DON OTO PETNfil ST ESBTO OKLEUNTT ILY OUAR E TOLDT OD OS O T.B:.S CKP.- U-DST TesBto okleSte ries Serial TESBTO OKLET GENERAL STUDIEANDS ENGINEERING APTITUDE TimeA llowTewdoH: o urs MaximumM ark:2s 0 0 INSTRUCTIONS 1. IMMEDIATAEFTLEYRT HEC OMMENCEMOEFNT THE EXAMINATYIOOUNS ,H OULD CHECK THAT THITSE SB.OTO KLEDTO ESN OTH AV EA NYU NPRINTOERTD O RNO RM ISSIPNAGG EOSR I TEMS, ETCI.FS OG,E TI TR EPLACBEYAD C OMPLETTEES BTO OKLET. 2. Pleansoet teh aitti st hcea ndidaretsep'osn sitboei nlciotadyne dfi liln t hReo lNlu mbearn dT est BooklSeetr ies AC,Bo ,dC e o rD carefualnldy without anoyr d oimsicsrseipaaotntn ch ye approprpilaatcieen ts h OeMR AnsweSrh eeAtn.y·o mission/dpainsccwyri elrle nd-tehreA nswer Sheelti abfolrre e jection. 3. Youh avteoe ntyeoru Rro lNlu mbeornt he TesBto okilnet thB eo pxr oviadleodn gside. DON OTw riatney theilnsognet hTee sBto ok.let .4 . ThiTse st Bocooknltea1ti0 n0is t e(mqsu estEiaocnihst ) mprfiosuerrse spo(nasnessw ers). You wilsle ltehcrete spownhsiecy ho uw anttom arokn t he AnSshweeeIrtn c. a syeo,fu e tehla tth eirse motteh aonn ceo rrreecstp omnasrek, rtehsep ownhsiecy ho cuo nsitdhbeere sItna. n y ccahsoeo,s e ONLYO NEr espofnoesrae c iht em. 5. Youh avteom aryko urre spoOnNseLsYo nt hsee parAantsew Sehre perto viSdeededi .r ecitnions thAen swSehre et. 6. Alilt ecmasr erqyu maalr ks. 7. Befoyroeup rocteoem da rikn t hAen swSehre tehtr ee spotnovs .ea riitoeuimsns t hTee sBto oklet, yohua vteof iilnsl o mpea rticiuntl haAern ss wSehre eatsp eirn struscetnittooy n osu wyiotuhr AdmissCieornt ificate. 8. Aftyeorhu a vceo mplfeiteldli inan lyglo urre spoonnst ehsAe n swSehre eatn dt heex aminabtaison concluydoeusd h,o uhladn odv etrot hIen vigiolnalttyoh Are n swSehre eYtou.a rpee rmittoted takaew awyi tyho tuh Tee sBto oklet. 9. Sheeftorsro uwgohr k are aipntp hTeeen sdBt.eo do kaltet the en d. 10.Penalftoyrw ronagn swer: s· THEREW ILLB EP ENALTFYO RW RONGA NSWERMSA RKED BYA C ANDIDATE. (i)Thearrefoe u arl ternaftotirhv aeen ss wteoer v eqruye stFioeoran esfotriw ohni acw hr oanngs wer hasb eegni vbeynt hcea ndiodnaet-et,h irdo ft( h0me·a 3r3ka)ss sigtnote hdaq tu estwiioblnel deducatspee nda lty. (iiI)afc andigdiavmteoesr t eh aonna en swiewtri ,bl elt reaatsaew dr onagn sweerv einof n oeft hgei ven an$whearpsp tebon ecs o rraentcdht e wriebl esl a mpee naalsat byo tvote h aqtu estion. (iiIifa)q uesitsil oe'bnftl ain.kne,o. a ,n swiesgr i vbeynt hcea nditdhaetwreie,l ln op been alfotrty h at question. DON OTO PENT HITSE SBTO OKLET UNTILY OUAll E TOW TOD OS O SKP-U-DST ( 1 -A) . . J. 7. WhaitsC i;o�dwn2·,, ipg ·1- 11.G:iy..