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Preview Test Apparatus for Measuring Sound Power Levels of Drills

Information Circular 9166 Test Apparatus for Measuring Sound Power Levels of Drills By William W. Aljoe, Robert R. Stein, and Roy C. Bartholomae UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Donald Paul Hodel, Secretary BUREAU OF MINES David S. Brown, Acting Director Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data: Aljoe, William W. Test apparatus for measuring sound power levels of drills. (Information circular/United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Mines; 9166) Bibliography: p. 34-35. Supt. of Docs, no.: I 28.27: 9166. 1. Rock-drills—Noise. I. Stein, Robert R. II. Bartholomae, R. C. III. Title. IV. Series: Information circular (United States. Bureau of Mines); 9166. TN295.U4 [TN279] 622 s [622'.8] 87-600273 CONTENTS gage Abstract........................................................................................ 1 Introduction.................................................................. ................ 2 Test system considerations................................................................. 4 Control of drill operating parameters................................................. 4 Control of the acoustical environment................................................. 5 Data collection and analysis............................................................ 7 System description.......................................................................... 8 System operation.............................................................................. 12 Drill test program......................................................................... 12 Test sequence............................................................................. 12 Data input and startup procedure..................................................... 13 Data collection and display........... ............................................... 14 Control subsystems....................................................................... 15 IBM-XT microcomputer.................................................................. 15 Westinghouse PC-700 process controller........................................... 15 Drill rig positioning control...................................................... 16 Carriage lock control................................................................ 16 Feed thrust and hole depth control................................................ 17 Drill hammer control................................................................. 18 Drill rod rotation control.......................................................... 18 Flushing water control............................................................... 20 Other drill test commands.............................................................. 20 le location program........................................................................ 21 Selection of hole position............................................................... 21 Validation of input data.................................................................. 22 Selection of hole depth................................................................... 22 Data analysis program........................................................................ 22 Direct data analysis and graphics...................................................... 23 Test selection............................................................ .............. 23 Raw data retrieval....................................................................... 23 Basic system graphics................................................................... 25 Expanded data analysis through spreadsheets.......................................... 27 File conversion procedure.............................................................. 27 Advantages of spreadsheet analysis................................................... 28 Initial test results......................................................................... 29 Pneumatic versus hydraulic percussion drills........................................ 30 Rotary versus percussion drills......................................................... 32 Discussion...................................................................................... 34 References..................................................................................... 34 ILLUSTRATIONS 1. Noise sources on typical hand-held percussion drill.............................. 2 2. Noise sources on typical jumbo-mounted percussion drill......................... 3 3. Typical noise radiation pattern....................................................... 6 4. Components of automated drill test fixture and control system................... 8 c;. Drill test rig in reverberation chamber, top view................................ 10 Drill test rig in reverberation chamber, profile view........................... 10 Drill test rig in reverberation chamber, rear view showing control room.... 11 8. Drill test rig in reverberation chamber, control valves and process sensors.................................................................................. 11 9. Drill test software program selection menu........................................ 12 ILLUSTRATIONS—Continued Page Main data input menu for drill test program..................................... 13 Drill rig carriage and boom positioning system................................. 16 Drill carriage lock system.......................................................... 17 Feed thrust and hole depth control system....................................... 17 Drill hammer control system......................................................... 19 Drill rod rotation control system................................................. 20 Data input menu for hole location program....................................... 21 Data input menu for analysis program............................................. 23 Printout of drill test data......................................................... 24 Graphs of hammer pressure, feed thrust, feed rate, and sound power versus elapsed time.......................................................................... 25 Sound power spectrum and spectrum waterfall graphs............................ 26 Data input menu for Spreadsheet Formatter program............................. 27 Average frequency spectra: pneumatic and hydraulic percussion drills.... 30 Frequency spectra for percussion drills, beginning versus end of hole.... 31 Average frequency spectra: pneumatic and hydraulic percussion drills, pneumatic rotary drill.............................................................. 