmetal-II− sensor can work form. We have no special protection on Topmetal-II− with higher reset voltage (V ) than that at room tem- sensor. The sensor is slowly moved into a liquid nitrogen reset perature. As shown in Figure. 3, the decay time constant dewar under the surface level about 4cm. After 15 min- ofapixelchangesmuchfasterwithV inliquidnitrogen utes, the sensor is powered on and configured, then the reset than at room temperature. signal is observed through an oscilloscope. This process is Since total pixel array in a sensor is connected to the repeated many times. Three sensors are observed before sameV ,uniformityofpixelsatthesamesensorisvery and after the experiment using microscope, no significant reset important. The decay time constant distributions of total difference is found. pixel array both at room temperature and in liquid nitro- We first tested the performance of Topmetal-II− at gen are shown in Figure. 4. The distribution tends to room temperature in ambient air and then put it into a be broader in liquid nitrogen than at room temperature, liquid nitrogen dewar to measure its performance. The while both cases show good uniformity among pixels. For following results show that Topmetal-II− works properly our measurements, the pixels with a decay time constant in liquid nitrogen and performs better than at room tem- less than 3.3 ms are dead pixels, the number of which is perature with lower electronic noise for a single pixel in about 500. The presence of these dead pixels will have a the absence of drift field. bad effect on the accuracy of total charge. Therefore, in the design of next Topmetal sensors, we will improve the 3.1. Decay time constant uniformity of decay time constants among pixels. For measuring decay time constant, a square wave of 200 mV(±100 mV) peak-to-peak amplitude is applied to 3.2. Noise Test the guard ring (internal test circuits of the sensor) of Topmetal-II− in the absence of drift field. An equiva- A pulse of 200mV (peak-to-peak) is injected to guard lentchargeofC ×200mV=6.8×103 e− isinjectedtoeach ring as shown in Figure. 5. The baseline voltage shifts d pixel, where positive equivalent charges are injected at about123mVfrom733mVto856mV,andtheelectronic rising edges of the square wave and negative equivalent noiseismuchlower(σ1.3mV)inliquidnitrogenthanthat 2 103 950 ms102 room temperature Trapezoidal filtered U[mV]996800 LN Raw data 0 LN Baseline: 940 unts/1 liquid nitrogen 900 sm ==18.536 [ m[mVV]] 899802000 o 860 C mV] 0 10 20 30 40t[m5s0] 10 U[850 800 Trapezoidal filtered U[mV]882400 RT Raw data 800 RT Baseline: 780 m =733 [mV] 760 1 750 s =2.2 [mV] 740 0 50 100 150 200 t 2[m50s] 300 350 400 450 500 0 10 20 30 40t[m5s0] 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 t[ms] Figure4: DistributionofdecaytimeconstantsofTopmetal-II−. At roomtemperatureVreset is800mV,andinliquidnitrogenVr(cid:48)eset is 1.36V.V issettoafixedvalueof618mV.Thenumberofpixels ref with a decay time constant of less than 3.3 ms (typical scan time) Figure 5: CSA noise measurement, raw signal pattern and wave- is about 500 in liquid nitrogen and 15 at room temperature, in the form after trapezoidal filtering. The decay time constants of the scanmode,Wecannotobtaintheeffectivechargefromthesepixels. pixel at room temperature (RT) and in liquid nitrogen (LN) are adjusted to nearly the same. At room temperature, Vreset=800 mV, Vref=618 mV. When Topmetal-II− is in liquid nitrogen, V(cid:48) =1.36V,V(cid:48)ref=618mV. reset (σ 2.2mV)atroomtemperature. Sincethereisnoshaper within Topmetal-II−, a digital trapezoidal filter[11] is ap- plied to the raw data to get the amplitude of signal and then the mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) of ampli- tudesaremeasured. Theequivalentnoisecharge(ENC)is calculated using the formula ENC =C ×V ×σ/ d injection µ. We configure a reset voltage for a single pixel, and thenmeasurerepeatedlythedecaytimeconstantsandthe amplitudes to obtain the ENC and the mean decay time 25 constant. Figure. 