�t nh a0t· i8,,s _q n�r --0ooftt le}<i4ea:t,i OJ,1) ... ( a)M onecyo llefcotrpe ld}. bwliecl f.a �rrex 3.:.... 0·6x1t--'� +4,x1 34.;::4·.0·ITT,oiteh:reoro t\l-f-.s°' \ :·-_··-·"·:· ··''p :rje oct'bsy ·levygi nan·'e ntrfeey to oft hiesqu atiobne·.w .i l,_.l _·, ; · ·' ·: ' exhibisthioowensts,c, . (a)l·alnd-1·4 (b)· M oneycollecbty. edc haritable . . ·.o rganizbaypt liaoc1naisd n ognatbiooxn (b)-1·a2n 1d· 4 atp rom�leoncta tions (c)'ia·n2d-1'4 ·,.<,( c)M oneyr as_eid by. i nnov�atno·dr s inven1·0tyo rlsa unchipnrgo d1tu hcet(isd'r)·( -1·a1n 1d· 4 ansde rirtihcreostu hglehh ternet .( d').· Monreayi sbeyi_nd d ivisbd yupa asli�n'g1 2.T hee quat�i3 o-n8,x2 + 37x- 50= i0s thh�a atr outnood n looaktae s rt�r eet ·factoarneiddht a(s3+ 4iso):n beafi trso o � performance \.. . Whaitst h ree raoloo tft hieqsu a?t io:n\ / · 8. T1h6bse,ou timohn fs c qluuawsoriifsbelv ueslecC. ,c\ e ssiv8et o.i n-.�t� ei:l gJe 2rs (a)1126 (b)4 {b) 1174 ·(c)6 ·5 -� (c)1292 (d)13 (d)1356 9. Consi·ad terrapezloaim.ind��.A\ B CD-w,i tlh3..C irAc lies4· c mi nd iam�ctierrBc; il s5e c m ABp aratloDl Ce6,l· camp aArBti ;s8 c mC;D · ind iame.Ct ierrcCl he;i si t.cs i rcur.nt:erenc;e i·s1 2c mC;D e xteonudtsw abry1d c sm f rom equtaotl h seu mo ft h·ce ircfuermeonfbc oets h thfoeo to ft �pee rpend·fi:rcouBml o anDr C. A anBdt ogetWhheawrti. hl elt hrea t'oi ftq he Thcee ntorfg er avoiftt hye lawmibilenla areoa-fc irCc,lw ei trhe spteo,ct htae r eoaf (a)AloAnCga tah eigofh3c t m fr omD C. cirAca lnecd i rBcr lees pect"i;v,1e 'l y? (-bA) loBnDga tah eigofh3c t m fr omD C ° (a)5 ·0.6a2n51d· 84 (c'.)A lo'ntgh'le ijnoei ntihnmegi d-poofi nt ABt ot hmei d-poofDi Cna;tt a h eigohft (b)3. ·.8 a7n51d : s4 . . 2·c8mf roDmC (d)Att hien terspeociri.ttAi-Co0a nfn DdB .( c)5 ·06.a2n.53d. · 24 t . ·' ' (d)3 ·8a7n53d · 24 10..A cantibleeavAmeB rC i .s� howtnoa h ighly . �f. exagge·vrearttesidcc aaHlloe r.i zonAtBia sl ly, 14.The1 2d igointt sh.fae c eo fa c.loac�;kt- ob e 2 lmo ng BaCin s0d · m6 l onLgo.a adcsot n ly int lr).eeg iAoBa,n n tdh earrene o l oaidnts h e represeemnpotlyeid,cn ogntriboufot niloyns . reg'iB oCn'..U nE,?dr thilso a,SdY. Ste�,. tthhneeu mb9ea rs e ith9. � orrJg Th. eo ther defleactBt iis0o ·n 2c4ma ntdh e solfto hpee presccroinbdeidat ri(eoi n)s the .least number bea·am tB is0 ,w hersei0 n 0::C· ts ofu seasl oanrepe E;l rmit·t�ed(d i;wi h)e n . . .