33 Frequency spectra for pneumatic rotary drill: beginning versus end...... 33 TABLE Maximum values and accuracy of ADTF control parameters........................ 13 UNIT OF MEASURE ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS REPORT cf m cubic foot per minute in/s inch per second dB decibel Kb kilo byte dBA decibel, A-weighted kHz kilohertz ft foot lbf pound (force) ft2 square foot Mb megabyte ft3 cubic foot mi n mi nu t e f t/mi n foot per minute pet percent gpm gallon per minute psi pound (force) per square inch h/d hour per day s second Hz Hertz V volt in inch TEST APPARATUS FOR MEASURING SOUND POWER LEVELS OF DRILLS By William W. Aljoe,1 Robert R. Stein,1 and Roy C. Bartholomae2 ABSTRACT This Bureau of Mines report describes in detail the design and opera­ tion of a test apparatus for measuring the sound power levels of drills used by the mining industry. The two major components of the test ap­ paratus are a computer-controlled automated drill test fixture (ADTF) and a large (45,000-ft5) reverberation chamber that houses the ADTF. Design specifications and performance capabilities of the ADTF and the reverberation room are given. Initial test results for three types of drills—a pneumatic percussion drill, a hydraulic percussion drill, and a pneumatic rotary drill—are given to illustrate the types of experi­ ments that can be conducted with the test appartus. ^Mining engineer. ^Supervisory electrical engineer. Pittsburgh Research Center, Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, PA. 2 INTRODUCTION Percussion drills used in the mining industry produce noise that can cause exposures of 10 to 20 times the limits Drill steel allowed by Federal noise regulations. Typical noise levels experienced by per­ cussion drill operators are 110 to 120 dBA. Approximately 60,000 percussion drills are being used in the mining in­ dustry CO, 3 and many more are used in the construction industry. Given the severity of the percussion drill noise problem, it is not surprising that con­ siderable efforts have been made toward its control. The primary noise-generating mechanism in all percussion drills is the repeated hammering action of an oscillating steel piston on the end of a long, slender striking bar (drill rod). This action causes vibration of both the drill rod and the cylindrical piston housing, thereby producing drill rod noise and drill body noise. On pneumatic drills, the high-pressure air used to oscillate the piston is exhausted to the atmosphere through ports in the drill body, thus producing air exhaust noise. Figure 1 depicts these three major noise sources on a typical hand-held pneumatic (stoper) drill. Figure 2 shows the various noise sources associated with a typical machine-mounted (jumbo) drill; however, the drill body, drill rod, and air ex­ haust are still by far the most serious noise sources on the drill. Numerous attempts have been made in the past by the Bureau of Mines and other re­ searchers to control percussion drill noise through the use of retrofit noise control treatments (2fJ0 and new drill design features (7-10). These attempts have been moderately successful, result­ ing in noise reductions of up to 15 dBA at the drill operator position. Unfortu­ nately, some of the noise-controlled drills were rather impractical from an operation standpoint (e.g., reduced drilling rates, muffler freezing, exces­ sive weight and bulk). ^Underlined numbers in parentheses re­ fer to items in the list of references at FIGURE 1.—Noise sources on typical hand-held percussion the end of this report. drill. 3 Piston-striking bar impact Leakage air noise Air motor noise Body noise J ' Exhaust noise Bit-rock impact FIGURE 2.—Noise sources on typical jumbo-mounted percussion drill. Furthermore, in most cases the quieted many underground ore mining operations noise levels were still above 100 dBA; because of its compactness, flexibility, operator exposure would have to be lim­ reliability, and low cost. Space limita­ ited to only 2 h/d to maintain compliance tions and interference with drill opera­ with Federal noise regulations. tion (e.g., operator vision) also dis­ To date, the most effective means of courage the use of acoustical cabs on protecting the percussion drill operator many types of jumbo-mounted drills. from noise overexposure has been to iso­ Considering the high-energy nature of late him or her from the noise source by percussion drilling, the limited success using an acoustical cab. Noise reduc­ of previous efforts to control drill tions of up to 20 dBA have been achieved noise at its source, and the limited through this technique, and in several practical application of acoustical cabs, cases the noise level measured inside the it is doubtful that the majority of per­ cab was below 90 dBA (6). Acoustical cussion drill operators will work in a cabs can be applied most successfully to nonhazardous noise environment in the machine-mounted drills that are used in near future. If the mining industry con­ areas of unrestricted headroom or where tinues to use percussion drills, even remote control of drill positioning and quieted models, as it has in the past, it operation is employed. However, many is reasonable to assume that numerous nining situations require the use of noise overexposures will occur in the ¿mall hand-held drills because of space years to come. limitations; this precludes the use of Despite the severity of the percussion acoustical cabs. In fact, the hand-held drill noise problem and the fact that all percussion drill remains the bulwark of percussion drills are inherently noisy, 4 it is important to note that some drills of Mines, while continuing in this en­ generate more noise than others. Opera­ deavor, does not possess the funding or tor exposure to noise can be reduced by drill design expertise to embark on a choosing a less noisy drill or drilling program to develop a drill or drilling system. Factors that can affect the system that can solve the problem com­ noise produced by a drill include the pletely. However, with the aid of the source of power (air or hydraulic), input test apparatus described in this report, energy, degree of wear and leakage, drill it is possible for the Bureau to signifi­ rod size and type, hammer and shank con­ cantly enhance the body of knowledge on figuration, means of drill steel rotation the subject of drilling noise. For ex­ (rifle bar or independent), and location ample, the test apparatus can provide of the operator with respect to the valuable but heretofore unavailable quan­ drill. The application and effectiveness titative information on the sound power of noise control techniques are greatly levels produced by different types and affected by these differences. models of drills. Noise variations re­ An in-depth understanding of drill de­ sulting from differences in drill operat­ sign characteristics and their effect on ing parameters can also be investigated noise is an important part of any effort and quantified. to reduce the noise problem. The Bureau TEST SYSTEM CONSIDERATIONS To conduct thorough, systematic studies the drill, and hole flushing medium. Un­ of drill noise, the researcher needs (1) der actual drilling conditions in the control of the parameters that affect field, control of all these parameters is drill performance, (2) control of the a very difficult and sometimes impossible acoustical environment in which the drill task. In short, it can be said that no operates, and (3) a comprehensive, well- two holes drilled in the field are ever organized data collection and analysis exactly the same. system. The Bureau’s test apparatus ful­ In the laboratory, however, it is pos­ fills all three of these requirements. sible to control these parameters such that any drilled hole is repeatable. CONTROL OF DRILL OPERATING PARAMETERS More importantly, it is possible to se­ lectively change only one parameter from The operation of a percussion drill is hole to hole to determine its effect on affected by many parameters such as the noise and penetration rate. The computer composition of the drilling medium, controlled automated drill test fixture sharpness of the bit, type of bit used, (ADTF) facilitates this process by auto­ length and type of drill rod, number of matically maintaining the supply pres­ rod sections, drill feed force, supply sure, rotation flow, and feed force spec­ pressure to the drill, wear condition of ified by the user. These parameters can 5 also be changed by the user during the is another important factor to consider course of a test if desired. The ADTF when measuring drill noise in the field also allows the user to select an exact because the sound pressure can vary hole location (following a preprogrammed greatly from point to point within the pattern), hole depth, and drill power area of interest. Measurement of drill source (air or hydraulic) for each test. noise in the laboratory allows for con­ The ADTF achieves this control through trol of some of these variables, but the the use of standard, commercially- experimental environment must be chosen available hardware such as pressure, carefully to assure that useful noise in­ flow, and position transducers, a pro­ formation is obtained in a practical and grammable process controller, and a desk­ cost-effective manner. top microcomputer. Software designed The two fundamental properties that de­ specifically for the purpose of drill fine the noise-radiating capability of a test provides the user with continuous sound source are its sound power and di­ on-line information and interactive capa­ rectional characteristics. Sound power bility via the computer's cathode ray is a measure of the rate at which acous­ tube and keyboard. Safety is ensured by tical energy is emitted by a noise the presence of several types of auto­ source; it is usually expressed as sound matic and user-initiated shutdown modes. power level, in decibels (dB), by the By conducting drill noise tests in the formula laboratory, it is also possible to exer­ cise almost complete control of the PWL = 10 log (Wac+/Wref), drilling medium, bit type and sharpness, drill rod length and type, and hole where PWL = sound power level, dB, 'ushing medium. These parameters can most never be changed or controlled in Wact = actual sound power, w, the field due to local geology, blasthole size requirements, and other production and W reference sound power, r e f - considerations. The capability of pro­ lO"12 w. viding a relatively homogeneous drilling medium (precast concrete or precut gran­ The most important distinction between ite) is particularly advantageous when sound power level and sound pressure assessing the effect of other drilling level, the quantity most commonly asso­ parameters on drill penetration rate. ciated with noise, is that sound power is a fundamental property of the noise CONTROL OF THE ACOUSTICAL ENVIRONMENT source itself. Conversely, the sound pressure level is dependent on the The acoustical environment of an oper­ distance from the noise source, the ating mine is rarely consistent because direction from the source, and the acous­ the extent of the mine and the location tical properties of the environment in of the noise sources change almost daily which it is measured. The relationship as mining progresses. between sound pressure and sound power Irregular reflecting surfaces are often levels can be quantified (11): present, and extraneous noise sources (other pieces of mining equipment) add to SPL = PWL + 10 log [(Q/4cxr2)+(4/aS)] the difficulty of measuring the noise + 10, produced by a drill. Microphone location 6 where SPL = sound pressure level at any For the drill noise research program given point in an envisioned by the Bureau of Mines, sound environment, dB, power is the quantity of greatest inter­ est because (1) it allows direct noise PWL = sound power level of noise comparisons to be made among different source, dB, types and models of drills, and (2) it can be used to predict the sound pressure Q = directivity factor (dimen- levels that will occur in other envi­ sionless) of the source, ronments, given their acoustical whose value is dependent characteristics. on the angle from the The directional property of a sound acoustical center of the source describes its tendency to radiate source to the measurement more noise in one direction than in point, others. Directional properties are usu­ ally displayed in a graphical form called r = distance from the source, a radiation pattern (fig. 3), showing ft, sound pressure level at a fixed distance from the source as a function of angle. a - average absorption coeffi­ It should be noted that figure 3 is for cient (dimensionless) of illustrative purposes only; the sound the acoustical environment, pressure levels in the figure do not cor­ including its boundaries respond to measured values for an actual and objects located within drill. it, From a purely diagnostic standpoint, the most complete characterization of any and S = total surface area, ft2, of noise source can be obtained by isolating all reflecting surfaces it in an anechoic (free field) environ­ within the environment. ment, i.e., one in which no reflections ANGLE FROM NOISE SOURCE 60° 70° 80° 90° 100° 110° 120° E C R U O S E S I O N M O R F E L G N A 100 90 80 Noise source 80 90 SOUND PRESSURE LEV EL, dB FIGURE 3.—Typical noise radiation pattern.

Control of the acoustical environment Drill test rig in reverberation chamber, control valves and process sensors. Average frequency spectra: pneumatic and hydraulic percussion drills. is a fundamental property of the noise.
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