6showsthedependenceofasinglepixel Topmetal-II- at room temperature ENC with the decay time constant from several millisec- Topmetal-II- in liquid nitrogen onds to one second. On the whole, the noise of a single 20 pixel in liquid nitrogen is slightly smaller than those at room temperature. e-] C[ N The uniformity of ENC of Topmetal-II− is significant, E 15 so we measured ENC of total pixel array using the same method described previously, setting V as 800 mV at reset roomtemperatureand1.36Vinliquidnitrogen. TheENC 10 distributioninFigure. 7oftotalpixelarrayinliquidnitro- gen is wider than that at room temperature. This is con- sistent with the measurement that decay time constants 1 10 102 103 change in much larger range in liquid nitrogen for differ- t[ms] ent pixels of Topmetal-II−, since ENC is affected by the decay time constant when trapezoidal filter is applied to Figure 6: A single pixel’s decay time constant dependence of the noise of Topmetal-II− at room tmeprature and in liquid nitrogen. shapethesignal. Mostprobablevalues(MPV)ofENCare 12 and 13 e− in liquid nitrogen and at room temperature WeconfigurearesetvoltageVreset forthesensor,andthenmeasure thedecaytimeconstantsandtheamplitudesofasinglepixelrepeat- respectively, while the mean (σ) value is 19.4 (10.4) and edly to obtain the noise and the mean decay time constant. Each 13.5 (2.5) e−. The small figure in the top right corner of markerinthisfigurecorrespondstoaresetvoltageVreset. Thenoise decreaseswithincreaseddecaytimeconstant. Figure. 7showsthattheENCinliquidnitrogenisslightly less than that at room temperature when the decay time constant is in the range of 10 to 50 ms. 3 Q [e-] ENC [e-] 500 1000 1500injectio2n000 2500 3000 3500 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 103 ENC [e-] 1035 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 room temperature 120 Topmetal-II- at room temperature liquid nitrogen V102 Topmetal-II- in liquid nitrogen 102 mCounts/3010 100 V mCounts/30 10.2 0.4 0s.6 [mV]0.8 1 [mV]Uout 6800 10 room temperature liquid nitrogen 40 20 1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 s [mV] 20 40 60 80 100 V [mV] injection Figure7: ENCdistrbutionofTopmtal-II-. Inliquidnitrogen,V(cid:48) Figure 8: Linearity of Topmetal-II−. In liquid nitrogen, the am- reset is1.36Vandthemostprobablevalues(MPV)ofENCamongpixels plitude is higher (∼10%) than that at room temperature for the isabout12e−. Atroomtemperature,Vresetis800mVandMPVis same voltage of injected pulses. At room temperature, Vreset=800 about13e−. Thesmallfigureinthetoprightcornershowsthenoise mV, Vref=618 mV. When Topmetal-II− is in liquid nitrogen, distributionsofthesensorinliquidnitrogenandatroomtemperature V(cid:48) =1.36V,V(cid:48)ref=618mV. reset where the decay time constant is in the range of 10 to 50 ms, the mean(rmsσ)valueis11.8(1.4)and12.6(1.2)e− inliquidnitrogen andatroomtemperaturerespectively. Acknowledgments This work is supported by the National Natural Sci- 3.3. Linearity ence Foundation of China under Grant No.11375073, Linearity of Topmetal-II− is of great importance to get No.11305072, and No.1232206. injected charges. It has been measured and compared un- derbothconditionsofroomtemperatureandliquidnitro- References gen. The voltage of pulses injected to guard ring varies from 10 mV to 100 mV with a step voltage of 10 mV. In [1] A.S.Barabash,Doublebetadecay: Historicalreviewof75years Figure. 8, we can see that the linearity of Topmetal-II− ofresearch,PhysicsofAtomicNuclei74(4)(2011)603-613. [2] A. 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