·t hdee i�ictai-tDo,n· whicmhi dwibsae yt w·e en.a lternaartep� oss siubsleoe f,9 wiblel ../9, ·B andC ? prefer�rve�dur s eo _f_ ,--wli.i.schho uble_d /9 usemdi �allHyo.w: i;tniamnweyos u ld ..,. .. I ., • 1, '• • •: . I �avteob eu se?d ,., , � . (a)6 . ..�... . (a)0·2406 cm (b)5 (b)0·25c1m4 (c)4 ·,.(_ )c .-0.· 25c3m0 ., . ·�-( a..)0. : 24c5m2 (d)3 SKP-U-DST ( ,-31). ; -I'� !•J ,t' .. . ,:• "15 ·.I 'n. a partictuelstathr,eD;1. arkssc orbeyd 1 1 4 i lS.Lett h.�e ig�n��e-ftcht·meo art r[ix ca�did«:�·t,'iB i�:cs/ �Dd. ·a_;�feo l:l- ow� . . ·o • Markosb taibnyAe adn Bda dtdo1 00; writitnte hnfe o r[m]: a n[d]: . W haitst he • Markosb taibnyCe adn dD adudp� ,. . 0 thossceo rbyeA d; · valouf(e+ a b )? • Bs co4rt eism oefDs ; - . (a) 0 • D sco1r0em sa rklse tshsa Cn.c <} " '1 � -1 Thmea .rk osb taibnyCe w di bl°el,.o, /' ��,.,. ·\ � Cb)2 (�)3 0 / (c) 1 (b)15 (d)2 (c)20 .fd.) 25 19.Whaits t hec ubreo ootf1 46t8o3- decimal • i/ \ ,• i places? 16.Ina p rojtehceatr re9e a ctiv:Ai ,tB i,Ce ,Ds . . ; ··... . . (a)h·340 'n'..h.i �ahr. es equ�nEt,j.F !3,G1 ;w hicahr e ' '· ' sequenHt,Ki wall;r;ai rc�ehe quenAtlisEao,l . (b)11·353 ·F°,G runp aral'tl ol13 e,C ,D ;a ndH ,K run . . parlea_ltl oA ,B ,C .,D .B esitdheesas cet ivit(yc )11·365 dependse,_n·i ctii sae lsnoe edtfuhla Bt b e complbeetfoerdte a kiunpgG ;A andH be (d)11·382 complbeetfeodtr aek iunpg D andK .H ow mandyu mmiaertseo b ed ra1:!:wAf� activity -7t if- 7t<X�0 network? . 20.Letf (=x {) ' · (a) .5 · 7t,i fO X< 7t� (b), 4. bea peordiifucn ctioofpn e ri2o1dtT .h e r,_•r (_jc-·);3 coefficioefsn it5n x i nt heF ouriseerr ies expanosff(i xoi)nnt hien te[r-7tv,1ta ]il s (d)2 ... 4 (a) 17.Whaits t hfeq n:µo ft hfuen ctif(ox,fon)r t he 5 n�.. . . follodwai?tnag II J I I . (b) : n:) :1 :B (a)x2 +2x+ 3 (c) 4 3 2 (b)x-2x+3 (c)x2 +2x-.3 (d). 3 .4 (d)x2-2x-3 SKP-U-DST . . 21·.Whaitst hvea loufe( 150·22 5to)2 decimal l -2�· 24.W haitst hree siodftu hefue n ctio:n at ri ,z places? itpso ?l e (a)4·33 - (a) 3 (b)4·36 4 (c)4·38 (b) 3 (d)4·30 --2 (c) 3 2 (d) 3 22.I nt hLea ureexnpta nosfi on 1 f(z)= valiindt her egion (z- l()z- 2) 25.Whati st hem aximuvma luoef z , -i 1 < 2I, t zhc eoI e ffi<c oife nits ifz= l 0+x6 ys ubjteotc hcteo nstraints z 3x+ y 1$2 2,x + 5 y$ 3 .4,x 0�,y � 0 ? (a)0 (a)56 (b)52 1 (b) (c)50 (d)40 (c)1 (d)-1 26.Whicohft hfoel lowcionngc aerprete sl atable toi ncoomfme e mbeorfts h peu blwihci le considpeurbwilenilgcf? are x2 2 1. Sensiotfdi evmiatnyd 23.Ifu l=o (g +Y), w haitst hvea loufe . x+y ou ou 2. Elastoidfce imtayn d x-+y- ? ox fJy 3. Sensiotefix vpietyn diture (a)0 4. Elastoiefcx ipteyn diture (a)1a n2do nly (b)1 (b)2a n3do nly (c)u (c)3a n4do nly (d)eu (d)1a n4do nly SKP-eU-DST ( 5 -A ) 41.·C onsitdhfoeel rl owing statem4e3n.tCso nws:iit·tdhh_efue'l'rl el�pa.v{sritdnagt e-mregeanrtsd 'ing ·taot mosphhuemriid:ci ty• ·r� I. ,., .. . depleotfti hooezn o lnaey: er .1· . • • • • r- . • : ,· • 1. ExcessriE!vle.e' a9scfeh lorainnde 1. ·Absoluhtuem idiistt yh· ea mooufnt bromiinnet hee nvoinrmenfrto m .w atr've apopuerr vudnhiit·.m ' e.'.. • • I • man-mad·ceo mpo,u uscha s 2. Hygrom·ie sut see-rdmto � asr�eel·a tive chloroflu.o. r ,o.; 'c. a.r bon{ humidity. Occurr·e·o n fc ec ertaniant ural 2. phenomseunca.h - as,su nspaontds , 3. Dewp oiisn·tt h tee mperaatwt huirceh . stratowsipnhdesr.i c three lahtuimviedi i7s5t %y. 3. Degradoafmt aitoenrb iyua lltsr a-violet V,7hiocfth h aeb osvtea teamreceno trsr? e ct radiation. (a)1a n2d only 4. Majvoorl cearnuipct ions. (h)1a n3do nly Whicohft hae bocvae·nb .e c ategoarsi zed causoiznogdn eep le?t ion (c)2a n3do nly (a)12,a n3do nly (d)1,2a n3d (b)13,a n4do nly .. , (c)12,_a n4do nly (d)·2 ,3a n4do nly ,t .4 2.S anitanriyc/ifmpiualalln swd a shteea aprse 44.Whicohn eo ft hef ?llo1wsti hnegm ajor unavoihdaa'azrbdlsody uu teo chacrtaeroifds etciicd turoe?uess • •. : r�• 1. Leachates (a·)T hedyon olto tshee liera ves. 2. Emanagtaisnegs (b)Theshye .tdheliera �vneusa lly. . .�' . Rodeanntds wanadneirmianlgs (c)Thesyy nthtel_sioiewz·ifne ro od. 3. (d)Thedye peonnod t hfaecrt oforrts h eir Autom.ow bo_ik_rlsehso tphaste etmo 4. food. havea r·i a ffinitfoyr such neiguhrbhoooqs 45.A walrle,c tanigunsl haarhp ae�-a,p erimeter Whicho ft haeb oavre_c� o rr?e ct of7 2m .I ft hlee ngotfih t·d si agio'sn1 asml , whaitts h aer eoaft hwea ?ll :4 ·(a1)a ndo nly (a)22m42 (b)1a n2do nly (b)4862m (c)2a n3do nly (c)572m 2 (d)3a n4do nly '· (d)6062m SKP-U-DST (� �A)